. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fig\Http\Message\StatusCodeInterface; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\DB; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Family; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\FlashMessages; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Session; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Validator; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression; use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface; use function array_filter; use function array_key_exists; use function array_keys; use function array_map; use function array_merge; use function array_sum; use function array_values; use function assert; use function e; use function implode; use function ob_get_clean; use function ob_start; use function route; use function uksort; use function usort; use function view; use const ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY; /** * Class IndividualListModule */ class IndividualListModule extends AbstractModule implements ModuleListInterface, RequestHandlerInterface { use ModuleListTrait; protected const ROUTE_URL = '/tree/{tree}/individual-list'; // The individual list and family list use the same code/logic. // They just display different lists. protected bool $families = false; /** * Initialization. * * @return void */ public function boot(): void { Registry::routeFactory()->routeMap() ->get(static::class, static::ROUTE_URL, $this); } /** * How should this module be identified in the control panel, etc.? * * @return string */ public function title(): string { /* I18N: Name of a module/list */ return I18N::translate('Individuals'); } /** * A sentence describing what this module does. * * @return string */ public function description(): string { /* I18N: Description of the “Individuals” module */ return I18N::translate('A list of individuals.'); } /** * CSS class for the URL. * * @return string */ public function listMenuClass(): string { return 'menu-list-indi'; } /** * @param Tree $tree * @param array|null> $parameters * * @return string */ public function listUrl(Tree $tree, array $parameters = []): string { $request = Registry::container()->get(ServerRequestInterface::class); $xref = Validator::attributes($request)->isXref()->string('xref', ''); if ($xref !== '') { $individual = Registry::individualFactory()->make($xref, $tree); if ($individual instanceof Individual && $individual->canShow()) { $primary_name = $individual->getPrimaryName(); $parameters['surname'] ??= $individual->getAllNames()[$primary_name]['surn'] ?? null; } } $parameters['tree'] = $tree->name(); return route(static::class, $parameters); } /** * @return array */ public function listUrlAttributes(): array { return []; } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $tree = Validator::attributes($request)->tree(); $user = Validator::attributes($request)->user(); Auth::checkComponentAccess($this, ModuleListInterface::class, $tree, $user); // All individuals with this surname $surname_param = Validator::queryParams($request)->string('surname', ''); $surname = I18N::strtoupper(I18N::language()->normalize($surname_param)); // All surnames beginning with this letter, where "@" is unknown and "," is none $alpha = Validator::queryParams($request)->string('alpha', ''); // All first names beginning with this letter where "@" is unknown $falpha = Validator::queryParams($request)->string('falpha', ''); // What type of list to display, if any $show = Validator::queryParams($request)->string('show', 'surn'); // All individuals $show_all = Validator::queryParams($request)->string('show_all', ''); // Include/exclude married names $show_marnm = Validator::queryParams($request)->string('show_marnm', ''); // Break long lists down by given name $show_all_firstnames = Validator::queryParams($request)->string('show_all_firstnames', ''); $params = [ 'alpha' => $alpha, 'falpha' => $falpha, 'show' => $show, 'show_all' => $show_all, 'show_all_firstnames' => $show_all_firstnames, 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm, 'surname' => $surname, ]; if ($surname_param !== $surname) { return Registry::responseFactory() ->redirectUrl($this->listUrl($tree, $params), StatusCodeInterface::STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY); } // Make sure parameters are consistent with each other. if ($show_all_firstnames === 'yes') { $falpha = ''; } if ($show_all === 'yes') { $alpha = ''; $surname = ''; } if ($surname !== '') { $alpha = I18N::language()->initialLetter($surname); } $surname_data = $this->surnameData($tree, $show_marnm === 'yes', $this->families); $all_surns = $this->allSurns($surname_data); $all_surnames = $this->allSurnames($surname_data); $surname_initials = $this->surnameInitials($surname_data); // We've requested a surname that doesn't currently exist. if ($surname !