/* * Copyright 2007-2008, Christof Lutteroth, lutteroth@cs.auckland.ac.nz * Copyright 2007-2008, James Kim, jkim202@ec.auckland.ac.nz * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "LinearSpec.h" /** * Constructor. * Creates a new specification for a linear programming problem. */ LinearSpec::LinearSpec() : fCountColumns(0), fLpPresolved(NULL), fOptimization(MINIMIZE), fObjFunction(new SummandList()), fResult(ERROR), fObjectiveValue(NAN), fSolvingTime(NAN) { fLP = make_lp(0, 0); if (fLP == NULL) printf("Couldn't construct a new model."); set_verbose(fLP, 1); } /** * Destructor. * Removes the specification and deletes all constraints, * objective function summands and variables. */ LinearSpec::~LinearSpec() { RemovePresolved(); for (int32 i = 0; i < fConstraints.CountItems(); i++) delete (Constraint*)fConstraints.ItemAt(i); for (int32 i = 0; i < fObjFunction->CountItems(); i++) delete (Summand*)fObjFunction->ItemAt(i); for (int32 i = 0; i < fVariables.CountItems(); i++) delete (Variable*)fVariables.ItemAt(i); delete_lp(fLP); delete fObjFunction; } /** * Adds a new variable to the specification. * * @return the new variable */ Variable* LinearSpec::AddVariable() { return new Variable(this); } /** * Adds a new hard linear constraint to the specification. * * @param coeffs the constraint's coefficients * @param vars the constraint's variables * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @return the new constraint */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(SummandList* summands, OperatorType op, double rightSide) { Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, INFINITY, INFINITY); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new hard linear constraint to the specification with a single summand. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @return the new constraint */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, OperatorType op, double rightSide) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(1); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, INFINITY, INFINITY); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new hard linear constraint to the specification with two summands. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param coeff2 the constraint's second coefficient * @param var2 the constraint's second variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @return the new constraint */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, OperatorType op, double rightSide) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(2); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff2, var2)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, INFINITY, INFINITY); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new hard linear constraint to the specification with three summands. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param coeff2 the constraint's second coefficient * @param var2 the constraint's second variable * @param coeff3 the constraint's third coefficient * @param var3 the constraint's third variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @return the new constraint */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, double coeff3, Variable* var3, OperatorType op, double rightSide) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(3); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff2, var2)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff3, var3)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, INFINITY, INFINITY); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new hard linear constraint to the specification with four summands. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param coeff2 the constraint's second coefficient * @param var2 the constraint's second variable * @param coeff3 the constraint's third coefficient * @param var3 the constraint's third variable * @param coeff4 the constraint's fourth coefficient * @param var4 the constraint's fourth variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @return the new constraint */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, double coeff3, Variable* var3, double coeff4, Variable* var4, OperatorType op, double rightSide) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(3); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff2, var2)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff3, var3)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff4, var4)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, INFINITY, INFINITY); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new soft linear constraint to the specification. * i.e. a constraint that does not always have to be satisfied. * * @param coeffs the constraint's coefficients * @param vars the constraint's variables * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @param penaltyNeg the coefficient penalizing negative deviations from the exact solution * @param penaltyPos the coefficient penalizing positive deviations from the exact solution */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(SummandList* summands, OperatorType op, double rightSide, double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos) { Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, penaltyNeg, penaltyPos); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new soft linear constraint to the specification with a single summand. