. */ namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Census; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date; /** * Definitions for a census */ class CensusOfUnitedStates1870 extends CensusOfUnitedStates implements CensusInterface { /** * When did this census occur. * * @return string */ public function censusDate() { return 'JUN 1870'; } /** * The columns of the census. * * @return CensusColumnInterface[] */ public function columns() { return array( new CensusColumnFullName($this, 'Name', 'Name'), new CensusColumnAge($this, 'Age', 'Age'), new CensusColumnSexMF($this, 'Sex', 'Sex'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Color', 'White, Black, Mulatto, Chinese, Indian'), new CensusColumnOccupation($this, 'Occupation', 'Profession, occupation, or trade'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'RE', 'Value of real estate owned'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'PE', 'Value of personal estate owned'), new CensusColumnBirthPlaceUnitedStates($this, 'Birthplace', 'Place of birth, naming the state, territory, or country'), new CensusColumnFatherForeign($this, 'FFB', 'Father of foreign birth'), new CensusColumnMotherForeign($this, 'MFB', 'Mother of foreign birth'), new CensusColumnMonthIfBornWithinYear($this, 'Born', 'If born within the year, state month'), new CensusColumnMonthIfMarriedWithinYear($this, 'Mar', 'If married within the year, state month'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Sch', 'Attended school within the year'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'R', 'Cannot read'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'W', 'Cannot write'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Infirm', 'Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Cit', 'Male citizen of US'), new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Dis', 'Male citizen of US, where right to vote is denied or abridged'), ); } }