/* * Copyright 2006, Haiku Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Marc Flerackers (mflerackers@androme.be) */ #include "SVGViewView.h" #include <strings.h> named_color colors[] = { { "aliceblue", { 240, 248, 255, 255 } }, { "antiquewhite", { 250, 235, 215, 255 } }, { "aqua", { 0, 255, 255, 255 } }, { "aquamarine", { 127, 255, 212, 255 } }, { "azure", { 240, 255, 255, 255 } }, { "beige", { 245, 245, 220, 255 } }, { "bisque", { 255, 228, 196, 255 } }, { "black", { 0, 0, 0, 255 } }, { "blanchedalmond", { 255, 235, 205, 255 } }, { "blue", { 0, 0, 255, 255 } }, { "blueviolet", { 138, 43, 226, 255 } }, { "brown", { 165, 42, 42, 255 } }, { "burlywood", { 222, 184, 135, 255 } }, { "cadetblue", { 95, 158, 160, 255 } }, { "chartreuse", { 127, 255, 0, 255 } }, { "chocolate", { 210, 105, 30, 255 } }, { "coral", { 255, 127, 80, 255 } }, { "cornflowerblue", { 100, 149, 237, 255 } }, { "cornsilk", { 255, 248, 220, 255 } }, { "crimson", { 220, 20, 60, 255 } }, { "cyan", { 0, 255, 255, 255 } }, { "darkblue", { 0, 0, 139, 255 } }, { "darkcyan", { 0, 139, 139, 255 } }, { "darkgoldenrod", { 184, 134, 11, 255 } }, { "darkgray", { 169, 169, 169, 255 } }, { "darkgreen", { 0, 100, 0, 255 } }, { "darkgrey", { 169, 169, 169, 255 } }, { "darkkhaki", { 189, 183, 107, 255 } }, { "darkmagenta", { 139, 0, 139, 255 } }, { "darkolivegreen", { 85, 107, 47, 255 } }, { "darkorange", { 255, 140, 0, 255 } }, { "darkorchid", { 153, 50, 204, 255 } }, { "darkred", { 139, 0, 0, 255 } }, { "darksalmon", { 233, 150, 122, 255 } }, { "darkseagreen", { 143, 188, 143, 255 } }, { "darkslateblue", { 72, 61, 139, 255 } }, { "darkslategray", { 47, 79, 79, 255 } }, { "darkslategrey", { 47, 79, 79, 255 } }, { "darkturquoise", { 0, 206, 209, 255 } }, { "darkviolet", { 148, 0, 211, 255 } }, { "deeppink", { 255, 20, 147, 255 } }, { "deepskyblue", { 0, 191, 255, 255 } }, { "dimgray", { 105, 105, 105, 255 } }, { "dimgrey", { 105, 105, 105, 255 } }, { "dodgerblue", { 30, 144, 255, 255 } }, { "firebrick", { 178, 34, 34, 255 } }, { "floralwhite", { 255, 250, 240, 255 } }, { "forestgreen", { 34, 139, 34, 255 } }, { "fuchsia", { 255, 0, 255, 255 } }, { "gainsboro", { 220, 220, 220, 255 } }, { "ghostwhite", { 248, 248, 255, 255 } }, { "gold", { 255, 215, 0, 255 } }, { "goldenrod", { 218, 165, 32, 255 } }, { "gray", { 128, 128, 128, 255 } }, { "grey", { 128, 128, 128, 255 } }, { "green", { 0, 128, 0, 255 } }, { "greenyellow", { 173, 255, 47, 255 } }, { "honeydew", { 240, 255, 240, 255 } }, { "hotpink", { 255, 105, 180, 255 } }, { "indianred", { 205, 92, 92, 255 } }, { "indigo", { 75, 0, 130, 255 } }, { "ivory", { 255, 255, 240, 255 } }, { "khaki", { 240, 230, 140, 255 } }, { "lavender", { 230, 230, 250, 255 } }, { "lavenderblush", { 255, 240, 245, 255 } }, { "lawngreen", { 124, 252, 0, 255 } }, { "lemonchiffon", { 255, 250, 205, 255 } }, { "lightblue", { 173, 216, 230, 255 } }, { "lightcoral", { 240, 128, 128, 255 } }, { "lightcyan", { 224, 255, 255, 255 } }, { "lightgoldenrodyellow",{ 250, 250, 210, 255 } }, { "lightgray", { 211, 211, 211, 255 } }, { "lightgreen", { 144, 238, 144, 255 } }, { "lightgrey", { 211, 211, 211, 255 } }, { "lightpink", { 255, 182, 193, 255 } }, { "lightsalmon", { 255, 160, 122, 255 } }, { "lightseagreen", { 32, 178, 170, 255 } }, { "lightskyblue", { 135, 206, 250, 255 } }, { "lightslategray", { 119, 136, 153, 255 } }, { "lightslategrey", { 119, 136, 153, 255 } }, { "lightsteelblue", { 176, 196, 222, 255 } }, { "lightyellow", { 255, 255, 224, 255 } }, { "lime", { 0, 255, 0, 255 } }, { "limegreen", { 50, 205, 50, 255 } }, { "linen", { 250, 240, 230, 255 } }, { "magenta", { 255, 0, 255, 255 } }, { "maroon", { 128, 0, 0, 255 } }, { "mediumaquamarine", { 102, 205, 170, 255 } }, { "mediumblue", { 0, 0, 205, 255 } }, { "mediumorchid", { 186, 85, 211, 255 } }, { "mediumpurple", { 147, 112, 219, 255 } }, { "mediumseagreen", { 60, 179, 113, 255 } }, { "mediumslateblue", { 123, 104, 238, 255 } }, { "mediumspringgreen", { 0, 250, 154, 255 } }, { "mediumturquoise", { 72, 209, 204, 255 } }, { "mediumvioletred", { 199, 21, 133, 255 } }, { "midnightblue", { 25, 25, 112, 255 } }, { "mintcream", { 245, 255, 250, 255 } }, { "mistyrose", { 255, 228, 225, 255 } }, { "moccasin", { 255, 228, 181, 255 } }, { "navajowhite", { 255, 222, 173, 255 } }, { "navy", { 0, 0, 128, 255 } }, { "oldlace", { 253, 245, 230, 255 } }, { "olive", { 128, 128, 0, 255 } }, { "olivedrab", { 107, 142, 35, 255 } }, { "orange", { 255, 165, 0, 255 } }, { "orangered", { 255, 69, 0, 255 } }, { "orchid", { 218, 112, 214, 255 } }, { "palegoldenrod", { 238, 232, 170, 255 } }, { "palegreen", { 152, 251, 152, 255 } }, { "paleturquoise", { 175, 238, 238, 255 } }, { "palevioletred", { 219, 112, 147, 255 } }, { "papayawhip", { 255, 239, 213, 255 } }, { "peachpuff", { 255, 218, 185, 255 } }, { "peru", { 205, 133, 63, 255 } }, { "pink", { 255, 192, 203, 255 } }, { "plum", { 221, 160, 221, 255 } }, { "powderblue", { 176, 224, 230, 255 } }, { "purple", { 128, 0, 128, 255 } }, { "red", { 255, 0, 0, 255 } }, { "rosybrown", { 188, 143, 143, 255 } }, { "royalblue", { 65, 105, 225, 255 } }, { "saddlebrown", { 139, 69, 19, 255 } }, { "salmon", { 250, 128, 114, 255 } }, { "sandybrown", { 244, 164, 96, 255 } }, { "seagreen", { 46, 139, 87, 255 } }, { "seashell", { 255, 245, 238, 255 } }, { "sienna", { 160, 82, 45, 255 } }, { "silver", { 192, 192, 192, 255 } }, { "skyblue", { 135, 206, 235, 255 } }, { "slateblue", { 106, 90, 205, 255 } }, { "slategray", { 112, 128, 144, 255 } }, { "slategrey", { 112, 128, 144, 255 } }, { "snow", { 255, 250, 250, 255 } }, { "springgreen", { 0, 255, 127, 255 } }, { "steelblue", { 70, 130, 180, 255 } }, { "tan", { 210, 180, 140, 255 } }, { "teal", { 0, 128, 128, 255 } }, { "thistle", { 216, 191, 216, 255 } }, { "tomato", { 255, 99, 71, 255 } }, { "turquoise", { 64, 224, 208, 255 } }, { "violet", { 238, 130, 238, 255 } }, { "wheat", { 245, 222, 179, 255 } }, { "white", { 255, 255, 255, 255 } }, { "whitesmoke", { 245, 245, 245, 255 } }, { "yellow", { 255, 255, 0, 255 } }, { "yellowgreen", { 154, 205, 50, 255 } }, { NULL , { 0, 0, 0, 255 } }, }; // Globals --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Svg2PictureView class ------------------------------------------------------- Svg2PictureView::Svg2PictureView(BRect frame, const char *filename) : BView(frame, "", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fFileName(filename), fPicture(NULL) { fPicture = new BPicture(); } Svg2PictureView::~Svg2PictureView() { delete fPicture; } void Svg2PictureView::AttachedToWindow() { BeginPicture(fPicture); bool done = false; FILE *file = fopen(fFileName.String(), "rb"); if (file) { XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate("UTF-8"); XML_SetUserData(parser, this); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, (XML_StartElementHandler)_StartElement, (XML_EndElementHandler)_EndElement); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, (XML_CharacterDataHandler)_CharacterDataHandler); while (!done) { char buf[256]; size_t len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), file); done = len < sizeof(buf); if (!XML_Parse(parser, buf, len, done)) break; } XML_ParserFree(parser); fclose(file); } fPicture = EndPicture(); } void Svg2PictureView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (fPicture) DrawPicture(fPicture); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Svg2PictureView::HasAttribute(const XML_Char **attributes, const char *name) { while (*attributes && strcasecmp(*attributes, name) != 0) attributes += 2; return (*attributes); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float Svg2PictureView::GetFloatAttribute(const XML_Char **attributes, const char *name) { while (*attributes && strcasecmp(*attributes, name) != 0) attributes += 2; if (*attributes) return atof(*(attributes + 1)); else return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *Svg2PictureView::GetStringAttribute(const XML_Char **attributes, const char *name) { while (*attributes && strcasecmp(*attributes, name) != 0) attributes += 2; if (*attributes) return *(attributes + 1); else return NULL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rgb_color Svg2PictureView::GetColorAttribute(const XML_Char **attributes, const char *name, uint8 alpha) { const char *attr = GetStringAttribute(attributes, name); if (!attr) return colors[0].color; int32 red, green, blue; if (attr[0] == '#') { if (strlen(attr) == 4) { sscanf(attr, "#%1X%1X%1X", &red, &green, &blue); red = (red << 4) + red; green = (green << 4) + green; blue = (blue << 4) + blue; } else sscanf(attr, "#%2X%2X%2X", &red, &green, &blue); rgb_color color; color.red = red; color.green = green; color.blue = blue; color.alpha = alpha; return color; } if (sscanf(attr, "rgb(%d, %d, %d)", &red, &green, &blue) == 3) { rgb_color color; color.red = red; color.green = green; color.blue = blue; color.alpha = alpha; return color; } float redf, greenf, bluef; if (sscanf(attr, "rgb(%f%%, %f%%, %f%%)", &redf, &greenf, &bluef) == 3) { rgb_color color; color.red = (int32)(redf * 2.55f); color.green = (int32)(greenf * 2.55f); color.blue = (int32)(bluef * 2.55f); color.alpha = alpha; return color; } if (strcasecmp(attr, "url")) { const char *grad = strchr(attr, '#'); if (grad) { for (int32 i = 0; i < fGradients.CountItems(); i++) { named_color *item = (named_color*)fGradients.ItemAt(i); if (strstr(grad, item->name)) { rgb_color color = item->color; color.alpha = alpha; return color; } } } } for (int32 i = 0; colors[i].name != NULL; i++) if (strcasecmp(colors[i].name, attr) == 0) { rgb_color color = colors[i].color; color.alpha = alpha; return color; } rgb_color color = colors[0].color; color.alpha = alpha; return color; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::GetPolygonAttribute(const XML_Char **attributes, const char *name, BShape &shape) { const char *attr = NULL; while (*attributes && strcasecmp(*attributes, name) != 0) attributes += 2; if (*attributes) attr = *(attributes + 1); if (!attr) return; char *ptr = const_cast<char*>(attr); BPoint point; bool first = true; while (*ptr) { // Skip white space and ',' while (*ptr && (*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == ',')) ptr++; sscanf(ptr, "%f", &point.x); // Skip x while (*ptr && *ptr != ',') ptr++; if (!*ptr || !*(ptr + 1)) break; ptr++; sscanf(ptr, "%f", &point.y); if (first) { shape.MoveTo(point); first = false; } else shape.LineTo(point); // Skip y while (*ptr && (*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != ',')) ptr++; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::GetMatrixAttribute(const XML_Char **attributes, const char *name, BMatrix *matrix) { const char *attr = NULL; while (*attributes && strcasecmp(*attributes, name) != 0) attributes += 2; if (*attributes) attr = *(attributes + 1); if (!attr) return; char *ptr = (char*)attr; while (*ptr) { while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++; char *transform_name = ptr; while (*ptr != '(') ptr++; if (strncmp(transform_name, "translate", 9) == 0) { float x, y; if (sscanf(ptr, "(%f %f)", &x, &y) != 2) sscanf(ptr, "(%f,%f)", &x, &y); matrix->Translate(x, y); } else if (strncmp(transform_name, "rotate", 6) == 0) { float angle; sscanf(ptr, "(%f)", &angle); matrix->Rotate(angle); } else if (strncmp(transform_name, "scale", 5) == 0) { float sx, sy; if (sscanf(ptr, "(%f,%f)", &sx, &sy) == 2) matrix->Scale(sx, sy); else { sscanf(ptr, "(%f)", &sx); matrix->Scale(sx, sx); } } else if (strncmp(transform_name, "skewX", 5) == 0) { float angle; sscanf(ptr, "(%f)", &angle); matrix->SkewX(angle); } else if (strncmp(transform_name, "skewY", 5) == 0) { float