/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Attributes.h" #include "AttributeStream.h" #include "AutoLock.h" #include "BackgroundImage.h" #include "Bitmaps.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "ContainerWindow.h" #include "CountView.h" #include "Cursors.h" #include "DeskWindow.h" #include "DesktopPoseView.h" #include "DirMenu.h" #include "EntryIterator.h" #include "FilePanelPriv.h" #include "FSClipboard.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "FunctionObject.h" #include "MimeTypes.h" #include "Navigator.h" #include "NavMenu.h" #include "Pose.h" #include "PoseView.h" #include "InfoWindow.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "Tests.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "Tracker.h" #include "TrackerString.h" #include "WidgetAttributeText.h" #include "WidthBuffer.h" using std::min; using std::max; const float kDoubleClickTresh = 6; const float kCountViewWidth = 76; const uint32 kAddNewPoses = 'Tanp'; const uint32 kAddPosesCompleted = 'Tapc'; const int32 kMaxAddPosesChunk = 50; namespace BPrivate { extern bool delete_point(void *); // TODO: exterminate this } const float kSlowScrollBucket = 30; const float kBorderHeight = 20; enum { kAutoScrollOff, kWaitForTransition, kDelayAutoScroll, kAutoScrollOn }; enum { kWasDragged, kContextMenuShown, kNotDragged }; enum { kInsertAtFront, kInsertAfter }; const BPoint kTransparentDragThreshold(256, 192); // maximum size of the transparent drag bitmap, use a drag rect // if larger in any direction const char *kNoCopyToTrashStr = "Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash."; const char *kNoLinkToTrashStr = "Sorry, you can't create links in the Trash."; const char *kNoCopyToRootStr = "You must drop items on one of the disk icons " "in the \"Disks\" window."; const char *kOkToMoveStr = "Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected " "item(s) to this folder?"; struct AddPosesResult { ~AddPosesResult(); void ReleaseModels(); Model *fModels[kMaxAddPosesChunk]; PoseInfo fPoseInfos[kMaxAddPosesChunk]; int32 fCount; }; AddPosesResult::~AddPosesResult(void) { for (int32 i = 0; i < fCount; i++) delete fModels[i]; } void AddPosesResult::ReleaseModels(void) { for (int32 i = 0; i < kMaxAddPosesChunk; i++) fModels[i] = NULL; } static BPose * BSearch(PoseList *table, const BPose* key, BPoseView *view, int (*cmp)(const BPose *, const BPose *, BPoseView *), bool returnClosest = true); static int PoseCompareAddWidget(const BPose *p1, const BPose *p2, BPoseView *view); // #pragma mark - BPoseView::BPoseView(Model *model, BRect bounds, uint32 viewMode, uint32 resizeMask) : BView(bounds, "PoseView", resizeMask, B_WILL_DRAW | B_PULSE_NEEDED), fIsDrawingSelectionRect(false), fHScrollBar(NULL), fVScrollBar(NULL), fModel(model), fActivePose(NULL), fExtent(LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX, LONG_MIN, LONG_MIN), fPoseList(new PoseList(40, true)), fFilteredPoseList(new PoseList()), fVSPoseList(new PoseList()), fSelectionList(new PoseList()), fMimeTypesInSelectionCache(20, true), fZombieList(new BObjectList(10, true)), fColumnList(new BObjectList(4, true)), fMimeTypeList(new BObjectList(10, true)), fMimeTypeListIsDirty(false), fViewState(new BViewState), fStateNeedsSaving(false), fCountView(NULL), fDropTarget(NULL), fAlreadySelectedDropTarget(NULL), fSelectionHandler(be_app), fLastClickPt(LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX), fLastClickTime(0), fLastClickedPose(NULL), fLastExtent(LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX, LONG_MIN, LONG_MIN), fTitleView(NULL), fRefFilter(NULL), fAutoScrollInc(20), fAutoScrollState(kAutoScrollOff), fWidgetTextOutline(false), fSelectionPivotPose(NULL), fRealPivotPose(NULL), fKeyRunner(NULL), fSelectionVisible(true), fMultipleSelection(true), fDragEnabled(true), fDropEnabled(true), fSelectionRectEnabled(true), fAlwaysAutoPlace(false), fAllowPoseEditing(true), fSelectionChangedHook(false), fSavePoseLocations(true), fShowHideSelection(true), fOkToMapIcons(false), fEnsurePosesVisible(false), fShouldAutoScroll(true), fIsDesktopWindow(false), fIsWatchingDateFormatChange(false), fHasPosesInClipboard(false), fCursorCheck(false), fFiltering(false), fFilterStrings(4, true), fLastFilterStringCount(1), fLastFilterStringLength(0), fLastKeyTime(0), fLastDeskbarFrameCheckTime(LONGLONG_MIN), fDeskbarFrame(0, 0, -1, -1) { fViewState->SetViewMode(viewMode); fShowSelectionWhenInactive = TrackerSettings().ShowSelectionWhenInactive(); fTransparentSelection = TrackerSettings().TransparentSelection(); fFilterStrings.AddItem(new BString("")); } BPoseView::~BPoseView() { delete fPoseList; delete fFilteredPoseList; delete fVSPoseList; delete fColumnList; delete fSelectionList; delete fMimeTypeList; delete fZombieList; delete fViewState; delete fModel; delete fKeyRunner; IconCache::sIconCache->Deleting(this); } void BPoseView::Init(AttributeStreamNode *node) { RestoreState(node); InitCommon(); } void BPoseView::Init(const BMessage &message) { RestoreState(message); InitCommon(); } void BPoseView::InitCommon() { BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); // create title view for window BRect rect(Frame()); rect.bottom = rect.top + kTitleViewHeight; fTitleView = new BTitleView(rect, this); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { // resize and move poseview MoveBy(0, kTitleViewHeight + 1); ResizeBy(0, -(kTitleViewHeight + 1)); if (Parent()) Parent()->AddChild(fTitleView); else Window()->AddChild(fTitleView); } if (fHScrollBar) fHScrollBar->SetTitleView(fTitleView); BPoint origin; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) origin = fViewState->ListOrigin(); else origin = fViewState->IconOrigin(); PinPointToValidRange(origin); // init things related to laying out items fListElemHeight = ceilf(sFontHeight < 20 ? 20 : sFontHeight + 6); SetIconPoseHeight(); GetLayoutInfo(ViewMode(), &fGrid, &fOffset); ResetPosePlacementHint(); DisableScrollBars(); ScrollTo(origin); UpdateScrollRange(); SetScrollBarsTo(origin); EnableScrollBars(); StartWatching(); // turn on volume node monitor, metamime monitor, etc. if (window && window->ShouldAddCountView()) AddCountView(); // populate the window if (window && window->IsTrash()) AddTrashPoses(); else AddPoses(TargetModel()); UpdateScrollRange(); } static int CompareColumns(const BColumn *c1, const BColumn *c2) { if (c1->Offset() > c2->Offset()) return 1; else if (c1->Offset() < c2->Offset()) return -1; return 0; } void BPoseView::RestoreColumnState(AttributeStreamNode *node) { fColumnList->MakeEmpty(); if (node) { const char *columnsAttr; const char *columnsAttrForeign; if (TargetModel() && TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { columnsAttr = kAttrDisksColumns; columnsAttrForeign = kAttrDisksColumnsForeign; } else { columnsAttr = kAttrColumns; columnsAttrForeign = kAttrColumnsForeign; } bool wrongEndianness = false; const char *name = columnsAttr; size_t size = (size_t)node->Contains(name, B_RAW_TYPE); if (!size) { name = columnsAttrForeign; wrongEndianness = true; size = (size_t)node->Contains(name, B_RAW_TYPE); } if (size > 0 && size < 10000) { // check for invalid sizes here to protect against munged attributes char *buffer = new char[size]; off_t result = node->Read(name, 0, B_RAW_TYPE, size, buffer); if (result) { BMallocIO stream; stream.WriteAt(0, buffer, size); stream.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); // Clear old column list if neccessary // Put items in the list in order so they can be checked // for overlaps below. BObjectList tempSortedList; for (;;) { BColumn *column = BColumn::InstantiateFromStream(&stream, wrongEndianness); if (!column) break; tempSortedList.AddItem(column); } AddColumnList(&tempSortedList); } delete [] buffer; } } SetUpDefaultColumnsIfNeeded(); if (!ColumnFor(PrimarySort())) { fViewState->SetPrimarySort(FirstColumn()->AttrHash()); fViewState->SetPrimarySortType(FirstColumn()->AttrType()); } if (PrimarySort() == SecondarySort()) fViewState->SetSecondarySort(0); } void BPoseView::RestoreColumnState(const BMessage &message) { fColumnList->MakeEmpty(); BObjectList tempSortedList; for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { BColumn *column = BColumn::InstantiateFromMessage(message, index); if (!column) break; tempSortedList.AddItem(column); } AddColumnList(&tempSortedList); SetUpDefaultColumnsIfNeeded(); if (!ColumnFor(PrimarySort())) { fViewState->SetPrimarySort(FirstColumn()->AttrHash()); fViewState->SetPrimarySortType(FirstColumn()->AttrType()); } if (PrimarySort() == SecondarySort()) fViewState->SetSecondarySort(0); } void BPoseView::AddColumnList(BObjectList *list) { list->SortItems(&CompareColumns); float nextLeftEdge = 0; for (int32 columIndex = 0; columIndex < list->CountItems(); columIndex++) { BColumn *column = list->ItemAt(columIndex); // Make sure that columns don't overlap if (column->Offset() < nextLeftEdge) { PRINT(("\t**Overlapped columns in archived column state\n")); column->SetOffset(nextLeftEdge); } nextLeftEdge = column->Offset() + column->Width() + kTitleColumnExtraMargin; fColumnList->AddItem(column); if (!IsWatchingDateFormatChange() && column->AttrType() == B_TIME_TYPE) StartWatchDateFormatChange(); } } void BPoseView::RestoreState(AttributeStreamNode *node) { RestoreColumnState(node); if (node) { const char *viewStateAttr; const char *viewStateAttrForeign; if (TargetModel() && TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { viewStateAttr = kAttrDisksViewState; viewStateAttrForeign = kAttrDisksViewStateForeign; } else { viewStateAttr = ViewStateAttributeName(); viewStateAttrForeign = ForeignViewStateAttributeName(); } bool wrongEndianness = false; const char *name = viewStateAttr; size_t size = (size_t)node->Contains(name, B_RAW_TYPE); if (!size) { name = viewStateAttrForeign; wrongEndianness = true; size = (size_t)node->Contains(name, B_RAW_TYPE); } if (size > 0 && size < 10000) { // check for invalid sizes here to protect against munged attributes char *buffer = new char[size]; off_t result = node->Read(name, 0, B_RAW_TYPE, size, buffer); if (result) { BMallocIO stream; stream.WriteAt(0, buffer, size); stream.