// DirectoryTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DirectoryTest.h" // Suite DirectoryTest::Test* DirectoryTest::Suite() { CppUnit::TestSuite *suite = new CppUnit::TestSuite(); typedef CppUnit::TestCaller TC; NodeTest::AddBaseClassTests("BDirectory::", suite); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::Init Test 1", &DirectoryTest::InitTest1) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::Init Test 2", &DirectoryTest::InitTest2) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::GetEntry Test", &DirectoryTest::GetEntryTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::IsRoot Test", &DirectoryTest::IsRootTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::FindEntry Test", &DirectoryTest::FindEntryTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::Contains Test", &DirectoryTest::ContainsTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::GetStatFor Test", &DirectoryTest::GetStatForTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::EntryIteration Test", &DirectoryTest::EntryIterationTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::Creation Test", &DirectoryTest::EntryCreationTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::Assignment Test", &DirectoryTest::AssignmentTest) ); suite->addTest( new TC("BDirectory::CreateDirectory Test", &DirectoryTest::CreateDirectoryTest) ); return suite; } // CreateRONodes void DirectoryTest::CreateRONodes(TestNodes& testEntries) { testEntries.clear(); const char *filename; filename = "/"; testEntries.add(new BDirectory(filename), filename); filename = "/boot"; testEntries.add(new BDirectory(filename), filename); filename = "/boot/home"; testEntries.add(new BDirectory(filename), filename); filename = existingDirname; testEntries.add(new BDirectory(filename), filename); } // CreateRWNodes void DirectoryTest::CreateRWNodes(TestNodes& testEntries) { testEntries.clear(); const char *filename; filename = existingDirname; testEntries.add(new BDirectory(filename), filename); filename = existingSubDirname; testEntries.add(new BDirectory(filename), filename); } // CreateUninitializedNodes void DirectoryTest::CreateUninitializedNodes(TestNodes& testEntries) { testEntries.clear(); testEntries.add(new BDirectory, ""); } // setUp void DirectoryTest::setUp() { NodeTest::setUp(); } // tearDown void DirectoryTest::tearDown() { NodeTest::tearDown(); } // InitTest1 void DirectoryTest::InitTest1() { const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existingSuperFile = existingSuperFilename; const char *existingRelFile = existingRelFilename; const char *existing = existingDirname; const char *existingSub = existingSubDirname; const char *existingRelSub = existingRelSubDirname; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; const char *nonExistingSuper = nonExistingSuperDirname; const char *nonExistingRel = nonExistingRelDirname; // 1. default constructor NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); } // 2. BDirectory(const char*) NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir((const char *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(""); // R5 returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_BAD_VALUE. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(existingFile); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(tooLongEntryname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(fileDirname); // R5 returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } // 3. BDirectory(const BEntry*) NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir((BEntry *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry; BDirectory dir(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&entry); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(tooLongEntryname); // R5 returns E2BIG instead of B_NAME_TOO_LONG CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(entry.InitCheck(), E2BIG, B_NAME_TOO_LONG) ); BDirectory dir(&entry); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); } // 4. BDirectory(const entry_ref*) NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&ref); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&ref); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir((entry_ref *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BEntry entry(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&ref); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } // 5. BDirectory(const node_ref*) NextSubTest(); { BNode node(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); node_ref nref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNodeRef(&nref) == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&nref); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL node_ref. #if !TEST_R5 NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir((node_ref *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } #endif NextSubTest(); { BNode node(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); node_ref nref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNodeRef(&nref) == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&nref); // R5: returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. // OBOS: returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) ); } // 6. BDirectory(const BDirectory*, const char*) NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, existingRelSub); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, existingSub); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(nonExistingSuper); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, nonExistingRel); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir((BDirectory *)NULL, (const char *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir((BDirectory *)NULL, existingSub); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, (const char *)NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, ""); // This does not fail in R5, but inits the object to pathDir. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(existingSuperFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, existingRelFile); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(tooLongSuperEntryname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, tooLongRelEntryname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory pathDir(fileSuperDirname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir(&pathDir, fileRelDirname); // R5 returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); } } // InitTest2 void DirectoryTest::InitTest2() { const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existingSuperFile = existingSuperFilename; const char *existingRelFile = existingRelFilename; const char *existing = existingDirname; const char *existingSub = existingSubDirname; const char *existingRelSub = existingRelSubDirname; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; const char *nonExistingSuper = nonExistingSuperDirname; const char *nonExistingRel = nonExistingRelDirname; BDirectory dir; // 2. SetTo(const char*) NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo((const char *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); // R5 returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_BAD_VALUE. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("") == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingFile) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(tooLongEntryname) == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); // R5 returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(fileDirname) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); // 3. BDirectory(const BEntry*) NextSubTest(); BEntry entry(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); entry.SetTo(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&entry) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo((BEntry *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); entry.