. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees; use Collator; use DomainException; use Exception; use Fisharebest\Localization\Locale; use Fisharebest\Localization\Locale\LocaleEnUs; use Fisharebest\Localization\Locale\LocaleInterface; use Fisharebest\Localization\Translation; use Fisharebest\Localization\Translator; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsEdit; /** * Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n). */ class I18N { /** @var LocaleInterface The current locale (e.g. LocaleEnGb) */ private static $locale; /** @var Translator An object that performs translation */ private static $translator; /** @var Collator|null From the php-intl library */ private static $collator; // Digits are always rendered LTR, even in RTL text. private const DIGITS = '0123456789٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹'; // These locales need special handling for the dotless letter I. private const DOTLESS_I_LOCALES = [ 'az', 'tr', ]; private const DOTLESS_I_TOLOWER = [ 'I' => 'ı', 'İ' => 'i', ]; private const DOTLESS_I_TOUPPER = [ 'ı' => 'I', 'i' => 'İ', ]; // The ranges of characters used by each script. private const SCRIPT_CHARACTER_RANGES = [ [ 'Latn', 0x0041, 0x005A, ], [ 'Latn', 0x0061, 0x007A, ], [ 'Latn', 0x0100, 0x02AF, ], [ 'Grek', 0x0370, 0x03FF, ], [ 'Cyrl', 0x0400, 0x052F, ], [ 'Hebr', 0x0590, 0x05FF, ], [ 'Arab', 0x0600, 0x06FF, ], [ 'Arab', 0x0750, 0x077F, ], [ 'Arab', 0x08A0, 0x08FF, ], [ 'Deva', 0x0900, 0x097F, ], [ 'Taml', 0x0B80, 0x0BFF, ], [ 'Sinh', 0x0D80, 0x0DFF, ], [ 'Thai', 0x0E00, 0x0E7F, ], [ 'Geor', 0x10A0, 0x10FF, ], [ 'Grek', 0x1F00, 0x1FFF, ], [ 'Deva', 0xA8E0, 0xA8FF, ], [ 'Hans', 0x3000, 0x303F, ], // Mixed CJK, not just Hans [ 'Hans', 0x3400, 0xFAFF, ], // Mixed CJK, not just Hans [ 'Hans', 0x20000, 0x2FA1F, ], // Mixed CJK, not just Hans ]; // Characters that are displayed in mirror form in RTL text. private const MIRROR_CHARACTERS = [ '(' => ')', ')' => '(', '[' => ']', ']' => '[', '{' => '}', '}' => '{', '<' => '>', '>' => '<', '‹ ' => '›', '› ' => '‹', '«' => '»', '»' => '«', '﴾ ' => '﴿', '﴿ ' => '﴾', '“ ' => '”', '” ' => '“', '‘ ' => '’', '’ ' => '‘', ]; // Default list of locales to show in the menu. private const DEFAULT_LOCALES = [ 'ar', 'bg', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en-GB', 'en-US', 'es', 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'he', 'hr', 'hu', 'is', 'it', 'ka', 'kk', 'lt', 'mr', 'nb', 'nl', 'nn', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sk', 'sv', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh-Hans', ]; /** @var string Punctuation used to separate list items, typically a comma */ public static $list_separator; /** * The prefered locales for this site, or a default list if no preference. * * @return LocaleInterface[] */ public static function activeLocales(): array { $code_list = Site::getPreference('LANGUAGES'); if ($code_list === '') { $codes = self::DEFAULT_LOCALES; } else { $codes = explode(',', $code_list); } $locales = []; foreach ($codes as $code) { if (file_exists(WT_ROOT . 'resources/lang/' . $code . '/messages.mo')) { try { $locales[] = Locale::create($code); } catch (Exception $ex) { // No such locale exists? } } } usort($locales, '\Fisharebest\Localization\Locale::compare'); return $locales; } /** * Which MySQL collation should be used for this locale? * * @return string */ public static function collation(): string { $collation = self::$locale->collation(); switch ($collation) { case 'croatian_ci': case 'german2_ci': case 'vietnamese_ci': // Only available in MySQL 5.6 return 'utf8_unicode_ci'; default: return 'utf8_' . $collation; } } /** * What format is used to display dates in the current locale? * * @return string */ public static function dateFormat(): string { /* I18N: This is the format string for full dates. See http://php.net/date for codes */ return self::$translator->translate('%j %F %Y'); } /** * Generate consistent I18N for datatables.js * * @param int[] $lengths An optional array of page lengths * * @return string */ public static function datatablesI18N(array $lengths = [ 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, -1, ]): string { $length_options = Bootstrap4::select(FunctionsEdit::numericOptions($lengths), '10'); return '"formatNumber": function(n) { return