/* * Copyright 2016, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../cache/vnode_store.h" #include "../vm/VMAddressSpaceLocking.h" //#define TRACE_CORE_DUMP #ifdef TRACE_CORE_DUMP # define TRACE(...) dprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #else # define TRACE(...) do {} while (false) #endif namespace { static const size_t kBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; static const char* const kCoreNote = ELF_NOTE_CORE; static const char* const kHaikuNote = ELF_NOTE_HAIKU; struct Allocator { Allocator() : fAligned(NULL), fStrings(NULL), fAlignedCapacity(0), fStringCapacity(0), fAlignedSize(0), fStringSize(0) { } ~Allocator() { free(fAligned); } bool HasMissingAllocations() const { return fAlignedSize > fAlignedCapacity || fStringSize > fStringCapacity; } bool Reallocate() { free(fAligned); fAlignedCapacity = fAlignedSize; fStringCapacity = fStringSize; fAlignedSize = 0; fStringSize = 0; fAligned = (uint8*)malloc(fAlignedCapacity + fStringCapacity); if (fAligned == NULL) return false; fStrings = (char*)(fAligned + fAlignedCapacity); return true; } void* AllocateAligned(size_t size) { size_t offset = fAlignedSize; fAlignedSize += (size + 7) / 8 * 8; if (fAlignedSize <= fAlignedCapacity) return fAligned + offset; return NULL; } char* AllocateString(size_t length) { size_t offset = fStringSize; fStringSize += length + 1; if (fStringSize <= fStringCapacity) return fStrings + offset; return NULL; } template Type* New() { void* buffer = AllocateAligned(sizeof(Type)); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; return new(buffer) Type; } char* DuplicateString(const char* string) { if (string == NULL) return NULL; char* newString = AllocateString(strlen(string)); if (newString != NULL) strcpy(newString, string); return newString; } private: uint8* fAligned; char* fStrings; size_t fAlignedCapacity; size_t fStringCapacity; size_t fAlignedSize; size_t fStringSize; }; struct TeamInfo : team_info { }; struct ThreadState : DoublyLinkedListLinkImpl { ThreadState() : fThread(NULL), fComplete(false) { } ~ThreadState() { SetThread(NULL); } static ThreadState* Create() { ThreadState* state = new(std::nothrow) ThreadState; if (state == NULL) return NULL; return state; } Thread* GetThread() const { return fThread; } void SetThread(Thread* thread) { if (fThread != NULL) fThread->ReleaseReference(); fThread = thread; if (fThread != NULL) fThread->AcquireReference(); } /*! Invoke with thread lock and scheduler lock being held. */ void GetState() { fState = fThread->state; fPriority = fThread->priority; fStackBase = fThread->user_stack_base; fStackEnd = fStackBase + fThread->user_stack_size; strlcpy(fName, fThread->name, sizeof(fName)); if (arch_get_thread_debug_cpu_state(fThread, &fCpuState) != B_OK) memset(&fCpuState, 0, sizeof(fCpuState)); } bool IsComplete() const { return fComplete; } void SetComplete(bool complete) { fComplete = complete; } int32 State() const { return fState; } int32 Priority() const { return fPriority; } addr_t StackBase() const { return fStackBase; } addr_t StackEnd() const { return fStackEnd; } const char* Name() const { return fName; } const debug_cpu_state* CpuState() const { return &fCpuState; } private: Thread* fThread; int32 fState; int32 fPriority; addr_t fStackBase; addr_t fStackEnd; char fName[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; debug_cpu_state fCpuState; bool fComplete; }; typedef DoublyLinkedList ThreadStateList; struct ImageInfo : DoublyLinkedListLinkImpl { ImageInfo(struct