/* * Copyright 2005-2012, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Stephan Aßmus */ #include "HWInterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "drawing_support.h" #include "DrawingEngine.h" #include "RenderingBuffer.h" #include "SystemPalette.h" #include "UpdateQueue.h" using std::nothrow; HWInterfaceListener::HWInterfaceListener() { } HWInterfaceListener::~HWInterfaceListener() { } // #pragma mark - HWInterface HWInterface::HWInterface(bool doubleBuffered, bool enableUpdateQueue) : MultiLocker("hw interface lock"), fFloatingOverlaysLock("floating overlays lock"), fCursor(NULL), fDragBitmap(NULL), fDragBitmapOffset(0, 0), fCursorAndDragBitmap(NULL), fCursorVisible(false), fCursorObscured(false), fHardwareCursorEnabled(false), fCursorLocation(0, 0), fDoubleBuffered(doubleBuffered), fVGADevice(-1), fUpdateExecutor(NULL), fListeners(20) { SetAsyncDoubleBuffered(doubleBuffered && enableUpdateQueue); } HWInterface::~HWInterface() { SetAsyncDoubleBuffered(false); } status_t HWInterface::Initialize() { return MultiLocker::InitCheck(); } DrawingEngine* HWInterface::CreateDrawingEngine() { return new(std::nothrow) DrawingEngine(this); } EventStream* HWInterface::CreateEventStream() { return NULL; } status_t HWInterface::GetAccelerantPath(BString &path) { return B_ERROR; } status_t HWInterface::GetDriverPath(BString &path) { return B_ERROR; } status_t HWInterface::GetPreferredMode(display_mode* mode) { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } status_t HWInterface::GetMonitorInfo(monitor_info* info) { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // #pragma mark - void HWInterface::SetCursor(ServerCursor* cursor) { if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return; if (fCursor.Get() != cursor) { BRect oldFrame = _CursorFrame(); fCursor.SetTo(cursor); Invalidate(oldFrame); _AdoptDragBitmap(); Invalidate(_CursorFrame()); } fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } ServerCursorReference HWInterface::Cursor() const { if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return ServerCursorReference(NULL); fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); return fCursor; } ServerCursorReference HWInterface::CursorAndDragBitmap() const { if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return ServerCursorReference(NULL); fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); return fCursorAndDragBitmap; } void HWInterface::SetCursorVisible(bool visible) { if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return; if (fCursorVisible != visible) { // NOTE: _CursorFrame() will // return an invalid rect if // fCursorVisible == false! if (visible) { fCursorVisible = visible; fCursorObscured = false; IntRect r = _CursorFrame(); _DrawCursor(r); Invalidate(r); } else { IntRect r = _CursorFrame(); fCursorVisible = visible; _RestoreCursorArea(); Invalidate(r); } } fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } bool HWInterface::IsCursorVisible() { bool visible = true; if (fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) { visible = fCursorVisible; fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } return visible; } void HWInterface::ObscureCursor() { if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return; if (!fCursorObscured) { SetCursorVisible(false); fCursorObscured = true; } fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } void HWInterface::MoveCursorTo(float x, float y) { if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return; BPoint p(x, y); if (p != fCursorLocation) { // unhide cursor if it is obscured only if (fCursorObscured) { SetCursorVisible(true); } IntRect oldFrame = _CursorFrame(); fCursorLocation = p; if (fCursorVisible) { // Invalidate and _DrawCursor would not draw // anything if the cursor is hidden // (invalid cursor frame), but explicitly // testing for it here saves us some cycles if (fCursorAreaBackup.IsSet()) { // means we have a software cursor which we need to draw _RestoreCursorArea(); _DrawCursor(_CursorFrame()); } IntRect newFrame = _CursorFrame(); if (newFrame.Intersects(oldFrame)) Invalidate(oldFrame | newFrame); else { Invalidate(oldFrame); Invalidate(newFrame); } } } fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } BPoint HWInterface::CursorPosition() { BPoint location; if (fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) { location = fCursorLocation; fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } return location; } void HWInterface::SetDragBitmap(const ServerBitmap* bitmap, const BPoint& offsetFromCursor) { if (fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) { fDragBitmap.SetTo((ServerBitmap*)bitmap, false); fDragBitmapOffset = offsetFromCursor; _AdoptDragBitmap(); fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } } // #pragma mark - RenderingBuffer* HWInterface::DrawingBuffer() const { if (IsDoubleBuffered()) return BackBuffer(); return FrontBuffer(); } void HWInterface::SetAsyncDoubleBuffered(bool doubleBuffered) { if (doubleBuffered) { if (fUpdateExecutor.IsSet()) return; fUpdateExecutor.SetTo(new (nothrow) UpdateQueue(this)); AddListener(fUpdateExecutor.Get()); } else { if (!fUpdateExecutor.IsSet()) return; RemoveListener(fUpdateExecutor.Get()); fUpdateExecutor.Unset(); } } bool HWInterface::IsDoubleBuffered() const { return fDoubleBuffered; } /*! The object needs to be already locked! */ status_t HWInterface::InvalidateRegion(const BRegion& region) { int32 count = region.CountRects(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { status_t result = Invalidate(region.RectAt(i)); if (result != B_OK) return result; } return B_OK; } /*! The object needs to be already locked! */ status_t HWInterface::Invalidate(const BRect& frame) { if (IsDoubleBuffered()) { #if 0 // NOTE: The UpdateQueue works perfectly fine, but it screws the // flicker-free-ness of the double buffered rendering. The problem being the // asynchronous nature. The UpdateQueue will transfer regions of the screen // which have been clean at the time we are in this function, but which have // been damaged meanwhile by drawing into them again. All in all, the // UpdateQueue is good for reducing the number of times that the transfer // is performed, and makes it happen during refresh only, but until there // is a smarter way to synchronize this all better, I've disabled it. if (fUpdateExecutor != NULL) { fUpdateExecutor->AddRect(frame); return B_OK; } #endif return CopyBackToFront(frame); } return B_OK; } /*! The object must already be locked! */ status_t HWInterface::CopyBackToFront(const BRect& frame) { RenderingBuffer* frontBuffer = FrontBuffer(); RenderingBuffer* backBuffer = BackBuffer(); if (!backBuffer || !frontBuffer) return B_NO_INIT; // we need to mess with the area, but it is const IntRect area(frame); IntRect bufferClip(backBuffer->Bounds()); if (area.IsValid() && area.Intersects(bufferClip)) { // make sure we don't copy out of bounds area = bufferClip & area; bool cursorLocked = fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock(); BRegion region((BRect)area); if (IsDoubleBuffered()) region.Exclude((clipping_rect)_CursorFrame()); _CopyBackToFront(region); _DrawCursor(area); if (cursorLocked) fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); return B_OK; } return B_BAD_VALUE; } void HWInterface::_CopyBackToFront(/*const*/ BRegion& region) { RenderingBuffer* backBuffer = BackBuffer(); uint32 srcBPR = backBuffer->BytesPerRow(); uint8* src = (uint8*)backBuffer->Bits(); int32 count = region.CountRects(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { clipping_rect r = region.RectAtInt(i); // offset to left top pixel in source buffer (always B_RGBA32) uint8* srcOffset = src + r.top * srcBPR + r.left * 4; _CopyToFront(srcOffset, srcBPR, r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom); } } // #pragma mark - overlay_token HWInterface::AcquireOverlayChannel() { return NULL; } void HWInterface::ReleaseOverlayChannel(overlay_token token) { } status_t HWInterface::GetOverlayRestrictions(const Overlay* overlay, overlay_restrictions* restrictions) { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } bool HWInterface::CheckOverlayRestrictions(int32 width, int32 height, color_space colorSpace) { return false; } const overlay_buffer* HWInterface::AllocateOverlayBuffer(int32 width, int32 height, color_space space) { return NULL; } void HWInterface::FreeOverlayBuffer(const overlay_buffer* buffer) { } void HWInterface::ConfigureOverlay(Overlay* overlay) { } void HWInterface::HideOverlay(Overlay* overlay) { } // #pragma mark - bool HWInterface::HideFloatingOverlays(const BRect& area) { if (IsDoubleBuffered()) return false; if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return false; if (fCursorAreaBackup.IsSet() && !fCursorAreaBackup->cursor_hidden) { BRect backupArea(fCursorAreaBackup->left, fCursorAreaBackup->top, fCursorAreaBackup->right, fCursorAreaBackup->bottom); if (area.Intersects(backupArea)) { _RestoreCursorArea(); // do not unlock the cursor lock return true; } } fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); return false; } bool HWInterface::HideFloatingOverlays() { if (IsDoubleBuffered()) return false; if (!fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) return false; _RestoreCursorArea(); return true; } void HWInterface::ShowFloatingOverlays() { if (fCursorAreaBackup.IsSet() && fCursorAreaBackup->cursor_hidden) _DrawCursor(_CursorFrame()); fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } // #pragma mark - bool HWInterface::AddListener(HWInterfaceListener* listener) { if (listener && !fListeners.HasItem(listener)) return fListeners.AddItem(listener); return false; } void HWInterface::RemoveListener(HWInterfaceListener* listener) { fListeners.RemoveItem(listener); } // #pragma mark - /*! Default implementation, can be used as fallback or for software cursor. \param area is where we potentially draw the cursor, the cursor might be somewhere else, in which case this function does nothing */ void HWInterface::_DrawCursor(IntRect area) const { RenderingBuffer* backBuffer = DrawingBuffer(); if (!backBuffer || !area.IsValid()) return; IntRect cf = _CursorFrame(); // make sure we don't copy out of bounds area = backBuffer->Bounds() & area; if (cf.IsValid() && area.Intersects(cf)) { // clip to common area area = area & cf; int32 width = area.right - area.left + 1; int32 height = area.bottom - area.top + 1; // make a bitmap from the backbuffer // that has the cursor blended on top of it // blending buffer uint8* buffer = new(std::nothrow) uint8[width * height * 4]; // TODO: cache this buffer if (buffer == NULL) return; // offset into back buffer uint8* src = (uint8*)backBuffer->Bits(); uint32 srcBPR = backBuffer->BytesPerRow(); src += area.top * srcBPR + area.left * 4; // offset into cursor bitmap uint8* crs = (uint8*)fCursorAndDragBitmap->Bits(); uint32 crsBPR = fCursorAndDragBitmap->BytesPerRow(); // since area is clipped to cf, // the diff between area.top and cf.top is always positive, // same for diff between area.left and cf.left crs += (area.top - (int32)floorf(cf.top)) * crsBPR + (area.left - (int32)floorf(cf.left)) * 4; uint8* dst = buffer; if (fCursorAreaBackup.IsSet() && fCursorAreaBackup->buffer && fFloatingOverlaysLock.Lock()) { fCursorAreaBackup->cursor_hidden = false; // remember which area the backup contains fCursorAreaBackup->left = area.left; fCursorAreaBackup->top = area.top; fCursorAreaBackup->right = area.right; fCursorAreaBackup->bottom = area.bottom; uint8* bup = fCursorAreaBackup->buffer; uint32 bupBPR = fCursorAreaBackup->bpr; // blending and backup of drawing buffer for (int32 y = area.top; y <= area.bottom; y++) { uint8* s = src; uint8* c = crs; uint8* d = dst; uint8* b = bup; for (int32 x = area.left; x <= area.right; x++) { *(uint32*)b = *(uint32*)s; // assumes backbuffer alpha = 255 // assuming pre-multiplied cursor bitmap int a = 255 - c[3]; d[0] = ((int)(b[0] * a + 255) >> 8) + c[0]; d[1] = ((int)(b[1] * a + 255) >> 8) + c[1]; d[2] = ((int)(b[2] * a + 255) >> 8) + c[2]; s += 4; c += 4; d += 4; b += 4; } crs += crsBPR; src += srcBPR; dst += width * 4; bup += bupBPR; } fFloatingOverlaysLock.Unlock(); } else { // blending for (int32 y = area.top; y <= area.bottom; y++) { uint8* s = src; uint8* c = crs; uint8* d = dst; for (int32 x = area.left; x <= area.right; x++) { // assumes backbuffer alpha = 255 // assuming pre-multiplied cursor bitmap uint8 a = 255 - c[3]; d[0] = ((s[0] * a + 255) >> 8) + c[0]; d[1] = ((s[1] * a + 255) >> 8) + c[1]; d[2] = ((s[2] * a + 255) >> 8) + c[2]; s += 4; c += 4; d += 4; } crs += crsBPR; src += srcBPR; dst += width * 4; } } // copy result to front buffer _CopyToFront(buffer, width * 4, area.left, area.top, area.right, area.bottom); delete[] buffer; } } /*! - source is assumed to be already at the right offset - source is assumed to be in B_RGBA32 format - location in front buffer is calculated - conversion from B_RGBA32 to format of front buffer is taken care of */ void HWInterface::_CopyToFront(uint8* src, uint32 srcBPR, int32 x, int32 y, int32 right, int32 bottom) const { RenderingBuffer* frontBuffer = FrontBuffer(); uint8* dst = (uint8*)frontBuffer->Bits(); uint32 dstBPR = frontBuffer->BytesPerRow(); // transfer, handle colorspace conversion switch (frontBuffer->ColorSpace()) { case B_RGB32: case B_RGBA32: { int32 bytes = (right - x + 1) * 4; if (bytes > 0) { // offset to left top pixel in dest buffer dst += y * dstBPR + x * 4; // copy for (; y <= bottom; y++) { // bytes is guaranteed to be multiple of 4 gfxcpy32(dst, src, bytes); dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } } break; } case B_RGB24: { // offset to left top pixel in dest buffer dst += y * dstBPR + x * 3; int32 left = x; // copy for (; y <= bottom; y++) { uint8* srcHandle = src; uint8* dstHandle = dst; for (x = left; x <= right; x++) { dstHandle[0] = srcHandle[0]; dstHandle[1] = srcHandle[1]; dstHandle[2] = srcHandle[2]; dstHandle += 3; srcHandle += 4; } dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } break; } case B_RGB16: { // offset to left top pixel in dest buffer dst += y * dstBPR + x * 2; int32 left = x; // copy // TODO: assumes BGR order, does this work on big endian as well? for (; y <= bottom; y++) { uint8* srcHandle = src; uint16* dstHandle = (uint16*)dst; for (x = left; x <= right; x++) { *dstHandle = (uint16)(((srcHandle[2] & 0xf8) << 8) | ((srcHandle[1] & 0xfc) << 3) | (srcHandle[0] >> 3)); dstHandle ++; srcHandle += 4; } dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } break; } case B_RGB15: case B_RGBA15: { // offset to left top pixel in dest buffer dst += y * dstBPR + x * 2; int32 left = x; // copy // TODO: assumes BGR order, does this work on big endian as well? for (; y <= bottom; y++) { uint8* srcHandle = src; uint16* dstHandle = (uint16*)dst; for (x = left; x <= right; x++) { *dstHandle = (uint16)(((srcHandle[2] & 0xf8) << 7) | ((srcHandle[1] & 0xf8) << 2) | (srcHandle[0] >> 3)); dstHandle ++; srcHandle += 4; } dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } break; } case B_CMAP8: { const color_map *colorMap = SystemColorMap(); // offset to left top pixel in dest buffer dst += y * dstBPR + x; int32 left = x; uint16 index; // copy // TODO: assumes BGR order again for (; y <= bottom; y++) { uint8* srcHandle = src; uint8* dstHandle = dst; for (x = left; x <= right; x++) { index = ((srcHandle[2] & 0xf8) << 7) | ((srcHandle[1] & 0xf8) << 2) | (srcHandle[0] >> 3); *dstHandle = colorMap->index_map[index]; dstHandle ++; srcHandle += 4; } dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } break; } case B_GRAY8: if (frontBuffer->Width() > dstBPR) { // VGA 16 color grayscale planar mode if (fVGADevice >= 0) { vga_planar_blit_args args; args.source = src; args.source_bytes_per_row = srcBPR; args.left = x; args.top = y; args.right = right; args.bottom = bottom; if (ioctl(fVGADevice, VGA_PLANAR_BLIT, &args, sizeof(args)) == 0) break; } // Since we cannot set the plane, we do monochrome output dst += y * dstBPR + x / 8; int32 left = x; // TODO: this is awfully slow... // TODO: assumes BGR order for (; y <= bottom; y++) { uint8* srcHandle = src; uint8* dstHandle = dst; uint8 current8 = dstHandle[0]; // we store 8 pixels before writing them back for (x = left; x <= right; x++) { uint8 pixel = (308 * srcHandle[2] + 600 * srcHandle[1] + 116 * srcHandle[0]) / 1024; srcHandle += 4; if (pixel > 128) current8 |= 0x80 >> (x & 7); else current8 &= ~(0x80 >> (x & 7)); if ((x & 7) == 7) { // last pixel in 8 pixel group dstHandle[0] = current8; dstHandle++; current8 = dstHandle[0]; } } if (x & 7) { // last pixel has not been written yet dstHandle[0] = current8; } dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } } else { // offset to left top pixel in dest buffer dst += y * dstBPR + x; int32 left = x; // copy // TODO: assumes BGR order, does this work on big endian as well? for (; y <= bottom; y++) { uint8* srcHandle = src; uint8* dstHandle = dst; for (x = left; x <= right; x++) { *dstHandle = (308 * srcHandle[2] + 600 * srcHandle[1] + 116 * srcHandle[0]) / 1024; dstHandle ++; srcHandle += 4; } dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "HWInterface::CopyBackToFront() - unsupported " "front buffer format! (0x%x)\n", frontBuffer->ColorSpace()); break; } } /*! The object must be locked */ IntRect HWInterface::_CursorFrame() const { IntRect frame(0, 0, -1, -1); if (fCursorAndDragBitmap && fCursorVisible && !fHardwareCursorEnabled) { frame = fCursorAndDragBitmap->Bounds(); frame.OffsetTo(fCursorLocation - fCursorAndDragBitmap->GetHotSpot()); } return frame; } void HWInterface::_RestoreCursorArea() const { if (fCursorAreaBackup.IsSet() && !fCursorAreaBackup->cursor_hidden) { _CopyToFront(fCursorAreaBackup->buffer, fCursorAreaBackup->bpr, fCursorAreaBackup->left, fCursorAreaBackup->top, fCursorAreaBackup->right, fCursorAreaBackup->bottom); fCursorAreaBackup->cursor_hidden = true; } } void HWInterface::_AdoptDragBitmap() { // TODO: support other colorspaces/convert bitmap if (fDragBitmap && !(fDragBitmap->ColorSpace() == B_RGB32 || fDragBitmap->ColorSpace() == B_RGBA32)) { fprintf(stderr, "HWInterface::_AdoptDragBitmap() - bitmap has yet " "unsupported colorspace\n"); return; } _RestoreCursorArea(); BRect oldCursorFrame = _CursorFrame(); if (fDragBitmap != NULL && fDragBitmap->Bounds().Width() > 0 && fDragBitmap->Bounds().Height() > 0) { BRect bitmapFrame = fDragBitmap->Bounds(); if (fCursor) { // put bitmap frame and cursor frame into the same // coordinate space (the cursor location is the origin) bitmapFrame.OffsetTo(BPoint(-fDragBitmapOffset.x, -fDragBitmapOffset.y)); BRect cursorFrame(fCursor->Bounds()); BPoint hotspot(fCursor->GetHotSpot()); // the hotspot is at the origin cursorFrame.OffsetTo(-hotspot.x, -hotspot.y); BRect combindedBounds = bitmapFrame | cursorFrame; BPoint shift; shift.x = -combindedBounds.left; shift.y = -combindedBounds.top; combindedBounds.OffsetBy(shift); cursorFrame.OffsetBy(shift); bitmapFrame.OffsetBy(shift); fCursorAndDragBitmap.SetTo(new(std::nothrow) ServerCursor(combindedBounds, fDragBitmap->ColorSpace(), 0, shift), true); uint8* dst = fCursorAndDragBitmap ? (uint8*)fCursorAndDragBitmap->Bits() : NULL; if (dst == NULL) { // Oops, we could not allocate memory for the drag bitmap. // Let's show the cursor only. fCursorAndDragBitmap = fCursor; } else { // clear the combined buffer uint32 dstBPR = fCursorAndDragBitmap->BytesPerRow(); memset(dst, 0, fCursorAndDragBitmap->BitsLength()); // put drag bitmap into combined buffer uint8* src = (uint8*)fDragBitmap->Bits(); uint32 srcBPR = fDragBitmap->BytesPerRow(); dst += (int32)bitmapFrame.top * dstBPR + (int32)bitmapFrame.left * 4; uint32 width = bitmapFrame.IntegerWidth() + 1; uint32 height = bitmapFrame.IntegerHeight() + 1; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { memcpy(dst, src, srcBPR); dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } // compose cursor into combined buffer dst = (uint8*)fCursorAndDragBitmap->Bits(); dst += (int32)cursorFrame.top * dstBPR + (int32)cursorFrame.left * 4; src = (uint8*)fCursor->Bits(); srcBPR = fCursor->BytesPerRow(); width = cursorFrame.IntegerWidth() + 1; height = cursorFrame.IntegerHeight() + 1; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint8* d = dst; uint8* s = src; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++) { // takes two semi-transparent pixels // with unassociated alpha (not pre-multiplied) // and stays within non-premultiplied color space if (s[3] > 0) { if (s[3] == 255) { d[0] = s[0]; d[1] = s[1]; d[2] = s[2]; d[3] = 255; } else { uint8 alphaRest = 255 - s[3]; uint32 alphaTemp = (65025 - alphaRest * (255 - d[3])); uint32 alphaDest = d[3] * alphaRest; uint32 alphaSrc = 255 * s[3]; d[0] = (d[0] * alphaDest + s[0] * alphaSrc) / alphaTemp; d[1] = (d[1] * alphaDest + s[1] * alphaSrc) / alphaTemp; d[2] = (d[2] * alphaDest + s[2] * alphaSrc) / alphaTemp; d[3] = alphaTemp / 255; } } // TODO: make sure the alpha is always upside down, // then it doesn't need to be done when drawing the cursor // (see _DrawCursor()) // d[3] = 255 - d[3]; d += 4; s += 4; } dst += dstBPR; src += srcBPR; } // handle pre-multiplication with alpha // for faster compositing during cursor drawing width = combindedBounds.IntegerWidth() + 1; height = combindedBounds.IntegerHeight() + 1; dst = (uint8*)fCursorAndDragBitmap->Bits(); for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint8* d = dst; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++) { d[0] = (d[0] * d[3]) >> 8; d[1] = (d[1] * d[3]) >> 8; d[2] = (d[2] * d[3]) >> 8; d += 4; } dst += dstBPR; } } } else { fCursorAndDragBitmap.SetTo(new ServerCursor(fDragBitmap->Bits(), bitmapFrame.IntegerWidth() + 1, bitmapFrame.IntegerHeight() + 1, fDragBitmap->ColorSpace()), true); fCursorAndDragBitmap->SetHotSpot(BPoint(-fDragBitmapOffset.x, -fDragBitmapOffset.y)); } } else { fCursorAndDragBitmap = fCursor; } Invalidate(oldCursorFrame); fCursorAreaBackup.Unset(); if (!fCursorAndDragBitmap) return; if (fCursorAndDragBitmap && !IsDoubleBuffered()) { BRect cursorBounds = fCursorAndDragBitmap->Bounds(); fCursorAreaBackup.SetTo(new buffer_clip(cursorBounds.IntegerWidth() + 1, cursorBounds.IntegerHeight() + 1)); if (fCursorAreaBackup->buffer == NULL) fCursorAreaBackup.Unset(); } _DrawCursor(_CursorFrame()); } void HWInterface::_NotifyFrameBufferChanged() { BList listeners(fListeners); int32 count = listeners.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { HWInterfaceListener* listener = (HWInterfaceListener*)listeners.ItemAtFast(i); listener->FrameBufferChanged(); } } void HWInterface::_NotifyScreenChanged() { BList listeners(fListeners); int32 count = listeners.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { HWInterfaceListener* listener = (HWInterfaceListener*)listeners.ItemAtFast(i); listener->ScreenChanged(this); } } /*static*/ bool HWInterface::_IsValidMode(const display_mode& mode) { // TODO: more of those! if (mode.virtual_width < 320 || mode.virtual_height < 200) return false; return true; }