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.SetTo(&entry), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); entry.SetTo(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&entry) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); entry.SetTo(tooLongEntryname); // R5 returns E2BIG instead of B_NAME_TOO_LONG CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(entry.InitCheck(), E2BIG, B_NAME_TOO_LONG) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.SetTo(&entry), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.InitCheck(), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); dir.Unset(); // 4. BDirectory(const entry_ref*) NextSubTest(); entry.SetTo(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); entry.SetTo(nonExisting); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&ref) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo((entry_ref *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); entry.SetTo(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK ); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&ref) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // 5. BDirectory(const node_ref*) NextSubTest(); BNode node(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.InitCheck() == B_OK ); node_ref nref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNodeRef(&nref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&nref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); // // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL node_ref. #if !TEST_R5 NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo((node_ref *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); #endif // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( node.GetNodeRef(&nref) == B_OK ); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. // OBOS: returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.SetTo(&nref), B_BAD_VALUE, B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) ); dir.Unset(); // 6. BDirectory(const BDirectory*, const char*) NextSubTest(); BDirectory pathDir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, existingRelSub) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); pathDir.SetTo(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, existingSub) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); pathDir.SetTo(nonExistingSuper); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, nonExistingRel) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo((BDirectory *)NULL, (const char *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo((BDirectory *)NULL, existingSub) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); pathDir.SetTo(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, (const char *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); pathDir.SetTo(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // This does not fail in R5, but inits the object to pathDir. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, "") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); pathDir.SetTo(existingSuperFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, existingRelFile) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); pathDir.SetTo(tooLongSuperEntryname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, tooLongRelEntryname) == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NAME_TOO_LONG ); dir.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); pathDir.SetTo(fileSuperDirname); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pathDir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // R5 returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND instead of B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(&pathDir, fileRelDirname) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); } // GetEntryTest void DirectoryTest::GetEntryTest() { const char *existing = existingDirname; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; // NextSubTest(); BDirectory dir; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); BEntry entry; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_NO_INIT ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry == BEntry(existing) ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // #if !TEST_R5 // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL BEntry. NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetEntry((BEntry *)NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); #endif // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_NO_INIT ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); } // IsRootTest void DirectoryTest::IsRootTest() { // NextSubTest(); BDirectory dir; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.IsRootDirectory() == false ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/boot") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.IsRootDirectory() == true ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/boot/beos") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.IsRootDirectory() == false ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/tmp") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.IsRootDirectory() == false ); // NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.IsRootDirectory() == true ); } // FindEntryTest void DirectoryTest::FindEntryTest() { const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existing = existingDirname; const char *existingSub = existingSubDirname; const char *existingRelSub = existingRelSubDirname; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; const char *nonExistingSuper = nonExistingSuperDirname; const char *nonExistingRel = nonExistingRelDirname; const char *dirLink = dirLinkname; const char *badLink = badLinkname; const char *cyclicLink1 = cyclicLinkname1; // existing absolute path, uninitialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); BDirectory dir; BEntry entry; BPath path; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(existing, &entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path == existing == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // existing absolute path, badly initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(existing, &entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path == existing == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // existing path relative to current dir, uninitialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); chdir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(existingRelSub, &entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path == existingSub == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); chdir("/"); // existing path relative to current dir, // initialized BDirectory != current dir NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSub) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); chdir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(existingRelSub, &entry) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); chdir("/"); // abstract entry NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExistingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); chdir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(nonExistingRel, &entry) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); chdir("/"); // bad args NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL BEntry. #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(existingRelSub, NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(NULL, &entry) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(entry.