image* image) : fId(image->info.basic_info.id), fType(image->info.basic_info.type), fDeviceId(image->info.basic_info.device), fNodeId(image->info.basic_info.node), fName(strdup(image->info.basic_info.name)), fInitRoutine((addr_t)image->info.basic_info.init_routine), fTermRoutine((addr_t)image->info.basic_info.term_routine), fText((addr_t)image->info.basic_info.text), fData((addr_t)image->info.basic_info.data), fTextSize(image->info.basic_info.text_size), fDataSize(image->info.basic_info.data_size), fTextDelta(image->info.text_delta), fSymbolTable((addr_t)image->info.symbol_table), fSymbolHash((addr_t)image->info.symbol_hash), fStringTable((addr_t)image->info.string_table), fSymbolTableData(NULL), fStringTableData(NULL), fSymbolCount(0), fStringTableSize(0) { if (fName != NULL && strcmp(fName, "commpage") == 0) _GetCommpageSymbols(); } ~ImageInfo() { free(fName); _FreeSymbolData(); } static ImageInfo* Create(struct image* image) { ImageInfo* imageInfo = new(std::nothrow) ImageInfo(image); if (imageInfo == NULL || imageInfo->fName == NULL) { delete imageInfo; return NULL; } return imageInfo; } image_id Id() const { return fId; } image_type Type() const { return fType; } const char* Name() const { return fName; } dev_t DeviceId() const { return fDeviceId; } ino_t NodeId() const { return fNodeId; } addr_t InitRoutine() const { return fInitRoutine; } addr_t TermRoutine() const { return fTermRoutine; } addr_t TextBase() const { return fText; } size_t TextSize() const { return fTextSize; } ssize_t TextDelta() const { return fTextDelta; } addr_t DataBase() const { return fData; } size_t DataSize() const { return fDataSize; } addr_t SymbolTable() const { return fSymbolTable; } addr_t SymbolHash() const { return fSymbolHash; } addr_t StringTable() const { return fStringTable; } elf_sym* SymbolTableData() const { return fSymbolTableData; } char* StringTableData() const { return fStringTableData; } uint32 SymbolCount() const { return fSymbolCount; } size_t StringTableSize() const { return fStringTableSize; } private: void _GetCommpageSymbols() { image_id commpageId = get_commpage_image(); // get the size of the tables int32 symbolCount = 0; size_t stringTableSize = 0; status_t error = elf_read_kernel_image_symbols(commpageId, NULL, &symbolCount, NULL, &stringTableSize, NULL, true); if (error != B_OK) return; if (symbolCount == 0 || stringTableSize == 0) return; // allocate the tables fSymbolTableData = (elf_sym*)malloc(sizeof(elf_sym) * symbolCount); fStringTableData = (char*)malloc(stringTableSize); if (fSymbolTableData == NULL || fStringTableData == NULL) { _FreeSymbolData(); return; } fSymbolCount = symbolCount; fStringTableSize = stringTableSize; // get the data error = elf_read_kernel_image_symbols(commpageId, fSymbolTableData, &symbolCount, fStringTableData, &stringTableSize, NULL, true); if (error != B_OK) _FreeSymbolData(); } void _FreeSymbolData() { free(fSymbolTableData); free(fStringTableData); fSymbolTableData = NULL; fStringTableData = NULL; fSymbolCount = 0; fStringTableSize = 0; } private: image_id fId; image_type fType; dev_t fDeviceId; ino_t fNodeId; char* fName; addr_t fInitRoutine; addr_t fTermRoutine; addr_t fText; addr_t fData; size_t fTextSize; size_t fDataSize; ssize_t fTextDelta; addr_t fSymbolTable; addr_t fSymbolHash; addr_t fStringTable; // for commpage image elf_sym* fSymbolTableData; char* fStringTableData; uint32 fSymbolCount; size_t fStringTableSize; }; typedef DoublyLinkedList ImageInfoList; struct AreaInfo : DoublyLinkedListLinkImpl { static AreaInfo* Create(Allocator& allocator, VMArea* area, size_t ramSize, dev_t deviceId, ino_t nodeId) { AreaInfo* areaInfo = allocator.New(); const char* name = allocator.DuplicateString(area->name); if (areaInfo != NULL) { areaInfo->fId = area->id; areaInfo->fName = name; areaInfo->fBase = area->Base(); areaInfo->fSize = area->Size(); areaInfo->fLock = B_FULL_LOCK; areaInfo->fProtection = area->protection; areaInfo->fRamSize = ramSize; areaInfo->fDeviceId = deviceId; areaInfo->fNodeId = nodeId; areaInfo->fCacheOffset = area->cache_offset; areaInfo->fImageInfo = NULL; } return areaInfo; } area_id Id() const { return fId; } const char* Name() const { return fName; } addr_t Base() const { return fBase; } size_t