// // StickIt // File: JoystickWindow.cpp // Joystick window. // Sampel code used in "Getting a Grip on BJoystick" by Eric Shepherd // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "JoystickWindow.h" rgb_color rgb_black = {0, 0, 0, 255}; rgb_color rgb_red = {255, 0, 0, 255}; rgb_color rgb_grey = {216, 216, 216}; int32 hatX[9] = {10, 10, 20, 20, 20, 10, 0, 0, 0}; int32 hatY[9] = {10, 0, 0, 10, 20, 20, 20, 10, 0}; JoystickWindow::JoystickWindow(BJoystick *stick, BRect rect) : BWindow(rect, "StickIt", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE|B_NOT_ZOOMABLE) { fView = new JoystickView(Bounds(), stick); fView->SetViewColor(rgb_grey); fView->SetLowColor(rgb_grey); ResizeTo(fView->Bounds().Width(), fView->Bounds().Height()); AddChild(fView); SetPulseRate(100000.0); } bool JoystickWindow::QuitRequested(void) { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } JoystickView::JoystickView(BRect frame, BJoystick *stick) :BView(frame, "jview", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW|B_PULSE_NEEDED), fStick(stick) { // Set up the controls BString name; fStick->GetControllerName(&name); BRect rect(5, 5, 350, 25); BStringView *stickName = new BStringView(rect, "stickname", name.String()); stickName->SetFontSize(18); AddChild(stickName); rect = _BuildButtons(stick); rect.top += 15; rect.bottom += 15; rect = _BuildHats(stick, rect); _BuildAxes(stick, rect); } void JoystickView::Pulse(void) { Window()->Lock(); Draw(Bounds()); Window()->Unlock(); } void JoystickView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { int32 numButtons = fStick->CountButtons(); int32 numHats = fStick->CountHats(); int32 numAxes = fStick->CountAxes(); int16 *axes = (int16 *) malloc(sizeof(int16) * numAxes); uint8 *hats = (uint8 *) malloc(numHats); fStick->Update(); // Buttons first BRect r(105, 50, 115, 60); uint32 buttons = fStick->ButtonValues(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { if (buttons & (1 << i)) { FillRect(r, B_SOLID_HIGH); } else { r.InsetBy(1, 1); FillRect(r, B_SOLID_LOW); r.InsetBy(-1, -1); StrokeRect(r, B_SOLID_HIGH); } r.top += 18; r.bottom += 18; } // Now hats fStick->GetHatValues(hats); r.top += 15; r.bottom = r.top + 30; r.left = 105; r.right = r.left + 30; BRect curHatRect; for (int32 i = 0; i < numHats; i++) { BeginLineArray(8); AddLine(r.LeftTop(), r.RightTop(), rgb_black); AddLine(r.LeftTop(), r.LeftBottom(), rgb_black); AddLine(r.RightTop(), r.RightBottom(), rgb_black); AddLine(r.LeftBottom(), r.RightBottom(), rgb_black); AddLine(BPoint(r.left+10, r.top), BPoint(r.left+10, r.bottom), rgb_black); AddLine(BPoint(r.left+20, r.top), BPoint(r.left+20, r.bottom), rgb_black); AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.top+10), BPoint(r.right, r.top+10), rgb_black); AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.top+20), BPoint(r.right, r.top+20), rgb_black); EndLineArray(); curHatRect.Set(r.left, r.top, r.left+10, r.top+10); curHatRect.OffsetBy(hatX[hats[i]], hatY[hats[i]]); fLastHatRect.InsetBy(1, 1); FillRect(fLastHatRect, B_SOLID_LOW); fLastHatRect = curHatRect; fLastHatRect.InsetBy(1, 1); FillRect(fLastHatRect, B_SOLID_HIGH); fLastHatRect.InsetBy(-1, -1); r.top += 20; r.bottom += 20; } // Now the joystick r.Set(200, 50, 350, 200); FillRect(r, B_SOLID_HIGH); fStick->GetAxisValues(axes); float x = axes[0]; float y = axes[1]; SetHighColor(rgb_red); x += 32768; y -= 32768; x *= 0.0021362304; y *= 0.0021362304; x += 205; y += 195; FillEllipse(BPoint(x,y), 5, 5); SetHighColor(rgb_black); // Finally, other axes r.Set(200, 220, 350, 234); for (int32 i = 2; i < numAxes; i++) { FillRect(r, B_SOLID_HIGH); x = axes[i]; x += 32768; x *= 0.0021362304; x += 205; BRect thumbRect(x - 3, r.top, x + 3, r.bottom); SetHighColor(rgb_red); FillRoundRect(thumbRect, 3, 3); SetHighColor(rgb_black); r.top += 20; r.bottom += 20; } free(axes); free(hats); } //----------------------- Pragma mark ------------------------------------// BRect JoystickView::_BuildButtons(BJoystick *stick) { BString name; int32 numButtons = stick->CountButtons(); BRect rect(5, 50, 100, 64); for (int32 i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { stick->GetButtonNameAt(i, &name); rect = _BuildString(name, "buttonlabel", 18, rect); } return rect; } BRect JoystickView::_BuildHats(BJoystick *stick, BRect rect) { BString name; int32 numHats = stick->CountHats(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numHats; i++) { stick->GetHatNameAt(i, &name); rect = _BuildString(name, "hatlabel", 40, rect); } return rect; } BRect JoystickView::_BuildString(BString name, const char* strName, int number, BRect rect) { name.Append(":"); BStringView *sview = new BStringView(rect, strName, name.String()); sview->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); sview->SetFont(be_bold_font); AddChild(sview); rect.top += number; rect.bottom += number; return rect; } void JoystickView::_BuildAxes(BJoystick *stick, BRect rect) { float col1bot = rect.bottom - 30; int32 numAxes = stick->CountAxes(); // We assume that the first two axes are the x and y axes. rect.Set(130, 50, 195, 64); BStringView *sview = new BStringView(rect, "sticklabel", "Stick:"); sview->SetFont(be_bold_font); sview->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); AddChild(sview); BString name; int32 i; // Now make labels for all the solitary axes rect.Set(130, 200, 195, 234); for (i = 2; i < numAxes; i++) { stick->GetAxisNameAt(i, &name); rect = _BuildString(name, "hatlabel", 20, rect); } fLastHatRect.Set(0, 0, 0, 0); if (rect.bottom-10 > col1bot) { if (i == 2) { col1bot = 205; } else { col1bot = rect.bottom - 10; } } ResizeTo(355, col1bot); }