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @param penaltyNeg the coefficient penalizing negative deviations from the exact solution * @param penaltyPos the coefficient penalizing positive deviations from the exact solution */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, OperatorType op, double rightSide, double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(1); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, penaltyNeg, penaltyPos); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new soft linear constraint to the specification with two summands. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param coeff2 the constraint's second coefficient * @param var2 the constraint's second variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @param penaltyNeg the coefficient penalizing negative deviations from the exact solution * @param penaltyPos the coefficient penalizing positive deviations from the exact solution */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, OperatorType op, double rightSide, double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(2); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff2, var2)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, penaltyNeg, penaltyPos); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new soft linear constraint to the specification with three summands. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param coeff2 the constraint's second coefficient * @param var2 the constraint's second variable * @param coeff3 the constraint's third coefficient * @param var3 the constraint's third variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @param penaltyNeg the coefficient penalizing negative deviations from the exact solution * @param penaltyPos the coefficient penalizing positive deviations from the exact solution */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, double coeff3, Variable* var3, OperatorType op, double rightSide, double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(2); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff2, var2)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff3, var3)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, penaltyNeg, penaltyPos); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new soft linear constraint to the specification with four summands. * * @param coeff1 the constraint's first coefficient * @param var1 the constraint's first variable * @param coeff2 the constraint's second coefficient * @param var2 the constraint's second variable * @param coeff3 the constraint's third coefficient * @param var3 the constraint's third variable * @param coeff4 the constraint's fourth coefficient * @param var4 the constraint's fourth variable * @param op the constraint's operand * @param rightSide the constant value on the constraint's right side * @param penaltyNeg the coefficient penalizing negative deviations from the exact solution * @param penaltyPos the coefficient penalizing positive deviations from the exact solution */ Constraint* LinearSpec::AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, double coeff3, Variable* var3, double coeff4, Variable* var4, OperatorType op, double rightSide, double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos) { SummandList* summands = new SummandList(2); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff1, var1)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff2, var2)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff3, var3)); summands->AddItem(new Summand(coeff4, var4)); Constraint* c = new Constraint(this, summands, op, rightSide, penaltyNeg, penaltyPos); RemovePresolved(); return c; } /** * Adds a new penalty function to the specification. * * @param var the penalty function's variable * @param xs the penalty function's sampling points * @param gs the penalty function's gradients * @return the new penalty function */ PenaltyFunction* LinearSpec::AddPenaltyFunction(Variable* var, BList* xs, BList* gs) { return new PenaltyFunction(this, var, xs, gs); } /** * Gets the objective function. * * @return SummandList containing the objective function's summands */ SummandList* LinearSpec::ObjectiveFunction() { return fObjFunction; } SummandList* LinearSpec::ReplaceObjectiveFunction(SummandList* objFunction) { SummandList* list = fObjFunction; fObjFunction = objFunction; UpdateObjectiveFunction(); return list; } /** * Sets a new objective function. * * @param summands SummandList containing the objective function's summands */ void LinearSpec::SetObjectiveFunction(SummandList* objFunction) { for (int32 i = 0; i < fObjFunction->CountItems(); i++) delete (Summand*)fObjFunction->ItemAt(i); delete fObjFunction; fObjFunction = objFunction; UpdateObjectiveFunction(); } /** * Updates