Size() const { return fSize; } uint32 Lock() const { return fLock; } uint32 Protection() const { return fProtection; } size_t RamSize() const { return fRamSize; } off_t CacheOffset() const { return fCacheOffset; } dev_t DeviceId() const { return fDeviceId; } ino_t NodeId() const { return fNodeId; } ImageInfo* GetImageInfo() const { return fImageInfo; } void SetImageInfo(ImageInfo* imageInfo) { fImageInfo = imageInfo; } private: area_id fId; const char* fName; addr_t fBase; size_t fSize; uint32 fLock; uint32 fProtection; size_t fRamSize; dev_t fDeviceId; ino_t fNodeId; off_t fCacheOffset; ImageInfo* fImageInfo; }; typedef DoublyLinkedList AreaInfoList; struct BufferedFile { BufferedFile() : fFd(-1), fBuffer(NULL), fCapacity(0), fOffset(0), fBuffered(0), fStatus(B_NO_INIT) { } ~BufferedFile() { if (fFd >= 0) close(fFd); free(fBuffer); } status_t Init(const char* path) { fCapacity = kBufferSize; fBuffer = (uint8*)malloc(fCapacity); if (fBuffer == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; fFd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR); if (fFd < 0) return errno; fStatus = B_OK; return B_OK; } status_t Status() const { return fStatus; } off_t EndOffset() const { return fOffset + (off_t)fBuffered; } status_t Flush() { if (fStatus != B_OK) return fStatus; if (fBuffered == 0) return B_OK; ssize_t written = pwrite(fFd, fBuffer, fBuffered, fOffset); if (written < 0) return fStatus = errno; if ((size_t)written != fBuffered) return fStatus = B_IO_ERROR; fOffset += (off_t)fBuffered; fBuffered = 0; return B_OK; } status_t Seek(off_t offset) { if (fStatus != B_OK) return fStatus; if (fBuffered == 0) { fOffset = offset; } else if (offset != fOffset + (off_t)fBuffered) { status_t error = Flush(); if (error != B_OK) return fStatus = error; fOffset = offset; } return B_OK; } status_t Write(const void* data, size_t size) { if (fStatus != B_OK) return fStatus; if (size == 0) return B_OK; while (size > 0) { size_t toWrite = std::min(size, fCapacity - fBuffered); if (toWrite == 0) { status_t error = Flush(); if (error != B_OK) return fStatus = error; continue; } memcpy(fBuffer + fBuffered, data, toWrite); fBuffered += toWrite; size -= toWrite; } return B_OK; } template status_t Write(const Data& data) { return Write(&data, sizeof(data)); } status_t WriteAt(off_t offset, const void* data, size_t size) { if (Seek(offset) != B_OK) return fStatus; return Write(data, size); } status_t WriteUserArea(addr_t base, size_t size) { uint8* data = (uint8*)base; size = size / B_PAGE_SIZE * B_PAGE_SIZE; // copy the area page-wise into the buffer, flushing when necessary while (size > 0) { if (fBuffered + B_PAGE_SIZE > fCapacity) { status_t error = Flush(); if (error != B_OK) return error; } if (user_memcpy(fBuffer + fBuffered, data, B_PAGE_SIZE) != B_OK) memset(fBuffer + fBuffered, 0, B_PAGE_SIZE); fBuffered += B_PAGE_SIZE; data += B_PAGE_SIZE; size -= B_PAGE_SIZE; } return B_OK; } private: int fFd; uint8* fBuffer; size_t fCapacity; off_t fOffset; size_t fBuffered; status_t fStatus; }; struct DummyWriter { DummyWriter() : fWritten(0) { } status_t Status() const { return B_OK; } size_t BytesWritten() const { return fWritten; } status_t Write(const void* data, size_t size) { fWritten += size; return B_OK; } template status_t Write(const Data& data) { return Write(&data, sizeof(data)); } private: size_t fWritten; }; struct CoreDumper { CoreDumper() : fCurrentThread(thread_get_current_thread()), fTeam(fCurrentThread->team), fFile(), fThreadCount(0), fThreadStates(), fPreAllocatedThreadStates(), fAreaInfoAllocator(), fAreaInfos(), fImageInfos(), fThreadBlockCondition() { fThreadBlockCondition.Init(this, "core dump"); } ~CoreDumper() { while (ThreadState* state = fThreadStates.RemoveHead()) delete state; while (ThreadState* state = fPreAllocatedThreadStates.RemoveHead()) delete state; while (ImageInfo* info = fImageInfos.RemoveHead()) delete