. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Database; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\FamilyNotFoundException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\IndividualNotFoundException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\MediaNotFoundException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\NoteNotFoundException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\RepositoryNotFoundException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\SourceNotFoundException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Family; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsExport; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Gedcom; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\GedcomRecord; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Media; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Menu; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Note; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Repository; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Session; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Source; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\User; use League\Flysystem\Filesystem; use League\Flysystem\ZipArchive\ZipArchiveAdapter; use function str_replace; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException; /** * Class ClippingsCartModule */ class ClippingsCartModule extends AbstractModule implements ModuleMenuInterface { // Routes that have a record which can be added to the clipboard const ROUTES_WITH_RECORDS = [ 'family', 'individual', 'media', 'note', 'repository', 'source', ]; /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTitle(): string { /* I18N: Name of a module */ return I18N::translate('Clippings cart'); } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getDescription(): string { /* I18N: Description of the “Clippings cart” module */ return I18N::translate('Select records from your family tree and save them as a GEDCOM file.'); } /** * What is the default access level for this module? * * Some modules are aimed at admins or managers, and are not generally shown to users. * * @return int */ public function defaultAccessLevel(): int { return Auth::PRIV_USER; } /** * The user can re-order menus. Until they do, they are shown in this order. * * @return int */ public function defaultMenuOrder(): int { return 20; } /** * A menu, to be added to the main application menu. * * @param Tree $tree * * @return Menu|null */ public function getMenu(Tree $tree) { $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $route = $request->get('route'); $submenus = [ new Menu($this->getTitle(), route('module', [ 'module' => 'clippings', 'action' => 'Show', 'ged' => $tree->getName(), ]), 'menu-clippings-cart', ['rel' => 'nofollow']), ]; if (in_array($route, self::ROUTES_WITH_RECORDS)) { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $action = 'Add' . ucfirst($route); $add_route = route('module', [ 'module' => 'clippings', 'action' => $action, 'xref' => $xref, 'ged' => $tree->getName(), ]); $submenus[] = new Menu(I18N::translate('Add to the clippings cart'), $add_route, 'menu-clippings-add', ['rel' => 'nofollow']); } if (!$this->isCartEmpty($tree)) { $submenus[] = new Menu(I18N::translate('Empty the clippings cart'), route('module', [ 'module' => 'clippings', 'action' => 'Empty', 'ged' => $tree->getName(), ]), 'menu-clippings-empty', ['rel' => 'nofollow']); $submenus[] = new Menu(I18N::translate('Download'), route('module', [ 'module' => 'clippings', 'action' => 'DownloadForm', 'ged' => $tree->getName(), ]), 'menu-clippings-download', ['rel' => 'nofollow']); } return new Menu($this->getTitle(), '#', 'menu-clippings', ['rel' => 'nofollow'], $submenus); } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return BinaryFileResponse */ public function getDownloadAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): BinaryFileResponse { $this->checkModuleAccess($tree); $privatize_export = $request->get('privatize_export'); $convert = (bool) $request->get('convert'); $cart = Session::get('cart', []); $xrefs = array_keys($cart[$tree->getName()] ?? []); // Create a new/empty .ZIP file $temp_zip_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'webtrees-zip-'); $zip_filesystem = new Filesystem(new ZipArchiveAdapter($temp_zip_file)); // Media file prefix $path = $tree->getPreference('MEDIA_DIRECTORY'); // GEDCOM file header $filetext = FunctionsExport::gedcomHeader($tree, $convert ? 'ANSI' : 'UTF-8'); // Include SUBM/SUBN records, if they exist $subn = Database::prepare("SELECT o_gedcom FROM `##other` WHERE o_type=? AND o_file=?") ->execute([ 'SUBN', $tree->getName(), ]) ->fetchOne(); if ($subn) { $filetext .= $subn . "\n"; } $subm = Database::prepare("SELECT o_gedcom FROM `##other` WHERE o_type=? AND o_file=?") ->execute([ 'SUBM', $tree->getName(), ]) ->fetchOne(); if ($subm) { $filetext .= $subm . "\n"; } switch ($privatize_export) { case 'gedadmin': $access_level = Auth::PRIV_NONE; break; case 'user': $access_level = Auth::PRIV_USER; break; case 'visitor': $access_level = Auth::PRIV_PRIVATE; break; case 'none': default: $access_level = Auth::PRIV_HIDE; break; } foreach ($xrefs as $xref) { $object = GedcomRecord::getInstance($xref, $tree); // The object may have been deleted since we added it to the cart.... if ($object) { $record = $object->privatizeGedcom($access_level); // Remove links to objects that aren't in the cart preg_match_all('/\n1 ' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ' @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@(\n[2-9].