/* * Copyright 2006, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "AttributeListView.h" #include "AttributeWindow.h" #include "DropTargetListView.h" #include "ExtensionWindow.h" #include "FileTypes.h" #include "FileTypesWindow.h" #include "IconView.h" #include "MimeTypeListView.h" #include "NewFileTypeWindow.h" #include "PreferredAppMenu.h" #include "StringView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const uint32 kMsgTypeSelected = 'typs'; const uint32 kMsgAddType = 'atyp'; const uint32 kMsgRemoveType = 'rtyp'; const uint32 kMsgExtensionSelected = 'exts'; const uint32 kMsgExtensionInvoked = 'exti'; const uint32 kMsgAddExtension = 'aext'; const uint32 kMsgRemoveExtension = 'rext'; const uint32 kMsgRuleEntered = 'rule'; const uint32 kMsgAttributeSelected = 'atrs'; const uint32 kMsgAttributeInvoked = 'atri'; const uint32 kMsgAddAttribute = 'aatr'; const uint32 kMsgRemoveAttribute = 'ratr'; const uint32 kMsgPreferredAppChosen = 'papc'; const uint32 kMsgSelectPreferredApp = 'slpa'; const uint32 kMsgSamePreferredAppAs = 'spaa'; const uint32 kMsgPreferredAppOpened = 'paOp'; const uint32 kMsgSamePreferredAppAsOpened = 'spaO'; const uint32 kMsgTypeEntered = 'type'; const uint32 kMsgDescriptionEntered = 'dsce'; const uint32 kMsgToggleIcons = 'tgic'; const uint32 kMsgToggleRule = 'tgrl'; class TypeIconView : public IconView { public: TypeIconView(BRect frame, const char* name, int32 resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); virtual ~TypeIconView(); virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect); virtual void GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height); protected: virtual BRect BitmapRect() const; }; class ExtensionListView : public DropTargetListView { public: ExtensionListView(BRect frame, const char* name, list_view_type type = B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, uint32 resizeMask = B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, uint32 flags = B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE); virtual ~ExtensionListView(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); virtual bool AcceptsDrag(const BMessage* message); void SetType(BMimeType* type); private: BMimeType fType; }; // #pragma mark - TypeIconView::TypeIconView(BRect frame, const char* name, int32 resizingMode) : IconView(frame, name, resizingMode) { ShowEmptyFrame(false); } TypeIconView::~TypeIconView() { } void TypeIconView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (!IsEnabled()) return; IconView::Draw(updateRect); const char* text = NULL; switch (IconSource()) { case kNoIcon: text = "no icon"; break; case kApplicationIcon: text = "(from application)"; break; case kSupertypeIcon: text = "(from super type)"; break; default: return; } SetHighColor(tint_color(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DISABLED_LABEL_TINT)); SetLowColor(ViewColor()); font_height fontHeight; GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); float y = fontHeight.ascent; if (IconSource() == kNoIcon) { // center text in the middle of the icon y += (IconSize() - fontHeight.ascent - fontHeight.descent) / 2.0f; } else y += IconSize() + 3.0f; DrawString(text, BPoint(ceilf((Bounds().Width() - StringWidth(text)) / 2.0f), ceilf(y))); } void TypeIconView::GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height) { if (_width) { float a = StringWidth("(from application)"); float b = StringWidth("(from super type)"); float width = max_c(a, b); if (width < IconSize()) width = IconSize(); *_width = ceilf(width); } if (_height) { font_height fontHeight; GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); *_height = IconSize() + 3.0f + ceilf(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent); } } BRect TypeIconView::BitmapRect() const { if (IconSource() == kNoIcon) { // this also defines the drop target area font_height fontHeight; GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); float width = StringWidth("no icon") + 8.0f; float height = ceilf(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent) + 6.0f; float x = (Bounds().Width() - width) / 2.0f; float y = ceilf((IconSize() - fontHeight.ascent - fontHeight.descent) / 2.0f) - 3.0f; return BRect(x, y, x + width, y + height); } float x = (Bounds().Width() - IconSize()) / 2.0f; return BRect(x, 0.0f, x + IconSize() - 1, IconSize() - 1); } // #pragma mark - ExtensionListView::ExtensionListView(BRect frame, const char* name, list_view_type type, uint32 