. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\InteractiveTree; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Family; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; /** * Class TreeView */ class TreeView { /** @var string HTML element name */ private $name; /** * Treeview Constructor * * @param string $name the name of the TreeView object’s instance */ public function __construct(string $name = 'tree') { $this->name = $name; } /** * Draw the viewport which creates the draggable/zoomable framework * Size is set by the container, as the viewport can scale itself automatically * * @param Individual $individual Draw the chart for this individual * @param int $generations number of generations to draw * * @return string[] HTML and Javascript */ public function drawViewport(Individual $individual, int $generations): array { $html = view('interactive-tree-chart', [ 'name' => $this->name, 'individual' => $this->drawPerson($individual, $generations, 0, null, '', true), ]); return [ $html, 'var ' . $this->name . 'Handler = new TreeViewHandler("' . $this->name . '", "' . e($individual->tree()->name()) . '");', ]; } /** * Return a JSON structure to a JSON request * * @param Tree $tree * @param string $list list of JSON requests * * @return string */ public function getPersons(Tree $tree, string $list): string { $list = explode(';', $list); $r = []; foreach ($list as $jsonRequest) { $firstLetter = substr($jsonRequest, 0, 1); $jsonRequest = substr($jsonRequest, 1); switch ($firstLetter) { case 'c': $xrefs = explode(',', $jsonRequest); $families = []; foreach ($xrefs as $xref) { $family = Family::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($family instanceof Family) { $families[] = $family; } } $r[] = $this->drawChildren($families, 1, true); break; case 'p': list($xref, $order) = explode('@', $jsonRequest); $family = Family::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($family instanceof Family) { // Prefer the paternal line $parent = $family->getHusband() ?? $family->getWife(); // The family may have no parents (just children). if ($parent instanceof Individual) { $r[] = $this->drawPerson($parent, 0, 1, $family, $order, false); } } break; } } return json_encode($r); } /** * Get the details for a person and their life partner(s) * * @param Individual $individual the individual to return the details for * * @return string */ public function getDetails(Individual $individual): string { $html = $this->getPersonDetails($individual, null); foreach ($individual->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) { $spouse = $family->getSpouse($individual); if ($spouse) { $html .= $this->getPersonDetails($spouse, $family); } } return $html; } /** * Return the details for a person * * @param Individual $individual * @param Family|null $family * * @return string */ private function getPersonDetails(Individual $individual, Family $family = null): string { $chart_url = route('module', [ 'module' => 'tree', 'action' => 'Treeview', 'xref' => $individual->xref(), 'ged' => $individual->tree()->name(), ]); $hmtl = $this->getThumbnail($individual); $hmtl .= '' . $individual->getFullName() . ' '; foreach ($individual->facts(WT_EVENTS_BIRT, true) as $fact) { $hmtl .= $fact->summary(); } if ($family) { foreach ($family->facts(WT_EVENTS_MARR, true) as $fact) { $hmtl .= $fact->summary(); } } foreach ($individual->facts(WT_EVENTS_DEAT, true) as $fact) { $hmtl .= $fact->summary(); } return '
' . $hmtl . '
'; } /** * Draw the children for some families * * @param Family[] $familyList array of families to draw the children for * @param int $gen number of generations to draw * @param bool $ajax setted to true for an ajax call * * @return string */ private function drawChildren(array $familyList, int $gen = 1, bool $ajax = false): string { $html = ''; $children2draw = []; $f2load = []; foreach ($familyList as $f) { $children = $f->getChildren(); if ($children) { $f2load[] = $f->xref(); foreach ($children as $child) { // Eliminate duplicates - e.g. when adopted by a step-parent $children2draw[$child->xref()] = $child; } } } $tc = count($children2draw); if ($tc) { $f2load = implode(',', $f2load); $nbc = 0; foreach ($children2draw as $child) { $nbc++; if ($tc == 1) { $co = 'c'; // unique } elseif ($nbc == 1) { $co = 't'; // first } elseif ($nbc == $tc) { $co = 'b'; //last } else { $co = 'h'; } $html .= $this->drawPerson($child, $gen - 1, -1, null, $co, false); } if (!$ajax) { $html = '' . $html . '' . $this->drawHorizontalLine(); } } return $html; } /** * Draw a person in the tree * * @param Individual $person The Person object to draw the box for * @param int $gen The number of generations up or down to print * @param int $state Whether we are going up or down the tree, -1 for descendents +1 for ancestors * @param Family|null $pfamily * @param string $line b, c, h, t. Required for drawing lines between boxes * @param bool $isRoot * * @return string */ private function drawPerson(Individual $person, int $gen, int $state, Family $pfamily = null, string $line = '', $isRoot = false): string { if ($gen < 0) { return ''; } if ($pfamily instanceof Family) { $partner = $pfamily->getSpouse($person); } else { $partner = $person->getCurrentSpouse(); } if ($isRoot) { $html = '