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); BViewState *viewstate = BViewState::InstantiateFromStream(&stream, wrongEndianness); if (viewstate) { delete fViewState; fViewState = viewstate; } } delete [] buffer; } } if (IsDesktopWindow() && ViewMode() == kListMode) // recover if desktop window view state set wrong fViewState->SetViewMode(kIconMode); } void BPoseView::RestoreState(const BMessage &message) { RestoreColumnState(message); BViewState *viewstate = BViewState::InstantiateFromMessage(message); if (viewstate) { delete fViewState; fViewState = viewstate; } if (IsDesktopWindow() && ViewMode() == kListMode) { // recover if desktop window view state set wrong fViewState->SetViewMode(kIconMode); } } namespace BPrivate { bool ClearViewOriginOne(const char *DEBUG_ONLY(name), uint32 type, off_t size, void *viewStateArchive, void *) { ASSERT(strcmp(name, kAttrViewState) == 0); if (!viewStateArchive) return false; if (type != B_RAW_TYPE) return false; BMallocIO stream; stream.WriteAt(0, viewStateArchive, (size_t)size); stream.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); BViewState *viewstate = BViewState::InstantiateFromStream(&stream, false); if (!viewstate) return false; // this is why we are here - zero out viewstate->SetListOrigin(BPoint(0, 0)); viewstate->SetIconOrigin(BPoint(0, 0)); stream.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); viewstate->ArchiveToStream(&stream); stream.ReadAt(0, viewStateArchive, (size_t)size); return true; } } // namespace BPrivate void BPoseView::SetUpDefaultColumnsIfNeeded() { // in case there were errors getting some columns if (fColumnList->CountItems() != 0) return; fColumnList->AddItem(new BColumn("Name", kColumnStart, 145, B_ALIGN_LEFT, kAttrStatName, B_STRING_TYPE, true, true)); fColumnList->AddItem(new BColumn("Size", 200, 80, B_ALIGN_RIGHT, kAttrStatSize, B_OFF_T_TYPE, true, false)); fColumnList->AddItem(new BColumn("Modified", 295, 150, B_ALIGN_LEFT, kAttrStatModified, B_TIME_TYPE, true, false)); if (!IsWatchingDateFormatChange()) StartWatchDateFormatChange(); } const char * BPoseView::ViewStateAttributeName() const { return IsDesktopView() ? kAttrDesktopViewState : kAttrViewState; } const char * BPoseView::ForeignViewStateAttributeName() const { return IsDesktopView() ? kAttrDesktopViewStateForeign : kAttrViewStateForeign; } void BPoseView::SaveColumnState(AttributeStreamNode *node) { BMallocIO stream; for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { const BColumn *column = ColumnAt(index); if (!column) break; column->ArchiveToStream(&stream); } const char *columnsAttr; const char *columnsAttrForeign; if (TargetModel() && TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { columnsAttr = kAttrDisksColumns; columnsAttrForeign = kAttrDisksColumnsForeign; } else { columnsAttr = kAttrColumns; columnsAttrForeign = kAttrColumnsForeign; } node->Write(columnsAttr, columnsAttrForeign, B_RAW_TYPE, stream.Position(), stream.Buffer()); } void BPoseView::SaveColumnState(BMessage &message) const { for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { const BColumn *column = ColumnAt(index); if (!column) break; column->ArchiveToMessage(message); } } void BPoseView::SaveState(AttributeStreamNode *node) { SaveColumnState(node); // save view state into object BMallocIO stream; stream.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); fViewState->ArchiveToStream(&stream); const char *viewStateAttr; const char *viewStateAttrForeign; if (TargetModel() && TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { viewStateAttr = kAttrDisksViewState; viewStateAttrForeign = kAttrDisksViewStateForeign; } else { viewStateAttr = ViewStateAttributeName(); viewStateAttrForeign = ForeignViewStateAttributeName(); } node->Write(viewStateAttr, viewStateAttrForeign, B_RAW_TYPE, stream.Position(), stream.Buffer()); fStateNeedsSaving = false; } void BPoseView::SaveState(BMessage &message) const { SaveColumnState(message); fViewState->ArchiveToMessage(message); } float BPoseView::StringWidth(const char *str) const { return BPrivate::gWidthBuffer->StringWidth(str, 0, (int32)strlen(str), &sCurrentFont); } float BPoseView::StringWidth(const char *str, int32 len) const { ASSERT(strlen(str) == (uint32)len); return BPrivate::gWidthBuffer->StringWidth(str, 0, len, &sCurrentFont); } void BPoseView::SavePoseLocations(BRect *frameIfDesktop) { PoseInfo poseInfo; if (!fSavePoseLocations) return; ASSERT(TargetModel()); ASSERT(Window()->IsLocked()); BVolume volume(TargetModel()->NodeRef()->device); if (volume.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot() && (volume.IsReadOnly() || !volume.KnowsAttr())) { // check that we can write out attrs; Root should always work // because it gets saved on the boot disk but the above checks // will fail return; } bool desktop = IsDesktopWindow() && (frameIfDesktop != NULL); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->NeedsSaveLocation() && pose->HasLocation()) { Model *model = pose->TargetModel(); poseInfo.fInvisible = false; if (model->IsRoot()) poseInfo.fInitedDirectory = TargetModel()->NodeRef()->node; else poseInfo.fInitedDirectory = model->EntryRef()->directory; poseInfo.fLocation = pose->Location(this); ExtendedPoseInfo *extendedPoseInfo = NULL; size_t extendedPoseInfoSize = 0; ModelNodeLazyOpener opener(model, true); if (desktop) { opener.OpenNode(true); // if saving desktop icons, save an extended pose info too extendedPoseInfo = ReadExtendedPoseInfo(model); // read the pre-existing one if (!extendedPoseInfo) { // don't have one yet, allocate one size_t size = ExtendedPoseInfo::Size(1); extendedPoseInfo = (ExtendedPoseInfo *) new char [size]; memset(extendedPoseInfo, 0, size); extendedPoseInfo->fWorkspaces = 0xffffffff; extendedPoseInfo->fInvisible = false; extendedPoseInfo->fShowFromBootOnly = false; extendedPoseInfo->fNumFrames = 0; } ASSERT(extendedPoseInfo); extendedPoseInfo->SetLocationForFrame(pose->Location(this), *frameIfDesktop); extendedPoseInfoSize = extendedPoseInfo->Size(); } if (model->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete[] (char *)extendedPoseInfo; continue; } ASSERT(model); ASSERT(model->InitCheck() == B_OK); // special handling for "root" disks icon // and trash pose on desktop dir bool isTrash = model->IsTrash() && IsDesktopView(); if (model->IsRoot() || isTrash) { BDirectory dir; if (FSGetDeskDir(&dir) == B_OK) { const char *poseInfoAttr = isTrash ? kAttrTrashPoseInfo : kAttrDisksPoseInfo; const char *poseInfoAttrForeign = isTrash ? kAttrTrashPoseInfoForeign : kAttrDisksPoseInfoForeign; if (dir.WriteAttr(poseInfoAttr, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, &poseInfo, sizeof(poseInfo)) == sizeof(poseInfo)) // nuke opposite endianness dir.RemoveAttr(poseInfoAttrForeign); if (!isTrash && desktop && dir.WriteAttr(kAttrExtendedDisksPoseInfo, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, extendedPoseInfo, extendedPoseInfoSize) == (ssize_t)extendedPoseInfoSize) // nuke opposite endianness dir.RemoveAttr(kAttrExtendedDisksPoseInfoForegin); } } else { model->WriteAttrKillForeign(kAttrPoseInfo, kAttrPoseInfoForeign, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, &poseInfo, sizeof(poseInfo)); if (desktop) { model->WriteAttrKillForeign(kAttrExtendedPoseInfo, kAttrExtendedPoseInfoForegin, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, extendedPoseInfo, extendedPoseInfoSize); } } delete [] (char *)extendedPoseInfo; // TODO: fix up this mess } } } void BPoseView::StartWatching() { // watch volumes TTracker::WatchNode(NULL, B_WATCH_MOUNT, this); if (TargetModel() != NULL) TTracker::WatchNode(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), B_WATCH_ATTR, this); BMimeType::StartWatching(BMessenger(this)); } void BPoseView::StopWatching() { stop_watching(this); BMimeType::StopWatching(BMessenger(this)); } void BPoseView::DetachedFromWindow() { if (fTitleView && !fTitleView->Window()) delete fTitleView; if (TTracker *app = dynamic_cast(be_app)) { app->Lock(); app->StopWatching(this, kShowSelectionWhenInactiveChanged); app->StopWatching(this, kTransparentSelectionChanged); app->StopWatching(this, kSortFolderNamesFirstChanged); app->StopWatching(this, kTypeAheadFilteringChanged); app->Unlock(); } StopWatching(); CommitActivePose(); SavePoseLocations(); FSClipboardStopWatch(this); } void BPoseView::Pulse() { BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (!window) return; window->PulseTaskLoop(); // make sure task loop gets pulsed properly, if installed // update item count view in window if necessary UpdateCount(); if (fAutoScrollState != kAutoScrollOff) HandleAutoScroll(); // do we need to update scrollbars? BRect extent = Extent(); if ((fLastExtent != extent) || (fLastLeftTop != LeftTop())) { uint32 button; BPoint