== '' && !array_key_exists($surname, $all_surns)) { $message = I18N::translate('There are no individuals with the surname “%s”', e($surname)); FlashMessages::addMessage($message); return Registry::responseFactory() ->redirectUrl($this->listUrl($tree)); } // Make sure selections are consistent. // i.e. can’t specify show_all and surname at the same time. if ($show_all === 'yes') { if ($show_all_firstnames === 'yes') { $legend = I18N::translate('All'); $params = ['tree' => $tree->name(), 'show_all' => 'yes', 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; $show = 'indi'; } elseif ($falpha !== '') { $legend = I18N::translate('All') . ', ' . e($falpha) . '…'; $params = ['tree' => $tree->name(), 'show_all' => 'yes', 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; $show = 'indi'; } else { $legend = I18N::translate('All'); $params = ['tree' => $tree->name(), 'show_all' => 'yes', 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; } } elseif ($surname !== '') { $show_all = 'no'; if ($surname === Individual::NOMEN_NESCIO) { $legend = I18N::translateContext('Unknown surname', '…'); $show = 'indi'; // The surname list makes no sense with only one surname. } else { // The surname parameter is a root/canonical form. Display the actual surnames found. $variants = array_keys($all_surnames[$surname] ?? [$surname => $surname]); usort($variants, I18N::comparator()); $variants = array_map(static fn (string $x): string => $x === '' ? I18N::translate('No surname') : $x, $variants); $legend = implode('/', $variants); $show = 'indi'; // The surname list makes no sense with only one surname. } $params = ['tree' => $tree->name(), 'surname' => $surname, 'falpha' => $falpha, 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; switch ($falpha) { case '': break; case '@': $legend .= ', ' . I18N::translateContext('Unknown given name', '…'); break; default: $legend .= ', ' . e($falpha) . '…'; break; } } elseif ($alpha === '@') { $show_all = 'no'; $legend = I18N::translateContext('Unknown surname', '…'); $params = ['alpha' => $alpha, 'tree' => $tree->name(), 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; $surname = Individual::NOMEN_NESCIO; $show = 'indi'; // SURN list makes no sense here } elseif ($alpha === ',') { $show_all = 'no'; $legend = I18N::translate('No surname'); $params = ['alpha' => $alpha, 'tree' => $tree->name(), 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; $show = 'indi'; // SURN list makes no sense here } elseif ($alpha !== '') { $show_all = 'no'; $legend = e($alpha) . '…'; $params = ['alpha' => $alpha, 'tree' => $tree->name(), 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; } else { $show_all = 'no'; $legend = '…'; $params = ['tree' => $tree->name(), 'show_marnm' => $show_marnm]; $show = 'none'; // Don't show lists until something is chosen } $legend = '' . $legend . ''; if ($this->families) { $title = I18N::translate('Families') . ' — ' . $legend; } else { $title = I18N::translate('Individuals') . ' — ' . $legend; } ob_start(); ?>

$x === Individual::NOMEN_NESCIO; break; case ',': $filter = static fn(string $x): bool => $x === ''; break; case '': if ($show_all === 'yes') { $filter = static fn(string $x): bool => $x !== '' && $x !== Individual::NOMEN_NESCIO; } else { $filter = static fn(string $x): bool => $x === $surname; } break; default: if ($surname === '') { $filter = static fn(string $x): bool => I18N::language()->initialLetter($x) === $alpha; } else { $filter = static fn(string $x): bool => $x === $surname; } break; } $all_surnames = array_filter($all_surnames, $filter, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); if ($show === 'surn') { // Show the surname list switch ($tree->getPreference('SURNAME_LIST_STYLE')) { case 'style1': echo view('lists/surnames-column-list', [ 'module' => $this, 'params' => ['show' => 'indi', 'show_all' => null] + $params, 'surnames' => $all_surnames, 'totals' => true, 'tree' => $tree, ]); break; case 'style3': echo view('lists/surnames-tag-cloud', [ 'module' => $this, 'params' => ['show' => 'indi', 'show_all' => null] + $params, 'surnames' => $all_surnames, 'totals' => true, 'tree' => $tree, ]); break; case 'style2': default: echo view('lists/surnames-table', [ 'families' => $this->families, 'module' => $this, 'order' => [[0, 'asc']], 'params' => ['show' => 'indi', 'show_all' => null] + $params, 'surnames' => $all_surnames, 'tree' => $tree, ]); break; } } else { // Show the list $count = array_sum(array_map(static fn(array $x): int => array_sum($x), $all_surnames)); // Don't sublist short lists. $sublist_threshold = (int) $tree->getPreference('SUBLIST_TRIGGER_I'); if ($sublist_threshold === 0 || $count < $sublist_threshold) { $falpha = ''; } else { // Break long lists by initial letter of given name $all_surnames = array_values(array_map(static fn($x): array => array_keys($x), $all_surnames)); $all_surnames = array_merge(...$all_surnames); $givn_initials = $this->givenNameInitials($tree, $all_surnames, $show_marnm === 'yes', $this->families); if ($surname !== '' || $show_all === 'yes') { if ($show_all !== 'yes') { echo '

