// // StickIt // File: jwindow.cpp // Joystick window. // Sampel code used in "Getting a Grip on BJoystick" by Eric Shepherd // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SPACE 10 #include "JoystickWindow.h" #define SELECTED 'sele' #define INVOKE 'invo' #include "StickItWindow.h" StickItWindow::StickItWindow(BRect frame) : BWindow(frame, "StickIt", B_TITLED_WINDOW, 0) { frame = Bounds(); frame.InsetBy(5, 5); BBox* box = new BBox(frame, NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES); // Allocate object BView* view = new BView(Bounds(), "", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, 0); view->SetViewColor(216, 216, 216); view->SetLowColor(216, 216, 216); BRect rectString = BRect(frame.left, frame.top-10, frame.right -30, 30); BStringView* stringview1 = new BStringView(rectString,"StringView1", "This list, lists action that StickIt makes."); BRect rect = BRect(rectString.left, rectString.bottom + SPACE, rectString.right, rectString.bottom + SPACE + 200); fListView1 = new BListView(rect,"ListView1"); rectString = BRect(rect.left, rect.bottom + SPACE, rect.right, rect.bottom + SPACE + 15); BStringView* stringview2 = new BStringView(rectString,"StringView2", "Choose Joystick below if any exists"); rect = BRect(rectString.left, rectString.bottom + SPACE, rectString.right, Bounds().bottom -20); fListView2 = new BListView(rect,"ListView2"); fListView2->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(SELECTED)); fListView2->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(INVOKE)); // Adding object box->AddChild(new BScrollView("fListView1", fListView1, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT, 0, false, true)); box->AddChild(new BScrollView("fListView2", fListView2, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, 0, false, true)); box->AddChild(stringview1); box->AddChild(stringview2); view->AddChild(box); AddChild(view); fJoystick = new BJoystick; PickJoystick(fJoystick); } bool StickItWindow::QuitRequested(void) { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } void StickItWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { // message->PrintToStream(); switch(message->what) { case INVOKE: case SELECTED: { int32 id = fListView2->CurrentSelection(); BString temp1; if (id > -1) { char devName[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; status_t err = fJoystick->GetDeviceName(id, devName); if (err == B_OK) { temp1 << "BJoystick::GetDeviceName(), id = " << id << ", name = " << devName; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); err = fJoystick->Open(devName); if (err != B_ERROR) { temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, "BJoystick::Open()"); temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, "BJoystick::Open()"); if(fJoystick->IsCalibrationEnabled()) temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, "BJoystick::IsCalibrationEnabled() - True"); else temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, "BJoystick::IsCalibrationEnabled() - False"); fJoystickWindow = new JoystickWindow(fJoystick, BRect(50, 50, 405, 350)); fJoystickWindow->Show(); } else AddToList(fListView1, "No controller connected on that port. Try again."); } else AddToList(fListView1, "Can't use that stick. Try again."); } break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } } BString StickItWindow::AddToList(BListView *bl, const char * str) { bl->AddItem(new BStringItem(str)); return BString (""); } // PickJoystick // Present a list of all game controllers and let the user choose the one to // use. This will configure the "stick" object for that controller. void StickItWindow::PickJoystick(BJoystick *stick) { int32 numDevices = stick->CountDevices(); BString temp1("BJoystick::CountDevices()"); temp1 << ", Num = " << numDevices; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); status_t err = B_ERROR; if (numDevices) { temp1 << "There are " << numDevices << " Joysticks device types available"; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); for (int32 i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { char devName[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; err = stick->GetDeviceName(i, devName); temp1 << "BJoystick::GetDeviceName(), id = " << i << ", name = " << devName; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); if (err == B_OK) { err = stick->Open(devName); temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, "BJoystick::Open()"); int32 count = stick->CountSticks(); temp1 << "BJoystick::CountSticks(), number of sticks = " << count; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); count = stick->CountAxes(); temp1 << "BJoystick::CountAxes(), number of Axes = " << count; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); count = stick->CountButtons(); temp1 << "BJoystick::CountButtons(), number of Buttons = " << count; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); count = stick->CountHats(); temp1 << "BJoystick::CountHats(), number of Hats = " << count; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); count = stick->CountDevices(); temp1 << "BJoystick::CountDevices(), number of Devices = " << count; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); if (err != B_ERROR) { BString name; err = stick->GetControllerModule(&name); temp1 << "BJoystick::GetControllerModule(), name = " << name; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); if (name == "Legacy") { bool b = stick->EnterEnhancedMode(); if (b) { temp1 << "BJoystick::EnterEnhancedMode(), OK"; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); } else { temp1 << "BJoystick::EnterEnhancedMode(), Not OK"; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); } } err = stick->GetControllerName(&name); temp1 << "BJoystick::GetControllerName(), name = " << name; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); if (err == B_OK) { stick->Close(); temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, "BJoystick::Close()"); temp1 << i+1 << " " << name.String(); temp1 = AddToList(fListView2, temp1.String()); } else { temp1 << "Error = " << strerror(err); temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); temp1 << "*** Can't get name of controller " << devName; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); } } else { temp1 << "Error = " << strerror(err) << "err nr = " << err; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); temp1 << "No controller on " << devName; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); } } else { temp1 << "Error = " << strerror(err); temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); temp1 << "*** Error while reading controller list."; temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); } } } else { temp1 << "Error = " << strerror(err); temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, temp1.String()); temp1 = AddToList(fListView1, "*** No game ports detected."); } }