/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ // PoseView scripting interface #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Tracker.h" #include "PoseView.h" #define kPosesSuites "suite/vnd.Be-TrackerPoses" #define kPropertyPath "Path" // notes on PoseView scripting interface: // Indices and entry_refs are used to specify poses; In the case of indices // and previous/next specifiers the current PoseView sort order is used. // If PoseView is not in list view mode, the order in which poses are indexed // is arbitrary. // Both of these specifiers, but indices more so, are likely to be accurate // only untill a next change to the PoseView (a change may be adding, // removing a pose, changing an attribute or stat resulting in a sort ordering // change, changing the sort ordering rule. When getting a selected item, // there is no guarantee that the item will still be selected after the // operation. The client must be able to deal with these inaccuracies. // Specifying an index/entry_ref that no longer exists will be handled well. #if 0 doo Tracker get Suites of Poses of Window test doo Tracker get Path of Poses of Window test doo Tracker count Entry of Poses of Window test doo Tracker get Entry of Poses of Window test doo Tracker get Entry 2 of Poses of Window test doo Tracker count Selection of Poses of Window test doo Tracker get Selection of Poses of Window test doo Tracker delete Entry 'test/6L6' of Poses of Window test doo Tracker execute Entry 'test/6L6' of Poses of Window test doo Tracker execute Entry 2 of Poses of Window test doo Tracker set Selection of Poses of Window test to [0,2] doo Tracker set Selection of Poses of Window test to 'test/KT55' doo Tracker create Selection of Poses of Window test to 'test/EL34' doo Tracker delete Selection 'test/EL34' of Poses of Window test #endif // ToDo: // access list view column state // access poses // - pose location // - pose text widgets const property_info kPosesPropertyList[] = { { kPropertyPath, { B_GET_PROPERTY }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER }, "get Path of ... # returns the path of a Tracker window, " "error if no path associated", 0, { B_REF_TYPE }, {}, {} }, { kPropertyEntry, { B_COUNT_PROPERTIES }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER }, "count Entry of ... # count entries in a PoseView", 0, { B_INT32_TYPE }, {}, {} }, { kPropertyEntry, { B_DELETE_PROPERTY }, { B_ENTRY_SPECIFIER, B_INDEX_SPECIFIER }, "delete Entry {path|index} # deletes specified entries in a PoseView", 0, {}, {}, {} }, { kPropertyEntry, { B_GET_PROPERTY }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER, B_INDEX_SPECIFIER, kPreviousSpecifier, kNextSpecifier }, "get Entry [next|previous|index] # returns specified entries", 0, { B_REF_TYPE }, {}, {} }, { kPropertyEntry, { B_EXECUTE_PROPERTY }, { B_ENTRY_SPECIFIER, B_INDEX_SPECIFIER }, "execute Entry {path|index} # opens specified entries", 0, { B_REF_TYPE }, {}, {} }, { kPropertySelection, { B_GET_PROPERTY }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER, kPreviousSpecifier, kNextSpecifier }, "get Selection [next|previous] # returns the selected entries", 0, { B_REF_TYPE }, {}, {} }, { kPropertySelection, { B_SET_PROPERTY }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER, kPreviousSpecifier, kNextSpecifier }, "set Selection of ... to {next|previous|entry} # selects specified " "entries", 0, {}, {}, {} }, { kPropertySelection, { B_COUNT_PROPERTIES }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER }, "count Selection of ... # counts selected items", 0, { B_INT32_TYPE }, {}, {} }, { kPropertySelection, { B_CREATE_PROPERTY }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER }, "create selection of ... to {entry|index} " "# adds specified items to a selection in a PoseView", 0, {}, {}, {} }, { kPropertySelection, { B_DELETE_PROPERTY }, { B_ENTRY_SPECIFIER, B_INDEX_SPECIFIER }, "delete selection {path|index} of ... " "# removes specified items from a selection in a PoseView", 0, {}, {}, {} }, { 0 } }; status_t BPoseView::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data) { data->AddString("suites", kPosesSuites); BPropertyInfo propertyInfo( const_cast(kPosesPropertyList)); data->AddFlat("messages", &propertyInfo); return _inherited::GetSupportedSuites(data); } bool BPoseView::HandleScriptingMessage(BMessage* message) { if (message->what != B_GET_PROPERTY && message->what != B_SET_PROPERTY && message->what != B_CREATE_PROPERTY && message->what != B_COUNT_PROPERTIES && message->what != B_DELETE_PROPERTY && message->what != B_EXECUTE_PROPERTY) { return false; } // dispatch scripting messages BMessage reply(B_REPLY); const char* property = 0; bool handled = false; int32 index = 0; int32 form = 0; BMessage specifier; status_t result = message->GetCurrentSpecifier(&index, &specifier, &form, &property); if (result != B_OK || index == -1) return false; ASSERT(property != NULL); switch (message->what) { case B_CREATE_PROPERTY: handled = CreateProperty(message, &specifier, form, property, &reply); break; case B_GET_PROPERTY: handled = GetProperty(&specifier, form, property, &reply); break; case B_SET_PROPERTY: handled = SetProperty(message, &specifier, form, property, &reply); break; case B_COUNT_PROPERTIES: handled = CountProperty(&specifier, form, property, &reply); break; case B_DELETE_PROPERTY: handled = DeleteProperty(&specifier, form, property, &reply); break; case B_EXECUTE_PROPERTY: handled = ExecuteProperty(&specifier, form, property, &reply); break; } if (handled) { // done handling message, send a reply message->SendReply(&reply); } return handled; } bool BPoseView::ExecuteProperty(BMessage* specifier, int32 form, const char* property, BMessage* reply) { status_t result = B_OK; bool handled = false; if (strcmp(property, kPropertyEntry) == 0) { BMessage launchMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED); if (form == (int32)B_ENTRY_SPECIFIER) { // move all poses specified by entry_ref to Trash entry_ref ref; for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindRef("refs", index, &ref) == B_OK; index++) launchMessage.AddRef("refs", &ref); } else if (form == (int32)B_INDEX_SPECIFIER) { // move all poses specified by index to Trash int32 specifyingIndex; for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindInt32("index", index, &specifyingIndex) == B_OK; index++) { BPose* pose = PoseAtIndex(specifyingIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; break; } launchMessage.AddRef("refs", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } } else return false; if (result == B_OK) { // add a messenger to the launch message that will be used to // dispatch scripting calls from apps to the PoseView launchMessage.AddMessenger("TrackerViewToken", BMessenger(this, 0, 0)); if (fSelectionHandler) fSelectionHandler->PostMessage(&launchMessage); } handled = true; } if (result != B_OK) reply->AddInt32("error", result); return handled; } bool BPoseView::CreateProperty(BMessage* specifier, BMessage*, int32 form, const char* property, BMessage* reply) { status_t result = B_OK; bool handled = false; if (strcmp(property, kPropertySelection) == 0) { // creating on a selection expands the current selection if (form != B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER) // only support direct specifier return false; // items to add to a selection may be passed as refs or as indices if (specifier->HasRef("data")) { entry_ref ref; // select poses specified by entries for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindRef("data", index, &ref) == B_OK; index++) { int32 poseIndex; BPose* pose = FindPose(&ref, form, &poseIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; handled = true; break; } AddPoseToSelection(pose, poseIndex); } handled = true; } else { // select poses specified by indices int32 specifyingIndex; for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindInt32("data", index, &specifyingIndex) == B_OK; index++) { BPose* pose = PoseAtIndex(specifyingIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_BAD_INDEX; handled = true; break; } AddPoseToSelection(pose, specifyingIndex); } handled = true; } } if (result != B_OK) reply->AddInt32("error", result); return handled; } bool BPoseView::DeleteProperty(BMessage* specifier, int32 form, const char* property, BMessage* reply) { status_t result = B_OK; bool handled = false; if (strcmp(property, kPropertySelection) == 0) { // deleting on a selection is handled as removing a part of the // selection not to be confused with deleting a selected item if (form == (int32)B_ENTRY_SPECIFIER) { entry_ref ref; // select poses specified by entries for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindRef("refs", index, &ref) == B_OK; index++) { int32 poseIndex; BPose* pose = FindPose(&ref, form, &poseIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; break; } RemovePoseFromSelection(pose); } handled = true; } else if (form == B_INDEX_SPECIFIER) { // move all poses specified by index to Trash int32 specifyingIndex; for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindInt32("index", index, &specifyingIndex) == B_OK; index++) { BPose* pose = PoseAtIndex(specifyingIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_BAD_INDEX; break; } RemovePoseFromSelection(pose); } handled = true; } else return false; } else if (strcmp(property, kPropertyEntry) == 0) { // deleting entries is handled by moving entries to trash // build a list of entries, specified by the specifier BObjectList* entryList = new BObjectList(); // list will be deleted for us by the trashing thread if (form == (int32)B_ENTRY_SPECIFIER) { // move all poses specified by entry_ref to Trash entry_ref ref; for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindRef("refs", index, &ref) == B_OK; index++) { entryList->AddItem(new entry_ref(ref)); } } else if (form == (int32)B_INDEX_SPECIFIER) { // move all poses specified by index to Trash int32 specifyingIndex; for (int32 index = 0; specifier->FindInt32("index", index, &specifyingIndex) == B_OK; index++) { BPose* pose = PoseAtIndex(specifyingIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_BAD_INDEX; break; } entryList->AddItem( new entry_ref(*pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef())); } } else { delete entryList; return false; } if (result == B_OK) { TrackerSettings settings; if (!settings.DontMoveFilesToTrash()) { // move the list we build into trash, don't make the // trashing task select the next item MoveListToTrash(entryList, false, false); } else Delete(entryList, false, settings.AskBeforeDeleteFile()); } else { for (int i = entryList->CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) delete entryList->ItemAt(i); delete entryList; } handled = true; } if (result != B_OK) reply->AddInt32("error", result); return handled; } bool BPoseView::CountProperty(BMessage*, int32, const