/* ** Copyright 2004, Michael Pfeiffer (laplace@users.sourceforge.net). ** Distributed under the terms of the Haiku License. ** */ #include "ObjectList.h" #include #include #include #include "PointerListTest.h" AssertStatistics *AssertStatistics::fStatistics = NULL; AssertStatistics::AssertStatistics() { fAssertions = 0; fPassed = 0; fFailed = 0; } AssertStatistics* AssertStatistics::GetInstance() { if (fStatistics == NULL) { fStatistics = new AssertStatistics(); } return fStatistics; } void AssertStatistics::Print() { fprintf(stderr, "Assert Statistics:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Assertions: %d\n", fAssertions); fprintf(stderr, "Passed: %d\n", fPassed); fprintf(stderr, "Failed: %d\n", fFailed); } #undef assert #define assert(expr) \ if (!(expr)) {\ fprintf(stderr, "FAILED [%d] ("#expr")\n", __LINE__); \ AssertStatistics::GetInstance()->AssertFailed(); \ }\ else {\ AssertStatistics::GetInstance()->AssertPassed(); \ } int Item::Compare(const void* a, const void* b) { Item* itemA = (Item*)a; Item* itemB = (Item*)b; if (itemA == itemB) return 0; if (itemA == NULL) return -1; if (itemB == NULL) return 1; return itemA->Value() - itemB->Value(); } int Item::fNextID = 0; int Item::fInstances = 0; class PointerListTest { public: Item* CreateItem(); void Initialize(_PointerList_& list, int size); void Print(const _PointerList_& list); void MakeEmpty(_PointerList_& list); bool Equals(const _PointerList_& list1, const _PointerList_& list2); bool IsSorted(const _PointerList_& list, int32 n); bool IsSorted(const _PointerList_& list) { return IsSorted(list, list.CountItems()); } bool IsHSorted(const _PointerList_& list) { return IsSorted(list, list.CountItems()-1); } int IndexOf(const _PointerList_& list, int value); Item* ItemFor(const _PointerList_& list, int value); void CreationTest(); void OwningTest(); void SortTest(); void SortTestWithState(); void EachElementTest(); void BinarySearchTest(); void BinarySearchIndexTest(); void NullTest(); void Run(); }; #define MAX_ID 10000 #define NOT_USED_ID -1 #define NOT_USED_ID_HIGH (MAX_ID+1) // Create an Item with a random value Item* PointerListTest::CreateItem() { return new Item(rand() % (MAX_ID+1)); } // Add size number of new items to the list. void PointerListTest::Initialize(_PointerList_& list, int size) { for (int32 i = 0; i < size; i ++) { list.AddItem(CreateItem()); } } // Print the list to stderr void PointerListTest::Print(const _PointerList_& list) { const int32 n = list.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i ++) { Item* item = (Item*)list.ItemAt(i); if (i > 0) { fprintf(stderr, ", "); } if (item != NULL) { item->Print(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "NULL"); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } // delete the Items in the list void PointerListTest::MakeEmpty(_PointerList_& list) { const int32 n = list.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i ++) { Item* item = (Item*)list.ItemAt(i); if (item != NULL) { delete item; } } list.MakeEmpty(); } // contain the lists the same items or values bool PointerListTest::Equals(const _PointerList_& list1, const _PointerList_& list2) { const int32 n = list1.CountItems(); if (n != list2.CountItems()) return false; for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i ++) { Item* item1 = (Item*)list1.ItemAt(i); Item* item2 = (Item*)list2.ItemAt(i); if (item1 == item2) continue; if (item1 == NULL || !item1->Equals(item2)) return false; } return true; } // is the list sorted bool PointerListTest::IsSorted(const _PointerList_& list, int32 n) { int prevValue = -1; // item values are >= 0 for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i ++) { Item* item = (Item*)list.ItemAt(i); assert(item != NULL); int value = item->Value(); if (value < prevValue) { return false; } prevValue = value; } return true; } int PointerListTest::IndexOf(const _PointerList_& list, int value) { int n = list.