/* * Copyright 2007-2008, Christof Lutteroth, lutteroth@cs.auckland.ac.nz * Copyright 2007-2008, James Kim, jkim202@ec.auckland.ac.nz * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "Area.h" #include "Column.h" #include "BALMLayout.h" #include "OperatorType.h" #include "Row.h" #include "XTab.h" #include "YTab.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for max using namespace std; BSize Area::kMaxSize(INT_MAX, INT_MAX); BSize Area::kMinSize(0, 0); BSize Area::kUndefinedSize(-1, -1); /** * Gets the auto preferred content size. * * @return the auto preferred content size */ bool Area::AutoPreferredContentSize() const { return fAutoPreferredContentSize; } /** * Sets the auto preferred content size true or false. * * @param value the auto preferred content size */ void Area::SetAutoPreferredContentSize(bool value) { fAutoPreferredContentSize = value; } /** * Gets the left tab of the area. * * @return the left tab of the area */ XTab* Area::Left() const { return fLeft; } /** * Sets the left tab of the area. * * @param left the left tab of the area */ void Area::SetLeft(XTab* left) { fLeft = left; fColumn = NULL; if (fChildArea == NULL) { fMinContentWidth->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight); if (fMaxContentWidth != NULL) fMaxContentWidth->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight); } else UpdateHorizontal(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets the right tab of the area. * * @return the right tab of the area */ XTab* Area::Right() const { return fRight; } /** * Sets the right tab of the area. * * @param right the right tab of the area */ void Area::SetRight(XTab* right) { fRight = right; fColumn = NULL; if (fChildArea == NULL) { fMinContentWidth->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight); if (fMaxContentWidth != NULL) fMaxContentWidth->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight); } else UpdateHorizontal(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets the top tab of the area. */ YTab* Area::Top() const { return fTop; } /** * Sets the top tab of the area. */ void Area::SetTop(YTab* top) { fTop = top; fRow = NULL; if (fChildArea == NULL) { fMinContentHeight->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fBottom); if (fMaxContentHeight != NULL) fMaxContentHeight->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fBottom); } else UpdateVertical(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets the bottom tab of the area. */ YTab* Area::Bottom() const { return fBottom; } /** * Sets the bottom tab of the area. */ void Area::SetBottom(YTab* bottom) { fBottom = bottom; fRow = NULL; if (fChildArea == NULL) { fMinContentHeight->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fBottom); if (fMaxContentHeight != NULL) fMaxContentHeight->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fBottom); } else UpdateVertical(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets the row that defines the top and bottom tabs. */ Row* Area::GetRow() const { return fRow; } /** * Sets the row that defines the top and bottom tabs. * May be null. */ void Area::SetRow(Row* row) { SetTop(row->Top()); SetBottom(row->Bottom()); fRow = row; fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets the column that defines the left and right tabs. */ Column* Area::GetColumn() const { return fColumn; } /** * Sets the column that defines the left and right tabs. * May be null. */ void Area::SetColumn(Column* column) { SetLeft(column->Left()); SetRight(column->Right()); fColumn = column; fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets the control that is the content of the area. */ BView* Area::Content() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fContent : fChildArea->Content(); } /** * Sets the control that is the content of the area. */ void Area::SetContent(BView* content) { if (fChildArea == NULL) fContent = content; else fChildArea->fContent = content; fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Left tab of the area's content. May be different from the left tab of the area. */ XTab* Area::ContentLeft() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fLeft : fChildArea->fLeft; } /** * Top tab of the area's content. May be different from the top tab of the area. */ YTab* Area::ContentTop() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fTop : fChildArea->fTop; } /** * Right tab of the area's content. May be different from the right tab of the area. */ XTab* Area::ContentRight() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fRight : fChildArea->fRight; } /** * Bottom tab of the area's content. May be different from the bottom tab of the area. */ YTab* Area::ContentBottom() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fBottom : fChildArea->fBottom; } /** * Gets minimum size of the area's content. */ BSize Area::MinContentSize() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fMinContentSize : fChildArea->fMinContentSize; } /** * Sets minimum size of the area's content. * May be different from the minimum size of the area. */ void Area::SetMinContentSize(BSize min) { if (fChildArea == NULL) { fMinContentSize = min; fMinContentWidth->SetRightSide(fMinContentSize.Width()); fMinContentHeight->SetRightSide(fMinContentSize.Height()); } else fChildArea->SetMinContentSize(min); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets maximum size of the area's content. */ BSize Area::MaxContentSize() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fMaxContentSize : fChildArea->fMaxContentSize; } /** * Sets maximum size of the area's content. * May be different from the maximum size of the area. */ void Area::SetMaxContentSize(BSize max) { if (fChildArea == NULL) { fMaxContentSize = max; if (fMaxContentWidth == NULL) { fMaxContentWidth = fLS->AddConstraint(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight, OperatorType(LE), fMaxContentSize.Width()); fConstraints->AddItem(fMaxContentWidth); fMaxContentHeight = fLS->AddConstraint(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fBottom, OperatorType(LE), fMaxContentSize.Height()); fConstraints->AddItem(fMaxContentHeight); } else { fMaxContentWidth->SetRightSide(fMaxContentSize.Width()); fMaxContentHeight->SetRightSide(fMaxContentSize.Height()); } } else fChildArea->SetMaxContentSize(max); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets Preferred size of the area's content. */ BSize Area::PreferredContentSize() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fPreferredContentSize : fChildArea->fPreferredContentSize; } /** * Sets Preferred size of the area's content. * May be different from the preferred size of the area. * Manual changes of PreferredContentSize are ignored unless * autoPreferredContentSize is set to false. */ void Area::SetPreferredContentSize(BSize preferred) { if (fChildArea == NULL) { fPreferredContentSize = preferred; if (fPreferredContentWidth == NULL) { fPreferredContentWidth = fLS->AddConstraint( -1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight, OperatorType(EQ), fPreferredContentSize.Width(), fShrinkPenalties.Width(), fGrowPenalties.Width()); fConstraints->AddItem(fPreferredContentWidth); fPreferredContentHeight = fLS->AddConstraint( -1.0, fTop, 1.0, fBottom, OperatorType(EQ), fPreferredContentSize.Height(), fShrinkPenalties.Height(), fGrowPenalties.Height()); fConstraints->AddItem(fPreferredContentHeight); } else { fPreferredContentWidth->SetRightSide(preferred.Width()); fPreferredContentHeight->SetRightSide(preferred.Height()); } } else fChildArea->SetPreferredContentSize(preferred); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * The reluctance with which the area's content shrinks below its preferred size. * The bigger the less likely is such shrinking. */ BSize Area::ShrinkPenalties() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fShrinkPenalties : fChildArea->fShrinkPenalties; } void Area::SetShrinkPenalties(BSize shrink) { if (fChildArea == NULL) { fShrinkPenalties = shrink; if (fPreferredContentWidth != NULL) { fPreferredContentWidth->SetPenaltyNeg(shrink.Width()); fPreferredContentHeight->SetPenaltyNeg(shrink.Height()); } } else fChildArea->SetShrinkPenalties(shrink); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * The reluctance with which the area's content grows over its preferred size. * The bigger the less likely is such growth. */ BSize Area::GrowPenalties() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fGrowPenalties : fChildArea->fGrowPenalties; } void Area::SetGrowPenalties(BSize grow) { if (fChildArea == NULL) { fGrowPenalties = grow; if (fPreferredContentWidth != NULL) { fPreferredContentWidth->SetPenaltyPos(grow.Width()); fPreferredContentHeight->SetPenaltyPos(grow.Height()); } } else fChildArea->SetGrowPenalties(grow); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets aspect ratio of the area's content. */ double Area::ContentAspectRatio() const { return (fChildArea == NULL) ? fContentAspectRatio : fChildArea->fContentAspectRatio; } /** * Sets aspect ratio of the area's content. * May be different from the aspect ratio of the area. */ void Area::SetContentAspectRatio(double ratio) { if (fChildArea == NULL) { fContentAspectRatio = ratio; if (fContentAspectRatioC == NULL) { fContentAspectRatioC = fLS->AddConstraint( -1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight, ratio, fTop, -ratio, fBottom, OperatorType(EQ), 0.0); fConstraints->AddItem(fContentAspectRatioC); } else { fContentAspectRatioC->SetLeftSide( -1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight, ratio, fTop, -ratio, fBottom); } } else fChildArea->SetContentAspectRatio(ratio); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets alignment of the content in its area. */ BAlignment Area::Alignment() const { return fAlignment; } /** * Sets