/* * Copyright 2007-2008, Christof Lutteroth, lutteroth@cs.auckland.ac.nz * Copyright 2007-2008, James Kim, jkim202@ec.auckland.ac.nz * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "Variable.h" #include "Constraint.h" #include "LinearSpec.h" #include "OperatorType.h" #include "lp_lib.h" #include // for DBL_MAX /** * Gets index of the variable. * * @return the index of the variable */ int32 Variable::Index() { int32 i = fLS->Variables()->IndexOf(this); if (i == -1) printf("Variable not part of fLS->Variables()."); return i + 1; } /** * Gets the current linear specification. * * @return the current linear specification */ LinearSpec* Variable::LS() const { return fLS; } /** * Sets the current linear specification. * * @param value the current linear specification */ void Variable::SetLS(LinearSpec* value) { fLS = value; } /** * Gets the value. * * @return the value */ double Variable::Value() const { return fValue; } /** * Sets the value. * * @param value the value */ void Variable::SetValue(double value) { fValue = value; } /** * Gets the minimum value of the variable. * * @return the minimum value of variable */ double Variable::Min() const { return fMin; } /** * Sets the minimum value of the variable. * * @param min minimum value */ void Variable::SetMin(double min) { fMin = min; set_bounds(fLS->LP(), this->Index(), fMin, fMax); } /** * Gets the maximum value of the variable. * * @return the maximum value of variable */ double Variable::Max() const { return fMax; } /** * Sets the maximum value of the variable. * * @param max maximum value */ void Variable::SetMax(double max) { fMax = max; set_bounds(fLS->LP(), this->Index(), fMin, fMax); } /** * Sets the minimum and maximum values of the variable. * * @param min minimum value * @param max maximum value */ void Variable::SetRange(double min, double max) { fMin = min; fMax = max; set_bounds(fLS->LP(), this->Index(), fMin, fMax); } /** * Returns index of the variable as String. * E.g. "Var2" * * @return the String index of the variable */ //~ string Variable::ToString() { //~ return "Var" + Index(); //~ } /** * Adds a constraint that sets this variable equal to the given one. * * @param var variable that should have the same value * @return the new equality constraint */ Constraint* Variable::IsEqual(Variable* var) { return fLS->AddConstraint(1.0, this, -1.0, var, OperatorType(EQ), 0.0); } /** * Adds a constraint that sets this variable smaller or equal to the given one. * * @param var variable that should have a larger or equal value * @return the new constraint */ Constraint* Variable::IsSmallerOrEqual(Variable* var) { return fLS->AddConstraint(1.0, this, -1.0, var, OperatorType(LE), 0.0); } /** * Adds a constraint that sets this variable greater or equal to the given one. * * @param var variable that should have a smaller or equal value * @return the new constraint */ Constraint* Variable::IsGreaterorEqual(Variable* var) { return fLS->AddConstraint(-1.0, var, 1.0, this, OperatorType(GE), 0.0); } /** * Constructor. */ Variable::Variable(LinearSpec* ls) { fMin = 0; fMax = DBL_MAX; fValue = NULL; fLS = ls; ls->Variables()->AddItem(this); int32 size = ls->Variables()->CountItems(); if (size > ls->Columns()) { double d = 0; int i = 0; if (!add_columnex(ls->LP(), 0, &d, &i)) printf("Error in add_columnex."); } } /** * Destructor. * Removes the variable from its specification. */ Variable::~Variable() { del_column(fLS->LP(), this->Index()); fLS->Variables()->RemoveItem(this); }