resizeMask, uint32 flags) : DropTargetListView(frame, name, type, resizeMask, flags) { } ExtensionListView::~ExtensionListView() { } void ExtensionListView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { if (message->WasDropped() && AcceptsDrag(message)) { // create extension list BList list; entry_ref ref; for (int32 index = 0; message->FindRef("refs", index++, &ref) == B_OK; ) { const char* point = strchr(ref.name, '.'); if (point != NULL && point[1]) list.AddItem(strdup(++point)); } merge_extensions(fType, list); // delete extension list for (int32 index = list.CountItems(); index-- > 0;) { free(list.ItemAt(index)); } } else DropTargetListView::MessageReceived(message); } bool ExtensionListView::AcceptsDrag(const BMessage* message) { if (fType.Type() == NULL) return false; int32 count = 0; entry_ref ref; for (int32 index = 0; message->FindRef("refs", index++, &ref) == B_OK; ) { const char* point = strchr(ref.name, '.'); if (point != NULL && point[1]) count++; } return count > 0; } void ExtensionListView::SetType(BMimeType* type) { if (type != NULL) fType.SetTo(type->Type()); else fType.Unset(); } // #pragma mark - FileTypesWindow::FileTypesWindow(const BMessage& settings) : BWindow(_Frame(settings), "FileTypes", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS), fNewTypeWindow(NULL) { bool showIcons; bool showRule; if (settings.FindBool("show_icons", &showIcons) != B_OK) showIcons = true; if (settings.FindBool("show_rule", &showRule) != B_OK) showRule = false; // add the menu BMenuBar* menuBar = new BMenuBar(BRect(0, 0, 0, 0), NULL); AddChild(menuBar); BMenu* menu = new BMenu("File"); BMenuItem* item; menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("New resource file" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, NULL, 'N', B_COMMAND_KEY)); item->SetEnabled(false); BMenu* recentsMenu = BRecentFilesList::NewFileListMenu("Open" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, NULL, NULL, be_app, 10, false, NULL, kSignature); item = new BMenuItem(recentsMenu, new BMessage(kMsgOpenFilePanel)); item->SetShortcut('O', B_COMMAND_KEY); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Application types" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgOpenApplicationTypesWindow))); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("About FileTypes" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED))); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Quit", new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q', B_COMMAND_KEY)); menu->SetTargetForItems(be_app); menuBar->AddItem(menu); menu = new BMenu("Settings"); item = new BMenuItem("Show icons in list", new BMessage(kMsgToggleIcons)); item->SetMarked(showIcons); item->SetTarget(this); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem("Show recognition rule", new BMessage(kMsgToggleRule)); item->SetMarked(showRule); item->SetTarget(this); menu->AddItem(item); menuBar->AddItem(menu); // MIME Types list BRect rect = Bounds(); rect.top = menuBar->Bounds().Height() + 1.0f; BView* topView = new BView(rect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); topView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(topView); BButton* button = new BButton(rect, "add", "Add" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgAddType), B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); button->ResizeToPreferred(); button->MoveTo(8.0f, topView->Bounds().bottom - 8.0f - button->Bounds().Height()); topView->AddChild(button); rect = button->Frame(); rect.OffsetBy(rect.Width() + 8.0f, 0.0f); fRemoveTypeButton = new BButton(rect, "remove", "Remove", new BMessage(kMsgRemoveType), B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); fRemoveTypeButton->ResizeToPreferred(); topView->AddChild(fRemoveTypeButton); rect.bottom = rect.top - 10.0f; rect.top = 10.0f; rect.left = 10.0f; rect.