/* * Copyright 2014, Haiku, inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT licence */ #include "CookieTest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace BPrivate::Network; CookieTest::CookieTest() { } CookieTest::~CookieTest() { } // #pragma mark - Positive functionality tests void CookieTest::SimpleTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; char buffer[256]; BUrl url("http://www.chipchapin.com/WebTools/cookietest.php"); time_t t = time(NULL) + 6400; // Cookies expire in 1h45 struct tm* now = gmtime(&t); status_t result; // Add various cookies result = jar.AddCookie("testcookie1=present;", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "testcookie2=present; expires=%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", now); result = jar.AddCookie(buffer, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "testcookie3=present; expires=%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S; path=/", now); result = jar.AddCookie(buffer, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); t += 3200; // expire in 2h40 now = gmtime(&t); strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "testcookie4=present; path=/; domain=www.chipchapin.com; " "expires=%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", now); result = jar.AddCookie(buffer, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); // Now check they were all properly added BNetworkCookieJar::Iterator it = jar.GetIterator(); int count = 0; while (it.HasNext()) { count ++; it.Next(); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, count); } void CookieTest::StandardTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/001.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("001=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/001-1.php"); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "001"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->HasValue()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(BString("1"), cookie->Value()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->IsSessionCookie()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->ShouldDeleteAtExit()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!cookie->HasExpirationDate()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!cookie->Secure()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!cookie->HttpOnly()); } void CookieTest::ExpireTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/003.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("003=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/003-1.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("003=1; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/003-2.php"); // The cookie should be expired. CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_GetCookie(jar, url, "003") == NULL); } void CookieTest::PathTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/004/004.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("004=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); // Page in the same path can access the cookie url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/004/004-1.php"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_GetCookie(jar, url, "004") != NULL); // Page in parent directory cannot access the cookie url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/004-2.php"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_GetCookie(jar, url, "004") == NULL); } void CookieTest::MaxSizeTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/006.php"); BString cookieString("006="); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { cookieString << "00xxxxxxxxxxxxxx16xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; } result = jar.AddCookie(cookieString, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/006-1.php"); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "006"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value().Length() == 4096); } void CookieTest::MaxNumberTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/007.php"); BString cookieString; for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { cookieString.SetToFormat("007-%d=1", i); result = jar.AddCookie(cookieString, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); } url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/007-1.php"); for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { cookieString.SetToFormat("007-%d", i); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, cookieString.String()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value() == "1"); } } void CookieTest::UpdateTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/008.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("008=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/008-1.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("008=2", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/008-2.php"); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "008"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value() == "2"); } void CookieTest::HttpOnlyTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/010.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("010=1; Httponly; Max-age=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/010-1.php"); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "010"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value() == "1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->HttpOnly()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->HasExpirationDate()); } void CookieTest::EncodingTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/011.