/* * Copyright 2008, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de * Copyright 2006, Stephan Aßmus, superstippi@gmx.de * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug_commands.h" #include "debug_variables.h" /* Grammar: commandLine := command | ( "(" expression ")" ) expression := term | assignment assignment := variable ( "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" ) expression term := sum sum := product ( ( "+" | "-" ) product )* product := unary ( ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) unary )* unary := atom | ( ( "-" | "*" [ "{" expression "}" ] ) unary ) atom := variable | ( "(" expression ")" ) | ( "[" command "]" ) variable := identifier identifier := ( "_" | "a" - "z" | "A" - "Z" ) ( "_" | "a" - "z" | "A" - "Z" | "0" - "9" )* command := identifier argument* argument := ( "(" expression ")" ) | ( "[" commandLine "]" ) | unquotedString | quotedString */ static const int kMaxTokenLength = 128; static const int kJumpBufferCount = 10; static const int kMaxArgumentCount = 64; static const size_t kTemporaryStorageSize = 10240; static jmp_buf sJumpBuffers[kJumpBufferCount]; static int sNextJumpBufferIndex = 0; static char sExceptionMessage[128]; static int sExceptionPosition; static char sTempBuffer[128]; // for composing debug output etc. // temporary storage for command argument vectors and the arguments itself static uint8 sTemporaryStorage[kTemporaryStorageSize]; static size_t sTemporaryStorageUsed = 0; enum { TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG = 0x100, TOKEN_FLAGS = TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER = 'a', TOKEN_CONSTANT = '0', TOKEN_PLUS = '+', TOKEN_MINUS = '-', TOKEN_STAR = '*', TOKEN_SLASH = '/', TOKEN_MODULO = '%', TOKEN_ASSIGN = '=' | TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG, TOKEN_PLUS_ASSIGN = TOKEN_PLUS | TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG, TOKEN_MINUS_ASSIGN = TOKEN_MINUS | TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG, TOKEN_STAR_ASSIGN = TOKEN_STAR | TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG, TOKEN_SLASH_ASSIGN = TOKEN_SLASH | TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG, TOKEN_MODULO_ASSIGN = TOKEN_MODULO | TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG, TOKEN_OPENING_PARENTHESIS = '(', TOKEN_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS = ')', TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET = '[', TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET = ']', TOKEN_OPENING_BRACE = '{', TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACE = '}', TOKEN_STRING = '"', TOKEN_UNKNOWN = '?', TOKEN_NONE = ' ', TOKEN_END_OF_LINE = '\n', }; struct Token { char string[kMaxTokenLength]; uint64 value; int32 type; int32 position; void SetTo(const char* string, int32 length, int32 position, int32 type) { length = min_c((size_t)length, (sizeof(this->string) - 1)); strlcpy(this->string, string, length + 1); this->type = type; this->value = 0; this->position = position; } void Unset() { string[0] = '\0'; value = 0; type = TOKEN_NONE; position = 0; } }; // #pragma mark - exceptions static void parse_exception(const char* message, int32 position) { if (sNextJumpBufferIndex == 0) { kprintf("parse_exception(): No jump buffer!\n"); kprintf("exception: \"%s\", position: %lu\n", message, position); return; } strlcpy(sExceptionMessage, message, sizeof(sExceptionMessage)); sExceptionPosition = position; longjmp(sJumpBuffers[sNextJumpBufferIndex - 1], 1); } // #pragma mark - temporary storage static void* allocate_temp_storage(size_t size) { // 8 byte align size = (size + 7) & ~7; if (sTemporaryStorageUsed + size > kTemporaryStorageSize) { parse_exception("out of temporary storage for command execution", -1); return NULL; } void* buffer = sTemporaryStorage + sTemporaryStorageUsed; sTemporaryStorageUsed += size; return buffer; } static void free_temp_storage(void* _buffer) { uint8* buffer = (uint8*)_buffer; if (buffer == NULL) return; // must be freed in the reverse allocation order if (buffer < sTemporaryStorage || buffer > sTemporaryStorage + sTemporaryStorageUsed) { panic("Invalid pointer passed to free_temp_storage(): %p, temp " "storage base: %p", buffer, sTemporaryStorage); return; } sTemporaryStorageUsed = buffer - sTemporaryStorage; } // #pragma mark - Tokenizer class Tokenizer { public: Tokenizer(const char* string) : fCommandMode(false) { SetTo(string); } void