/* * Copyright 2014, Paweł Dziepak, pdziepak@quarnos.org. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include namespace { template class Generator, unsigned N, unsigned ...Index> struct GenerateTable : GenerateTable { }; template class Generator, unsigned ...Index> struct GenerateTable : std::array::sValue), sizeof...(Index)> { constexpr GenerateTable() : std::array::sValue), sizeof...(Index)> { { Generator::sValue... } } { } }; static inline void memcpy_repmovs(uint8_t* destination, const uint8_t* source, size_t length) { __asm__ __volatile__("rep movsb" : "+D" (destination), "+S" (source), "+c" (length) : : "memory"); } template inline void copy_small(uint8_t* destination, const uint8_t* source) { struct data { uint8_t x[N]; }; *reinterpret_cast(destination) = *reinterpret_cast(source); } template struct SmallGenerator { constexpr static void (*sValue)(uint8_t*, const uint8_t*) = copy_small; }; constexpr static GenerateTable table_small; static inline void memcpy_small(uint8_t* destination, const uint8_t* source, size_t length) { if (length < 8) { table_small[length](destination, source); } else { auto to = reinterpret_cast(destination); auto from = reinterpret_cast(source); *to = *from; to = reinterpret_cast(destination + length - 8); from = reinterpret_cast(source + length - 8); *to = *from; } } template inline void copy_sse(__m128i* destination, const __m128i* source) { auto temp = _mm_loadu_si128(source); _mm_storeu_si128(destination, temp); copy_sse(destination + 1, source + 1); } template<> inline void copy_sse<0>(__m128i* destination, const __m128i* source) { } template struct SSEGenerator { constexpr static void (*sValue)(__m128i*, const __m128i*) = copy_sse; }; constexpr static GenerateTable table_sse; static inline void memcpy_sse(uint8_t* destination, const uint8_t* source, size_t length) { auto to = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(destination); auto from = reinterpret_cast(source); auto toEnd = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(destination + length - 16); auto fromEnd = reinterpret_cast(source + length - 16); while (length >= 64) { copy_sse<4>(to, from); to += 4; from += 4; length -= 64; } if (length >= 16) { table_sse[length / 16](to, from); length %= 16; } if (length) { copy_sse<1>(toEnd, fromEnd); } } } extern "C" void* memcpy(void* destination, const void* source, size_t length) { auto to = static_cast(destination); auto from = static_cast(source); if (length <= 16) { memcpy_small(to, from, length); return destination; } if (length < 2048) { memcpy_sse(to, from, length); return destination; } memcpy_repmovs(to, from, length); return destination; } static inline void memset_repstos(uint8_t* destination, uint8_t value, size_t length) { __asm__ __volatile__("rep stosb" : "+D" (destination), "+c" (length) : "a" (value) : "memory"); } static inline void memset_sse(uint8_t* destination, uint8_t value, size_t length) { __m128i packed = _mm_set1_epi8(value); auto end = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(destination + length - 16); auto diff = reinterpret_cast(destination) % 16; if (diff) { diff = 16 - diff; length -= diff; _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(destination), packed); } auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(destination + diff); while (length >= 64) { _mm_store_si128(ptr++, packed); _mm_store_si128(ptr++, packed); _mm_store_si128(ptr++, packed); _mm_store_si128(ptr++, packed); length -= 64; } while (length >= 16) { _mm_store_si128(ptr++, packed); length -= 16; } _mm_storeu_si128(end, packed); } static inline void memset_small(uint8_t* destination, uint8_t value, size_t length) { if (length >= 8) { auto packed = value * 0x101010101010101ul; auto ptr = reinterpret_cast(destination); auto end = reinterpret_cast(destination + length - 8); while (length >= 8) { *ptr++ = packed; length -= 8; } *end = packed; } else { while (length--) { *destination++ = value; } } } extern "C" void* memset(void* ptr, int chr, size_t length) { auto value = static_cast(chr); auto destination = static_cast(ptr); if (length < 32) { memset_small(destination, value, length); return ptr; } if (length < 2048) { memset_sse(destination, value, length); return ptr; } memset_repstos(destination, value, length); return ptr; }