/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Attributes.h" #include "ContainerWindow.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "PoseView.h" #include "TextWidget.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "WidgetAttributeText.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "TextWidget" const float kWidthMargin = 20; BTextWidget::BTextWidget(Model *model, BColumn *column, BPoseView *view) : fText(WidgetAttributeText::NewWidgetText(model, column, view)), fAttrHash(column->AttrHash()), fAlignment(column->Alignment()), fEditable(column->Editable()), fVisible(true), fActive(false), fSymLink(model->IsSymLink()) { } BTextWidget::~BTextWidget() { delete fText; } int BTextWidget::Compare(const BTextWidget &with, BPoseView *view) const { return fText->Compare(*with.fText, view); } const char * BTextWidget::Text(const BPoseView *view) const { StringAttributeText *textAttribute = dynamic_cast(fText); if (textAttribute == NULL) return NULL; return textAttribute->ValueAsText(view); } float BTextWidget::TextWidth(const BPoseView *pose) const { return fText->Width(pose); } float BTextWidget::PreferredWidth(const BPoseView *pose) const { return fText->PreferredWidth(pose) + 1; } BRect BTextWidget::ColumnRect(BPoint poseLoc, const BColumn *column, const BPoseView *view) { if (view->ViewMode() != kListMode) { // ColumnRect only makes sense in list view, return // CalcRect otherwise return CalcRect(poseLoc, column, view); } BRect result; result.left = column->Offset() + poseLoc.x; result.right = result.left + column->Width(); result.bottom = poseLoc.y + view->ListElemHeight() - 1; result.top = result.bottom - view->FontHeight(); return result; } BRect BTextWidget::CalcRectCommon(BPoint poseLoc, const BColumn *column, const BPoseView *view, float textWidth) { BRect result; if (view->ViewMode() == kListMode) { poseLoc.x += column->Offset(); switch (fAlignment) { case B_ALIGN_LEFT: result.left = poseLoc.x; result.right = result.left + textWidth + 1; break; case B_ALIGN_CENTER: result.left = poseLoc.x + (column->Width() / 2) - (textWidth / 2); if (result.left < 0) result.left = 0; result.right = result.left + textWidth + 1; break; case B_ALIGN_RIGHT: result.right = poseLoc.x + column->Width(); result.left = result.right - textWidth - 1; if (result.left < 0) result.left = 0; break; default: TRESPASS(); } result.bottom = poseLoc.y + (view->ListElemHeight() - 1); } else { if (view->ViewMode() == kIconMode) { // large/scaled icon mode result.left = poseLoc.x + (view->IconSizeInt() - textWidth) / 2; } else { // mini icon mode result.left = poseLoc.x + B_MINI_ICON + kMiniIconSeparator; } result.right = result.left + textWidth; result.bottom = poseLoc.y + view->IconPoseHeight(); } result.top = result.bottom - view->FontHeight(); return result; } BRect BTextWidget::CalcRect(BPoint poseLoc, const BColumn *column, const BPoseView *view) { return CalcRectCommon(poseLoc, column, view, fText->Width(view)); } BRect BTextWidget::CalcOldRect(BPoint poseLoc, const BColumn *column, const BPoseView *view) { return CalcRectCommon(poseLoc, column, view, fText->CurrentWidth()); } BRect BTextWidget::CalcClickRect(BPoint poseLoc, const BColumn *column, const BPoseView* view) { BRect result = CalcRect(poseLoc, column, view); if (result.Width() < kWidthMargin) { // if resulting rect too narrow, make it a bit wider // for comfortable clicking if (column && column->Width() < kWidthMargin) result.right = result.left + column->Width(); else result.right = result.left + kWidthMargin; } return result; } void BTextWidget::MouseUp(BRect bounds, BPoseView *view, BPose *pose, BPoint) { // Start editing without delay if the pose was selected recently and this // click is not the second click of a doubleclick. // If the pose has been selected a long time ago, check again // for a double click (inducing a delay). // TODO: re-enable modifiers, one should be enough if (IsEditable() && pose->IsSelected()) { bigtime_t delta = system_time() - pose->SelectionTime(); bigtime_t doubleClickSpeed; get_click_speed(&doubleClickSpeed); bigtime_t oldClickSpeed = 2 * doubleClickSpeed; // freshly selected and not a double click if (delta > doubleClickSpeed && delta < oldClickSpeed) { StartEdit(bounds, view, pose); return; } // TODO: reimplement asynchronous // selected a longer time ago, redo a double click detection if (delta > oldClickSpeed) { // check for double click bigtime_t doubleClickTime = system_time() + doubleClickSpeed; while (system_time() < doubleClickTime) { // loop for double-click time and watch the mouse and keyboard BPoint point; uint32 buttons; view->GetMouse(&point, &buttons, false); // double click if (buttons) return; // mouse moved too far if (!bounds.Contains(point)) return; //if (modifiers() & (B_SHIFT_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY // | B_CONTROL_KEY | B_MENU_KEY)) // // watch the keyboard (ignoring standard locking keys) // break; snooze(10000); } StartEdit(bounds, view, pose); } } } static filter_result TextViewFilter(BMessage *message, BHandler **, BMessageFilter *filter) { uchar key; if (message->FindInt8("byte", (int8 *)&key) != B_OK) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; BPoseView *poseView = dynamic_cast(filter->Looper())-> PoseView(); if (key == B_RETURN || key == B_ESCAPE) { poseView->CommitActivePose(key == B_RETURN); return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } if (key == B_TAB) { if (poseView->ActivePose()) { if (message->FindInt32("modifiers") & B_SHIFT_KEY) poseView->ActivePose()->EditPreviousWidget(poseView); else poseView->ActivePose()->EditNextWidget(poseView); } return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } // the BTextView doesn't respect window borders when resizing itself; // we try to work-around this "bug" here. // find the text editing view BView *scrollView = poseView->FindView("BorderView"); if (scrollView != NULL) { BTextView *textView = dynamic_cast(scrollView->FindView("WidgetTextView")); if (textView != NULL) { BRect rect = scrollView->Frame(); if (rect.right + 3 > poseView->Bounds().right || rect.left - 3 < 0) textView->MakeResizable(true, NULL); } } return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; } void BTextWidget::StartEdit(BRect bounds, BPoseView *view, BPose *pose) { if (!IsEditable()) return; BEntry entry(pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK && !ConfirmChangeIfWellKnownDirectory(&entry, B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT("rename", "As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) " "'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de)"), B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT("rename", "As in 'to rename this folder...' (en) " "'Um diesen Ordner umzubenennen...' (de)"), B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT("Rename", "Button label, 'Rename' (en), 'Umbenennen' (de)"))) return; // get bounds with full text length BRect rect(bounds); BRect textRect(bounds); rect.OffsetBy(-2, -1); rect.right += 1; BFont font; view->GetFont(&font); BTextView *textView = new BTextView(rect, "WidgetTextView", textRect, &font, 0, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); textView->SetWordWrap(false); DisallowMetaKeys(textView); fText->SetUpEditing(textView); textView->AddFilter(new BMessageFilter(B_KEY_DOWN, TextViewFilter)); rect.right = rect.left + textView->LineWidth() + 3; // center new width, if necessary if (view->ViewMode() == kIconMode || (view->ViewMode() == kListMode && fAlignment == B_ALIGN_CENTER)) { rect.OffsetBy(bounds.Width() / 2 - rect.Width() / 2, 0); } rect.bottom = rect.top + textView->LineHeight() + 1; textRect = rect.OffsetToCopy(2, 1); textRect.right -= 3; textRect.bottom--; textView->SetTextRect(textRect); textRect = view->Bounds(); bool hitBorder = false; if (rect.left < 1) rect.left = 1, hitBorder = true; if (rect.right > textRect.right) rect.right = textRect.right - 2, hitBorder = true; textView->MoveTo(rect.LeftTop()); textView->ResizeTo(rect.Width(), rect.Height()); BScrollView *scrollView = new BScrollView("BorderView", textView, 0, 0, false, false, B_PLAIN_BORDER); view->AddChild(scrollView); // configure text view switch (view->ViewMode()) { case kIconMode: textView->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER); break; case kMiniIconMode: textView->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT); break; case kListMode: textView->SetAlignment(fAlignment); break; } textView->MakeResizable(true, hitBorder ? NULL : scrollView); view->SetActivePose(pose); // tell view about pose SetActive(true); // for widget textView->SelectAll(); textView->MakeFocus(); // make this text widget invisible while we edit it SetVisible(false); ASSERT(view->Window()); // how can I not have a Window here??? if (view->Window()) // force immediate redraw so TextView appears instantly view->Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); } void BTextWidget::StopEdit(bool saveChanges, BPoint poseLoc, BPoseView *view, BPose *pose, int32 poseIndex) { // find the text editing view BView *scrollView = view->FindView("BorderView"); ASSERT(scrollView); if (!scrollView) return; BTextView *textView = dynamic_cast(scrollView->FindView("WidgetTextView")); ASSERT(textView); if (!textView) return; BColumn *column = view->ColumnFor(fAttrHash); ASSERT(column); if (!column) return; if (saveChanges && fText->CommitEditedText(textView)) { // we have an actual change, re-sort view->CheckPoseSortOrder(pose, poseIndex); } // make text widget visible again