/* * Copyright 2003-2007, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Michael Phipps * Jérôme Duval, jerome.duval@free.fr * Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de */ #include "ScreenSaverWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PreviewView.h" #include "ScreenCornerSelector.h" #include "ScreenSaverItem.h" const uint32 kPreviewMonitorGap = 16; const uint32 kMinSettingsWidth = 230; const uint32 kMinSettingsHeight = 120; const int32 kMsgSaverSelected = 'SSEL'; const int32 kMsgTestSaver = 'TEST'; const int32 kMsgAddSaver = 'ADD '; const int32 kMsgPasswordCheckBox = 'PWCB'; const int32 kMsgRunSliderChanged = 'RSch'; const int32 kMsgRunSliderUpdate = 'RSup'; const int32 kMsgPasswordSliderChanged = 'PWch'; const int32 kMsgPasswordSliderUpdate = 'PWup'; const int32 kMsgChangePassword = 'PWBT'; const int32 kMsgEnableScreenSaverBox = 'ESCH'; const int32 kMsgTurnOffCheckBox = 'TUOF'; const int32 kMsgTurnOffSliderChanged = 'TUch'; const int32 kMsgTurnOffSliderUpdate = 'TUup'; const int32 kMsgFadeCornerChanged = 'fdcc'; const int32 kMsgNeverFadeCornerChanged = 'nfcc'; class TimeSlider : public BSlider { public: TimeSlider(BRect frame, const char* name, uint32 changedMessage, uint32 updateMessage); virtual ~TimeSlider(); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void SetValue(int32 value); void SetTime(bigtime_t useconds); bigtime_t Time(); private: void _TimeToString(bigtime_t useconds, BString& string); }; class FadeView : public BView { public: FadeView(BRect frame, const char* name, ScreenSaverSettings& settings); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); }; class ModulesView : public BView { public: ModulesView(BRect frame, const char* name, ScreenSaverSettings& settings); virtual ~ModulesView(); virtual void DetachedFromWindow(); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void AllAttached(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); void PopulateScreenSaverList(); void SaveState(); private: static int _CompareScreenSaverItems(const void* left, const void* right); BScreenSaver* _ScreenSaver(); void _CloseSaver(); void _OpenSaver(); BFilePanel* fFilePanel; BListView* fListView; BButton* fTestButton; BButton* fAddButton; ScreenSaverSettings& fSettings; ScreenSaverRunner* fSaverRunner; BString fCurrentName; BBox* fSettingsBox; BView* fSettingsView; PreviewView* fPreviewView; team_id fScreenSaverTestTeamId; }; static const int32 kTimeInUnits[] = { 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3600, 5400, 7200, 9000, 10800, 14400, 18000 }; static const int32 kTimeUnitCount = sizeof(kTimeInUnits) / sizeof(kTimeInUnits[0]); TimeSlider::TimeSlider(BRect frame, const char* name, uint32 changedMessage, uint32 updateMessage) : BSlider(frame, name, "30 seconds", new BMessage(changedMessage), 0, kTimeUnitCount - 1, B_TRIANGLE_THUMB, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT) { SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); SetModificationMessage(new BMessage(updateMessage)); SetBarThickness(10); } TimeSlider::~TimeSlider() { } void TimeSlider::AttachedToWindow() { BSlider::AttachedToWindow(); SetTarget(Window()); } void TimeSlider::SetValue(int32 value) { int32 oldValue = Value(); BSlider::SetValue(value); if (oldValue != Value()) { BString label; _TimeToString(kTimeInUnits[Value()] * 1000000LL, label); SetLabel(label.String()); } } void TimeSlider::SetTime(bigtime_t useconds) { for (int t = 0; t < kTimeUnitCount; t++) { if (kTimeInUnits[t] * 1000000LL == useconds) { SetValue(t); break; } } } bigtime_t TimeSlider::Time() { return 1000000LL * kTimeInUnits[Value()]; } void TimeSlider::_TimeToString(bigtime_t useconds, BString& string) { useconds /= 1000000LL; // convert to seconds string = ""; // hours uint32 hours = useconds / 3600; if (hours != 0) string << hours << " hours"; useconds %= 3600; // minutes uint32 minutes = useconds / 60; if (hours != 0) string << " "; if (minutes != 0) string << minutes << " minutes"; useconds %= 60; // seconds uint32 seconds = useconds; if (hours != 0 || minutes != 0) string << " "; if (seconds != 0) string << seconds << " seconds"; } // #pragma mark - FadeView::FadeView(BRect rect, const char* name, ScreenSaverSettings& settings) : BView(rect, name, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW) { SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); } void FadeView::AttachedToWindow() { if (Parent() != NULL) { // We adopt the size of our parent view (in case the window // was resized during our absence (BTabView...) ResizeTo(Parent()->Bounds().Width(), Parent()->Bounds().Height()); } } // #pragma mark - ModulesView::ModulesView(BRect rect, const char* name, ScreenSaverSettings& settings) : BView(rect, name, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW), fSettings(settings), fSaverRunner(NULL), fSettingsView(NULL) { SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); fTestButton = new BButton(rect, "TestButton", "Test", new BMessage(kMsgTestSaver), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); float width, height; fTestButton->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); fTestButton->ResizeTo(width + 16, height); fTestButton->MoveTo(8, rect.bottom - 8 - height); AddChild(fTestButton); rect = fTestButton->Frame(); rect.OffsetBy(fTestButton->Bounds().Width() + 8, 0); fAddButton = new BButton(rect, "AddButton", "Add" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgAddSaver), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); AddChild(fAddButton); rect = Bounds().InsetByCopy(8 + kPreviewMonitorGap, 12); rect.right = fAddButton->Frame().right - kPreviewMonitorGap; rect.bottom = rect.top + 3 * rect.Width() / 4; // 4:3 monitor fPreviewView = new PreviewView(rect, "preview"); AddChild(fPreviewView); rect.left = 8; rect.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH + 2 - kPreviewMonitorGap; // scroll view border rect.top = rect.bottom + 14; rect.bottom = fTestButton->Frame().top - 10; fListView = new BListView(rect, "SaversListView", B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM); fListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgSaverSelected)); AddChild(new BScrollView("scroll_list", fListView, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM, 0, false, true)); rect = Bounds().InsetByCopy(8, 8); rect.left = fAddButton->Frame().right + 8; AddChild(fSettingsBox = new BBox(rect, "SettingsBox", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW)); fSettingsBox->SetLabel("Module settings"); PopulateScreenSaverList(); fFilePanel = new BFilePanel(); } ModulesView::~ModulesView() { delete fFilePanel; } void ModulesView::DetachedFromWindow() { _CloseSaver(); } void ModulesView::AttachedToWindow() { if (Parent() != NULL) { // We adopt the size of our parent view (in case the window // was resized during our absence (BTabView...) ResizeTo(Parent()->Bounds().Width(), Parent()->Bounds().Height()); } _OpenSaver(); fListView->SetTarget(this); fTestButton->SetTarget(this); fAddButton->SetTarget(this); } void ModulesView::AllAttached() { // This only works after the view has been attached fListView->ScrollToSelection(); } void ModulesView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kMsgSaverSelected: { int selection = fListView->CurrentSelection(); if (selection < 0) break; ScreenSaverItem* item = (ScreenSaverItem *)fListView->ItemAt(selection); if (item == NULL) break; if (!strcmp(item->Text(), "Blackness")) fSettings.SetModuleName(""); else fSettings.SetModuleName(item->Text()); SaveState(); _CloseSaver(); _OpenSaver(); fSettings.Save(); break; } case kMsgTestSaver: SaveState(); fSettings.Save(); _CloseSaver(); be_roster->StartWatching(BMessenger(this, this->Looper()), B_REQUEST_QUIT); be_roster->Launch(SCREEN_BLANKER_SIG, &fSettings.Message(), &fScreenSaverTestTeamId); break; case