*)*/', $record, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (!array_key_exists($match[1], $xrefs)) { $record = str_replace($match[0], '', $record); } } preg_match_all('/\n2 ' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ' @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@(\n[3-9].*)*/', $record, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (!array_key_exists($match[1], $xrefs)) { $record = str_replace($match[0], '', $record); } } preg_match_all('/\n3 ' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ' @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@(\n[4-9].*)*/', $record, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (!array_key_exists($match[1], $xrefs)) { $record = str_replace($match[0], '', $record); } } if ($object instanceof Individual || $object instanceof Family) { $filetext .= $record . "\n"; $filetext .= "1 SOUR @WEBTREES@\n"; $filetext .= '2 PAGE ' . WT_BASE_URL . $object->url() . "\n"; } elseif ($object instanceof Source) { $filetext .= $record . "\n"; $filetext .= '1 NOTE ' . WT_BASE_URL . $object->url() . "\n"; } elseif ($object instanceof Media) { // Add the media files to the archive foreach ($object->mediaFiles() as $media_file) { if (file_exists($media_file->getServerFilename())) { $fp = fopen($media_file->getServerFilename(), 'r'); $zip_filesystem->writeStream($path . $media_file->filename(), $fp); fclose($fp); } } $filetext .= $record . "\n"; } else { $filetext .= $record . "\n"; } } } // Create a source, to indicate the source of the data. $filetext .= "0 @WEBTREES@ SOUR\n1 TITL " . WT_BASE_URL . "\n"; $author = User::find((int) $tree->getPreference('CONTACT_USER_ID')); if ($author !== null) { $filetext .= '1 AUTH ' . $author->getRealName() . "\n"; } $filetext .= "0 TRLR\n"; // Make sure the preferred line endings are used $filetext = str_replace('\n', Gedcom::EOL, $filetext); if ($convert) { $filetext = utf8_decode($filetext); } // Finally add the GEDCOM file to the .ZIP file. $zip_filesystem->write('clippings.ged', $filetext); // Need to force-close the filesystem $zip_filesystem = null; $response = new BinaryFileResponse($temp_zip_file); $response->deleteFileAfterSend(true); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/zip'); $response->setContentDisposition( ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, 'clippings.zip' ); return $response; } /** * @param Tree $tree * @param User $user * * @return Response */ public function getDownloadFormAction(Tree $tree, User $user): Response { $title = I18N::translate('Family tree clippings cart') . ' — ' . I18N::translate('Download'); return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/download', [ 'is_manager' => Auth::isManager($tree, $user), 'is_member' => Auth::isMember($tree, $user), 'title' => $title, ]); } /** * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function getEmptyAction(Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $cart = Session::get('cart', []); $cart[$tree->getName()] = []; Session::put('cart', $cart); $url = route('module', [ 'module' => 'clippings', 'action' => 'Show', 'ged' => $tree->getName(), ]); return new RedirectResponse($url); } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function postRemoveAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $cart = Session::get('cart', []); unset($cart[$tree->getName()][$xref]); Session::put('cart', $cart); $url = route('module', [ 'module' => 'clippings', 'action' => 'Show', 'ged' => $tree->getName(), ]); return new RedirectResponse($url); } /** * @param Tree $tree * * @return Response */ public function getShowAction(Tree $tree): Response { return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/show', [ 'records' => $this->allRecordsInCart($tree), 'title' => I18N::translate('Family tree clippings cart'), 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return Response */ public function getAddFamilyAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): Response { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $family = Family::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($family === null) { throw new FamilyNotFoundException(); } $options = $this->familyOptions($family); $title = I18N::translate('Add %s to the clippings cart', $family->getFullName()); return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/add-options', [ 'options' => $options, 'default' => key($options), 'record' => $family, 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Family $family * * @return string[] */ private function familyOptions(Family $family): array { $name = strip_tags($family->getFullName()); return [ 'parents' => $name, /* I18N: %s is a family (husband + wife) */ 'members' => I18N::translate('%s and their children', $name), /* I18N: %s is a family (husband + wife) */ 'descendants' => I18N::translate('%s and their descendants', $name), ]; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function postAddFamilyAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $option = $request->get('option'); $family = Family::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($family === null) { throw new FamilyNotFoundException(); } switch ($option) { case 'parents': $this->addFamilyToCart($family); break; case 'members': $this->addFamilyAndChildrenToCart($family); break; case 'descendants': $this->addFamilyAndDescendantsToCart($family); break; } return new RedirectResponse($family->url()); } /** * @param Family $family * * @return void */ private function addFamilyToCart(Family $family) { $this->addRecordToCart($family); foreach ($family->getSpouses() as $spouse) { $this->addRecordToCart($spouse); } } /** * @param Family $family * * @return void */ private function addFamilyAndChildrenToCart(Family $family) { $this->addRecordToCart($family); foreach ($family->getSpouses() as $spouse) { $this->addRecordToCart($spouse); } foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) { $this->addRecordToCart($child); } } /** * @param Family $family * * @return void */ private function addFamilyAndDescendantsToCart(Family $family) { $this->addRecordToCart($family); foreach ($family->getSpouses() as $spouse) { $this->addRecordToCart($spouse); } foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) { $this->addRecordToCart($child); foreach ($child->getSpouseFamilies() as $child_family) { $this->addFamilyAndDescendantsToCart($child_family); } } } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return Response */ public function getAddIndividualAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): Response { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $individual = Individual::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($individual === null) { throw new IndividualNotFoundException(); } $options = $this->individualOptions($individual); $title = I18N::translate('Add %s to the clippings cart', $individual->getFullName()); return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/add-options', [ 'options' => $options, 'default' => key($options), 'record' => $individual, 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Individual $individual * * @return string[] */ private function individualOptions(Individual $individual): array { $name = strip_tags($individual->getFullName()); if ($individual->getSex() === 'F') { return [ 'self' => $name, 'parents' => I18N::translate('%s, her parents and siblings', $name), 'spouses' => I18N::translate('%s, her spouses and children', $name), 'ancestors' => I18N::translate('%s and her ancestors', $name), 'ancestor_families' => I18N::translate('%s, her ancestors and their families', $name), 'descendants' => I18N::translate('%s, her spouses and descendants', $name), ]; } return [ 'self' => $name, 'parents' => I18N::translate('%s, his parents and siblings', $name), 'spouses' => I18N::translate('%s, his spouses and children', $name), 'ancestors' => I18N::translate('%s and his ancestors', $name), 'ancestor_families' => I18N::translate('%s, his ancestors and their families', $name), 'descendants' => I18N::translate('%s, his spouses and descendants', $name), ]; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function postAddIndividualAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $option = $request->get('option'); $individual = Individual::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($individual === null) { throw new IndividualNotFoundException(); } switch ($option) { case 'self': $this->addRecordToCart($individual); break; case 'parents': foreach ($individual->getChildFamilies() as $family) { $this->addFamilyAndChildrenToCart($family); } break; case 'spouses': foreach ($individual->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) { $this->addFamilyAndChildrenToCart($family); } break; case 'ancestors': $this->addAncestorsToCart($individual); break; case 'ancestor_families': $this->addAncestorFamiliesToCart($individual); break; case 'descendants': foreach ($individual->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) { $this->addFamilyAndDescendantsToCart($family); } break; } return new RedirectResponse($individual->url()); } /** * @param Individual $individual * * @return void */ private function addAncestorsToCart(Individual $individual) { $this->addRecordToCart($individual); foreach ($individual->getChildFamilies() as $family) { foreach ($family->getSpouses() as $parent) { $this->addAncestorsToCart($parent); } } } /** * @param Individual $individual * * @return void */ private function addAncestorFamiliesToCart(Individual $individual) { foreach ($individual->getChildFamilies() as $family) { $this->addFamilyAndChildrenToCart($family); foreach ($family->getSpouses() as $parent) { $this->addAncestorsToCart($parent); } } } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return Response */ public function getAddMediaAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): Response { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $media = Media::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($media === null) { throw new MediaNotFoundException(); } $options = $this->mediaOptions($media); $title = I18N::translate('Add %s to the clippings cart', $media->getFullName()); return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/add-options', [ 'options' => $options, 'default' => key($options), 'record' => $media, 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Media $media * * @return string[] */ private function mediaOptions(Media $media): array { $name = strip_tags($media->getFullName()); return [ 'self' => $name, ]; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function postAddMediaAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $media = Media::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($media === null) { throw new MediaNotFoundException(); } $this->addRecordToCart($media); return new RedirectResponse($media->url()); } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return Response */ public function getAddNoteAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): Response { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $note = Note::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($note === null) { throw new NoteNotFoundException(); } $options = $this->noteOptions($note); $title = I18N::translate('Add %s to the clippings cart', $note->getFullName()); return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/add-options', [ 'options' => $options, 'default' => key($options), 'record' => $note, 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Note $note * * @return string[] */ private function noteOptions(Note $note): array { $name = strip_tags($note->getFullName()); return [ 'self' => $name, ]; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function postAddNoteAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $note = Note::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($note === null) { throw new NoteNotFoundException(); } $this->addRecordToCart($note); return new RedirectResponse($note->url()); } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return Response */ public function getAddRepositoryAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): Response { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $repository = Repository::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($repository === null) { throw new RepositoryNotFoundException(); } $options = $this->repositoryOptions($repository); $title = I18N::translate('Add %s to the clippings cart', $repository->getFullName()); return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/add-options', [ 'options' => $options, 'default' => key($options), 'record' => $repository, 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Repository $repository * * @return string[] */ private function repositoryOptions(Repository $repository): array { $name = strip_tags($repository->getFullName()); return [ 'self' => $name, ]; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function postAddRepositoryAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $repository = Repository::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($repository === null) { throw new RepositoryNotFoundException(); } $this->addRecordToCart($repository); return new RedirectResponse($repository->url()); } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return Response */ public function getAddSourceAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): Response { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $source = Source::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($source === null) { throw new SourceNotFoundException(); } $options = $this->sourceOptions($source); $title = I18N::translate('Add %s to the clippings cart', $source->getFullName()); return $this->viewResponse('modules/clippings/add-options', [ 'options' => $options, 'default' => key($options), 'record' => $source, 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Source $source * * @return string[] */ private function sourceOptions(Source $source): array { $name = strip_tags($source->getFullName()); return [ 'only' => strip_tags($source->getFullName()), 'linked' => I18N::translate('%s and the individuals that reference it.', $name), ]; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * * @return RedirectResponse */ public function postAddSourceAction(Request $request, Tree $tree): RedirectResponse { $xref = $request->get('xref'); $option = $request->get('option'); $source = Source::getInstance($xref, $tree); if ($source === null) { throw new SourceNotFoundException(); } $this->addRecordToCart($source); if ($option === 'linked') { foreach ($source->linkedIndividuals('SOUR') as $individual) { $this->addRecordToCart($individual); } foreach ($source->linkedFamilies('SOUR') as $family) { $this->addRecordToCart($family); } } return new RedirectResponse($source->url()); } /** * Get all the records in the cart. * * @param Tree $tree * * @return GedcomRecord[] */ private function allRecordsInCart(Tree $tree): array { $cart = Session::get('cart', []); $xrefs = array_keys($cart[$tree->getName()] ?? []); // Fetch all the records in the cart. $records = array_map(function (string $xref) use ($tree): GedcomRecord { return GedcomRecord::getInstance($xref, $tree); }, $xrefs); // Some records may have been deleted after they were added to the cart. $records = array_filter($records); // Group and sort. uasort($records, function (GedcomRecord $x, GedcomRecord $y): int { return $x::RECORD_TYPE <=> $y::RECORD_TYPE ?: GedcomRecord::compare($x, $y); }); return $records; } /** * Add a record (and direclty linked sources, notes, etc. to the cart. * * @param GedcomRecord $record * * @return void */ private function addRecordToCart(GedcomRecord $record) { $cart = Session::get('cart', []); $tree_name = $record->getTree()->getName(); // Add this record $cart[$tree_name][$record->getXref()] = true; // Add directly linked media, notes, repositories and sources. preg_match_all('/\n\d (?:OBJE|NOTE|SOUR|REPO) @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@/', $record->getGedcom(), $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { $cart[$tree_name][$match] = true; } Session::put('cart', $cart); } /** * @param Tree $tree * * @return bool */ private function isCartEmpty(Tree $tree): bool { $cart = Session::get('cart', []); return empty($cart[$tree->getName()]); } /** * Only allow access to the routes/functions if the menu is active * * @param Tree $tree * * @return void * * @throws NoteNotFoundException */ private function checkModuleAccess(Tree $tree) { if (!array_key_exists($this->getName(), Module::getActiveMenus($tree))) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } } }