/* * Copyright 2009, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Michael Lotz */ #include "RemoteMessage.h" #ifndef CLIENT_COMPILE #include "DrawState.h" #include "ServerBitmap.h" #include "ServerCursor.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include status_t RemoteMessage::NextMessage(uint16& code) { if (fDataLeft > 0) { // discard remainder of message int32 readSize = fSource->Read(NULL, fDataLeft); if (readSize < 0) return readSize; } static const uint32 kHeaderSize = sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint32); fDataLeft = kHeaderSize; Read(code); uint32 dataLeft; status_t result = Read(dataLeft); if (result != B_OK) return result; if (dataLeft < kHeaderSize) return B_ERROR; fDataLeft = dataLeft - kHeaderSize; fCode = code; return B_OK; } void RemoteMessage::Cancel() { fAvailable += fWriteIndex; fWriteIndex = 0; } #ifndef CLIENT_COMPILE void RemoteMessage::AddBitmap(const ServerBitmap& bitmap, bool minimal) { Add(bitmap.Width()); Add(bitmap.Height()); Add(bitmap.BytesPerRow()); if (!minimal) { Add(bitmap.ColorSpace()); Add(bitmap.Flags()); } uint32 bitsLength = bitmap.BitsLength(); Add(bitsLength); if (!_MakeSpace(bitsLength)) return; memcpy(fBuffer + fWriteIndex, bitmap.Bits(), bitsLength); fWriteIndex += bitsLength; fAvailable -= bitsLength; } void RemoteMessage::AddFont(const ServerFont& font) { Add(font.Direction()); Add((uint8)font.Encoding()); Add(font.Flags()); Add((uint8)font.Spacing()); Add(font.Shear()); Add(font.Rotation()); Add(font.FalseBoldWidth()); Add(font.Size()); Add(font.Face()); Add(font.GetFamilyAndStyle()); } void RemoteMessage::AddDrawState(const DrawState& drawState) { Add(drawState.PenSize()); Add(drawState.SubPixelPrecise()); Add(drawState.GetDrawingMode()); Add(drawState.AlphaSrcMode()); Add(drawState.AlphaFncMode()); AddPattern(drawState.GetPattern()); Add(drawState.LineCapMode()); Add(drawState.LineJoinMode()); Add(drawState.MiterLimit()); Add(drawState.HighColor()); Add(drawState.LowColor()); } void RemoteMessage::AddArrayLine(const ViewLineArrayInfo& line) { Add(line.startPoint); Add(line.endPoint); Add(line.color); } void RemoteMessage::AddCursor(const ServerCursor& cursor) { Add(cursor.GetHotSpot()); AddBitmap(cursor); } void RemoteMessage::AddPattern(const Pattern& pattern) { Add(pattern.GetPattern()); } #else // !CLIENT_COMPILE void RemoteMessage::AddBitmap(const BBitmap& bitmap) { BRect bounds = bitmap.Bounds(); Add(bounds.IntegerWidth() + 1); Add(bounds.IntegerHeight() + 1); Add(bitmap.BytesPerRow()); Add(bitmap.ColorSpace()); Add(bitmap.Flags()); uint32 bitsLength = bitmap.BitsLength(); Add(bitsLength); if (!_MakeSpace(bitsLength)) return; memcpy(fBuffer + fWriteIndex, bitmap.Bits(), bitsLength); fWriteIndex += bitsLength; fAvailable -= bitsLength; } #endif // !CLIENT_COMPILE void RemoteMessage::AddGradient(const BGradient& gradient) { Add(gradient.GetType()); switch (gradient.GetType()) { case BGradient::TYPE_NONE: break; case BGradient::TYPE_LINEAR: { const BGradientLinear* linear = dynamic_cast(&gradient); if (linear == NULL) return; Add(linear->Start()); Add(linear->End()); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_RADIAL: { const BGradientRadial* radial = dynamic_cast(&gradient); if (radial == NULL) return; Add(radial->Center()); Add(radial->Radius()); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_RADIAL_FOCUS: { const BGradientRadialFocus* radialFocus = dynamic_cast(&gradient); if (radialFocus == NULL) return; Add(radialFocus->Center()); Add(radialFocus->Focal()); Add(radialFocus->Radius()); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_DIAMOND: { const BGradientDiamond* diamond = dynamic_cast(&gradient); if (diamond == NULL) return; Add(diamond->Center()); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_CONIC: { const BGradientConic* conic = dynamic_cast(&gradient); if (conic == NULL) return; Add(conic->Center()); Add(conic->Angle()); break; } } int32 stopCount = gradient.CountColorStops(); Add(stopCount); for (int32 i = 0; i < stopCount; i++) { BGradient::ColorStop* stop = gradient.ColorStopAt(i); if (stop == NULL) return; Add(stop->color); Add(stop->offset); } } status_t RemoteMessage::ReadString(char** _string, size_t& _length) { uint32 length; status_t result = Read(length); if (result != B_OK) return result; if (length > fDataLeft) return B_ERROR; char *string = (char *)malloc(length + 1); if (string == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; int32 