angle; sscanf(ptr, "(%f)", &angle); matrix->SkewY(angle); } while (*ptr != ')') ptr++; ptr++; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double CalcVectorAngle(double ux, double uy, double vx, double vy) { double ta = atan2(uy, ux); double tb = atan2(vy, vx); if (tb >= ta) return tb - ta; return 6.28318530718 - (ta - tb); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char *SkipFloat(char *string) { if (*string == '-') string++; int32 len = strspn(string, "1234567890."); return string + len; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char *FindFloat(char *string) { return strpbrk(string, "1234567890-."); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float GetFloat(char **string) { *string = FindFloat(*string); float f = atof(*string); *string = SkipFloat(*string); return f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::GetShapeAttribute(const XML_Char **attributes, const char *name, BShape &shape) { const char *attr = GetStringAttribute(attributes, name); if (!attr) return; char *ptr = const_cast<char*>(attr); float x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, angle; bool largeArcFlag, sweepFlag; char command, prevCommand = 0; BPoint prevCtlPt; BPoint pos, startPos; bool canMove = true; while (*ptr) { ptr = strpbrk(ptr, "ZzMmLlCcQqAaHhVvSsTt"); if (ptr == NULL) break; command = *ptr; switch (command) { case 'Z': case 'z': { pos.Set(startPos.x, startPos.y); canMove = true; shape.Close(); ptr++; break; } case 'M': { x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.Set(x, y); if (canMove) startPos = pos; shape.MoveTo(pos); break; } case 'm': { x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.x += x; pos.y += y; if (canMove) startPos = pos; shape.MoveTo(pos); break; } case 'L': { x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.Set(x, y); canMove = false; shape.LineTo(pos); break; } case 'l': { x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.x += x; pos.y += y; canMove = false; shape.LineTo(pos); break; } case 'C': case 'c': { if (command == 'C') { x1 = GetFloat(&ptr); y1 = GetFloat(&ptr); x2 = GetFloat(&ptr); y2 = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); } else { x1 = GetFloat(&ptr); y1 = GetFloat(&ptr); x2 = GetFloat(&ptr); y2 = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); x1 += pos.x; y1 += pos.y; x2 += pos.x; y2 += pos.y; x += pos.x; y += pos.y; } BPoint controlPoints[3]; controlPoints[0].Set(x1, y1); controlPoints[1].Set(x2, y2); controlPoints[2].Set(x, y); pos.Set(x, y); prevCtlPt = controlPoints[1]; canMove = false; shape.BezierTo(controlPoints); break; } case 'Q': case 'q': { if (command == 'Q') { x1 = GetFloat(&ptr); y1 = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); } else { x1 = GetFloat(&ptr); y1 = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); x1 += pos.x; y1 += pos.y; x += pos.x; y += pos.y; } BPoint controlPoints[3]; controlPoints[0].Set(pos.x + 2.0f / 3.0f * (x1 - pos.x), pos.y + 2.0f / 3.0f * (y1 - pos.y)); controlPoints[1].Set(x1 + 1.0f / 3.0f * (x - x1), y1 + 1.0f / 3.0f * (y - y1)); controlPoints[2].Set(x, y); pos.Set(x, y); prevCtlPt.Set(x1, y1); canMove = false; shape.BezierTo(controlPoints); break; } case 'A': case 'a': { x1 = pos.x; y1 = pos.y; if (command == 'A') { rx = GetFloat(&ptr); ry = GetFloat(&ptr); angle = GetFloat(&ptr); largeArcFlag = GetFloat(&ptr); sweepFlag = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); x2 = x; y2 = y; } else { rx = GetFloat(&ptr); ry = GetFloat(&ptr); angle = GetFloat(&ptr); largeArcFlag = GetFloat(&ptr); sweepFlag = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); x2 = x + pos.x; y2 = y + pos.y; } const double pi = 3.14159265359; const double radPerDeg = pi / 180.0; if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) break; if (rx == 0.0f || ry == 0.0f) { shape.LineTo(BPoint((float)x2, (float)y2)); break; } if (rx < 0.0) rx = -rx; if (ry < 0.0) ry = -ry; double sinPhi = sin(angle * radPerDeg); double cosPhi = cos(angle * radPerDeg); double x1dash = cosPhi * (x1 - x2) / 2.0 + sinPhi * (y1 - y2) / 2.0; double y1dash = -sinPhi * (x1 - x2) / 2.0 + cosPhi * (y1 - y2) / 2.0; double root, numerator = rx * rx * ry * ry - rx * rx * y1dash * y1dash - ry * ry * x1dash * x1dash; if (numerator < 0.0) { double s = (float)sqrt(1.0 - numerator / (rx * rx * ry * ry)); rx *= s; ry *= s; root = 0.0; } else { root = (largeArcFlag == sweepFlag ? -1.0 : 1.0) * sqrt(numerator / (rx * rx * y1dash * y1dash + ry * ry * x1dash * x1dash)); } double cxdash = root * rx * y1dash / ry, cydash = -root * ry * x1dash / rx; double cx = cosPhi * cxdash - sinPhi * cydash + (x1 + x2) / 2.0; double cy = sinPhi * cxdash + cosPhi * cydash + (y1 + y2) / 2.0; double theta1 = CalcVectorAngle(1.0, 0.0, (x1dash - cxdash) / rx, (y1dash - cydash) / ry ), dtheta = CalcVectorAngle((x1dash - cxdash) / rx, (y1dash - cydash) / ry, (-x1dash - cxdash) / rx, (-y1dash - cydash) / ry); if (!sweepFlag && dtheta > 0) dtheta -= 2.0 * pi; else if (sweepFlag && dtheta < 0) dtheta += 2.0 * pi; int segments = (int)ceil (fabs(dtheta / (pi / 2.0))); double delta = dtheta / segments; double t = 8.0/3.0 * sin(delta / 4.0) * sin( delta / 4.0) / sin(delta / 2.0); BPoint controlPoints[3]; for (int n = 0; n < segments; ++n) { double cosTheta1 = cos(theta1); double sinTheta1 = sin(theta1); double theta2 = theta1 + delta; double cosTheta2 = cos(theta2); double sinTheta2 = sin(theta2); double xe = cosPhi * rx * cosTheta2 - sinPhi * ry * sinTheta2 + cx; double ye = sinPhi * rx * cosTheta2 + cosPhi * ry * sinTheta2 + cy; double dx1 = t * (-cosPhi * rx * sinTheta1 - sinPhi * ry * cosTheta1); double dy1 = t * (-sinPhi * rx * sinTheta1 + cosPhi * ry * cosTheta1); double dxe = t * (cosPhi * rx * sinTheta2 + sinPhi * ry * cosTheta2); double dye = t * (sinPhi * rx * sinTheta2 - cosPhi * ry * cosTheta2); controlPoints[0].Set((float)(x1 + dx1), (float)(y1 + dy1)); controlPoints[1].Set((float)(xe + dxe), (float)(ye + dye)); controlPoints[2].Set((float)xe, (float)ye ); shape.BezierTo(controlPoints); theta1 = theta2; x1 = (float)xe; y1 = (float)ye; } pos.Set(x2, y2); break; } case 'H': { x = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.x = x; canMove = false; shape.LineTo(pos); break; } case 'h': { x = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.x += x; canMove = false; shape.LineTo(pos); break; } case 'V': { y = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.y = y; canMove = false; shape.LineTo(pos); break; } case 'v': { y = GetFloat(&ptr); pos.y += y; canMove = false; shape.LineTo(pos); break; } case 'S': case 's': { if (command == 'S') { x2 = GetFloat(&ptr); y2 = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); } else { x2 = GetFloat(&ptr); y2 = GetFloat(&ptr); x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); x2 += pos.x; y2 += pos.y; x += pos.x; y += pos.y; } if (prevCommand == 'C' || prevCommand == 'c' || prevCommand == 'S' || prevCommand == 's') { x1 = prevCtlPt.x + 2 * (pos.x - prevCtlPt.x); y1 = prevCtlPt.y + 2 * (pos.y - prevCtlPt.y); } else { x1 = pos.x; y1 = pos.y; } BPoint controlPoints[3]; controlPoints[0].Set(x1, y1); controlPoints[1].Set(x2, y2); controlPoints[2].Set(x, y); pos.Set(x, y); prevCtlPt.Set(x2, y2); canMove = false; shape.BezierTo(controlPoints); break; } case 'T': case 't': { if (command == 'T') { x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); } else { x = GetFloat(&ptr); y = GetFloat(&ptr); x += pos.x; y += pos.y; } if (prevCommand == 'Q' || prevCommand == 'q' || prevCommand == 'T' || prevCommand == 't') { x1 = prevCtlPt.x + 2 * (pos.x - prevCtlPt.x); y1 = prevCtlPt.y + 2 * (pos.y - prevCtlPt.y); } else { x1 = pos.x; y1 = pos.y; } BPoint controlPoints[3]; controlPoints[0].Set(pos.x + 2.0f / 3.0f * (x1 - pos.x), pos.y + 2.0f / 3.0f * (y1 - pos.y)); controlPoints[1].Set(x1 + 1.0f / 3.0f * (x - x1), y1 + 1.0f / 3.0f * (y - y1)); controlPoints[2].Set(x, y); pos.Set(x, y); prevCtlPt.Set(x1, y1); canMove = false; shape.BezierTo(controlPoints); break; } } prevCommand = command; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::CheckAttributes(const XML_Char **attributes) { uint8 alpha = fState.fStrokeColor.alpha; if (HasAttribute(attributes, "opacity")) { float opacity = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "opacity"); fState.fStrokeColor.alpha = (uint8)(opacity * alpha); fState.fFlags |= STROKE_FLAG; fState.fFillColor.alpha = (uint8)(opacity * alpha); fState.fFlags |= FILL_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "color")) { fState.fCurrentColor = GetColorAttribute(attributes, "color", fState.fCurrentColor.alpha); } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "stroke")) { const char *stroke = GetStringAttribute(attributes, "stroke"); if (strcasecmp(stroke, "none") == 0) fState.fStroke = false; else if (strcasecmp(stroke, "currentColor") == 0) { fState.fStrokeColor = fState.fCurrentColor; fState.fStroke = true; } else { fState.fStrokeColor = GetColorAttribute(attributes, "stroke", fState.fFillColor.alpha); fState.fStroke = true; SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } fState.fFlags |= STROKE_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "stroke-opacity")) { fState.fStrokeColor.alpha = (uint8)(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "stroke-opacity") * alpha); fState.fFlags |= STROKE_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "fill")) { const char *fill = GetStringAttribute(attributes, "fill"); if (strcasecmp(fill, "none") == 0) fState.fFill = false; else if (strcasecmp(fill, "currentColor") == 0) { fState.fFillColor = fState.fCurrentColor; fState.fFill = true; } else { fState.fFillColor = GetColorAttribute(attributes, "fill", fState.fFillColor.alpha); fState.fFill = true; } fState.fFlags |= FILL_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "fill-opacity")) { fState.fFillColor.alpha = (uint8)(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "fill-opacity") * alpha); fState.fFlags |= FILL_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "stroke-width")) { fState.fStrokeWidth = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "stroke-width"); SetPenSize(fState.fStrokeWidth); fState.fFlags |= STROKE_WIDTH_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "stroke-linecap")) { const char *stroke_linecap = GetStringAttribute(attributes, "stroke-linecap"); if (strcasecmp(stroke_linecap, "but") == 0) fState.fLineCap = B_BUTT_CAP; else if (strcasecmp(stroke_linecap, "round") == 0) fState.fLineCap = B_ROUND_CAP; else if (strcasecmp(stroke_linecap, "square") == 0) fState.fLineCap = B_SQUARE_CAP; SetLineMode(fState.fLineCap, LineJoinMode(), LineMiterLimit()); fState.fFlags |= LINE_MODE_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "stroke-linejoin")) { const char *stroke_linejoin = GetStringAttribute(attributes, "stroke-linejoin"); if (strcasecmp(stroke_linejoin, "miter") == 0) fState.fLineJoin = B_MITER_JOIN; else if (strcasecmp(stroke_linejoin, "round") == 0) fState.fLineJoin = B_ROUND_JOIN; else if (strcasecmp(stroke_linejoin, "bevel") == 0) fState.fLineJoin = B_BEVEL_JOIN; SetLineMode(LineCapMode(), fState.fLineJoin, LineMiterLimit()); fState.fFlags |= LINE_MODE_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "stroke-miterlimit")) { fState.fLineMiterLimit = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "stroke-miterlimit"); SetLineMode(LineCapMode(), LineJoinMode(), fState.fLineMiterLimit); fState.fFlags |= LINE_MODE_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "font-size")) { fState.fFontSize = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "font-size"); SetFontSize(fState.fFontSize); fState.fFlags |= FONT_SIZE_FLAG; } if (HasAttribute(attributes, "transform")) { BMatrix