SetTo(const char* string) { fString = fCurrentChar = string; fCurrentToken.Unset(); fReuseToken = false; } void SetPosition(int32 position) { fCurrentChar = fString + position; fCurrentToken.Unset(); fReuseToken = false; } void SetCommandMode(bool commandMode) { fCommandMode = commandMode; } const char* String() const { return fString; } const Token& NextToken() { if (fCurrentToken.type == TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) return fCurrentToken; if (fReuseToken) { fReuseToken = false; return fCurrentToken; } while (*fCurrentChar != 0 && isspace(*fCurrentChar)) fCurrentChar++; if (*fCurrentChar == 0) { fCurrentToken.SetTo("", 0, _CurrentPos(), TOKEN_END_OF_LINE); return fCurrentToken; } return (fCommandMode ? _NextTokenCommand() : _NextTokenExpression()); } const Token& CurrentToken() const { return fCurrentToken; } void RewindToken() { fReuseToken = true; } private: const Token& _NextTokenExpression() { if (isdigit(*fCurrentChar)) { // number const char* begin = fCurrentChar++; if (*fCurrentChar == 'x') { // hex number fCurrentChar++; while (*fCurrentChar != 0 && (isdigit(*fCurrentChar) || strchr("abcdefABCDEF", *fCurrentChar))) { fCurrentChar++; } if (fCurrentChar - begin == 2) parse_exception("invalid hex number", begin - fString); } else { // decimal number while (*fCurrentChar != 0 && isdigit(*fCurrentChar)) fCurrentChar++; } int32 length = fCurrentChar - begin; fCurrentToken.SetTo(begin, length, _CurrentPos() - length, TOKEN_CONSTANT); fCurrentToken.value = strtoull(fCurrentToken.string, NULL, 0); } else if (isalpha(*fCurrentChar) || *fCurrentChar == '_') { // identifier const char* begin = fCurrentChar; while (*fCurrentChar != 0 && (isalpha(*fCurrentChar) || *fCurrentChar == '_' || isdigit(*fCurrentChar))) { fCurrentChar++; } int32 length = fCurrentChar - begin; fCurrentToken.SetTo(begin, length, _CurrentPos() - length, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); } else { const char* begin = fCurrentChar; char c = *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; int32 flags = 0; switch (c) { case '=': fCurrentChar--; case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '%': if (*fCurrentChar == '=') { fCurrentChar++; flags = TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG; } case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': { int32 length = fCurrentChar - begin; fCurrentToken.SetTo(begin, length, _CurrentPos() - length, c | flags); break; } case '"': { fCurrentChar--; _QuotedString(); break; } default: { fCurrentChar--; _UnquotedString(); break; } } } return fCurrentToken; } const Token& _NextTokenCommand() { switch (*fCurrentChar) { case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': fCurrentToken.SetTo(fCurrentChar, 1, _CurrentPos(), *fCurrentChar); fCurrentChar++; return fCurrentToken; case '"': return _QuotedString(); default: return _UnquotedString(); } } const Token& _QuotedString() { const char* begin = fCurrentChar++; int32 length = 0; while (*fCurrentChar != '\0' && *fCurrentChar != '"') { char c = *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; if (c == '\\') { // an escaped char c = *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; if (c == '\0') break; } if ((size_t)length >= sizeof(fCurrentToken.string) - 1) { parse_exception("quoted string too long", begin - fString); } fCurrentToken.string[length++] = c; } if (*fCurrentChar == '\0') { parse_exception("unexpected end of line while " "parsing quoted string", begin - fString); } fCurrentChar++; fCurrentToken.string[length] = '\0'; fCurrentToken.value = 0; fCurrentToken.type = TOKEN_STRING; fCurrentToken.position = begin - fString; return fCurrentToken; } const Token& _UnquotedString() { const char* begin = fCurrentChar; while (*fCurrentChar != 0 && !