/* * Copyright 2009, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "KeyboardLayoutView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Keymap.h" static const rgb_color kBrightColor = {230, 230, 230, 255}; static const rgb_color kDarkColor = {200, 200, 200, 255}; static const rgb_color kSecondDeadKeyColor = {240, 240, 150, 255}; static const rgb_color kDeadKeyColor = {152, 203, 255, 255}; static const rgb_color kLitIndicatorColor = {116, 212, 83, 255}; KeyboardLayoutView::KeyboardLayoutView(const char* name) : BView(name, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fOffscreenBitmap(NULL), fKeymap(NULL), fEditable(true), fModifiers(0), fDeadKey(0), fButtons(0), fDragKey(NULL), fDropTarget(NULL), fOldSize(0, 0) { fLayout = new KeyboardLayout; memset(fKeyState, 0, sizeof(fKeyState)); SetEventMask(B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS); } KeyboardLayoutView::~KeyboardLayoutView() { delete fOffscreenBitmap; } void KeyboardLayoutView::SetKeyboardLayout(KeyboardLayout* layout) { fLayout = layout; _LayoutKeyboard(); Invalidate(); } void KeyboardLayoutView::SetKeymap(Keymap* keymap) { fKeymap = keymap; Invalidate(); } void KeyboardLayoutView::SetTarget(BMessenger target) { fTarget = target; } void KeyboardLayoutView::SetFont(const BFont& font) { fFont = font; font_height fontHeight; fFont.GetHeight(&fontHeight); fBaseFontHeight = fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent; fBaseFontSize = fFont.Size(); Invalidate(); } void KeyboardLayoutView::AttachedToWindow() { SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); SetFont(*be_plain_font); fSpecialFont = *be_fixed_font; fModifiers = modifiers(); } void KeyboardLayoutView::FrameResized(float width, float height) { _InitOffscreen(); _LayoutKeyboard(); } void KeyboardLayoutView::WindowActivated(bool active) { if (active) Invalidate(); } BSize KeyboardLayoutView::MinSize() { return BLayoutUtils::ComposeSize(ExplicitMinSize(), BSize(100, 50)); } void KeyboardLayoutView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { _KeyChanged(Window()->CurrentMessage()); } void KeyboardLayoutView::KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { _KeyChanged(Window()->CurrentMessage()); } void KeyboardLayoutView::MouseDown(BPoint point) { fClickPoint = point; fDragKey = NULL; fDropPoint.x = -1; Key* key = _KeyAt(point); if (key == NULL) return; int32 buttons = 0; if (Looper() != NULL && Looper()->CurrentMessage() != NULL) Looper()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons); if ((buttons & B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) != 0 && (fButtons & B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) == 0) { // toggle the "deadness" of dead keys via middle mouse button if (fKeymap != NULL) { bool isEnabled = false; uint8 deadKey = fKeymap->IsDeadKey(key->code, fModifiers, &isEnabled); if (deadKey > 0) { fKeymap->SetDeadKeyEnabled(key->code, fModifiers, !isEnabled); _InvalidateKey(key); } } } else { if (fKeymap != NULL && fKeymap->IsModifierKey(key->code)) { if (_KeyState(key->code)) { uint32 modifier = fKeymap->Modifier(key->code); if ((modifier & modifiers()) == 0) { _SetKeyState(key->code, false); fModifiers &= ~modifier; Invalidate(); } } else { _SetKeyState(key->code, true); fModifiers |= fKeymap->Modifier(key->code); Invalidate(); } // TODO: if possible, we could handle the lock keys for real } else { _SetKeyState(key->code, true); _InvalidateKey(key); } } fButtons = buttons; } void KeyboardLayoutView::MouseUp(BPoint point) { Key* key = _KeyAt(fClickPoint); int32 buttons = 0; if (Looper() != NULL && Looper()->CurrentMessage() != NULL) Looper()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons); if (key != NULL) { if ((fButtons & B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) != 0 && (buttons & B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) == 0) { _SetKeyState(key->code, false); _InvalidateKey(key); fButtons = buttons; } else { fButtons = buttons; // modifier keys are sticky when used with the mouse if (fKeymap != NULL && fKeymap->IsModifierKey(key->code)) return; _SetKeyState(key->code, false); if (_HandleDeadKey(key->code, fModifiers) && fDeadKey != 0) return; _InvalidateKey(key); if (fDragKey == NULL && fKeymap != NULL) { // Send fake key down message to target _SendFakeKeyDown(key); } } } fDragKey = NULL; } void KeyboardLayoutView::MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 transit, const BMessage* dragMessage) { if (fKeymap == NULL) return; // prevent dragging for tertiary mouse button if ((fButtons & B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) != 0) return; if (dragMessage != NULL) { if (fEditable) { _InvalidateKey(fDropTarget); fDropPoint = point; _EvaluateDropTarget(point); } return; } int32 buttons; if (Window()->CurrentMessage() == NULL || Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons) != B_OK || buttons == 0) return; if (fDragKey == NULL && (fabs(point.x - fClickPoint.x) > 4 || fabs(point.y - fClickPoint.y) > 4)) { // start dragging Key* key = _KeyAt(fClickPoint); if (key == NULL) return; BRect frame = _FrameFor(key); BPoint offset = fClickPoint - frame.LeftTop(); frame.OffsetTo(B_ORIGIN); BRect rect = frame; rect.right--; rect.bottom--; BBitmap* bitmap = new BBitmap(rect, B_BITMAP_ACCEPTS_VIEWS, B_RGBA32); bitmap->Lock(); BView* view = new BView(rect, "drag", 0, 0); bitmap->AddChild(view); _DrawKey(view, frame, key, frame, false); view->Sync(); bitmap->RemoveChild(view); bitmap->Unlock(); // Make it transparent // TODO: is there a better way to do this? uint8* bits = (uint8*)bitmap->Bits(); for (int32 i = 0; i < bitmap->BitsLength(); i += 4) { bits[i + 3] = 144; } BMessage drag(B_MIME_DATA); drag.AddInt32("key", key->code); char* string; int32 numBytes; fKeymap->GetChars(key->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, &string, &numBytes); if (string != NULL) { drag.AddData("text/plain", B_MIME_DATA, string, numBytes); delete[] string; } DragMessage(&drag, bitmap, B_OP_ALPHA, offset); fDragKey = key; fDragModifiers = fModifiers; fKeyState[key->code / 8] &= ~(1 << (7 - (key->code & 7))); _InvalidateKey(key); } } void KeyboardLayoutView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (fOldSize != BSize(Bounds().Width(), Bounds().Height())) { _InitOffscreen(); _LayoutKeyboard(); } BView* view; if (fOffscreenBitmap != NULL) { view = fOffscreenView; view->LockLooper(); } else view = this; // Draw background if (Parent()) view->SetLowColor(Parent()->ViewColor()); else view->SetLowColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); view->FillRect(updateRect, B_SOLID_LOW); // Draw keys for (int32 i = 0; i < fLayout->CountKeys(); i++) { Key* key = fLayout->KeyAt(i); _DrawKey(view, updateRect, key, _FrameFor(key), _IsKeyPressed(key->code)); } // Draw LED indicators for (int32 i = 0; i < fLayout->CountIndicators(); i++) { Indicator* indicator = fLayout->IndicatorAt(i); _DrawIndicator(view, updateRect, indicator, _FrameFor(indicator->frame), (fModifiers & indicator->modifier) != 0); } if (fOffscreenBitmap != NULL) { view->Sync(); view->UnlockLooper(); DrawBitmapAsync(fOffscreenBitmap, BPoint(0, 0)); } } void KeyboardLayoutView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { if (message->WasDropped() && fEditable && fDropTarget != NULL && fKeymap != NULL) { int32 keyCode; const char* data; ssize_t size; if (message->FindData("text/plain", B_MIME_DATA, (const void**)&data, &size) == B_OK) { // Automatically convert UTF-8 escaped strings (for example from // CharacterMap) int32 dataSize = 0; uint8 buffer[16]; if (size > 3 && data[0] == '\\' && data[1] == 'x') { char tempBuffer[16]; if (size > 15) size = 15; memcpy(tempBuffer, data, size); tempBuffer[size] = '\0'; data = tempBuffer; while (size > 3 && data[0] == '\\' && data[1] == 'x') { buffer[dataSize++] = strtoul(&data[2], NULL, 16); if ((buffer[dataSize - 1] & 0x80) == 0) break; size -= 