. */ use Patchwork\TurkishUtf8; use Zend_Cache; use Zend_Cache_Core; use Zend_Locale; use Zend_Locale_Data; use Zend_Locale_Exception; use Zend_Locale_Format; use Zend_Registry; use Zend_Translate; /** * Class I18N - Functions to support internationalization (i18n) functionality. */ class I18N { // Digits are always rendered LTR, even in RTL text. const DIGITS = '0123456789٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹'; // Reversable character conversions from the UNICODE 5.1 database. // It excludes ambiguous (turkish dotless i) and mixed-case (Dz) characters. // The characters should be arranged in default unicode-collation order. const ALPHABET_LOWER = 'aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡǻȁȃȧḁạảấầẩẫậắằẳẵặⓐaæǣǽbḃḅḇⓑbƀɓƃcçćĉċčḉⅽⓒcƈdďḋḍḏḑḓⅾⓓddždzđɖɗƌðeèéêëēĕėęěȅȇȩḕḗḙḛḝẹẻẽếềểễệⓔeǝəɛfḟⓕfƒgĝğġģǧǵḡⓖgǥɠɣƣhĥȟḣḥḧḩḫⓗhƕħiìíîïĩīĭįǐȉȋḭḯỉịⅰⓘiⅱⅲijⅳⅸɨɩjĵⓙjkķǩḱḳḵⓚkƙlĺļľḷḹḻḽⅼⓛlŀljłƚmḿṁṃⅿⓜmnñńņňǹṅṇṉṋⓝnnjɲƞŋoòóôõöōŏőơǒǫǭȍȏȫȭȯȱṍṏṑṓọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợⓞoœøǿɔɵȣpṕṗⓟpƥqⓠqrŕŗřȑȓṙṛṝṟⓡrʀsśŝşšșṡṣṥṧṩⓢsʃtţťțṫṭṯṱⓣtŧƭʈuùúûüũūŭůűųưǔǖǘǚǜȕȗṳṵṷṹṻụủứừửữựⓤuʉɯʊvṽṿⅴⓥvⅵⅶⅷʋʌwŵẁẃẅẇẉⓦwxẋẍⅹⓧxⅺⅻyýÿŷȳẏỳỵỷỹⓨyƴzźżžẑẓẕⓩzƶȥǯʒƹȝþƿƨƽƅάαἀἁἂἃἄἅἆἇὰάᾀᾁᾂᾃᾄᾅᾆᾇᾰᾱᾳβγδέεἐἑἒἓἔἕὲέϝϛζήηἠἡἢἣἤἥἦἧὴήᾐᾑᾒᾓᾔᾕᾖᾗῃθϊἰἱἲἳἴἵἶἷὶίῐῑκϗλμνξοόὀὁὂὃὄὅὸόπϟϙρῥσϲτυϋύὑὓὕὗὺύῠῡφχψωώὠὡὢὣὤὥὦὧὼώᾠᾡᾢᾣᾤᾥᾦᾧῳϡϸϻϣϥϧϩϫϭϯаӑӓәӛӕбвгґғҕдԁђԃѓҙеѐёӗєжӂӝҗзԅӟѕӡԇиѝӣҋӥіїйјкқӄҡҟҝлӆљԉмӎнӊңӈҥњԋоӧөӫпҧҁрҏсԍҫтԏҭћќуӯўӱӳүұѹфхҳһѡѿѽѻцҵчӵҷӌҹҽҿџшщъыӹьҍѣэӭюяѥѧѫѩѭѯѱѳѵѷҩաբգդեզէըթժիլխծկհձղճմյնշոչպջռսվտրցւփքօֆȼɂɇɉɋɍɏͱͳͷͻͼͽӏӷӻӽӿԑԓԕԗԙԛԝԟԡԣԥᵹᵽỻỽỿⅎↄⰰⰱⰲⰳⰴⰵⰶⰷⰸⰹⰺⰻⰼⰽⰾⰿⱀⱁⱂⱃⱄⱅⱆⱇⱈⱉⱊⱋⱌⱍⱎⱏⱐⱑⱒⱓⱔⱕⱖⱗⱘⱙⱚⱛⱜⱝⱞⱡⱨⱪⱬⱳⱶⲁⲃⲅⲇⲉⲋⲍⲏⲑⲓⲕⲗⲙⲛⲝⲟⲡⲣⲥⲧⲩⲫⲭⲯⲱⲳⲵⲷⲹⲻⲽⲿⳁⳃⳅⳇⳉⳋⳍⳏⳑⳓⳕⳗⳙⳛⳝⳟⳡⳣⳬⳮⴀⴁⴂⴃⴄⴅⴆⴇⴈⴉⴊⴋⴌⴍⴎⴏⴐⴑⴒⴓⴔⴕⴖⴗⴘⴙⴚⴛⴜⴝⴞⴟⴠⴡⴢⴣⴤⴥꙁꙃꙅꙇꙉꙋꙍꙏꙑꙓꙕꙗꙙꙛꙝꙟꙣꙥꙧꙩꙫꙭꚁꚃꚅꚇꚉꚋꚍꚏꚑꚓꚕꚗꜣꜥꜧꜩꜫꜭꜯꜳꜵꜷꜹꜻꜽꜿꝁꝃꝅꝇꝉꝋꝍꝏꝑꝓꝕꝗꝙꝛꝝꝟꝡꝣꝥꝧꝩꝫꝭꝯꝺꝼꝿꞁꞃꞅꞇꞌ'; const ALPHABET_UPPER = 'AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠǺȀȂȦḀẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶⒶAÆǢǼBḂḄḆⒷBɃƁƂCÇĆĈĊČḈⅭⒸCƇDĎḊḌḎḐḒⅮⒹDDŽDZĐƉƊƋÐEÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚȄȆȨḔḖḘḚḜẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆⒺEƎƏƐFḞⒻFƑGĜĞĠĢǦǴḠⒼGǤƓƔƢHĤȞḢḤḦḨḪⒽHǶĦIÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮǏȈȊḬḮỈỊⅠⒾIⅡⅢIJⅣⅨƗƖJĴⒿJKĶǨḰḲḴⓀKƘLĹĻĽḶḸḺḼⅬⓁLĿLJŁȽMḾṀṂⅯⓂMNÑŃŅŇǸṄṆṈṊⓃNNJƝȠŊOÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐƠǑǪǬȌȎȪȬȮȰṌṎṐṒỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢⓄOŒØǾƆƟȢPṔṖⓅPƤQⓆQRŔŖŘȐȒṘṚṜṞⓇRƦSŚŜŞŠȘṠṢṤṦṨⓈSƩTŢŤȚṪṬṮṰⓉTŦƬƮUÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓǕǗǙǛȔȖṲṴṶṸṺỤỦỨỪỬỮỰⓊUɄƜƱVṼṾⅤⓋVⅥⅦⅧƲɅWŴẀẂẄẆẈⓌWXẊẌⅩⓍXⅪⅫYÝŸŶȲẎỲỴỶỸⓎYƳZŹŻŽẐẒẔⓏZƵȤǮƷƸȜÞǷƧƼƄΆΑἈἉἊἋἌἍἎἏᾺΆᾈᾉᾊᾋᾌᾍᾎᾏᾸᾹᾼΒΓΔΈΕἘἙἚἛἜἝῈΈϜϚΖΉΗἨἩἪἫἬἭἮἯῊΉᾘᾙᾚᾛᾜᾝᾞᾟῌΘΪἸἹἺἻἼἽἾἿῚΊῘῙΚϏΛΜΝΞΟΌὈὉὊὋὌὍῸΌΠϞϘΡῬΣϹΤΥΫΎὙὛὝὟῪΎῨῩΦΧΨΩΏὨὩὪὫὬὭὮὯῺΏᾨᾩᾪᾫᾬᾭᾮᾯῼϠϷϺϢϤϦϨϪϬϮАӐӒӘӚӔБВГҐҒҔДԀЂԂЃҘЕЀЁӖЄЖӁӜҖЗԄӞЅӠԆИЍӢҊӤІЇЙЈКҚӃҠҞҜЛӅЉԈМӍНӉҢӇҤЊԊОӦӨӪПҦҀРҎСԌҪТԎҬЋЌУӮЎӰӲҮҰѸФХҲҺѠѾѼѺЦҴЧӴҶӋҸҼҾЏШЩЪЫӸЬҌѢЭӬЮЯѤѦѪѨѬѮѰѲѴѶҨԱԲԳԴԵԶԷԸԹԺԻԼԽԾԿՀՁՂՃՄՅՆՇՈՉՊՋՌՍՎՏՐՑՒՓՔՕՖȻɁɆɈɊɌɎͰͲͶϽϾϿӀӶӺӼӾԐԒԔԖԘԚԜԞԠԢԤꝽⱣỺỼỾℲↃⰀⰁⰂⰃⰄⰅⰆⰇⰈⰉⰊⰋⰌⰍⰎⰏⰐⰑⰒⰓⰔⰕⰖⰗⰘⰙⰚⰛⰜⰝⰞⰟⰠⰡⰢⰣⰤⰥⰦⰧⰨⰩⰪⰫⰬⰭⰮⱠⱧⱩⱫⱲⱵⲀⲂⲄⲆⲈⲊⲌⲎⲐⲒⲔⲖⲘⲚⲜⲞⲠⲢⲤⲦⲨⲪⲬⲮⲰⲲⲴⲶⲸⲺⲼⲾⳀⳂⳄⳆⳈⳊⳌⳎⳐⳒⳔⳖⳘⳚⳜⳞⳠⳢⳫⳭႠႡႢႣႤႥႦႧႨႩႪႫႬႭႮႯႰႱႲႳႴႵႶႷႸႹႺႻႼႽႾႿჀჁჂჃჄჅꙀꙂꙄꙆꙈꙊꙌꙎꙐꙒꙔꙖꙘꙚꙜꙞꙢꙤꙦꙨꙪꙬꚀꚂꚄꚆꚈꚊꚌꚎꚐꚒꚔꚖꜢꜤꜦꜨꜪꜬꜮꜲꜴꜶꜸꜺꜼꜾꝀꝂꝄꝆꝈꝊꝌꝎꝐꝒꝔꝖꝘꝚꝜꝞꝠꝢꝤꝦꝨꝪꝬꝮꝹꝻꝾꞀꞂꞄꞆꞋ'; // Alphabet for the currently selected locale private static $alphabet_lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; private static $alphabet_upper = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; // Lookup table to convert unicode code-points into scripts. // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block // Note: we only need details for scripts of languages into which webtrees is translated. private static $scripts = array( array('Latn', 0x0041, 0x005A), // a-z array('Latn', 0x0061, 0x007A), // A-Z array('Latn', 0x0100, 0x02AF), array('Grek', 0x0370, 0x03FF), array('Cyrl', 0x0400, 0x052F), array('Hebr', 0x0590, 0x05FF), array('Arab', 0x0600, 0x06FF), array('Arab', 0x0750, 0x077F), array('Arab', 0x08A0, 0x08FF), array('Deva', 0x0900, 0x097F), array('Taml', 0x0B80, 0x0BFF), array('Sinh', 0x0D80, 