info; } status_t Dump(const char* path, bool killTeam) { // the path must be absolute if (path[0] != '/') return B_BAD_VALUE; AutoLocker teamLocker(fTeam); // indicate that we're dumping core if ((atomic_or(&fTeam->flags, TEAM_FLAG_DUMP_CORE) & TEAM_FLAG_DUMP_CORE) != 0) { return B_BUSY; } fTeam->SetCoreDumpCondition(&fThreadBlockCondition); int32 threadCount = _SetThreadsCoreDumpFlag(true); teamLocker.Unlock(); // write the core file status_t error = _Dump(path, threadCount); // send kill signal, if requested if (killTeam) kill_team(fTeam->id); // clean up the team state and wake up waiting threads teamLocker.Lock(); fTeam->SetCoreDumpCondition(NULL); atomic_and(&fTeam->flags, ~(int32)TEAM_FLAG_DUMP_CORE); _SetThreadsCoreDumpFlag(false); fThreadBlockCondition.NotifyAll(); return error; } private: status_t _Dump(const char* path, int32 threadCount) { status_t error = _GetTeamInfo(); if (error != B_OK) return error; // pre-allocate a list of thread states if (!_AllocateThreadStates(threadCount)) return B_NO_MEMORY; // collect the threads states _GetThreadStates(); // collect the other team information if (!_GetAreaInfos() || !_GetImageInfos()) return B_NO_MEMORY; // open the file error = fFile.Init(path); if (error != B_OK) return error; _PrepareCoreFileInfo(); // write ELF header error = _WriteElfHeader(); if (error != B_OK) return error; // write note segment error = _WriteNotes(); if (error != B_OK) return error; size_t notesEndOffset = (size_t)fFile.EndOffset(); fNoteSegmentSize = notesEndOffset - fNoteSegmentOffset; fFirstAreaSegmentOffset = (notesEndOffset + B_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / B_PAGE_SIZE * B_PAGE_SIZE; error = _WriteProgramHeaders(); if (error != B_OK) return error; // write area segments error = _WriteAreaSegments(); if (error != B_OK) return error; return _WriteElfHeader(); } int32 _SetThreadsCoreDumpFlag(bool setFlag) { int32 count = 0; for (Thread* thread = fTeam->thread_list; thread != NULL; thread = thread->team_next) { count++; if (setFlag) { atomic_or(&thread->flags, THREAD_FLAGS_TRAP_FOR_CORE_DUMP); } else { atomic_and(&thread->flags, ~(int32)THREAD_FLAGS_TRAP_FOR_CORE_DUMP); } } return count; } status_t _GetTeamInfo() { return get_team_info(fTeam->id, &fTeamInfo); } bool _AllocateThreadStates(int32 count) { if (!_PreAllocateThreadStates(count)) return false; TeamLocker teamLocker(fTeam); for (;;) { fThreadCount = 0; int32 missing = 0; for (Thread* thread = fTeam->thread_list; thread != NULL; thread = thread->team_next) { fThreadCount++; ThreadState* state = fPreAllocatedThreadStates.RemoveHead(); if (state != NULL) { state->SetThread(thread); fThreadStates.Insert(state); } else missing++; } if (missing == 0) break; teamLocker.Unlock(); fPreAllocatedThreadStates.MoveFrom(&fThreadStates); if (!_PreAllocateThreadStates(missing)) return false; teamLocker.Lock(); } return true; } bool _PreAllocateThreadStates(int32 count) { for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { ThreadState* state = ThreadState::Create(); if (state == NULL) return false; fPreAllocatedThreadStates.Insert(state); } return true; } void _GetThreadStates() { for (;;) { bool missing = false; for (ThreadStateList::Iterator it = fThreadStates.GetIterator(); ThreadState* state = it.Next();) { if (state->IsComplete()) continue; Thread* thread = state->GetThread(); AutoLocker threadLocker(thread); if (thread->team != fTeam) { // no longer in our team -- i.e. dying and transferred to // the kernel team threadLocker.Unlock(); it.Remove(); delete state; fThreadCount--; continue; } InterruptsSpinLocker schedulerLocker(&thread->scheduler_lock); if (thread != fCurrentThread && thread->state == B_THREAD_RUNNING) { missing = true; continue; } state->GetState(); state->SetComplete(true); } if (!missing) break; // We still haven't got a state for all threads. Wait a moment and // try