kMsgAddSaver: fFilePanel->Show(); break; case B_SOME_APP_QUIT: { team_id team; if (message->FindInt32("be:team", &team) == B_OK) { if (team == fScreenSaverTestTeamId) { be_roster->StopWatching(this); _OpenSaver(); } } } break; default: BView::MessageReceived(message); } } void ModulesView::SaveState() { BScreenSaver* saver = _ScreenSaver(); if (saver == NULL) return; BMessage state; if (saver->SaveState(&state) == B_OK) fSettings.SetModuleState(fCurrentName.String(), &state); } void ModulesView::PopulateScreenSaverList() { fListView->DeselectAll(); while (ScreenSaverItem* item = (ScreenSaverItem *)fListView->RemoveItem((int32)0)) { delete item; } // Blackness is a built-in screen saver fListView->AddItem(new ScreenSaverItem("Blackness", "")); // Iterate over add-on directories, and add their files to the list view directory_which which[] = {B_BEOS_ADDONS_DIRECTORY, B_USER_ADDONS_DIRECTORY}; ScreenSaverItem* selectItem = NULL; for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(which) / sizeof(which[0]); i++) { BPath basePath; find_directory(which[i], &basePath); basePath.Append("Screen Savers", true); BDirectory dir(basePath.Path()); BEntry entry; while (dir.GetNextEntry(&entry, true) == B_OK) { char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; if (entry.GetName(name) != B_OK) continue; BPath path = basePath; path.Append(name); ScreenSaverItem* item = new ScreenSaverItem(name, path.Path()); fListView->AddItem(item); if (!strcmp(fSettings.ModuleName(), item->Text()) || (!strcmp(fSettings.ModuleName(), "") && !strcmp(item->Text(), "Blackness"))) selectItem = item; } } fListView->SortItems(_CompareScreenSaverItems); fListView->Select(fListView->IndexOf(selectItem)); fListView->ScrollToSelection(); } //! sorting function for ScreenSaverItems int ModulesView::_CompareScreenSaverItems(const void* left, const void* right) { ScreenSaverItem* leftItem = *(ScreenSaverItem **)left; ScreenSaverItem* rightItem = *(ScreenSaverItem **)right; return strcasecmp(leftItem->Text(), rightItem->Text()); } BScreenSaver* ModulesView::_ScreenSaver() { if (fSaverRunner != NULL) return fSaverRunner->ScreenSaver(); return NULL; } void ModulesView::_CloseSaver() { // remove old screen saver preview & config BScreenSaver* saver = _ScreenSaver(); BView* view = fPreviewView->RemovePreview(); if (fSettingsView != NULL) fSettingsBox->RemoveChild(fSettingsView); if (fSaverRunner != NULL) fSaverRunner->Quit(); if (saver != NULL) saver->StopConfig(); delete view; delete fSettingsView; delete fSaverRunner; // the saver runner also unloads the add-on, so it must // be deleted last fSettingsView = NULL; fSaverRunner = NULL; } void ModulesView::_OpenSaver() { // create new screen saver preview & config BView* view = fPreviewView->AddPreview(); fCurrentName = fSettings.ModuleName(); fSaverRunner = new ScreenSaverRunner(Window(), view, true, fSettings); BScreenSaver* saver = _ScreenSaver(); #ifdef __HAIKU__ BRect rect = fSettingsBox->InnerFrame().InsetByCopy(4, 4); #else BRect rect = fSettingsBox->Bounds().InsetByCopy(4, 4); rect.top += 14; #endif fSettingsView = new BView(rect, "SettingsView", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); fSettingsView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); fSettingsBox->AddChild(fSettingsView); if (saver != NULL) { fSaverRunner->Run(); saver->StartConfig(fSettingsView); } if (fSettingsView->ChildAt(0) == NULL) { // There are no settings at all, we add the module name here to // let it look a bit better at least. BPrivate::BuildScreenSaverDefaultSettingsView(fSettingsView, fSettings.ModuleName()[0] ? fSettings.ModuleName() : "Blackness", saver || !fSettings.ModuleName()[0] ? "No options available" : "Could not load screen saver"); } ScreenSaverWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window()); if (window == NULL) return; // find the minimal size of the settings view