', I18N::translate('Individuals with surname %s', $legend), '

'; } // Don't show the list until we have some filter criteria $show = $falpha !== '' || $show_all_firstnames === 'yes' ? 'indi' : 'none'; echo ''; } } if ($show === 'indi') { if ($alpha === '@') { $surns_to_show = ['@N.N.']; } elseif ($alpha === ',') { $surns_to_show = ['']; } elseif ($surname !== '') { $surns_to_show = $all_surns[$surname]; } elseif ($alpha !== '') { $tmp = array_filter( $all_surns, static fn (string $x): bool => I18N::language()->initialLetter($x) === $alpha, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); $surns_to_show = array_merge(...array_values($tmp)); } else { $surns_to_show = []; } if ($this->families) { echo view('lists/families-table', [ 'families' => $this->families($tree, $surns_to_show, $falpha, $show_marnm === 'yes'), 'tree' => $tree, ]); } else { echo view('lists/individuals-table', [ 'individuals' => $this->individuals($tree, $surns_to_show, $falpha, $show_marnm === 'yes', false), 'sosa' => false, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } } } } ?>
viewResponse('modules/individual-list/page', [ 'content' => $html, 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * Some initial letters have a special meaning * * @param string $initial * * @return string */ protected function displayGivenNameInitial(string $initial): string { if ($initial === '@') { return I18N::translateContext('Unknown given name', '…'); } return e($initial); } /** * Some initial letters have a special meaning * * @param string $initial * * @return string */ protected function displaySurnameInitial(string $initial): string { if ($initial === '@') { return I18N::translateContext('Unknown surname', '…'); } if ($initial === ',') { return I18N::translate('No surname'); } return e($initial); } /** * Restrict a query to individuals that are a spouse in a family record. * * @param bool $fams * @param Builder $query */ protected function whereFamily(bool $fams, Builder $query): void { if ($fams) { $query->join('link', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('l_from', '=', 'n_id') ->on('l_file', '=', 'n_file') ->where('l_type', '=', 'FAMS'); }); } } /** * Restrict a query to include/exclude married names. * * @param bool $marnm * @param Builder $query */ protected function whereMarriedName(bool $marnm, Builder $query): void { if (!$marnm) { $query->where('n_type', '<>', '_MARNM'); } } /** * Get a count of individuals with each initial letter * * @param Tree $tree * @param array $surns if set, only consider people with this surname * @param bool $marnm if set, include married names * @param bool $fams if set, only consider individuals with FAMS records * * @return array */ public function givenNameInitials(Tree $tree, array $surns, bool $marnm, bool $fams): array { $initials = []; // Ensure our own language comes before others. foreach (I18N::language()->alphabet() as $initial) { $initials[$initial] = 0; } $query = DB::table('name') ->where('n_file', '=', $tree->id()); $this->whereFamily($fams, $query); $this->whereMarriedName($marnm, $query); if ($surns !== []) { $query->whereIn('n_surn', $surns); } $query ->select([$this->binaryColumn('n_givn', 'n_givn'), new Expression('COUNT(*) AS count')]) ->groupBy([$this->binaryColumn('n_givn')]); foreach ($query->get() as $row) { $initial = I18N::strtoupper(I18N::language()->initialLetter($row->n_givn)); $initials[$initial] ??= 0; $initials[$initial] += (int) $row->count; } $count_unknown = $initials['@'] ?? 0; if ($count_unknown > 0) { unset($initials['@']); $initials['@'] = $count_unknown; } return $initials; } /** * @param Tree $tree * @param bool $marnm * @param bool $fams * * @return array */ private function surnameData(Tree $tree, bool $marnm, bool $fams): array { $query = DB::table('name') ->where('n_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->whereNotNull('n_surn') // Filters old records for sources, repositories, etc. ->whereNotNull('n_surname') ->select([ $this->binaryColumn('n_surn', 'n_surn'), $this->binaryColumn('n_surname', 'n_surname'), new Expression('COUNT(*) AS total'), ]); $this->whereFamily($fams, $query); $this->whereMarriedName($marnm, $query); $query->groupBy([ $this->binaryColumn('n_surn'), $this->binaryColumn('n_surname'), ]); return $query ->get() ->map(static fn(object $x): object => (object) ['n_surn' => $x->n_surn, 'n_surname' => $x->n_surname, 'total' => (int) $x->total]) ->all(); } /** * Group n_surn values, based on collation rules for the current language. * We need them to find the individuals with this n_surn. * * @param array $surname_data * * @return array> */ protected function allSurns(array $surname_data): array { $list = []; foreach ($surname_data as $row) { $normalized = I18N::strtoupper(I18N::language()->normalize($row->n_surn)); $list[$normalized][] = $row->n_surn; } uksort($list, I18N::comparator()); return $list; } /** * Group n_surname values, based on collation rules for each n_surn. * We need them to show counts of individuals with each surname. * * @param array $surname_data * * @return array> */ protected function allSurnames(array $surname_data): array { $list = []; foreach ($surname_data as $row) { $n_surn = $row->n_surn === '' ? $row->n_surname : $row->n_surn; $n_surn = I18N::strtoupper(I18N::language()->normalize($n_surn)); $list[$n_surn][$row->n_surname] ??