/* * Copyright 2019, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Author: * Preetpal Kaur */ #include "InputDeviceView.h" #include #include #include #include "InputIcons.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "DeviceList" InputIcons* DeviceListItemView::sIcons = NULL; DeviceListItemView::DeviceListItemView(BString title, input_type type) : BListItem((uint32)0), fTitle(title), fInputType(type) { } struct DeviceListItemView::Renderer { Renderer() : fTitle(NULL), fPrimaryIcon(NULL), fSelected(false) { } void AddIcon(BBitmap* icon) { if (!fPrimaryIcon) fPrimaryIcon = icon; } void SetTitle(const char* title) { fTitle = title; } void SetSelected(bool selected) { fSelected = selected; } void Render(BView* onto, BRect frame, bool complete = false) { const rgb_color lowColor = onto->LowColor(); const rgb_color highColor = onto->HighColor(); if (fSelected || complete) { if (fSelected) onto->SetLowColor(ui_color(B_LIST_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); onto->FillRect(frame, B_SOLID_LOW); } BPoint point(frame.left + 4.0f, frame.top + (frame.Height() - InputIcons::sBounds.Height()) / 2.0f); BRect iconFrame(InputIcons::IconRectAt(point + BPoint(1, 0))); onto->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); if (fPrimaryIcon) { onto->DrawBitmap(fPrimaryIcon, iconFrame); point.x = iconFrame.right + 1; } onto->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); BFont font = be_plain_font; font_height fontInfo; font.GetHeight(&fontInfo); onto->SetFont(&font); onto->MovePenTo(point.x + 8, frame.top + fontInfo.ascent + (frame.Height() - ceilf(fontInfo.ascent + fontInfo.descent)) / 2.0f); onto->DrawString(fTitle); onto->SetHighColor(highColor); onto->SetLowColor(lowColor); } float ItemWidth() { float width = 4.0f; width += be_plain_font->StringWidth(fTitle) + (fPrimaryIcon != NULL ? fPrimaryIcon->Bounds().Width() : 16.0f); return width; } private: BString fTitle; BBitmap* fPrimaryIcon; bool fSelected; }; void DeviceListItemView::Update(BView* owner, const BFont* font) { BListItem::Update(owner, font); float iconHeight = InputIcons::sBounds.Height() + 1; if ((Height() < iconHeight + kITEM_MARGIN * 2)) SetHeight(iconHeight + kITEM_MARGIN * 2); Renderer renderer; renderer.SetTitle(Label()); renderer.SetTitle(fTitle); SetRenderParameters(renderer); SetWidth(renderer.ItemWidth()); } void DeviceListItemView::DrawItem(BView* owner, BRect frame, bool complete) { Renderer renderer; renderer.SetSelected(IsSelected()); renderer.SetTitle(Label()); SetRenderParameters(renderer); renderer.Render(owner, frame, complete); } void DeviceListItemView::SetRenderParameters(Renderer& renderer) { if (Icons() != NULL) { if (fInputType == MOUSE_TYPE) renderer.AddIcon(&Icons()->mouseIcon); else if (fInputType == TOUCHPAD_TYPE) renderer.AddIcon(&Icons()->touchpadIcon); else if (fInputType == KEYBOARD_TYPE) renderer.AddIcon(&Icons()->keyboardIcon); } }