/* * Copyright 2007, Hugo Santos, hugosantos@gmail.com. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2007, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2004, Marcus Overhagen. All Rights Reserved. * * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "device.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include spinlock __haiku_intr_spinlock; struct net_stack_module_info *gStack; pci_module_info *gPci; struct pci_x86_module_info *gPCIx86; static struct list sRootDevices; static int sNextUnit; // #pragma mark - private functions static device_t init_device(device_t device, driver_t *driver) { list_init_etc(&device->children, offsetof(struct device, link)); device->unit = sNextUnit++; if (driver != NULL && device_set_driver(device, driver) < 0) return NULL; return device; } static device_t new_device(driver_t *driver) { device_t dev = malloc(sizeof(struct device)); if (dev == NULL) return NULL; memset(dev, 0, sizeof(struct device)); if (init_device(dev, driver) == NULL) { free(dev); return NULL; } return dev; } static image_id find_own_image() { int32 cookie = 0; image_info info; while (get_next_image_info(B_SYSTEM_TEAM, &cookie, &info) == B_OK) { if (((addr_t)info.text <= (addr_t)find_own_image && (addr_t)info.text + (addr_t)info.text_size > (addr_t)find_own_image)) { // found our own image return info.id; } } return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } static device_method_signature_t resolve_method(driver_t *driver, const char *name) { device_method_signature_t method = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; method == NULL && driver->methods[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(driver->methods[i].name, name) == 0) method = driver->methods[i].method; } if (method == NULL) panic("resolve_method: method%s not found\n", name); return method; } // #pragma mark - Device void driver_printf(const char *format, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, format); driver_vprintf(format, vl); va_end(vl); } static int driver_vprintf_etc(const char *extra, const char *format, va_list vl) { char buf[256]; int ret = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, vl); if (extra) dprintf("[%s] (%s) %s", gDriverName, extra, buf); else dprintf("[%s] %s", gDriverName, buf); return ret; } int driver_vprintf(const char *format, va_list vl) { return driver_vprintf_etc(NULL, format, vl); } int device_printf(device_t dev, const char *format, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, format); driver_vprintf_etc(dev->device_name, format, vl); va_end(vl); return 0; } void device_set_desc(device_t dev, const char *desc) { dev->description = desc; } void device_set_desc_copy(device_t dev, const char *desc) { dev->description = strdup(desc); dev->flags |= DEVICE_DESC_ALLOCED; } const char * device_get_desc(device_t dev) { return dev->description; } device_t device_get_parent(device_t dev) { return dev->parent; } devclass_t device_get_devclass(device_t dev) { // TODO find out what to do return 0; } int device_get_children(device_t dev, device_t **devlistp, int *devcountp) { int count; device_t child = NULL; device_t *list; count = 0; while ((child = list_get_next_item(&dev->children, child)) != NULL) { count++; } list = malloc(count * sizeof(device_t)); if (!list) return (ENOMEM); count = 0; while ((child = list_get_next_item(&dev->children, child)) != NULL) { list[count] = child; count++; } *devlistp = list; *devcountp = count; return (0); } void device_set_ivars(device_t dev, void *ivars) { dev->ivars = ivars; } void * device_get_ivars(device_t dev) { return dev->ivars; } const char * device_get_name(device_t dev) { if (dev == NULL) return NULL; return dev->device_name; } int device_get_unit(device_t dev) { return dev->unit; } const char * device_get_nameunit(device_t dev) { return dev->nameunit; } void * device_get_softc(device_t dev) { return dev->softc; } void device_set_softc(device_t dev, void *softc) { if (dev->softc == softc) return; if ((dev->flags & DEVICE_SOFTC_SET) == 0) { // Not externally allocated. We own it so we must clean it up. free(dev->softc); } dev->softc = softc; if (dev->softc != NULL) dev->flags |= DEVICE_SOFTC_SET; else dev->flags &= ~DEVICE_SOFTC_SET; } u_int32_t device_get_flags(device_t dev) { return dev->flags; } int device_set_driver(device_t dev, driver_t *driver) { int i; dev->softc = malloc(driver->size); if (dev->softc == NULL) return -1; memset(dev->softc, 0, driver->size); dev->driver = driver; for (i = 0; driver->methods[i].name != NULL; i++) { device_method_t *mth = &driver->methods[i]; if (strcmp(mth->name, "device_register") == 0) dev->methods.device_register = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "device_probe") == 0) dev->methods.probe = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "device_attach") == 0) dev->methods.attach = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "device_detach") == 0) dev->methods.detach = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "device_suspend") == 0) dev->methods.suspend = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "device_resume") == 0) dev->methods.resume = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "device_shutdown") == 0) dev->methods.shutdown = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "miibus_readreg") == 0) dev->methods.miibus_readreg = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "miibus_writereg") == 0) dev->methods.miibus_writereg = (void *)mth->method; else if (strcmp(mth->name, "miibus_statchg") == 0) dev->methods.miibus_statchg = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "miibus_linkchg")) dev->methods.miibus_linkchg = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "miibus_mediainit")) dev->methods.miibus_mediainit = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "bus_child_location_str")) dev->methods.bus_child_location_str = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "bus_child_pnpinfo_str")) dev->methods.bus_child_pnpinfo_str = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "bus_hinted_child")) dev->methods.bus_hinted_child = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "bus_print_child")) dev->methods.bus_print_child = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "bus_read_ivar")) dev->methods.bus_read_ivar = (void *)mth->method; else if (!strcmp(mth->name, "bus_get_dma_tag")) dev->methods.bus_get_dma_tag = (void *)mth->method; else panic("device_set_driver: method %s not found\n", mth->name); } return 0; } int device_is_alive(device_t device) { return (device->flags & DEVICE_ATTACHED) != 0; } device_t device_add_child_driver(device_t parent, const char* name, driver_t* _driver, int unit) { device_t child = NULL; if (_driver == NULL && name != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, "miibus") == 0) child = new_device(&miibus_driver); else { // find matching driver structure driver_t** driver; char symbol[128]; snprintf(symbol, sizeof(symbol), "__fbsd_%s_%s", name, parent->driver->name); if (get_image_symbol(find_own_image(), symbol, B_SYMBOL_TYPE_DATA, (void**)&driver) == B_OK) { child = new_device(*driver); } else device_printf(parent, "couldn't find symbol %s\n", symbol); } } else if (_driver != NULL) { child = new_device(_driver); } else child = new_device(NULL); if (child == NULL) return NULL; if (name != NULL) strlcpy(child->device_name, name, sizeof(child->device_name)); child->parent = parent; if (parent != NULL) { list_add_item(&parent->children, child); child->root = parent->root; } else { if (sRootDevices.link.next == NULL) list_init_etc(&sRootDevices, offsetof(struct device, link)); list_add_item(&sRootDevices, child); } return child; } device_t device_add_child(device_t parent, const char* name, int unit) { return device_add_child_driver(parent, name, NULL, unit); } /*! Delete the child and all of its children. Detach as necessary. */ int device_delete_child(device_t parent, device_t child) { int status; if (child == NULL) return 0; if (parent != NULL) list_remove_item(&parent->children, child); else list_remove_item(&sRootDevices, child); // We differentiate from the FreeBSD logic here - it will first delete // the children, and will then detach the device. // This has the problem that you cannot safely call device_delete_child() // as you don't know if one of the children deletes its own children this // way when it is detached. // Therefore, we'll detach first, and then delete whatever is left. parent = child; child = NULL; // detach children while ((child = list_get_next_item(&parent->children, child)) != NULL) { device_detach(child); } // detach device status = device_detach(parent); if (status != 0) return status; // delete children while ((child = list_get_first_item(&parent->children)) != NULL) { device_delete_child(parent, child); } // delete device if (parent->flags & DEVICE_DESC_ALLOCED) free((char *)parent->description); // Delete softc if we were the ones to allocate it. if ((parent->flags & DEVICE_SOFTC_SET) == 0) free(parent->softc); free(parent); return 0; } int device_is_attached(device_t device) { return (device->flags & DEVICE_ATTACHED) != 0; } int device_attach(device_t device) { int result; if (device->driver == NULL || device->methods.attach == NULL) return B_ERROR; result = device->methods.attach(device); if (result == 0) atomic_or(&device->flags, DEVICE_ATTACHED); if (result == 0 && HAIKU_DRIVER_REQUIRES(FBSD_WLAN_FEATURE)) result = start_wlan(device); return result; } int device_detach(device_t device) { if (device->driver == NULL) return B_ERROR; if ((atomic_and(&device->flags, ~DEVICE_ATTACHED) & DEVICE_ATTACHED) != 0 && device->methods.detach != NULL) { int result = 0; if (HAIKU_DRIVER_REQUIRES(FBSD_WLAN_FEATURE)) result = stop_wlan(device); if (result != 0 && result != B_BAD_VALUE) { atomic_or(&device->flags, DEVICE_ATTACHED); return result; } result = device->methods.detach(device); if (result != 0) { atomic_or(&device->flags, DEVICE_ATTACHED); return result; } } return 0; } int bus_generic_attach(device_t dev) { device_t child = NULL; while ((child = list_get_next_item(&dev->children, child)) != NULL) { if (child->driver == NULL) { driver_t *driver = __haiku_select_miibus_driver(child); if (driver == NULL) { struct mii_attach_args *ma = device_get_ivars(child); device_printf(dev, "No PHY module found (%x/%x)!\n", MII_OUI(ma->mii_id1, ma->mii_id2), MII_MODEL(ma->mii_id2)); } else device_set_driver(child, driver); } else child->methods.probe(child); if (child->driver != NULL) { int result = device_attach(child); if (result != 0) return result; } } return 0; } int bus_generic_detach(device_t device) { device_t child = NULL; if ((device->flags & DEVICE_ATTACHED) == 0) return B_ERROR; while (true) { child = list_get_next_item(&device->children, child); if (child == NULL) break; device_detach(child); } return 0; } // #pragma mark - Misc, Malloc device_t find_root_device(int unit) { device_t device = NULL; while ((device = list_get_next_item(&sRootDevices, device)) != NULL) { if (device->unit <= unit) return device; } return NULL; } driver_t * __haiku_probe_miibus(device_t dev, driver_t *drivers[]) { driver_t *selected = NULL; int i, selectedResult = 0; if (drivers == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; drivers[i]; i++) { device_probe_t *probe = (device_probe_t *) resolve_method(drivers[i], "device_probe"); if (probe) { int result = probe(dev); if (result >= 0) { if (selected == NULL || result < selectedResult) { selected = drivers[i]; selectedResult = result; device_printf(dev, "Found MII: %s\n", selected->name); } } } } return selected; } int printf(const char *format, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list vl; va_start(vl, format); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, vl); va_end(vl); dprintf(buf); return 0; } #ifndef __clang__ int ffs(int value) { int i = 1; if (value == 0) return 0; for (; !(value & 1); i++) value >>= 1; return i; } #endif int resource_int_value(const char *name, int unit, const char *resname, int *result) { /* no support for hints */ return -1; } int resource_disabled(const char *name, int unit) { int error, value; error = resource_int_value(name, unit, "disabled", &value); if (error) return (0); return (value); }