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH + 2.0f; if (rect.right < 180) rect.right = 180; fTypeListView = new MimeTypeListView(rect, "typeview", NULL, showIcons, false, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM); fTypeListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgTypeSelected)); BScrollView* scrollView = new BScrollView("scrollview", fTypeListView, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM, B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); topView->AddChild(scrollView); // "Icon" group font_height plainHeight; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&plainHeight); float height = ceilf(plainHeight.ascent + plainHeight.descent + plainHeight.leading) + 2.0f; BFont font(be_bold_font); float labelWidth = font.StringWidth("Icon"); font_height boldHeight; font.GetHeight(&boldHeight); BRect innerRect; fIconView = new TypeIconView(innerRect, "icon", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_V_CENTER); fIconView->ResizeToPreferred(); rect.left = rect.right + 12.0f + B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; rect.right = rect.left + max_c(fIconView->Bounds().Width(), labelWidth) + 16.0f; rect.bottom = rect.top + ceilf(boldHeight.ascent) + max_c(fIconView->Bounds().Height(), button->Bounds().Height() * 2.0f + height + 4.0f) + 12.0f; rect.top -= 2.0f; fIconBox = new BBox(rect); fIconBox->SetLabel("Icon"); topView->AddChild(fIconBox); innerRect.left = 8.0f; innerRect.top = plainHeight.ascent + 3.0f + (rect.Height() - boldHeight.ascent - fIconView->Bounds().Height()) / 2.0f; if (innerRect.top + fIconView->Bounds().Height() > fIconBox->Bounds().Height() - 6.0f) innerRect.top = fIconBox->Bounds().Height() - 6.0f - fIconView->Bounds().Height(); fIconView->MoveTo(innerRect.LeftTop()); fIconBox->AddChild(fIconView); // "File Recognition" group BRect rightRect(rect); rightRect.left = rect.right + 8.0f; rightRect.right = topView->Bounds().Width() - 8.0f; fRecognitionBox = new BBox(rightRect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); fRecognitionBox->SetLabel("File recognition"); topView->AddChild(fRecognitionBox); innerRect = fRecognitionBox->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8.0f, 4.0f); innerRect.top += ceilf(boldHeight.ascent); fExtensionLabel = new StringView(innerRect, "extension", "Extensions:", NULL); fExtensionLabel->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_LEFT); fExtensionLabel->ResizeToPreferred(); fRecognitionBox->AddChild(fExtensionLabel); innerRect.top += fExtensionLabel->Bounds().Height() + 2.0f; innerRect.left = innerRect.right - button->StringWidth("Remove") - 16.0f; innerRect.bottom = innerRect.top + button->Bounds().Height(); fAddExtensionButton = new BButton(innerRect, "add ext", "Add" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgAddExtension), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fRecognitionBox->AddChild(fAddExtensionButton); innerRect.OffsetBy(0, innerRect.Height() + 4.0f); fRemoveExtensionButton = new BButton(innerRect, "remove ext", "Remove", new BMessage(kMsgRemoveExtension), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fRecognitionBox->AddChild(fRemoveExtensionButton); innerRect.right = innerRect.left - 10.0f - B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; innerRect.left = 10.0f; innerRect.top = fAddExtensionButton->Frame().top + 2.0f; innerRect.bottom = innerRect.bottom - 2.0f; // take scrollview border into account fExtensionListView = new ExtensionListView(innerRect, "listview ext", B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); fExtensionListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgExtensionSelected)); fExtensionListView->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(kMsgExtensionInvoked)); scrollView = new BScrollView("scrollview ext", fExtensionListView, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT, B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); fRecognitionBox->AddChild(scrollView); innerRect.left = 8.0f; innerRect.top = innerRect.bottom + 10.0f; innerRect.right = fRecognitionBox->Bounds().right - 8.0f; innerRect.bottom = innerRect.top + 20.0f; fRuleControl = new BTextControl(innerRect, "rule", "Rule:", "", new BMessage(kMsgRuleEntered), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); //fRuleControl->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_LEFT); fRuleControl->SetDivider(fRuleControl->StringWidth(fRuleControl->Label()) + 6.0f); fRuleControl->Hide(); fRecognitionBox->AddChild(fRuleControl); // "Description" group rect.top = rect.bottom + 8.0f; rect.bottom = rect.top + ceilf(boldHeight.ascent) + 24.0f; rect.right = rightRect.right; fDescriptionBox = new BBox(rect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); fDescriptionBox->SetLabel("Description"); topView->AddChild(fDescriptionBox); innerRect = fDescriptionBox->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8.0f, 6.0f); innerRect.top += ceilf(boldHeight.ascent); innerRect.bottom = innerRect.top + button->Bounds().Height(); fInternalNameView = new