/* * Copyright 2011, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Hamish Morrison * Axel Dörfler */ #ifndef NETWORK_TIME_VIEW_H #define NETWORK_TIME_VIEW_H #include class BButton; class BCheckBox; class BListView; class BTextControl; class BMessage; class BMessenger; class BPath; class Settings; static const uint32 kMsgNetworkTimeSettings = 'ntst'; static const uint32 kMsgSetDefaultServer = 'setd'; static const uint32 kMsgServerEdited = 'sved'; static const uint32 kMsgAddServer = 'asrv'; static const uint32 kMsgRemoveServer = 'rsrv'; static const uint32 kMsgResetServerList = 'rstl'; static const uint32 kMsgTryAllServers = 'tras'; static const uint32 kMsgSynchronizeAtBoot = 'synb'; static const uint32 kMsgSynchronize = 'sync'; static const uint32 kMsgStopSynchronization = 'stps'; static const uint32 kMsgSynchronizationResult = 'syrs'; static const uint32 kMsgNetworkTimeChange = 'ntch'; status_t update_time(const Settings& settings, BMessenger* messenger, thread_id* thread); status_t update_time(const Settings& settings, const char** errorString, int32* errorCode); class Settings { public: Settings(); ~Settings(); void AddServer(const char* server); const char* GetServer(int32 index) const; void RemoveServer(const char* server); void SetDefaultServer(int32 index); int32 GetDefaultServer() const; void SetTryAllServers(bool boolean); bool GetTryAllServers() const; void SetSynchronizeAtBoot(bool boolean); bool GetSynchronizeAtBoot() const; void ResetServersToDefaults(); void ResetToDefaults(); void Revert(); bool SettingsChanged(); status_t Load(); status_t Save(); private: int32 _GetStringByValue(const char* name, const char* value); status_t _GetPath(BPath& path); BMessage fMessage; BMessage fOldMessage; bool fWasUpdated; }; class NetworkTimeView : public BGroupView { public: NetworkTimeView(const char* name); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); bool CheckCanRevert(); private: void _InitView(); void _UpdateServerList(); void _DoneSynchronizing(); bool _IsValidServerName(const char * serverName); Settings fSettings; BTextControl* fServerTextControl; BButton* fAddButton; BButton* fRemoveButton; BButton* fResetButton; BListView* fServerListView; BCheckBox* fTryAllServersCheckBox; BCheckBox* fSynchronizeAtBootCheckBox; BButton* fSynchronizeButton; thread_id fUpdateThread; }; #endif