/* * Copyright 2011, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2011, Clemens Zeidler <haiku@clemens-zeidler.de> * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef ROW_COLUMN_MANAGER_H #define ROW_COLUMN_MANAGER_H #include "Area.h" #include "Column.h" #include "LinearSpec.h" #include "Row.h" #include "Tab.h" namespace BPrivate { class SharedSolver; }; namespace BALM { /*! The RowColumnManager groups areas with same vertical or horizontal tabs into column and rows. For each row and column, a preferred size is calculated from the areas in the row or column. This preferred size is used to create a preferred size soft-constraint. Having only one constraint for each row and column avoids the so called spring effect. That is each area with a preferred size constraint is pulling or pressing torwards its preferred size. For example, a row with three areas pushes stronger than a row with two areas. Assuming that all areas have the same preferred size, the three-area row gets a different size than the two-area row. However, one would expect that both rows have the same height. The row and column approach of the RowColumnManager solves this problem. */ class RowColumnManager { public: RowColumnManager(LinearSpec* spec); ~RowColumnManager(); void AddArea(Area* area); void RemoveArea(Area* area); void UpdateConstraints(); void TabsChanged(Area* area); private: friend class BPrivate::SharedSolver; Row* _FindRowFor(Area* area); Column* _FindColumnFor(Area* area); double _PreferredHeight(Row* row, double& weight); double _PreferredWidth(Column* column, double& weight); void _UpdateConstraints(Row* row); void _UpdateConstraints(Column* column); BObjectList<Row> fRows; BObjectList<Column> fColumns; LinearSpec* fLinearSpec; }; } // namespace BALM #endif // ROW_COLUMN_MANAGER_H