String(n).replace(/[0-9]/g, function(w) { return ("' . self::$locale->digits('0123456789') . '")[+w]; }); },' . '"language": {' . ' "paginate": {' . ' "first": "' . self::translate('first') . '",' . ' "last": "' . self::translate('last') . '",' . ' "next": "' . self::translate('next') . '",' . ' "previous": "' . self::translate('previous') . '"' . ' },' . ' "emptyTable": "' . self::translate('No records to display') . '",' . ' "info": "' . /* I18N: %s are placeholders for numbers */ self::translate('Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s', '_START_', '_END_', '_TOTAL_') . '",' . ' "infoEmpty": "' . self::translate('Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s', self::$locale->digits('0'), self::$locale->digits('0'), self::$locale->digits('0')) . '",' . ' "infoFiltered": "' . /* I18N: %s is a placeholder for a number */ self::translate('(filtered from %s total entries)', '_MAX_') . '",' . ' "lengthMenu": "' . /* I18N: %s is a number of records per page */ self::translate('Display %s', addslashes($length_options)) . '",' . ' "loadingRecords": "' . self::translate('Loading…') . '",' . ' "processing": "' . self::translate('Loading…') . '",' . ' "search": "' . self::translate('Filter') . '",' . ' "zeroRecords": "' . self::translate('No records to display') . '"' . '}'; } /** * Convert the digits 0-9 into the local script * Used for years, etc., where we do not want thousands-separators, decimals, etc. * * @param string|int $n * * @return string */ public static function digits($n): string { return self::$locale->digits((string) $n); } /** * What is the direction of the current locale * * @return string "ltr" or "rtl" */ public static function direction(): string { return self::$locale->direction(); } /** * What is the first day of the week. * * @return int Sunday=0, Monday=1, etc. */ public static function firstDay(): int { return self::$locale->territory()->firstDay(); } /** * Generate i18n markup for the tag, e.g. lang="ar" dir="rtl" * * @return string */ public static function htmlAttributes(): string { return self::$locale->htmlAttributes(); } /** * Initialise the translation adapter with a locale setting. * * @param string $code Use this locale/language code, or choose one automatically * @param Tree|null $tree * * @return string $string */ public static function init(string $code = '', Tree $tree = null): string { mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); if ($code !== '') { // Create the specified locale self::$locale = Locale::create($code); } elseif (Session::has('locale') && file_exists(WT_ROOT . 'resources/lang/' . Session::get('locale') . '/messages.mo')) { // Select a previously used locale self::$locale = Locale::create(Session::get('locale')); } else { if ($tree instanceof Tree) { $default_locale = Locale::create($tree->getPreference('LANGUAGE', 'en-US')); } else { $default_locale = new LocaleEnUs(); } // Negotiate with the browser. // Search engines don't negotiate. They get the default locale of the tree. self::$locale = Locale::httpAcceptLanguage($_SERVER, self::installedLocales(), $default_locale); } $cache_dir = WT_DATA_DIR . 'cache/'; $cache_file = $cache_dir . 'language-' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '-cache.php'; if (file_exists($cache_file)) { $filemtime = filemtime($cache_file); } else { $filemtime = 0; } // Load the translation file(s) $translation_files = [ WT_ROOT . 'resources/lang/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '/messages.mo', ]; // Rebuild files after one hour $rebuild_cache = time() > $filemtime + 3600; // Rebuild files if any translation file has been updated foreach ($translation_files as $translation_file) { if (filemtime($translation_file) > $filemtime) { $rebuild_cache = true; break; } } if ($rebuild_cache) { $translations = []; foreach ($translation_files as $translation_file) { $translation = new Translation($translation_file); $translations = array_merge($translations, $translation->asArray()); } try { File::mkdir($cache_dir); file_put_contents($cache_file, 'pluralRule()); /* I18N: This punctuation is used to separate lists of items */ self::$list_separator = self::translate(', '); // Create a collator try { if (class_exists('Collator')) { // Symfony provides a very incomplete polyfill - which cannot be used. self::$collator = new Collator(self::$locale->code()); // Ignore upper/lower case differences self::$collator->setStrength(Collator::SECONDARY); } } catch (Exception $ex) { // PHP-INTL is not installed? We'll use a fallback later. self::$collator = null; } return self::$locale->languageTag(); } /** * All locales for which a translation file exists. * * @return LocaleInterface[] */ public static function installedLocales(): array { $locales = []; foreach (glob(WT_ROOT . 