/* * Copyright 2013, Paweł Dziepak, pdziepak@quarnos.org. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "scheduler_thread.h" using namespace Scheduler; static bigtime_t sQuantumLengths[THREAD_MAX_SET_PRIORITY + 1]; const int32 kMaximumQuantumLengthsCount = 20; static bigtime_t sMaximumQuantumLengths[kMaximumQuantumLengthsCount]; void ThreadData::_InitBase() { fStolenTime = 0; fQuantumStart = 0; fLastInterruptTime = 0; fWentSleep = 0; fWentSleepActive = 0; fEnqueued = false; fReady = false; fPriorityPenalty = 0; fAdditionalPenalty = 0; fEffectivePriority = GetPriority(); fBaseQuantum = sQuantumLengths[GetEffectivePriority()]; fTimeUsed = 0; fMeasureAvailableActiveTime = 0; fLastMeasureAvailableTime = 0; fMeasureAvailableTime = 0; } inline CoreEntry* ThreadData::_ChooseCore() const { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); ASSERT(!gSingleCore); return gCurrentMode->choose_core(this); } inline CPUEntry* ThreadData::_ChooseCPU(CoreEntry* core, bool& rescheduleNeeded) const { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); int32 threadPriority = GetEffectivePriority(); CPUSet mask = GetCPUMask(); if (mask.IsEmpty()) mask.SetAll(); ASSERT(mask.Matches(core->CPUMask())); if (fThread->previous_cpu != NULL && !fThread->previous_cpu->disabled && mask.GetBit(fThread->previous_cpu->cpu_num)) { CPUEntry* previousCPU = CPUEntry::GetCPU(fThread->previous_cpu->cpu_num); if (previousCPU->Core() == core) { CoreCPUHeapLocker _(core); if (CPUPriorityHeap::GetKey(previousCPU) < threadPriority) { previousCPU->UpdatePriority(threadPriority); rescheduleNeeded = true; return previousCPU; } } } CoreCPUHeapLocker _(core); int32 index = 0; CPUEntry* cpu; do { cpu = core->CPUHeap()->PeekRoot(index++); } while (cpu != NULL && !mask.GetBit(cpu->ID())); ASSERT(cpu != NULL); if (CPUPriorityHeap::GetKey(cpu) < threadPriority) { cpu->UpdatePriority(threadPriority); rescheduleNeeded = true; } else rescheduleNeeded = false; return cpu; } ThreadData::ThreadData(Thread* thread) : fThread(thread) { } void ThreadData::Init() { _InitBase(); fCore = NULL; Thread* currentThread = thread_get_current_thread(); ThreadData* currentThreadData = currentThread->scheduler_data; fNeededLoad = currentThreadData->fNeededLoad; if (!IsRealTime()) { fPriorityPenalty = std::min(currentThreadData->fPriorityPenalty, std::max(GetPriority() - _GetMinimalPriority(), int32(0))); fAdditionalPenalty = currentThreadData->fAdditionalPenalty; _ComputeEffectivePriority(); } } void ThreadData::Init(CoreEntry* core) { _InitBase(); fCore = core; fReady = true; fNeededLoad = 0; } void ThreadData::Dump() const { kprintf("\tpriority_penalty:\t%" B_PRId32 "\n", fPriorityPenalty); int32 priority = GetPriority() - _GetPenalty(); priority = std::max(priority, int32(1)); kprintf("\tadditional_penalty:\t%" B_PRId32 " (%" B_PRId32 ")\n", fAdditionalPenalty % priority, fAdditionalPenalty); kprintf("\teffective_priority:\t%" B_PRId32 "\n", GetEffectivePriority()); kprintf("\ttime_used:\t\t%" B_PRId64 " us (quantum: %" B_PRId64 " us)\n", fTimeUsed, ComputeQuantum()); kprintf("\tstolen_time:\t\t%" B_PRId64 " us\n", fStolenTime); kprintf("\tquantum_start:\t\t%" B_PRId64 " us\n", fQuantumStart); kprintf("\tneeded_load:\t\t%" B_PRId32 "%%\n", fNeededLoad / 10); kprintf("\twent_sleep:\t\t%" B_PRId64 "\n", fWentSleep); kprintf("\twent_sleep_active:\t%" B_PRId64 "\n", fWentSleepActive); kprintf("\tcore:\t\t\t%" B_PRId32 "\n", fCore != NULL ? fCore->ID() : -1); if (fCore != NULL && HasCacheExpired()) kprintf("\tcache affinity has expired\n"); } bool ThreadData::ChooseCoreAndCPU(CoreEntry*& targetCore, CPUEntry*& targetCPU) { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); bool rescheduleNeeded = false; if (targetCore != NULL && !targetCore->CPUMask().Matches(GetCPUMask())) targetCore = NULL; if (targetCPU != NULL && !GetCPUMask().GetBit(targetCPU->ID())) targetCPU = NULL; if (targetCore == NULL && targetCPU != NULL) targetCore = targetCPU->Core(); else