// NodeTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include // For struct attr_info #include #include #include // For struct stat #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "NodeTest.h" // == for attr_info static inline bool operator==(const attr_info &info1, const attr_info &info2) { return (info1.type == info2.type && info1.size == info2.size); } // Suite CppUnit::Test* NodeTest::Suite() { CppUnit::TestSuite *suite = new CppUnit::TestSuite(); StatableTest::AddBaseClassTests("BNode::", suite); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Init Test1", &NodeTest::InitTest1) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Init Test2", &NodeTest::InitTest2) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Attribute Directory Test", &NodeTest::AttrDirTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Attribute Read/Write/Remove Test", &NodeTest::AttrTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Attribute Rename Test" #if TEST_R5 " (NOTE: test not actually performed with R5 libraries)" #endif , &NodeTest::AttrRenameTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Attribute Info Test", &NodeTest::AttrInfoTest) ); // TODO: AttrBString deadlocks entire OS (UnitTester at 100% CPU, // windows don't respond to actions, won't open, OS won't even shut down) //suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Attribute BString Test", &NodeTest::AttrBStringTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Sync Test", &NodeTest::SyncTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Dup Test", &NodeTest::DupTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Equality Test", &NodeTest::EqualityTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Assignment Test", &NodeTest::AssignmentTest) ); suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller("BNode::Lock Test" , &NodeTest::LockTest) ); return suite; } // ConvertTestNodesToStatables static void ConvertTestStatablesToNodes(TestNodes& testNodes, TestStatables& testStatables) { BNode *node; string entryName; for (testNodes.rewind(); testNodes.getNext(node, entryName); ) testStatables.add(node, entryName); testNodes.clear(); // avoid deletion } // CreateROStatables void NodeTest::CreateROStatables(TestStatables& testEntries) { TestNodes testNodes; CreateRONodes(testNodes); ConvertTestStatablesToNodes(testNodes, testEntries); } // CreateRWStatables void NodeTest::CreateRWStatables(TestStatables& testEntries) { TestNodes testNodes; CreateRWNodes(testNodes); ConvertTestStatablesToNodes(testNodes, testEntries); } // CreateUninitializedStatables void NodeTest::CreateUninitializedStatables(TestStatables& testEntries) { TestNodes testNodes; CreateUninitializedNodes(testNodes); ConvertTestStatablesToNodes(testNodes, testEntries); } // CreateRONodes void NodeTest::CreateRONodes(TestNodes& testEntries) { const char *filename; filename = "/tmp"; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = "/"; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = "/boot"; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = "/boot/home"; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = "/boot/home/Desktop"; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = existingFilename; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = dirLinkname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = fileLinkname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); } // CreateRWNodes void NodeTest::CreateRWNodes(TestNodes& testEntries) { const char *filename; filename = existingFilename; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = existingDirname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = existingSubDirname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = dirLinkname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = fileLinkname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = relDirLinkname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = relFileLinkname; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); filename = cyclicLinkname1; testEntries.add(new BNode(filename), filename); } // CreateUninitializedNodes void NodeTest::CreateUninitializedNodes(TestNodes& testEntries) { testEntries.add(new BNode, ""); } // setUp void NodeTest::setUp() { StatableTest::setUp(); execCommand( string("touch ") + existingFilename + "; mkdir " + existingDirname + "; mkdir " + existingSubDirname + "; ln -s " + existingDirname + " " + dirLinkname + "; ln -s " + existingFilename + " " + fileLinkname + "; ln -s " + existingRelDirname + " " + relDirLinkname + "; ln -s " + existingRelFilename + " " + relFileLinkname + "; ln -s " + nonExistingDirname + " " + badLinkname + "; ln -s " + cyclicLinkname1 + " " + cyclicLinkname2 + "; ln -s " + cyclicLinkname2 + " " + cyclicLinkname1 ); } // tearDown void NodeTest::tearDown() { StatableTest::tearDown(); // cleanup string cmdLine("rm -rf "); for (int32 i = 0; i < allFilenameCount; i++) cmdLine += string(" ") + allFilenames[i]; if (allFilenameCount > 0) execCommand(cmdLine); } // InitTest1 void NodeTest::InitTest1() { const char *dirLink = dirLinkname; const char *dirSuperLink = dirSuperLinkname; const char *dirRelLink = dirRelLinkname; const char *fileLink = fileLinkname; const char *existingDir = existingDirname; const char *existingSuperDir = existingSuperDirname; const char *existingRelDir = existingRelDirname; const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existingSuperFile = existingSuperFilename; const char *existingRelFile = existingRelFilename; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; const char *nonExistingSuper = nonExistingSuperDirname; const char *nonExistingRel = nonExistingRelDirname; // 1. default constructor NextSubTest(); { BNode node; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); } // 2. BNode(const char*) NextSubTest(); { BNode node(fileLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node((const char *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NO_INIT) ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node(existingDir); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node(tooLongEntryname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); } // 3. BNode(const BEntry*) NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(dirLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node((BEntry *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry; BNode node(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existingDir); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(tooLongEntryname); // R5 returns E2BIG instead of B_NAME_TOO_LONG CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(entry.InitCheck(), E2BIG, B_NAME_TOO_LONG) ); BNode node(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); } // 4. BNode(const entry_ref*) NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(dirLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); BNode node(&ref); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); BNode node(&ref); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node((entry_ref *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); BNode node(&ref); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existingDir); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); BNode node(&ref); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } // 5. BNode(const BDirectory*, const char*) NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(dirSuperLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, dirRelLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(dirSuperLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, dirLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(nonExistingSuper); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, nonExistingRel); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node((BDirectory *)NULL, (const char *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BNode node((BDirectory *)NULL, dirLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(dirSuperLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, (const char *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(dirSuperLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, ""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(existingSuperFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, existingRelFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(existingSuperDir); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, existingRelDir); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(tooLongSuperEntryname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, tooLongRelEntryname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(fileSuperDirname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BNode node(&pathDir, fileRelDirname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } } // InitTest2 void NodeTest::InitTest2() { const char *dirLink = dirLinkname; const char *dirSuperLink = dirSuperLinkname; const char *dirRelLink = dirRelLinkname; const char *fileLink = fileLinkname; const char *existingDir = existingDirname; const char *existingSuperDir = existingSuperDirname; const char *existingRelDir = existingRelDirname; const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existingSuperFile = existingSuperFilename; const char *existingRelFile = existingRelFilename; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; const char *nonExistingSuper = nonExistingSuperDirname; const char *nonExistingRel = nonExistingRelDirname; BNode node; // 2. BNode(const char*) NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(fileLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.SetTo((const char *)NULL), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NO_INIT) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NO_INIT) ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo("") == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(existingDir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(tooLongEntryname) == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); // 3. BNode(const BEntry*) NextSubTest(); BEntry entry(dirLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&entry) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo((BEntry *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); // NextSubTest(); entry.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.SetTo(&entry), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingDir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); // R5 returns E2BIG instead of B_NAME_TOO_LONG CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(entry.SetTo(tooLongEntryname), E2BIG, B_NAME_TOO_LONG) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.SetTo(&entry), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); // 4. BNode(const entry_ref*) NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&ref) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo((entry_ref *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingDir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // 5. BNode(const BDirectory*, const char*) NextSubTest(); BDirectory pathDir(dirSuperLink); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, dirRelLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(dirSuperLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, dirLink) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(nonExistingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, nonExistingRel) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo((BDirectory *)NULL, (const char *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo((BDirectory *)NULL, dirLink) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(dirSuperLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, (const char *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(dirSuperLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, "") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, existingRelFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(existingSuperDir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, existingRelDir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(tooLongSuperEntryname) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, tooLongRelEntryname) == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.SetTo(fileSuperDirname) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(&pathDir, fileRelDirname) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } // WriteAttributes static void WriteAttributes(BNode &node, const char **attrNames, const char **attrValues, int32 attrCount) { for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; const char *attrValue = attrValues[i]; int32 valueSize = strlen(attrValue) + 1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttr(attrName, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, attrValue, valueSize) == valueSize ); } } // AttrDirTest void NodeTest::AttrDirTest(BNode &node) { // node should not have any attributes at the beginning char nameBuffer[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH]; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNextAttrName(nameBuffer) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // add some const char *attrNames[] = { "attr1", "attr2", "attr3", "attr4", "attr5" }; const char *attrValues[] = { "value1", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5" }; int32 attrCount = sizeof(attrNames) / sizeof(const char *); WriteAttributes(node, attrNames, attrValues, attrCount); TestSet testSet; for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) testSet.add(attrNames[i]); // get all attribute names // R5: We have to rewind, we wouldn't get any attribute otherwise. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RewindAttrs() == B_OK ); while (node.GetNextAttrName(nameBuffer) == B_OK) CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(nameBuffer) == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.testDone() == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNextAttrName(nameBuffer) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // rewind, get one attribute, rewind again and iterate through the whole // list again CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RewindAttrs() == B_OK ); testSet.rewind(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNextAttrName(nameBuffer) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(nameBuffer) == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RewindAttrs() == B_OK ); testSet.rewind(); while (node.GetNextAttrName(nameBuffer) == B_OK) CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(nameBuffer) == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.testDone() == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNextAttrName(nameBuffer) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // bad args CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RewindAttrs() == B_OK ); testSet.rewind(); // R5: crashs, if passing a NULL buffer #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNextAttrName(NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif } // AttrDirTest void NodeTest::AttrDirTest() { // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { char nameBuffer[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH]; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->RewindAttrs() != B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->GetNextAttrName(nameBuffer) != B_OK ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { AttrDirTest(*node); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // AttrTest void NodeTest::AttrTest(BNode &node) { // add some attributes const char *attrNames[] = { "attr1", "attr2", "attr3", "attr4", "attr5" }; const char *attrValues[] = { "value1", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5" }; const char *newAttrValues[] = { "fd", "kkgkjsdhfgkjhsd", "lihuhuh", "", "alkfgnakdfjgn" }; int32 attrCount = sizeof(attrNames) / sizeof(const char *); WriteAttributes(node, attrNames, attrValues, attrCount); char buffer[1024]; // read and check them for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; const char *attrValue = attrValues[i]; int32 valueSize = strlen(attrValue) + 1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttr(attrName, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == valueSize ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(buffer, attrValue) == 0 ); } // write a new value for each attribute WriteAttributes(node, attrNames, newAttrValues, attrCount); // read and check them for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; const char *attrValue = newAttrValues[i]; int32 valueSize = strlen(attrValue) + 1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttr(attrName, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == valueSize ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(buffer, attrValue) == 0 ); } // bad args CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.ReadAttr(NULL, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.ReadAttr(attrNames[0], B_STRING_TYPE, 0, NULL, sizeof(buffer)), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.ReadAttr(NULL, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, NULL, sizeof(buffer)), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.WriteAttr(NULL, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.WriteAttr(attrNames[0], B_STRING_TYPE, 0, NULL, sizeof(buffer)), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.WriteAttr(NULL, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, NULL, sizeof(buffer)), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.RemoveAttr(NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); // too long attribute name // R5: Read/RemoveAttr() do not return B_NAME_TOO_LONG, but B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND // R5: WriteAttr() does not return B_NAME_TOO_LONG, but B_BAD_VALUE // R5: Haiku has a max attribute size of 256, while R5's was 255, exclusive // of the null terminator. See changeset 4069e1f30. char tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 3]; memset(tooLongAttrName, 'a', B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 1); tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 2] = '\0'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( node.WriteAttr(tooLongAttrName, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), B_NAME_TOO_LONG); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( node.ReadAttr(tooLongAttrName, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), B_NAME_TOO_LONG); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(node.RemoveAttr(tooLongAttrName), B_NAME_TOO_LONG); // remove the attributes and try to read them for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RemoveAttr(attrName) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttr(attrName, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } // try to remove a non-existing attribute CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RemoveAttr("non existing attribute") == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } // AttrTest void NodeTest::AttrTest() { // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { char buffer[1024]; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->ReadAttr("attr1", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->WriteAttr("attr1", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->RemoveAttr("attr1") == B_FILE_ERROR ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { AttrTest(*node); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // AttrRenameTest void NodeTest::AttrRenameTest(BNode &node) { const char attr1[] = "StorageKit::SomeAttribute"; const char attr2[] = "StorageKit::AnotherAttribute"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo("./") == B_OK ); // Test the case of the first attribute not existing node.RemoveAttr(attr1); #if 1 // The actual tests in the else block below are disabled because as of // right now, BFS doesn't support attribute rename. bfs_rename_attr() // always reutrns B_NOT_SUPPORTED, which means BNode::RenameAttr() will // also always return that result. // // So until that is implemented, we'll just test for B_NOT_SUPPORTED here. // Once that functionality is implemented, this test will pass and someone // can remove this section. CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(node.RenameAttr(attr1, attr2), B_NOT_SUPPORTED); #else const char str[] = "This is my testing string and it rules your world."; const int strLen = strlen(str) + 1; const int dataLen = 1024; char data[dataLen]; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RenameAttr(attr1, attr2) == B_BAD_VALUE ); // Write an attribute, read it to verify it, rename it, read the // new attribute, read the old (which fails), and then remove the new. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttr(attr1, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, str, strLen) == strLen ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttr(attr1, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, data, dataLen) == strLen ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(data, str) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RenameAttr(attr1, attr2) == B_OK ); // <<< This fails with R5::BNode CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttr(attr1, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, data, dataLen) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttr(attr2, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, data, dataLen) == strLen ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(data, str) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RemoveAttr(attr2) == B_OK ); // bad args CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.RenameAttr(attr1, NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.RenameAttr(NULL, attr2), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.RenameAttr(NULL, NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); // too long attribute name // R5: RenameAttr() returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NAME_TOO_LONG char tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 2]; memset(tooLongAttrName, 'a', B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH); tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = '\0'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RenameAttr(attr1, tooLongAttrName) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RenameAttr(tooLongAttrName, attr1) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif } // AttrRenameTest void NodeTest::AttrRenameTest() { // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->RenameAttr("attr1", "attr2") == B_FILE_ERROR ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { AttrRenameTest(*node); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // AttrInfoTest void NodeTest::AttrInfoTest(BNode &node) { // add some attributes const char *attrNames[] = { "attr1", "attr2", "attr3", "attr4", "attr5" }; const int32 attrCount = sizeof(attrNames) / sizeof(const char*); const char attrValue1[] = "This is the greatest string ever."; int32 attrValue2 = 17; uint64 attrValue3 = 42; double attrValue4 = 435.5; struct flat_entry_ref { dev_t device; ino_t directory; char name[256]; } attrValue5 = { 9, 16, "Hello world!" }; const void *attrValues[] = { attrValue1, &attrValue2, &attrValue3, &attrValue4, &attrValue5 }; attr_info attrInfos[] = { { B_STRING_TYPE, sizeof(attrValue1) }, { B_INT32_TYPE, sizeof(attrValue2) }, { B_UINT64_TYPE, sizeof(attrValue3) }, { B_DOUBLE_TYPE, sizeof(attrValue4) }, { B_REF_TYPE, sizeof(attrValue5) } }; for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; const void *attrValue = attrValues[i]; int32 valueSize = attrInfos[i].size; uint32 attrType = attrInfos[i].type; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttr(attrName, attrType, 0, attrValue, valueSize) == valueSize ); } // get the attribute infos for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; attr_info info; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetAttrInfo(attrName, &info) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( info == attrInfos[i] ); } // try get an info for a non-existing attribute attr_info info; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetAttrInfo("non-existing attribute", &info) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // bad values CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.GetAttrInfo(NULL, &info), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.GetAttrInfo(attrNames[0], NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.GetAttrInfo(NULL, NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); // too long attribute name // R5: GetAttrInfo() does not return B_NAME_TOO_LONG char tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 2]; memset(tooLongAttrName, 'a', B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH); tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = '\0'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetAttrInfo(tooLongAttrName, &info) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } // AttrInfoTest void NodeTest::AttrInfoTest() { // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { attr_info info; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->GetAttrInfo("attr1", &info) == B_FILE_ERROR ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { AttrInfoTest(*node); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // AttrBStringTest void NodeTest::AttrBStringTest(BNode &node) { // add some attributes const char *attrNames[] = { "attr1", "attr2", "attr3", "attr4", "attr5" }; const char *attrValues[] = { "value1", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5" }; const char *newAttrValues[] = { "fd", "kkgkjsdhfgkjhsd", "lihuhuh", "", "alkfgnakdfjgn" }; int32 attrCount = sizeof(attrNames) / sizeof(const char *); for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; BString attrValue(attrValues[i]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttrString(attrName, &attrValue) == B_OK ); } // read and check them for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; const char *attrValue = attrValues[i]; BString readValue; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttrString(attrName, &readValue) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( readValue == attrValue ); } // write a new value for each attribute for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; BString attrValue(newAttrValues[i]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttrString(attrName, &attrValue) == B_OK ); } // read and check them for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; const char *attrValue = newAttrValues[i]; BString readValue; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttrString(attrName, &readValue) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( readValue == attrValue ); } // bad args BString readValue; BString writeValue("test"); // R5: crashes, if supplying a NULL BString #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttrString(attrNames[0], NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttrString(attrNames[0], NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.WriteAttrString(NULL, &writeValue), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.ReadAttrString(NULL, &readValue), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttrString(NULL, NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(node.ReadAttrString(NULL, NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); // remove the attributes and try to read them for (int32 i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { const char *attrName = attrNames[i]; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.RemoveAttr(attrName) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttrString(attrName, &readValue) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } // too long attribute name // R5: Read/WriteAttrString() do not return B_NAME_TOO_LONG char tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 2]; memset(tooLongAttrName, 'a', B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH); tooLongAttrName[B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = '\0'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.WriteAttrString(tooLongAttrName, &writeValue) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.ReadAttrString(tooLongAttrName, &readValue) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } // AttrBStringTest void NodeTest::AttrBStringTest() { // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { BString value("test"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->WriteAttrString("attr1", &value) == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->ReadAttrString("attr1", &value) == B_FILE_ERROR ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { AttrBStringTest(*node); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // This doesn't actually verify synching is occuring; just // checks for a B_OK return value. void NodeTest::SyncTest() { const char attr[] = "StorageKit::SomeAttribute"; const char str[] = "This string rules your world."; const int len = strlen(str) + 1; // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->Sync() == B_FILE_ERROR ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->WriteAttr(attr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, str, len) == len ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->Sync() == B_OK ); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // DupTest void NodeTest::DupTest(BNode &node) { int fd = node.Dup(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fd != -1 ); ::close(fd); } // DupTest void NodeTest::DupTest() { // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->Dup() == -1 ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { DupTest(*node); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // n1 and n2 should both be uninitialized. y1a and y1b should be initialized // to the same node, y2 should be initialized to a different node void NodeTest::EqualityTest(BNode &n1, BNode &n2, BNode &y1a, BNode &y1b, BNode &y2) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( n1 == n2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !(n1 != n2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( n1 != y2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !(n1 == y2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( y1a != n2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !(y1a == n2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( y1a == y1b ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !(y1a != y1b) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( y1a != y2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !(y1a == y2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( n1 == n1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !(n1 != n1) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( y2 == y2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !(y2 != y2) ); } // EqualityTest void NodeTest::EqualityTest() { BNode n1, n2, y1a("/boot"), y1b("/boot"), y2("/"); EqualityTest(n1, n2, y1a, y1b, y2); } // AssignmentTest void NodeTest::AssignmentTest() { BNode n1, n2, y1a("/boot"), y1b("/boot"), y2("/"); n1 = n1; // self n y1a = y1b; // psuedo self y y1a = y1a; // self y n2 = y2; // n = y y1b = n1; // y = n y2 = y1a; // y1 = y2 EqualityTest(n1, y1b, y1a, y2, n2); } // Locking isn't really implemented yet... void NodeTest::LockTest(BNode &node, const char *entryName) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.Lock() == B_OK ); BNode node2(entryName); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node2.InitCheck() == B_BUSY ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.Unlock() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.Unlock() == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node2.SetTo(entryName) == B_OK ); // R5: Since two file descriptors exist at this point, locking is supposed // to fail according to the BeBook, but it succeeds! CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node2.Lock() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.Lock() == B_BUSY ); // CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node2.Unlock() == B_OK ); } // Locking isn't really implemented yet... void NodeTest::LockTest() { // uninitialized objects NextSubTest(); TestNodes testEntries; CreateUninitializedNodes(testEntries); BNode *node; string nodeName; for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node->Dup() == -1 ); } testEntries.delete_all(); // existing entries NextSubTest(); CreateRWNodes(testEntries); for (testEntries.rewind(); testEntries.getNext(node, nodeName); ) { LockTest(*node, nodeName.c_str()); } testEntries.delete_all(); } // entry names used in tests const char *NodeTest::existingFilename = "/tmp/existing-file"; const char *NodeTest::existingSuperFilename = "/tmp"; const char *NodeTest::existingRelFilename = "existing-file"; const char *NodeTest::existingDirname = "/tmp/existing-dir"; const char *NodeTest::existingSuperDirname = "/tmp"; const char *NodeTest::existingRelDirname = "existing-dir"; const char *NodeTest::existingSubDirname = "/tmp/existing-dir/existing-subdir"; const char *NodeTest::existingRelSubDirname = "existing-subdir"; const char *NodeTest::nonExistingFilename = "/tmp/non-existing-file"; const char *NodeTest::nonExistingDirname = "/tmp/non-existing-dir"; const char *NodeTest::nonExistingSuperDirname = "/tmp"; const char *NodeTest::nonExistingRelDirname = "non-existing-dir"; const char *NodeTest::testFilename1 = "/tmp/test-file1"; const char *NodeTest::testDirname1 = "/tmp/test-dir1"; const char *NodeTest::tooLongEntryname = "/tmp/This is an awfully long name for an entry. It is that kind of entry " "that just can't exist due to its long name. In fact its path name is not " "too long -- a path name can contain 1024 characters -- but the name of " "the entry itself is restricted to 256 characters, which this entry's " "name does exceed."; const char *NodeTest::tooLongSuperEntryname = "/tmp"; const char *NodeTest::tooLongRelEntryname = "This is an awfully long name for an entry. It is that kind of entry " "that just can't exist due to its long name. In fact its path name is not " "too long -- a path name can contain 1024 characters -- but the name of " "the entry itself is restricted to 256 characters, which this entry's " "name does exceed."; const char *NodeTest::fileDirname = "/tmp/test-file1/some-dir"; const char *NodeTest::fileSuperDirname = "/tmp"; const char *NodeTest::fileRelDirname = "test-file1/some-dir"; const char *NodeTest::dirLinkname = "/tmp/link-to-dir1"; const char *NodeTest::dirSuperLinkname = "/tmp"; const char *NodeTest::dirRelLinkname = "link-to-dir1"; const char *NodeTest::fileLinkname = "/tmp/link-to-file1"; const char *NodeTest::fileSuperLinkname = "/tmp"; const char *NodeTest::fileRelLinkname = "link-to-file1"; const char *NodeTest::relDirLinkname = "/tmp/rel-link-to-dir1"; const char *NodeTest::relFileLinkname = "/tmp/rel-link-to-file1"; const char *NodeTest::badLinkname = "/tmp/link-to-void"; const char *NodeTest::cyclicLinkname1 = "/tmp/cyclic-link1"; const char *NodeTest::cyclicLinkname2 = "/tmp/cyclic-link2"; const char *NodeTest::allFilenames[] = { existingFilename, existingDirname, nonExistingFilename, nonExistingDirname, testFilename1, testDirname1, dirLinkname, fileLinkname, relDirLinkname, relFileLinkname, badLinkname, cyclicLinkname1, cyclicLinkname2, }; const int32 NodeTest::allFilenameCount = sizeof(allFilenames) / sizeof(const char*);