readSize = fSource->Read(string, length); if (readSize < 0) { free(string); return readSize; } if ((uint32)readSize != length) { free(string); return B_ERROR; } fDataLeft -= readSize; string[length] = 0; *_string = string; _length = length; return B_OK; } status_t RemoteMessage::ReadBitmap(BBitmap** _bitmap, bool minimal, color_space colorSpace, uint32 flags) { uint32 bitsLength; int32 width, height, bytesPerRow; Read(width); Read(height); Read(bytesPerRow); if (!minimal) { Read(colorSpace); Read(flags); } Read(bitsLength); if (bitsLength > fDataLeft) return B_ERROR; #ifndef CLIENT_COMPILE flags = B_BITMAP_NO_SERVER_LINK; #endif BBitmap *bitmap = new(std::nothrow) BBitmap( BRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1), flags, colorSpace, bytesPerRow); if (bitmap == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; status_t result = bitmap->InitCheck(); if (result != B_OK) { delete bitmap; return result; } if (bitmap->BitsLength() < (int32)bitsLength) { delete bitmap; return B_ERROR; } int32 readSize = fSource->Read(bitmap->Bits(), bitsLength); if ((uint32)readSize != bitsLength) { delete bitmap; return readSize < 0 ? readSize : B_ERROR; } fDataLeft -= readSize; *_bitmap = bitmap; return B_OK; } status_t RemoteMessage::ReadFontState(BFont& font) { uint8 encoding, spacing; uint16 face; uint32 flags, familyAndStyle; font_direction direction; float falseBoldWidth, rotation, shear, size; Read(direction); Read(encoding); Read(flags); Read(spacing); Read(shear); Read(rotation); Read(falseBoldWidth); Read(size); Read(face); status_t result = Read(familyAndStyle); if (result != B_OK) return result; font.SetFamilyAndStyle(familyAndStyle); font.SetEncoding(encoding); font.SetFlags(flags); font.SetSpacing(spacing); font.SetShear(shear); font.SetRotation(rotation); font.SetFalseBoldWidth(falseBoldWidth); font.SetSize(size); font.SetFace(face); return B_OK; } status_t RemoteMessage::ReadViewState(BView& view, ::pattern& pattern) { bool subPixelPrecise; float penSize, miterLimit; drawing_mode drawingMode; source_alpha sourceAlpha; alpha_function alphaFunction; cap_mode capMode; join_mode joinMode; rgb_color highColor, lowColor; Read(penSize); Read(subPixelPrecise); Read(drawingMode); Read(sourceAlpha); Read(alphaFunction); Read(pattern); Read(capMode); Read(joinMode); Read(miterLimit); Read(highColor); status_t result = Read(lowColor); if (result != B_OK) return result; uint32 flags = view.Flags() & ~B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE; view.SetFlags(flags | (subPixelPrecise ? B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE : 0)); view.SetPenSize(penSize); view.SetDrawingMode(drawingMode); view.SetBlendingMode(sourceAlpha, alphaFunction); view.SetLineMode(capMode, joinMode, miterLimit); view.SetHighColor(highColor); view.SetLowColor(lowColor); return B_OK; } status_t RemoteMessage::ReadGradient(BGradient** _gradient) { BGradient::Type type; Read(type); BGradient *gradient = NULL; switch (type) { case BGradient::TYPE_NONE: break; case BGradient::TYPE_LINEAR: { BPoint start, end; Read(start); Read(end); gradient = new(std::nothrow) BGradientLinear(start, end); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_RADIAL: { BPoint center; float radius; Read(center); Read(radius); gradient = new(std::nothrow) BGradientRadial(center, radius); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_RADIAL_FOCUS: { BPoint center, focal; float radius; Read(center); Read(focal); Read(radius); gradient = new(std::nothrow) BGradientRadialFocus(center, radius, focal); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_DIAMOND: { BPoint center; Read(center); gradient = new(std::nothrow) BGradientDiamond(center); break; } case BGradient::TYPE_CONIC: { BPoint center; float angle; Read(center); Read(angle); gradient = new(std::nothrow) BGradientConic(center, angle); break; } } if (gradient == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; int32 stopCount; status_t result = Read(stopCount); if (result != B_OK) { delete gradient; return result; } for (int32 i = 0; i < stopCount; i++) { rgb_color color; float offset; Read(color); result = Read(offset); if (result != B_OK) return result; gradient->AddColor(color, offset); } *_gradient = gradient; return B_OK; } status_t RemoteMessage::ReadArrayLine(BPoint& startPoint, BPoint& endPoint, rgb_color& color) { Read(startPoint); Read(endPoint); return Read(color); }