again. snooze(10000); } } bool _GetAreaInfos() { for (;;) { AddressSpaceReadLocker addressSpaceLocker(fTeam->address_space, true); for (VMAddressSpace::AreaIterator it = addressSpaceLocker.AddressSpace()->GetAreaIterator(); VMArea* area = it.Next();) { VMCache* cache = vm_area_get_locked_cache(area); size_t ramSize = (size_t)cache->page_count * B_PAGE_SIZE; // simplified, but what the kernel uses as well ATM // iterate to the root cache and, if it is a mapped file, get // the file's node_ref while (VMCache* source = cache->source) { source->Lock(); source->AcquireRefLocked(); cache->ReleaseRefAndUnlock(); cache = source; } dev_t deviceId = -1; ino_t nodeId = -1; if (cache->type == CACHE_TYPE_VNODE) { VMVnodeCache* vnodeCache = (VMVnodeCache*)cache; deviceId = vnodeCache->DeviceId(); nodeId = vnodeCache->InodeId(); } cache->ReleaseRefAndUnlock(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = AreaInfo::Create(fAreaInfoAllocator, area, ramSize, deviceId, nodeId); if (areaInfo != NULL) fAreaInfos.Insert(areaInfo); } addressSpaceLocker.Unlock(); if (!fAreaInfoAllocator.HasMissingAllocations()) return true; if (!fAreaInfoAllocator.Reallocate()) return false; } } bool _GetImageInfos() { return image_iterate_through_team_images(fTeam->id, &_GetImageInfoCallback, this) == NULL; } static bool _GetImageInfoCallback(struct image* image, void* cookie) { return ((CoreDumper*)cookie)->_GetImageInfo(image); } bool _GetImageInfo(struct image* image) { ImageInfo* info = ImageInfo::Create(image); if (info == NULL) return true; fImageInfos.Insert(info); return false; } void _PrepareCoreFileInfo() { // assign image infos to area infos where possible fAreaCount = 0; fMappedFilesCount = 0; for (AreaInfoList::Iterator it = fAreaInfos.GetIterator(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = it.Next();) { fAreaCount++; dev_t deviceId = areaInfo->DeviceId(); if (deviceId < 0) continue; ImageInfo* imageInfo = _FindImageInfo(deviceId, areaInfo->NodeId()); if (imageInfo != NULL) { areaInfo->SetImageInfo(imageInfo); fMappedFilesCount++; } } fImageCount = fImageInfos.Count(); fSegmentCount = 1 + fAreaCount; fProgramHeadersOffset = sizeof(elf_ehdr); fNoteSegmentOffset = fProgramHeadersOffset + sizeof(elf_phdr) * fSegmentCount; } ImageInfo* _FindImageInfo(dev_t deviceId, ino_t nodeId) const { for (ImageInfoList::ConstIterator it = fImageInfos.GetIterator(); ImageInfo* info = it.Next();) { if (info->DeviceId() == deviceId && info->NodeId() == nodeId) return info; } return NULL; } status_t _WriteElfHeader() { elf_ehdr header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); // e_ident header.e_ident[EI_MAG0] = ELFMAG[0]; header.e_ident[EI_MAG1] = ELFMAG[1]; header.e_ident[EI_MAG2] = ELFMAG[2]; header.e_ident[EI_MAG3] = ELFMAG[3]; #ifdef B_HAIKU_64_BIT header.e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELFCLASS64; #else header.e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELFCLASS32; #endif #if B_HOST_IS_LENDIAN header.e_ident[EI_DATA] = ELFDATA2LSB; #else header.e_ident[EI_DATA] = ELFDATA2MSB; #endif header.e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT; // e_type header.e_type = ET_CORE; // e_machine #if defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_X86) header.e_machine = EM_386; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_X86_64) header.e_machine = EM_X86_64; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_PPC) header.e_machine = EM_PPC64; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_M68K) header.e_machine = EM_68K; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_MIPSEL) header.e_machine = EM_MIPS; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_ARM) header.e_machine = EM_ARM; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_ARM64) header.e_machine = EM_AARCH64; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_SPARC) header.e_machine = EM_SPARCV9; #elif defined(__HAIKU_ARCH_RISCV64) header.e_machine = EM_RISCV; #else # error Unsupported architecture! #endif header.e_version = EV_CURRENT; header.e_entry = 0; header.e_phoff = sizeof(header); header.e_shoff = 0; header.e_flags = 0; header.e_ehsize = sizeof(header); header.e_phentsize = sizeof(elf_phdr); header.e_phnum = fSegmentCount; header.e_shentsize = sizeof(elf_shdr); header.e_shnum = 0; header.e_shstrndx = SHN_UNDEF; return fFile.WriteAt(0, &header, sizeof(header)); } status_t _WriteProgramHeaders() { fFile.Seek(fProgramHeadersOffset); // write the header for the notes segment elf_phdr header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.p_type = PT_NOTE; header.p_flags = 0; header.p_offset = fNoteSegmentOffset; header.p_vaddr = 0; header.p_paddr = 0; header.p_filesz = fNoteSegmentSize; header.p_memsz = 0; header.p_align = 0; fFile.Write(header); // write the headers for the area segments size_t segmentOffset = fFirstAreaSegmentOffset; for (AreaInfoList::Iterator it = fAreaInfos.GetIterator(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = it.Next();) { memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.p_type = PT_LOAD; header.p_flags = 0; uint32 protection = areaInfo->Protection(); if ((protection & B_READ_AREA) != 0) header.p_flags |= PF_READ; if ((protection & B_WRITE_AREA) != 0) header.p_flags |= PF_WRITE; if ((protection & B_EXECUTE_AREA) != 0) header.p_flags |= PF_EXECUTE; header.p_offset = segmentOffset; header.p_vaddr = areaInfo->Base(); header.p_paddr = 0; header.p_filesz = areaInfo->Size(); header.p_memsz = areaInfo->Size(); header.p_align = 0; fFile.Write(header); segmentOffset += areaInfo->Size(); } return fFile.Status(); } status_t _WriteAreaSegments() { fFile.Seek(fFirstAreaSegmentOffset); for (AreaInfoList::Iterator it = fAreaInfos.GetIterator(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = it.Next();) { status_t error = fFile.WriteUserArea(areaInfo->Base(), areaInfo->Size()); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return fFile.Status(); } status_t _WriteNotes() { status_t error = fFile.Seek((off_t)fNoteSegmentOffset); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = _WriteFilesNote(); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = _WriteTeamNote(); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = _WriteAreasNote(); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = _WriteImagesNote(); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = _WriteImageSymbolsNotes(); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = _WriteThreadsNote(); if (error != B_OK) return error; return B_OK; } template void _WriteTeamNote(Writer& writer) { elf_note_team note; memset(¬e, 0, sizeof(note)); note.nt_id = fTeamInfo.team; note.nt_uid = fTeamInfo.uid; note.nt_gid = fTeamInfo.gid; writer.Write((uint32)sizeof(note)); writer.Write(note); // write args const char* args = fTeamInfo.args; writer.Write(args, strlen(args) + 1); } status_t _WriteTeamNote() { // determine needed size for the note's data DummyWriter dummyWriter; _WriteTeamNote(dummyWriter); size_t dataSize = dummyWriter.BytesWritten(); // write the note header _WriteNoteHeader(kHaikuNote, NT_TEAM, dataSize); // write the note data _WriteTeamNote(fFile); // padding _WriteNotePadding(dataSize); return fFile.Status(); } template void _WriteFilesNote(Writer& writer) { // file count and table size writer.Write(fMappedFilesCount); writer.Write((size_t)B_PAGE_SIZE); // write table for (AreaInfoList::Iterator it = fAreaInfos.GetIterator(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = it.Next();) { if (areaInfo->GetImageInfo() == NULL) continue; // start address, end address, and file offset in pages writer.Write(areaInfo->Base()); writer.Write(areaInfo->Base() + areaInfo->Size()); writer.Write(size_t(areaInfo->CacheOffset() / B_PAGE_SIZE)); } // write strings for (AreaInfoList::Iterator