/* ChartWindow.h by Pierre Raynaud-Richard. */ /* Copyright 1999, Be Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. This file may be used under the terms of the Be Sample Code License. */ #ifndef CHART_WINDOW_H #define CHART_WINDOW_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "ChartRender.h" #include "ChartView.h" /* This window can be used in 3 modes : window mode is just a normal window (that you move and resize freely), fullscreen resize the window to adjust its content area to the full size of the screen. Demo mode resize the window to have the animate part of it fit the full screen. */ enum { WINDOW_MODE = 0, FULLSCREEN_MODE = 1, FULLDEMO_MODE = 2 }; /* Special animation mode. Comet create 2 comets flying around randomaly. Novas add a couple start with flashing burst of light. Battle was never implemented... */ enum { SPECIAL_NONE = 0, SPECIAL_COMET = 1, SPECIAL_NOVAS = 2, SPECIAL_BATTLE = 3 }; /* Three types of display mode : line is supposed to use line array to draw pixel (but is not currently implemented). Bitmap use an offscreen BBitmap and DrawBitmap for each frame. Direct use the DirectWindow API to draw directly on the screen. */ enum { DISPLAY_OFF = 0, DISPLAY_LINE = 1, DISPLAY_BITMAP = 2, DISPLAY_DIRECT = 3 }; /* Five ways of moving the camera around : not at all, simple rotation around the center of the starfield, slow straight move, fast straight move, and a random move (flying around). */ enum { ANIMATION_OFF = 0, ANIMATION_ROTATE = 1, ANIMATION_SLOW_MOVE = 2, ANIMATION_FAST_MOVE = 3, ANIMATION_FREE_MOVE = 4 }; /* Three types of star field. A new random starfield is created everytime you change the starfield type. The first will just put stars randomly in space. The second will concentrate star in 10 places. The last one will put half the star in a big spiral galaxy, and the other one in a few amas. */ enum { SPACE_CHAOS = 0, SPACE_AMAS = 1, SPACE_SPIRAL = 2 }; /* All messages exchanged between the UI and the engine. */ enum { ANIM_OFF_MSG = 1000, ANIM_SLOW_ROT_MSG = 1001, ANIM_SLOW_MOVE_MSG = 1002, ANIM_FAST_MOVE_MSG = 1003, ANIM_FREE_MOVE_MSG = 1004, DISP_OFF_MSG = 2000, DISP_LINE_MSG = 2001, DISP_BITMAP_MSG = 2002, DISP_DIRECT_MSG = 2003, OPEN_COLOR_MSG = 3000, OPEN_DENSITY_MSG = 3100, OPEN_REFRESH_MSG = 3200, SPACE_CHAOS_MSG = 3300, SPACE_AMAS_MSG = 3301, SPACE_SPIRAL_MSG = 3302, FULL_SCREEN_MSG = 4000, AUTO_DEMO_MSG = 4100, BACK_DEMO_MSG = 4101, SECOND_THREAD_MSG = 4200, COLORS_RED_MSG = 5000, COLORS_GREEN_MSG = 5001, COLORS_BLUE_MSG = 5002, COLORS_YELLOW_MSG = 5003, COLORS_ORANGE_MSG = 5004, COLORS_PINK_MSG = 5005, COLORS_WHITE_MSG = 5006, SPECIAL_NONE_MSG = 6000, SPECIAL_COMET_MSG = 6001, SPECIAL_NOVAS_MSG = 6002, SPECIAL_BATTLE_MSG = 6003, COLOR_PALETTE_MSG = 7000, STAR_DENSITY_MSG = 8000, REFRESH_RATE_MSG = 9000 }; enum { /* Number of star used to generate the special animation */ SPECIAL_COUNT_MAX = 512, /* Number of keypoint used for the "random" animation */ KEY_POINT_MAX = 16 }; /* Basic 3D point/vector class, used for basic vectorial operations. */ class TPoint { public: float x; float y; float z; TPoint operator* (const float k) const; TPoint operator- (const TPoint& v2) const; TPoint operator+ (const TPoint& v2) const; TPoint operator^ (const TPoint& v2) const; float Length() const; }; /* Basic 3x3 matrix used for 3D transform. */ class TMatrix { public: float m[3][3]; TPoint operator* (const TPoint& v) const; TPoint Axis(int32 index); TMatrix Transpose() const; void Set(const float alpha, const float theta, const float phi); }; class BBox; class BView; /* The main window class, encapsulating both UI and engine. */ class ChartWindow : public BDirectWindow { public: /* standard constructor and destructor */ ChartWindow(BRect frame, const char *name); virtual ~ChartWindow(); /* standard window members */ virtual bool QuitRequested(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *message); virtual void ScreenChanged(BRect screen_size, color_space depth); virtual void FrameResized(float new_width, float new_height); /* this struct embedded all user