SubDir HAIKU_TOP src tests add-ons kernel file_systems bfs structureSizes ; SubDirHdrs $(HAIKU_TOP) src add-ons kernel file_systems bfs ; { local defines = [ FDefines USER ] ; # _NO_INLINE_ASM SubDirCcFlags $(defines) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti ; #-fcheck-memory-usage SubDirC++Flags $(defines) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti ; #-fcheck-memory-usage } # To check the effects of different compiler options to the structures # without _PACKED use: # $ OPTIM=-Ox DEBUG=0 NO_TEST_DEBUG=1 jam -a SimpleTest bfsStructureSizes : structureSizes.cpp : ; # Tell Jam where to find these sources SEARCH on [ FGristFiles BufferPool.cpp ] = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src add-ons kernel file_systems bfs ] ;