/* * Copyright 2003-2006, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "bios.h" #include "virtio.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define TRACE_DEVICES #ifdef TRACE_DEVICES # define TRACE(x...) dprintf(x) #else # define TRACE(x...) ; #endif void* aligned_malloc(size_t required_bytes, size_t alignment); void aligned_free(void* p); class VirtioBlockDevice : public Node { public: VirtioBlockDevice(VirtioDevice* blockIo); virtual ~VirtioBlockDevice(); virtual ssize_t ReadAt(void* cookie, off_t pos, void* buffer, size_t bufferSize); virtual ssize_t WriteAt(void* cookie, off_t pos, const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { return B_UNSUPPORTED; } virtual off_t Size() const { return (*(uint32*)(&fBlockIo->Regs()->config[0]) + ((uint64)(*(uint32*)(&fBlockIo->Regs()->config[4])) << 32) )*kVirtioBlockSectorSize; } uint32 BlockSize() const { return kVirtioBlockSectorSize; } bool ReadOnly() const { return false; } private: ObjectDeleter fBlockIo; }; VirtioBlockDevice::VirtioBlockDevice(VirtioDevice* blockIo) : fBlockIo(blockIo) { dprintf("+VirtioBlockDevice\n"); } VirtioBlockDevice::~VirtioBlockDevice() { dprintf("-VirtioBlockDevice\n"); } ssize_t VirtioBlockDevice::ReadAt(void* cookie, off_t pos, void* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { // dprintf("ReadAt(%p, %ld, %p, %ld)\n", cookie, pos, buffer, bufferSize); off_t offset = pos % BlockSize(); pos /= BlockSize(); uint32 numBlocks = (offset + bufferSize + BlockSize() - 1) / BlockSize(); ArrayDeleter readBuffer( new(std::nothrow) char[numBlocks * BlockSize() + 1]); if (!readBuffer.IsSet()) return B_NO_MEMORY; VirtioBlockRequest blkReq; blkReq.type = kVirtioBlockTypeIn; blkReq.ioprio = 0; blkReq.sectorNum = pos; IORequest req(ioOpRead, &blkReq, sizeof(blkReq)); IORequest reply(ioOpWrite, readBuffer.Get(), numBlocks * BlockSize() + 1); IORequest* reqs[] = {&req, &reply}; fBlockIo->ScheduleIO(reqs, 2); fBlockIo->WaitIO(); if (readBuffer[numBlocks * BlockSize()] != kVirtioBlockStatusOk) { dprintf("%s: blockIo error reading from device!\n", __func__); return B_ERROR; } memcpy(buffer, readBuffer.Get() + offset, bufferSize); return bufferSize; } static VirtioBlockDevice* CreateVirtioBlockDev(int id) { VirtioResources* devRes = ThisVirtioDev(kVirtioDevBlock, id); if (devRes == NULL) return NULL; ObjectDeleter virtioDev( new(std::nothrow) VirtioDevice(*devRes)); if (!virtioDev.IsSet()) panic("Can't allocate memory for VirtioDevice!"); ObjectDeleter device( new(std::nothrow) VirtioBlockDevice(virtioDev.Detach())); if (!device.IsSet()) panic("Can't allocate memory for VirtioBlockDevice!"); return device.Detach(); } static off_t get_next_check_sum_offset(int32 index, off_t maxSize) { if (index < 2) return index * 512; if (index < 4) return (maxSize >> 10) + index * 2048; return ((system_time() + index) % (maxSize >> 9)) * 512; } static uint32 compute_check_sum(Node* device, off_t offset) { char buffer[512]; ssize_t bytesRead = device->ReadAt(NULL, offset, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (bytesRead < B_OK) return 0; if (bytesRead < (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer)) memset(buffer + bytesRead, 0, sizeof(buffer) - bytesRead); uint32* array = (uint32*)buffer; uint32 sum = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < (bytesRead + sizeof(uint32) - 1) / sizeof(uint32); i++) sum += array[i]; return sum; } //#pragma mark - status_t platform_add_boot_device(struct stage2_args* args, NodeList* devicesList) { for (int i = 0;; i++) { ObjectDeleter device(CreateVirtioBlockDev(i)); if (!device.IsSet()) break; dprintf("virtio_block[%d]\n", i); devicesList->Insert(device.Detach()); } return devicesList->Count() > 0 ? B_OK : B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } status_t platform_add_block_devices(struct stage2_args* args, NodeList* devicesList) { return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } status_t platform_get_boot_partition( struct stage2_args* args, Node* bootDevice, NodeList* partitions, boot::Partition** _partition ) { // return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; *_partition = (boot::Partition*)partitions->GetIterator().Next(); dprintf("*_partition: %p\n", *_partition); return *_partition != NULL ? B_OK : B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } status_t platform_register_boot_device(Node* device) { TRACE("%s: called\n", __func__); disk_identifier identifier; identifier.bus_type = UNKNOWN_BUS; identifier.device_type = UNKNOWN_DEVICE; identifier.device.unknown.size = device->Size(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < NUM_DISK_CHECK_SUMS; ++i) { off_t offset = get_next_check_sum_offset(i, device->Size()); identifier.device.unknown.check_sums[i].offset = offset; identifier.device.unknown.check_sums[i].sum = compute_check_sum(device, offset); } gBootVolume.SetInt32(BOOT_METHOD, BOOT_METHOD_HARD_DISK); gBootVolume.SetBool(BOOT_VOLUME_BOOTED_FROM_IMAGE, false); gBootVolume.SetData(BOOT_VOLUME_DISK_IDENTIFIER, B_RAW_TYPE, &identifier, sizeof(disk_identifier)); return B_OK; } void platform_cleanup_devices() { }