/* * Copyright 2007-2011, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2001-2002 Dr. Zoidberg Enterprises. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2011, Clemens Zeidler * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "FilterConfigView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CenterContainer.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "Config Views" // FiltersConfigView const uint32 kMsgFilterMoved = 'flmv'; const uint32 kMsgChainSelected = 'chsl'; const uint32 kMsgAddFilter = 'addf'; const uint32 kMsgRemoveFilter = 'rmfi'; const uint32 kMsgFilterSelected = 'fsel'; const uint32 kMsgItemDragged = 'itdr'; class DragListView : public BListView { public: DragListView(BRect frame, const char *name, list_view_type type = B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, uint32 resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, BMessage *itemMovedMsg = NULL) : BListView(frame, name, type, resizingMode), fDragging(false), fItemMovedMessage(itemMovedMsg) { } virtual bool InitiateDrag(BPoint point, int32 index, bool wasSelected) { BRect frame(ItemFrame(index)); BBitmap *bitmap = new BBitmap(frame.OffsetToCopy(B_ORIGIN), B_RGBA32, true); BView *view = new BView(bitmap->Bounds(), NULL, 0, 0); bitmap->AddChild(view); if (view->LockLooper()) { BListItem *item = ItemAt(index); bool selected = item->IsSelected(); view->SetLowColor(225, 225, 225, 128); view->FillRect(view->Bounds()); if (selected) item->Deselect(); ItemAt(index)->DrawItem(view, view->Bounds(), true); if (selected) item->Select(); view->UnlockLooper(); } fLastDragTarget = -1; fDragIndex = index; fDragging = true; BMessage drag(kMsgItemDragged); drag.AddInt32("index", index); DragMessage(&drag, bitmap, B_OP_ALPHA, point - frame.LeftTop(), this); return true; } void DrawDragTargetIndicator(int32 target) { PushState(); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_INVERT); bool last = false; if (target >= CountItems()) target = CountItems() - 1, last = true; BRect frame = ItemFrame(target); if (last) frame.OffsetBy(0,frame.Height()); frame.bottom = frame.top + 1; FillRect(frame); PopState(); } virtual void MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 transit, const BMessage *msg) { BListView::MouseMoved(point, transit, msg); if ((transit != B_ENTERED_VIEW && transit != B_INSIDE_VIEW) || !fDragging) return; int32 target = IndexOf(point); if (target == -1) target = CountItems(); // correct the target insertion index if (target == fDragIndex || target == fDragIndex + 1) target = -1; if (target == fLastDragTarget) return; // remove old target indicator if (fLastDragTarget != -1) DrawDragTargetIndicator(fLastDragTarget); // draw new one fLastDragTarget = target; if (target != -1) DrawDragTargetIndicator(target); } virtual void MouseUp(BPoint point) { if (fDragging) { fDragging = false; if (fLastDragTarget != -1) DrawDragTargetIndicator(fLastDragTarget); } BListView::MouseUp(point); } virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch (msg->what) { case kMsgItemDragged: { int32 source = msg->FindInt32("index"); BPoint point = msg->FindPoint("_drop_point_"); ConvertFromScreen(&point); int32 to = IndexOf(point); if (to > fDragIndex) to--; if (to == -1) to = CountItems() - 1; if (source != to) { MoveItem(source,to); if (fItemMovedMessage != NULL) { BMessage msg(fItemMovedMessage->what); msg.AddInt32("from",source); msg.AddInt32("to",to); Messenger().SendMessage(&msg); } } break; } } BListView::MessageReceived(msg); } private: bool fDragging; int32 fLastDragTarget,fDragIndex; BMessage *fItemMovedMessage; }; // #pragma mark - class FilterConfigBox : public BBox { public: FilterConfigBox(BString& label, BView* child) : BBox(BRect(0,0,100,100)), fChild(child) { SetLabel(label); float w = child->Bounds().Width(); float h = child->Bounds().Height(); child->MoveTo(3, 13); ResizeTo(w + 6, h + 16); AddChild(child); } status_t ArchiveAddon(BMessage* into) const { return fChild->Archive(into); } private: BView* fChild; }; // #pragma mark - FiltersConfigView::FiltersConfigView(BRect rect, BMailAccountSettings& account) : BBox(rect), fAccount(account), fDirection(kIncomming), fInboundFilters(kIncomming, false), fOutboundFilters(kOutgoing, false), fFilterView(NULL), fCurrentIndex(-1) { BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); BMessage* msg; BMenuItem *item; msg = new BMessage(kMsgChainSelected); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Incoming mail filters"), msg); menu->AddItem(item); msg->AddInt32("direction", kIncomming); item->SetMarked(true); msg = new BMessage(kMsgChainSelected); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Outgoing mail filters"), msg); menu->AddItem(item); msg->AddInt32("direction", kOutgoing); fChainsField = new BMenuField(BRect(0, 0, 200, 40), NULL, NULL, menu); fChainsField->ResizeToPreferred(); SetLabel(fChainsField); // determine font height font_height fontHeight; fChainsField->GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); int32 height = (int32)(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading) + 5; rect = Bounds().InsetByCopy(10, 10); rect.top += 18; rect.