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NO_INIT) ); // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL BEntry. #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(NULL, NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // don't traverse a valid link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(dirLink, &entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path == dirLink == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // traverse a valid link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(dirLink, &entry, true) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path == existing == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // don't traverse an invalid link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(badLink, &entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path == badLink == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // traverse an invalid link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(badLink, &entry, true) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(entry.InitCheck(), B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND, B_NO_INIT) ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // don't traverse a cyclic link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(cyclicLink1, &entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path == cyclicLink1 == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); // traverse a cyclic link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.FindEntry(cyclicLink1, &entry, true) == B_LINK_LIMIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_LINK_LIMIT ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); path.Unset(); } // ContainsTest void DirectoryTest::ContainsTest() { const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existingSuperFile = existingSuperFilename; const char *existingRelFile = existingRelFilename; const char *existing = existingDirname; const char *existingSuper = existingSuperDirname; const char *existingSub = existingSubDirname; const char *existingRelSub = existingRelSubDirname; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; const char *dirLink = dirLinkname; const char *dirSuperLink = dirSuperLinkname; // 1. Contains(const char *, int32) // existing entry, initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); BDirectory dir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existingSub) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry, uninitialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); // R5 returns true! #if TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existing) == true ); #else CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existing) == false ); #endif dir.Unset(); // non-existing entry, uninitialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(nonExisting) == false ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry, badly initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // R5 returns true! #if TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existing) == true ); #else CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existing) == false ); #endif dir.Unset(); // non-existing entry, badly initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(nonExisting) == false ); dir.Unset(); // initialized BDirectory, bad args NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains((const char*)NULL) == true ); dir.Unset(); // uninitialized BDirectory, bad args NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains((const char*)NULL) == false ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (second level, absolute path), initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existingSub) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (second level, name only), initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existingRelSub) == false ); dir.Unset(); // initialized BDirectory, self containing NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existing) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (dir), initialized BDirectory, matching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existing, B_DIRECTORY_NODE) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (dir), initialized BDirectory, mismatching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existing, B_FILE_NODE) == false ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (file), initialized BDirectory, matching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existingFile, B_FILE_NODE) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (file), initialized BDirectory, mismatching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existingFile, B_SYMLINK_NODE) == false ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (link), initialized BDirectory, matching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(dirSuperLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(dirLink, B_SYMLINK_NODE) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (link), initialized BDirectory, mismatching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(dirSuperLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(dirLink, B_DIRECTORY_NODE) == false ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (relative path), initialized BDirectory, // matching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existingRelFile, B_FILE_NODE) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (relative path), initialized BDirectory, // mismatching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(existingRelFile, B_SYMLINK_NODE) == false ); dir.Unset(); // 2. Contains(const BEntry *, int32) // existing entry, initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BEntry entry(existingSub); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry) == true ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry, uninitialized BDirectory // R5: unlike the other version, this one returns false // OBOS: both versions return false NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry) == false ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // non-existing entry, uninitialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry) == false ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // existing entry, badly initialized BDirectory // R5: unlike the other version, this one returns false // OBOS: both versions return false NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existing) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry) == false ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // non-existing entry, badly initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry) == false ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized BDirectory, bad args // R5 crashs, when passing a NULL BEntry #if !TEST_R5 NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains((const BEntry*)NULL) == false ); dir.Unset(); #endif // uninitialized BDirectory, bad args NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains((const BEntry*)NULL) == false ); dir.Unset(); // existing entry (second level, absolute path), initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingSub) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry) == true ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized BDirectory, self containing // R5: behavior is different from Contains(const char*) // OBOS: both versions return true NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existing) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.Contains(&entry), false, true) ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // existing entry (dir), initialized BDirectory, matching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existing) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry, B_DIRECTORY_NODE) == true ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // existing entry (dir), initialized BDirectory, mismatching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existing) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry, B_FILE_NODE) == false ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // existing entry (file), initialized BDirectory, matching node kind // R5 bug: returns false #if !TEST_R5 NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry, B_FILE_NODE) == true ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); #endif // existing entry (file), initialized BDirectory, mismatching node kind NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry, B_SYMLINK_NODE) == false ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // existing entry (link), initialized BDirectory, matching node kind // R5 bug: returns false #if !TEST_R5 NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(dirSuperLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry, B_SYMLINK_NODE) == true ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); #endif // existing entry (link), initialized BDirectory, mismatching node kind // R5 bug: returns true #if !TEST_R5 NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(dirSuperLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Contains(&entry, B_DIRECTORY_NODE) == false ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); #endif } // GetStatForTest void DirectoryTest::GetStatForTest() { const char *existing = existingDirname; const char *existingSuper = existingSuperDirname; const char *existingRel = existingRelDirname; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; // uninitialized dir, existing entry, absolute path NextSubTest(); BDirectory dir; BEntry entry; struct stat stat1, stat2; memset(&stat1, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); memset(&stat2, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetStatFor(existing, &stat1) == B_NO_INIT ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // badly initialized dir, existing entry, absolute path NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); memset(&stat1, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); memset(&stat2, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetStatFor(existing, &stat1) == B_NO_INIT ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized dir, existing entry, absolute path NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); memset(&stat1, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); memset(&stat2, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetStatFor(existing, &stat1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetStat(&stat2) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( stat1 == stat2 ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized dir, existing entry, relative path NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuper) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); memset(&stat1, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); memset(&stat2, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetStatFor(existingRel, &stat1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetStat(&stat2) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( stat1 == stat2 ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized dir, non-existing entry, absolute path NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); memset(&stat1, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); memset(&stat2, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetStatFor(nonExisting, &stat1) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized dir, bad args (NULL path) // R5 returns B_OK and the stat structure for the directory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); memset(&stat1, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); memset(&stat2, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetStatFor(NULL, &stat1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo("/") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetStat(&stat2) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( stat1 == stat2 ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized dir, bad args (empty path) // R5 returns B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetStatFor("", &stat1) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // initialized dir, bad args // R5 returns B_BAD_ADDRESS instead of B_BAD_VALUE NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/") == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.GetStatFor(existing, NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.GetStatFor(NULL, NULL), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); } // EntryIterationTest void DirectoryTest::EntryIterationTest() { const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; const char *testDir1 = testDirname1; // create a test directory execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); // 1. empty directory TestSet testSet; testSet.add("."); testSet.add(".."); // GetNextEntry NextSubTest(); BDirectory dir(testDir1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BEntry entry; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // GetNextRef NextSubTest(); entry_ref ref; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextRef(&ref) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); // GetNextDirents NextSubTest(); size_t bufSize = (sizeof(dirent) + B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) * 10; char buffer[bufSize]; dirent *ents = (dirent *)buffer; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); while (dir.GetNextDirents(ents, bufSize, 1) == 1) CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(ents->d_name) == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.testDone() == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); testSet.rewind(); // CountEntries NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CountEntries() == 0 ); dir.Unset(); // 2. non-empty directory string dirPathName(string(testDir1) + "/"); string entryName("file1"); execCommand(string("touch ") + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("file2"); execCommand(string("touch ") + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("file3"); execCommand(string("touch ") + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("dir1"); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("dir2"); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("dir3"); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("link1"); execCommand(string("ln -s ") + existingFile + " " + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("link2"); execCommand(string("ln -s ") + existingFile + " " + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); entryName = ("link3"); execCommand(string("ln -s ") + existingFile + " " + dirPathName + entryName); testSet.add(entryName); // GetNextEntry NextSubTest(); testSet.test("."); testSet.test(".."); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); while (dir.