/* * Copyright 2013-2014, Paweł Dziepak, pdziepak@quarnos.org. * Copyright 2009, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com. * Copyright 2008-2011, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Copyright 2002-2010, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. * Copyright 2002, Angelo Mottola, a.mottola@libero.it. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Copyright 2001-2002, Travis Geiselbrecht. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License. */ /*! The thread scheduler */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "scheduler_common.h" #include "scheduler_cpu.h" #include "scheduler_locking.h" #include "scheduler_modes.h" #include "scheduler_profiler.h" #include "scheduler_thread.h" #include "scheduler_tracing.h" namespace Scheduler { class ThreadEnqueuer : public ThreadProcessing { public: void operator()(ThreadData* thread); }; scheduler_mode gCurrentModeID; scheduler_mode_operations* gCurrentMode; bool gSingleCore; bool gTrackCoreLoad; bool gTrackCPULoad; } // namespace Scheduler using namespace Scheduler; static bool sSchedulerEnabled; SchedulerListenerList gSchedulerListeners; spinlock gSchedulerListenersLock = B_SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER; static scheduler_mode_operations* sSchedulerModes[] = { &gSchedulerLowLatencyMode, &gSchedulerPowerSavingMode, }; // Since CPU IDs used internally by the kernel bear no relation to the actual // CPU topology the following arrays are used to efficiently get the core // and the package that CPU in question belongs to. static int32* sCPUToCore; static int32* sCPUToPackage; static void enqueue(Thread* thread, bool newOne); void ThreadEnqueuer::operator()(ThreadData* thread) { enqueue(thread->GetThread(), false); } void scheduler_dump_thread_data(Thread* thread) { thread->scheduler_data->Dump(); } static void enqueue(Thread* thread, bool newOne) { SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); ThreadData* threadData = thread->scheduler_data; int32 threadPriority = threadData->GetEffectivePriority(); T(EnqueueThread(thread, threadPriority)); CPUEntry* targetCPU = NULL; CoreEntry* targetCore = NULL; if (thread->pinned_to_cpu > 0) { ASSERT(thread->previous_cpu != NULL); ASSERT(threadData->Core() != NULL); targetCPU = &gCPUEntries[thread->previous_cpu->cpu_num]; } else if (gSingleCore) { targetCore = &gCoreEntries[0]; } else if (threadData->Core() != NULL && (!newOne || !threadData->HasCacheExpired())) { targetCore = threadData->Rebalance(); } const bool rescheduleNeeded = threadData->ChooseCoreAndCPU(targetCore, targetCPU); TRACE("enqueueing thread %ld with priority %ld on CPU %ld (core %ld)\n", thread->id, threadPriority, targetCPU->ID(), targetCore->ID()); bool wasRunQueueEmpty = false; threadData->Enqueue(wasRunQueueEmpty); // notify listeners NotifySchedulerListeners(&SchedulerListener::ThreadEnqueuedInRunQueue, thread); int32 heapPriority = CPUPriorityHeap::GetKey(targetCPU); if (threadPriority > heapPriority || (threadPriority == heapPriority && rescheduleNeeded) || wasRunQueueEmpty) { if (targetCPU->ID() == smp_get_current_cpu()) { gCPU[targetCPU->ID()].invoke_scheduler = true; } else { smp_send_ici(targetCPU->ID(), SMP_MSG_RESCHEDULE, 0, 0, 0, NULL, SMP_MSG_FLAG_ASYNC); } } } /*! Enqueues the thread into the run queue. Note: thread lock must be held when entering this function */ void scheduler_enqueue_in_run_queue(Thread *thread) { ASSERT(!are_interrupts_enabled()); SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); SchedulerModeLocker _; TRACE("enqueueing new thread %ld with static priority %ld\n", thread->id, thread->priority); ThreadData* threadData = thread->scheduler_data; if (threadData->ShouldCancelPenalty()) threadData->CancelPenalty(); enqueue(thread, true); } /*! Sets the priority of a thread. */ int32 