# Copyright 2009, Alexandre Deckner, alex@zappotek.com
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
from cgi import escape
# prints match to stdout
def printMatch(name, match, source):
start = match.start()
end = match.end()
startLine = source.count('\n', 0, start)
startColumn = start - source.rfind('\n', 0, start)
print name + " (line " + str(startLine + 1) + ", " + str(startColumn) \
+ "): '" + match.group().replace('\n','\\n') + "'"
def openHtml(fileList, outputFileName):
file = open(outputFileName, 'w')
Style violations
File list:
for fileName in fileList:
file.write(fileName + "
def closeHtml(outputFileName):
file = open(outputFileName, 'a')
# render in html
def renderHtml(text, highlights, sourceFileName, outputFileName):
splittedText = highlightSplit(text, highlights)
file = open(outputFileName, 'a')
" + sourceFileName + "
# insert highlight tags in a temp buffer
temp = ""
count = 0
for slice in splittedText:
if count % 2 == 0:
temp += escape(slice) + ''
temp += escape(slice) + "" + highlights[(count - 1) / 2][2] \
+ ""
count += 1
temp += "" # close the superfluous last highlight
count = 1
for line in temp.split('\n'):
file.write(str(count).rjust(4)+" ")
count += 1
file.write(' | ')
for line in temp.split('\n'):
file.write(' ' + line.replace('\r', ' ') \
+ ' ')
file.write(" |
# highlight overlap check
def highlightOverlaps(highlight1, highlight2):
#print "hl1", highlight1, "hl2", highlight2
return not(highlight2[0] > highlight1[1] or highlight1[0] > highlight2[1])
# splits the string in three parts before, between and after the highlight
def splitByHighlight(string, highlight):
return (string[:highlight[0]], string[highlight[0]:highlight[1]], \
# splits the source text on highlights boundaries so that we can escape to html
# without the need to recalculate the highlights positions
def highlightSplit(string, highlights):
splittedString = []
text = string
offset = 0
lastEnd = 0
for (start, end, name) in highlights:
if start >= lastEnd:
(before, between, after) = splitByHighlight( \
text, (start - offset, end - offset))
text = after
lastEnd = end
offset += len(before + between)
print "overlap ", (start, end, name)
return splittedString
# checkHighlights() checks for highlights overlaps
def checkHighlights(highlights):
index = 0
lastHighlight = (-2, -1, '')
# merge overlapping highlights
for highlight in highlights:
if highlightOverlaps(highlight, lastHighlight):
newStart = min(lastHighlight[0], highlight[0])
newEnd = max(lastHighlight[1], highlight[1])
newComment = lastHighlight[2]
if (newComment.find(highlight[2]) == -1):
newComment += " + " + highlight[2]
highlight = (newStart, newEnd, newComment)
highlights[index] = highlight
# mark highlight to be deleted
highlights[index - 1] = (0, 0, "")
lastHighlight = highlight
index += 1
# remove "to be deleted" highlights
return [ (start, end, comment) for (start, end, comment) in highlights \
if (start, end, comment) != (0, 0, "") ]
def cssStyle():
return """
.highlight {
background: #ffff00;
color: #000000;
.linehead {
background: #ddd;
font-size: 1px;
.highlight .linehead {
background: #ffff00;;
color: #999;
text-align: right;
font-size: 8px;
.linenumber {
background: #eee;
color: #999;
text-align: right;
td {
border-spacing: 0px;
border-width: 0px;
padding: 0px
div.code pre {
font-family: monospace;
.tooltip em {
.tooltip:hover {
border: 0;
position: relative;
z-index: 500;
.tooltip:hover em {
font-style: normal;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: -10px;
padding: 5px;
color: #000;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
background: #ffc;
width: auto;