SetVisible(true); view->Invalidate(ColumnRect(poseLoc, column, view)); // force immediate redraw so TEView disappears scrollView->RemoveSelf(); delete scrollView; ASSERT(view->Window()); view->Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); view->MakeFocus(); SetActive(false); } void BTextWidget::CheckAndUpdate(BPoint loc, const BColumn *column, BPoseView *view, bool visible) { BRect oldRect; if (view->ViewMode() != kListMode) oldRect = CalcOldRect(loc, column, view); if (fText->CheckAttributeChanged() && fText->CheckViewChanged(view) && visible) { BRect invalRect(ColumnRect(loc, column, view)); if (view->ViewMode() != kListMode) invalRect = invalRect | oldRect; view->Invalidate(invalRect); } } void BTextWidget::SelectAll(BPoseView *view) { BTextView *text = dynamic_cast(view->FindView("WidgetTextView")); if (text) text->SelectAll(); } void BTextWidget::Draw(BRect eraseRect, BRect textRect, float, BPoseView *view, BView *drawView, bool selected, uint32 clipboardMode, BPoint offset, bool direct) { textRect.OffsetBy(offset); if (direct) { #ifdef __HAIKU__ // draw selection box if selected if (selected) { #else // erase area we're going to draw in // NOTE: WidgetTextOutline() is reused for // erasing background on R5 here if (view->WidgetTextOutline() || selected) { #endif drawView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); eraseRect.OffsetBy(offset); // drawView->FillRect(eraseRect, B_SOLID_LOW); drawView->FillRect(textRect, B_SOLID_LOW); } else drawView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); // set high color rgb_color highColor; if (view->IsDesktopWindow()) { if (selected) highColor = kWhite; else highColor = view->DeskTextColor(); } else if (selected && view->Window()->IsActive()) { highColor = kWhite; } else highColor = kBlack; if (clipboardMode == kMoveSelectionTo && !selected) { drawView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); drawView->SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); highColor.alpha = 64; } drawView->SetHighColor(highColor); } BPoint loc; loc.y = textRect.bottom - view->FontInfo().descent; loc.x = textRect.left + 1; const char* fittingText = fText->FittingText(view); #ifdef __HAIKU__ // TODO: Comparing view and drawView here to avoid rendering // the text outline when producing a drag bitmap. The check is // not fully correct, since an offscreen view is also used in some // other rare cases (something to do with columns). But for now, this // fixes the broken drag bitmaps when dragging icons from the Desktop. if (!selected && view == drawView && view->WidgetTextOutline()) { // draw a halo around the text by using the "false bold" // feature for text rendering. Either black or white is used for // the glow (whatever acts as contrast) with a some alpha value, drawView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); drawView->SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); BFont font; drawView->GetFont(&font); rgb_color textColor = drawView->HighColor(); if (textColor.red + textColor.green + textColor.blue < 128 * 3) { // dark text on light outline rgb_color glowColor = kWhite; font.SetFalseBoldWidth(2.0); drawView->SetFont(&font, B_FONT_FALSE_BOLD_WIDTH); glowColor.alpha = 30; drawView->SetHighColor(glowColor); drawView->DrawString(fittingText, loc); font.SetFalseBoldWidth(1.0); drawView->SetFont(&font, B_FONT_FALSE_BOLD_WIDTH); glowColor.alpha = 65; drawView->SetHighColor(glowColor); drawView->DrawString(fittingText, loc); font.SetFalseBoldWidth(0.0); drawView->SetFont(&font, B_FONT_FALSE_BOLD_WIDTH); } else { // light text on dark outline rgb_color outlineColor = kBlack; font.SetFalseBoldWidth(1.0); drawView->SetFont(&font, B_FONT_FALSE_BOLD_WIDTH); outlineColor.alpha = 30; drawView->SetHighColor(outlineColor); drawView->DrawString(fittingText, loc); font.SetFalseBoldWidth(0.0); drawView->SetFont(&font, B_FONT_FALSE_BOLD_WIDTH); outlineColor.alpha = 200; drawView->SetHighColor(outlineColor); drawView->DrawString(fittingText, loc + BPoint(1, 1)); } drawView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); drawView->SetHighColor(textColor); } #endif // __HAIKU__ drawView->DrawString(fittingText, loc); if (fSymLink && (fAttrHash == view->FirstColumn()->AttrHash())) { // ToDo: // this should be exported to the WidgetAttribute class, probably // by having a per widget kind style if (direct) { rgb_color underlineColor = drawView->HighColor(); underlineColor.alpha = 180; drawView->SetHighColor(underlineColor); drawView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); drawView->SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); } textRect.right = textRect.left + fText->Width(view); // only underline text part drawView->StrokeLine(textRect.LeftBottom(), textRect.RightBottom(), B_MIXED_COLORS); } }