scheduler_set_thread_priority(Thread *thread, int32 priority) { ASSERT(are_interrupts_enabled()); InterruptsSpinLocker _(thread->scheduler_lock); SchedulerModeLocker modeLocker; SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); ThreadData* threadData = thread->scheduler_data; int32 oldPriority = thread->priority; TRACE("changing thread %ld priority to %ld (old: %ld, effective: %ld)\n", thread->id, priority, oldPriority, threadData->GetEffectivePriority()); thread->priority = priority; threadData->CancelPenalty(); if (priority == oldPriority) return oldPriority; if (thread->state != B_THREAD_READY) { if (thread->state == B_THREAD_RUNNING) { ASSERT(threadData->Core() != NULL); ASSERT(thread->cpu != NULL); CPUEntry* cpu = &gCPUEntries[thread->cpu->cpu_num]; CoreCPUHeapLocker _(threadData->Core()); cpu->UpdatePriority(priority); } return oldPriority; } // The thread is in the run queue. We need to remove it and re-insert it at // a new position. T(RemoveThread(thread)); // notify listeners NotifySchedulerListeners(&SchedulerListener::ThreadRemovedFromRunQueue, thread); if (threadData->Dequeue()) enqueue(thread, true); return oldPriority; } void scheduler_reschedule_ici() { // This function is called as a result of an incoming ICI. // Make sure the reschedule() is invoked. get_cpu_struct()->invoke_scheduler = true; } static inline void stop_cpu_timers(Thread* fromThread, Thread* toThread) { SpinLocker teamLocker(&fromThread->team->time_lock); SpinLocker threadLocker(&fromThread->time_lock); if (fromThread->HasActiveCPUTimeUserTimers() || fromThread->team->HasActiveCPUTimeUserTimers()) { user_timer_stop_cpu_timers(fromThread, toThread); } } static inline void continue_cpu_timers(Thread* thread, cpu_ent* cpu) { SpinLocker teamLocker(&thread->team->time_lock); SpinLocker threadLocker(&thread->time_lock); if (thread->HasActiveCPUTimeUserTimers() || thread->team->HasActiveCPUTimeUserTimers()) { user_timer_continue_cpu_timers(thread, cpu->previous_thread); } } static void thread_resumes(Thread* thread) { cpu_ent* cpu = thread->cpu; release_spinlock(&cpu->previous_thread->scheduler_lock); // continue CPU time based user timers continue_cpu_timers(thread, cpu); // notify the user debugger code if ((thread->flags & THREAD_FLAGS_DEBUGGER_INSTALLED) != 0) user_debug_thread_scheduled(thread); } void scheduler_new_thread_entry(Thread* thread) { thread_resumes(thread); SpinLocker locker(thread->time_lock); thread->last_time = system_time(); } /*! Switches the currently running thread. This is a service function for scheduler implementations. \param fromThread The currently running thread. \param toThread The thread to switch to. Must be different from \a fromThread. */ static inline void switch_thread(Thread* fromThread, Thread* toThread) { // notify the user debugger code if ((fromThread->flags & THREAD_FLAGS_DEBUGGER_INSTALLED) != 0) user_debug_thread_unscheduled(fromThread); // stop CPU time based user timers stop_cpu_timers(fromThread, toThread); // update CPU and Thread structures and perform the context switch cpu_ent* cpu = fromThread->cpu; toThread->previous_cpu = toThread->cpu = cpu; fromThread->cpu = NULL; cpu->running_thread = toThread; cpu->previous_thread = fromThread; arch_thread_set_current_thread(toThread); arch_thread_context_switch(fromThread, toThread); // The use of fromThread below looks weird, but is correct. fromThread had // been unscheduled earlier, but is back now. For a thread scheduled the // first time the same is done in thread.cpp:common_thread_entry(). thread_resumes(fromThread); } static void reschedule(int32 nextState) { ASSERT(!are_interrupts_enabled()); SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); int32 thisCPU = smp_get_current_cpu(); gCPU[thisCPU].invoke_scheduler = false; CPUEntry* cpu = CPUEntry::GetCPU(thisCPU); CoreEntry* core = CoreEntry::GetCore(thisCPU); Thread* oldThread = thread_get_current_thread(); ThreadData* oldThreadData = oldThread->scheduler_data; oldThreadData->StopCPUTime(); SchedulerModeLocker modeLocker; TRACE("reschedule(): cpu %ld, current thread = %ld\n", thisCPU, oldThread->id); oldThread->state = nextState; // return time spent in interrupts oldThreadData->SetStolenInterruptTime(gCPU[thisCPU].interrupt_time); bool enqueueOldThread = false; bool putOldThreadAtBack = false; switch (nextState) { case B_THREAD_RUNNING: case B_THREAD_READY: enqueueOldThread = true; if (!oldThreadData->IsIdle()) { oldThreadData->Continues(); if (oldThreadData->HasQuantumEnded(oldThread->cpu->preempted, oldThread->has_yielded)) { TRACE("enqueueing thread %ld into run queue priority =" " %ld\n", oldThread->id, oldThreadData->GetEffectivePriority()); putOldThreadAtBack = true; } else { TRACE("putting thread %ld back in run queue priority =" " %ld\n", oldThread->id, oldThreadData->GetEffectivePriority()); putOldThreadAtBack = false; } } break; case THREAD_STATE_FREE_ON_RESCHED: oldThreadData->Dies(); break; default: oldThreadData->GoesAway(); TRACE("not enqueueing thread %ld into run queue next_state = %ld\n", oldThread->id, nextState); break; } oldThread->has_yielded = false; // select thread with the biggest priority and enqueue back the old thread ThreadData* nextThreadData; if (gCPU[thisCPU].disabled) { if (!oldThreadData->IsIdle()) { putOldThreadAtBack = oldThread->pinned_to_cpu == 0; oldThreadData->UnassignCore(true); CPURunQueueLocker cpuLocker(cpu); nextThreadData = cpu->PeekIdleThread(); cpu->Remove(nextThreadData); } else nextThreadData = oldThreadData; } else { nextThreadData = cpu->ChooseNextThread(enqueueOldThread ? oldThreadData : NULL, putOldThreadAtBack); // update CPU heap CoreCPUHeapLocker cpuLocker(core); cpu->UpdatePriority(nextThreadData->GetEffectivePriority()); } Thread* nextThread = nextThreadData->GetThread(); ASSERT(!gCPU[thisCPU].disabled || nextThreadData->IsIdle()); if (nextThread != oldThread) { if (enqueueOldThread) { if (putOldThreadAtBack) enqueue(oldThread, false); else oldThreadData->PutBack(); } acquire_spinlock(&nextThread->scheduler_lock); } TRACE("reschedule(): cpu %ld, next thread = %ld\n", thisCPU, nextThread->id); T(ScheduleThread(nextThread, oldThread)); // notify listeners NotifySchedulerListeners(&SchedulerListener::ThreadScheduled, oldThread, nextThread); ASSERT(nextThreadData->Core() == core); nextThread->state = B_THREAD_RUNNING; nextThreadData->StartCPUTime(); // track CPU activity cpu->TrackActivity(oldThreadData, nextThreadData); if (nextThread != oldThread || oldThread->cpu->preempted) { cpu->StartQuantumTimer(nextThreadData, oldThread->cpu->preempted); oldThread->cpu->preempted = false; if (!nextThreadData->IsIdle()) nextThreadData->Continues(); else gCurrentMode->rebalance_irqs(true); nextThreadData->StartQuantum(); modeLocker.Unlock(); SCHEDULER_EXIT_FUNCTION(); if (nextThread != oldThread) switch_thread(oldThread, nextThread); } } /*! Runs the scheduler. Note: expects thread spinlock to be held */ void scheduler_reschedule(int32 nextState) { ASSERT(!are_interrupts_enabled()); SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); if (!sSchedulerEnabled) { Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread(); if (thread != NULL && nextState != B_THREAD_READY) panic("scheduler_reschedule_no_op() called in non-ready thread"); return; } reschedule(nextState); } status_t scheduler_on_thread_create(Thread* thread, bool idleThread) { thread->scheduler_data = new(std::nothrow) ThreadData(thread); if (thread->scheduler_data == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; return B_OK; } void scheduler_on_thread_init(Thread* thread) { ASSERT(thread->scheduler_data != NULL); if (thread_is_idle_thread(thread)) { static int32 sIdleThreadsID; int32 