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; rect.bottom = rect.top + 4 * height + 2; fListView = new DragListView(rect, NULL, B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, B_FOLLOW_ALL, new BMessage(kMsgFilterMoved)); AddChild(new BScrollView(NULL, fListView, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0, false, true)); rect.right += B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; // fListView->Select(gSettings.formats.IndexOf(format)); fListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgFilterSelected)); rect.top = rect.bottom + 8; rect.bottom = rect.top + height; BRect sizeRect = rect; sizeRect.right = sizeRect.left + 30 + fChainsField->StringWidth(B_TRANSLATE("Add filter")); menu = new BPopUpMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Add filter")); menu->SetRadioMode(false); fAddField = new BMenuField(rect, NULL, NULL, menu); fAddField->ResizeToPreferred(); AddChild(fAddField); sizeRect.left = sizeRect.right + 5; sizeRect.right = sizeRect.left + 30 + fChainsField->StringWidth(B_TRANSLATE("Remove")); sizeRect.top--; AddChild(fRemoveButton = new BButton(sizeRect, NULL, B_TRANSLATE("Remove"), new BMessage(kMsgRemoveFilter), B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); ResizeTo(Bounds().Width(), sizeRect.bottom + 10); _SetDirection(fDirection); } FiltersConfigView::~FiltersConfigView() { } void FiltersConfigView::_SelectFilter(int32 index) { if (Parent()) Parent()->Hide(); // remove old config view if (fFilterView) { Parent()->RemoveChild(fFilterView); _SaveConfig(fCurrentIndex); delete fFilterView; fFilterView = NULL; } if (index >= 0) { // add new config view AddonSettings* filterSettings = _GetCurrentMailSettings() ->FilterSettingsAt(index); if (filterSettings) { FilterAddonList* addons = _GetCurrentFilterAddonList(); BView* view = addons->CreateConfigView(*filterSettings); if (view) { BString name; addons->GetDescriptiveName(filterSettings->AddonRef(), name); fFilterView = new FilterConfigBox(name, view); Parent()->AddChild(fFilterView); } } } fCurrentIndex = index; // re-layout the view containing the config view if (CenterContainer *container = dynamic_cast(Parent())) container->Layout(); if (Parent()) Parent()->Show(); } void FiltersConfigView::_SetDirection(direction direction) { // remove the filter config view _SelectFilter(-1); for (int32 i = fListView->CountItems(); i-- > 0;) { BStringItem *item = (BStringItem *)fListView->RemoveItem(i); delete item; } fDirection = direction; MailAddonSettings* addonSettings = _GetCurrentMailSettings(); FilterAddonList* addons = _GetCurrentFilterAddonList(); addons->Reload(); for (int32 i = 0; i < addonSettings->CountFilterSettings(); i++) { AddonSettings* filterSettings = addonSettings->FilterSettingsAt(i); if (addons->FindInfo(filterSettings->AddonRef()) < 0) { addonSettings->RemoveFilterSettings(i); i--; continue; } BString name = "Unnamed Filter"; addons->GetDescriptiveName(filterSettings->AddonRef(), name); fListView->AddItem(new BStringItem(name)); } // remove old filter items BMenu *menu = fAddField->Menu(); for (int32 i = menu->CountItems(); i-- > 0;) { BMenuItem *item = menu->RemoveItem(i); delete item; } addons->Reload(); for (int32 i = 0; i < addons->CountFilterAddons(); i++) { FilterAddonInfo& info = addons->FilterAddonAt(i); BString name; addons->GetDescriptiveName(i, name); BMessage* msg = new BMessage(kMsgAddFilter); msg->AddRef("filter", &info.ref); BMenuItem *item = new BMenuItem(name, msg); menu->AddItem(item); } menu->SetTargetForItems(this); } void FiltersConfigView::AttachedToWindow() { fChainsField->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this); fListView->SetTarget(this); fAddField->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this); fRemoveButton->SetTarget(this); } void FiltersConfigView::DetachedFromWindow() { _SaveConfig(fCurrentIndex); } void FiltersConfigView::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch (msg->what) { case kMsgChainSelected: { direction dir; if (msg->FindInt32("direction", (int32*)&dir) != B_OK) break; if (fDirection == dir) break; _SetDirection(dir); break; } case kMsgAddFilter: { entry_ref ref; if (msg->FindRef("filter", &ref) < B_OK) break; FilterAddonList* filterAddons = _GetCurrentFilterAddonList(); int32 index = filterAddons->FindInfo(ref); if (index < 0) break; _GetCurrentMailSettings()->AddFilterSettings(&ref); BString name; filterAddons->GetDescriptiveName(index, name); fListView->AddItem(new BStringItem(name)); break; } case kMsgRemoveFilter: { int32 index = fListView->CurrentSelection(); if (index < 0) break; BStringItem *item = (BStringItem *)fListView->RemoveItem(index); delete item; _SelectFilter(-1); MailAddonSettings* mailSettings = _GetCurrentMailSettings(); mailSettings->RemoveFilterSettings(index); break; } case kMsgFilterSelected: { int32 index = -1; if (msg->FindInt32("index",&index) < B_OK) break; _SelectFilter(index); break; } case kMsgFilterMoved: { int32 from = msg->FindInt32("from"); int32 to = msg->FindInt32("to"); if (from == to) break; MailAddonSettings* mailSettings = _GetCurrentMailSettings(); if (!mailSettings->MoveFilterSettings(from, to)) { (new BAlert("E-mail", B_TRANSLATE("The filter could not be " "moved. Deleting filter."), B_TRANSLATE("OK")))->Go(); fListView->RemoveItem(to); break; } break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(msg); break; } } MailAddonSettings* FiltersConfigView::_GetCurrentMailSettings() { if (fDirection == kIncomming) return &fAccount.InboundSettings(); return &fAccount.OutboundSettings(); } FilterAddonList* FiltersConfigView::_GetCurrentFilterAddonList() { if (fDirection == kIncomming) return &fInboundFilters; return &fOutboundFilters; } void FiltersConfigView::_SaveConfig(int32 index) { if (fFilterView) { AddonSettings* filterSettings = _GetCurrentMailSettings() ->FilterSettingsAt(index); if (filterSettings) fFilterView->ArchiveAddon(&filterSettings->EditSettings()); } }