alignment of the content in its area. */ void Area::SetAlignment(BAlignment alignment) { fAlignment = alignment; UpdateHorizontal(); UpdateVertical(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Sets horizontal alignment of the content in its area. */ void Area::SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment horizontal) { fAlignment.SetHorizontal(horizontal); UpdateHorizontal(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Sets vertical alignment of the content in its area. */ void Area::SetVerticalAlignment(vertical_alignment vertical) { fAlignment.SetVertical(vertical); UpdateVertical(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets left inset between area and its content. */ int32 Area::LeftInset() const { return fLeftInset; } /** * Sets left inset between area and its content. */ void Area::SetLeftInset(int32 left) { fLeftInset = left; UpdateHorizontal(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets top inset between area and its content. */ int32 Area::TopInset() const { return fTopInset; } /** * Sets top inset between area and its content. */ void Area::SetTopInset(int32 top) { fTopInset = top; UpdateVertical(); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets right inset between area and its content. */ int32 Area::RightInset() const { return fRightInset; } /** * Sets right inset between area and its content. */ void Area::SetRightInset(int32 right) { fRightInset = right; UpdateHorizontal(); } /** * Gets bottom inset between area and its content. */ int32 Area::BottomInset() const { return fBottomInset; } /** * Sets bottom inset between area and its content. */ void Area::SetBottomInset(int32 bottom) { fBottomInset = bottom; UpdateVertical(); } /** * Sets the preferred size according to the content's PreferredSize method, * and the penalties according to heuristics. */ void Area::SetDefaultBehavior() { if (Content() == NULL) { SetPreferredContentSize(BSize(0, 0)); SetShrinkPenalties(BSize(0, 0)); SetGrowPenalties(BSize(0, 0)); return; } if (PreferredContentSize() != Content()->PreferredSize()){ SetPreferredContentSize(Content()->PreferredSize()); fLS->InvalidateLayout(); } if (dynamic_cast(Content()) != NULL || dynamic_cast(Content()) != NULL || dynamic_cast(Content()) != NULL || dynamic_cast(Content()) != NULL || dynamic_cast(Content()) != NULL || dynamic_cast(Content()) != NULL) { fShrinkPenalties = BSize(4, 4); fGrowPenalties = BSize(3, 3); } else { fShrinkPenalties = BSize(2, 2); fGrowPenalties = BSize(1, 1); } } Area::operator BString() const { BString string; GetString(string); return string; } void Area::GetString(BString& string) const { string << "Area("; fLeft->GetString(string); string << ", "; fTop->GetString(string); string << ", "; fRight->GetString(string); string << ", "; fBottom->GetString(string); string << ")"; } /** * Sets the width of the area to be the same as the width of the given area. * * @param area the area that should have the same width * @return the same-width constraint */ Constraint* Area::HasSameWidthAs(Area* area) { return fLS->AddConstraint( -1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fRight, 1.0, area->fLeft, -1.0, area->fRight, OperatorType(EQ), 0.0); } /** * Sets the height of the area to be the same as the height of the given area. * * @param area the area that should have the same height * @return the same-height constraint */ Constraint* Area::HasSameHeightAs(Area* area) { return fLS->AddConstraint( -1.0, fTop, 1.0, fBottom, 1.0, area->fTop, -1.0, area->fBottom, OperatorType(EQ), 0.0); } /** * Sets the size of the area to be the same as the size of the given area. * * @param area the area that should have the same size * @return a list containing a same-width and same-height constraint */ BList* Area::HasSameSizeAs(Area* area) { BList* constraints = new BList(2); constraints->AddItem(this->HasSameWidthAs(area)); constraints->AddItem(this->HasSameHeightAs(area)); return constraints; } /** * Destructor. * Removes the area from its specification. */ Area::~Area() { if (fChildArea != NULL) delete fChildArea; for (int32 i = 0; i < fConstraints->CountItems(); i++) delete (Constraint*)fConstraints->ItemAt(i); fLS->Areas()->RemoveItem(this); } /** * Constructor. * Uses XTabs and YTabs. */ Area::Area(BALMLayout* ls, XTab* left, YTab* top, XTab* right, YTab* bottom, BView* content, BSize minContentSize) { Init(ls, left, top, right, bottom, content, minContentSize); } /** * Constructor. * Uses Rows and Columns. */ Area::Area(BALMLayout* ls, Row* row, Column* column, BView* content, BSize minContentSize) { Init(ls, column->Left(), row->Top(), column->Right(), row->Bottom(), content, minContentSize); fRow = row; fColumn = column; } /** * Initialize variables. */ void Area::Init(BALMLayout* ls, XTab* left, YTab* top, XTab* right, YTab* bottom, BView* content, BSize minContentSize) { fConstraints = new