/* * Copyright 2001-2010, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Michael Pfeiffer */ #include "PrinterListView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pr_server.h" #include "Messages.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "PrintersWindow.h" #include "SpoolFolder.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "PrinterListView" // #pragma mark -- PrinterListView PrinterListView::PrinterListView(BRect frame) : Inherited(frame, "printers_list", B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE), fFolder(NULL), fActivePrinter(NULL) { fLayoutData.fLeftColumnMaximumWidth = 100; fLayoutData.fRightColumnMaximumWidth = 100; } PrinterListView::~PrinterListView() { while (!IsEmpty()) delete RemoveItem((int32)0); } void PrinterListView::BuildPrinterList() { // clear list while (!IsEmpty()) delete RemoveItem((int32)0); // Find directory containing printer definition nodes BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_PRINTERS_DIRECTORY, &path) != B_OK) return; BDirectory dir(path.Path()); if (dir.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; BEntry entry; while(dir.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_OK) { BDirectory printer(&entry); _AddPrinter(printer, false); } _LayoutPrinterItems(); } void PrinterListView::AttachedToWindow() { Inherited::AttachedToWindow(); SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgPrinterSelected)); SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(kMsgMakeDefaultPrinter)); SetTarget(Window()); BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_PRINTERS_DIRECTORY, &path) != B_OK) return; BDirectory dir(path.Path()); if (dir.InitCheck() != B_OK) { // directory has to exist in order to start watching it if (create_directory(path.Path(), 0777) != B_OK) return; dir.SetTo(path.Path()); } fFolder = new FolderWatcher(Window(), dir, true); fFolder->SetListener(this); BuildPrinterList(); // Select active printer BString activePrinterName(ActivePrinterName()); for (int32 i = 0; i < CountItems(); i ++) { PrinterItem* item = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i)); if (item != NULL && item->Name() == activePrinterName) { Select(i); fActivePrinter = item; break; } } } bool PrinterListView::QuitRequested() { delete fFolder; return true; } void PrinterListView::UpdateItem(PrinterItem* item) { item->UpdatePendingJobs(); InvalidateItem(IndexOf(item)); } PrinterItem* PrinterListView::ActivePrinter() const { return fActivePrinter; } void PrinterListView::SetActivePrinter(PrinterItem* item) { fActivePrinter = item; } PrinterItem* PrinterListView::SelectedItem() const { return dynamic_cast(ItemAt(CurrentSelection())); } // FolderListener interface void PrinterListView::EntryCreated(node_ref* node, entry_ref* entry) { BDirectory printer(node); _AddPrinter(printer, true); } void PrinterListView::EntryRemoved(node_ref* node) { PrinterItem* item = _FindItem(node); if (item) { if (item == fActivePrinter) fActivePrinter = NULL; RemoveItem(item); delete item; } } void PrinterListView::AttributeChanged(node_ref* node) { BDirectory printer(node); _AddPrinter(printer, true); } // private methods void PrinterListView::_AddPrinter(BDirectory& printer, bool calculateLayout) { BString state; node_ref node; // If the entry is a directory if (printer.InitCheck() == B_OK && printer.GetNodeRef(&node) == B_OK && _FindItem(&node) == NULL && printer.ReadAttrString(PSRV_PRINTER_ATTR_STATE, &state) == B_OK && state == "free") { // Check it's Mime type for a spool director BNodeInfo info(&printer); char buffer[256]; if (info.GetType(buffer) == B_OK && strcmp(buffer, PSRV_PRINTER_FILETYPE) == 0) { // Yes, it is a printer definition node AddItem(new PrinterItem(static_cast(Window()), printer, fLayoutData)); if (calculateLayout) _LayoutPrinterItems(); } } } void PrinterListView::_LayoutPrinterItems() { float& leftColumnMaximumWidth = fLayoutData.fLeftColumnMaximumWidth; float& rightColumnMaximumWidth = fLayoutData.fRightColumnMaximumWidth; for (int32 i = 0; i < CountItems(); i ++) { PrinterItem* item = static_cast(ItemAt(i)); float leftColumnWidth = 0; float rightColumnWidth = 0; item->GetColumnWidth(this, leftColumnWidth, rightColumnWidth); leftColumnMaximumWidth = MAX(leftColumnMaximumWidth, leftColumnWidth); rightColumnMaximumWidth = MAX(rightColumnMaximumWidth, rightColumnWidth); } Invalidate(); } PrinterItem* PrinterListView::_FindItem(node_ref* node) const { for (int32 i = CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PrinterItem* item = dynamic_cast(ItemAt(i)); node_ref ref; if (item && item->Node()->GetNodeRef(&ref) == B_OK && ref == *node) return item; } return NULL; } // #pragma mark -- PrinterItem BBitmap* PrinterItem::sIcon = NULL; BBitmap* PrinterItem::sSelectedIcon = NULL; PrinterItem::PrinterItem(PrintersWindow* window, const BDirectory& node, PrinterListLayoutData& layoutData) : BListItem(0, false), fFolder(NULL), fNode(node), fLayoutData(layoutData) { BRect rect(0, 0, B_LARGE_ICON - 1, B_LARGE_ICON - 1); if (sIcon == NULL) { #ifdef HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU sIcon = new BBitmap(rect, B_RGBA32); #else sIcon = new BBitmap(rect, B_CMAP8); #endif BMimeType type(PSRV_PRINTER_FILETYPE); type.GetIcon(sIcon, B_LARGE_ICON); } if (sIcon && sIcon->IsValid() && sSelectedIcon == NULL) { const float checkMarkIconSize = 20.0; BBitmap *checkMark = _LoadVectorIcon("check_mark_icon", checkMarkIconSize); if (checkMark && checkMark->IsValid()) { sSelectedIcon = new BBitmap(rect, B_RGBA32, true); if (sSelectedIcon && sSelectedIcon->IsValid()) { // draw check mark at bottom left over printer icon BView *view = new BView(rect, "offscreen", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); float y = rect.Height() - checkMark->Bounds().Height(); sSelectedIcon->Lock(); sSelectedIcon->AddChild(view); view->DrawBitmap(sIcon); view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); view->DrawBitmap(checkMark, BPoint(0, y)); view->Sync(); view->RemoveSelf(); sSelectedIcon->Unlock(); delete view; } } delete checkMark; } // Get Name of printer _GetStringProperty(PSRV_PRINTER_ATTR_PRT_NAME, fName); _GetStringProperty(PSRV_PRINTER_ATTR_COMMENTS, fComments); _GetStringProperty(PSRV_PRINTER_ATTR_TRANSPORT, fTransport); _GetStringProperty(PSRV_PRINTER_ATTR_TRANSPORT_ADDR, fTransportAddress); _GetStringProperty(PSRV_PRINTER_ATTR_DRV_NAME, fDriverName); BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_PRINTERS_DIRECTORY, &path) != B_OK) return; // Setup spool folder path.Append(fName.String()); BDirectory dir(path.Path()); if (dir.InitCheck() == B_OK) { fFolder = new SpoolFolder(window, this, dir); UpdatePendingJobs(); } } PrinterItem::~PrinterItem() { delete fFolder; } void PrinterItem::GetColumnWidth(BView* view, float& leftColumn, float& rightColumn) { BFont font; view->GetFont(&font); leftColumn = font.StringWidth(fName.String()); leftColumn = MAX(leftColumn, font.StringWidth(fDriverName.String())); rightColumn = font.StringWidth(fPendingJobs.String()); rightColumn = MAX(rightColumn, font.StringWidth(fTransport.String())); rightColumn = MAX(rightColumn, font.StringWidth(fComments.String())); } void PrinterItem::Update(BView *owner, const BFont *font) { BListItem::Update(owner,font); font_height height; font->GetHeight(&height); SetHeight((height.ascent + height.descent + height.leading) * 3.0 + 8.0); } bool PrinterItem::Remove(BListView* view) { BMessenger msgr; if (GetPrinterServerMessenger(msgr) == B_OK) { BMessage script(B_DELETE_PROPERTY); script.AddSpecifier("Printer", view->IndexOf(this)); BMessage reply; if (msgr.SendMessage(&script,&reply) == B_OK) return true; } return false; } void PrinterItem::DrawItem(BView *owner, BRect /*bounds*/, bool complete) { BListView* list = dynamic_cast(owner); if (list == NULL) return; BFont font; owner->GetFont(&font); font_height height; font.GetHeight(&height); float fntheight = height.ascent + height.descent + height.leading; BRect bounds = list->ItemFrame(list->IndexOf(this)); rgb_color color = owner->ViewColor(); rgb_color oldLowColor = owner->LowColor(); rgb_color oldHighColor = owner->HighColor(); if (IsSelected()) color = ui_color(B_LIST_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR); owner->SetLowColor(color); owner->SetHighColor(color); owner->FillRect(bounds); owner->SetLowColor(oldLowColor); owner->SetHighColor(oldHighColor); float iconColumnWidth = B_LARGE_ICON + 8.0; float x = iconColumnWidth; BPoint iconPt(bounds.LeftTop() + BPoint(2.0, 2.0)); BPoint namePt(iconPt + BPoint(x, fntheight)); BPoint driverPt(iconPt + BPoint(x, fntheight * 2.0)); BPoint defaultPt(iconPt + BPoint(x, fntheight * 3.0)); BPoint transportPt(iconPt + BPoint(x, fntheight * 3.0)); float totalWidth = bounds.Width() - iconColumnWidth; float maximumWidth = fLayoutData.fLeftColumnMaximumWidth + fLayoutData.fRightColumnMaximumWidth; float width; if (totalWidth < maximumWidth) { width = fLayoutData.fRightColumnMaximumWidth * totalWidth / maximumWidth; } else { width = fLayoutData.fRightColumnMaximumWidth; } BPoint pendingPt(bounds.right - width - 8.0, namePt.y); BPoint commentPt(bounds.right - width - 8.0, driverPt.y); drawing_mode mode = owner->DrawingMode(); #ifdef HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU owner->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); #else owner->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); #endif if (IsActivePrinter()) { if (sSelectedIcon && sSelectedIcon->IsValid()) owner->DrawBitmap(sSelectedIcon, iconPt); else owner->DrawString(B_TRANSLATE("Default Printer"), defaultPt); } else { if (sIcon && sIcon->IsValid()) owner->DrawBitmap(sIcon, iconPt); } owner->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); // left of item BString s = fName; owner->SetFont(be_bold_font); owner->TruncateString(&s, B_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE, pendingPt.x - namePt.x); owner->DrawString(s.String(), s.Length(), namePt); owner->SetFont(&font); s = B_TRANSLATE("Driver: %driver%"); s.ReplaceFirst("%driver%", fDriverName); owner->TruncateString(&s, B_TRUNCATE_END, commentPt.x - driverPt.x); owner->DrawString(s.String(), s.Length(), driverPt); if (fTransport.Length() > 0) { s = B_TRANSLATE("Transport: %transport% %transport_address%"); s.ReplaceFirst("%transport%", fTransport); s.ReplaceFirst("%transport_address%", fTransportAddress); owner->TruncateString(&s, B_TRUNCATE_BEGINNING, totalWidth); owner->DrawString(s.String(), s.Length(), transportPt); } // right of item s = fPendingJobs; owner->TruncateString(&s, B_TRUNCATE_END, bounds.Width() - pendingPt.x); owner->DrawString(s.String(), s.Length(), pendingPt); s = fComments; owner->TruncateString(&s, B_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE, bounds.Width() - commentPt.x); owner->DrawString(s.String(), s.Length(), commentPt); owner->SetDrawingMode(mode); } bool PrinterItem::IsActivePrinter() const { return fName == ActivePrinterName(); } bool PrinterItem::HasPendingJobs() const { return fFolder && fFolder->CountJobs() > 0; } SpoolFolder* PrinterItem::Folder() const { return fFolder; } BDirectory* PrinterItem::Node() { return &fNode; } void PrinterItem::UpdatePendingJobs() { if (fFolder) { uint32 pendingJobs = fFolder->CountJobs(); if (pendingJobs == 1) { fPendingJobs = B_TRANSLATE("1 pending job."); return; } else if (pendingJobs > 1) { fPendingJobs = ""; fPendingJobs << pendingJobs << B_TRANSLATE(" pending jobs."); return; } } fPendingJobs = B_TRANSLATE("No pending jobs."); } void PrinterItem::_GetStringProperty(const char* propName, BString& outString) { fNode.ReadAttrString(propName, &outString); } BBitmap* PrinterItem::_LoadVectorIcon(const char* resourceName, float iconSize) { size_t dataSize; BResources* resources = BApplication::AppResources(); const void* data = resources->LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, resourceName, &dataSize); if (data != NULL){ BBitmap *iconBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, iconSize - 1, iconSize - 1), 0, B_RGBA32); if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon( reinterpret_cast(data), dataSize, iconBitmap) == B_OK) return iconBitmap; else delete iconBitmap; }; return NULL; }