mouse; GetMouse(&mouse, &button); if (!button) { UpdateScrollRange(); fLastExtent = extent; fLastLeftTop = LeftTop(); } } } void BPoseView::MoveBy(float x, float y) { if (fTitleView && fTitleView->Window()) fTitleView->MoveBy(x, y); _inherited::MoveBy(x, y); } void BPoseView::ScrollTo(BPoint point) { _inherited::ScrollTo(point); //keep the view state in sync. if (ViewMode() == kListMode) fViewState->SetListOrigin(LeftTop()); else fViewState->SetIconOrigin(LeftTop()); } void BPoseView::AttachedToWindow() { fIsDesktopWindow = (dynamic_cast(Window()) != 0); if (fIsDesktopWindow) AddFilter(new TPoseViewFilter(this)); AddFilter(new ShortcutFilter(B_RETURN, B_OPTION_KEY, kOpenSelection, this)); // add Option-Return as a shortcut filter because AddShortcut doesn't allow // us to have shortcuts without Command yet AddFilter(new ShortcutFilter(B_ESCAPE, 0, B_CANCEL, this)); // Escape key, used to abort an on-going clipboard cut or filtering AddFilter(new ShortcutFilter(B_ESCAPE, B_SHIFT_KEY, kCancelSelectionToClipboard, this)); // Escape + SHIFT will remove current selection from clipboard, or all poses from current folder if 0 selected fLastLeftTop = LeftTop(); BFont font(be_plain_font); font.SetSpacing(B_BITMAP_SPACING); SetFont(&font); GetFont(&sCurrentFont); // static - init just once if (sFontHeight == -1) { font.GetHeight(&sFontInfo); sFontHeight = sFontInfo.ascent + sFontInfo.descent + sFontInfo.leading; } if (TTracker *app = dynamic_cast(be_app)) { app->Lock(); app->StartWatching(this, kShowSelectionWhenInactiveChanged); app->StartWatching(this, kTransparentSelectionChanged); app->StartWatching(this, kSortFolderNamesFirstChanged); app->StartWatching(this, kTypeAheadFilteringChanged); app->Unlock(); } FSClipboardStartWatch(this); } void BPoseView::SetIconPoseHeight() { switch (ViewMode()) { case kIconMode: // IconSize should allready be set in MessageReceived() fIconPoseHeight = ceilf(IconSizeInt() + sFontHeight + 1); break; case kMiniIconMode: fViewState->SetIconSize(B_MINI_ICON); fIconPoseHeight = ceilf(sFontHeight < IconSizeInt() ? IconSizeInt() : sFontHeight + 1); break; default: fViewState->SetIconSize(B_MINI_ICON); fIconPoseHeight = fListElemHeight; break; } } void BPoseView::GetLayoutInfo(uint32 mode, BPoint *grid, BPoint *offset) const { switch (mode) { case kMiniIconMode: grid->Set(96, 20); offset->Set(10, 5); break; case kIconMode: grid->Set(IconSizeInt() + 28, IconSizeInt() + 28); offset->Set(20, 20); break; default: grid->Set(0, 0); offset->Set(5, 5); break; } } void BPoseView::MakeFocus(bool focused) { bool inval = false; if (focused != IsFocus()) inval = true; _inherited::MakeFocus(focused); if (inval) { BackgroundView *view = dynamic_cast(Parent()); if (view) view->PoseViewFocused(focused); } } void BPoseView::WindowActivated(bool activated) { if (activated == false) CommitActivePose(); if (fShowHideSelection) ShowSelection(activated); if (activated && !ActivePose() && !IsFilePanel()) MakeFocus(); } void BPoseView::SetActivePose(BPose *pose) { if (pose != ActivePose()) { CommitActivePose(); fActivePose = pose; } } void BPoseView::CommitActivePose(bool saveChanges) { if (ActivePose()) { int32 index = fPoseList->IndexOf(ActivePose()); BPoint loc(0, index * fListElemHeight); if (ViewMode() != kListMode) loc = ActivePose()->Location(this); ActivePose()->Commit(saveChanges, loc, this, index); fActivePose = NULL; } } EntryListBase * BPoseView::InitDirentIterator(const entry_ref *ref) { // set up a directory iteration Model sourceModel(ref, false, true); if (sourceModel.InitCheck() != B_OK) return NULL; ASSERT(!sourceModel.IsQuery()); ASSERT(sourceModel.Node()); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(sourceModel.Node())); EntryListBase *result = new CachedDirectoryEntryList( *dynamic_cast(sourceModel.Node())); if (result->Rewind() != B_OK) { delete result; HideBarberPole(); return NULL; } TTracker::WatchNode(sourceModel.NodeRef(), B_WATCH_DIRECTORY | B_WATCH_NAME | B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR, this); return result; } uint32 BPoseView::WatchNewNodeMask() { #ifdef __HAIKU__ return B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_INTERIM_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR; #else return B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR; #endif } status_t BPoseView::WatchNewNode(const node_ref *item) { return WatchNewNode(item, WatchNewNodeMask(), BMessenger(this)); } status_t BPoseView::WatchNewNode(const node_ref *item, uint32 mask, BMessenger messenger) { status_t result = TTracker::WatchNode(item, mask, messenger); #if DEBUG if (result != B_OK) PRINT(("failed to watch node %s\n", strerror(result))); #endif return result; } struct AddPosesParams { BMessenger target; entry_ref ref; }; bool BPoseView::IsValidAddPosesThread(thread_id currentThread) const { return fAddPosesThreads.find(currentThread) != fAddPosesThreads.end(); } void BPoseView::AddPoses(Model *model) { // if model is zero, PoseView has other means of iterating through all // the entries that it adds if (model) { TrackerSettings settings; if (model->IsRoot()) { AddRootPoses(true, settings.MountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop()); return; } else if (IsDesktopView() && (settings.MountVolumesOntoDesktop() || settings.ShowDisksIcon() || (IsFilePanel() && settings.DesktopFilePanelRoot()))) AddRootPoses(true, settings.MountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop()); } ShowBarberPole(); AddPosesParams *params = new AddPosesParams(); BMessenger tmp(this); params->target = tmp; if (model) params->ref = *model->EntryRef(); thread_id addPosesThread = spawn_thread(&BPoseView::AddPosesTask, "add poses", B_DISPLAY_PRIORITY, params); if (addPosesThread >= B_OK) { fAddPosesThreads.insert(addPosesThread); resume_thread(addPosesThread); } else delete params; } class AutoLockingMessenger { // Note: // this locker requires that you lock/unlock the messenger and associated // looper only through the autolocker interface, otherwise the hasLock // flag gets out of sync // // Also, this class represents the entire BMessenger, not just it's // autolocker (unlike MessengerAutoLocker) public: AutoLockingMessenger(const BMessenger &target, bool lockLater = false) : messenger(target), hasLock(false) { if (!lockLater) hasLock = messenger.LockTarget(); } ~AutoLockingMessenger() { if (hasLock) { BLooper *looper; messenger.Target(&looper); ASSERT(looper->IsLocked()); looper->Unlock(); } } bool Lock() { if (!hasLock) hasLock = messenger.LockTarget(); return hasLock; } bool IsLocked() const { return hasLock; } void Unlock() { if (hasLock) { BLooper *looper; messenger.Target(&looper); ASSERT(looper); looper->Unlock(); hasLock = false; } } BLooper *Looper() const { BLooper *looper; messenger.Target(&looper); return looper; } BHandler *Handler() const { ASSERT(hasLock); return messenger.Target(0); } BMessenger Target() const { return messenger; } private: BMessenger messenger; bool hasLock; }; class failToLock { /* exception in AddPoses*/ }; status_t BPoseView::AddPosesTask(void *castToParams) { // AddPosesTask reeds a bunch of models and passes them off to // the pose placing and drawing routine. // AddPosesParams *params = (AddPosesParams *)castToParams; BMessenger target(params->target); entry_ref ref(params->ref); delete params; AutoLockingMessenger lock(target); if (!lock.IsLocked()) return B_ERROR; thread_id threadID = find_thread(NULL); BPoseView *view = dynamic_cast(lock.Handler()); ASSERT(view); // BWindow *window = dynamic_cast(lock.Looper()); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(lock.Looper())); // allocate the iterator we will use for adding poses; this // can be a directory or any other collection of entry_refs, such // as results of a query; subclasses override this to provide // other than standard directory iterations EntryListBase *container = view->InitDirentIterator(&ref); if (!container) { view->HideBarberPole(); return B_ERROR; } AddPosesResult *posesResult = new AddPosesResult; posesResult->fCount = 0; int32 modelChunkIndex = 0; bigtime_t nextChunkTime = 0; uint32 watchMask = view->WatchNewNodeMask(); bool hideDotFiles = TrackerSettings().HideDotFiles(); #if DEBUG for (int32 index = 0; index < kMaxAddPosesChunk; index++) posesResult->fModels[index] = (Model *)0xdeadbeef; #endif try { for (;;) { lock.Unlock(); status_t result = B_OK; char entBuf[1024]; dirent *eptr = (dirent *)entBuf; Model *model = 0; node_ref dirNode; node_ref itemNode; posesResult->fModels[modelChunkIndex] = 0; // ToDo - redo this so that modelChunkIndex increments right before // a new model is added to the array; start with modelChunkIndex = -1 int32 count = container->GetNextDirents(eptr, 1024, 1); if (count <= 0 && !modelChunkIndex) break; if (count) { ASSERT(count == 1); if ((!hideDotFiles && (!strcmp(eptr->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(eptr->d_name, ".."))) || (hideDotFiles && eptr->d_name[0] == '.')) continue; dirNode.device = eptr->d_pdev; dirNode.node = eptr->d_pino; itemNode.device = eptr->d_dev; itemNode.node = eptr->d_ino; BPoseView::WatchNewNode(&itemNode, watchMask, lock.Target()); // have to node monitor ahead of time because Model will // cache up the file type and preferred app // OK to call when poseView is not locked model = new Model(&dirNode, &itemNode, eptr->d_name, true); result = model->InitCheck(); posesResult->fModels[modelChunkIndex] = model; } // before we access the pose view, lock