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("011=UTF-8 \303\246\303\270\303\245 \346\227\245\346\234\254;", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/011-1.php"); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "011"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( BString("UTF-8 \303\246\303\270\303\245 \346\227\245\346\234\254"), cookie->Value()); } void CookieTest::DomainTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/012.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("012-1=1; Domain=\"opera.com\"", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); result = jar.AddCookie("012-1=1; Domain=\"example.com\"", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result != B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/012-1.php"); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "012-1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value() == "1"); cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "012-2"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie == NULL); } void CookieTest::PersistantTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; char buffer[256]; time_t t = time(NULL) + 100000; struct tm* now = gmtime(&t); NextSubTest(); BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/013.php"); strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "013-1=1; Expires=%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", now); result = jar.AddCookie(buffer, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); result = jar.AddCookie("013-2=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); NextSubTest(); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/013-1.php"); const BNetworkCookie* cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "013-1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value() == "1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->HasExpirationDate()); cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "013-2"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value() == "1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!cookie->HasExpirationDate()); // Simulate exit jar.PurgeForExit(); NextSubTest(); cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "013-1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->Value() == "1"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie->HasExpirationDate()); cookie = _GetCookie(jar, url, "013-2"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cookie == NULL); } void CookieTest::OverwriteTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/015/015.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("015-01=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/015-1.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("015-01=1", url); result = jar.AddCookie("015-02=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/015/015-2.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("015-01=1", url); result = jar.AddCookie("015-02=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/015/015-3.php"); BNetworkCookieJar::UrlIterator it = jar.GetUrlIterator(url); int count = 0; while (it.HasNext()) { it.Next(); count++; } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, count); } void CookieTest::OrderTest() { BNetworkCookieJar jar; status_t result; BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/016.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("016-01=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/016/016-1.php"); result = jar.AddCookie("016-02=1", url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == B_OK); url.SetUrlString("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/016/016-2.php"); BNetworkCookieJar::UrlIterator it = jar.GetUrlIterator(url); int count = 0; // Check that the cookie with the most specific path is sent first while (it.HasNext()) { const BNetworkCookie* cookie = it.Next(); switch(count) { case 0: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(BString("016-02"), cookie->Name()); break; case 1: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(BString("016-01"), cookie->Name()); break; } count++; } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, count); } // #pragma mark - Error handling and extended tests void CookieTest::ExpireParsingTest() { BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/301.php"); BNetworkCookie cookie; status_t result; BString bigData("301-16=1; Expires=\""); for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) bigData << "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; bigData << "\";"; struct Test { const char* cookieString; bool canParse; bool sessionOnly; bool expired; }; Test tests[] = { { "301-01=1; Expires=\"notAValidValue\";", true, true, false }, // Obviously invalid date { "301-02=1; Expires=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, false, false }, // Valid date { "301-03=1; Expires=\"Tue, 19-Jan-2038 03:14:06\";", true, false, false }, // Valid date, after year 2038 time_t overflow { "301-04=1; Expires=\"Fri, 13-Dec-1901 20:45:51\";", true, false, true }, // Valid date, in the past { "301-05=1; Expires=\"Thu, 33-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Invalid day { "301-06=1; Expires=\"Wed, 08-Siz-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Invalid month { "301-07=1; Expires=\"Wed, 08-Nov-9035 01:04:33\";", true, false, false }, // Very far in the future // NOTE: Opera testsuite considers it should be a session