/* * Copyright 2003-2009, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Oliver Tappe, zooey@hirschkaefer.de * Adrien Destugues, pulkomandy@gmail.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::auto_ptr; /*! This file implements the default catalog-type for the opentracker locale kit. Alternatively, this could be used as a full add-on, but currently this is provided as part of liblocale.so. */ // several attributes/resource-IDs used within the Locale Kit: const char *kCatLangAttr = "BEOS:LOCALE_LANGUAGE"; // name of catalog language, lives in every catalog file const char *kCatSigAttr = "BEOS:LOCALE_SIGNATURE"; // catalog signature, lives in every catalog file const char *kCatFingerprintAttr = "BEOS:LOCALE_FINGERPRINT"; // catalog fingerprint, may live in catalog file const char *DefaultCatalog::kCatMimeType = "locale/x-vnd.Be.locale-catalog.default"; static int16 kCatArchiveVersion = 1; // version of the catalog archive structure, bump this if you change it! /*! Constructs a DefaultCatalog with given signature and language and reads the catalog from disk. InitCheck() will be B_OK if catalog could be loaded successfully, it will give an appropriate error-code otherwise. */ DefaultCatalog::DefaultCatalog(const char *signature, const char *language, uint32 fingerprint) : BHashMapCatalog(signature, language, fingerprint) { fInitCheck = B_NOT_SUPPORTED; fprintf(stderr, "trying to load default-catalog(sig=%s, lang=%s) results in %s", signature, language, strerror(fInitCheck)); } /*! Constructs a DefaultCatalog and reads it from the resources of the given entry-ref (which usually is an app- or add-on-file). InitCheck() will be B_OK if catalog could be loaded successfully, it will give an appropriate error-code otherwise. */ DefaultCatalog::DefaultCatalog(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef) : BHashMapCatalog("", "", 0) { fInitCheck = ReadFromResource(appOrAddOnRef); // fprintf(stderr, // "trying to load embedded catalog from resources results in %s", // strerror(fInitCheck)); } /*! Constructs an empty DefaultCatalog with given sig and language. This is used for editing/testing purposes. InitCheck() will always be B_OK. */ DefaultCatalog::DefaultCatalog(const char *path, const char *signature, const char *language) : BHashMapCatalog(signature, language, 0), fPath(path) { fInitCheck = B_OK; } DefaultCatalog::~DefaultCatalog() { } status_t DefaultCatalog::ReadFromFile(const char *path) { if (!path) path = fPath.String(); BFile catalogFile; status_t res = catalogFile.SetTo(path, B_READ_ONLY); if (res != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "no catalog at %s\n", path); return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } fPath = path; fprintf(stderr, "found catalog at %s\n", path); off_t sz = 0; res = catalogFile.GetSize(&sz); if (res != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't get size for catalog-file %s\n", path); return res; } auto_ptr buf(new(std::nothrow) char [sz]); if (buf.get() == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't allocate array of %Ld chars\n", sz); return B_NO_MEMORY; } res = catalogFile.Read(buf.get(), sz); if (res < B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't read from catalog-file %s\n", path); return res; } if (res < sz) { fprintf(stderr, "only got %u instead of %Lu bytes from catalog-file %s\n", res, sz, path); return res; } BMemoryIO memIO(buf.get(), sz); res = Unflatten(&memIO); if (res == B_OK) { // some information living in member variables needs to be copied // to attributes. Although these attributes should have been written // when creating the catalog, we make sure that they exist there: UpdateAttributes(catalogFile); } return res; } /*! This method is not currently being used, but it may be useful in the future... */ status_t DefaultCatalog::ReadFromAttribute(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef) { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } status_t DefaultCatalog::ReadFromResource(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef) { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } status_t DefaultCatalog::WriteToFile(const char *path) { BFile catalogFile; if (path) fPath = path; status_t status = catalogFile.SetTo(fPath.String(), B_WRITE_ONLY | B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE); if (status != B_OK) return status; BMallocIO mallocIO; mallocIO.SetBlockSize(max_c(fCatMap.Size() * 20, 256)); // set a largish block-size in order to avoid reallocs status = Flatten(&mallocIO); if (status != B_OK) return status; ssize_t bytesWritten = catalogFile.Write(mallocIO.Buffer(), mallocIO.BufferLength()); if (bytesWritten < 0) return bytesWritten; if (bytesWritten != (ssize_t)mallocIO.BufferLength()) return B_IO_ERROR; // set mimetype-, language- and signature-attributes: UpdateAttributes(catalogFile); return B_OK; } /*! This method is not currently being used, but it may be useful in the future... */ status_t DefaultCatalog::WriteToAttribute(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef) { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } status_t DefaultCatalog::WriteToResource(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef) { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /*! Writes mimetype, language-name and signature of catalog into the catalog-file. */ void DefaultCatalog::UpdateAttributes(BFile& catalogFile) { static const int bufSize = 256; char buf[bufSize]; uint32 temp; if (catalogFile.ReadAttr("BEOS:TYPE", B_MIME_STRING_TYPE, 0, &buf, bufSize) <= 0 || strcmp(kCatMimeType, buf) != 