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i ++) { Item* item = (Item*)list.ItemAt(i); if (item != NULL && item->Value() == value) { return i; } } return -1; } Item* PointerListTest::ItemFor(const _PointerList_& list, int value) { int32 index = IndexOf(list, value); if (index >= 0) { list.ItemAt(index); } return NULL; } void PointerListTest::CreationTest() { _PointerList_ list; int numberOfInstances = Item::GetNumberOfInstances(); assert(list.Owning() == false); assert(list.CountItems() == 0); Initialize(list, 10); assert(list.CountItems() == 10); int newInstances = Item::GetNumberOfInstances() - numberOfInstances; assert(newInstances == 10); numberOfInstances = Item::GetNumberOfInstances(); MakeEmpty(list); int deletedInstances = numberOfInstances - Item::GetNumberOfInstances(); assert(deletedInstances == 10); } void PointerListTest::OwningTest() { _PointerList_ list(10, true); assert(list.CountItems() == 0); assert(list.Owning() == true); int numberOfInstances = Item::GetNumberOfInstances(); Initialize(list, 10); assert(list.CountItems() == 10); assert(Item::GetNumberOfInstances() - numberOfInstances == 10); _PointerList_* clone = new _PointerList_(list); assert(Item::GetNumberOfInstances() - numberOfInstances == 10); assert(clone->Owning() == true); MakeEmpty(list); assert(Item::GetNumberOfInstances() - numberOfInstances == 0); delete clone; assert(Item::GetNumberOfInstances() - numberOfInstances == 0); } void PointerListTest::SortTest() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { _PointerList_ list; Initialize(list, i); _PointerList_ clone(list); assert(Equals(list, clone)); assert(clone.Owning() == false); list.SortItems(Item::Compare); assert(IsSorted(list)); int lastItem = clone.CountItems()-1; bool hasItems = clone.CountItems() > 0; Item* item = NULL; if (hasItems) { item = (Item*)clone.ItemAt(0); } // HSortItems seems to put the first item at the end of the list // and sort the rest. clone.HSortItems(Item::Compare); assert(IsHSorted(clone)); assert(!hasItems || item == (Item*)clone.ItemAt(lastItem)); MakeEmpty(list); } } static void* gData = NULL; int Compare(const void* a, const void* b, void* data) { // check data has the expected value assert(gData == data); return Item::Compare(a, b); } #define FROM 10000 #define TO 10000 void PointerListTest::SortTestWithState() { gData = (void*)0x4711; for (int i = FROM; i < (TO+1); i ++) { BStopWatch* watch = new BStopWatch("Initialize"); _PointerList_ list; Initialize(list, i); delete watch; watch = new BStopWatch("Clone"); _PointerList_ clone(list); delete watch; assert(Equals(list, clone)); assert(clone.Owning() == false); watch = new BStopWatch("SortItems"); list.SortItems(::Compare, gData); delete watch; assert(IsSorted(list)); watch = new BStopWatch("SortItems (sorted list)"); list.SortItems(::Compare, gData); delete watch; assert(IsSorted(list)); int lastItem = clone.CountItems()-1; bool hasItems = clone.CountItems() > 0; Item* item = NULL; if (hasItems) { item = (Item*)clone.ItemAt(0); } // HSortItems seems to put the first item at the end of the list // and sort the rest. watch = new BStopWatch("HSortItems"); clone.HSortItems(Compare, gData); delete watch; assert(IsHSorted(clone)); assert(!hasItems || item == (Item*)clone.ItemAt(lastItem)); watch = new BStopWatch("MakeEmpty"); MakeEmpty(list); delete watch; } } void* CopyTo(void* item, void* data) { _PointerList_* list = (_PointerList_*)data; list->AddItem(item); return NULL; } void* FirstItem(void* item, void* data) { return item; } void PointerListTest::EachElementTest() { _PointerList_ list; Initialize(list, 10); assert(list.CountItems() == 10); _PointerList_ clone; list.EachElement(CopyTo, &clone); assert(clone.CountItems() == list.CountItems()); void* item = list.EachElement(FirstItem, NULL); assert (item == list.ItemAt(0)); MakeEmpty(list); } void PointerListTest::BinarySearchTest() { _PointerList_ list; Initialize(list, 10); list.SortItems(Item::Compare); assert(IsSorted(list)); gData = (void*)0x4711; Item