4; data += 4; } data = (const char*)buffer; } else if ((data[0] & 0xc0) != 0x80 && (data[0] & 0x80) != 0) { // only accept the first character UTF-8 character while (dataSize < size && (data[dataSize] & 0x80) != 0) { dataSize++; } } else if ((data[0] & 0x80) == 0) { // an ASCII character dataSize = 1; } else { // no valid character beep(); return; } int32 buttons; if (!message->IsSourceRemote() && message->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons) == B_OK && (buttons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) != 0 && message->FindInt32("key", &keyCode) == B_OK) { // switch keys if the dropped object came from us Key* key = _KeyForCode(keyCode); if (key == NULL || (key == fDropTarget && fDragModifiers == fModifiers)) return; char* string; int32 numBytes; fKeymap->GetChars(fDropTarget->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, &string, &numBytes); if (string != NULL) { // switch keys fKeymap->SetKey(fDropTarget->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, (const char*)data, dataSize); fKeymap->SetKey(key->code, fDragModifiers, fDeadKey, string, numBytes); delete[] string; } else if (fKeymap->IsModifierKey(fDropTarget->code)) { // switch key with modifier fKeymap->SetModifier(key->code, fKeymap->Modifier(fDropTarget->code)); fKeymap->SetKey(fDropTarget->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, (const char*)data, dataSize); } } else { // Send the old key to the target, so it's not lost entirely _SendFakeKeyDown(fDropTarget); fKeymap->SetKey(fDropTarget->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, (const char*)data, dataSize); } } else if (!message->IsSourceRemote() && message->FindInt32("key", &keyCode) == B_OK) { // Switch an unmapped key Key* key = _KeyForCode(keyCode); if (key != NULL && key == fDropTarget) return; uint32 modifier = fKeymap->Modifier(keyCode); char* string; int32 numBytes; fKeymap->GetChars(fDropTarget->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, &string, &numBytes); if (string != NULL) { // switch key with modifier fKeymap->SetModifier(fDropTarget->code, modifier); fKeymap->SetKey(keyCode, fDragModifiers, fDeadKey, string, numBytes); delete[] string; } else { // switch modifier keys fKeymap->SetModifier(keyCode, fKeymap->Modifier(fDropTarget->code)); fKeymap->SetModifier(fDropTarget->code, modifier); } _InvalidateKey(fDragKey); } _InvalidateKey(fDropTarget); fDropTarget = NULL; fDropPoint.x = -1; return; } switch (message->what) { case B_UNMAPPED_KEY_DOWN: case B_UNMAPPED_KEY_UP: _KeyChanged(message); break; case B_MODIFIERS_CHANGED: { int32 newModifiers; if (message->FindInt32("modifiers", &newModifiers) == B_OK && fModifiers != newModifiers) { fModifiers = newModifiers; _EvaluateDropTarget(fDropPoint); if (Window()->IsActive()) Invalidate(); } break; } default: BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void KeyboardLayoutView::_InitOffscreen() { delete fOffscreenBitmap; fOffscreenView = NULL; fOffscreenBitmap = new(std::nothrow) BBitmap(Bounds(), B_BITMAP_ACCEPTS_VIEWS, B_RGB32); if (fOffscreenBitmap != NULL && fOffscreenBitmap->IsValid()) { fOffscreenBitmap->Lock(); fOffscreenView = new(std::nothrow) BView(Bounds(), "offscreen view", 0, 0); if (fOffscreenView != NULL) { if (Parent() != NULL) { fOffscreenView->SetViewColor(Parent()->ViewColor()); } else { fOffscreenView->SetViewColor( ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); } fOffscreenView->SetLowColor(fOffscreenView->ViewColor()); fOffscreenBitmap->AddChild(fOffscreenView); } fOffscreenBitmap->Unlock(); } if (fOffscreenView == NULL) { // something went wrong delete fOffscreenBitmap; fOffscreenBitmap = NULL; } } void KeyboardLayoutView::_LayoutKeyboard() { float factorX = Bounds().Width() / fLayout->Bounds().Width(); float factorY = Bounds().Height() / fLayout->Bounds().Height(); fFactor = min_c(factorX, factorY); fOffset = BPoint((Bounds().Width() - fLayout->Bounds().Width() * fFactor) / 