0) { catalogFile.WriteAttr("BEOS:TYPE", B_MIME_STRING_TYPE, 0, kCatMimeType, strlen(kCatMimeType)+1); } if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(kCatLangAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, &buf, bufSize) <= 0 || fLanguageName != buf) { catalogFile.WriteAttr(kCatLangAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, fLanguageName.String(), fLanguageName.Length()+1); } if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(kCatSigAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, &buf, bufSize) <= 0 || fSignature != buf) { catalogFile.WriteAttr(kCatSigAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, fSignature.String(), fSignature.Length()+1); } if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(kCatFingerprintAttr, B_UINT32_TYPE, 0, &temp, sizeof(uint32)) <= 0) { catalogFile.WriteAttr(kCatFingerprintAttr, B_UINT32_TYPE, 0, &fFingerprint, sizeof(uint32)); } } status_t DefaultCatalog::Flatten(BDataIO *dataIO) { UpdateFingerprint(); // make sure we have the correct fingerprint before we flatten it status_t res; BMessage archive; uint32 count = fCatMap.Size(); res = archive.AddString("class", "DefaultCatalog"); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddInt32("c:sz", count); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddInt16("c:ver", kCatArchiveVersion); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddString("c:lang", fLanguageName.String()); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddString("c:sig", fSignature.String()); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddInt32("c:fpr", fFingerprint); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.Flatten(dataIO); CatMap::Iterator iter = fCatMap.GetIterator(); CatMap::Entry entry; while (res == B_OK && iter.HasNext()) { entry = iter.Next(); archive.MakeEmpty(); res = archive.AddString("c:ostr", entry.key.fString.String()); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddString("c:ctxt", entry.key.fContext.String()); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddString("c:comt", entry.key.fComment.String()); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddInt32("c:hash", entry.key.fHashVal); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.AddString("c:tstr", entry.value.String()); if (res == B_OK) res = archive.Flatten(dataIO); } return res; } status_t DefaultCatalog::Unflatten(BDataIO *dataIO) { fCatMap.Clear(); int32 count = 0; int16 version; BMessage archiveMsg; status_t res = archiveMsg.Unflatten(dataIO); if (res == B_OK) { res = archiveMsg.FindInt16("c:ver", &version) || archiveMsg.FindInt32("c:sz", &count); } if (res == B_OK) { fLanguageName = archiveMsg.FindString("c:lang"); fSignature = archiveMsg.FindString("c:sig"); uint32 foundFingerprint = archiveMsg.FindInt32("c:fpr"); // if a specific fingerprint has been requested and the catalog does in // fact have a fingerprint, both are compared. If they mismatch, we do // not accept this catalog: if (foundFingerprint != 0 && fFingerprint != 0 && foundFingerprint != fFingerprint) { fprintf(stderr, "default-catalog(sig=%s, lang=%s) " "has mismatching fingerprint (%d instead of the requested %d)" ", so this catalog is skipped.\n", fSignature.String(), fLanguageName.String(), foundFingerprint, fFingerprint); res = B_MISMATCHED_VALUES; } else fFingerprint = foundFingerprint; } if (res == B_OK && count > 0) { CatKey key; const char *keyStr; const char *keyCtx; const char *keyCmt; const char *translated; // fCatMap.resize(count); // There is no resize method in Haiku Hash Map to prealloc space for (int i=0; res == B_OK && i < count; ++i) { res = archiveMsg.Unflatten(dataIO); if (res == B_OK) res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:ostr", &keyStr); if (res == B_OK) res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:ctxt", &keyCtx); if (res == B_OK) res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:comt", &keyCmt); if (res == B_OK) res = archiveMsg.FindInt32("c:hash", (int32*)&key.fHashVal); if (res == B_OK) res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:tstr", &translated); if (res == B_OK) { key.fString = keyStr; key.fContext = keyCtx; key.fComment = keyCmt; fCatMap.Put(key, translated); } } uint32 checkFP = ComputeFingerprint(); if (fFingerprint != checkFP) { fprintf(stderr, "default-catalog(sig=%s, lang=%s) " "has wrong fingerprint after load (%d instead of %d). " "The catalog data may be corrupted, so this catalog is " "skipped.\n", fSignature.String(), fLanguageName.String(), checkFP, fFingerprint); return B_BAD_DATA; } } return res; } BCatalogAddOn * DefaultCatalog::Instantiate(const char *signature, const char *language, uint32 fingerprint) { DefaultCatalog *catalog = new(std::nothrow) DefaultCatalog(signature, language, fingerprint); if (catalog && catalog->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete catalog; return NULL; } return catalog; } BCatalogAddOn * DefaultCatalog::InstantiateEmbedded(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef) { DefaultCatalog *catalog = new(std::nothrow) DefaultCatalog(appOrAddOnRef); if (catalog && catalog->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete catalog; return NULL; } return catalog; } BCatalogAddOn * DefaultCatalog::Create(const char *signature, const char *language) { DefaultCatalog *catalog = new(std::nothrow) DefaultCatalog("", signature, language); if (catalog && catalog->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete catalog; return NULL; } return catalog; } const uint8 DefaultCatalog::kDefaultCatalogAddOnPriority = 1; // give highest priority to our embedded catalog-add-on