down the window if (!lock.Lock()) { PRINT(("failed to lock\n")); posesResult->fCount = modelChunkIndex + 1; throw failToLock(); } if (!view->IsValidAddPosesThread(threadID)) { // this handles the case of a file panel when the directory is // switched and and old AddPosesTask needs to die. // we might no longer be the current async thread // for this view - if not then we're done view->HideBarberPole(); // for now use the same cleanup as failToLock does posesResult->fCount = modelChunkIndex + 1; throw failToLock(); } if (count) { // try to watch the model, no matter what if (result != B_OK) { // failed to init pose, model is a zombie, add to zombie // list PRINT(("1 adding model %s to zombie list, error %s\n", model->Name(), strerror(model->InitCheck()))); view->fZombieList->AddItem(model); continue; } view->ReadPoseInfo(model, &(posesResult->fPoseInfos[modelChunkIndex])); if (!view->ShouldShowPose(model, &(posesResult->fPoseInfos[modelChunkIndex])) // filter out models we do not want to show || (model->IsSymLink() && !view->CreateSymlinkPoseTarget(model))) { // filter out symlinks whose target models we do not // want to show posesResult->fModels[modelChunkIndex] = 0; delete model; continue; } // TODO: we are only watching nodes that are visible and // not zombies. EntryCreated watches everything, which is // probably more correct. // clean this up model->CloseNode(); modelChunkIndex++; } bigtime_t now = system_time(); if (!count || modelChunkIndex >= kMaxAddPosesChunk || now > nextChunkTime) { // keep getting models until we get of them // or until 300000 runs out ASSERT(modelChunkIndex > 0); // send of the created poses posesResult->fCount = modelChunkIndex; BMessage creationData(kAddNewPoses); creationData.AddPointer("currentPoses", posesResult); creationData.AddRef("ref", &ref); lock.Target().SendMessage(&creationData); modelChunkIndex = 0; nextChunkTime = now + 300000; posesResult = new AddPosesResult; posesResult->fCount = 0; snooze(500); // be nice } if (!count) break; } BMessage finishedSending(kAddPosesCompleted); lock.Target().SendMessage(&finishedSending); } catch (failToLock) { // we are here because the window got closed or otherwise failed to // lock PRINT(("add_poses cleanup \n")); // failed to lock window, bail delete posesResult; delete container; return B_ERROR; } ASSERT(!modelChunkIndex); delete posesResult; delete container; // build attributes menu based on mime types we've added if (lock.Lock()) { #ifdef MSIPL_COMPILE_H // workaround for broken PPC STL, not needed with the SGI headers for x86 set::iterator i = view->fAddPosesThreads.find(threadID); if (i != view->fAddPosesThreads.end()) view->fAddPosesThreads.erase(i); #else view->fAddPosesThreads.erase(threadID); #endif } return B_OK; } void BPoseView::AddRootPoses(bool watchIndividually, bool mountShared) { BVolumeRoster roster; roster.Rewind(); BVolume volume; if (TrackerSettings().ShowDisksIcon() && !TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { BEntry entry("/"); Model model(&entry); if (model.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BMessage monitorMsg; monitorMsg.what = B_NODE_MONITOR; monitorMsg.AddInt32("opcode", B_ENTRY_CREATED); monitorMsg.AddInt32("device", model.NodeRef()->device); monitorMsg.AddInt64("node", model.NodeRef()->node); monitorMsg.AddInt64("directory", model.EntryRef()->directory); monitorMsg.AddString("name", model.EntryRef()->name); if (Window()) Window()->PostMessage(&monitorMsg, this); } } else { while (roster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { if (!volume.IsPersistent()) continue; if (volume.IsShared() && !mountShared) continue; CreateVolumePose(&volume, watchIndividually); } } SortPoses(); UpdateCount(); Invalidate(); } void BPoseView::RemoveRootPoses() { int32 index; int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (index = 0; index < count;) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose) { Model *model = pose->TargetModel(); if (model) { if (model->IsVolume()) { DeletePose(model->NodeRef()); count--; } else index++; } } } SortPoses(); UpdateCount(); Invalidate(); } void BPoseView::AddTrashPoses() { // the trash window needs to display a union of all the // trash folders from all the mounted volumes BVolumeRoster volRoster; volRoster.Rewind(); BVolume volume; while (volRoster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { if (!volume.IsPersistent()) continue; BDirectory trashDir; BEntry entry; if (FSGetTrashDir(&trashDir, volume.Device()) == B_OK && trashDir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK) { Model model(&entry); if (model.InitCheck() == B_OK) AddPoses(&model); } } } void BPoseView::AddPosesCompleted() { BContainerWindow *containerWindow = ContainerWindow(); if (containerWindow) containerWindow->AddMimeTypesToMenu(); // if we're not in icon mode then we need to check for poses that // were "auto" placed to see if they overlap with other icons if (ViewMode() != kListMode) CheckAutoPlacedPoses(); HideBarberPole(); // make sure that the last item in the list is not placed // above the top of the view (leaving you with an empty window) if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); float lastItemTop = (CurrentPoseList()->CountItems() - 1) * fListElemHeight; if (bounds.top > lastItemTop) BView::ScrollTo(bounds.left, max_c(lastItemTop, 0)); } } void BPoseView::CreateVolumePose(BVolume *volume, bool watchIndividually) { if (volume->InitCheck() != B_OK || !volume->IsPersistent()) { // We never want to create poses for those volumes; the file // system root, /pipe, /dev, etc. are all non-persistent return; } BDirectory root; if (volume->GetRootDirectory(&root) == B_OK) { node_ref itemNode; root.GetNodeRef(&itemNode); BEntry entry; root.GetEntry(&entry); entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); node_ref dirNode; dirNode.device = ref.device; dirNode.node = ref.directory; BPose *pose = EntryCreated(&dirNode, &itemNode, ref.name, 0); if (pose && watchIndividually) { // make sure volume names still get watched, even though // they are on the desktop which is not their physical parent pose->TargetModel()->WatchVolumeAndMountPoint(B_WATCH_NAME | B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR, this); } } } void BPoseView::CreateTrashPose() { BVolume volume; if (BVolumeRoster().GetBootVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { BDirectory trash; BEntry entry; node_ref ref; if (FSGetTrashDir(&trash, volume.Device()) == B_OK && trash.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK && entry.GetNodeRef(&ref) == B_OK) { WatchNewNode(&ref); Model *model = new Model(&entry); PoseInfo info; ReadPoseInfo(model, &info); CreatePose(model, &info, false, NULL, NULL, true); } } } BPose * BPoseView::CreatePose(Model *model, PoseInfo *poseInfo, bool insertionSort, int32 *indexPtr, BRect *boundsPtr, bool forceDraw) { BPose *result; CreatePoses(&model, poseInfo, 1, &result, insertionSort, indexPtr, boundsPtr, forceDraw); return result; } void BPoseView::FinishPendingScroll(float &listViewScrollBy, BRect srcRect) { if (listViewScrollBy == 0.0) return; // copy top contents to bottom and // redraw from top to top of part that could be copied if (srcRect.Width() > listViewScrollBy) { BRect dstRect = srcRect; srcRect.bottom -= listViewScrollBy; dstRect.top += listViewScrollBy; CopyBits(srcRect, dstRect); listViewScrollBy = 0; srcRect.bottom = dstRect.top; } SynchronousUpdate(srcRect); } bool BPoseView::AddPosesThreadValid(const entry_ref *ref) const { return *(TargetModel()->EntryRef()) == *ref || ContainerWindow()->IsTrash(); } void BPoseView::AddPoseToList(PoseList *list, bool visibleList, bool insertionSort, BPose *pose, BRect &viewBounds, float &listViewScrollBy, bool forceDraw) { int32 poseIndex = list->CountItems(); BRect poseBounds; bool havePoseBounds = false; bool addedItem = false; bool needToDraw = true; if (insertionSort && list->CountItems()) { int32 orientation = BSearchList(list, pose, &poseIndex); if (orientation == kInsertAfter) poseIndex++; if (visibleList) { // we only care about the positions if this is a visible list poseBounds = CalcPoseRectList(pose, poseIndex); havePoseBounds = true; BRect srcRect(Extent()); srcRect.top = poseBounds.top; srcRect = srcRect & viewBounds; BRect destRect(srcRect); destRect.OffsetBy(0, fListElemHeight); // special case the addition of a pose that scrolls // the extent into the view for the first time: if (destRect.bottom > viewBounds.top && destRect.top > destRect.bottom) { // make destRect valid destRect.top = viewBounds.top; } if (srcRect.Intersects(viewBounds) || destRect.Intersects(viewBounds)) { // The visual area is affected by the insertion. // If items have been added above the visual area, // delay the scrolling. srcRect.bottom holds the // current Extent(). So if the bottom is still above // the viewBounds top, it means the view is scrolled // to show the area below the items that have already // been added. if (srcRect.top == viewBounds.top && srcRect.bottom >= viewBounds.top) { // if new pose above current view bounds, cache up // the draw and do it later listViewScrollBy += fListElemHeight; needToDraw = false; } else { FinishPendingScroll(listViewScrollBy, viewBounds); list->AddItem(pose, poseIndex); fMimeTypeListIsDirty = true; addedItem = true; if (srcRect.IsValid()) { CopyBits(srcRect, destRect); srcRect.bottom = destRect.top; SynchronousUpdate(srcRect); } else { SynchronousUpdate(destRect); } needToDraw = false; } } } } if (!addedItem) { list->AddItem(pose, poseIndex); fMimeTypeListIsDirty = true; } if (visibleList && needToDraw && forceDraw) { if (!havePoseBounds) poseBounds = CalcPoseRectList(pose, poseIndex); if (viewBounds.Intersects(poseBounds)) SynchronousUpdate(poseBounds); } } void BPoseView::CreatePoses(Model **models, PoseInfo *poseInfoArray, int32 count, BPose **resultingPoses, bool insertionSort, int32 *lastPoseIndexPtr, BRect *boundsPtr, bool forceDraw) { // were we passed the bounds of the view? BRect viewBounds; if (boundsPtr) viewBounds = *boundsPtr; else viewBounds = Bounds(); be_clipboard->Lock(); int32 poseIndex = 0; uint32 clipboardMode = 0; float listViewScrollBy = 0; for (int32 modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < count; modelIndex++) { Model *model = models[modelIndex]; // pose adopts model and deletes it when done if (fInsertedNodes.find(*(model->NodeRef())) != fInsertedNodes.end() || FindZombie(model->NodeRef())) { watch_node(model->NodeRef(), B_STOP_WATCHING, this); delete model; if (resultingPoses) resultingPoses[modelIndex] = NULL; continue; } else fInsertedNodes.insert(*(model->NodeRef())); if ((clipboardMode = FSClipboardFindNodeMode(model, false, true)) != 0 && !HasPosesInClipboard()) { SetHasPosesInClipboard(true); } model->OpenNode(); ASSERT(model->IsNodeOpen()); PoseInfo *poseInfo = &poseInfoArray[modelIndex]; BPose *pose = new BPose(model, this, clipboardMode); if (resultingPoses) resultingPoses[modelIndex] = pose; // set location from poseinfo if saved loc was for this dir if (poseInfo->fInitedDirectory != -1LL) { PinPointToValidRange(poseInfo->fLocation); pose->SetLocation(poseInfo->fLocation, this); AddToVSList(pose); } BRect poseBounds; switch (ViewMode()) { case kListMode: { AddPoseToList(fPoseList, !fFiltering, insertionSort, pose, viewBounds, listViewScrollBy, forceDraw); if (fFiltering && FilterPose(pose)) { AddPoseToList(fFilteredPoseList, true, insertionSort, pose, viewBounds, listViewScrollBy, forceDraw); } break; } case kIconMode: case kMiniIconMode: if (poseInfo->fInitedDirectory == -1LL || fAlwaysAutoPlace) { if (pose->HasLocation()) RemoveFromVSList(pose); PlacePose(pose, viewBounds); // we set a flag in the pose here to signify that we were // auto placed - after adding all poses to window, we're // going to go back and make sure that the auto placed poses // don't overlap previously positioned icons. If so, we'll // move them to new positions. if (!fAlwaysAutoPlace) pose->SetAutoPlaced(true); AddToVSList(pose); } // add item to list and draw if necessary fPoseList->AddItem(pose); fMimeTypeListIsDirty = true; poseBounds = pose->CalcRect(this); if (fEnsurePosesVisible && !viewBounds.Intersects(poseBounds)) { viewBounds.InsetBy(20, 20); RemoveFromVSList(pose); BPoint loc(pose->Location(this)); loc.ConstrainTo(viewBounds); pose->SetLocation(loc, this); pose->SetSaveLocation(); AddToVSList(pose); poseBounds = pose->CalcRect(this); viewBounds.InsetBy(-20, -20); } if (forceDraw && viewBounds.Intersects(poseBounds)) Invalidate(poseBounds); // if this is the first item then we set extent here if (!fExtent.IsValid()) fExtent = poseBounds; else AddToExtent(poseBounds); break; } if (model->IsSymLink()) model->ResolveIfLink()->CloseNode(); model->CloseNode(); } be_clipboard->Unlock(); FinishPendingScroll(listViewScrollBy, viewBounds); if (lastPoseIndexPtr) *lastPoseIndexPtr = poseIndex; } bool BPoseView::PoseVisible(const Model *model, const PoseInfo *poseInfo) { return !poseInfo->fInvisible; } bool BPoseView::ShouldShowPose(const Model *model, const PoseInfo *poseInfo) { if (!PoseVisible(model, poseInfo)) return false; // check filter before adding item if (!fRefFilter) return true; struct stat_beos statBeOS; convert_to_stat_beos(model->StatBuf(), &statBeOS); return fRefFilter->Filter(model->EntryRef(), model->Node(), &statBeOS, model->MimeType()); } const char * BPoseView::MimeTypeAt(int32 index) { if (fMimeTypeListIsDirty) RefreshMimeTypeList(); return fMimeTypeList->ItemAt(index)->String(); } int32 BPoseView::CountMimeTypes() { if (fMimeTypeListIsDirty) RefreshMimeTypeList(); return fMimeTypeList->CountItems(); } void BPoseView::AddMimeType(const char *mimeType) { int32 count = fMimeTypeList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (*fMimeTypeList->ItemAt(index) == mimeType) return; } fMimeTypeList->AddItem(new BString(mimeType)); } void BPoseView::RefreshMimeTypeList() { fMimeTypeList->MakeEmpty(); fMimeTypeListIsDirty = false; for (int32 index = 0;; index++) { BPose *pose = PoseAtIndex(index); if (!pose) break; if (pose->TargetModel()) AddMimeType(pose->TargetModel()->MimeType()); } } void BPoseView::InsertPoseAfter(BPose *pose, int32 *index, int32 orientation, BRect *invalidRect) { if (orientation == kInsertAfter) { // TODO: get rid of this (*index)++; } BRect bounds(Bounds()); // copy the good bits in the list BRect srcRect(Extent()); srcRect.top = CalcPoseRectList(pose, *index).top; srcRect = srcRect & bounds; BRect destRect(srcRect); destRect.OffsetBy(0, fListElemHeight); if (srcRect.Intersects(bounds) || destRect.Intersects(bounds)) CopyBits(srcRect, destRect); // this is the invalid rectangle srcRect.bottom = destRect.top; *invalidRect = srcRect; } void BPoseView::DisableScrollBars() { if (fHScrollBar) fHScrollBar->SetTarget((BView *)NULL); if (fVScrollBar) fVScrollBar->SetTarget((BView *)NULL); } void BPoseView::EnableScrollBars() { if (fHScrollBar) fHScrollBar->SetTarget(this); if (fVScrollBar) fVScrollBar->SetTarget(this); } void BPoseView::AddScrollBars() { AutoLock lock(Window()); if (!lock) return; BRect bounds(Frame()); // horizontal BRect rect(bounds); rect.top = rect.bottom + 1; rect.bottom = rect.top + (float)B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT; rect.right++; fHScrollBar = new BHScrollBar(rect, "HScrollBar", this); if (Parent()) Parent()->AddChild(fHScrollBar); else Window()->AddChild(fHScrollBar); // vertical rect = bounds; rect.left = rect.right + 1; rect.right = rect.left + (float)B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; rect.bottom++; fVScrollBar = new BScrollBar(rect, "VScrollBar", this, 0, 100, B_VERTICAL); if (Parent()) Parent()->AddChild(fVScrollBar); else Window()->AddChild(fVScrollBar); } void BPoseView::UpdateCount() { if (fCountView) fCountView->CheckCount(); } void BPoseView::AddCountView() { AutoLock lock(Window()); if (!lock) return; BRect rect(Frame()); rect.right = rect.left + kCountViewWidth; rect.top = rect.bottom + 1; rect.bottom = rect.top + (float)B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT - 1; fCountView = new BCountView(rect, this); if (Parent()) Parent()->AddChild(fCountView); else Window()->AddChild(fCountView); if (fHScrollBar) { fHScrollBar->MoveBy(kCountViewWidth + 1, 0); fHScrollBar->ResizeBy(-kCountViewWidth - 1, 0); } } void BPoseView::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { if (message->WasDropped() && HandleMessageDropped(message)) return; if (HandleScriptingMessage(message)) return; switch (message->what) { case kContextMenuDragNDrop: { BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (window && window->Dragging()) { BPoint droppoint, dropoffset; if (message->FindPoint("_drop_point_", &droppoint) == B_OK) { BMessage* dragmessage = window->DragMessage(); dragmessage->FindPoint("click_pt", &dropoffset); dragmessage->AddPoint("_drop_point_", droppoint); dragmessage->AddPoint("_drop_offset_", dropoffset); HandleMessageDropped(dragmessage); } DragStop(); } break; } case kAddNewPoses: { AddPosesResult *currentPoses; entry_ref ref; message->FindPointer("currentPoses", reinterpret_cast(¤tPoses)); message->FindRef("ref", &ref); // check if CreatePoses should be called (abort if dir has been // switched under normal circumstances, ignore in several special // cases if (AddPosesThreadValid(&ref)) { CreatePoses(currentPoses->fModels, currentPoses->fPoseInfos, currentPoses->fCount, NULL, true, 0, 0, true); currentPoses->ReleaseModels(); } delete currentPoses; break; } case kAddPosesCompleted: AddPosesCompleted(); break; case kRestoreBackgroundImage: ContainerWindow()->UpdateBackgroundImage(); break; case B_META_MIME_CHANGED: NoticeMetaMimeChanged(message); break; case B_NODE_MONITOR: case B_QUERY_UPDATE: if (!FSNotification(message)) pendingNodeMonitorCache.Add(message); break; case kIconMode: { int32 size; int32 scale; if (message->FindInt32("size", &size) == B_OK) { if (size != (int32)IconSizeInt()) fViewState->SetIconSize(size); } else if (message->FindInt32("scale", &scale) == B_OK && fViewState->ViewMode() == kIconMode) { if (scale == 0 && (int32)IconSizeInt() != 32) { switch ((int32)IconSizeInt()) { case 40: fViewState->SetIconSize(32); break; case 48: fViewState->SetIconSize(40); break; case 64: fViewState->SetIconSize(48); break; } } else if (scale == 1 && (int32)IconSizeInt() != 128) { switch ((int32)IconSizeInt()) { case 32: fViewState->SetIconSize(40); break; case 40: fViewState->SetIconSize(48); break; case 48: fViewState->SetIconSize(64); break; } } } else { int32 iconSize = fViewState->LastIconSize(); if (iconSize < 32 || iconSize > 64) { // uninitialized last icon size? iconSize = 32; } fViewState->SetIconSize(iconSize); } } // fall thru case kListMode: case kMiniIconMode: SetViewMode(message->what); break; case B_SELECT_ALL: { // Select widget if there is an active one BTextWidget *widget; if (ActivePose() && ((widget = ActivePose()->ActiveWidget())) != 