/* * Copyright 2013, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de */ #include "VirtualDirectoryPoseView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "Commands.h" #include "Tracker.h" #include "VirtualDirectoryEntryList.h" #include "VirtualDirectoryManager.h" namespace BPrivate { VirtualDirectoryPoseView::VirtualDirectoryPoseView(Model* model, BRect frame, uint32 resizeMask) : BPoseView(model, frame, resizeMask), fDirectoryPaths(), fRootDefinitionFileRef(-1, -1), fFileChangeTime(-1), fIsRoot(false) { VirtualDirectoryManager* manager = VirtualDirectoryManager::Instance(); if (manager == NULL) return; AutoLocker managerLocker(manager); if (_UpdateDirectoryPaths() != B_OK) return; manager->GetRootDefinitionFile(*model->NodeRef(), fRootDefinitionFileRef); fIsRoot = fRootDefinitionFileRef == *model->NodeRef(); } VirtualDirectoryPoseView::~VirtualDirectoryPoseView() { } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { // ignore all edit operations case B_CUT: case kCutMoreSelectionToClipboard: case kDuplicateSelection: case kDelete: case kMoveToTrash: case kNewEntryFromTemplate: case kNewFolder: case kEditItem: break; default: _inherited::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::AttachedToWindow() { _inherited::AttachedToWindow(); SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); SetLowColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::RestoreState(AttributeStreamNode* node) { _inherited::RestoreState(node); fViewState->SetViewMode(kListMode); } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::RestoreState(const BMessage& message) { _inherited::RestoreState(message); fViewState->SetViewMode(kListMode); } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::SavePoseLocations(BRect* frameIfDesktop) { } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::SetViewMode(uint32 newMode) { } EntryListBase* VirtualDirectoryPoseView::InitDirentIterator(const entry_ref* ref) { if (fRootDefinitionFileRef.node < 0 || *ref != *TargetModel()->EntryRef()) return NULL; Model sourceModel(ref, false, true); if (sourceModel.InitCheck() != B_OK) return NULL; VirtualDirectoryEntryList* entryList = new(std::nothrow) VirtualDirectoryEntryList( *TargetModel()->NodeRef(), fDirectoryPaths); if (entryList == NULL || entryList->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete entryList; return NULL; } return entryList; } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::StartWatching() { // watch the directories int32 count = fDirectoryPaths.CountStrings(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BString path = fDirectoryPaths.StringAt(i); BPathMonitor::StartWatching(path, B_WATCH_DIRECTORY, this); } // watch the definition file TTracker::WatchNode(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), B_WATCH_NAME | B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR, this); // also watch the root definition file if (!fIsRoot) TTracker::WatchNode(&fRootDefinitionFileRef, B_WATCH_STAT, this); } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::StopWatching() { BPathMonitor::StopWatching(this); stop_watching(this); } bool VirtualDirectoryPoseView::FSNotification(const BMessage* message) { switch (message->GetInt32("opcode", 0)) { case B_ENTRY_CREATED: return _EntryCreated(message); case B_ENTRY_REMOVED: return _EntryRemoved(message); case B_ENTRY_MOVED: return _EntryMoved(message); case B_STAT_CHANGED: return _NodeStatChanged(message); default: return _inherited::FSNotification(message); } } bool VirtualDirectoryPoseView::_EntryCreated(const BMessage* message) { NotOwningEntryRef entryRef; node_ref nodeRef; if (message->FindInt32("device", &nodeRef.device) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("node", &nodeRef.node) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("directory", &entryRef.directory) != B_OK || message->FindString("name", (const char**)&entryRef.name) != B_OK) { return true; } entryRef.device = nodeRef.device; // It might be one of our directories. BString path; if (message->FindString("path", &path) == B_OK && fDirectoryPaths.HasString(path)) { // Iterate through the directory and generate an entry-created message // for each entry. BDirectory directory; if (directory.SetTo(&nodeRef) != B_OK) return true; BPrivate::Storage::LongDirEntry entry; while (directory.GetNextDirents(&entry, sizeof(entry), 1) == 1) { if (strcmp(entry.d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(entry.d_name, "..") != 0) { _DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_CREATED, node_ref(entry.d_dev, entry.d_ino), NotOwningEntryRef(entry.d_pdev, entry.d_pino, entry.d_name), NULL, false); } } return true; } // See, if this entry actually becomes visible. If not, we can simply ignore // it. struct stat st; entry_ref visibleEntryRef; if (!