#include #include #include #include #include #include #include void BTestListener::startTest( CppUnit::Test *test ) { fOkay = true; cout << test->getName() << endl; startTime = real_time_clock_usecs(); } void BTestListener::addFailure( const CppUnit::TestFailure &failure ) { fOkay = false; cout << " - "; cout << (failure.isError() ? "ERROR" : "FAILURE"); cout << " -- "; cout << (failure.thrownException() != NULL ? failure.thrownException()->what() : "(unknown error)"); cout << endl; } void BTestListener::endTest( CppUnit::Test *test ) { bigtime_t length = real_time_clock_usecs() - startTime; if (fOkay) cout << " + PASSED" << endl; // else // cout << " - FAILED" << endl; printTime(length); cout << endl; } void BTestListener::printTime(bigtime_t time) { // Print out the elapsed time all pretty and stuff: // time >= 1 minute: HH:MM:SS // 1 minute > time: XXX ms const bigtime_t oneMillisecond = 1000; const bigtime_t oneSecond = oneMillisecond*1000; const bigtime_t oneMinute = oneSecond*60; const bigtime_t oneHour = oneMinute*60; const bigtime_t oneDay = oneHour*24; if (time >= oneDay) { cout << " Your test ran for longer than an entire day. Honestly," << endl; cout << " that's 24 hours. That's a long time. Please write shorter" << endl; cout << " tests. Clock time: " << time << " microseconds." << endl; } else { cout << " Clock time: "; if (time >= oneMinute) { bool begun = true; if (begun || time >= oneHour) { begun = true; cout.width(2); cout.fill('0'); cout << time / oneHour << ":"; time %= oneHour; } if (begun || time >= oneMinute) { begun = true; cout.width(2); cout.fill('0'); cout << time / oneMinute << ":"; time %= oneMinute; } if (begun || time >= oneSecond) { begun = true; cout.width(2); cout.fill('0'); cout << time / oneSecond; time %= oneSecond; } } else { cout << time / oneMillisecond << " ms"; } cout << endl; } }