2, (Bounds().Height() - fLayout->Bounds().Height() * fFactor) / 2); if (fLayout->DefaultKeySize().width < 11) fGap = 1; else fGap = 2; fOldSize.width = Bounds().Width(); fOldSize.height = Bounds().Height(); } void KeyboardLayoutView::_DrawKeyButton(BView* view, BRect& rect, BRect updateRect, rgb_color base, rgb_color background, bool pressed) { be_control_look->DrawButtonFrame(view, rect, updateRect, base, background, pressed ? BControlLook::B_ACTIVATED : 0); be_control_look->DrawButtonBackground(view, rect, updateRect, base, pressed ? BControlLook::B_ACTIVATED : 0); } void KeyboardLayoutView::_DrawKey(BView* view, BRect updateRect, const Key* key, BRect rect, bool pressed) { rgb_color base = key->dark ? kDarkColor : kBrightColor; rgb_color background = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); key_kind keyKind = kNormalKey; int32 deadKey = 0; bool secondDeadKey = false; bool isDeadKeyEnabled = true; char text[32]; if (fKeymap != NULL) { _GetKeyLabel(key, text, sizeof(text), keyKind); deadKey = fKeymap->IsDeadKey(key->code, fModifiers, &isDeadKeyEnabled); secondDeadKey = fKeymap->IsDeadSecondKey(key->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey); } else { // Show the key code if there is no keymap snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%02lx", key->code); } _SetFontSize(view, keyKind); if (secondDeadKey) base = kSecondDeadKeyColor; else if (deadKey > 0 && isDeadKeyEnabled) base = kDeadKeyColor; if (key->shape == kRectangleKeyShape) { _DrawKeyButton(view, rect, updateRect, base, background, pressed); rect.InsetBy(1, 1); be_control_look->DrawLabel(view, text, rect, updateRect, base, 0, BAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); } else if (key->shape == kEnterKeyShape) { BRegion region(rect); BRect originalRect = rect; BRect missingRect = rect; // TODO: for some reason, this does not always equal the bottom of // the other keys... missingRect.top = floorf(rect.top + fLayout->DefaultKeySize().height * fFactor - fGap - 1); missingRect.right = floorf(missingRect.left + (key->frame.Width() - key->second_row) * fFactor - fGap - 2); region.Exclude(missingRect); view->ConstrainClippingRegion(®ion); _DrawKeyButton(view, rect, updateRect, base, background, pressed); rect.left = missingRect.right; be_control_look->DrawLabel(view, text, rect, updateRect, base, 0, BAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); missingRect.right--; missingRect.top -= 2; region.Set(missingRect); view->ConstrainClippingRegion(®ion); rect = originalRect; rect.bottom = missingRect.top + 2; _DrawKeyButton(view, rect, updateRect, base, background, pressed); missingRect.left = missingRect.right; missingRect.right++; missingRect.top += 2; region.Set(missingRect); view->ConstrainClippingRegion(®ion); rect = originalRect; rect.left = missingRect.right - 2; rect.top = missingRect.top - 2; _DrawKeyButton(view, rect, updateRect, base, background, pressed); view->ConstrainClippingRegion(NULL); } } void KeyboardLayoutView::_DrawIndicator(BView* view, BRect updateRect, const Indicator* indicator, BRect rect, bool lit) { float rectTop = rect.top; rect.top += 2 * rect.Height() / 3; const char* label = NULL; if (indicator->modifier == B_CAPS_LOCK) label = "caps"; else if (indicator->modifier == B_NUM_LOCK) label = "num"; else if (indicator->modifier == B_SCROLL_LOCK) label = "scroll"; if (label != NULL) { _SetFontSize(view, kIndicator); font_height fontHeight; GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); if (ceilf(rect.top - fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent - 2) >= rectTop) { view->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0); view->SetLowColor(ViewColor()); BString text(label); view->TruncateString(&text, B_TRUNCATE_END, rect.Width()); view->DrawString(text.String(), BPoint(ceilf(rect.left + (rect.Width() - StringWidth(text.String())) / 2), ceilf(rect.top - fontHeight.descent - 2))); } } rect.left += rect.Width() / 