_GetEntry(entryRef.name, visibleEntryRef, &st) || visibleEntryRef != entryRef) { return true; } // If it is a directory, translate it. VirtualDirectoryManager* manager = VirtualDirectoryManager::Instance(); AutoLocker managerLocker(manager); bool entryTranslated = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode); if (entryTranslated) { if (manager == NULL) return true; if (manager->TranslateDirectoryEntry(*TargetModel()->NodeRef(), entryRef, nodeRef) != B_OK) { return true; } } // The entry might replace another entry. If it does, we'll fake a removed // message for the old one first. BPose* pose = fPoseList->FindPoseByFileName(entryRef.name); if (pose != NULL) { if (nodeRef == *pose->TargetModel()->NodeRef()) { // apparently not really a new entry -- can happen for // subdirectories return true; } // It may be a directory, so tell the manager. if (manager != NULL) manager->DirectoryRemoved(*pose->TargetModel()->NodeRef()); managerLocker.Unlock(); BMessage removedMessage(B_NODE_MONITOR); _DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_REMOVED, *pose->TargetModel()->NodeRef(), *pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } else managerLocker.Unlock(); return entryTranslated ? (_DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_CREATED, nodeRef, entryRef), true) : _inherited::FSNotification(message); } bool VirtualDirectoryPoseView::_EntryRemoved(const BMessage* message) { NotOwningEntryRef entryRef; node_ref nodeRef; if (message->FindInt32("device", &nodeRef.device) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("node", &nodeRef.node) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("directory", &entryRef.directory) != B_OK || message->FindString("name", (const char**)&entryRef.name) != B_OK) { return true; } entryRef.device = nodeRef.device; // It might be our definition file. if (nodeRef == *TargetModel()->NodeRef()) return _inherited::FSNotification(message); // It might be one of our directories. BString path; if (message->FindString("path", &path) == B_OK && fDirectoryPaths.HasString(path)) { // Find all poses that stem from that directory and generate an // entry-removed message for each. PoseList poses; for (int32 i = 0; BPose* pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(i); i++) { NotOwningEntryRef poseEntryRef = *pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(); if (poseEntryRef.DirectoryNodeRef() == nodeRef) poses.AddItem(pose); } for (int32 i = 0; BPose* pose = poses.ItemAt(i); i++) { _DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_REMOVED, *pose->TargetModel()->NodeRef(), *pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), NULL, false); } return true; } // If it is a directory, translate it. entry_ref* actualEntryRef = &entryRef; node_ref* actualNodeRef = &nodeRef; entry_ref definitionEntryRef; node_ref definitionNodeRef; VirtualDirectoryManager* manager = VirtualDirectoryManager::Instance(); AutoLocker managerLocker(manager); if (manager != NULL && manager->GetSubDirectoryDefinitionFile(*TargetModel()->NodeRef(), entryRef.name, definitionEntryRef, definitionNodeRef)) { actualEntryRef = &definitionEntryRef; actualNodeRef = &definitionNodeRef; } // Check the pose. It might have been an entry that wasn't visible anyway. // In that case we can just ignore the notification. BPose* pose = fPoseList->FindPoseByFileName(actualEntryRef->name); if (pose == NULL || *actualNodeRef != *pose->TargetModel()->NodeRef()) return true; // See, if another entry becomes visible, now. struct stat st; entry_ref visibleEntryRef; node_ref visibleNodeRef; if (_GetEntry(actualEntryRef->name, visibleEntryRef, &st)) { // If the new entry is a directory, translate it. visibleNodeRef = node_ref(st.st_dev, st.st_ino); if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (manager == NULL || manager->TranslateDirectoryEntry( *TargetModel()->NodeRef(), visibleEntryRef, visibleNodeRef) != B_OK) { return true; } // Effectively nothing changes, when the removed entry was a // directory as well. if (visibleNodeRef == *actualNodeRef) return true; } } if (actualEntryRef == &entryRef) { managerLocker.Unlock(); if (_inherited::FSNotification(message)) pendingNodeMonitorCache.Add(message); } else { // tell the manager that the directory has been removed manager->DirectoryRemoved(*actualNodeRef); managerLocker.Unlock(); _DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_REMOVED, *actualNodeRef, *actualEntryRef); } _DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_CREATED, visibleNodeRef, visibleEntryRef); return true; } bool VirtualDirectoryPoseView::_EntryMoved(const BMessage* message) { NotOwningEntryRef fromEntryRef; NotOwningEntryRef toEntryRef; node_ref nodeRef; if (message->FindInt32("node device", &nodeRef.device) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("node", &nodeRef.node) != B_OK || message->FindInt32("device", &fromEntryRef.device) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("from directory", &fromEntryRef.directory) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("to directory", &toEntryRef.directory) != B_OK || message->FindString("from name", (const char**)&fromEntryRef.name) != B_OK || message->FindString("name", (const char**)&toEntryRef.name) != B_OK) { return true; } toEntryRef.device = fromEntryRef.device; // TODO: That's the lazy approach. Ideally we'd analyze the situation and // forward a B_ENTRY_MOVED, if possible. There are quite a few cases to // consider, though. _DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_REMOVED, nodeRef, fromEntryRef, message->GetString("from path", NULL), false); _DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(B_ENTRY_CREATED, nodeRef, toEntryRef, message->GetString("path", NULL), false); return true; } bool VirtualDirectoryPoseView::_NodeStatChanged(const BMessage* message) { node_ref nodeRef; if (message->FindInt32("device", &nodeRef.device) != B_OK || message->FindInt64("node", &nodeRef.node) != B_OK) { return true; } if (nodeRef == fRootDefinitionFileRef) { if ((message->GetInt32("fields", 0) & B_STAT_MODIFICATION_TIME) != 0) { VirtualDirectoryManager* manager = VirtualDirectoryManager::Instance(); if (manager != NULL) { AutoLocker managerLocker(manager); if (!manager->DefinitionFileChanged( *TargetModel()->NodeRef())) { // The definition file no longer exists. Ignore the message // -- we'll get a remove notification soon. return true; } bigtime_t fileChangeTime; manager->GetDefinitionFileChangeTime(*TargetModel()->NodeRef(), fileChangeTime); if (fileChangeTime != fFileChangeTime) { _UpdateDirectoryPaths(); managerLocker.Unlock(); Refresh(); // TODO: Refresh() is rather radical. Or rather its // implementation is. Ideally it would just compare the // currently added poses with what a new dir iterator // returns and remove/add poses as needed. } } } if (!fIsRoot) return true; } return _inherited::FSNotification(message); } void VirtualDirectoryPoseView::_DispatchEntryCreatedOrRemovedMessage(int32 opcode, const node_ref& nodeRef, const entry_ref& entryRef, const char* path, bool dispatchToSuperClass) { BMessage message(B_NODE_MONITOR); message.AddInt32("opcode", opcode); message.AddInt32("device", nodeRef.device); message.AddInt64("node", nodeRef.node); message.AddInt64("directory", entryRef.directory); message.AddString("name", entryRef.name); if (path != NULL && path[0] != '\0') message.AddString("path", path); bool result = dispatchToSuperClass ? _inherited::FSNotification(&message) : FSNotification(&message); if (!result) pendingNodeMonitorCache.Add(&message); } bool VirtualDirectoryPoseView::_GetEntry(const char* name, entry_ref& _ref, struct stat* _st) { return VirtualDirectoryManager::GetEntry(fDirectoryPaths, name, &_ref, _st); } status_t VirtualDirectoryPoseView::_UpdateDirectoryPaths() { VirtualDirectoryManager* manager = VirtualDirectoryManager::Instance(); Model* model = TargetModel(); status_t error = manager->ResolveDirectoryPaths(*model->NodeRef(), *model->EntryRef(), fDirectoryPaths); if (error != B_OK) return error; manager->GetDefinitionFileChangeTime(*model->NodeRef(), fFileChangeTime); return B_OK; } } // namespace BPrivate