/* * Copyright 2007-2008, Christof Lutteroth, lutteroth@cs.auckland.ac.nz * Copyright 2007-2008, James Kim, jkim202@ec.auckland.ac.nz * Copyright 2010, Clemens Zeidler * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "Constraint.h" #include #include #include "LinearSpec.h" #include "Variable.h" // Toggle debug output //#define DEBUG_CONSTRAINT #ifdef DEBUG_CONSTRAINT # define STRACE(x) debug_printf x #else # define STRACE(x) ; #endif Constraint::Constraint() : fLS(NULL), fLeftSide(new SummandList), fOp(kEQ), fRightSide(0), fPenaltyNeg(-1), fPenaltyPos(-1) { } Constraint::Constraint(Constraint* constraint) : fLS(NULL), fLeftSide(new SummandList), fOp(constraint->Op()), fRightSide(constraint->RightSide()), fPenaltyNeg(constraint->PenaltyNeg()), fPenaltyPos(constraint->PenaltyPos()), fLabel(constraint->Label()) { SummandList* orgSummands = constraint->LeftSide(); for (int32 i = 0; i < orgSummands->CountItems(); i++) { Summand* summand = orgSummands->ItemAt(i); fLeftSide->AddItem(new Summand(summand)); } } /** * Gets the index of the constraint. * * @return the index of the constraint */ int32 Constraint::Index() const { if (fLS == NULL) return -1; int32 i = fLS->Constraints().IndexOf(this); if (i == -1) STRACE(("Constraint not part of fLS->Constraints().")); return i; } /** * Gets the left side of the constraint. * * @return pointer to a BList containing the summands on the left side of the constraint */ SummandList* Constraint::LeftSide() { return fLeftSide; } /** * Sets the summands on the left side of the constraint. * The old summands are NOT deleted. * * @param summands a BList containing the Summand objects that make up the new left side */ bool Constraint::SetLeftSide(SummandList* summands, bool deleteOldSummands) { if (summands == NULL) debugger("Invalid summands"); // check left side for (int32 i = 0; i < summands->CountItems(); i++) { Summand* summand = summands->ItemAt(i); for (int32 a = i + 1; a < summands->CountItems(); a++) { Summand* nextSummand = summands->ItemAt(a); if (summand->Var() == nextSummand->Var()) { summand->SetCoeff(summand->Coeff() + nextSummand->Coeff()); summands->RemoveItem(nextSummand); delete nextSummand; a--; } } } if (fLS == NULL) { if (deleteOldSummands) delete fLeftSide; fLeftSide = summands; return true; } // notify the solver SummandList oldSummands; if (fLeftSide != NULL) oldSummands = *fLeftSide; if (deleteOldSummands) delete fLeftSide; fLeftSide = summands; if (fLS != NULL) fLS->UpdateLeftSide(this, &oldSummands); if (deleteOldSummands) { for (int32 i = 0; i < oldSummands.CountItems(); i++) delete oldSummands.ItemAt(i); } return true; } bool Constraint::SetLeftSide(double coeff1, Variable* var1) { SummandList* list = new SummandList; list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff1, var1)); return SetLeftSide(list, true); } bool Constraint::SetLeftSide(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2) { SummandList* list = new SummandList; list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff1, var1)); list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff2, var2)); return SetLeftSide(list, true); } bool Constraint::SetLeftSide(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, double coeff3, Variable* var3) { SummandList* list = new SummandList; list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff1, var1)); list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff2, var2)); list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff3, var3)); return SetLeftSide(list, true); } bool Constraint::SetLeftSide(double coeff1, Variable* var1, double coeff2, Variable* var2, double coeff3, Variable* var3, double coeff4, Variable* var4) { SummandList* list = new SummandList; list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff1, var1)); list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff2, var2)); list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff3, var3)); list->AddItem(new(std::nothrow) Summand(coeff4, var4)); return SetLeftSide(list, true); } /** * Gets the operator used for this constraint. * * @return the operator used for this constraint */ OperatorType Constraint::Op() { return fOp; } /** * Sets the operator used for this constraint. * * @param value operator */ void Constraint::SetOp(OperatorType value) { fOp = value; if (fLS != NULL) fLS->UpdateOperator(this); } /** * Gets the constant value that is on the right side of the operator. * * @return the constant value that is on the right side of the operator */ double Constraint::RightSide() const { return fRightSide; } /** * Sets the constant value that is on the right side of the operator. * * @param value constant value that is on the right side of the operator */ void Constraint::SetRightSide(double value) { if (fRightSide == value) return; fRightSide = value; if (fLS != NULL) fLS->UpdateRightSide(this); } /** * Gets the penalty coefficient for negative deviations. * * @return the penalty coefficient */ double Constraint::PenaltyNeg() const { return fPenaltyNeg; } /** * The penalty coefficient for negative deviations from the soft constraint's exact solution,  * i.e. if the left side is too large. * * @param value coefficient of negative penalty double */ void Constraint::SetPenaltyNeg(double value) { fPenaltyNeg = value; if (fLS != NULL) fLS->UpdatePenalties(this); } /** * Gets the penalty coefficient for positive deviations. * * @return the penalty coefficient */ double Constraint::PenaltyPos() const { return fPenaltyPos; } /** * The penalty coefficient for negative deviations from the soft constraint's * exact solution, i.e. if the left side is too small. * @param value coefficient of positive penalty double */ void Constraint::SetPenaltyPos(double value) { fPenaltyPos = value; if (fLS != NULL) fLS->UpdatePenalties(this); } const char* Constraint::Label() { return fLabel.String(); } void Constraint::SetLabel(const char* label) { fLabel = label; } bool Constraint::IsValid() { return fLS != NULL; } void Constraint::Invalidate() { STRACE(("Constraint::Invalidate() on %d\n", this)); if (fLS == NULL) return; fLS->RemoveConstraint(this, false); fLS = NULL; } BString Constraint::ToString() const { BString string; string << "Constraint "; string << fLabel; string << "(" << (int32)this << "): "; for (int i = 0; i < fLeftSide->CountItems(); i++) { Summand* s = static_cast(fLeftSide->ItemAt(i)); if (i != 0 && s->Coeff() >= 0) string << " + "; string << (float)s->Coeff() << "*"; string << "x"; string << s->Var()->Index(); string << " "; } string << ((fOp == kEQ) ? "== " : (fOp == kGE) ? ">= " : (fOp == kLE) ? "<= " : "?? "); string << (float)fRightSide; string << " PenaltyPos=" << (float)PenaltyPos(); string << " PenaltyNeg=" << (float)PenaltyNeg(); return string; } void Constraint::PrintToStream() { BString string = ToString(); printf("%s\n", string.String()); } /** * Constructor. */ Constraint::Constraint(LinearSpec* ls, SummandList* summands, OperatorType op, double rightSide, double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos) : fLS(ls), fLeftSide(NULL), fOp(op), fRightSide(rightSide), fPenaltyNeg(penaltyNeg), fPenaltyPos(penaltyPos) { SetLeftSide(summands, false); } /** * Destructor. * Removes the constraint from its specification and deletes all the summands. */ Constraint::~Constraint() { Invalidate(); for (int32 i = 0; i < fLeftSide->CountItems(); i++) delete fLeftSide->ItemAt(i); delete fLeftSide; fLeftSide = NULL; }