0x0DFF), array('Thai', 0x0E00, 0x0E7F), array('Geor', 0x10A0, 0x10FF), array('Grek', 0x1F00, 0x1FFF), array('Deva', 0xA8E0, 0xA8FF), array('Hans', 0x3000, 0x303F), // Mixed CJK, not just Hans array('Hans', 0x3400, 0xFAFF), // Mixed CJK, not just Hans array('Hans', 0x20000, 0x2FA1F), // Mixed CJK, not just Hans ); // Characters that are displayed in mirror form in RTL text. private static $mirror_characters = array( '(' => ')', ')' => '(', '[' => ']', ']' => '[', '{' => '}', '}' => '{', '<' => '>', '>' => '<', '‹' => '›', '›' => '‹', '«' => '»', '»' => '«', '﴾' => '﴿', '﴿' => '﴾', '“' => '”', '”' => '“', '‘' => '’', '’' => '‘', ); /** @var string[] The names of all currently supported languages */ private static $language_data = array( 'af' => array('Latn', 'Afrikaans'), 'ar' => array('Arab', 'العربية'), 'bg' => array('Cyrl', 'български'), 'bs' => array('Latn', 'bosanski'), 'ca' => array('Latn', 'català'), 'cs' => array('Latn', 'čeština'), 'da' => array('Latn', 'dansk'), 'de' => array('Latn', 'Deutsch'), 'dv' => array('Thaa', 'ދިވެހިބަސް'), 'el' => array('Grek', 'Ελληνικά'), 'en' => array('Latn', 'English'), 'en-AU' => array('Latn', 'Australian English'), 'en-GB' => array('Latn', 'British English'), 'en-US' => array('Latn', 'U.S. English'), 'es' => array('Latn', 'español'), 'et' => array('Latn', 'eesti'), 'fa' => array('Arab', 'فارسی'), 'fi' => array('Latn', 'suomi'), 'fo' => array('Latn', 'føroyskt'), 'fr' => array('Latn', 'français'), 'fr-CA' => array('Latn', 'français canadien'), 'gl' => array('Latn', 'galego'), 'haw' => array('Latn', 'ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi'), 'he' => array('Hebr', 'עברית'), 'hr' => array('Latn', 'hrvatski'), 'hu' => array('Latn', 'magyar'), 'id' => array('Latn', 'Bahasa Indonesia'), 'is' => array('Latn', 'íslenska'), 'it' => array('Latn', 'italiano'), 'ja' => array('Kana', '日本語'), 'ka' => array('Geor', 'ქართული'), 'ko' => array('Kore', '한국어'), 'lt' => array('Latn', 'lietuvių'), 'lv' => array('Latn', 'latviešu'), 'mi' => array('Latn', 'Māori'), 'mr' => array('Mymr', 'मराठी'), 'ms' => array('Latn', 'Bahasa Melayu'), 'nb' => array('Latn', 'norsk bokmål'), 'ne' => array('Deva', 'नेपाली'), 'nl' => array('Latn', 'Nederlands'), 'nn' => array('Latn', 'nynorsk'), 'oc' => array('Latn', 'occitan'), 'pl' => array('Latn', 'polski'), 'pt' => array('Latn', 'português'), 'pt-BR' => array('Latn', 'português do Brasil'), 'ro' => array('Latn', 'română'), 'ru' => array('Cyrl', 'русский'), 'sk' => array('Latn', 'slovenčina'), 'sl' => array('Latn', 'slovenščina'), 'sr' => array('Cyrl', 'Српски'), 'sr-Latn' => array('Latn', 'srpski'), 'sv' => array('Latn', 'svenska'), 'ta' => array('Taml', 'தமிழ்'), 'tr' => array('Latn', 'Türkçe'), 'tt' => array('Cyrl', 'Татар'), 'uk' => array('Cyrl', 'українська'), 'vi' => array('Latn', 'Tiếng Việt'), 'yi' => array('Hebr', 'ייִדיש'), 'zh' => array('Hans', '中文'), 'zh-CN' => array('Hans', '简体中文'), 'zh-TW' => array('Hant', '繁體中文'), ); /** @var string the name of the current locale, such as fr or en_GB */ private static $locale; /** @var string The MySQL collation sequence used by this language, typically utf8_unicode_ci */ public static $collation; /** @var string Punctuation used to separate list items, typically a comma */ public static $list_separator; /** @var Zend_Cache_Core */ private static $cache; /** @var string The numbering system used by this language; typically latin digits */ private static $numbering_system; /** @var Zend_Translate */ private static $translation_adapter; /** * Initialise the translation adapter with a locale setting. * * @param string|null $locale If no locale specified, choose one automatically * * @return string $string */ public static function init($locale = null) { global $WT_SESSION, $WT_TREE; // The translation libraries only work with a cache. $cache_options = array( 'automatic_serialization' => true, 'cache_id_prefix' => md5(WT_BASE_URL), ); if (ini_get('apc.enabled')) { self::$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'Apc', $cache_options, array()); } elseif (File::mkdir(WT_DATA_DIR . 