char* property, BMessage* reply) { bool handled = false; //PRINT(("BPoseView::CountProperty, %s\n", property)); // just return the respecitve counts if (strcmp(property, kPropertySelection) == 0) { reply->AddInt32("result", fSelectionList->CountItems()); handled = true; } else if (strcmp(property, kPropertyEntry) == 0) { reply->AddInt32("result", fPoseList->CountItems()); handled = true; } return handled; } bool BPoseView::GetProperty(BMessage* specifier, int32 form, const char* property, BMessage* reply) { // PRINT(("GetProperty %s\n", property)); bool handled = false; status_t result = B_OK; if (strcmp(property, kPropertyPath) == 0) { if (form == B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER) { handled = true; if (TargetModel() == NULL) result = B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; else reply->AddRef("result", TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } } else if (strcmp(property, kPropertySelection) == 0) { int32 count = fSelectionList->CountItems(); switch (form) { case B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER: // return entries of all poses in selection for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { reply->AddRef("result", fSelectionList->ItemAt(index)-> TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } handled = true; break; case kPreviousSpecifier: case kNextSpecifier: { // return entry and index of selected pose before or after // specified pose entry_ref ref; if (specifier->FindRef("data", &ref) != B_OK) break; int32 poseIndex; BPose* pose = FindPose(&ref, &poseIndex); for (;;) { if (form == (int32)kPreviousSpecifier) pose = PoseAtIndex(--poseIndex); else if (form == (int32)kNextSpecifier) pose = PoseAtIndex(++poseIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; break; } if (pose->IsSelected()) { reply->AddRef("result", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); reply->AddInt32("index", IndexOfPose(pose)); break; } } handled = true; break; } } } else if (strcmp(property, kPropertyEntry) == 0) { int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); switch (form) { case B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER: { // return all entries of all poses in PoseView for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { reply->AddRef("result", PoseAtIndex(index)->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } handled = true; break; } case B_INDEX_SPECIFIER: { // return entry at index int32 index; if (specifier->FindInt32("index", &index) != B_OK) break; if (!PoseAtIndex(index)) { result = B_BAD_INDEX; handled = true; break; } reply->AddRef("result", PoseAtIndex(index)->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); handled = true; break; } case kPreviousSpecifier: case kNextSpecifier: { // return entry and index of pose before or after // specified pose entry_ref ref; if (specifier->FindRef("data", &ref) != B_OK) break; int32 tmp; BPose* pose = FindPose(&ref, form, &tmp); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; handled = true; break; } reply->AddRef("result", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); reply->AddInt32("index", IndexOfPose(pose)); handled = true; break; } } } if (result != B_OK) reply->AddInt32("error", result); return handled; } bool BPoseView::SetProperty(BMessage* message, BMessage*, int32 form, const char* property, BMessage* reply) { status_t result = B_OK; bool handled = false; if (strcmp(property, kPropertySelection) == 0) { entry_ref ref; switch (form) { case B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER: { int32 selStart; int32 selEnd; if (message->FindInt32("data", 0, &selStart) == B_OK && message->FindInt32("data", 1, &selEnd) == B_OK) { if (selStart < 0 || selStart >= fPoseList->CountItems() || selEnd < 0 || selEnd >= fPoseList->CountItems()) { result = B_BAD_INDEX; handled = true; break; } SelectPoses(selStart, selEnd); handled = true; break; } } // fall thru case kPreviousSpecifier: case kNextSpecifier: { // PRINT(("SetProperty direct/previous/next %s\n", property)); // select/unselect poses specified by entries bool clearSelection = true; for (int32 index = 0; message->FindRef("data", index, &ref) == B_OK; index++) { int32 poseIndex; BPose* pose = FindPose(&ref, form, &poseIndex); if (pose == NULL) { result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; handled = true; break; } if (clearSelection) { // first selected item must call SelectPose so the // selection gets cleared first SelectPose(pose, poseIndex); clearSelection = false; } else AddPoseToSelection(pose, poseIndex); handled = true; } break; } } } if (result != B_OK) reply->AddInt32("error", result); return handled; } BHandler* BPoseView::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index, BMessage* specifier, int32 form, const char* property) { BPropertyInfo propertyInfo( const_cast(kPosesPropertyList)); int32 result = propertyInfo.FindMatch(message, index, specifier, form, property); if (result < 0) { //PRINT(("FindMatch result %d \n")); return _inherited::ResolveSpecifier(message, index, specifier, form, property); } return this; } BPose* BPoseView::FindPose(const entry_ref* ref, int32 specifierForm, int32* index) const { // flavor of FindPose, used by previous/next specifiers BPose* pose = FindPose(ref, index); if (specifierForm == (int32)kPreviousSpecifier) return PoseAtIndex(--*index); else if (specifierForm == (int32)kNextSpecifier) return PoseAtIndex(++*index); else return pose; }