notInListLow(NOT_USED_ID); Item notInListHigh(NOT_USED_ID_HIGH); for (int32 i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { Item* item = (Item*)list.ItemAt(i); assert(item != NULL); Item* found = (Item*)list.BinarySearch(item, Item::Compare); assert(item->Equals(found)); found = (Item*)list.BinarySearch(item, ::Compare, gData); assert(item->Equals(found)); found = (Item*)list.BinarySearch(¬InListLow, Item::Compare); assert(found == NULL); found = (Item*)list.BinarySearch(¬InListLow, ::Compare, gData); assert(found == NULL); found = (Item*)list.BinarySearch(¬InListHigh, Item::Compare); assert(found == NULL); found = (Item*)list.BinarySearch(¬InListHigh, ::Compare, gData); assert(found == NULL); } MakeEmpty(list); } class Value { public: Value(int value) : value(value) {}; int value; }; static int ValuePredicate(const void* _item, void* _value) { Item* item = (Item*)_item; Value* value = (Value*)_value; return item->Value() - value->value; } void PointerListTest::BinarySearchIndexTest() { _PointerList_ list; Initialize(list, 10); list.SortItems(Item::Compare); assert(IsSorted(list)); Item notInListLow(NOT_USED_ID); Item notInListHigh(NOT_USED_ID_HIGH); gData = (void*)0x4711; for (int32 i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { Item* item = (Item*)list.ItemAt(i); assert(item != NULL); Value value(item->Value()); int index = IndexOf(list, item->Value()); int searchIndex; searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndex(item, Item::Compare); assert(index == searchIndex); searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndex(item, ::Compare, gData); assert(index == searchIndex); searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndexByPredicate(&value, ValuePredicate); assert(index == searchIndex); // notInListLow searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndex(¬InListLow, Item::Compare); assert(searchIndex == -1); searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndex(¬InListLow, ::Compare, gData); assert(searchIndex == -1); value.value = notInListLow.Value(); searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndexByPredicate(&value, ValuePredicate); assert(searchIndex == -1); // notInListHigh searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndex(¬InListHigh, Item::Compare); assert(searchIndex == -(list.CountItems()+1)); searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndex(¬InListHigh, ::Compare, gData); assert(searchIndex == -(list.CountItems()+1)); value.value = notInListHigh.Value(); searchIndex = list.BinarySearchIndexByPredicate(&value, ValuePredicate); assert(searchIndex == -(list.CountItems()+1)); } MakeEmpty(list); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { list.AddItem(new Item(2 * i)); } Item notInList(3); assert(IndexOf(list, 3) == -1); int index = list.BinarySearchIndex(¬InList, Item::Compare); assert (index == -3); index = list.BinarySearchIndex(¬InList, ::Compare, gData); assert (index == -3); Value value(notInList.Value()); index = list.BinarySearchIndexByPredicate(&value, ValuePredicate); assert (index == -3); MakeEmpty(list); } void PointerListTest::NullTest() { _PointerList_ list; Initialize(list, 10); // R5 crashes // list.EachElement(NULL, NULL); // list.SortItems(NULL); // list.SortItems(NULL, NULL); // list.HSortItems(NULL); // list.HSortItems(NULL, NULL); // list.BinarySearch(NULL, NULL); // list.BinarySearch(NULL, NULL, NULL); // list.BinarySearchIndex(NULL, NULL); // list.BinarySearchIndex(NULL, NULL, NULL); // list.BinarySearchIndexByPredicate(NULL, NULL); assert(!list.ReplaceItem(-1, NULL)); assert(!list.ReplaceItem(100, NULL)); } void PointerListTest::Run() { CreationTest(); OwningTest(); SortTest(); SortTestWithState(); EachElementTest(); BinarySearchTest(); BinarySearchIndexTest(); NullTest(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // initialize srand with constant to get reproducable results srand(0); PointerListTest test; test.Run(); AssertStatistics::GetInstance()->Print(); }