cookie. { "301-08=1; Expires=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 75:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Invalid hour { "301-09=1; Expires=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:75:33\";", true, true, false }, // Invalid minute { "301-10=1; Expires=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:75\";", true, true, false }, // Invalid second { "301-11=1; Expires=\"XXX, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Invalid weekday { "301-12=1; Expires=\"Thu, XX-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Non-digit day { "301-13=1; Expires=\"Thu, 08-Nov-XXXX 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Non-digit year { "301-14=1; Expires=\"Thu, 08-Nov-2035 XX:XX:33\";", true, true, false }, // Non-digit hour and minute { "301-15=1; Expires=\"Thu, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:XX\";", true, true, false }, // Non-digit second { bigData.String(), true, true, false }, // Very long invalid string // NOTE: Opera doesn't register the cookie at all. { "301-17=1; Expires=\"Thu, 99999-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Day with many digits { "301-18=1; Expires=\"Thu, 25-Nov-99999 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Year with many digits // NOTE: Opera tests 301-17 twice and misses this test. { "301-19=1; Expires=\"Thu, 25-Nov-2035 99999:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Hour with many digits { "301-20=1; Expires=\"Thu, 25-Nov-2035 01:99999:33\";", true, true, false }, // Minute with many digits { "301-21=1; Expires=\"Thu, 25-Nov-2035 01:04:99999\";", true, true, false }, // Second with many digits { "301-22=1; Expires=\"99999999999999999999\";", true, true, false }, // Huge number { "301-23=1; Expires=\"Fri, 13-Dec-101 20:45:51\";", true, false, true }, // Very far in the past { "301-24=1; EXPiReS=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, false, false }, // Case insensitive key parsing { "301-25=1; Expires=Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Missing opening quote // NOTE: unlike Opera, we accept badly quoted values for cookie // attributes. This allows to handle unquoted values from the early // cookie spec properly. However, a date with a quote inside it // should not be accepted, so this will be a session cookie. { "301-26=1; Expires=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33;", true, true, false }, // Missing closing quote { "301-27=1; Expires:\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Uses : instead of = // NOTE: unlike Opera, we allow this as a cookie with a strange // name and no value { "301-28=1; Expires;=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Extra ; after name { "301-29=1; Expired=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // Expired instead of Expires { "301-30=1; Expires=\"Wed; 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // ; in value { "301-31=1; Expires=\"Wed,\\r\\n 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, true, false }, // escaped newline in value // NOTE: Only here for completeness. This is what the Opera // testsuite sends in test 31, but I suspect they were trying to // test the following case. { "301-31b=1; Expires=\"Wed,\r\n 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\";", true, false, false }, // newline in value // NOTE: This can't really happen when we get cookies from HTTP // headers. It could happen when the cookie is set from meta html // tags or from JS. { "301-32=1; expires=Mon, 31-Oct-2035 08:08:40 GMT;", true, false, false }, // Wrong weekday { "301-33=1; expires=Tue, 19-Oct-66 07:08:40;", true, false, false }, // RFC1036 format with 2 digit year { "301-34=1; expires=Sat, 21-Oct-56 07:08:40 GMT;", true, false, false }, // RFC1036 format with 2 digit year }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(Test); i++) { NextSubTest(); result = cookie.ParseCookieString(tests[i].cookieString, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Cookie can be parsed", tests[i].canParse, result == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Cookie is session only", tests[i].sessionOnly, cookie.IsSessionCookie()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Cookie has expired", tests[i].expired, cookie.ShouldDeleteNow()); } } void CookieTest::PathMatchingTest() { const BUrl url("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/302/302.php"); const BUrl url1("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/302-5.php"); const BUrl url2("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/302/302-3.php"); const BUrl url3("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/302/sub/302-4.php"); const BUrl url4("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/302-2/302-6.php"); BNetworkCookie cookie; status_t result; BString bigData("302-24=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/"); for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) bigData << "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; bigData << "\";"; struct Test { const char* cookieString; bool canSet; bool url1; bool url2; bool url3; bool url4; }; const Test tests[] = { { "302-01=1; Path=\"/\"", true, true, true, true, true }, { "302-02=1; Path=\"/cookies\"", true, true, true, true, true }, { "302-03=1; Path=\"/cookies/\"", true, true, true, true, true }, { "302-04=1; Path=\"/cookies/302\"", true, false, true, true, true }, { "302-05=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/\"", true, false, true, true, false }, { "302-06=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/.