. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\MediaFileDownload; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\MediaFileThumbnail; use League\Flysystem\FilesystemException; use League\Flysystem\UnableToCheckFileExistence; use League\Flysystem\UnableToReadFile; use League\Flysystem\UnableToRetrieveMetadata; use function bin2hex; use function getimagesizefromstring; use function http_build_query; use function in_array; use function intdiv; use function is_array; use function ksort; use function md5; use function pathinfo; use function random_bytes; use function str_contains; use function strtoupper; use const PATHINFO_EXTENSION; /** * A GEDCOM media file. A media object can contain many media files, * such as scans of both sides of a document, the transcript of an audio * recording, etc. */ class MediaFile { private const array SUPPORTED_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES = [ 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/webp', ]; private string $multimedia_file_refn = ''; private string $multimedia_format = ''; private string $source_media_type = ''; private string $descriptive_title = ''; private Media $media; private string $fact_id; /** * Create a MediaFile from raw GEDCOM data. * * @param string $gedcom * @param Media $media */ public function __construct(string $gedcom, Media $media) { $this->media = $media; $this->fact_id = md5($gedcom); if (preg_match('/^\d FILE (.+)/m', $gedcom, $match)) { $this->multimedia_file_refn = $match[1]; } if (preg_match('/^\d FORM (.+)/m', $gedcom, $match)) { $this->multimedia_format = $match[1]; } if (preg_match('/^\d TYPE (.+)/m', $gedcom, $match)) { $this->source_media_type = $match[1]; } if (preg_match('/^\d TITL (.+)/m', $gedcom, $match)) { $this->descriptive_title = $match[1]; } } /** * Get the format. * * @return string */ public function format(): string { return $this->multimedia_format; } /** * Get the type. * * @return string */ public function type(): string { return $this->source_media_type; } /** * Get the title. * * @return string */ public function title(): string { return $this->descriptive_title; } /** * Get the fact ID. * * @return string */ public function factId(): string { return $this->fact_id; } /** * @return bool */ public function isPendingAddition(): bool { foreach ($this->media->facts() as $fact) { if ($fact->id() === $this->fact_id) { return $fact->isPendingAddition(); } } return false; } /** * @return bool */ public function isPendingDeletion(): bool { foreach ($this->media->facts() as $fact) { if ($fact->id() === $this->fact_id) { return $fact->isPendingDeletion(); } } return false; } /** * Display an image-thumbnail or a media-icon, and add markup for image viewers such as colorbox. * * @param int $width Pixels * @param int $height Pixels * @param string $fit "crop" or "contain" * @param array $image_attributes Additional HTML attributes * * @return string */ public function displayImage(int $width, int $height, string $fit, array $image_attributes = []): string { if ($this->isExternal()) { $src = $this->multimedia_file_refn; $srcset = []; } else { // Generate multiple images for displays with higher pixel densities. $src = $this->imageUrl($width, $height, $fit); $srcset = []; foreach ([2, 3, 4] as $x) { $srcset[] = $this->imageUrl($width * $x, $height * $x, $fit) . ' ' . $x . 'x'; } } if ($this->isImage()) { $image = ' 'auto', 'src' => $src, 'srcset' => implode(',', $srcset), 'alt' => strip_tags($this->media->fullName()), ]) . '>'; $link_attributes = Html::attributes([ 'class' => 'gallery', 'type' => $this->mimeType(), 'href' => $this->downloadUrl('inline'), 'data-title' => strip_tags($this->media->fullName()), ]); } else { $image = view('icons/mime', ['type' => $this->mimeType()]); $link_attributes = Html::attributes([ 'type' => $this->mimeType(), 'href' => $this->downloadUrl('inline'), ]); } return '' . $image . ''; } /** * Is the media file actually a URL? */ public function isExternal(): bool { return str_contains($this->multimedia_file_refn, '://'); } /** * Generate a URL for an image. * * @param int $width Maximum width in pixels * @param int $height Maximum height in pixels * @param string $fit "crop" or "contain" * * @return string */ public function imageUrl(int $width, int $height, string $fit): string { // Sign the URL, to protect against mass-resize attacks. $glide_key = Site::getPreference('glide-key'); if ($glide_key === '') { $glide_key = bin2hex(random_bytes(128)); Site::setPreference('glide-key', $glide_key); } // The "mark" parameter is ignored, but needed for cache-busting. $params = [ 'xref' => $this->media->xref(), 'tree' => $this->media->tree()->name(), 'fact_id' => $this->fact_id, 'w' => $width, 'h' => $height, 'fit' => $fit, 'mark' => Registry::imageFactory()->thumbnailNeedsWatermark($this, Auth::user()) ]; $params['s'] = $this->signature($params); return route(MediaFileThumbnail::class, $params); } /** * Is the media file an image? */ public function isImage(): bool { return in_array($this->mimeType(), self::SUPPORTED_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES, true); } /** * What is the mime-type of this object? * For simplicity and efficiency, use the extension, rather than the contents. * * @return string */ public function mimeType(): string { $extension = strtoupper(pathinfo($this->multimedia_file_refn, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); return Mime::TYPES[$extension] ?? Mime::DEFAULT_TYPE; } /** * Generate a URL to download a media file. * * @param string $disposition How should the image be returned: "attachment" or "inline" * * @return string */ public function downloadUrl(string $disposition): string { // The "mark" parameter is ignored, but needed for cache-busting. return route(MediaFileDownload::class, [ 'xref' => $this->media->xref(), 'tree' => $this->media->tree()->name(), 'fact_id' => $this->fact_id, 'disposition' => $disposition, 'mark' => Registry::imageFactory()->fileNeedsWatermark($this, Auth::user()) ]); } /** * A list of image attributes * * @return array */ public function attributes(): array { $attributes = []; if (!$this->isExternal() || $this->fileExists()) { try { $bytes = $this->media()->tree()->mediaFilesystem()->fileSize($this->filename()); $kb = intdiv($bytes + 1023, 1024); $text = I18N::translate('%s KB', I18N::number($kb)); $attributes[I18N::translate('File size')] = $text; } catch (FilesystemException | UnableToRetrieveMetadata) { // External/missing files have no size. } try { $data = $this->media()->tree()->mediaFilesystem()->read($this->filename()); $image_size = getimagesizefromstring($data); if (is_array($image_size)) { [$width, $height] = $image_size; $text = I18N::translate('%1$s × %2$s pixels', I18N::number($width), I18N::number($height)); $attributes[I18N::translate('Image dimensions')] = $text; } } catch (FilesystemException | UnableToReadFile) { // Cannot read the file. } } return $attributes; } /** * Read the contents of a media file. * * @return string */ public function fileContents(): string { try { return $this->media->tree()->mediaFilesystem()->read($this->multimedia_file_refn); } catch (FilesystemException | UnableToReadFile) { return ''; } } /** * Check if the file exists on this server * * @return bool */ public function fileExists(): bool { try { return $this->media->tree()->mediaFilesystem()->fileExists($this->multimedia_file_refn); } catch (FilesystemException | UnableToCheckFileExistence) { return false; } } /** * @return Media */ public function media(): Media { return $this->media; } /** * Get the filename. * * @return string */ public function filename(): string { return $this->multimedia_file_refn; } /** * Create a URL signature parameter, using the same algorithm as league/glide, * for compatibility with URLs generated by older versions of webtrees. * * @param array $params * * @return string */ public function signature(array $params): string { unset($params['s']); ksort($params); // Sign the URL, to protect against mass-resize attacks. $glide_key = Site::getPreference('glide-key'); if ($glide_key === '') { $glide_key = bin2hex(random_bytes(128)); Site::setPreference('glide-key', $glide_key); } return md5($glide_key . ':?' . http_build_query($params)); } }