/* * Copyright 2004-2009, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Mike Berg * Julun * Stephan Aßmus * Clemens */ #include "AnalogClock.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "TimeMessages.h" #define DRAG_DELTA_PHI 0.2 class OffscreenClock : public BView { public: OffscreenClock(BRect frame, const char *name); virtual ~OffscreenClock(); void SetTime(int32 hour, int32 minute, int32 second); void GetTime(int32 *hour, int32 *minute, int32 *second); bool IsDirty() const { return fDirty; } void DrawClock(); bool InHourHand(BPoint point); bool InMinuteHand(BPoint point); void SetHourHand(BPoint point); void SetMinuteHand(BPoint point); void SetHourDragging(bool dragging); void SetMinuteDragging(bool dragging); private: float _GetPhi(BPoint point); bool _InHand(BPoint point, int32 ticks, float radius); void _DrawHands(float x, float y, float radius, rgb_color hourHourColor, rgb_color hourMinuteColor, rgb_color secondsColor, rgb_color knobColor); int32 fHours; int32 fMinutes; int32 fSeconds; bool fDirty; float fCenterX; float fCenterY; float fRadius; bool fHourDragging; bool fMinuteDragging; }; OffscreenClock::OffscreenClock(BRect frame, const char *name) : BView(frame, name, B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW), fHours(0), fMinutes(0), fSeconds(0), fDirty(true), fHourDragging(false), fMinuteDragging(false) { SetFlags(Flags() | B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE); BRect bounds = Bounds(); fCenterX = floorf((bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2 + 0.5) + 0.5; fCenterY = floorf((bounds.top + bounds.bottom) / 2 + 0.5) + 0.5; // + 0.5 is for the offset to pixel centers // (important when drawing with B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE) fRadius = floorf((MIN(bounds.Width(), bounds.Height()) / 2.0)) - 2.5; fRadius -= 3; } OffscreenClock::~OffscreenClock() { } void OffscreenClock::SetTime(int32 hour, int32 minute, int32 second) { if (fHours == hour && fMinutes == minute && fSeconds == second) return; fHours = hour; fMinutes = minute; fSeconds = second; fDirty = true; } void OffscreenClock::GetTime(int32 *hour, int32 *minute, int32 *second) { *hour = fHours; *minute = fMinutes; *second = fSeconds; } void OffscreenClock::DrawClock() { if (!LockLooper()) return; BRect bounds = Bounds(); // clear background rgb_color background = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetHighColor(background); FillRect(bounds); bounds.Set(fCenterX - fRadius, fCenterY - fRadius, fCenterX + fRadius, fCenterY + fRadius); SetPenSize(2.0); SetHighColor(tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_1_TINT)); StrokeEllipse(bounds.OffsetByCopy(-1, -1)); SetHighColor(tint_color(background, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT)); StrokeEllipse(bounds.OffsetByCopy(1, 1)); SetHighColor(tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_3_TINT)); StrokeEllipse(bounds); SetLowColor(255, 255, 255); FillEllipse(bounds, B_SOLID_LOW); SetHighColor(tint_color(HighColor(), B_DARKEN_2_TINT)); // minutes SetPenSize(1.0); SetLineMode(B_BUTT_CAP, B_MITER_JOIN); for (int32 minute = 1; minute < 60; minute++) { if (minute % 5 == 0) continue; float x1 = fCenterX + sinf(minute * M_PI / 30.0) * fRadius; float y1 = fCenterY + cosf(minute * M_PI / 30.0) * fRadius; float x2 = fCenterX + sinf(minute * M_PI / 30.0) * (fRadius * 0.95); float y2 = fCenterY + cosf(minute * M_PI / 30.0) * (fRadius * 0.95); StrokeLine(BPoint(x1, y1), BPoint(x2, y2)); } SetHighColor(tint_color(HighColor(), B_DARKEN_1_TINT)); // hours SetPenSize(2.0); SetLineMode(B_ROUND_CAP, B_MITER_JOIN); for (int32 hour = 0; hour < 12; hour++) { float x1 = fCenterX + sinf(hour * M_PI / 6.0) * fRadius; float y1 = fCenterY + cosf(hour * M_PI / 6.0) * fRadius; float x2 = fCenterX + sinf(hour * M_PI / 6.0) * (fRadius * 0.9); float y2 = fCenterY + cosf(hour * M_PI / 6.0) * (fRadius * 0.9); StrokeLine(BPoint(x1, y1), BPoint(x2, y2)); } rgb_color knobColor = tint_color(HighColor(), B_DARKEN_2_TINT);; rgb_color hourColor; if (fHourDragging) hourColor = (rgb_color){ 0, 0, 255, 255 }; else hourColor = tint_color(HighColor(), B_DARKEN_2_TINT); rgb_color minuteColor; if (fMinuteDragging) minuteColor = (rgb_color){ 0, 0, 255, 255 }; else minuteColor = tint_color(HighColor(), B_DARKEN_2_TINT); rgb_color secondsColor = (rgb_color){ 255, 0, 0, 255 }; rgb_color shadowColor = tint_color(LowColor(), (B_DARKEN_1_TINT + B_DARKEN_2_TINT) / 2); _DrawHands(fCenterX + 1.5, fCenterY + 1.5, fRadius, shadowColor, shadowColor, shadowColor, shadowColor); _DrawHands(fCenterX, fCenterY, fRadius, hourColor, minuteColor, secondsColor, knobColor); Sync(); UnlockLooper(); } bool OffscreenClock::InHourHand(BPoint point) { int32 ticks = fHours; if (ticks > 12) ticks -= 12; ticks *= 5; ticks += int32(5. * fMinutes / 60.0); if (ticks > 60) ticks -= 60; return _InHand(point, ticks, fRadius * 0.7); } bool OffscreenClock::InMinuteHand(BPoint point) { return _InHand(point, fMinutes, fRadius * 0.9); } void OffscreenClock::SetHourHand(BPoint point) { point.x -= fCenterX; point.y -= fCenterY; float pointPhi = _GetPhi(point); float hoursExact = 6.0 * pointPhi / M_PI; if (fHours >= 12) fHours = 12; else fHours = 0; fHours += int32(hoursExact); SetTime(fHours, fMinutes, fSeconds); } void OffscreenClock::SetMinuteHand(BPoint point) { point.x -= fCenterX; point.y -= fCenterY; float pointPhi = _GetPhi(point); float minutesExact = 30.0 * pointPhi / M_PI; fMinutes = int32(ceilf(minutesExact)); SetTime(fHours, fMinutes, fSeconds); } void OffscreenClock::SetHourDragging(bool dragging) { fHourDragging = dragging; fDirty = true; } void OffscreenClock::SetMinuteDragging(bool dragging) { fMinuteDragging = dragging; fDirty = true; } float OffscreenClock::_GetPhi(BPoint point) { if (point.x == 0 && point.y < 0) return 2 * M_PI; if (point.x == 0 && point.y > 0) return M_PI; if (point.y == 0 && point.x < 0) return M_PI * 3 / 2; if (point.y == 0 && point.x > 0) return M_PI / 2; float pointPhi = atanf(-1. * point.y / point.x); if (point.y < 0. && point.x > 0.) // right upper corner pointPhi = M_PI / 2. - pointPhi; if (point.y > 0. && point.x > 0.) // right lower corner pointPhi = M_PI / 2 - pointPhi; if (point.y > 0. && point.x < 0.) // left lower corner pointPhi = (M_PI * 3. / 2. - pointPhi); if (point.y < 0. && point.x < 0.) // left upper corner pointPhi = 3. / 2. * M_PI - pointPhi; return pointPhi; } bool OffscreenClock::_InHand(BPoint point, int32 ticks, float radius) { point.x -= fCenterX; point.y -= fCenterY; float pRadius = sqrt(pow(point.x, 2) + pow(point.y, 2)); if (radius < pRadius) return false; float pointPhi = _GetPhi(point); float handPhi = M_PI / 30.0 * ticks; float delta = pointPhi - handPhi; if (fabs(delta) > DRAG_DELTA_PHI) return false; return true; } void OffscreenClock::_DrawHands(float x, float y, float radius, rgb_color hourColor, rgb_color minuteColor, rgb_color secondsColor, rgb_color knobColor) { float offsetX; float offsetY; // calc, draw hour hand SetHighColor(hourColor); SetPenSize(4.0); float hours = fHours + float(fMinutes) / 60.0; offsetX = (radius * 0.7) * sinf((hours * M_PI) / 6.0); offsetY = (radius * 0.7) * cosf((hours * M_PI) / 6.0); StrokeLine(BPoint(x, y), BPoint(x + offsetX, y - offsetY)); // calc, draw minute hand SetHighColor(minuteColor); SetPenSize(3.0); float minutes = fMinutes + float(fSeconds) / 60.0; offsetX = (radius * 0.9) * sinf((minutes * M_PI) / 30.0); offsetY = (radius * 0.9) * cosf((minutes * M_PI) / 30.0); StrokeLine(BPoint(x, y), BPoint(x + offsetX, y - offsetY)); // calc, draw second hand SetHighColor(secondsColor); SetPenSize(1.0); offsetX = (radius * 0.95) * sinf((fSeconds * M_PI) / 30.0); offsetY = (radius * 0.95) * cosf((fSeconds * M_PI) / 30.0); StrokeLine(BPoint(x, y), BPoint(x + offsetX, y - offsetY)); // draw the center knob SetHighColor(knobColor); FillEllipse(BPoint(x, y), radius * 0.06, radius * 0.06); } // #pragma mark - TAnalogClock::TAnalogClock(BRect frame, const char *name) : BView(frame, name, B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW | B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN), fBitmap(NULL), fClock(NULL), fDraggingHourHand(false), fDraggingMinuteHand(false), fTimeChangeIsOngoing(false) { _InitView(frame); } TAnalogClock::~TAnalogClock() { delete fBitmap; } void TAnalogClock::_InitView(BRect rect) { fClock = new OffscreenClock(Bounds(), "offscreen"); fBitmap = new BBitmap(Bounds(), B_RGB32, true); fBitmap->Lock(); fBitmap->AddChild(fClock); fBitmap->Unlock(); } void TAnalogClock::AttachedToWindow() { SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); } void TAnalogClock::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { int32 change; switch (message->what) { case B_OBSERVER_NOTICE_CHANGE: message->FindInt32(B_OBSERVE_WHAT_CHANGE, &change); switch (change) { case H_TM_CHANGED: { int32 hour = 0; int32 minute = 0; int32 second = 0; if (message->FindInt32("hour", &hour) == B_OK && message->FindInt32("minute", &minute) == B_OK && message->FindInt32("second", &second) == B_OK) SetTime(hour, minute, second); break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } break; default: BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void TAnalogClock::MouseDown(BPoint point) { fDraggingMinuteHand = fClock->InMinuteHand(point); if (fDraggingMinuteHand) { fClock->SetMinuteDragging(true); SetMouseEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); Invalidate(); return; } fDraggingHourHand = fClock->InHourHand(point); if (fDraggingHourHand) { fClock->SetHourDragging(true); SetMouseEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); Invalidate(); return; } } void TAnalogClock::MouseUp(BPoint point) { if (fDraggingHourHand || fDraggingMinuteHand) { int32 hour, minute, second; fClock->GetTime(&hour, &minute, &second); BMessage message(H_USER_CHANGE); message.AddBool("time", true); message.AddInt32("hour", hour); message.AddInt32("minute", minute); Window()->PostMessage(&message); fTimeChangeIsOngoing = true; } fDraggingHourHand = false; fDraggingMinuteHand = false; fClock->SetMinuteDragging(false); fClock->SetHourDragging(false); } void TAnalogClock::MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 transit, const BMessage *message) { if (fDraggingMinuteHand) fClock->SetMinuteHand(point); if (fDraggingHourHand) fClock->SetHourHand(point); Invalidate(); } void TAnalogClock::Draw(BRect /*updateRect*/) { if (fBitmap) { if (fClock->IsDirty()) fClock->DrawClock(); DrawBitmap(fBitmap, BPoint(0, 0)); } } void TAnalogClock::SetTime(int32 hour, int32 minute, int32 second) { // don't set the time if the hands are in a drag action if (fDraggingHourHand || fDraggingMinuteHand || fTimeChangeIsOngoing) return; if (fClock) fClock->SetTime(hour, minute, second); Invalidate(); } void TAnalogClock::ChangeTimeFinished() { fTimeChangeIsOngoing = false; }