BList(2); fMaxContentSize = kMaxSize; fMaxContentWidth = NULL; fMaxContentHeight = NULL; fPreferredContentSize = kUndefinedSize; fShrinkPenalties = BSize(2, 2); fGrowPenalties = BSize(1, 1); fContentAspectRatio = 0; fContentAspectRatioC = NULL; fAutoPreferredContentSize = false; fPreferredContentWidth = NULL; fPreferredContentHeight = NULL; fChildArea = NULL; fAlignment = BAlignment(B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT); fLeftInset = 0; fTopInset = 0; fRightInset = 0; fBottomInset = 0; fLeftConstraint = NULL; fTopConstraint = NULL; fRightConstraint = NULL; fBottomConstraint = NULL; fLS = ls; fLeft = left; fRight = right; fTop = top; fBottom = bottom; SetContent(content); fMinContentSize = minContentSize; // adds the two essential constraints of the area that make sure that the left x-tab is // really to the left of the right x-tab, and the top y-tab really above the bottom y-tab fMinContentWidth = ls->AddConstraint(-1.0, left, 1.0, right, OperatorType(GE), minContentSize.Width()); fConstraints->AddItem(fMinContentWidth); fMinContentHeight = ls->AddConstraint(-1.0, top, 1.0, bottom, OperatorType(GE), minContentSize.Height()); fConstraints->AddItem(fMinContentHeight); } /** * Perform layout on the area. */ void Area::DoLayout() { if (Content() == NULL) return; // empty areas need no layout // if there is a childArea, then it is the childArea that actually contains the content Area* area = (fChildArea != NULL) ? fChildArea : this; // set content location and size area->Content()->MoveTo(floor(area->Left()->Value() + 0.5), floor(area->Top()->Value() + 0.5)); int32 width = (int32)floor(area->Right()->Value() - area->Left()->Value() + 0.5); int32 height = (int32)floor(area->Bottom()->Value() - area->Top()->Value() + 0.5); area->Content()->ResizeTo(width, height); } /** * Adds a childArea to this area, together with constraints that specify the relative location * of the childArea within this area. It is called when such a childArea becomes necessary, * i.e. when the user requests insets or special alignment. */ void Area::InitChildArea() { // add a child area with new tabs, // and add constraints that set its tabs to be equal to the // coresponding tabs of this area (for a start) fChildArea = new Area(fLS, new XTab(fLS), new YTab(fLS), new XTab(fLS), new YTab(fLS), fContent, BSize(0, 0)); fLeftConstraint = fLeft->IsEqual(fChildArea->Left()); fConstraints->AddItem(fLeftConstraint); fTopConstraint = fTop->IsEqual(fChildArea->Top()); fConstraints->AddItem(fTopConstraint); fRightConstraint = fRight->IsEqual(fChildArea->Right()); fConstraints->AddItem(fRightConstraint); fBottomConstraint = fBottom->IsEqual(fChildArea->Bottom()); fConstraints->AddItem(fBottomConstraint); // remove the minimum content size constraints from this area // and copy the minimum content size setting to the childArea fConstraints->RemoveItem(fMinContentWidth); delete fMinContentWidth; fMinContentWidth = fChildArea->fMinContentWidth; fConstraints->RemoveItem(fMinContentHeight); delete fMinContentHeight; fMinContentHeight = fChildArea->fMinContentHeight; fChildArea->SetMinContentSize(fMinContentSize); // if there are maximum content size constraints on this area, // change them so that they refer to the tabs of the childArea // and copy the minimum content size settings to the childArea if (fMaxContentWidth != NULL) { fChildArea->fMaxContentSize = fMaxContentSize; fChildArea->fMaxContentWidth = fMaxContentWidth; fMaxContentWidth->SetLeftSide( -1.0, fChildArea->Left(), 1.0, fChildArea->Right()); fChildArea->fMaxContentHeight = fMaxContentHeight; fMaxContentHeight->SetLeftSide( -1.0, fChildArea->Top(), 1.0, fChildArea->Bottom()); } // if there are preferred content size constraints on this area, // change them so that they refer to the tabs of the childArea // and copy the preferred content size settings to the childArea if (fPreferredContentHeight != NULL) { fChildArea->fPreferredContentSize = fPreferredContentSize; fChildArea->fShrinkPenalties = fShrinkPenalties; fChildArea->fGrowPenalties = fGrowPenalties; fChildArea->fPreferredContentWidth = fPreferredContentWidth; fPreferredContentWidth->SetLeftSide( -1.0, fChildArea->Left(), 1.0, fChildArea->Right()); fChildArea->fPreferredContentHeight = fPreferredContentHeight; fPreferredContentHeight->SetLeftSide( -1.0, fChildArea->Top(), 1.0, fChildArea->Bottom()); } } /** * Update the constraints for horizontal insets and alignment. */ void Area::UpdateHorizontal() { // if the area does not have a childAdrea yet, this is the time to add it if (fChildArea == NULL) InitChildArea(); // change the constraints leftConstraint and rightConstraint so that the horizontal // alignment and insets of the childArea within this area are as specified by the user if (fAlignment.Horizontal() == B_ALIGN_LEFT) { fLeftConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fChildArea->Left()); fLeftConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fLeftConstraint->SetRightSide(fLeftInset); fRightConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Right(), 1.0, fRight); fRightConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fRightConstraint->SetRightSide(fRightInset); } else if (fAlignment.Horizontal() == B_ALIGN_RIGHT) { fLeftConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fChildArea->Left()); fLeftConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fLeftConstraint->SetRightSide(fLeftInset); fRightConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Right(), 1.0, fRight); fRightConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fRightConstraint->SetRightSide(fRightInset); } else if (fAlignment.Horizontal() == B_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER) { fLeftConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fChildArea->Left()); fLeftConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fLeftConstraint->SetRightSide(max(fLeftInset, fRightInset)); fRightConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fChildArea->Left(), 1.0, fChildArea->Right(), -1.0, fRight); fRightConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fRightConstraint->SetRightSide(0); } else if (fAlignment.Horizontal() == B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH) { fLeftConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fChildArea->Left()); fLeftConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fLeftConstraint->SetRightSide(fLeftInset); fRightConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Right(), 1.0, fRight); fRightConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fRightConstraint->SetRightSide(fRightInset); } else if (fAlignment.Horizontal() == B_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_UNSET) { fLeftConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fLeft, 1.0, fChildArea->Left()); fLeftConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fLeftConstraint->SetRightSide(fLeftInset); fRightConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Right(), 1.0, fRight); fRightConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fRightConstraint->SetRightSide(fRightInset); } } /** * Update the constraints for vertical insets and alignment. */ void Area::UpdateVertical() { // if the area does not have a childAdrea yet, this is the time to add it if (fChildArea == NULL) InitChildArea(); // change the constraints topConstraint and bottomConstraint so that the vertical // alignment and insets of the childArea within this area are as specified by the user if (fAlignment.Vertical() == B_ALIGN_TOP) { fTopConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fChildArea->Top()); fTopConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fTopConstraint->SetRightSide(fTopInset); fBottomConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Bottom(), 1.0, fBottom); fBottomConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fBottomConstraint->SetRightSide(fBottomInset); } else if (fAlignment.Vertical() == B_ALIGN_BOTTOM) { fTopConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fChildArea->Top()); fTopConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fTopConstraint->SetRightSide(fTopInset); fBottomConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Bottom(), 1.0, fBottom); fBottomConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fBottomConstraint->SetRightSide(fBottomInset); } else if (fAlignment.Vertical() == B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER) { fTopConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fChildArea->Top()); fTopConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fTopConstraint->SetRightSide(max(fTopInset, fBottomInset)); fBottomConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fChildArea->Top(), 1.0, fChildArea->Bottom(), -1.0, fBottom); fBottomConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fBottomConstraint->SetRightSide(0); } else if (fAlignment.Vertical() == B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT) { fTopConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fChildArea->Top()); fTopConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fTopConstraint->SetRightSide(fTopInset); fBottomConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Bottom(), 1.0, fBottom); fBottomConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(EQ)); fBottomConstraint->SetRightSide(fBottomInset); } else if (fAlignment.Vertical() == B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_UNSET) { fTopConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fTop, 1.0, fChildArea->Top()); fTopConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fTopConstraint->SetRightSide(fTopInset); fBottomConstraint->SetLeftSide(-1.0, fChildArea->Bottom(), 1.0, fBottom); fBottomConstraint->SetOp(OperatorType(GE)); fBottomConstraint->SetRightSide(fBottomInset); } }