cpuID = atomic_add(&sIdleThreadsID, 1); thread->previous_cpu = &gCPU[cpuID]; thread->pinned_to_cpu = 1; thread->scheduler_data->Init(CoreEntry::GetCore(cpuID)); } else thread->scheduler_data->Init(); } void scheduler_on_thread_destroy(Thread* thread) { delete thread->scheduler_data; } /*! This starts the scheduler. Must be run in the context of the initial idle thread. Interrupts must be disabled and will be disabled when returning. */ void scheduler_start() { InterruptsSpinLocker _(thread_get_current_thread()->scheduler_lock); SCHEDULER_ENTER_FUNCTION(); reschedule(B_THREAD_READY); } status_t scheduler_set_operation_mode(scheduler_mode mode) { if (mode != SCHEDULER_MODE_LOW_LATENCY && mode != SCHEDULER_MODE_POWER_SAVING) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } dprintf("scheduler: switching to %s mode\n", sSchedulerModes[mode]->name); InterruptsBigSchedulerLocker _; gCurrentModeID = mode; gCurrentMode = sSchedulerModes[mode]; gCurrentMode->switch_to_mode(); ThreadData::ComputeQuantumLengths(); return B_OK; } void scheduler_set_cpu_enabled(int32 cpuID, bool enabled) { #if KDEBUG if (are_interrupts_enabled()) panic("scheduler_set_cpu_enabled: called with interrupts enabled"); #endif dprintf("scheduler: %s CPU %" B_PRId32 "\n", enabled ? "enabling" : "disabling", cpuID); InterruptsBigSchedulerLocker _; gCurrentMode->set_cpu_enabled(cpuID, enabled); CPUEntry* cpu = &gCPUEntries[cpuID]; CoreEntry* core = cpu->Core(); ASSERT(core->CPUCount() >= 0); if (enabled) cpu->Start(); else { cpu->UpdatePriority(B_IDLE_PRIORITY); ThreadEnqueuer enqueuer; core->RemoveCPU(cpu, enqueuer); } gCPU[cpuID].disabled = !enabled; if (!enabled) { cpu->Stop(); // don't wait until the thread quantum ends if (smp_get_current_cpu() != cpuID) { smp_send_ici(cpuID, SMP_MSG_RESCHEDULE, 0, 0, 0, NULL, SMP_MSG_FLAG_ASYNC); } } } static void traverse_topology_tree(const cpu_topology_node* node, int packageID, int coreID) { switch (node->level) { case CPU_TOPOLOGY_SMT: sCPUToCore[node->id] = coreID; sCPUToPackage[node->id] = packageID; return; case CPU_TOPOLOGY_CORE: coreID = node->id; break; case CPU_TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE: packageID = node->id; break; default: break; } for (int32 i = 0; i < node->children_count; i++) traverse_topology_tree(node->children[i], packageID, coreID); } static status_t build_topology_mappings(int32& cpuCount, int32& coreCount, int32& packageCount) { cpuCount = smp_get_num_cpus(); sCPUToCore = new(std::nothrow) int32[cpuCount]; if (sCPUToCore == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ArrayDeleter cpuToCoreDeleter(sCPUToCore); sCPUToPackage = new(std::nothrow) int32[cpuCount]; if (sCPUToPackage == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ArrayDeleter cpuToPackageDeleter(sCPUToPackage); coreCount = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) { if (gCPU[i].topology_id[CPU_TOPOLOGY_SMT] == 0) coreCount++; } packageCount = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) { if (gCPU[i].topology_id[CPU_TOPOLOGY_SMT] == 0 && gCPU[i].topology_id[CPU_TOPOLOGY_CORE] == 0) { packageCount++; } } const cpu_topology_node* root = get_cpu_topology(); traverse_topology_tree(root, 0, 0); cpuToCoreDeleter.Detach(); cpuToPackageDeleter.Detach(); return B_OK; } static status_t init() { // create logical processor to core and package mappings int32 cpuCount, coreCount, packageCount; status_t result = build_topology_mappings(cpuCount, coreCount, packageCount); if (result != B_OK) return result; // disable parts of the scheduler logic that are not needed gSingleCore = coreCount == 1; scheduler_update_policy(); gCoreCount = coreCount; gPackageCount = packageCount; gCPUEntries = new(std::nothrow) CPUEntry[cpuCount]; if (gCPUEntries == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ArrayDeleter