settable parameters that can be set by the UI. The idea is to solve all possible synchronisation problem between the UI settings and the engine (when using DirectWindow mode) by defining a current setting state and a next setting state. The UI touches only the next setting state, never the one currently use by the engine. This way the engine doesn't have to be synchronised with the UI. */ struct setting { /* do we want to use the second thread ? */ bool second_thread; /* which ones of the 7 star colors are we using ? */ bool colors[7]; /* what window configuration mode are we using ? */ int32 fullscreen_mode; /* what special mode are we using ? */ int32 special; /* what display mode are we using ? */ int32 display; /* what starfield model are we using ? */ int32 space_model; /* what camera animation are we using ? */ int32 animation; /* what is the density of the current starfield model ? */ int32 star_density; /* what's the current required refresh rate ? */ float refresh_rate; /* what's the current background color for the animated view ? */ rgb_color back_color; /* what's the current color_space of the screen ? */ color_space depth; /* what's the current dimension of the content area of the window ? */ int32 width, height; /* used to copy a whole setting in another. */ void Set(setting *master); }; /* this union is used to store special animation information that are defined per star. */ typedef union { /* for the comet, it's a speed vector and to counters to define how long the star will continue before disappearing. */ struct { float dx; float dy; float dz; int32 count; int32 count0; } comet; /* for the novas, just counters to define the pulse cycle of the star. */ struct { float count; int32 count0; } nova; /* battle was not implemented. */ struct { int32 count; } battle; } special; /* public instance members */ /* the current instantenuous potential frame/rate as display by the vue-meter. */ int32 fInstantLoadLevel; /* the offscreen Bitmap used, if any. */ BBitmap *fOffscreen; /* the current active setting used by the engine */ setting fCurrentSettings; /* the private stuff... */ private: /* User Interface related stuff. */ BBox *fStatusBox; BBox *fColorsBox; BBox *fSpecialBox; BView *fLeftView; BView *fTopView; /* Find a window by its name if already opened. */ static BWindow *GetAppWindow(char *name); /* Used to set the content of PictureButton. */ BPicture *ButtonPicture(bool active, int32 button_type); /* Those function create and handle the other settings floating windows, for the background color, the star density and the refresh rate. */ void OpenColorPalette(BPoint here); void OpenStarDensity(BPoint here); void OpenRefresh(BPoint here); /* Draw the state of the instant-load vue-meter */ void DrawInstantLoad(float frame_per_second); /* Print the performances numbers, based on the real framerate. */ void PrintStatNumbers(float fps); /* Engine setting related functions. */ /* Init the geometry engine of the camera at startup. */ void InitGeometry(); /* Check and apply changes between a new setting state and the currently used one. */ void ChangeSetting(setting new_set); /* Initialise a new starfield of the specified model. */ void InitStars(int32 model); /* Fill a star list with random stars in [0-1]x[0-1]x[0-1]. */ void FillStarList(star *list, int32 count); /* Init a new special animation of a specific type. */ void InitSpecials(int32 code); /* Change the star field colors depending a new set of selected colors. */ void SetStarColors(int32 *color_list, int32 color_count); /* Change the global geometry of the camera when the viewing area is resized. */ void SetGeometry(int32 dh, int32 dv); /* Change the color_space configuration of a buffer */ void SetColorSpace(buffer *buf, color_space depth); /* Used to sync the pre-offset matrix pointer whenever the buffer bits pointer changes. */ void SetPatternBits(buffer *buf); /* Engine processing related functions. */ /* those functions are the two processing threads launcher */ static long Animation(void *data); static long Animation2(void *data); /* After every camera move or rotation, reprocess the torus cycle of the starfield to maintain the pyramid of vision of the camera completly inside a 1x1x1 iteration of the starfield. */ void SetCubeOffset(); /* Process the camera animation for a specified time step */ void CameraAnimation(float time_factor); /* Used by the random move camera animation. */ void SelectNewTarget(); void FollowTarget(); /* Process the special animation for a specified time step */ void AnimSpecials(float time_step); /* Sync the embedded camera state with the window class camera state (before calling the embedded C-engine in ChartRender.c */ void SyncGeo(); /* Control the star processing (done by 1 or 2 threads) and executed by the embedded C-engine in ChartRender.c */ void RefreshStars(buffer *buf, float time_step); /* Offscreen bitmap configuration related functions. */ /* Used to update the state of the offscreen Bitmap to stay in sync with the current settings. */ void CheckBitmap(color_space depth, int32 width, int32 height); /* Set the basic clipping of the offscreen Bitmap (everything visible) */ void SetBitmapClipping(int32 width, int32 height); /* Draw the offscreen bitmap background. */ void SetBitmapBackGround(); /* DirectWindow related functions */ /* Process a change of state in the direct access to the frame buffer. */ void SwitchContext(direct_buffer_info *info); public: /* this is the hook controling direct screen connection */ virtual void DirectConnected(direct_buffer_info *info); private: /* Pseudo-random generator state and increment function. */ int32 crc_alea; inline void CrcStep(); /* Various private instance variables. */ /* the next setting, as modified by the UI */ setting fNextSettings; /* a boolean used to enable a work-around for a bug in the DirectWindow flags setting. Only needed for the release 3.0 */ bool need_r3_buffer_reset_work_around; /* the buffer descriptors for the offscreen bitmap and the DirectWindow buffer. */ buffer bitmap_buffer; buffer direct_buffer; /* current maximal dimensions of the offscreen Bitmap buffer */ int32 max_width, max_height; /* memorize previous state for switch between fullscreen and window mode */ BRect PreviousFrame; int32 previous_fullscreen_mode; /* cycling threshold for the cubic torus starfield, that guarantees that the 1x1x1 sample will contain the full pyramid of vision. */ TPoint cut; /* maximal depth of the pyramid of vision */ float depth_ref; int32 back_color_index; /* target frame duration, in microsecond. */ bigtime_t frame_delay; /* various UI object that we need to reach directly. */ BButton *offwindow_button; ChartView *fChartView; BStringView *cpu_load, *frames; InstantView *fInstantLoad; BPictureButton *color_button, *density_button, *refresh_button; /* states used to describe the camera position, rotation and dynamic (in other case than free move). */ float camera_alpha, camera_theta, camera_phi; float d_alpha; float d_theta; float d_phi; int32 cnt_alpha, cnt_theta, cnt_phi; TPoint origin; TMatrix camera; TMatrix camera_invert; /* the camera geometry descriptor required by the embedded C-engine (just a copy of part of the previous states) */ geometry geo; /* states used by the free move camera animation */ int32 tracking_target; int32 key_point_count; float speed, target_speed; float last_dynamic_delay; TPoint key_points[KEY_POINT_MAX]; /* main starfield. */ star_packet stars; /* used for the special animation */ TPoint comet[2]; TPoint delta_comet[2]; special *special_list; star_packet specials; /* the two processing threads. */ thread_id fAnimationThread; thread_id fSecondAnimationThread; /* context of the second processing thread (when used). */ float fSecondThreadThreshold; buffer *fSecondThreadBuffer; sem_id fSecondThreadLock; sem_id fSecondThreadRelease; bigtime_t fSecondThreadDelay; star_packet fStars2; star_packet fSpecials2; /* Flag used to terminate the processing threads */ bool fKillThread; /* Direct connection status */ bool fDirectConnected; /* used to synchronise the star animation drawing. */ sem_id fDrawingLock; }; #endif