BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message, bigtime_t interval, int32 count) case 1: target is invalid, message is valid, interval > 0, count > 0 => InitCheck() should return B_OK. The message runner turns to unusable as soon as the first message had to be sent. GetInfo() should return B_OK. case 2: target is valid, message is NULL, interval > 0, count > 0 => InitCheck() should return B_BAD_VALUE. GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. case 3: target is valid, message is valid, interval == 0, count > 0 => R5: InitCheck() should return B_ERROR. GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. OBOS: InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK. A minimal time interval is used (50000). case 4: target is valid, message is valid, interval < 0, count > 0 => InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK. A minimal time interval is used (50000). case 5: target is valid, message is valid, interval == LONGLONG_MAX, count > 0 => InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK. No message should be delivered. case 6: target is valid, message is valid, interval > 0, count == 0 => InitCheck() should return B_ERROR. GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. case 7: target is valid, message is valid, interval > 0, count < 0 => InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK. Unlimited number of messages. case 8: target is valid, message is valid, interval > 0, count > 0 => InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK. count messages are sent. BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message, bigtime_t interval, int32 count, BMessenger replyTo) cases 1-8 from first constructor case 9: target is valid, message is valid, interval > 0, count > 0, replyTo is invalid => InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK. count messages are sent. The replies go to the registrar! case 10:target is valid, message is valid, interval > 0, count > 0, replyTo targets a different handler than be_app_messenger => InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK. count messages are sent. The replies go to the handler. status_t SetInterval(bigtime_t interval) case 1: object is not properly initialized, interval > 0 => Should return B_BAD_VALUE. InitCheck() should return B_ERROR. GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. case 2: object was properly initialized, but has already delivered all its messages and thus became unusable, interval > 0 => Should return B_BAD_VALUE. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. case 3: object is properly initialized and has still one message to deliver, interval > 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK and the new interval. The timer is reset. The last message arives after the time specified by interval has passed. case 4: object is properly initialized and has still some messages to deliver, interval > 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK and the new interval. The timer is reset. The messages start to arive after the time specified by interval. case 5: object is properly initialized and has still an unlimited number of messages to deliver, interval > 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK and the new interval. The timer is reset. The messages start to arive after the time specified by interval. case 6: object is properly initialized and has still some messages to deliver, interval == 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. R5: GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. All messages are delivered, but at weird times. OBOS: GetInfo() should return B_OK and the minimal interval. The timer is reset. The messages start to arive after the time specified by the minimal interval. case 7: object is properly initialized and has still some messages to deliver, interval < 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. R5: GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. All messages are delivered, but at weird times. OBOS: GetInfo() should return B_OK and the minimal interval. The timer is reset. The messages start to arive after the time specified by the minimal interval. status_t SetCount(int32 count) case 1: object is not properly initialized, count > 0 => Should return B_BAD_VALUE. InitCheck() should return B_ERROR. GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. case 2: object was properly initialized, but has already delivered all its messages and thus became unusable, count > 0 => Should return B_BAD_VALUE. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. case 3: object is properly initialized and has still one message to deliver, count > 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK and the new count. The timer is NOT reset. count messages should arrive. case 4: object is properly initialized and has still some messages to deliver, count > 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK and the new count. The timer is NOT reset. count messages should arrive. case 5: object is properly initialized and has still an unlimited number of messages to deliver, count > 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK and the new count. The timer is NOT reset. count messages should arrive. case 6: object is properly initialized and has still some messages to deliver, count == 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. R5: GetInfo() should return B_OK and count 0! The timer is NOT reset and a message arives after the time specified by the interval! OBOS: GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE. case 7: object is properly initialized and has still some messages to deliver, count < 0 => Should return B_OK. InitCheck() should return B_OK. GetInfo() should return B_OK and the new count. The timer is NOT reset. Unlimited number of messages.