_IsUnquotedDelimitingChar(*fCurrentChar)) fCurrentChar++; int32 length = fCurrentChar - begin; fCurrentToken.SetTo(begin, length, _CurrentPos() - length, TOKEN_UNKNOWN); return fCurrentToken; } bool _IsUnquotedDelimitingChar(char c) { if (isspace(c)) return true; switch (c) { case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '"': return true; case '{': case '}': case '=': case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '%': return !fCommandMode; default: return false; } } int32 _CurrentPos() const { return fCurrentChar - fString; } private: const char* fString; const char* fCurrentChar; Token fCurrentToken; bool fReuseToken; bool fCommandMode; }; // #pragma mark - ExpressionParser class ExpressionParser { public: ExpressionParser(); ~ExpressionParser(); uint64 EvaluateExpression( const char* expressionString); uint64 EvaluateCommand( const char* expressionString, int& returnCode); private: uint64 _ParseExpression(); uint64 _ParseCommand(int& returnCode); bool _ParseArgument(int& argc, char** argv); void _GetUnparsedArgument(int& argc, char** argv); void _AddArgument(int& argc, char** argv, const char* argument, int32 length = -1); uint64 _ParseSum(); uint64 _ParseProduct(); uint64 _ParsePower(); uint64 _ParseUnary(); uint64 _ParseAtom(); const Token& _EatToken(int32 type); Tokenizer fTokenizer; }; ExpressionParser::ExpressionParser() : fTokenizer("") { } ExpressionParser::~ExpressionParser() { } uint64 ExpressionParser::EvaluateExpression(const char* expressionString) { fTokenizer.SetTo(expressionString); uint64 value = _ParseExpression(); const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); if (token.type != TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) parse_exception("parse error", token.position); return value; } uint64 ExpressionParser::EvaluateCommand(const char* expressionString, int& returnCode) { fTokenizer.SetTo(expressionString); // Allowed is not only a command, but also an assignment. Either starts with // an identifier. _EatToken(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); uint64 value; const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); if (token.type & TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG) { // an assignment fTokenizer.SetTo(expressionString); value = _ParseExpression(); returnCode = 0; } else { // no assignment, so let's assume it's a command fTokenizer.SetTo(expressionString); fTokenizer.SetCommandMode(true); value = _ParseCommand(returnCode); } if (token.type != TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) parse_exception("parse error", token.position); return value; } uint64 ExpressionParser::_ParseExpression() { const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); int32 position = token.position; if (token.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { char variable[MAX_DEBUG_VARIABLE_NAME_LEN]; strlcpy(variable, token.string, sizeof(variable)); int32 assignmentType = fTokenizer.NextToken().type; if (assignmentType & TOKEN_ASSIGN_FLAG) { // an assignment uint64 rhs = _ParseExpression(); // handle the standard assignment separately -- the other kinds // need the variable to be defined if (assignmentType == TOKEN_ASSIGN) { if (!set_debug_variable(variable, rhs)) { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "failed to set value for variable \"%s\"", variable); parse_exception(sTempBuffer, position); } return rhs; } // variable must be defined if (!is_debug_variable_defined(variable)) { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "variable \"%s\" not defined in modifying assignment", variable); parse_exception(sTempBuffer, position); } uint64 variableValue = get_debug_variable(variable, 0); // check for division by zero for the respective assignment types if ((assignmentType == TOKEN_SLASH_ASSIGN || assignmentType == TOKEN_MODULO_ASSIGN) && rhs == 0) { parse_exception("division by zero", position); } // compute the new variable value switch (assignmentType) { case TOKEN_PLUS_ASSIGN: variableValue += rhs; break; case TOKEN_MINUS_ASSIGN: variableValue -= rhs; break; case TOKEN_STAR_ASSIGN: variableValue *= rhs; break; case TOKEN_SLASH_ASSIGN: variableValue /= rhs; break; case TOKEN_MODULO_ASSIGN: variableValue %= rhs; break; default: fTokenizer.SetPosition(position); return _ParseSum(); } set_debug_variable(variable, variableValue); return variableValue; } } // no assignment -- reset to the identifier position and parse a sum fTokenizer.SetPosition(position); return _ParseSum(); } uint64 ExpressionParser::_ParseCommand(int& returnCode) { fTokenizer.SetCommandMode(false); const Token& token = _EatToken(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); fTokenizer.SetCommandMode(true); bool ambiguous; debugger_command* command = find_debugger_command(token.string, true, ambiguous); if (command == NULL) { if (ambiguous) { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "Ambiguous command \"%s\". Use tab completion or enter " "\"help %s\" get a list of matching commands.