'cache')) { self::$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $cache_options, array('cache_dir' => WT_DATA_DIR . 'cache')); } else { self::$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'Zend_Cache_Backend_BlackHole', $cache_options, array(), false, true); } Zend_Locale::setCache(self::$cache); Zend_Translate::setCache(self::$cache); $installed_languages = self::installed_languages(); if (is_null($locale) || !array_key_exists($locale, $installed_languages)) { // Automatic locale selection. if (array_key_exists(Filter::get('lang'), $installed_languages)) { // Requested in the URL? $locale = Filter::get('lang'); } elseif (array_key_exists($WT_SESSION->locale, $installed_languages)) { // Rembered from a previous visit? $locale = $WT_SESSION->locale; } else { // Browser preference takes priority over gedcom default if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $prefs = array(); } else { $prefs = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])); } if ($WT_TREE) { // Add the tree’s default language as a low-priority $locale = $WT_TREE->getPreference('LANGUAGE'); $prefs[] = $locale . ';q=0.2'; } $prefs2 = array(); foreach ($prefs as $pref) { list($l, $q) = explode(';q=', $pref . ';q=1.0'); $l = preg_replace_callback( '/_[a-z][a-z]$/', function($x) { return strtoupper($x[0]); }, str_replace('-', '_', $l) ); // en-gb => en_GB if (array_key_exists($l, $prefs2)) { $prefs2[$l] = max((float) $q, $prefs2[$l]); } else { $prefs2[$l] = (float) $q; } } // Ensure there is a fallback. if (!array_key_exists('en_US', $prefs2)) { $prefs2['en_US'] = 0.01; } arsort($prefs2); foreach (array_keys($prefs2) as $pref) { if (array_key_exists($pref, $installed_languages)) { $locale = $pref; break; } } } } // Load the translation file self::$translation_adapter = new Zend_Translate('gettext', WT_ROOT . 'language/' . $locale . '.mo', $locale); // Deprecated - some custom modules use this to add translations Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Translate', self::$translation_adapter); // Load any local user translations if (is_dir(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language')) { if (file_exists(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . $locale . '.mo')) { self::addTranslation( new Zend_Translate('gettext', WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . $locale . '.mo', $locale) ); } if (file_exists(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . $locale . '.php')) { self::addTranslation( new Zend_Translate('array', WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . $locale . '.php', $locale) ); } if (file_exists(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . $locale . '.csv')) { self::addTranslation( new Zend_Translate('csv', WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . $locale . '.csv', $locale) ); } } // Extract language settings from the translation file global $DATE_FORMAT; // I18N: This is the format string for full dates. See http://php.net/date for codes $DATE_FORMAT = self::noop('%j %F %Y'); global $TIME_FORMAT; // I18N: This is the format string for the time-of-day. See http://php.net/date for codes $TIME_FORMAT = self::noop('%H:%i:%s'); // Alphabetic sorting sequence (upper-case letters), used by webtrees to sort strings list(, self::$alphabet_upper) = explode('=', self::noop('ALPHABET_upper=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')); // Alphabetic sorting sequence (lower-case letters), used by webtrees to sort strings list(, self::$alphabet_lower) = explode('=', self::noop('ALPHABET_lower=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')); global $WEEK_START; // I18N: This is the first day of the week on calendars. 