4; rect.right -= rect.Width() / 3; rgb_color background = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color base = lit ? kLitIndicatorColor : kDarkColor; be_control_look->DrawButtonFrame(view, rect, updateRect, base, background, BControlLook::B_DISABLED); be_control_look->DrawButtonBackground(view, rect, updateRect, base, BControlLook::B_DISABLED); } const char* KeyboardLayoutView::_SpecialKeyLabel(const key_map& map, uint32 code) { if (code == map.caps_key) return "CAPS LOCK"; if (code == map.scroll_key) return "SCROLL"; if (code == map.num_key) return "NUM LOCK"; if (code == map.left_shift_key || code == map.right_shift_key) return "SHIFT"; if (code == map.left_command_key || code == map.right_command_key) return "COMMAND"; if (code == map.left_control_key || code == map.right_control_key) return "CONTROL"; if (code == map.left_option_key || code == map.right_option_key) return "OPTION"; if (code == map.menu_key) return "MENU"; if (code == B_PRINT_KEY) return "PRINT"; if (code == B_PAUSE_KEY) return "PAUSE"; return NULL; } const char* KeyboardLayoutView::_SpecialMappedKeySymbol(const char* bytes, size_t numBytes) { if (numBytes != 1) return NULL; if (bytes[0] == B_TAB) return "\xe2\x86\xb9"; if (bytes[0] == B_ENTER) return "\xe2\x86\xb5"; if (bytes[0] == B_BACKSPACE) return "\xe2\x8c\xab"; if (bytes[0] == B_UP_ARROW) return "\xe2\x86\x91"; if (bytes[0] == B_LEFT_ARROW) return "\xe2\x86\x90"; if (bytes[0] == B_DOWN_ARROW) return "\xe2\x86\x93"; if (bytes[0] == B_RIGHT_ARROW) return "\xe2\x86\x92"; return NULL; } const char* KeyboardLayoutView::_SpecialMappedKeyLabel(const char* bytes, size_t numBytes) { if (numBytes != 1) return NULL; if (bytes[0] == B_ESCAPE) return "ESC"; if (bytes[0] == B_INSERT) return "INS"; if (bytes[0] == B_DELETE) return "DEL"; if (bytes[0] == B_HOME) return "HOME"; if (bytes[0] == B_END) return "END"; if (bytes[0] == B_PAGE_UP) return "PAGE \xe2\x86\x91"; if (bytes[0] == B_PAGE_DOWN) return "PAGE \xe2\x86\x93"; return NULL; } bool KeyboardLayoutView::_FunctionKeyLabel(uint32 code, char* text, size_t textSize) { if (code >= B_F1_KEY && code <= B_F12_KEY) { snprintf(text, textSize, "F%ld", code + 1 - B_F1_KEY); return true; } return false; } void KeyboardLayoutView::_GetKeyLabel(const Key* key, char* text, size_t textSize, key_kind& keyKind) { const key_map& map = fKeymap->Map(); keyKind = kNormalKey; text[0] = '\0'; const char* special = _SpecialKeyLabel(map, key->code); if (special != NULL) { strlcpy(text, special, textSize); keyKind = kSpecialKey; return; } if (_FunctionKeyLabel(key->code, text, textSize)) { keyKind = kSpecialKey; return; } char* bytes = NULL; int32 numBytes; fKeymap->GetChars(key->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, &bytes, &numBytes); if (bytes != NULL) { special = _SpecialMappedKeyLabel(bytes, numBytes); if (special != NULL) { strlcpy(text, special, textSize); keyKind = kSpecialKey; return; } special = _SpecialMappedKeySymbol(bytes, numBytes); if (special != NULL) { strlcpy(text, special, textSize); keyKind = kSymbolKey; return; } bool hasGlyphs; fFont.GetHasGlyphs(bytes, 1, &hasGlyphs); if (hasGlyphs) strlcpy(text, bytes, sizeof(text)); delete[] bytes; } } bool KeyboardLayoutView::_IsKeyPressed(uint32 code) { if (fDropTarget != NULL && fDropTarget->code == (int32)code) return true; return _KeyState(code); } bool KeyboardLayoutView::_KeyState(uint32 code) const { if (code >= 16 * 8) return false; return (fKeyState[code / 8] & (1 << (7 - (code & 7)))) != 0; } void KeyboardLayoutView::_SetKeyState(uint32 code, bool pressed) { if (code >= 16 * 8) return; if (pressed) fKeyState[code / 8] |= (1 << (7 - (code & 7))); else fKeyState[code / 8] &= ~(1 << (7 - (code & 7))); } Key* KeyboardLayoutView::_KeyForCode(uint32 code) { // TODO: have a lookup array for (int32 i = 0; i < fLayout->CountKeys(); i++) { Key* key = fLayout->KeyAt(i); if (key->code == (int32)code) return key; } return NULL; } void