\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-07=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/../302\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-08=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/../302-2\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-09=1; Path=\"/side\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-10=1; Path=\"/cookies/302-2\"", true, false, false, false, true }, { "302-11=1; Path=\"/cookies/302-2/\"", true, false, false, false, true }, { "302-12=1; Path=\"sub\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-13=1; Path=\"sub/\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-14=1; Path=\".\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-15=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/sub\"", true, false, false, true, false }, { "302-16=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/sub/\"", true, false, false, true, false }, { "302-17=1; Path=\"/cookies/302/sub/..\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-18=1; Path=/", true, true, true, true, true }, { "302-19=1; Path=/ /", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-20=1; Path=\"/", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-21=1; Path=/\"", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-22=1; Path=\\/", false, false, false, false, false }, { "302-23=1; Path=\n/", false, false, false, false, false }, { bigData, false, false, false, false, false }, }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(Test); i++) { NextSubTest(); result = cookie.ParseCookieString(tests[i].cookieString, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Allowed to set cookie", tests[i].canSet, result == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(tests[i].url1, cookie.IsValidForUrl(url1)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(tests[i].url2, cookie.IsValidForUrl(url2)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(tests[i].url3, cookie.IsValidForUrl(url3)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(tests[i].url4, cookie.IsValidForUrl(url4)); } } void CookieTest::DomainMatchingTest() { const BUrl setter("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/304.php"); const BUrl getter("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/304-1.php"); BString bigData("304-12=1; Domain=\""); for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) bigData << "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; bigData << "\";"; struct Test { const char* cookieString; bool shouldMatch; }; const Test tests[] = { { "304-01=1; Domain=\"opera.com\"", true }, { "304-02=1; Domain=\".opera.com\"", true }, { "304-03=1; Domain=\".com\"", false }, { "304-04=1; Domain=\"pera.com\"", false }, { "304-05=1; Domain=\"?pera.com\"", false }, { "304-06=1; Domain=\"*.opera.com\"", false }, { "304-07=1; Domain=\"300.300.300.300\"", false }, { "304-08=1; Domain=\"123456123456123456\"", false }, { "304-09=1; Domain=\"/opera.com\"", false }, { "304-10=1; Domain=\"opera.com/\"", false }, { "304-11=1; Domain=\"example.com\"", false }, { bigData, false }, { "304-13=1; Domain=\"opera com\"", false }, { "304-14=1; Domain=opera.com\"", false }, { "304-15=1; Domain=\"opera.com", false }, { "304-16=1; Domain=opera.com", true }, { "304-17=1; Domain=\"*.com\"", false }, { "304-18=1; Domain=\"*opera.com\"", false }, { "304-19=1; Domain=\"*pera.com\"", false }, { "304-20=1; Domain=\"\"", false }, { "304-21=1; Domain=\"\346\227\245\346\234\254\"", false }, { "304-22=1; Domain=\"OPERA.COM\"", true }, { "304-23=1; Domain=\"\"", false }, }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(Test); i++) { NextSubTest(); BNetworkCookie cookie(tests[i].cookieString, setter); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(tests[i].shouldMatch, cookie.IsValidForUrl(getter)); } } void CookieTest::MaxAgeParsingTest() { const BUrl setter("http://testsuites.opera.com/cookies/305.php"); BString bigData("305-12=1; Max-Age=\""); for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) bigData << "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; bigData << "\";"; struct Test { const char* cookieString; bool expired; }; const Test tests[] = { { "305-01=1; Max-Age=\"notAValidValue\"", true }, { "305-02=1; Max-Age=\"Wed, 08-Nov-2035 01:04:33\"", true }, { "305-03=1; Max-Age=\"0\"", true }, { "305-04=1; Max-Age=\"1\"", false }, { "305-05=1; Max-Age=\"10000\"", false }, { "305-06=1; Max-Age=\"-1\"", true }, { "305-07=1; Max-Age=\"0.5\"", true }, { "305-08=1; Max-Age=\"9999999999999999999999999\"", false }, { "305-09=1; Max-Age=\"-9999999999999999999999999\"", true }, { "305-10=1; Max-Age=\"+10000\"", false }, { "305-11=1; Max-Age=\"Fri, 13-Dec-1901 20:45:52\"", true }, { bigData, true }, { "305-13=1; Max-Age=\"0+10000\"", true }, { "305-14=1; Max-Age=\"10000+0\"", true }, { "305-15=1; Max-Age=10000\"", true }, { "305-16=1; Max-Age=\"10000", true }, { "305-17=1; Max-Age=10000", false }, { "305-18=1; Max-Age=100\"00", true }, }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(Test); i++) { NextSubTest(); BNetworkCookie cookie(tests[i].cookieString, setter); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(tests[i].expired, cookie.ShouldDeleteNow()); } } void CookieTest::ExplodeTest() { struct Test { const char* cookieString; const char* url; struct { bool valid; const char* name; const char* value; const char* domain; const char* path; bool secure; bool httponly; bool session; BDateTime expire; } expected; }; Test