/* * Copyright 2013-2014, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "Exception.h" using namespace BPackageKit; Exception::Exception(BTransactionError error) : fError(error), fSystemError(B_ERROR), fPackageName(), fPath1(), fPath2(), fString1(), fString2() { } Exception& Exception::SetSystemError(status_t error) { fSystemError = error; return *this; } Exception& Exception::SetPackageName(const BString& packageName) { fPackageName = packageName; return *this; } Exception& Exception::SetPath1(const BString& path) { fPath1 = path; return *this; } Exception& Exception::SetPath2(const BString& path) { fPath2 = path; return *this; } Exception& Exception::SetString1(const BString& string) { fString1 = string; return *this; } Exception& Exception::SetString2(const BString& string) { fString2 = string; return *this; } void Exception::SetOnResult(BCommitTransactionResult& result) { result.SetError(fError); result.SetSystemError(fSystemError); result.SetErrorPackage(fPackageName); result.SetPath1(fPath1); result.SetPath2(fPath2); result.SetString1(fString1); result.SetString2(fString2); }