if (targetCore != NULL && targetCPU == NULL) targetCPU = _ChooseCPU(targetCore, rescheduleNeeded); else if (targetCore == NULL && targetCPU == NULL) { targetCore = _ChooseCore(); CPUSet mask = GetCPUMask(); if (mask.IsEmpty()) mask.SetAll(); ASSERT(mask.Matches(targetCore->CPUMask())); targetCPU = _ChooseCPU(targetCore, rescheduleNeeded); } ASSERT(targetCore != NULL); ASSERT(targetCPU != NULL); if (fCore != targetCore) { fLoadMeasurementEpoch = targetCore->LoadMeasurementEpoch() - 1; if (fReady) { if (fCore != NULL) fCore->RemoveLoad(fNeededLoad, true); targetCore->AddLoad(fNeededLoad, fLoadMeasurementEpoch, true); } } fCore = targetCore; return rescheduleNeeded; } bigtime_t ThreadData::ComputeQuantum() const { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); if (IsRealTime()) return fBaseQuantum; int32 threadCount = fCore->ThreadCount(); if (fCore->CPUCount() > 0) threadCount /= fCore->CPUCount(); bigtime_t quantum = fBaseQuantum; if (threadCount < kMaximumQuantumLengthsCount) quantum = std::min(sMaximumQuantumLengths[threadCount], quantum); return quantum; } void ThreadData::UnassignCore(bool running) { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); ASSERT(fCore != NULL); if (running || fThread->state == B_THREAD_READY) fReady = false; if (!fReady) fCore = NULL; } /* static */ void ThreadData::ComputeQuantumLengths() { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); for (int32 priority = 0; priority <= THREAD_MAX_SET_PRIORITY; priority++) { const bigtime_t kQuantum0 = gCurrentMode->base_quantum; if (priority >= B_URGENT_DISPLAY_PRIORITY) { sQuantumLengths[priority] = kQuantum0; continue; } const bigtime_t kQuantum1 = kQuantum0 * gCurrentMode->quantum_multipliers[0]; if (priority > B_NORMAL_PRIORITY) { sQuantumLengths[priority] = _ScaleQuantum(kQuantum1, kQuantum0, B_URGENT_DISPLAY_PRIORITY, B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, priority); continue; } const bigtime_t kQuantum2 = kQuantum0 * gCurrentMode->quantum_multipliers[1]; sQuantumLengths[priority] = _ScaleQuantum(kQuantum2, kQuantum1, B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, B_IDLE_PRIORITY, priority); } for (int32 threadCount = 0; threadCount < kMaximumQuantumLengthsCount; threadCount++) { bigtime_t quantum = gCurrentMode->maximum_latency; if (threadCount != 0) quantum /= threadCount; quantum = std::max(quantum, gCurrentMode->minimal_quantum); sMaximumQuantumLengths[threadCount] = quantum; } } inline int32 ThreadData::_GetPenalty() const { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); return fPriorityPenalty; } void ThreadData::_ComputeNeededLoad() { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); ASSERT(!IsIdle()); int32 oldLoad = compute_load(fLastMeasureAvailableTime, fMeasureAvailableActiveTime, fNeededLoad, fMeasureAvailableTime); if (oldLoad < 0 || oldLoad == fNeededLoad) return; fCore->ChangeLoad(fNeededLoad - oldLoad); } void ThreadData::_ComputeEffectivePriority() const { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); if (IsIdle()) fEffectivePriority = B_IDLE_PRIORITY; else if (IsRealTime()) fEffectivePriority = GetPriority(); else { fEffectivePriority = GetPriority(); fEffectivePriority -= _GetPenalty(); if (fEffectivePriority > 0) fEffectivePriority -= fAdditionalPenalty % fEffectivePriority; ASSERT(fEffectivePriority < B_FIRST_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY); ASSERT(fEffectivePriority >= B_LOWEST_ACTIVE_PRIORITY); } fBaseQuantum = sQuantumLengths[GetEffectivePriority()]; } /* static */ bigtime_t ThreadData::_ScaleQuantum(bigtime_t maxQuantum, bigtime_t minQuantum, int32 maxPriority, int32 minPriority, int32 priority) { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); ASSERT(priority <= maxPriority); ASSERT(priority >= minPriority); bigtime_t result = (maxQuantum - minQuantum) * (priority - minPriority); result /= maxPriority - minPriority; return maxQuantum - result; } ThreadProcessing::~ThreadProcessing() { }