tests[] = { // Cookie string URL // ------------- ------------- // Valid Name Value Domain Path Secure HttpOnly Session Expiration // --------- -------- --------- ----------------- --------- -------- -------- ------- ---------- // Normal cookies { "name=value", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { true, "name", "value", "www.example.com", "/path", false, false, true, BDateTime() } }, { "name=value; domain=example.com; path=/; secure", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { true, "name", "value", "example.com", "/" , true, false, true, BDateTime() } }, { "name=value; httponly; secure", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { true, "name", "value", "www.example.com", "/path", true, true, true, BDateTime() } }, { "name=value; expires=Wed, 20-Feb-2013 20:00:00 UTC", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { true, "name", "value", "www.example.com", "/path", false, false, false, BDateTime(BDate(2013, 2, 20), BTime(20, 0, 0, 0)) } }, // Valid cookie with bad form { "name= ; domain =example.com ;path=/; secure = yup ; blahblah ;)", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { true, "name", "", "example.com", "/" , true, false, true, BDateTime() } }, // Invalid path { "name=value; path=invalid", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { false, "name", "value", "www.example.com", "/path", false, false, true, BDateTime() } }, // Setting for other subdomain (invalid) { "name=value; domain=subdomain.example.com", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { false, "name", "value", "www.example.com", "/path", false, false, true, BDateTime() } }, // Various invalid cookies { "name", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { false, "name", "value", "www.example.com", "/path", false, false, true, BDateTime() } }, { "; domain=example.com", "http://www.example.com/path/path", { false, "name", "value", "www.example.com", "/path", false, false, true, BDateTime() } } }; BNetworkCookie cookie; for (uint32 i = 0; i < (sizeof(tests) / sizeof(Test)); i++) { NextSubTest(); BUrl url(tests[i].url); cookie.ParseCookieString(tests[i].cookieString, url); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tests[i].expected.valid == cookie.IsValid()); if (!tests[i].expected.valid) continue; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(BString(tests[i].expected.name), cookie.Name()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(BString(tests[i].expected.value), cookie.Value()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(BString(tests[i].expected.domain), cookie.Domain()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(BString(tests[i].expected.path), cookie.Path()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tests[i].expected.secure == cookie.Secure()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tests[i].expected.httponly == cookie.HttpOnly()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tests[i].expected.session == cookie.IsSessionCookie()); if (!cookie.IsSessionCookie()) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(tests[i].expected.expire.Time_t(), cookie.ExpirationDate()); } } /* static */ void CookieTest::AddTests(BTestSuite& parent) { CppUnit::TestSuite& suite = *new CppUnit::TestSuite("CookieTest"); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller("CookieTest::SimpleTest", &CookieTest::SimpleTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::StandardTest", &CookieTest::StandardTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller("CookieTest::ExpireTest", &CookieTest::ExpireTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller("CookieTest::PathTest", &CookieTest::PathTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller("CookieTest::MaxSizeTest", &CookieTest::MaxSizeTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::MaxNumberTest", &CookieTest::MaxNumberTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller("CookieTest::UpdateTest", &CookieTest::UpdateTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::HttpOnlyTest", &CookieTest::HttpOnlyTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::EncodingTest", &CookieTest::EncodingTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller("CookieTest::DomainTest", &CookieTest::DomainTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::PersistantTest", &CookieTest::PersistantTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::OverwriteTest", &CookieTest::OverwriteTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::OrderTest", &CookieTest::OrderTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::ExpireParsingTest", &CookieTest::ExpireParsingTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::PathMatchingTest", &CookieTest::PathMatchingTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::DomainMatchingTest", &CookieTest::DomainMatchingTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::MaxAgeParsingTest", &CookieTest::MaxAgeParsingTest)); suite.addTest(new CppUnit::TestCaller( "CookieTest::ExplodeTest", &CookieTest::ExplodeTest)); parent.addTest("CookieTest", &suite); } const BNetworkCookie* CookieTest::_GetCookie(BNetworkCookieJar& jar, const BUrl& url, const char* name) { BNetworkCookieJar::UrlIterator it = jar.GetUrlIterator(url); const BNetworkCookie* result = NULL; while (it.HasNext()) { const BNetworkCookie* cookie = it.Next(); if (cookie->Name() == name) { // Make sure the cookie is found only once. CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == NULL); result = cookie; } } return result; }