the internal representation of the objective function. * Must be called whenever the summands of the objective function are changed. */ void LinearSpec::UpdateObjectiveFunction() { int32 size = fObjFunction->CountItems(); double coeffs[size]; int varIndexes[size]; Summand* current; for (int32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { current = (Summand*)fObjFunction->ItemAt(i); coeffs[i] = current->Coeff(); varIndexes[i] = current->Var()->Index(); } if (!set_obj_fnex(fLP, size, &coeffs[0], &varIndexes[0])) printf("Error in set_obj_fnex."); RemovePresolved(); } /** * Remove a cached presolved model, if existent. * This is automatically done each time after the model has been changed, * to avoid an old cached presolved model getting out of sync. */ void LinearSpec::RemovePresolved() { if (fLpPresolved == NULL) return; delete_lp(fLpPresolved); fLpPresolved = NULL; } /** * Creates and caches a simplified version of the linear programming problem, * where redundant rows, columns and constraints are removed, * if it has not been created before. * Then, the simplified problem is solved. * * @return the result of the solving attempt */ ResultType LinearSpec::Presolve() { bigtime_t start, end; start = system_time(); if (fLpPresolved == NULL) { fLpPresolved = copy_lp(fLP); set_presolve(fLpPresolved, PRESOLVE_ROWS | PRESOLVE_COLS | PRESOLVE_LINDEP, get_presolveloops(fLpPresolved)); } fResult = (ResultType)solve(fLpPresolved); fObjectiveValue = get_objective(fLpPresolved); if (fResult == OPTIMAL) { int32 size = fVariables.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { Variable* current = (Variable*)fVariables.ItemAt(i); current->SetValue(get_var_primalresult(fLpPresolved, get_Norig_rows(fLpPresolved) + current->Index())); } } end = system_time(); fSolvingTime = (end - start) / 1000.0; return fResult; } /** * Tries to solve the linear programming problem. * If a cached simplified version of the problem exists, it is used instead. * * @return the result of the solving attempt */ ResultType LinearSpec::Solve() { if (fLpPresolved != NULL) return Presolve(); bigtime_t start, end; start = system_time(); fResult = (ResultType)solve(fLP); fObjectiveValue = get_objective(fLP); if (fResult == OPTIMAL) { int32 size = fVariables.CountItems(); double x[size]; if (!get_variables(fLP, &x[0])) printf("Error in get_variables."); int32 i = 0; while (i < size) { ((Variable*)fVariables.ItemAt(i))->SetValue(x[i]); i++; } } end = system_time(); fSolvingTime = (end - start) / 1000.0; return fResult; } /** * Writes the specification into a text file. * The file will be overwritten if it exists. * * @param fname the file name */ void LinearSpec::Save(const char* fileName) { // TODO: Constness should be fixed in liblpsolve API. write_lp(fLP, const_cast(fileName)); } /** * Gets the number of columns. * * @return the number of columns */ int32 LinearSpec::CountColumns() const { return fCountColumns; } /** * Gets the current optimization. * The default is minimization. * * @return the current optimization */ OptimizationType LinearSpec::Optimization() const { return fOptimization; } /** * Sets whether the solver should minimize or maximize the objective function. * The default is minimization. * * @param optimization the optimization type */ void LinearSpec::SetOptimization(OptimizationType value) { fOptimization = value; if (fOptimization == MINIMIZE) set_minim(fLP); else set_maxim(fLP); } /** * Gets the the variables. * * @return the variables */ VariableList* LinearSpec::Variables() const { return const_cast(&fVariables); } /** * Gets the constraints. * * @return the constraints */ ConstraintList* LinearSpec::Constraints() const { return const_cast(&fConstraints); } /** * Gets the result type. * * @return the result type */ ResultType LinearSpec::Result() const { return fResult; } /** * Gets the objective value. * * @return the objective value */ double LinearSpec::ObjectiveValue() const { return fObjectiveValue; } /** * Gets the solving time. * * @return the solving time */ double LinearSpec::SolvingTime() const { return fSolvingTime; } LinearSpec::operator BString() const { BString string; GetString(string); return string; } void LinearSpec::GetString(BString& string) const { string << "LinearSpec " << (int32)this << ":\n"; for (int i = 0; i < fVariables.CountItems(); i++) { Variable* variable = static_cast(fVariables.ItemAt(i)); variable->GetString(string); string << "=" << (float)variable->Value() << " "; } string << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < fConstraints.CountItems(); i++) { Constraint* c = static_cast(fConstraints.ItemAt(i)); string << i << ": "; c->GetString(string); string << "\n"; } string << "Result="; if (fResult==-1) string << "ERROR"; else if (fResult==0) string << "OPTIMAL"; else if (fResult==1) string << "SUBOPTIMAL"; else if (fResult==2) string << "INFEASIBLE"; else if (fResult==3) string << "UNBOUNDED"; else if (fResult==4) string << "DEGENERATE"; else if (fResult==5) string << "NUMFAILURE"; else string << fResult; string << " SolvingTime=" << (float)fSolvingTime << "ms"; }