0=Sunday, 1=Monday... list(, $WEEK_START) = explode('=', self::noop('WEEK_START=0')); // Save the current locale, and some attributes of it self::$locale = $locale; self::$list_separator = /* I18N: This punctuation is used to separate lists of items */ self::translate(', '); self::$collation = /* I18N: This is the name of the MySQL collation that applies to your language. A list is available at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-unicode-sets.html */ self::translate('utf8_unicode_ci'); // Non-latin numbers may require non-latin digits try { self::$numbering_system = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent($locale, 'defaultnumberingsystem'); } catch (Zend_Locale_Exception $ex) { // The latest CLDR database omits some languges such as Tatar (tt) self::$numbering_system = 'latin'; } return $locale; } /** * Add a translation file * * @param Zend_Translate $translation */ public static function addTranslation(Zend_Translate $translation) { self::$translation_adapter->getAdapter()->addTranslation(array('content' => $translation)); } /** * Check which languages are installed * * @return array */ public static function installed_languages() { $mo_files = glob(WT_ROOT . 'language' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.mo'); $cache_key = md5(serialize($mo_files)); if (!($installed_languages = self::$cache->load($cache_key))) { $installed_languages = array(); foreach ($mo_files as $mo_file) { if (preg_match('/^(([a-z][a-z][a-z]?)([-_][A-Z][A-Z])?([-_][A-Za-z]+)*)\.mo$/', basename($mo_file), $match)) { // Sort by the transation of the base language, then the variant. // e.g. English|British English, Portuguese|Brazilian Portuguese $tmp1 = self::languageName($match[1]); if ($match[1] === $match[2]) { $tmp2 = $tmp1; } else { $tmp2 = self::languageName($match[2]); } $installed_languages[$match[1]] = $tmp2 . '|' . $tmp1; } } // Sort by the combined language/language name... uasort($installed_languages, __NAMESPACE__ . '\I18N::strcasecmp'); foreach ($installed_languages as &$value) { // The locale database doesn't have translations for certain // "default" languages, such as zn_CH. if (substr($value, -1) === '|') { list($value,) = explode('|', $value); } else { list(,$value) = explode('|', $value); } } self::$cache->save($installed_languages, $cache_key); } return $installed_languages; } /** * Generate i18n markup for the tag, e.g. lang="ar" dir="rtl" * * @return string */ public static function html_markup() { list($lang) = preg_split('/[-_@]/', self::$locale); return 'lang="' . $lang . '" dir="' . self::direction() . '"'; } /** * Translate a number into the local representation. * * e.g. 12345.67 becomes * en: 12,345.67 * fr: 12 345,67 * de: 12.345,67 * * @param float $n * @param integer $precision * * @return string */ public static function number($n, $precision = 0) { // Add "punctuation" and convert digits $n = Zend_Locale_Format::toNumber($n, array('locale'=>WT_LOCALE, 'precision'=>$precision)); $n = self::digits($n); return $n; } /** * Convert the digits 0-9 into the local script * * Used for years, etc., where we do not want thousands-separators, decimals, etc. * * @param integer $n * * @return string */ public static function digits($n) { if (self::$numbering_system != 'latn') { return Zend_Locale_Format::convertNumerals($n, 'latn', self::$numbering_system); } else { return $n; } } /** * Translate a fraction into a percentage. * * e.g. 0.123 becomes * en: 12.3% * fr: 12,3 % * de: 12,3% * * @param float $n * @param integer $precision * * @return string */ public static function percentage($n, $precision = 0) { return /* I18N: This is a percentage, such as “32.5%”. “%s” is the number, “%%” is the percent symbol. Some languages require a (non-breaking) space between the two, or a different symbol. */ self::translate('%s%%', self::number($n * 100.0, $precision)); } /** * What is the direction of the current locale * * @return string "ltr" or "rtl" */ public static function direction() { return self::scriptDirection(self::languageScript(self::$locale)); } /** * Translate