float right = 0, bottom = 0; int32 i = 0; while ((view = fSettingsView->ChildAt(i++)) != NULL) { // very simple heuristic... float viewRight = view->Frame().right; if ((view->ResizingMode() & _rule_(0, 0xf, 0, 0xf)) == B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT) { float width, height; view->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); viewRight = view->Frame().left + width / 2; } else if ((view->ResizingMode() & _rule_(0, 0xf, 0, 0xf)) == B_FOLLOW_RIGHT) viewRight = 8 + view->Frame().Width(); float viewBottom = view->Frame().bottom; if ((view->ResizingMode() & _rule_(0xf, 0, 0xf, 0)) == B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM) { float width, height; view->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); viewBottom = view->Frame().top + height; } else if ((view->ResizingMode() & _rule_(0xf, 0, 0xf, 0)) == B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM) viewBottom = 8 + view->Frame().Height(); if (viewRight > right) right = viewRight; if (viewBottom > bottom) bottom = viewBottom; } if (right < kMinSettingsWidth) right = kMinSettingsWidth; if (bottom < kMinSettingsHeight) bottom = kMinSettingsHeight; BPoint leftTop = fSettingsView->LeftTop(); fSettingsView->ConvertToScreen(&leftTop); window->ConvertFromScreen(&leftTop); window->SetMinimalSizeLimit(leftTop.x + right + 16, leftTop.y + bottom + 16); } // #pragma mark - ScreenSaverWindow::ScreenSaverWindow() : BWindow(BRect(50, 50, 496, 375), "ScreenSaver", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS /*| B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_RESIZABLE*/) { fSettings.Load(); BRect rect = Bounds(); fMinWidth = 430; fMinHeight = 325; // Create a background view BView *background = new BView(rect, "background", B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0); background->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(background); // Add the tab view to the background rect.top += 4; fTabView = new BTabView(rect, "tab_view"); // Create the controls inside the tabs rect = fTabView->ContainerView()->Bounds(); _SetupFadeTab(rect); fModulesView = new ModulesView(rect, "Modules", fSettings); fTabView->AddTab(fFadeView); fTabView->AddTab(fModulesView); background->AddChild(fTabView); // Create the password editing window fPasswordWindow = new PasswordWindow(fSettings); fPasswordWindow->Run(); SetMinimalSizeLimit(fMinWidth, fMinHeight); MoveTo(fSettings.WindowFrame().left, fSettings.WindowFrame().top); ResizeTo(fSettings.WindowFrame().Width(), fSettings.WindowFrame().Height()); fEnableCheckBox->SetValue(fSettings.TimeFlags() & ENABLE_SAVER ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fRunSlider->SetTime(fSettings.BlankTime()); fTurnOffSlider->SetTime(fSettings.OffTime() + fSettings.BlankTime()); fFadeNow->SetCorner(fSettings.BlankCorner()); fFadeNever->SetCorner(fSettings.NeverBlankCorner()); fPasswordCheckBox->SetValue(fSettings.LockEnable()); fPasswordSlider->SetTime(fSettings.PasswordTime()); fTabView->Select(fSettings.WindowTab()); _UpdateTurnOffScreen(); _UpdateStatus(); } ScreenSaverWindow::~ScreenSaverWindow() { } //! Create the controls for the fade tab void ScreenSaverWindow::_SetupFadeTab(BRect rect) { fFadeView = new FadeView(rect, "Fade", fSettings); float labelWidth = be_plain_font->StringWidth("Turn off screen") + 20.0f; font_height fontHeight; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&fontHeight); float textHeight = ceilf(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent); // taken from BRadioButton: float radioButtonOffset = 2 * floorf(textHeight / 2 - 2) + floorf(textHeight / 2); fEnableCheckBox = new BCheckBox(BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), "EnableCheckBox", "Enable Screen Saver", new BMessage(kMsgEnableScreenSaverBox)); fEnableCheckBox->ResizeToPreferred(); rect.InsetBy(8, 8); BBox* box = new