'resources/lang/*/messages.mo') as $file) { try { $locales[] = Locale::create(basename($file, '.mo')); } catch (DomainException $ex) { // Not a recognised locale } } usort($locales, '\Fisharebest\Localization\Locale::compare'); return $locales; } /** * Return the endonym for a given language - as per http://cldr.unicode.org/ * * @param string $locale * * @return string */ public static function languageName(string $locale): string { return Locale::create($locale)->endonym(); } /** * Return the script used by a given language * * @param string $locale * * @return string */ public static function languageScript(string $locale): string { return Locale::create($locale)->script()->code(); } /** * Translate a number into the local representation. * e.g. 12345.67 becomes * en: 12,345.67 * fr: 12 345,67 * de: 12.345,67 * * @param float $n * @param int $precision * * @return string */ public static function number(float $n, int $precision = 0): string { return self::$locale->number(round($n, $precision)); } /** * Translate a fraction into a percentage. * e.g. 0.123 becomes * en: 12.3% * fr: 12,3 % * de: 12,3% * * @param float $n * @param int $precision * * @return string */ public static function percentage(float $n, int $precision = 0): string { return self::$locale->percent(round($n, $precision + 2)); } /** * Translate a plural string * echo self::plural('There is an error', 'There are errors', $num_errors); * echo self::plural('There is one error', 'There are %s errors', $num_errors); * echo self::plural('There is %1$s %2$s cat', 'There are %1$s %2$s cats', $num, $num, $colour); * * @param string $singular * @param string $plural * @param int $count * @param string ...$args * * @return string */ public static function plural(string $singular, string $plural, int $count, ...$args): string { $message = self::$translator->translatePlural($singular, $plural, $count); return sprintf($message, ...$args); } /** * UTF8 version of PHP::strrev() * Reverse RTL text for third-party libraries such as GD2 and googlechart. * These do not support UTF8 text direction, so we must mimic it for them. * Numbers are always rendered LTR, even in RTL text. * The visual direction of characters such as parentheses should be reversed. * * @param string $text Text to be reversed * * @return string */ public static function reverseText($text): string { // Remove HTML markup - we can't display it and it is LTR. $text = strip_tags($text); // Remove HTML entities. $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // LTR text doesn't need reversing if (self::scriptDirection(self::textScript($text)) === 'ltr') { return $text; } // Mirrored characters $text = strtr($text, self::MIRROR_CHARACTERS); $reversed = ''; $digits = ''; while ($text !== '') { $letter = mb_substr($text, 0, 1); $text = mb_substr($text, 1); if (strpos(self::DIGITS, $letter) !== false) { $digits .= $letter; } else { $reversed = $letter . $digits . $reversed; $digits = ''; } } return $digits . $reversed; } /** * Return the direction (ltr or rtl) for a given script * The PHP/intl library does not provde this information, so we need * our own lookup table. * * @param string $script * * @return string */ public static function scriptDirection($script): string { switch ($script) { case 'Arab': case 'Hebr': case 'Mong': case 'Thaa': return 'rtl'; default: return 'ltr'; } } /** * Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings. * * @param string $string1 * @param string $string2 * * @return int */ public static function strcasecmp($string1, $string2): int { if (self::$collator instanceof Collator) { return self::$collator->compare($string1, $string2); } return strcmp(self::strtolower($string1), self::strtolower($string2)); } /** * Convert a string to lower case. * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function strtolower($string): string { if (in_array(self::$locale->language()->code(), self::DOTLESS_I_LOCALES)) { $string = strtr($string, self::DOTLESS_I_TOLOWER); } return mb_strtolower($string); } /** * Convert a string to upper case. * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function strtoupper($string): string { if (in_array(self::$locale->language()->code(), self::DOTLESS_I_LOCALES)) { $string = strtr($string, self::DOTLESS_I_TOUPPER); } return mb_strtoupper($string); } /** * Identify the script used for a piece of text * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function textScript($string): string { $string = strip_tags($string); // otherwise HTML tags show up as latin $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // otherwise HTML entities show up as latin $string = str_replace([ '@N.N.', '@P.N.', ], '', $string); // otherwise unknown names show up as latin $pos = 0; $strlen = strlen($string); while ($pos < $strlen) { // get the Unicode Code Point for the character at position $pos $byte1 = ord($string[$pos]); if ($byte1 < 0x80) { $code_point = $byte1; $chrlen = 1; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xC0) { // Invalid continuation character return 'Latn'; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xE0) { $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F); $chrlen = 2; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xF0) { $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) + ((ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 2]) & 0x3F); $chrlen = 3; } elseif ($byte1 < 0xF8) { $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x07) << 24) + ((ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F) << 12) + ((ord($string[$pos + 2]) & 0x3F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 3]) & 0x3F); $chrlen = 3; } else { // Invalid UTF return 'Latn'; } foreach (self::SCRIPT_CHARACTER_RANGES as $range) { if ($code_point >= $range[1] && $code_point <= $range[2]) { return $range[0]; } } // Not a recognised script. Maybe punctuation, spacing, etc. Keep looking. $pos += $chrlen; } return 'Latn'; } /** * Convert a number of seconds into a relative time. For example, 630 => "10 hours, 30 minutes ago" * * @param int $seconds * * @return string */ public static function timeAgo($seconds): string { $minute = 60; $hour = 60 * $minute; $day = 24 * $hour; $month = 30 * $day; $year = 365 * $day; if ($seconds > $year) { $years = intdiv($seconds, $year); return self::plural('%s year ago', '%s years ago', $years, self::number($years)); } if ($seconds > $month) { $months = intdiv($seconds, $month); return self::plural('%s month ago', '%s months ago', $months, self::number($months)); } if ($seconds > $day) { $days = intdiv($seconds, $day); return self::plural('%s day ago', '%s days ago', $days, self::number($days)); } if ($seconds > $hour) { $hours = intdiv($seconds, $hour); return self::plural('%s hour ago', '%s hours ago', $hours, self::number($hours)); } if ($seconds > $minute) { $minutes = intdiv($seconds, $minute); return self::plural('%s minute ago', '%s minutes ago', $minutes, self::number($minutes)); } return self::plural('%s second ago', '%s seconds ago', $seconds, self::number($seconds)); } /** * What format is used to display dates in the current locale? * * @return string */ public static function timeFormat(): string { /* I18N: This is the format string for the time-of-day. See http://php.net/date for codes */ return self::$translator->translate('%H:%i:%s'); } /** * Translate a string, and then substitute placeholders * echo I18N::translate('Hello World!'); * echo I18N::translate('The %s sat on the mat', 'cat'); * * @param string $message * @param string ...$args * * @return string */ public static function translate(string $message, ...$args): string { $message = self::$translator->translate($message); return sprintf($message, ...$args); } /** * Context sensitive version of translate. * echo I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'January'); * echo I18N::translateContext('GENITIVE', 'January'); * * @param string $context * @param string $message * @param string ...$args * * @return string */ public static function translateContext(string $context, string $message, ...$args): string { $message = self::$translator->translateContext($context, $message); return sprintf($message, ...$args); } }