a string, and then substitute placeholders * * echo I18N::translate('Hello World!'); * echo I18N::translate('The %s sat on the mat', 'cat'); * * @return string */ public static function translate(/* var_args */) { $args = func_get_args(); $args[0] = self::$translation_adapter->getAdapter()->_($args[0]); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } /** * Context sensitive version of translate. * * echo I18N::translate_c('NOMINATIVE', 'January'); * echo I18N::translate_c('GENITIVE', 'January'); * * @return string */ public static function translate_c(/* var_args */) { $args = func_get_args(); $msgid = $args[0] . "\x04" . $args[1]; $msgtxt = self::$translation_adapter->getAdapter()->_($msgid); if ($msgtxt === $msgid) { $msgtxt = $args[1]; } $args[0] = $msgtxt; unset($args[1]); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } /** * Similar to translate, but do perform "no operation" on it. * * This is necessary to fetch a format string (containing % characters) without * performing sustitution of arguments. * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function noop($string) { return self::$translation_adapter->getAdapter()->_($string); } /** * Translate a plural string * * echo self::plural('There is an error', 'There are errors', $num_errors); * echo self::plural('There is one error', 'There are %s errors', $num_errors); * echo self::plural('There is %1$d %2$s cat', 'There are %1$d %2$s cats', $num, $num, $colour); * * @return string */ public static function plural(/* var_args */) { $args = func_get_args(); $string = self::$translation_adapter->getAdapter()->plural($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]); array_splice($args, 0, 3, array($string)); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } /** * Convert a GEDCOM age string into translated_text * * NB: The import function will have normalised this, so we don't need * to worry about badly formatted strings * NOTE: this function is not yet complete - eventually it will replace get_age_at_event() * * @param $string * * @return string */ public static function gedcom_age($string) { switch ($string) { case 'STILLBORN': // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (stillborn) return self::translate('(stillborn)'); case 'INFANT': // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (in infancy) return self::translate('(in infancy)'); case 'CHILD': // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (in childhood) return self::translate('(in childhood)'); } $age = array(); if (preg_match('/(\d+)y/', $string, $match)) { // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 5 years, 4 months and 3 days $years = $match[1]; $age[] = self::plural('%s year', '%s years', $years, self::number($years)); } else { $years = -1; } if (preg_match('/(\d+)m/', $string, $match)) { // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 5 years, 4 months and 3 days $age[] = self::plural('%s month', '%s months', $match[1], self::number($match[1])); } if (preg_match('/(\d+)w/', $string, $match)) { // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 7 weeks and 3 days $age[] = self::plural('%s week', '%s weeks', $match[1], self::number($match[1])); } if (preg_match('/(\d+)d/', $string, $match)) { // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 5 years, 4 months and 3 days $age[] = self::plural('%s day', '%s days', $match[1], self::number($match[1])); } // If an age is just a number of years, only show the number if (count($age) === 1 && $years >= 0) { $age = $years; } if ($age) { if (!substr_compare($string, '<', 0, 1)) { // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (aged less than 21 years) return self::translate('(aged less than %s)', $age); } elseif (!substr_compare($string, '>', 0, 1)) { // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (aged more than 21 years) return self::translate('(aged more than %s)', $age); } else { // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (aged 43 years) return self::translate('(aged %s)', $age); } } else { // Not a valid string? return self::translate('(aged %s)', $string); } } /** * Convert a number of seconds into a relative time. For example, 630 => "10 hours, 30 minutes ago" * * @param integer $seconds * * @return string */ public static function timeAgo($seconds) { $minute = 60; $hour = 60 * $minute; $day = 24 * $hour; $month = 30 * $day; $year = 365 * $day; if ($seconds > $year) { $years = (int) ($seconds / $year); return self::plural('%s year ago', '%s years ago', $years, self::number($years)); } elseif ($seconds > $month) { $months = (int) ($seconds / $month); return self::plural('%s month ago', '%s months ago', $months, self::number($months)); } elseif ($seconds > $day) { $days = (int) ($seconds / $day); return self::plural('%s day ago', '%s days ago', $days, self::number($days)); } elseif ($seconds > $hour) { $hours = (int) ($seconds / $hour); return self::plural('%s hour ago', '%s hours ago', $hours, self::number($hours)); } elseif ($seconds > $minute) { $minutes = (int) ($seconds / $minute); return self::plural('%s minute ago', '%s minutes ago', $minutes, self::number($minutes)); } else { return self::plural('%s second ago', '%s seconds ago', $seconds, self::number($seconds)); } } /** * Return the endonym for a given language - as per http://cldr.unicode.org/ * * @param string $locale * * @return string */ public static function languageName($locale) { $language_tag = str_replace(array('_', '@'), '-', $locale); if (array_key_exists($language_tag, self::$language_data)) { return self::$language_data[$language_tag][1]; } elseif (class_exists('\Locale')) { return \Locale::getDisplayName($locale, $locale); } else { return $locale; } } /** * Return the script used by a given language * * @param string $locale * * @return string */ public static function languageScript($locale) { $language_tag = str_replace(array('_', '@'), '-', $locale); if (array_key_exists($language_tag, self::$language_data)) { return self::$language_data[$language_tag][0]; } else { return 'Latn'; } } /** * Identify the script used for a piece of text * * @param $string * * @return string */ public static function textScript($string) { $string = strip_tags($string); // otherwise HTML tags show up as latin $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // otherwise HTML entities show up as latin $string = str_replace(array('@N.N.', '@P.N.'), '', $string); // otherwise unknown names show up as latin $pos = 0; $strlen = strlen($string); while ($pos < $strlen) { // get the Unicode Code Point for the character at position $pos $byte1 = ord($string[$pos]); if ($byte1 < 0x80) { $code_point = $byte1; $chrlen = 1; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xC0) { // Invalid continuation character return 'Latn'; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xE0) { $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F); $chrlen = 2; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xF0) { $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) + ((ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 2]) & 0x3F); $chrlen = 3; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xF8) { $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x07) << 24) + ((ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F) << 12) + ((ord($string[$pos + 2]) & 0x3F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 3]) & 0x3F); $chrlen = 3; } else { // Invalid UTF return 'Latn'; } foreach (self::$scripts as $range) { if ($code_point >= $range[1] && $code_point <= $range[2]) { return $range[0]; } } // Not a recognised script. Maybe punctuation, spacing, etc. Keep looking. $pos += $chrlen; } return 'Latn'; } /** * Return the direction (ltr or rtl) for a given script * * The PHP/intl library does not provde this information, so we need * our own lookup table. * * @param