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_OK) { BPath path; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(path.Leaf()) == true ); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.testDone() == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); testSet.rewind(); // GetNextRef NextSubTest(); testSet.test("."); testSet.test(".."); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); while (dir.GetNextRef(&ref) == B_OK) CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(ref.name) == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.testDone() == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); testSet.rewind(); // GetNextDirents NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); while (dir.GetNextDirents(ents, bufSize, 1) == 1) CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(ents->d_name) == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.testDone() == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); testSet.rewind(); // CountEntries NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CountEntries() == 9 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextRef(&ref) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CountEntries() == 9 ); dir.Unset(); // 3. interleaving use of the different methods NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); while (dir.GetNextDirents(ents, bufSize, 1) == 1) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(ents->d_name) == true ); if (dir.GetNextRef(&ref) == B_OK) CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(ref.name) == true ); if (dir.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_OK) { BPath path; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.test(path.Leaf()) == true ); } } testSet.test(".", false); // in case they have been skipped testSet.test("..", false); // CPPUNIT_ASSERT( testSet.testDone() == true ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_OK ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); testSet.rewind(); // 4. uninitialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); dir.Unset(); // R5: unlike the others GetNextRef() returns B_NO_INIT CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.GetNextRef(&ref), B_NO_INIT, B_FILE_ERROR) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextDirents(ents, bufSize, 1) == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CountEntries() == B_FILE_ERROR ); dir.Unset(); // 5. badly initialized BDirectory NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ); // R5: unlike the others GetNextRef() returns B_NO_INIT CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.GetNextRef(&ref), B_NO_INIT, B_FILE_ERROR) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.Rewind() == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextDirents(ents, bufSize, 1) == B_FILE_ERROR ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CountEntries() == B_FILE_ERROR ); dir.Unset(); // 6. bad args // R5 crashs, when passing a NULL BEntry or entry_ref #if !TEST_R5 NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextEntry(NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextRef(NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.GetNextDirents(NULL, bufSize, 1), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); dir.Unset(); #endif // 7. link traversation NextSubTest(); execCommand(string("rm -rf ") + testDir1); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); entryName = ("link1"); execCommand(string("ln -s ") + existingFile + " " + dirPathName + entryName); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.GetNextEntry(&entry, true) == B_OK ); BPath path; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BEntry entry2(existingFile); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry2.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry == entry2 ); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); } // EntryCreationTest void DirectoryTest::EntryCreationTest() { #ifdef TEST_R5 Outputf("(test currently omitted due to build errors related to BSymLink::SetTo())\n"); #else const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existing = existingDirname; const char *testDir1 = testDirname1; // create a test directory execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); // 1. relative path BDirectory dir(testDir1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); // CreateDirectory // dir doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); BDirectory subdir; string dirPathName(string(testDir1) + "/"); string entryName("subdir1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BEntry entry; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry == BEntry((dirPathName + entryName).c_str()) ); subdir.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // dir does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); subdir.Unset(); // CreateFile // file doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); BFile file; entryName = "file1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, don't fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, false) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); file.Unset(); // CreateSymLink // link doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); BSymLink link; entryName = "link1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_OK ); link.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str()) == B_OK ); link.Unset(); // link does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); link.Unset(); // 2. absolute path dir.Unset(); execCommand(string("rm -rf ") + testDir1); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existing) == B_OK ); // CreateDirectory // dir doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "subdir1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry == BEntry(entryName.c_str()) ); subdir.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // dir does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); subdir.Unset(); // CreateFile // file doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "file1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo(entryName.c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, don't fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, false) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo(entryName.c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); file.Unset(); // CreateSymLink // link doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "link1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_OK ); link.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); link.Unset(); // link does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); link.Unset(); // 3. uninitialized BDirectory, absolute path dir.Unset(); execCommand(string("rm -rf ") + testDir1); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); // CreateDirectory // dir doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "subdir1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry == BEntry(entryName.c_str()) ); subdir.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // dir does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); subdir.Unset(); // CreateFile // file doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "file1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo(entryName.c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, don't fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, false) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo(entryName.c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); file.Unset(); // CreateSymLink // link doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "link1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_OK ); link.