/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include "QueryPoseView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Attributes.h" #include "AttributeStream.h" #include "AutoLock.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "FindPanel.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "MimeTypeList.h" #include "MimeTypes.h" #include "Tracker.h" #include using std::nothrow; #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "QueryPoseView" // Currently filtering out Trash doesn't node monitor too well - if you // remove an item from the Trash, it doesn't show up in the query result // To do this properly, we would have to node monitor everything BQuery // returns and after a node monitor re-chech if it should be part of // query results and add/remove appropriately. Right now only moving to // Trash is supported // #pragma mark - BQueryPoseView BQueryPoseView::BQueryPoseView(Model* model) : BPoseView(model, kListMode), fRefFilter(NULL), fQueryList(NULL), fQueryListContainer(NULL), fCreateOldPoseList(false) { } BQueryPoseView::~BQueryPoseView() { delete fQueryListContainer; } void BQueryPoseView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kFSClipboardChanges: { // poses have always to be updated for the query view UpdatePosesClipboardModeFromClipboard(message); break; } default: _inherited::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void BQueryPoseView::EditQueries() { BMessage message(kEditQuery); message.AddRef("refs", TargetModel()->EntryRef()); BMessenger(kTrackerSignature, -1, 0).SendMessage(&message); } void BQueryPoseView::SetUpDefaultColumnsIfNeeded() { // in case there were errors getting some columns if (fColumnList->CountItems() != 0) return; fColumnList->AddItem(new BColumn(B_TRANSLATE("Name"), StartOffset(), 145, B_ALIGN_LEFT, kAttrStatName, B_STRING_TYPE, true, true)); fColumnList->AddItem(new BColumn(B_TRANSLATE("Location"), 200, 225, B_ALIGN_LEFT, kAttrPath, B_STRING_TYPE, true, false)); fColumnList->AddItem(new BColumn(B_TRANSLATE("Size"), 440, 80, B_ALIGN_RIGHT, kAttrStatSize, B_OFF_T_TYPE, true, false)); fColumnList->AddItem(new BColumn(B_TRANSLATE("Modified"), 535, 150, B_ALIGN_LEFT, kAttrStatModified, B_TIME_TYPE, true, false)); } void BQueryPoseView::AttachedToWindow() { _inherited::AttachedToWindow(); SetViewUIColor(B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, B_DARKEN_1_TINT); SetLowUIColor(B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, B_DARKEN_1_TINT); } void BQueryPoseView::RestoreState(AttributeStreamNode* node) { _inherited::RestoreState(node); fViewState->SetViewMode(kListMode); } void BQueryPoseView::RestoreState(const BMessage &message) { _inherited::RestoreState(message); fViewState->SetViewMode(kListMode); } void BQueryPoseView::SavePoseLocations(BRect*) { } void BQueryPoseView::SetViewMode(uint32) { } void BQueryPoseView::OpenParent() { } void BQueryPoseView::Refresh() { PRINT(("refreshing dynamic date query\n")); // cause the old AddPosesTask to die fAddPosesThreads.clear(); delete fQueryListContainer; fQueryListContainer = NULL; fCreateOldPoseList = true; AddPoses(TargetModel()); TargetModel()->CloseNode(); ResetOrigin(); ResetPosePlacementHint(); } void BQueryPoseView::AddPosesCompleted() { ASSERT(Window()->IsLocked()); PoseList* oldPoseList = fQueryListContainer->OldPoseList(); if (oldPoseList != NULL) { int32 count = oldPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { BPose* pose = oldPoseList->ItemAt(index); DeletePose(pose->TargetModel()->NodeRef()); } fQueryListContainer->ClearOldPoseList(); } _inherited::AddPosesCompleted(); } // When using dynamic dates, such as "today", need to refresh the query // window every now and then EntryListBase* BQueryPoseView::InitDirentIterator(const entry_ref* ref) { BEntry entry(ref); if (entry.InitCheck() != B_OK) return NULL; Model sourceModel(&entry, true); if (sourceModel.InitCheck() != B_OK) return NULL; ASSERT(sourceModel.IsQuery()); // old pose list is used for finding poses that no longer match a // dynamic date query during a Refresh call PoseList* oldPoseList = NULL; if (fCreateOldPoseList) { oldPoseList = new PoseList(10, false); oldPoseList->AddList(fPoseList); } fQueryListContainer = new QueryEntryListCollection(&sourceModel, this, oldPoseList); fCreateOldPoseList = false; if (fQueryListContainer->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete fQueryListContainer; fQueryListContainer = NULL; return NULL; } TTracker::WatchNode(sourceModel.NodeRef(), B_WATCH_NAME | B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR, this); fQueryList = fQueryListContainer->QueryList(); if (fQueryListContainer->DynamicDateQuery()) { // calculate the time to trigger the query refresh - next midnight time_t now = time(0); time_t nextMidnight = now + 60 * 60 * 24; // move ahead by a day tm timeData; localtime_r(&nextMidnight, &timeData); timeData.tm_sec = 0; timeData.tm_min = 0; timeData.tm_hour = 0; nextMidnight = mktime(&timeData); time_t nextHour = now + 60 * 60; // move ahead by a hour localtime_r(&nextHour, &timeData); timeData.tm_sec = 0; timeData.tm_min = 0; nextHour = mktime(&timeData); PRINT(("%" B_PRIdTIME " minutes, %" B_PRIdTIME " seconds till next hour\n", (nextHour - now) / 60, (nextHour - now) % 60)); time_t nextMinute = now + 60; // move ahead by a minute localtime_r(&nextMinute, &timeData); timeData.tm_sec = 0; nextMinute = mktime(&timeData); PRINT(("%" B_PRIdTIME " seconds till next minute\n", nextMinute - now)); bigtime_t delta; if (fQueryListContainer->DynamicDateRefreshEveryMinute()) delta = nextMinute - now; else if (fQueryListContainer->DynamicDateRefreshEveryHour()) delta = nextHour - now; else delta = nextMidnight - now; #if DEBUG int32 secondsTillMidnight = (nextMidnight - now); int32 minutesTillMidnight = secondsTillMidnight/60; secondsTillMidnight %= 60; int32 hoursTillMidnight = minutesTillMidnight/60; minutesTillMidnight %= 60; PRINT(("%" B_PRId32 " hours, %" B_PRId32 " minutes, %" B_PRId32 " seconds till midnight\n", hoursTillMidnight, minutesTillMidnight, secondsTillMidnight)); int32 refreshInSeconds = delta % 60; int32 refreshInMinutes = delta / 60; int32 refreshInHours = refreshInMinutes / 60; refreshInMinutes %= 60; PRINT(("next refresh in %" B_PRId32 " hours, %" B_PRId32 "minutes, %" B_PRId32 " seconds\n", refreshInHours, refreshInMinutes, refreshInSeconds)); #endif // bump up to microseconds delta *= 1000000; TTracker* tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); ThrowOnAssert(tracker != NULL); tracker->MainTaskLoop()->RunLater( NewLockingMemberFunctionObject(&BQueryPoseView::Refresh, this), delta); } SetRefFilter(new QueryRefFilter(fQueryListContainer->ShowResultsFromTrash())); return fQueryListContainer->Clone(); } uint32 BQueryPoseView::WatchNewNodeMask() { return B_WATCH_NAME | B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR; } const char* BQueryPoseView::SearchForType() const { if (!fSearchForMimeType.Length()) { BModelOpener opener(TargetModel()); BString buffer; attr_info attrInfo; // read the type of files we are looking for status_t status = TargetModel()->Node()->GetAttrInfo(kAttrQueryInitialMime, &attrInfo); if (status == B_OK) { TargetModel()->Node()->ReadAttrString(kAttrQueryInitialMime, &buffer); } TTracker* tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); if (tracker != NULL && buffer.Length() > 0) { const ShortMimeInfo* info = tracker->MimeTypes()->FindMimeType( buffer.String()); if (info != NULL) fSearchForMimeType = info->InternalName(); } if (!fSearchForMimeType.Length()) fSearchForMimeType = B_FILE_MIMETYPE; } return fSearchForMimeType.String(); } bool BQueryPoseView::ActiveOnDevice(dev_t device) const { int32 count = fQueryList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (fQueryList->ItemAt(index)->TargetDevice() == device) return true; } return false; } // #pragma mark - QueryRefFilter QueryRefFilter::QueryRefFilter(bool showResultsFromTrash) : fShowResultsFromTrash(showResultsFromTrash) { } bool QueryRefFilter::Filter(const entry_ref* ref, BNode* node, stat_beos* st, const char* filetype) { TTracker* tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); return !(!fShowResultsFromTrash && tracker != NULL && tracker->InTrashNode(ref)); } // #pragma mark - QueryEntryListCollection QueryEntryListCollection::QueryEntryListCollection(Model* model, BHandler* target, PoseList* oldPoseList) : fQueryListRep(new QueryListRep(new BObjectList(5, true))) { Rewind(); attr_info info; BQuery query; BNode* modelNode = model->Node(); if (modelNode == NULL) { fStatus = B_ERROR; return; } // read the actual query string fStatus = modelNode->GetAttrInfo(kAttrQueryString, &info); if (fStatus != B_OK) return; BString buffer; if (modelNode->ReadAttr(kAttrQueryString, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer.LockBuffer((int32)info.size), (size_t)info.size) != info.size) { fStatus = B_ERROR; return; } buffer.UnlockBuffer(); // read the extra options MoreOptionsStruct saveMoreOptions; if (ReadAttr(modelNode, kAttrQueryMoreOptions, kAttrQueryMoreOptionsForeign, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, &saveMoreOptions, sizeof(MoreOptionsStruct), &MoreOptionsStruct::EndianSwap) != kReadAttrFailed) { fQueryListRep->fShowResultsFromTrash = saveMoreOptions.searchTrash; } fStatus = query.SetPredicate(buffer.String()); fQueryListRep->fOldPoseList = oldPoseList; fQueryListRep->fDynamicDateQuery = false; fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryHour = false; fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryMinute = false; if (modelNode->ReadAttr(kAttrDynamicDateQuery, B_BOOL_TYPE, 0, &fQueryListRep->fDynamicDateQuery, sizeof(bool)) != sizeof(bool)) { fQueryListRep->fDynamicDateQuery = false; } if (fQueryListRep->fDynamicDateQuery) { // only refresh every minute on debug builds fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryMinute = buffer.IFindFirst("second") != -1 || buffer.IFindFirst("minute") != -1; fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryHour = fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryMinute || buffer.IFindFirst("hour") != -1; #if !DEBUG // don't refresh every minute unless we are running debug build fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryMinute = false; #endif } if (fStatus != B_OK) return; bool searchAllVolumes = true; status_t result = B_OK; // get volumes to perform query on if (modelNode->GetAttrInfo(kAttrQueryVolume, &info) == B_OK) { char* buffer = NULL; if ((buffer = (char*)malloc((size_t)info.size)) != NULL && modelNode->ReadAttr(kAttrQueryVolume, B_MESSAGE_TYPE, 0, buffer, (size_t)info.size) == info.size) { BMessage message; if (message.Unflatten(buffer) == B_OK) { for (int32 index = 0; ;index++) { ASSERT(index < 100); BVolume volume; // match a volume with the info embedded in // the message result = MatchArchivedVolume(&volume, &message, index); if (result == B_OK) { // start the query on this volume result = FetchOneQuery(&query, target, fQueryListRep->fQueryList, &volume); if (result != B_OK) continue; searchAllVolumes = false; } else if (result != B_DEV_BAD_DRIVE_NUM) { // if B_DEV_BAD_DRIVE_NUM, the volume just isn't // mounted this time around, keep looking for more // if other error, bail break; } } } } free(buffer); } if (searchAllVolumes) { // no specific volumes embedded in query, search everything BVolumeRoster roster; BVolume volume; roster.Rewind(); while (roster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) if (volume.IsPersistent() && volume.KnowsQuery()) { result = FetchOneQuery(&query, target, fQueryListRep->fQueryList, &volume); if (result != B_OK) continue; } } fStatus = B_OK; return; } status_t QueryEntryListCollection::FetchOneQuery(const BQuery* copyThis, BHandler* target, BObjectList* list, BVolume* volume) { BQuery* query = new (nothrow) BQuery; if (query == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; // have to fake a copy constructor here because BQuery doesn't have // a copy constructor BString buffer; const_cast(copyThis)->GetPredicate(&buffer); query->SetPredicate(buffer.String()); query->SetTarget(BMessenger(target)); query->SetVolume(volume); status_t result = query->Fetch(); if (result != B_OK) { PRINT(("fetch error %s\n", strerror(result))); delete query; return result; } list->AddItem(query); return B_OK; } QueryEntryListCollection::~QueryEntryListCollection() { if (fQueryListRep->CloseQueryList()) delete fQueryListRep; } QueryEntryListCollection* QueryEntryListCollection::Clone() { fQueryListRep->OpenQueryList(); return new QueryEntryListCollection(*this); } // #pragma mark - QueryEntryListCollection QueryEntryListCollection::QueryEntryListCollection( const QueryEntryListCollection &cloneThis) : EntryListBase(), fQueryListRep(cloneThis.fQueryListRep) { // only to be used by the Clone routine } void QueryEntryListCollection::ClearOldPoseList() { delete fQueryListRep->fOldPoseList; fQueryListRep->fOldPoseList = NULL; } status_t QueryEntryListCollection::GetNextEntry(BEntry* entry, bool traverse) { status_t result = B_ERROR; for (int32 count = fQueryListRep->fQueryList->CountItems(); fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex < count; fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex++) { result = fQueryListRep->fQueryList-> ItemAt(fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex)-> GetNextEntry(entry, traverse); if (result == B_OK) break; } return result; } int32 QueryEntryListCollection::GetNextDirents(struct dirent* buffer, size_t length, int32 count) { int32 result = 0; for (int32 queryCount = fQueryListRep->fQueryList->CountItems(); fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex < queryCount; fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex++) { result = fQueryListRep->fQueryList-> ItemAt(fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex)-> GetNextDirents(buffer, length, count); if (result > 0) break; } return result; } status_t QueryEntryListCollection::GetNextRef(entry_ref* ref) { status_t result = B_ERROR; for (int32 count = fQueryListRep->fQueryList->CountItems(); fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex < count; fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex++) { result = fQueryListRep->fQueryList-> ItemAt(fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex)->GetNextRef(ref); if (result == B_OK) break; } return result; } status_t QueryEntryListCollection::Rewind() { fQueryListRep->fQueryListIndex = 0; return B_OK; } int32 QueryEntryListCollection::CountEntries() { return 0; } bool QueryEntryListCollection::ShowResultsFromTrash() const { return fQueryListRep->fShowResultsFromTrash; } bool QueryEntryListCollection::DynamicDateQuery() const { return fQueryListRep->fDynamicDateQuery; } bool QueryEntryListCollection::DynamicDateRefreshEveryHour() const { return fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryHour; } bool QueryEntryListCollection::DynamicDateRefreshEveryMinute() const { return fQueryListRep->fRefreshEveryMinute; }