StringView(innerRect, "internal", "Internal name:", "", B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); labelWidth = fInternalNameView->StringWidth(fInternalNameView->Label()) + 2.0f; fInternalNameView->SetDivider(labelWidth); fInternalNameView->SetEnabled(false); fInternalNameView->ResizeToPreferred(); fDescriptionBox->AddChild(fInternalNameView); innerRect.OffsetBy(0, fInternalNameView->Bounds().Height() + 5.0f); fTypeNameControl = new BTextControl(innerRect, "type", "Type name:", "", new BMessage(kMsgTypeEntered), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); fTypeNameControl->SetDivider(labelWidth); fTypeNameControl->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_LEFT); fDescriptionBox->ResizeBy(0, fInternalNameView->Bounds().Height() + fTypeNameControl->Bounds().Height() * 2.0f); fDescriptionBox->AddChild(fTypeNameControl); innerRect.OffsetBy(0, fTypeNameControl->Bounds().Height() + 5.0f); fDescriptionControl = new BTextControl(innerRect, "description", "Description:", "", new BMessage(kMsgDescriptionEntered), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); fDescriptionControl->SetDivider(labelWidth); fDescriptionControl->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_LEFT); fDescriptionBox->AddChild(fDescriptionControl); // "Preferred Application" group rect = fDescriptionBox->Frame(); rect.top = rect.bottom + 8.0f; rect.bottom = rect.top + ceilf(boldHeight.ascent) + button->Bounds().Height() + 14.0f; fPreferredBox = new BBox(rect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); fPreferredBox->SetLabel("Preferred application"); topView->AddChild(fPreferredBox); innerRect = fPreferredBox->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8.0f, 6.0f); innerRect.top += ceilf(boldHeight.ascent); innerRect.left = innerRect.right - button->StringWidth("Same as" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS) - 24.0f; innerRect.bottom = innerRect.top + button->Bounds().Height(); fSameAsButton = new BButton(innerRect, "same as", "Same as" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgSamePreferredAppAs), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fPreferredBox->AddChild(fSameAsButton); innerRect.OffsetBy(-innerRect.Width() - 6.0f, 0.0f); fSelectButton = new BButton(innerRect, "select", "Select" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgSelectPreferredApp), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fPreferredBox->AddChild(fSelectButton); menu = new BPopUpMenu("preferred"); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("None", new BMessage(kMsgPreferredAppChosen))); item->SetMarked(true); innerRect.right = innerRect.left - 6.0f; innerRect.left = 8.0f; BView* constrainingView = new BView(innerRect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT, B_WILL_DRAW); constrainingView->SetViewColor(topView->ViewColor()); fPreferredField = new BMenuField(innerRect.OffsetToCopy(B_ORIGIN), "preferred", NULL, menu); float width; fPreferredField->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); fPreferredField->ResizeTo(innerRect.Width(), height); fPreferredField->MoveBy(0.0f, (innerRect.Height() - height) / 2.0f); constrainingView->AddChild(fPreferredField); // we embed the menu field in another view to make it behave like // we want so that it can't obscure other elements with larger // labels fPreferredBox->AddChild(constrainingView); // "Extra Attributes" group rect.top = rect.bottom + 8.0f; rect.bottom = topView->Bounds().Height() - 8.0f; fAttributeBox = new BBox(rect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM); fAttributeBox->SetLabel("Extra attributes"); topView->AddChild(fAttributeBox); innerRect = fAttributeBox->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8.0f, 6.0f); innerRect.top += ceilf(boldHeight.ascent); innerRect.left = innerRect.right - button->StringWidth("Remove") - 16.0f; innerRect.bottom = innerRect.top + button->Bounds().Height(); fAddAttributeButton = new BButton(innerRect, "add attr", "Add" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgAddAttribute), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fAttributeBox->AddChild(fAddAttributeButton); innerRect.OffsetBy(0, innerRect.Height() + 4.0f); fRemoveAttributeButton = new BButton(innerRect, "remove attr", "Remove", new BMessage(kMsgRemoveAttribute), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fAttributeBox->AddChild(fRemoveAttributeButton); /* innerRect.OffsetBy(0, innerRect.Height() + 