BBox(rect, "EnableScreenSaverBox", B_FOLLOW_ALL); box->SetLabel(fEnableCheckBox); fFadeView->AddChild(box); // Run Module rect.left += radioButtonOffset; rect.top = fEnableCheckBox->Bounds().bottom + 8.0f; rect.right = box->Bounds().right - 8; BStringView* stringView = new BStringView(rect, NULL, "Run module"); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); box->AddChild(stringView); rect.left += labelWidth; fRunSlider = new TimeSlider(rect, "RunSlider", kMsgRunSliderChanged, kMsgRunSliderUpdate); float width, height; fRunSlider->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); fRunSlider->ResizeTo(fRunSlider->Bounds().Width(), height); box->AddChild(fRunSlider); // Turn Off rect.left = 8; rect.OffsetBy(0, fRunSlider->Bounds().Height() + 4.0f); fTurnOffCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect, "TurnOffScreenCheckBox", "Turn off screen", new BMessage(kMsgTurnOffCheckBox)); fTurnOffCheckBox->ResizeToPreferred(); box->AddChild(fTurnOffCheckBox); rect.left += radioButtonOffset + labelWidth; fTurnOffSlider = new TimeSlider(rect, "TurnOffSlider", kMsgTurnOffSliderChanged, kMsgTurnOffSliderUpdate); fTurnOffSlider->ResizeTo(fTurnOffSlider->Bounds().Width(), height); box->AddChild(fTurnOffSlider); // Password rect.left = 8; rect.OffsetBy(0, fTurnOffSlider->Bounds().Height() + 4.0f); fPasswordCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect, "PasswordCheckbox", "Password lock", new BMessage(kMsgPasswordCheckBox)); fPasswordCheckBox->ResizeToPreferred(); box->AddChild(fPasswordCheckBox); rect.left += radioButtonOffset + labelWidth; fPasswordSlider = new TimeSlider(rect, "PasswordSlider", kMsgPasswordSliderChanged, kMsgPasswordSliderUpdate); fPasswordSlider->ResizeTo(fPasswordSlider->Bounds().Width(), height); box->AddChild(fPasswordSlider); rect.OffsetBy(0, fTurnOffSlider->Bounds().Height() + 4.0f); rect.left = rect.right; fPasswordButton = new BButton(rect, "PasswordButton", "Password" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgChangePassword), B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fPasswordButton->ResizeToPreferred(); fPasswordButton->MoveBy(-fPasswordButton->Bounds().Width(), 0); box->AddChild(fPasswordButton); // Bottom float monitorHeight = 10 + textHeight * 3; float monitorWidth = monitorHeight * 4 / 3; rect.left = 15; rect.top = box->Bounds().Height() - 15 - monitorHeight; rect.right = rect.left + monitorWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + monitorHeight; box->AddChild(fFadeNow = new ScreenCornerSelector(rect, "FadeNow", new BMessage(kMsgFadeCornerChanged), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); rect.OffsetBy(monitorWidth + 10, 0); stringView = new BStringView(rect, NULL, "Fade now when", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); float maxWidth = stringView->Bounds().Width(); box->AddChild(stringView); rect.OffsetBy(0, stringView->Bounds().Height()); stringView = new BStringView(rect, NULL, "mouse is here", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); if (maxWidth < stringView->Bounds().Width()) maxWidth = stringView->Bounds().Width(); box->AddChild(stringView); rect.left += maxWidth + 20; rect.top = box->Bounds().Height() - 15 - monitorHeight; rect.right = rect.left + monitorWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + monitorHeight; box->AddChild(fFadeNever = new ScreenCornerSelector(rect, "FadeNever", new BMessage(kMsgNeverFadeCornerChanged), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); rect.OffsetBy(monitorWidth + 10, 0); stringView = new BStringView(rect, NULL,"Don't fade when", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); if (maxWidth < stringView->Bounds().Width()) maxWidth = stringView->Bounds().Width(); box->AddChild(stringView); rect.OffsetBy(0, stringView->Bounds().Height()); stringView = new BStringView(rect, NULL, "mouse is here", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); if (maxWidth < stringView->Bounds().Width()) maxWidth = stringView->Bounds().Width(); box->AddChild(stringView); float size = rect.left + maxWidth + 40; if (fMinWidth < size) fMinWidth = size; size = fPasswordButton->Frame().bottom + box->Frame().top + monitorHeight + 40 + textHeight * 2; if (fMinHeight < size) fMinHeight = size; } void ScreenSaverWindow::_UpdateTurnOffScreen() { bool enabled = (fSettings.TimeFlags() & ENABLE_DPMS_MASK) != 0; BScreen screen(this); uint32 dpmsCapabilities = screen.DPMSCapabilites(); fTurnOffScreenFlags = 0; if (dpmsCapabilities & B_DPMS_OFF) fTurnOffScreenFlags |= ENABLE_DPMS_OFF; if (dpmsCapabilities & B_DPMS_STAND_BY) fTurnOffScreenFlags |= ENABLE_DPMS_STAND_BY; if (dpmsCapabilities & B_DPMS_SUSPEND) fTurnOffScreenFlags |= ENABLE_DPMS_SUSPEND; fTurnOffCheckBox->SetValue(enabled && fTurnOffScreenFlags != 0 ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); } void ScreenSaverWindow::_UpdateStatus() { DisableUpdates(); bool enabled = fEnableCheckBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON; fPasswordCheckBox->SetEnabled(enabled); fTurnOffCheckBox->SetEnabled(enabled && fTurnOffScreenFlags != 0); fRunSlider->SetEnabled(enabled); fTurnOffSlider->SetEnabled(enabled && fTurnOffCheckBox->Value()); fPasswordSlider->SetEnabled(enabled && fPasswordCheckBox->Value()); fPasswordButton->SetEnabled(enabled && fPasswordCheckBox->Value()); EnableUpdates(); // Update the saved preferences fSettings.SetWindowFrame(Frame()); fSettings.SetWindowTab(fTabView->Selection()); fSettings.SetTimeFlags((enabled ? ENABLE_SAVER : 0) | (fTurnOffCheckBox->Value() ? fTurnOffScreenFlags : 0)); fSettings.SetBlankTime(fRunSlider->Time()); bigtime_t offTime = fTurnOffSlider->Time() - fSettings.BlankTime(); fSettings.SetOffTime(offTime); fSettings.SetSuspendTime(offTime); fSettings.SetStandByTime(offTime); fSettings.SetBlankCorner(fFadeNow->Corner()); fSettings.SetNeverBlankCorner(fFadeNever->Corner()); fSettings.SetLockEnable(fPasswordCheckBox->Value()); fSettings.SetPasswordTime(fPasswordSlider->Time()); // TODO - Tell the password window to update its stuff } void ScreenSaverWindow::SetMinimalSizeLimit(float width, float height) { if (width < fMinWidth) width = fMinWidth; if (height < fMinHeight) height = fMinHeight; SetSizeLimits(width, 32767, height, 32767); } void ScreenSaverWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { // "Fade" tab, slider updates switch (msg->what) { case kMsgRunSliderChanged: case kMsgRunSliderUpdate: if (fRunSlider->Value() > fTurnOffSlider->Value()) fTurnOffSlider->SetValue(fRunSlider->Value()); if (fRunSlider->Value() > fPasswordSlider->Value()) fPasswordSlider->SetValue(fRunSlider->Value()); break; case kMsgTurnOffSliderChanged: case kMsgTurnOffSliderUpdate: if (fRunSlider->Value() > fTurnOffSlider->Value()) fRunSlider->SetValue(fTurnOffSlider->Value()); break; case kMsgPasswordSliderChanged: case kMsgPasswordSliderUpdate: if (fPasswordSlider->Value() < fRunSlider->Value()) fRunSlider->SetValue(fPasswordSlider->Value()); break; } switch (msg->what) { // "Fade" tab case kMsgTurnOffCheckBox: fTurnOffSlider->SetEnabled(fTurnOffCheckBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); break; case kMsgRunSliderChanged: case kMsgTurnOffSliderChanged: case kMsgPasswordSliderChanged: case kMsgPasswordCheckBox: case kMsgEnableScreenSaverBox: case kMsgFadeCornerChanged: case kMsgNeverFadeCornerChanged: _UpdateStatus(); fSettings.Save(); break; case kMsgChangePassword: fPasswordWindow->Show(); break; // "Modules" tab case kMsgUpdateList: fModulesView->PopulateScreenSaverList(); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); break; } } void ScreenSaverWindow::ScreenChanged(BRect frame, color_space colorSpace) { _UpdateTurnOffScreen(); } bool ScreenSaverWindow::QuitRequested() { _UpdateStatus(); fModulesView->SaveState(); fSettings.Save(); be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; }