matrix; GetMatrixAttribute(attributes, "transform", &matrix); fState.fMatrix *= matrix; fState.fFlags |= MATRIX_FLAG; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::StartElement(const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **attributes) { Push(); CheckAttributes(attributes); if (strcasecmp(name, "circle") == 0) { BPoint c(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "cx"), GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "cy")); float r = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "r"); if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillEllipse(c, r, r); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeEllipse(c, r, r); } else if (strcasecmp(name, "ellipse") == 0) { BPoint c(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "cx"), GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "cy")); float rx = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "rx"); float ry = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "ry"); if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillEllipse(c, rx, ry); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeEllipse(c, rx, ry); } else if (strcasecmp(name, "image") == 0) { BPoint topLeft(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "x"), GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "y")); BPoint bottomRight(topLeft.x + GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "width"), topLeft.y + GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "height")); fState.fMatrix.Transform(&topLeft); fState.fMatrix.Transform(&bottomRight); const char *href = GetStringAttribute(attributes, "xlink:href"); if (href) { BBitmap *bitmap = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(href); if (bitmap) { DrawBitmap(bitmap, BRect(topLeft, bottomRight)); delete bitmap; } } } else if (strcasecmp(name, "line") == 0){ BPoint from(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "x1"), GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "y1")); BPoint to(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "x2"), GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "y2")); fState.fMatrix.Transform(&from); fState.fMatrix.Transform(&to); StrokeLine(from, to); } else if (strcasecmp(name, "linearGradient") == 0) { fGradient = new named_gradient; fGradient->name = strdup(GetStringAttribute(attributes, "id")); fGradient->color.red = 0; fGradient->color.green = 0; fGradient->color.blue = 0; fGradient->color.alpha = 255; fGradient->started = false; } else if (strcasecmp(name, "path") == 0) { BShape shape; GetShapeAttribute(attributes, "d", shape); fState.fMatrix.Transform(shape); if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillShape(&shape); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeShape(&shape); } else if (strcasecmp(name, "polygon") == 0) { BShape shape; GetPolygonAttribute(attributes, "points", shape); shape.Close(); fState.fMatrix.Transform(shape); if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillShape(&shape); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeShape(&shape); } else if (strcasecmp(name, "polyline") == 0) { BShape shape; GetPolygonAttribute(attributes, "points", shape); fState.fMatrix.Transform(shape); if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillShape(&shape); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeShape(&shape); } else if (strcasecmp(name, "radialGradient") == 0) { fGradient = new named_gradient; fGradient->name = strdup(GetStringAttribute(attributes, "id")); fGradient->color.red = 0; fGradient->color.green = 0; fGradient->color.blue = 0; fGradient->color.alpha = 255; fGradient->started = false; } else if (strcasecmp(name, "stop") == 0) { rgb_color color = GetColorAttribute(attributes, "stop-color", 255); if (fGradient) { if (fGradient->started) { fGradient->color.red = (int8)(((int32)fGradient->color.red + (int32)color.red) / 2); fGradient->color.green = (int8)(((int32)fGradient->color.green + (int32)color.green) / 2); fGradient->color.blue = (int8)(((int32)fGradient->color.blue + (int32)color.blue) / 2); } else { fGradient->color = color; fGradient->started = true; } } } else if (strcasecmp(name, "rect") == 0) { BPoint points[4]; points[0].x = points[3].x = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "x"); points[0].y= points[1].y = GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "y"); points[1].x = points[2].x = points[0].x + GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "width"); points[2].y = points[3].y = points[0].y + GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "height"); /*const char *_rx = element->Attribute("rx"); const char *_ry = element->Attribute("ry"); if (_rx || _ry) { float rx, ry; if (_rx) { rx = atof(_rx); if (_ry) ry = atof(_ry); else ry = rx; } else rx = ry = atof(_ry); if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillRoundRect(rect, rx, ry); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeRoundRect(rect, rx, ry); } else { if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillRect(rect); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeRect(rect); }*/ BShape shape; shape.MoveTo(points[0]); shape.LineTo(points[1]); shape.LineTo(points[2]); shape.LineTo(points[3]); shape.Close(); fState.fMatrix.Transform(shape); if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); FillShape(&shape); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) StrokeShape(&shape); } else if (strcasecmp(name, "text") == 0) { fTextPosition.Set(GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "x"), GetFloatAttribute(attributes, "y")); fState.fMatrix.Transform(&fTextPosition); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::EndElement(const XML_Char *name) { if (strcasecmp(name, "linearGradient") == 0) { if (fGradient) fGradients.AddItem(fGradient); fGradient = NULL; } else if (strcasecmp(name, "radialGradient") == 0) { if (fGradient) fGradients.AddItem(fGradient); fGradient = NULL; } else if (strcasecmp(name, "text") == 0) { if (fState.fFill) { SetHighColor(fState.fFillColor); DrawString(fText.String(), fTextPosition); SetHighColor(fState.fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fStroke) DrawString(fText.String(), fTextPosition); printf("%f, %f\n", fTextPosition.x, fTextPosition.y); } Pop(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::CharacterDataHandler(const XML_Char *s, int len) { fText.SetTo(s, len); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::Push() { _state_ *state = new _state_(fState); fStack.AddItem(state); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::Pop() { if (fStack.CountItems() == 0) printf("Unbalanced Push/Pop\n"); _state_ *state = (_state_*)fStack.LastItem(); if (fState.fFlags & STROKE_FLAG) { if (state->fStroke) SetHighColor(state->fStrokeColor); } if (fState.fFlags & FILL_FLAG) { if (state->fFill) SetHighColor(state->fFillColor); } if (fState.fFlags & STROKE_WIDTH_FLAG) SetPenSize(state->fStrokeWidth); if (fState.fFlags & LINE_MODE_FLAG) SetLineMode(state->fLineCap, state->fLineJoin, state->fLineMiterLimit); if (fState.fFlags & FONT_SIZE_FLAG) SetFontSize(state->fFontSize); fState = *state; fStack.RemoveItem(state); delete state; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::_StartElement(Svg2PictureView *view, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **attributes) { view->StartElement(name, attributes); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::_EndElement(Svg2PictureView *view, const XML_Char *name) { view->EndElement(name); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Svg2PictureView::_CharacterDataHandler(Svg2PictureView *view, const XML_Char *s, int len) { view->CharacterDataHandler(s, len); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------