KeyboardLayoutView::_InvalidateKey(uint32 code) { _InvalidateKey(_KeyForCode(code)); } void KeyboardLayoutView::_InvalidateKey(const Key* key) { if (key != NULL) Invalidate(_FrameFor(key)); } /*! Updates the fDeadKey member, and invalidates the view if needed. \return true if the view has been invalidated. */ bool KeyboardLayoutView::_HandleDeadKey(uint32 key, int32 modifiers) { if (fKeymap == NULL || fKeymap->IsModifierKey(key)) return false; bool isEnabled = false; int32 deadKey = fKeymap->IsDeadKey(key, modifiers, &isEnabled); if (fDeadKey != deadKey) { if (isEnabled) { Invalidate(); fDeadKey = deadKey; return true; } } else if (fDeadKey != 0) { Invalidate(); fDeadKey = 0; return true; } return false; } void KeyboardLayoutView::_KeyChanged(const BMessage* message) { const uint8* state; ssize_t size; int32 key; if (message->FindData("states", B_UINT8_TYPE, (const void**)&state, &size) != B_OK || message->FindInt32("key", &key) != B_OK) return; // Update key state, and invalidate change keys bool checkSingle = true; if (message->what == B_KEY_DOWN || message->what == B_UNMAPPED_KEY_DOWN) { if (_HandleDeadKey(key, fModifiers)) checkSingle = false; if (_KeyForCode(key) == NULL) printf("no key for code %ld\n", key); } for (int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (fKeyState[i] != state[i]) { uint8 diff = fKeyState[i] ^ state[i]; fKeyState[i] = state[i]; if (!checkSingle || !Window()->IsActive()) continue; for (int32 j = 7; diff != 0; j--, diff >>= 1) { if (diff & 1) { _InvalidateKey(i * 8 + j); } } } } } Key* KeyboardLayoutView::_KeyAt(BPoint point) { // Find key candidate BPoint keyPoint = point; keyPoint -= fOffset; keyPoint.x /= fFactor; keyPoint.y /= fFactor; for (int32 i = 0; i < fLayout->CountKeys(); i++) { Key* key = fLayout->KeyAt(i); if (key->frame.Contains(keyPoint)) { BRect frame = _FrameFor(key); if (frame.Contains(point)) return key; return NULL; } } return NULL; } BRect KeyboardLayoutView::_FrameFor(BRect keyFrame) { BRect rect; rect.left = ceilf(keyFrame.left * fFactor); rect.right = floorf((keyFrame.Width()) * fFactor + rect.left - fGap - 1); rect.top = ceilf(keyFrame.top * fFactor); rect.bottom = floorf((keyFrame.Height()) * fFactor + rect.top - fGap - 1); rect.OffsetBy(fOffset); return rect; } BRect KeyboardLayoutView::_FrameFor(const Key* key) { return _FrameFor(key->frame); } void KeyboardLayoutView::_SetFontSize(BView* view, key_kind keyKind) { BSize size = fLayout->DefaultKeySize(); float fontSize = fBaseFontSize; if (fBaseFontHeight >= size.height * fFactor * 0.5) { fontSize *= (size.height * fFactor * 0.5) / fBaseFontHeight; if (fontSize < 8) fontSize = 8; } switch (keyKind) { case kNormalKey: fFont.SetSize(fontSize); view->SetFont(&fFont); break; case kSpecialKey: fSpecialFont.SetSize(fontSize * 0.7); view->SetFont(&fSpecialFont); break; case kSymbolKey: fSpecialFont.SetSize(fontSize * 1.6); view->SetFont(&fSpecialFont); break; case kIndicator: { BFont font; font.SetSize(fontSize * 0.8); view->SetFont(&font); break; } } } void KeyboardLayoutView::_EvaluateDropTarget(BPoint point) { fDropTarget = _KeyAt(point); if (fDropTarget != NULL) { if (fDropTarget == fDragKey && fModifiers == fDragModifiers) fDropTarget = NULL; else _InvalidateKey(fDropTarget); } } void KeyboardLayoutView::_SendFakeKeyDown(const Key* key) { BMessage message(B_KEY_DOWN); message.AddInt64("when", system_time()); message.AddData("states", B_UINT8_TYPE, &fKeyState, sizeof(fKeyState)); message.AddInt32("key", key->code); message.AddInt32("modifiers", fModifiers); message.AddPointer("keymap", fKeymap); char* string; int32 numBytes; fKeymap->GetChars(key->code, fModifiers, fDeadKey, &string, &numBytes); if (string != NULL) { message.AddString("bytes", string); delete[] string; } fKeymap->GetChars(key->code, 0, 0, &string, &numBytes); if (string != NULL) { message.AddInt32("raw_char", string[0]); message.AddInt8("byte", string[0]); delete[] string; } fTarget.SendMessage(&message); }