= 0; $list[$n_surn][$row->n_surname] += $row->total; } uksort($list, I18N::comparator()); return $list; } /** * Extract initial letters and counts for all surnames. * * @param array $surname_data * * @return array */ protected function surnameInitials(array $surname_data): array { $initials = []; // Ensure our own language comes before others. foreach (I18N::language()->alphabet() as $initial) { $initials[$initial] = 0; } foreach ($surname_data as $row) { $initial = I18N::language()->initialLetter(I18N::strtoupper($row->n_surn)); $initial = I18N::language()->normalize($initial); $initials[$initial] ??= 0; $initials[$initial] += $row->total; } // Move specials to the end $count_none = $initials[''] ?? 0; if ($count_none > 0) { unset($initials['']); $initials[','] = $count_none; } $count_unknown = $initials['@'] ?? 0; if ($count_unknown > 0) { unset($initials['@']); $initials['@'] = $count_unknown; } return $initials; } /** * Fetch a list of individuals with specified names * To search for unknown names, use $surn="@N.N.", $salpha="@" or $galpha="@" * To search for names with no surnames, use $salpha="," * * @param Tree $tree * @param array $surns_to_show if set, only fetch people with this n_surn * @param string $galpha if set, only fetch given names starting with this letter * @param bool $marnm if set, include married names * @param bool $fams if set, only fetch individuals with FAMS records * * @return Collection */ protected function individuals(Tree $tree, array $surns_to_show, string $galpha, bool $marnm, bool $fams): Collection { $query = DB::table('individuals') ->join('name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('n_id', '=', 'i_id') ->on('n_file', '=', 'i_file'); }) ->where('i_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->select(['i_id AS xref', 'i_gedcom AS gedcom', 'n_givn', 'n_surn']); $this->whereFamily($fams, $query); $this->whereMarriedName($marnm, $query); if ($surns_to_show === []) { $query->whereNotIn('n_surn', ['', '@N.N.']); } else { $query->whereIn($this->binaryColumn('n_surn'), $surns_to_show); } $individuals = new Collection(); foreach ($query->get() as $row) { $individual = Registry::individualFactory()->make($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom); assert($individual instanceof Individual); // The name from the database may be private - check the filtered list... foreach ($individual->getAllNames() as $n => $name) { if ($name['givn'] === $row->n_givn && $name['surn'] === $row->n_surn) { if ($galpha === '' || I18N::strtoupper(I18N::language()->initialLetter($row->n_givn)) === $galpha) { $individual->setPrimaryName($n); // We need to clone $individual, as we may have multiple references to the // same individual in this list, and the "primary name" would otherwise // be shared amongst all of them. $individuals->push(clone $individual); break; } } } } return $individuals; } /** * Fetch a list of families with specified names * To search for unknown names, use $surn="@N.N.", $salpha="@" or $galpha="@" * To search for names with no surnames, use $salpha="," * * @param Tree $tree * @param array $surnames if set, only fetch people with this n_surname * @param string $galpha if set, only fetch given names starting with this letter * @param bool $marnm if set, include married names * * @return Collection */ protected function families(Tree $tree, array $surnames, string $galpha, bool $marnm): Collection { $families = new Collection(); foreach ($this->individuals($tree, $surnames, $galpha, $marnm, true) as $indi) { foreach ($indi->spouseFamilies() as $family) { $families->push($family); } } return $families->unique(); } /** * This module assumes the database will use binary collation on the name columns. * Until we convert MySQL databases to use utf8_bin, we need to do this at run-time. * * @param string $column * @param string|null $alias * * @return Expression */ private function binaryColumn(string $column, string $alias = null): Expression { if (DB::connection()->getDriverName() === 'mysql') { $sql = 'CAST(' . $column . ' AS binary)'; } else { $sql = $column; } if ($alias !== null) { $sql .= ' AS ' . $alias; } return new Expression($sql); } }