cpuEntriesDeleter(gCPUEntries); gCoreEntries = new(std::nothrow) CoreEntry[coreCount]; if (gCoreEntries == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ArrayDeleter coreEntriesDeleter(gCoreEntries); gPackageEntries = new(std::nothrow) PackageEntry[packageCount]; if (gPackageEntries == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ArrayDeleter packageEntriesDeleter(gPackageEntries); new(&gCoreLoadHeap) CoreLoadHeap(coreCount); new(&gCoreHighLoadHeap) CoreLoadHeap(coreCount); new(&gIdlePackageList) IdlePackageList; for (int32 i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) { CoreEntry* core = &gCoreEntries[sCPUToCore[i]]; PackageEntry* package = &gPackageEntries[sCPUToPackage[i]]; package->Init(sCPUToPackage[i]); core->Init(sCPUToCore[i], package); gCPUEntries[i].Init(i, core); core->AddCPU(&gCPUEntries[i]); } packageEntriesDeleter.Detach(); coreEntriesDeleter.Detach(); cpuEntriesDeleter.Detach(); return B_OK; } void scheduler_init() { int32 cpuCount = smp_get_num_cpus(); dprintf("scheduler_init: found %" B_PRId32 " logical cpu%s and %" B_PRId32 " cache level%s\n", cpuCount, cpuCount != 1 ? "s" : "", gCPUCacheLevelCount, gCPUCacheLevelCount != 1 ? "s" : ""); #ifdef SCHEDULER_PROFILING Profiling::Profiler::Initialize(); #endif status_t result = init(); if (result != B_OK) panic("scheduler_init: failed to initialize scheduler\n"); scheduler_set_operation_mode(SCHEDULER_MODE_LOW_LATENCY); init_debug_commands(); #if SCHEDULER_TRACING add_debugger_command_etc("scheduler", &cmd_scheduler, "Analyze scheduler tracing information", "\n" "Analyzes scheduler tracing information for a given thread.\n" " - ID of the thread.\n", 0); #endif } void scheduler_enable_scheduling() { sSchedulerEnabled = true; } void scheduler_update_policy() { gTrackCPULoad = increase_cpu_performance(0) == B_OK; gTrackCoreLoad = !gSingleCore || gTrackCPULoad; dprintf("scheduler switches: single core: %s, cpu load tracking: %s," " core load tracking: %s\n", gSingleCore ? "true" : "false", gTrackCPULoad ? "true" : "false", gTrackCoreLoad ? "true" : "false"); } // #pragma mark - SchedulerListener SchedulerListener::~SchedulerListener() { } // #pragma mark - kernel private /*! Add the given scheduler listener. Thread lock must be held. */ void scheduler_add_listener(struct SchedulerListener* listener) { InterruptsSpinLocker _(gSchedulerListenersLock); gSchedulerListeners.Add(listener); } /*! Remove the given scheduler listener. Thread lock must be held. */ void scheduler_remove_listener(struct SchedulerListener* listener) { InterruptsSpinLocker _(gSchedulerListenersLock); gSchedulerListeners.Remove(listener); } // #pragma mark - Syscalls bigtime_t _user_estimate_max_scheduling_latency(thread_id id) { syscall_64_bit_return_value(); // get the thread Thread* thread; if (id < 0) { thread = thread_get_current_thread(); thread->AcquireReference(); } else { thread = Thread::Get(id); if (thread == NULL) return 0; } BReference threadReference(thread, true); #ifdef SCHEDULER_PROFILING InterruptsLocker _; #endif ThreadData* threadData = thread->scheduler_data; CoreEntry* core = threadData->Core(); if (core == NULL) core = &gCoreEntries[get_random() % gCoreCount]; int32 threadCount = core->ThreadCount(); if (core->CPUCount() > 0) threadCount /= core->CPUCount(); if (threadData->GetEffectivePriority() > 0) { threadCount -= threadCount * THREAD_MAX_SET_PRIORITY / threadData->GetEffectivePriority(); } return std::min(std::max(threadCount * gCurrentMode->base_quantum, gCurrentMode->minimal_quantum), gCurrentMode->maximum_latency); } status_t _user_set_scheduler_mode(int32 mode) { scheduler_mode schedulerMode = static_cast(mode); status_t error = scheduler_set_operation_mode(schedulerMode); if (error == B_OK) cpu_set_scheduler_mode(schedulerMode); return error; } int32 _user_get_scheduler_mode() { return gCurrentModeID; }