0) widget->SelectAll(this); else SelectAll(); break; } case B_CUT: FSClipboardAddPoses(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), fSelectionList, kMoveSelectionTo, true); break; case kCutMoreSelectionToClipboard: FSClipboardAddPoses(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), fSelectionList, kMoveSelectionTo, false); break; case B_COPY: FSClipboardAddPoses(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), fSelectionList, kCopySelectionTo, true); break; case kCopyMoreSelectionToClipboard: FSClipboardAddPoses(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), fSelectionList, kCopySelectionTo, false); break; case B_PASTE: FSClipboardPaste(TargetModel()); break; case kPasteLinksFromClipboard: FSClipboardPaste(TargetModel(), kCreateLink); break; case B_CANCEL: if (FSClipboardHasRefs()) FSClipboardClear(); else if (fFiltering) StopFiltering(); break; case kCancelSelectionToClipboard: FSClipboardRemovePoses(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), (fSelectionList->CountItems() > 0 ? fSelectionList : fPoseList)); break; case kFSClipboardChanges: { node_ref node; message->FindInt32("device", &node.device); message->FindInt64("directory", &node.node); if (*TargetModel()->NodeRef() == node) UpdatePosesClipboardModeFromClipboard(message); else if (message->FindBool("clearClipboard") && HasPosesInClipboard()) { // just remove all poses from clipboard SetHasPosesInClipboard(false); SetPosesClipboardMode(0); } break; } case kInvertSelection: InvertSelection(); break; case kShowSelectionWindow: ShowSelectionWindow(); break; case kDuplicateSelection: DuplicateSelection(); break; case kOpenSelection: OpenSelection(); break; case kOpenSelectionWith: OpenSelectionUsing(); break; case kRestoreFromTrash: RestoreSelectionFromTrash(); break; case kDelete: if (ContainerWindow()->IsTrash()) // if trash delete instantly DeleteSelection(true, false); else DeleteSelection(); break; case kMoveToTrash: { TrackerSettings settings; if ((modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0 || settings.DontMoveFilesToTrash()) DeleteSelection(true, settings.AskBeforeDeleteFile()); else MoveSelectionToTrash(); break; } case kCleanupAll: Cleanup(true); break; case kCleanup: Cleanup(); break; case kEditQuery: EditQueries(); break; case kRunAutomounterSettings: be_app->PostMessage(message); break; case kNewEntryFromTemplate: if (message->HasRef("refs_template")) NewFileFromTemplate(message); break; case kNewFolder: NewFolder(message); break; case kUnmountVolume: UnmountSelectedVolumes(); break; case kEmptyTrash: FSEmptyTrash(); break; case kGetInfo: OpenInfoWindows(); break; case kIdentifyEntry: IdentifySelection(); break; case kEditItem: { if (ActivePose()) break; BPose *pose = fSelectionList->FirstItem(); if (pose) { pose->EditFirstWidget(BPoint(0, CurrentPoseList()->IndexOf(pose) * fListElemHeight), this); } break; } case kOpenParentDir: OpenParent(); break; case kCopyAttributes: if (be_clipboard->Lock()) { be_clipboard->Clear(); BMessage *data = be_clipboard->Data(); if (data != NULL) { // copy attributes to the clipboard BMessage state; SaveState(state); BMallocIO stream; ssize_t size; if (state.Flatten(&stream, &size) == B_OK) { data->AddData("application/tracker-columns", B_MIME_TYPE, stream.Buffer(), size); be_clipboard->Commit(); } } be_clipboard->Unlock(); } break; case kPasteAttributes: if (be_clipboard->Lock()) { BMessage *data = be_clipboard->Data(); if (data != NULL) { // find the attributes in the clipboard const void *buffer; ssize_t size; if (data->FindData("application/tracker-columns", B_MIME_TYPE, &buffer, &size) == B_OK) { BMessage state; if (state.Unflatten((const char *)buffer) == B_OK) { // remove all current columns (one always stays) BColumn *old; while ((old = ColumnAt(0)) != NULL) { if (!RemoveColumn(old, false)) break; } // add new columns for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { BColumn *column = BColumn::InstantiateFromMessage(state, index); if (!column) break; AddColumn(column); } // remove the last old one RemoveColumn(old, false); // set sorting mode BViewState *viewState = BViewState::InstantiateFromMessage(state); if (viewState != NULL) { SetPrimarySort(viewState->PrimarySort()); SetSecondarySort(viewState->SecondarySort()); SetReverseSort(viewState->ReverseSort()); SortPoses(); Invalidate(); } } } } be_clipboard->Unlock(); } break; case kAttributeItem: HandleAttrMenuItemSelected(message); break; case kAddPrinter: be_app->PostMessage(message); break; case kMakeActivePrinter: SetDefaultPrinter(); break; #if DEBUG case kTestIconCache: RunIconCacheTests(); break; case 'dbug': { int32 count = fSelectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) fSelectionList->ItemAt(index)->PrintToStream(); break; } #ifdef CHECK_OPEN_MODEL_LEAKS case 'dpfl': DumpOpenModels(false); break; case 'dpfL': DumpOpenModels(true); break; #endif #endif case kCheckTypeahead: { bigtime_t doubleClickSpeed; get_click_speed(&doubleClickSpeed); if (system_time() - fLastKeyTime > (doubleClickSpeed * 2)) { fCountView->SetTypeAhead(""); delete fKeyRunner; fKeyRunner = NULL; } break; } case B_OBSERVER_NOTICE_CHANGE: { int32 observerWhat; if (message->FindInt32("be:observe_change_what", &observerWhat) == B_OK) { switch (observerWhat) { case kDateFormatChanged: UpdateDateColumns(message); break; case kVolumesOnDesktopChanged: AdaptToVolumeChange(message); break; case kDesktopIntegrationChanged: AdaptToDesktopIntegrationChange(message); break; case kShowSelectionWhenInactiveChanged: { // Updating the settings here will propagate setting changed // from Tracker to all open file panels as well bool showSelection; if (message->FindBool("ShowSelectionWhenInactive", &showSelection) == B_OK) { fShowSelectionWhenInactive = showSelection; TrackerSettings().SetShowSelectionWhenInactive(fShowSelectionWhenInactive); } Invalidate(); break; } case kTransparentSelectionChanged: { bool transparentSelection; if (message->FindBool("TransparentSelection", &transparentSelection) == B_OK) { fTransparentSelection = transparentSelection; TrackerSettings().SetTransparentSelection(fTransparentSelection); } break; } case kSortFolderNamesFirstChanged: if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { TrackerSettings settings; bool sortFolderNamesFirst; if (message->FindBool("SortFolderNamesFirst", &sortFolderNamesFirst) == B_OK) settings.SetSortFolderNamesFirst(sortFolderNamesFirst); NameAttributeText::SetSortFolderNamesFirst(settings.SortFolderNamesFirst()); SortPoses(); Invalidate(); } break; case kTypeAheadFilteringChanged: { TrackerSettings settings; bool typeAheadFiltering; if (message->FindBool("TypeAheadFiltering", &typeAheadFiltering) == B_OK) settings.SetTypeAheadFiltering(typeAheadFiltering); if (fFiltering && !typeAheadFiltering) StopFiltering(); break; } } } break; } default: _inherited::MessageReceived(message); break; } } bool BPoseView::RemoveColumn(BColumn *columnToRemove, bool runAlert) { // make sure last column is not removed if (CountColumns() == 1) { if (runAlert) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", "You must have at least one attribute showing.", "Cancel", 0, 0, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); } return false; } // column exists so remove it from list int32 columnIndex = IndexOfColumn(columnToRemove); float offset = columnToRemove->Offset(); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) fPoseList->ItemAt(index)->RemoveWidget(this, columnToRemove); fColumnList->RemoveItem(columnToRemove, false); fTitleView->RemoveTitle(columnToRemove); float attrWidth = columnToRemove->Width(); delete columnToRemove; count = CountColumns(); for (int32 index = columnIndex; index < count; index++) { BColumn *column = ColumnAt(index); column->SetOffset(column->Offset() - (attrWidth + kTitleColumnExtraMargin)); } BRect rect(Bounds()); rect.left = offset; Invalidate(rect); ContainerWindow()->MarkAttributeMenu(); if (IsWatchingDateFormatChange()) { int32 columnCount = CountColumns(); bool anyDateAttributesLeft = false; for (int32 i = 0; iAttrType() == B_TIME_TYPE) anyDateAttributesLeft = true; if (anyDateAttributesLeft) break; } if (!anyDateAttributesLeft) StopWatchDateFormatChange(); } fStateNeedsSaving = true; return true; } bool BPoseView::AddColumn(BColumn *newColumn, const BColumn *after) { if (!after) after = LastColumn(); // add new column after last column float offset; int32 afterColumnIndex; if (after) { offset = after->Offset() + after->Width() + kTitleColumnExtraMargin; afterColumnIndex = IndexOfColumn(after); } else { offset = kColumnStart; afterColumnIndex = CountColumns() - 1; } // add the new column fColumnList->AddItem(newColumn, afterColumnIndex + 1); fTitleView->AddTitle(newColumn); BRect rect(Bounds()); // add widget for all visible poses PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); int32 startIndex = (int32)(rect.top / fListElemHeight); BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); if (!pose->WidgetFor(newColumn->AttrHash())) pose->AddWidget(this, newColumn); loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > rect.bottom) break; } // rearrange column titles to fit new column newColumn->SetOffset(offset); float attrWidth = newColumn->Width(); count = CountColumns(); for (int32 index = afterColumnIndex + 2; index < count; index++) { BColumn *column = ColumnAt(index); ASSERT(newColumn != column); column->SetOffset(column->Offset() + (attrWidth + kTitleColumnExtraMargin)); } rect.left = offset; Invalidate(rect); ContainerWindow()->MarkAttributeMenu(); // Check if this is a time attribute and if so, // start watching for changed in time/date format: if (!IsWatchingDateFormatChange() && newColumn->AttrType() == B_TIME_TYPE) StartWatchDateFormatChange(); fStateNeedsSaving = true; return true; } void BPoseView::HandleAttrMenuItemSelected(BMessage *message) { // see if source was a menu item BMenuItem *item; if (message->FindPointer("source", (void **)&item) != B_OK) item = NULL; // find out which column was selected uint32 attrHash; if (message->FindInt32("attr_hash", (int32 *)&attrHash) != B_OK) return; BColumn *column = ColumnFor(attrHash); if (column) { RemoveColumn(column, true); return; } else { // collect info about selected attribute const char *attrName; if (message->FindString("attr_name", &attrName) != B_OK) return; uint32 attrType; if (message->FindInt32("attr_type", (int32 *)&attrType) != B_OK) return; float attrWidth; if (message->FindFloat("attr_width", &attrWidth) != B_OK) return; alignment attrAlign; if (message->FindInt32("attr_align", (int32 *)&attrAlign) != B_OK) return; bool isEditable; if (message->FindBool("attr_editable", &isEditable) != B_OK) return; bool isStatfield; if (message->FindBool("attr_statfield", &isStatfield) != B_OK) return; const char* displayAs; message->FindString("attr_display_as", &displayAs); column = new BColumn(item->Label(), 0, attrWidth, attrAlign, attrName, attrType, displayAs, isStatfield, isEditable); AddColumn(column); if (item->Menu()->Supermenu() == NULL) delete item->Menu(); } } const int32 kSanePoseLocation = 50000; void BPoseView::ReadPoseInfo(Model *model, PoseInfo *poseInfo) { BModelOpener opener(model); if (!model->Node()) return; ReadAttrResult result = kReadAttrFailed; BEntry entry; model->GetEntry(&entry); bool isTrash = model->IsTrash() && IsDesktopView(); // special case the "root" disks icon // as well as the trash on desktop if (model->IsRoot() || isTrash) { BDirectory dir; if (FSGetDeskDir(&dir) == B_OK) { const char *poseInfoAttr = isTrash ? kAttrTrashPoseInfo : kAttrDisksPoseInfo; const char *poseInfoAttrForeign = isTrash ? kAttrTrashPoseInfoForeign : kAttrDisksPoseInfoForeign; result = ReadAttr(&dir, poseInfoAttr, poseInfoAttrForeign, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, poseInfo, sizeof(*poseInfo), &PoseInfo::EndianSwap); } } else { ASSERT(model->IsNodeOpen()); time_t now = time(NULL); for (int32 count = 10; count >= 0; count--) { if (!model->Node()) break; result = ReadAttr(model->Node(), kAttrPoseInfo, kAttrPoseInfoForeign, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, poseInfo, sizeof(*poseInfo), &PoseInfo::EndianSwap); if (result != kReadAttrFailed) { // got it, bail break; } // if we're in one of the icon modes and it's a newly created item // then we're going to retry a few times to see if we can get some // pose info to properly place the icon if (ViewMode() == kListMode) break; const StatStruct *stat = model->StatBuf(); if (stat->st_crtime < now - 5 || stat->st_crtime > now) break; // PRINT(("retrying to read pose info for %s, %d\n", model->Name(), count)); snooze(10000); } } if (result == kReadAttrFailed) { poseInfo->fInitedDirectory = -1LL; poseInfo->fInvisible = false; } else if (!TargetModel() || (poseInfo->fInitedDirectory != model->EntryRef()->directory && (poseInfo->fInitedDirectory != TargetModel()->NodeRef()->node))) { // info was read properly but it's not for this directory poseInfo->fInitedDirectory = -1LL; } else if (poseInfo->fLocation.x < -kSanePoseLocation || poseInfo->fLocation.x > kSanePoseLocation || poseInfo->fLocation.y < -kSanePoseLocation || poseInfo->fLocation.y > kSanePoseLocation) { // location values not realistic, probably screwed up, force reset poseInfo->fInitedDirectory = -1LL; } } ExtendedPoseInfo * BPoseView::ReadExtendedPoseInfo(Model *model) { BModelOpener opener(model); if (!model->Node()) return NULL; ReadAttrResult result = kReadAttrFailed; const char *extendedPoseInfoAttrName; const char *extendedPoseInfoAttrForeignName; // special case the "root" disks icon if (model->IsRoot()) { BDirectory dir; if (FSGetDeskDir(&dir) == B_OK) { extendedPoseInfoAttrName = kAttrExtendedDisksPoseInfo; extendedPoseInfoAttrForeignName = kAttrExtendedDisksPoseInfoForegin; } else return NULL; } else { extendedPoseInfoAttrName = kAttrExtendedPoseInfo; extendedPoseInfoAttrForeignName = kAttrExtendedPoseInfoForegin; } type_code type; size_t size; result = GetAttrInfo(model->Node(), extendedPoseInfoAttrName, extendedPoseInfoAttrForeignName, &type, &size); if (result == kReadAttrFailed) return NULL; char *buffer = new char[ExtendedPoseInfo::SizeWithHeadroom(size)]; ExtendedPoseInfo *poseInfo = reinterpret_cast(buffer); result = ReadAttr(model->Node(), extendedPoseInfoAttrName, extendedPoseInfoAttrForeignName, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, buffer, size, &ExtendedPoseInfo::EndianSwap); // check that read worked, and data is sane if (result == kReadAttrFailed || size > poseInfo->SizeWithHeadroom() || size < poseInfo->Size()) { delete [] buffer; return NULL; } return poseInfo; } void BPoseView::SetViewMode(uint32 newMode) { uint32 oldMode = ViewMode(); uint32 lastIconSize = fViewState->LastIconSize(); if (newMode == oldMode) { if (newMode != kIconMode || lastIconSize == fViewState->IconSize()) return; } ASSERT(!IsFilePanel()); uint32 lastIconMode = fViewState->LastIconMode(); if (newMode != kListMode) { fViewState->SetLastIconMode(newMode); if (oldMode == kIconMode) fViewState->SetLastIconSize(fViewState->IconSize()); } fViewState->SetViewMode(newMode); // Try to lock the center of the pose view when scaling icons, but not // if we are the desktop. BPoint scaleOffset(0, 0); bool iconSizeChanged = newMode == kIconMode && oldMode == kIconMode; if (!IsDesktopWindow() && iconSizeChanged) { // definitely changing the icon size, so we will need to scroll BRect bounds(Bounds()); BPoint center(bounds.LeftTop()); center.x += bounds.Width() / 2.0; center.y += bounds.Height() / 2.0; // convert the center into "unscaled icon placement" space float oldScale = lastIconSize / 32.0; BPoint unscaledCenter(center.x / oldScale, center.y / oldScale); // get the new center in "scaled icon placement" place float newScale = fViewState->IconSize() / 32.0; BPoint newCenter(unscaledCenter.x * newScale, unscaledCenter.y * newScale); scaleOffset = newCenter - center; } // toggle view layout between listmode and non-listmode, if necessary BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (oldMode == kListMode) { if (fFiltering) ClearFilter(); fTitleView->RemoveSelf(); if (window) window->HideAttributeMenu(); MoveBy(0, -(kTitleViewHeight + 1)); ResizeBy(0, kTitleViewHeight + 1); } else if (newMode == kListMode) { MoveBy(0, kTitleViewHeight + 1); ResizeBy(0, -(kTitleViewHeight + 1)); if (window) window->ShowAttributeMenu(); fTitleView->ResizeTo(Frame().Width(), fTitleView->Frame().Height()); fTitleView->MoveTo(Frame().left, Frame().top - (kTitleViewHeight + 1)); if (Parent()) Parent()->AddChild(fTitleView); else Window()->AddChild(fTitleView); } CommitActivePose(); SetIconPoseHeight(); GetLayoutInfo(newMode, &fGrid, &fOffset); // see if we need to map icons into new mode bool mapIcons = false; if (fOkToMapIcons) { mapIcons = (newMode != kListMode) && (newMode != lastIconMode || fViewState->IconSize() != lastIconSize); } // check if we need to re-place poses when they are out of view bool checkLocations = IsDesktopWindow() && iconSizeChanged; BPoint oldOffset; BPoint oldGrid; if (mapIcons) GetLayoutInfo(lastIconMode, &oldGrid, &oldOffset); BRect bounds(Bounds()); PoseList newPoseList(30); if (newMode != kListMode) { int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->HasLocation() == false) { newPoseList.AddItem(pose); } else if (checkLocations && !IsValidLocation(pose)) { // this icon has a location, but needs to be remapped, because // it is going out of view for example RemoveFromVSList(pose); newPoseList.AddItem(pose); } else if (iconSizeChanged) { // The pose location is still changed in view coordinates, // so it needs to be changed anyways! pose->SetSaveLocation(); } else if (mapIcons) { MapToNewIconMode(pose, oldGrid, oldOffset); } } } // invalidate before anything else to avoid flickering, especially when // scrolling is also performed (invalidating before scrolling will cause // app_server to scroll silently, ie not visibly) Invalidate(); // update origin in case of a list <-> icon mode transition BPoint newOrigin; if (newMode == kListMode) newOrigin = fViewState->ListOrigin(); else newOrigin = fViewState->IconOrigin() + scaleOffset; PinPointToValidRange(newOrigin); DisableScrollBars(); ScrollTo(newOrigin); // reset hint and arrange poses which DO NOT have a location yet ResetPosePlacementHint(); int32 count = newPoseList.CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = newPoseList.ItemAt(index); PlacePose(pose, bounds); AddToVSList(pose); } // sort poselist if we are switching to list mode if (newMode == kListMode) SortPoses(); else RecalcExtent(); UpdateScrollRange(); SetScrollBarsTo(newOrigin); EnableScrollBars(); ContainerWindow()->ViewModeChanged(oldMode, newMode); } void BPoseView::MapToNewIconMode(BPose *pose, BPoint oldGrid, BPoint oldOffset) { BPoint delta; BPoint poseLoc; poseLoc = PinToGrid(pose->Location(this), oldGrid, oldOffset); delta = pose->Location(this) - poseLoc; poseLoc -= oldOffset; if (poseLoc.x >= 