string $script * * @return string */ public static function scriptDirection($script) { switch ($script) { case 'Arab': case 'Hebr': case 'Mong': case 'Thaa': return 'rtl'; default: return 'ltr'; } } /** * UTF8 version of PHP::strtoupper() * * Convert a string to upper case, using the rules from the current locale * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function strtoupper($string) { if (self::$locale === 'tr' || self::$locale === 'az') { return TurkishUtf8::strtoupper($string); } else { return mb_strtoupper($string); } } /** * UTF8 version of PHP::strtolower() * * Convert a string to lower case, using the rules from the current locale * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function strtolower($string) { if (self::$locale === 'tr' || self::$locale === 'az') { return TurkishUtf8::strtolower($string); } else { return mb_strtolower($string); } } /** * UTF8 version of PHP::strcasecmp() * * Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings, using rules from the current locale * * @param string $string1 * @param string $string2 * * @return integer */ public static function strcasecmp($string1, $string2) { $strpos1 = 0; $strpos2 = 0; $strlen1 = strlen($string1); $strlen2 = strlen($string2); while ($strpos1 < $strlen1 && $strpos2 < $strlen2) { $byte1 = ord($string1[$strpos1]); $byte2 = ord($string2[$strpos2]); if (($byte1 & 0xE0) === 0xC0) { $chr1 = $string1[$strpos1++] . $string1[$strpos1++]; } elseif (($byte1 & 0xF0) === 0xE0) { $chr1 = $string1[$strpos1++] . $string1[$strpos1++] . $string1[$strpos1++]; } else { $chr1 = $string1[$strpos1++]; } if (($byte2 & 0xE0) === 0xC0) { $chr2 = $string2[$strpos2++] . $string2[$strpos2++]; } elseif (($byte2 & 0xF0) === 0xE0) { $chr2 = $string2[$strpos2++] . $string2[$strpos2++] . $string2[$strpos2++]; } else { $chr2 = $string2[$strpos2++]; } if ($chr1 === $chr2) { continue; } // Try the local alphabet first $offset1 = strpos(self::$alphabet_lower, $chr1); if ($offset1 === false) { $offset1 = strpos(self::$alphabet_upper, $chr1); } $offset2 = strpos(self::$alphabet_lower, $chr2); if ($offset2 === false) { $offset2 = strpos(self::$alphabet_upper, $chr2); } if ($offset1 !== false && $offset2 !== false) { if ($offset1 === $offset2) { continue; } else { return $offset1 - $offset2; } } // Try the global alphabet next $offset1 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_LOWER, $chr1); if ($offset1 === false) { $offset1 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_UPPER, $chr1); } $offset2 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_LOWER, $chr2); if ($offset2 === false) { $offset2 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_UPPER, $chr2); } if ($offset1 !== false && $offset2 !== false) { if ($offset1 === $offset2) { continue; } else { return $offset1 - $offset2; } } // Just compare by unicode order return strcmp($chr1, $chr2); } // Shortest string comes first. return ($strlen1 - $strpos1) - ($strlen2 - $strpos2); } /** * UTF8 version of PHP::strrev() * * Reverse RTL text for third-party libraries such as GD2 and googlechart. * * These do not support UTF8 text direction, so we must mimic it for them. * * Numbers are always rendered LTR, even in RTL text. * The visual direction of characters such as parentheses should be reversed. * * @param string $text Text to be reversed * * @return string */ public static function reverseText($text) { // Remove HTML markup - we can't display it and it is LTR. $text = Filter::unescapeHtml($text); // LTR text doesn't need reversing if (self::scriptDirection(self::textScript($text)) === 'ltr') { return $text; } // Mirrored characters $text = strtr($text, self::$mirror_characters); $reversed = ''; $digits = ''; while ($text != '') { $letter = mb_substr($text, 0, 1); $text = mb_substr($text, 1); if (strpos(self::DIGITS, $letter) !== false) { $digits .