it = fAreaInfos.GetIterator(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = it.Next();) { ImageInfo* imageInfo = areaInfo->GetImageInfo(); if (imageInfo == NULL) continue; const char* name = imageInfo->Name(); writer.Write(name, strlen(name) + 1); } } status_t _WriteFilesNote() { // determine needed size for the note's data DummyWriter dummyWriter; _WriteFilesNote(dummyWriter); size_t dataSize = dummyWriter.BytesWritten(); // write the note header _WriteNoteHeader(kCoreNote, NT_FILE, dataSize); // write the note data _WriteFilesNote(fFile); // padding _WriteNotePadding(dataSize); return fFile.Status(); } template void _WriteAreasNote(Writer& writer) { // area count writer.Write((uint32)fAreaCount); writer.Write((uint32)sizeof(elf_note_area_entry)); // write table for (AreaInfoList::Iterator it = fAreaInfos.GetIterator(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = it.Next();) { elf_note_area_entry entry; memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.na_id = areaInfo->Id(); entry.na_lock = areaInfo->Lock(); entry.na_protection = areaInfo->Protection(); entry.na_base = areaInfo->Base(); entry.na_size = areaInfo->Size(); entry.na_ram_size = areaInfo->RamSize(); writer.Write(entry); } // write strings for (AreaInfoList::Iterator it = fAreaInfos.GetIterator(); AreaInfo* areaInfo = it.Next();) { const char* name = areaInfo->Name(); writer.Write(name, strlen(name) + 1); } } status_t _WriteAreasNote() { // determine needed size for the note's data DummyWriter dummyWriter; _WriteAreasNote(dummyWriter); size_t dataSize = dummyWriter.BytesWritten(); // write the note header _WriteNoteHeader(kHaikuNote, NT_AREAS, dataSize); // write the note data _WriteAreasNote(fFile); // padding _WriteNotePadding(dataSize); return fFile.Status(); } template void _WriteImagesNote(Writer& writer) { // image count writer.Write((uint32)fImageCount); writer.Write((uint32)sizeof(elf_note_image_entry)); // write table for (ImageInfoList::Iterator it = fImageInfos.GetIterator(); ImageInfo* imageInfo = it.Next();) { elf_note_image_entry entry; memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.ni_id = imageInfo->Id(); entry.ni_type = imageInfo->Type(); entry.ni_init_routine = imageInfo->InitRoutine(); entry.ni_term_routine = imageInfo->TermRoutine(); entry.ni_device = imageInfo->DeviceId(); entry.ni_node = imageInfo->NodeId(); entry.ni_text_base = imageInfo->TextBase(); entry.ni_text_size = imageInfo->TextSize(); entry.ni_data_base = imageInfo->DataBase(); entry.ni_data_size = imageInfo->DataSize(); entry.ni_text_delta = imageInfo->TextDelta(); entry.ni_symbol_table = imageInfo->SymbolTable(); entry.ni_symbol_hash = imageInfo->SymbolHash(); entry.ni_string_table = imageInfo->StringTable(); writer.Write(entry); } // write strings for (ImageInfoList::Iterator it = fImageInfos.GetIterator(); ImageInfo* imageInfo = it.Next();) { const char* name = imageInfo->Name(); writer.Write(name, strlen(name) + 1); } } status_t _WriteImagesNote() { // determine needed size for the note's data DummyWriter dummyWriter; _WriteImagesNote(dummyWriter); size_t dataSize = dummyWriter.BytesWritten(); // write the note header _WriteNoteHeader(kHaikuNote, NT_IMAGES, dataSize); // write the note data _WriteImagesNote(fFile); // padding _WriteNotePadding(dataSize); return fFile.Status(); } status_t _WriteImageSymbolsNotes() { // write table for (ImageInfoList::Iterator it = fImageInfos.GetIterator(); ImageInfo* imageInfo = it.Next();) { if (imageInfo->SymbolTableData() == NULL || imageInfo->StringTableData() == NULL) { continue; } status_t error = _WriteImageSymbolsNote(imageInfo); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } template void _WriteImageSymbolsNote(const ImageInfo* imageInfo, Writer& writer) { uint32 symbolCount = imageInfo->SymbolCount(); uint32 symbolEntrySize = (uint32)sizeof(elf_sym); writer.Write((int32)imageInfo->Id()); writer.Write(symbolCount); writer.Write(symbolEntrySize); writer.Write(imageInfo->SymbolTableData(), symbolCount * symbolEntrySize); writer.Write(imageInfo->StringTableData(), imageInfo->StringTableSize()); } status_t _WriteImageSymbolsNote(const ImageInfo* imageInfo) { // determine needed size for the note's data DummyWriter dummyWriter; _WriteImageSymbolsNote(imageInfo, dummyWriter); size_t dataSize = dummyWriter.BytesWritten(); // write the note header _WriteNoteHeader(kHaikuNote, NT_SYMBOLS, dataSize); // write the note data _WriteImageSymbolsNote(imageInfo, fFile); // padding _WriteNotePadding(dataSize); return fFile.Status(); } template void _WriteThreadsNote(Writer& writer) { // thread count and size of CPU state writer.Write((uint32)fThreadCount); writer.Write((uint32)sizeof(elf_note_thread_entry)); writer.Write((uint32)sizeof(debug_cpu_state)); // write table for (ThreadStateList::Iterator it = fThreadStates.GetIterator(); ThreadState* state = it.Next();) { elf_note_thread_entry entry; memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.nth_id = state->GetThread()->id; entry.nth_state = state->State(); entry.nth_priority = state->Priority(); entry.nth_stack_base = state->StackBase(); entry.nth_stack_end = state->StackEnd(); writer.Write(&entry, sizeof(entry)); writer.Write(state->CpuState(), sizeof(debug_cpu_state)); } // write strings for (ThreadStateList::Iterator it = fThreadStates.GetIterator(); ThreadState* state = it.Next();) { const char* name = state->Name(); writer.Write(name, strlen(name) + 1); } } status_t _WriteThreadsNote() { // determine needed size for the note's data DummyWriter dummyWriter; _WriteThreadsNote(dummyWriter); size_t dataSize = dummyWriter.BytesWritten(); // write the note header _WriteNoteHeader(kHaikuNote, NT_THREADS, dataSize); // write the note data _WriteThreadsNote(fFile); // padding _WriteNotePadding(dataSize); return fFile.Status(); } status_t _WriteNoteHeader(const char* name, uint32 type, uint32 dataSize) { // prepare and write the header Elf32_Nhdr noteHeader; memset(¬eHeader, 0, sizeof(noteHeader)); size_t nameSize = strlen(name) + 1; noteHeader.n_namesz = nameSize; noteHeader.n_descsz = dataSize; noteHeader.n_type = type; fFile.Write(noteHeader); // write the name fFile.Write(name, nameSize); // pad the name to 4 byte alignment _WriteNotePadding(nameSize); return fFile.Status(); } status_t _WriteNotePadding(size_t sizeToPad) { if (sizeToPad % 4 != 0) { uint8 pad[3] = {}; fFile.Write(&pad, 4 - sizeToPad % 4); } return fFile.Status(); } private: Thread* fCurrentThread; Team* fTeam; BufferedFile fFile; TeamInfo fTeamInfo; size_t fThreadCount; ThreadStateList fThreadStates; ThreadStateList fPreAllocatedThreadStates; Allocator fAreaInfoAllocator; AreaInfoList fAreaInfos; ImageInfoList fImageInfos; ConditionVariable fThreadBlockCondition; size_t fSegmentCount; size_t fProgramHeadersOffset; size_t fNoteSegmentOffset; size_t fNoteSegmentSize; size_t fFirstAreaSegmentOffset; size_t fAreaCount; size_t fImageCount; size_t fMappedFilesCount; }; } // unnamed namespace status_t core_dump_write_core_file(const char* path, bool killTeam) { TRACE("core_dump_write_core_file(\"%s\", %d): team: %" B_PRId32 "\n", path, killTeam, team_get_current_team_id()); CoreDumper* coreDumper = new(std::nothrow) CoreDumper(); if (coreDumper == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ObjectDeleter coreDumperDeleter(coreDumper); return coreDumper->Dump(path, killTeam); } void core_dump_trap_thread() { Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread(); ConditionVariableEntry conditionVariableEntry; TeamLocker teamLocker(thread->team); while ((atomic_get(&thread->flags) & THREAD_FLAGS_TRAP_FOR_CORE_DUMP) != 0) { thread->team->CoreDumpCondition()->Add(&conditionVariableEntry); teamLocker.Unlock(); conditionVariableEntry.Wait(); teamLocker.Lock(); } }