SubDir HAIKU_TOP src tools makebootable platform bios_ia32 ; UsePrivateHeaders storage ; SEARCH_SOURCE += [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src bin makebootable platform bios_ia32 ] ; USES_BE_API on makebootable = true ; local hostPlatformSources ; if $(HOST_PLATFORM) = linux || $(HOST_PLATFORM) = freebsd { hostPlatformSources = PartitionMap.cpp PartitionMapParser.cpp ; SEARCH_SOURCE += [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src add-ons kernel partitioning_systems intel ] ; DEFINES += _USER_MODE ; } # write the stage 1 boot loader into the makebootable resources AddFileDataResource makebootable : RAWT:666:BootCode : stage1.bin ; BuildPlatformMain makebootable : makebootable.cpp $(hostPlatformSources) : $(HOST_LIBBE) ;