= $letter; } else { $reversed = $letter . $digits . $reversed; $digits = ''; } } return $digits . $reversed; } /** * Generate consistent I18N for datatables.js * * @param array|null $lengths An optional array of page lengths * * @return string */ public static function datatablesI18N(array $lengths = null) { if ($lengths === null) { $lengths = array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100, -1); } $length_menu = ''; foreach ($lengths as $length) { $length_menu .= ''; } $length_menu = ''; $length_menu = /* I18N: Display %s [records per page], %s is a placeholder for listbox containing numeric options */ self::translate('Display %s', $length_menu); // Which symbol is used for separating numbers into groups $symbols = Zend_Locale_Data::getList(self::$locale, 'symbols'); // Which digits are used for numbers $digits = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent(self::$locale, 'numberingsystem', self::$numbering_system); if ($digits === '0123456789') { $callback = ''; } else { $callback = ', "infoCallback": function(oSettings, iStart, iEnd, iMax, iTotal, sPre) { return sPre .replace(/0/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 0, 1) . '") .replace(/1/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 1, 1) . '") .replace(/2/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 2, 1) . '") .replace(/3/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 3, 1) . '") .replace(/4/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 4, 1) . '") .replace(/5/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 5, 1) . '") .replace(/6/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 6, 1) . '") .replace(/7/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 7, 1) . '") .replace(/8/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 8, 1) . '") .replace(/9/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 9, 1) . '"); }, "formatNumber": function(iIn) { return String(iIn) .replace(/0/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 0, 1) . '") .replace(/1/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 1, 1) . '") .replace(/2/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 2, 1) . '") .replace(/3/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 3, 1) . '") .replace(/4/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 4, 1) . '") .replace(/5/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 5, 1) . '") .replace(/6/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 6, 1) . '") .replace(/7/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 7, 1) . '") .replace(/8/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 8, 1) . '") .replace(/9/g, "'.mb_substr($digits, 9, 1) . '"); } '; } return '"language": {' . ' "paginate": {' . ' "first": "' . /* I18N: button label, first page */ self::translate('first') . '",' . ' "last": "' . /* I18N: button label, last page */ self::translate('last') . '",' . ' "next": "' . /* I18N: button label, next page */ self::translate('next') . '",' . ' "previous": "' . /* I18N: button label, previous page */ self::translate('previous') . '"' . ' },' . ' "emptyTable": "' . self::translate('No records to display') . '",' . ' "info": "' . /* I18N: %s are placeholders for numbers */ self::translate('Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s', '_START_', '_END_', '_TOTAL_') . '",' . ' "infoEmpty": "' . self::translate('Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s', 0, 0, 0) . '",' . ' "infoFiltered": "' . /* I18N: %s is a placeholder for a number */ self::translate('(filtered from %s total entries)', '_MAX_') . '",' . ' "infoPostfix": "",' . ' "infoThousands": "' . $symbols['group'] . '",' . ' "lengthMenu": "' . Filter::escapeJs($length_menu) . '",' . ' "loadingRecords": "' . self::translate('Loading…') . '",' . ' "processing": "' . self::translate('Loading…') . '",' . ' "search": "' . self::translate('Filter') . '",' . ' "url": "",' . ' "zeroRecords": "' . self::translate('No records to display') . '"' . '}' . $callback; } }