'; } else { $html = ''; } /* height 1% : this hack enable the div auto-dimensioning in td for FF & Chrome */ $html .= ''; if ($state <= 0) { // draw children $html .= $this->drawChildren($person->getSpouseFamilies(), $gen); } else { // draw the parent’s lines $html .= $this->drawVerticalLine($line) . $this->drawHorizontalLine(); } /* draw the person. Do NOT add person or family id as an id, since a same person could appear more than once in the tree !!! */ // Fixing the width for td to the box initial width when the person is the root person fix a rare bug that happen when a person without child and without known parents is the root person : an unwanted white rectangle appear at the right of the person’s boxes, otherwise. $html .= '
'; $html .= $this->drawPersonName($person, ''); $fop = []; // $fop is fathers of partners if ($partner !== null) { $dashed = ''; foreach ($person->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) { $spouse = $family->getSpouse($person); if ($spouse instanceof Individual) { $spouse_parents = $spouse->getPrimaryChildFamily(); if ($spouse_parents instanceof Family) { $spouse_parent = $spouse_parents->getHusband() ?? $spouse_parents->getWife(); if ($spouse_parent instanceof Individual) { $fop[] = [$spouse_parent, $spouse_parents]; } } $html .= $this->drawPersonName($spouse, $dashed); $dashed = 'dashed'; } } } $html .= '
'; $primaryChildFamily = $person->getPrimaryChildFamily(); if ($primaryChildFamily instanceof Family) { $parent = $primaryChildFamily->getHusband() ?? $primaryChildFamily->getWife(); } else { $parent = null; } if ($parent instanceof Individual || !empty($fop) || $state < 0) { $html .= $this->drawHorizontalLine(); } /* draw the parents */ if ($state >= 0 && ($parent instanceof Individual || !empty($fop))) { $unique = $parent === null || empty($fop); $html .= '
'; } if ($state < 0) { $html .= $this->drawVerticalLine($line); } $html .= '
'; if ($parent instanceof Individual) { $u = $unique ? 'c' : 't'; $html .= ''; } if (count($fop)) { $n = 0; $nb = count($fop); foreach ($fop as $p) { $n++; $u = $unique ? 'c' : ($n == $nb || empty($p[1]) ? 'b' : 'h'); $html .= ''; } } $html .= '
'; $html .= $this->drawPerson($parent, $gen - 1, 1, $primaryChildFamily, $u, false); $html .= '
' . $this->drawPerson($p[0], $gen - 1, 1, $p[1], $u, false) . '
'; if ($isRoot) { $html .= '
'; } return $html; } /** * Draw a person name preceded by sex icon, with parents as tooltip * * @param Individual $individual The individual to draw * @param string $dashed Either "dashed", to print dashed top border to separate multiple spouses, or "" * * @return string */ private function drawPersonName(Individual $individual, string $dashed): string { $family = $individual->getPrimaryChildFamily(); if ($family) { $family_name = strip_tags($family->getFullName()); } else { $family_name = I18N::translateContext('unknown family', 'unknown'); } switch ($individual->getSex()) { case 'M': /* I18N: e.g. “Son of [father name & mother name]” */ $title = ' title="' . I18N::translate('Son of %s', $family_name) . '"'; break; case 'F': /* I18N: e.g. “Daughter of [father name & mother name]” */ $title = ' title="' . I18N::translate('Daughter of %s', $family_name) . '"'; break; default: /* I18N: e.g. “Child of [father name & mother name]” */ $title = ' title="' . I18N::translate('Child of %s', $family_name) . '"'; break; } $sex = $individual->getSex(); return '
' . $individual->getFullName() . ' ' . $individual->getLifeSpan() . '
'; } /** * Get the thumbnail image for the given person * * @param Individual $individual * * @return string */ private function getThumbnail(Individual $individual): string { if ($individual->tree()->getPreference('SHOW_HIGHLIGHT_IMAGES')) { return $individual->displayImage(40, 50, 'crop', []); } return ''; } /** * Draw a vertical line * * @param string $line A parameter that set how to draw this line with auto-redimensionning capabilities * * @return string * WARNING : some tricky hacks are required in CSS to ensure cross-browser compliance * some browsers shows an image, which imply a size limit in height, * and some other browsers (ex: firefox) shows a
tag, which have no size limit in height * Therefore, Firefox is a good choice to print very big trees. */ private function drawVerticalLine(string $line): string { return '
'; } /** * Draw an horizontal line */ private function drawHorizontalLine(): string { return '
'; } }