4.0f); button = new BButton(innerRect, "push attr", "Push Up", new BMessage(kMsgRemoveAttribute), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fAttributeBox->AddChild(button); */ innerRect.right = innerRect.left - 10.0f - B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; innerRect.left = 10.0f; innerRect.top = 8.0f + ceilf(boldHeight.ascent); innerRect.bottom = fAttributeBox->Bounds().bottom - 10.0f; // take scrollview border into account fAttributeListView = new AttributeListView(innerRect, "listview attr", B_FOLLOW_ALL); fAttributeListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgAttributeSelected)); fAttributeListView->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(kMsgAttributeInvoked)); scrollView = new BScrollView("scrollview attr", fAttributeListView, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); fAttributeBox->AddChild(scrollView); SetSizeLimits(rightRect.left + 72.0f + font.StringWidth("jpg") + font.StringWidth(fRecognitionBox->Label()), 32767.0f, rect.top + 2.0f * button->Bounds().Height() + boldHeight.ascent + 32.0f + menuBar->Bounds().Height(), 32767.0f); _SetType(NULL); _ShowSnifferRule(showRule); BMimeType::StartWatching(this); } FileTypesWindow::~FileTypesWindow() { BMimeType::StopWatching(this); } BRect FileTypesWindow::_Frame(const BMessage& settings) const { BRect rect; if (settings.FindRect("file_types_frame", &rect) == B_OK) return rect; return BRect(80.0f, 80.0f, 600.0f, 480.0f); } void FileTypesWindow::_ShowSnifferRule(bool show) { if (fRuleControl->IsHidden() == !show) return; float minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight; GetSizeLimits(&minWidth, &maxWidth, &minHeight, &maxHeight); float diff = fRuleControl->Bounds().Height() + 8.0f; if (!show) { fRuleControl->Hide(); diff = -diff; } // adjust other controls to make space or take it again fIconBox->ResizeBy(0.0f, diff); fRecognitionBox->ResizeBy(0.0f, diff); fDescriptionBox->MoveBy(0.0f, diff); fPreferredBox->MoveBy(0.0f, diff); fAttributeBox->MoveBy(0.0f, diff); fAttributeBox->ResizeBy(0.0f, -diff); if (show) fRuleControl->Show(); SetSizeLimits(minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight + diff, maxHeight); } void FileTypesWindow::_UpdateExtensions(BMimeType* type) { // clear list for (int32 i = fExtensionListView->CountItems(); i-- > 0;) { delete fExtensionListView->ItemAt(i); } fExtensionListView->MakeEmpty(); // fill it again if (type == NULL) return; BMessage extensions; if (type->GetFileExtensions(&extensions) != B_OK) return; const char* extension; int32 i = 0; while (extensions.FindString("extensions", i++, &extension) == B_OK) { char dotExtension[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(dotExtension, B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, ".%s", extension); fExtensionListView->AddItem(new BStringItem(dotExtension)); } } void FileTypesWindow::_AdoptPreferredApplication(BMessage* message, bool sameAs) { if (fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) return; BString preferred; if (retrieve_preferred_app(message, sameAs, fCurrentType.Type(), preferred) != B_OK) return; status_t status = fCurrentType.SetPreferredApp(preferred.String()); if (status != B_OK) error_alert("Could not set preferred application", status); } void FileTypesWindow::_UpdatePreferredApps(BMimeType* type) { update_preferred_app_menu(fPreferredField->Menu(), type, kMsgPreferredAppChosen); } void FileTypesWindow::_UpdateIcon(BMimeType* type) { if (type != NULL) fIconView->SetTo(*type); else fIconView->Unset(); } void FileTypesWindow::_SetType(BMimeType* type, int32 forceUpdate) { bool enabled = type != NULL; // update controls if (type != NULL) { if (fCurrentType == *type) { if (!forceUpdate) return; } else forceUpdate = B_EVERYTHING_CHANGED; if (&fCurrentType != type) fCurrentType.SetTo(type->Type()); fInternalNameView->SetText(type->Type()); char description[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH]; if ((forceUpdate & B_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED) != 0) { if (type->GetShortDescription(description) != B_OK) description[0] = '\0'; fTypeNameControl->SetText(description); } if ((forceUpdate & B_LONG_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED) != 0) { if (type->GetLongDescription(description) != B_OK) description[0] = '\0'; fDescriptionControl->SetText(description); } if ((forceUpdate & B_SNIFFER_RULE_CHANGED) != 0) { BString rule; if (type->GetSnifferRule(&rule) != B_OK) rule = ""; fRuleControl->SetText(rule.String()); } fExtensionListView->SetType(&fCurrentType); } else { fCurrentType.Unset(); fInternalNameView->SetText(NULL); fTypeNameControl->SetText(NULL); fDescriptionControl->SetText(NULL); fRuleControl->SetText(NULL); fPreferredField->Menu()->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked(true); fExtensionListView->SetType(NULL); } if ((forceUpdate & B_FILE_EXTENSIONS_CHANGED) != 0) _UpdateExtensions(type); if ((forceUpdate & B_PREFERRED_APP_CHANGED) != 0) _UpdatePreferredApps(type); if ((forceUpdate & (B_ICON_CHANGED | B_PREFERRED_APP_CHANGED)) != 0) _UpdateIcon(type); if ((forceUpdate & B_ATTR_INFO_CHANGED) != 0) fAttributeListView->SetTo(type); // enable/disable controls fIconView->SetEnabled(enabled); fInternalNameView->SetEnabled(enabled); fTypeNameControl->SetEnabled(enabled); fDescriptionControl->SetEnabled(enabled); fPreferredField->SetEnabled(enabled); fRemoveTypeButton->SetEnabled(enabled); fSelectButton->SetEnabled(enabled); fSameAsButton->SetEnabled(enabled); fExtensionLabel->SetEnabled(enabled); fAddExtensionButton->SetEnabled(enabled); fRemoveExtensionButton->SetEnabled(false); fRuleControl->SetEnabled(enabled); fAddAttributeButton->SetEnabled(enabled); fRemoveAttributeButton->SetEnabled(false); } void FileTypesWindow::PlaceSubWindow(BWindow* window) { window->MoveTo(Frame().left + (Frame().Width() - window->Frame().Width()) / 2.0f, Frame().top + (Frame().Height() - window->Frame().Height()) / 2.0f); } void FileTypesWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case B_SIMPLE_DATA: type_code type; if (message->GetInfo("refs", &type) == B_OK && type == B_REF_TYPE) { be_app->PostMessage(message); } break; case kMsgToggleIcons: { BMenuItem* item; if (message->FindPointer("source", (void **)&item) != B_OK) break; item->SetMarked(!fTypeListView->IsShowingIcons()); fTypeListView->ShowIcons(item->IsMarked()); // update settings BMessage update(kMsgSettingsChanged); update.AddBool("show_icons", item->IsMarked()); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&update); break; } case kMsgToggleRule: { BMenuItem* item; if (message->FindPointer("source", (void **)&item) != B_OK) break; item->SetMarked(fRuleControl->IsHidden()); _ShowSnifferRule(item->IsMarked()); // update settings BMessage update(kMsgSettingsChanged); update.AddBool("show_rule", item->IsMarked()); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&update); break; } case kMsgTypeSelected: { int32 index; if (message->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK) { MimeTypeItem* item = (MimeTypeItem*)fTypeListView->ItemAt(index); if (item != NULL) { BMimeType type(item->Type()); _SetType(&type); } else _SetType(NULL); } break; } case kMsgAddType: { if (fNewTypeWindow == NULL) { fNewTypeWindow = new NewFileTypeWindow(this, fCurrentType.Type()); fNewTypeWindow->Show(); } else fNewTypeWindow->Activate(); break; } case kMsgNewTypeWindowClosed: fNewTypeWindow = NULL; break; case kMsgRemoveType: { if (fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; BAlert* alert; if (fCurrentType.IsSupertypeOnly()) { alert = new BPrivate::OverrideAlert("FileTypes Request", "Removing a super type cannot be reverted.\n" "All file types that belong to this super type " "will be lost!\n\n" "Are you sure you want to do this? To remove the whole " "group, hold down the Shift key and press \"Remove\".", "Remove", B_SHIFT_KEY, "Cancel", 0, NULL, 0, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); } else { alert = new BAlert("FileTypes Request", "Removing a file type cannot be reverted.\n" "Are you sure you want to remove it?", "Remove", "Cancel", NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); } if (alert->Go()) break; status_t status = fCurrentType.Delete(); if (status != B_OK) fprintf(stderr, "Could not remove file type: %s\n", strerror(status)); break; } case kMsgSelectNewType: { const char* type; if (message->FindString("type", &type) == B_OK) fTypeListView->SelectNewType(type); break; } // File Recognition group case kMsgExtensionSelected: { int32 index; if (message->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK) { BStringItem* item = (BStringItem*)fExtensionListView->ItemAt(index); fRemoveExtensionButton->SetEnabled(item != NULL); } break; } case kMsgExtensionInvoked: { if (fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; int32 index; if (message->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK) { BStringItem* item = (BStringItem*)fExtensionListView->ItemAt(index); if (item == NULL) break; BWindow* window = new ExtensionWindow(this, fCurrentType, item->Text()); window->Show(); } break; } case kMsgAddExtension: { if (fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; BWindow* window = new ExtensionWindow(this, fCurrentType, NULL); window->Show(); break; } case kMsgRemoveExtension: { int32 index = fExtensionListView->CurrentSelection(); if (index < 0 || fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; BMessage extensions; if (fCurrentType.GetFileExtensions(&extensions) == B_OK) { extensions.RemoveData("extensions", index); fCurrentType.SetFileExtensions(&extensions); } break; } case kMsgRuleEntered: { // check rule BString parseError; if (BMimeType::CheckSnifferRule(fRuleControl->Text(), &parseError) != B_OK) { parseError.Prepend("Recognition rule is not valid:\n\n"); error_alert(parseError.String()); } else fCurrentType.SetSnifferRule(fRuleControl->Text()); break; } // Description group case kMsgTypeEntered: { fCurrentType.SetShortDescription(fTypeNameControl->Text()); break; } case kMsgDescriptionEntered: { fCurrentType.SetLongDescription(fDescriptionControl->Text()); break; } // Preferred Application group case kMsgPreferredAppChosen: { const char* signature; if (message->FindString("signature", &signature) != B_OK) signature = NULL; fCurrentType.SetPreferredApp(signature); break; } case kMsgSelectPreferredApp: { BMessage panel(kMsgOpenFilePanel); panel.AddString("title", "Select preferred application"); panel.AddInt32("message", kMsgPreferredAppOpened); panel.AddMessenger("target", this); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&panel); break; } case kMsgPreferredAppOpened: _AdoptPreferredApplication(message, false); break; case kMsgSamePreferredAppAs: { BMessage panel(kMsgOpenFilePanel); panel.AddString("title", "Select same preferred application as"); panel.AddInt32("message", kMsgSamePreferredAppAsOpened); panel.AddMessenger("target", this); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&panel); break; } case kMsgSamePreferredAppAsOpened: _AdoptPreferredApplication(message, true); break; // Extra Attributes group case kMsgAttributeSelected: { int32 index; if (message->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK) { AttributeItem* item = (AttributeItem*)fAttributeListView->ItemAt(index); fRemoveAttributeButton->SetEnabled(item != NULL); } break; } case kMsgAttributeInvoked: { if (fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; int32 index; if (message->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK) { AttributeItem* item = (AttributeItem*)fAttributeListView->ItemAt(index); if (item == NULL) break; BWindow* window = new AttributeWindow(this, fCurrentType, item); window->Show(); } break; } case kMsgAddAttribute: { if (fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; BWindow* window = new AttributeWindow(this, fCurrentType, NULL); window->Show(); break; } case kMsgRemoveAttribute: { int32 index = fAttributeListView->CurrentSelection(); if (index < 0 || fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; BMessage attributes; if (fCurrentType.GetAttrInfo(&attributes) == B_OK) { const char* kAttributeNames[] = { "attr:public_name", "attr:name", "attr:type", "attr:editable", "attr:viewable", "attr:extra", "attr:alignment", "attr:width", "attr:display_as" }; for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(kAttributeNames) / sizeof(kAttributeNames[0]); i++) { attributes.RemoveData(kAttributeNames[i], index); } fCurrentType.SetAttrInfo(&attributes); } break; } case B_META_MIME_CHANGED: { const char* type; int32 which; if (message->FindString("be:type", &type) != B_OK || message->FindInt32("be:which", &which) != B_OK) break; if (fCurrentType.Type() == NULL) break; if (!strcasecmp(fCurrentType.Type(), type)) { if (which != B_MIME_TYPE_DELETED) _SetType(&fCurrentType, which); else _SetType(NULL); } else { // this change could still affect our current type if (which == B_MIME_TYPE_DELETED #ifdef __HAIKU__ || which == B_SUPPORTED_TYPES_CHANGED #endif || which == B_PREFERRED_APP_CHANGED) _UpdatePreferredApps(&fCurrentType); } break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); } } bool FileTypesWindow::QuitRequested() { BMessage update(kMsgSettingsChanged); update.AddRect("file_types_frame", Frame()); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&update); be_app->PostMessage(kMsgTypesWindowClosed); return true; }