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); link.Unset(); // link does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); link.Unset(); // 4. uninitialized BDirectory, relative path, current directory dir.Unset(); execCommand(string("rm -rf ") + testDir1); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); chdir(testDir1); // CreateDirectory // dir doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = "subdir1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry == BEntry((dirPathName + entryName).c_str()) ); subdir.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // dir does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), &subdir) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); subdir.Unset(); // CreateFile // file doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = "file1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, don't fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, false) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_OK ); file.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), &file, true) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); file.Unset(); // CreateSymLink // link doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = "link1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_OK ); link.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo((dirPathName + entryName).c_str()) == B_OK ); link.Unset(); // link does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, &link) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); link.Unset(); chdir("/"); // 5. bad args dir.Unset(); execCommand(string("rm -rf ") + testDir1); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(testDir1) == B_OK ); // CreateDirectory NextSubTest(); entryName = "subdir1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.CreateDirectory(NULL, &subdir), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); subdir.Unset(); // CreateFile // R5: unlike CreateDirectory/SymLink() CreateFile() returns // B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND NextSubTest(); entryName = "file1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.CreateFile(NULL, &file), B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); file.Unset(); // CreateSymLink NextSubTest(); entryName = "link1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.CreateSymLink(NULL, existingFile, &link), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), NULL, &link), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_BAD_VALUE) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); link.Unset(); // 6. uninitialized BDirectory, absolute path, no second param dir.Unset(); execCommand(string("rm -rf ") + testDir1); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); // CreateDirectory // dir doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "subdir1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), NULL) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // dir does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateDirectory(entryName.c_str(), NULL) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); subdir.Unset(); // CreateFile // file doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "file1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), NULL, true) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo(entryName.c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, don't fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), NULL, false) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( file.SetTo(entryName.c_str(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK ); file.Unset(); // file does already exist, fail NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateFile(entryName.c_str(), NULL, true) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); // CreateSymLink // link doesn't already exist NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "link1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, NULL) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); link.Unset(); // link does already exist NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.CreateSymLink(entryName.c_str(), existingFile, NULL) == B_FILE_EXISTS ); #endif // ifndef TEST_R5 } // AssignmentTest void DirectoryTest::AssignmentTest() { const char *existing = existingDirname; // 1. copy constructor // uninitialized NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); BDirectory dir2(dir); // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NO_INIT CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir2.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NO_INIT) ); } // existing dir NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir2(dir); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir2.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } // 2. assignment operator // uninitialized NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir; BDirectory dir2; dir2 = dir; // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NO_INIT CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir2.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NO_INIT) ); } NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir; BDirectory dir2(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir2.InitCheck() == B_OK ); dir2 = dir; // R5 returns B_BAD_VALUE instead of B_NO_INIT CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(dir2.InitCheck(), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NO_INIT) ); } // existing dir NextSubTest(); { BDirectory dir(existing); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK ); BDirectory dir2; dir2 = dir; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir2.InitCheck() == B_OK ); } } // CreateDirectoryTest void DirectoryTest::CreateDirectoryTest() { const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *testDir1 = testDirname1; const char *dirLink = dirLinkname; const char *fileLink = fileLinkname; // 1. absolute path execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); // two levels NextSubTest(); string dirPathName(string(testDir1) + "/"); string entryName(dirPathName + "subdir1/subdir1.1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(entryName.c_str(), 0x1ff) == B_OK ); BDirectory subdir; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // one level NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName + "subdir2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(entryName.c_str(), 0x1ff) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // existing dir NextSubTest(); entryName = dirPathName; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(entryName.c_str(), 0x1ff) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // 2. relative path execCommand(string("rm -rf ") + testDir1); execCommand(string("mkdir ") + testDir1); chdir(testDir1); // two levels NextSubTest(); entryName = "subdir1/subdir1.1"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(entryName.c_str(), 0x1ff) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // one level NextSubTest(); entryName = "subdir2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(entryName.c_str(), 0x1ff) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); // existing dir NextSubTest(); entryName = "."; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(entryName.c_str(), 0x1ff) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( subdir.SetTo(entryName.c_str()) == B_OK ); subdir.Unset(); chdir("/"); // 3. error cases // existing file/link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(create_directory(existingFile, 0x1ff), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(create_directory(fileLink, 0x1ff), B_BAD_VALUE, B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(dirLink, 0x1ff) == B_OK ); // bad args NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( create_directory(NULL, 0x1ff) == B_BAD_VALUE ); }