\n", token.string, token.string); } else { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "Unknown command \"%s\". Enter \"help\" to get a list of " "all supported commands.\n", token.string); } parse_exception(sTempBuffer, -1); } // allocate temporary buffer for the argument vector char** argv = (char**)allocate_temp_storage( kMaxArgumentCount * sizeof(char*)); int argc = 0; argv[argc++] = (char*)command->name; // get the arguments if ((command->flags & B_KDEBUG_DONT_PARSE_ARGUMENTS) != 0) { _GetUnparsedArgument(argc, argv); } else { while (fTokenizer.NextToken().type != TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) { fTokenizer.RewindToken(); if (!_ParseArgument(argc, argv)) break; } } // invoke the command returnCode = invoke_debugger_command(command, argc, argv); free_temp_storage(argv); return get_debug_variable("_", 0); } bool ExpressionParser::_ParseArgument(int& argc, char** argv) { const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_OPENING_PARENTHESIS: { // this starts an expression fTokenizer.SetCommandMode(false); uint64 value = _ParseExpression(); fTokenizer.SetCommandMode(true); _EatToken(TOKEN_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS); snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "%llu", value); _AddArgument(argc, argv, sTempBuffer); return true; } case TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET: { // this starts a sub command int returnValue; uint64 value = _ParseCommand(returnValue); _EatToken(TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET); snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "%llu", value); _AddArgument(argc, argv, sTempBuffer); return true; } case TOKEN_STRING: case TOKEN_UNKNOWN: _AddArgument(argc, argv, token.string); return true; case TOKEN_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS: case TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET: // those don't belong to us fTokenizer.RewindToken(); return false; default: { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "unexpected token " "\"%s\"", token.string); parse_exception(sTempBuffer, token.position); return false; } } } void ExpressionParser::_GetUnparsedArgument(int& argc, char** argv) { int32 startPosition = fTokenizer.NextToken().position; fTokenizer.RewindToken(); // match parentheses and brackets, but otherwise skip all tokens int32 parentheses = 0; int32 brackets = 0; bool done = false; while (!done) { const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_OPENING_PARENTHESIS: parentheses++; break; case TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET: brackets++; break; case TOKEN_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS: if (parentheses > 0) parentheses--; else done = true; break; case TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET: if (brackets > 0) brackets--; else done = true; break; case TOKEN_END_OF_LINE: done = true; break; } } int32 endPosition = fTokenizer.CurrentToken().position; fTokenizer.RewindToken(); _AddArgument(argc, argv, fTokenizer.String() + startPosition, endPosition - startPosition); } void ExpressionParser::_AddArgument(int& argc, char** argv, const char* argument, int32 length) { if (argc == kMaxArgumentCount) parse_exception("too many arguments for command", 0); if (length < 0) length = strlen(argument); length++; char* buffer = (char*)allocate_temp_storage(length); strlcpy(buffer, argument, length); argv[argc++] = buffer; } uint64 ExpressionParser::_ParseSum() { uint64 value = _ParseProduct(); while (true) { const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_PLUS: value = value + _ParseProduct(); break; case TOKEN_MINUS: value = value - _ParseProduct(); break; default: fTokenizer.RewindToken(); return value; } } } uint64 ExpressionParser::_ParseProduct() { uint64 value = _ParseUnary(); while (true) { Token token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_STAR: value = value * _ParseUnary(); break; case TOKEN_SLASH: { uint64 rhs = _ParseUnary(); if (rhs == 0) parse_exception("division by zero", token.position); value = value / rhs; break; } case TOKEN_MODULO: { uint64 rhs = _ParseUnary(); if (rhs == 0) parse_exception("modulo by zero", token.position); value = value % rhs; break; } default: fTokenizer.RewindToken(); return value; } } } uint64 ExpressionParser::_ParseUnary() { switch (fTokenizer.NextToken().type) { case TOKEN_MINUS: return -_ParseUnary(); case TOKEN_STAR: { int32 starPosition = fTokenizer.CurrentToken().position; // optional "{ ... }" specifying the size to read uint64 size = 4; if (fTokenizer.NextToken().type == TOKEN_OPENING_BRACE) { int32 position = fTokenizer.CurrentToken().position; size = _ParseExpression(); if (size != 1 && size != 2 && size != 4 && size != 8) { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "invalid size (%llu) for unary * operator", size); parse_exception(sTempBuffer, position); } _EatToken(TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACE); } else fTokenizer.RewindToken(); const void* address = (const void*)(addr_t)_ParseUnary(); // read bytes from address into a tempory buffer uint64 buffer; if (user_memcpy(&buffer, address, size) != B_OK) { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "failed to dereference address %p", address); parse_exception(sTempBuffer, starPosition); } // convert the value to uint64 uint64 value = 0; switch (size) { case 1: value = *(uint8*)&buffer; break; case 2: value = *(uint16*)&buffer; break; case 4: value = *(uint32*)&buffer; break; case 8: value = buffer; break; } return value; } default: fTokenizer.RewindToken(); return _ParseAtom(); } return 0; } uint64 ExpressionParser::_ParseAtom() { const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); if (token.type == TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) parse_exception("unexpected end of expression", token.position); if (token.type == TOKEN_CONSTANT) return token.value; if (token.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { if (!is_debug_variable_defined(token.string)) { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "variable '%s' undefined", token.string); parse_exception(sTempBuffer, token.position); } return get_debug_variable(token.string, 0); } if (token.type == TOKEN_OPENING_PARENTHESIS) { uint64 value = _ParseExpression(); _EatToken(TOKEN_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS); return value; } // it can only be a "[ command ]" expression now fTokenizer.RewindToken(); _EatToken(TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET); fTokenizer.SetCommandMode(true); int returnValue; uint64 value = _ParseCommand(returnValue); fTokenizer.SetCommandMode(false); _EatToken(TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET); return value; } const Token& ExpressionParser::_EatToken(int32 type) { const Token& token = fTokenizer.NextToken(); if (token.type != type) { snprintf(sTempBuffer, sizeof(sTempBuffer), "expected token type '%c', " "got token '%s'", char(type & ~TOKEN_FLAGS), token.string); parse_exception(sTempBuffer, token.position); } return token; } // #pragma mark - bool evaluate_debug_expression(const char* expression, uint64* _result, bool silent) { if (sNextJumpBufferIndex >= kJumpBufferCount) { kprintf("evaluate_debug_expression(): Out of jump buffers for " "exception handling\n"); return 0; } bool success; uint64 result; void* temporaryStorageMark = allocate_temp_storage(0); // get a temporary storage mark, so we can cleanup everything that // is allocated during the evaluation if (setjmp(sJumpBuffers[sNextJumpBufferIndex++]) == 0) { result = ExpressionParser().EvaluateExpression(expression); success = true; } else { result = 0; success = false; if (!silent) { if (sExceptionPosition >= 0) { kprintf("%s, at position: %d, in expression: %s\n", sExceptionMessage, sExceptionPosition, expression); } else kprintf("%s", sExceptionMessage); } } sNextJumpBufferIndex--; // cleanup temp allocations free_temp_storage(temporaryStorageMark); if (success && _result != NULL) *_result = result; return success; } int evaluate_debug_command(const char* commandLine) { if (sNextJumpBufferIndex >= kJumpBufferCount) { kprintf("evaluate_debug_command(): Out of jump buffers for " "exception handling\n"); return 0; } int returnCode = 0; void* temporaryStorageMark = allocate_temp_storage(0); // get a temporary storage mark, so we can cleanup everything that // is allocated during the evaluation if (setjmp(sJumpBuffers[sNextJumpBufferIndex++]) == 0) { ExpressionParser().EvaluateCommand(commandLine, returnCode); } else { if (sExceptionPosition >= 0) { kprintf("%s, at position: %d, in command line: %s\n", sExceptionMessage, sExceptionPosition, commandLine); } else kprintf("%s", sExceptionMessage); } sNextJumpBufferIndex--; // cleanup temp allocations free_temp_storage(temporaryStorageMark); return returnCode; }