0) poseLoc.x = floorf(poseLoc.x / oldGrid.x) * fGrid.x; else poseLoc.x = ceilf(poseLoc.x / oldGrid.x) * fGrid.x; if (poseLoc.y >= 0) poseLoc.y = floorf(poseLoc.y / oldGrid.y) * fGrid.y; else poseLoc.y = ceilf(poseLoc.y / oldGrid.y) * fGrid.y; if ((delta.x != 0) || (delta.y != 0)) { if (delta.x >= 0) delta.x = fGrid.x * floorf(delta.x / oldGrid.x); else delta.x = fGrid.x * ceilf(delta.x / oldGrid.x); if (delta.y >= 0) delta.y = fGrid.y * floorf(delta.y / oldGrid.y); else delta.y = fGrid.y * ceilf(delta.y / oldGrid.y); poseLoc += delta; } poseLoc += fOffset; pose->SetLocation(poseLoc, this); pose->SetSaveLocation(); } void BPoseView::SetPosesClipboardMode(uint32 clipboardMode) { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); BPoint loc(0,0); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->ClipboardMode() != clipboardMode) { pose->SetClipboardMode(clipboardMode); Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(loc, this, false)); } loc.y += fListElemHeight; } } else { int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->ClipboardMode() != clipboardMode) { pose->SetClipboardMode(clipboardMode); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); Invalidate(poseRect); } } } } void BPoseView::UpdatePosesClipboardModeFromClipboard(BMessage *clipboardReport) { CommitActivePose(); fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; fRealPivotPose = NULL; bool fullInvalidateNeeded = false; node_ref node; clipboardReport->FindInt32("device", &node.device); clipboardReport->FindInt64("directory", &node.node); bool clearClipboard = false; clipboardReport->FindBool("clearClipboard", &clearClipboard); if (clearClipboard && fHasPosesInClipboard) { // clear all poses int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); pose->Select(false); pose->SetClipboardMode(0); } SetHasPosesInClipboard(false); fullInvalidateNeeded = true; fHasPosesInClipboard = false; } BRect bounds(Bounds()); BPoint loc(0, 0); bool hasPosesInClipboard = false; int32 foundNodeIndex = 0; TClipboardNodeRef *clipNode = NULL; ssize_t size; for (int32 index = 0; clipboardReport->FindData("tcnode", T_CLIPBOARD_NODE, index, (const void **)&clipNode, &size) == B_OK; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->FindPose(&clipNode->node, &foundNodeIndex); if (pose == NULL) continue; if (clipNode->moveMode != pose->ClipboardMode() || pose->IsSelected()) { pose->SetClipboardMode(clipNode->moveMode); pose->Select(false); if (!fullInvalidateNeeded) { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { if (fFiltering) { pose = fFilteredPoseList->FindPose(&clipNode->node, &foundNodeIndex); } if (pose != NULL) { loc.y = foundNodeIndex * fListElemHeight; if (loc.y <= bounds.bottom && loc.y >= bounds.top) Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(loc, this, false)); } } else { BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (bounds.Contains(poseRect.LeftTop()) || bounds.Contains(poseRect.LeftBottom()) || bounds.Contains(poseRect.RightBottom()) || bounds.Contains(poseRect.RightTop())) { Invalidate(poseRect); } } } if (clipNode->moveMode) hasPosesInClipboard = true; } } fSelectionList->MakeEmpty(); fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); SetHasPosesInClipboard(hasPosesInClipboard || fHasPosesInClipboard); if (fullInvalidateNeeded) Invalidate(); } void BPoseView::PlaceFolder(const entry_ref *ref, const BMessage *message) { BNode node(ref); BPoint location; bool setPosition = false; if (message->FindPoint("be:invoke_origin", &location) == B_OK) { // new folder created from popup, place on click point setPosition = true; location = ConvertFromScreen(location); } else if (ViewMode() != kListMode) { // new folder created by keyboard shortcut uint32 buttons; GetMouse(&location, &buttons); BPoint globalLocation(location); ConvertToScreen(&globalLocation); // check if mouse over window if (Window()->Frame().Contains(globalLocation)) // create folder under mouse setPosition = true; } if (setPosition) FSSetPoseLocation(TargetModel()->NodeRef()->node, &node, location); } void BPoseView::NewFileFromTemplate(const BMessage *message) { ASSERT(TargetModel()); entry_ref destEntryRef; node_ref destNodeRef; BDirectory destDir(TargetModel()->NodeRef()); if (destDir.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; char fileName[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH] = "New "; strcat(fileName, message->FindString("name")); FSMakeOriginalName(fileName, &destDir, " copy"); entry_ref srcRef; message->FindRef("refs_template", &srcRef); BDirectory dir(&srcRef); if (dir.InitCheck() == B_OK) { // special handling of directories if (FSCreateNewFolderIn(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), &destEntryRef, &destNodeRef) == B_OK) { BEntry destEntry(&destEntryRef); destEntry.Rename(fileName); } } else { BFile srcFile(&srcRef, B_READ_ONLY); BFile destFile(&destDir, fileName, B_READ_WRITE | B_CREATE_FILE); // copy the data from the template file char *buffer = new char[1024]; ssize_t result; do { result = srcFile.Read(buffer, 1024); if (result > 0) { ssize_t written = destFile.Write(buffer, (size_t)result); if (written != result) result = written < B_OK ? written : B_ERROR; } } while (result > 0); delete[] buffer; } // todo: create an UndoItem // copy the attributes from the template file BNode srcNode(&srcRef); BNode destNode(&destDir, fileName); FSCopyAttributesAndStats(&srcNode, &destNode); BEntry entry(&destDir, fileName); entry.GetRef(&destEntryRef); // try to place new item at click point or under mouse if possible PlaceFolder(&destEntryRef, message); // start renaming the entry int32 index; BPose *pose = EntryCreated(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), &destNodeRef, destEntryRef.name, &index); if (pose) { UpdateScrollRange(); CommitActivePose(); SelectPose(pose, index); pose->EditFirstWidget(BPoint(0, index * fListElemHeight), this); } } void BPoseView::NewFolder(const BMessage *message) { ASSERT(TargetModel()); entry_ref ref; node_ref nodeRef; if (FSCreateNewFolderIn(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), &ref, &nodeRef) == B_OK) { // try to place new folder at click point or under mouse if possible PlaceFolder(&ref, message); int32 index; BPose *pose = EntryCreated(TargetModel()->NodeRef(), &nodeRef, ref.name, &index); if (pose) { UpdateScrollRange(); CommitActivePose(); SelectPose(pose, index); pose->EditFirstWidget(BPoint(0, index * fListElemHeight), this); } } } void BPoseView::Cleanup(bool doAll) { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) return; BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (!window) return; // replace all icons from the top if (doAll) { // sort by sort field SortPoses(); DisableScrollBars(); ClearExtent(); ClearSelection(); ScrollTo(B_ORIGIN); UpdateScrollRange(); SetScrollBarsTo(B_ORIGIN); ResetPosePlacementHint(); BRect viewBounds(Bounds()); // relocate all poses in list (reset vs list) fVSPoseList->MakeEmpty(); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); PlacePose(pose, viewBounds); AddToVSList(pose); } RecalcExtent(); // scroll icons into view so that leftmost icon is "fOffset" from left UpdateScrollRange(); EnableScrollBars(); if (HScrollBar()) { float min; float max; HScrollBar()->GetRange(&min, &max); HScrollBar()->SetValue(min); } UpdateScrollRange(); Invalidate(viewBounds); } else { // clean up items to nearest locations BRect viewBounds(Bounds()); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); BPoint location(pose->Location(this)); BPoint newLocation(PinToGrid(location, fGrid, fOffset)); bool intersectsDesktopElements = !IsValidLocation(pose); // do we need to move pose to a grid location? if (newLocation != location || intersectsDesktopElements) { // remove pose from VSlist so it doesn't "bump" into itself RemoveFromVSList(pose); // try new grid location BRect oldBounds(pose->CalcRect(this)); BRect poseBounds(oldBounds); pose->MoveTo(newLocation, this); if (SlotOccupied(oldBounds, viewBounds) || intersectsDesktopElements) { ResetPosePlacementHint(); PlacePose(pose, viewBounds); poseBounds = pose->CalcRect(this); } AddToVSList(pose); AddToExtent(poseBounds); if (viewBounds.Intersects(poseBounds)) Invalidate(poseBounds); if (viewBounds.Intersects(oldBounds)) Invalidate(oldBounds); } } } } void BPoseView::PlacePose(BPose *pose, BRect &viewBounds) { // move pose to probable location pose->SetLocation(fHintLocation, this); BRect rect(pose->CalcRect(this)); BPoint deltaFromBounds(fHintLocation - rect.LeftTop()); // make pose rect a little bigger to ensure space between poses rect.InsetBy(-3, 0); bool checkValidLocation = IsDesktopWindow(); // find an empty slot to put pose into while (SlotOccupied(rect, viewBounds) // check good location on the desktop || (checkValidLocation && !IsValidLocation(rect))) { NextSlot(pose, rect, viewBounds); } rect.InsetBy(3, 0); fHintLocation = pose->Location(this) + BPoint(fGrid.x, 0); pose->SetLocation(rect.LeftTop() + deltaFromBounds, this); pose->SetSaveLocation(); } bool BPoseView::IsValidLocation(const BPose *pose) { if (!IsDesktopWindow()) return true; BRect rect(pose->CalcRect(this)); rect.InsetBy(-3, 0); return IsValidLocation(rect); } bool BPoseView::IsValidLocation(const BRect& rect) { if (!IsDesktopWindow()) return true; // on the desktop, don't allow icons outside of the view bounds if (!Bounds().Contains(rect)) return false; // also check the deskbar frame BRect deskbarFrame; if (GetDeskbarFrame(&deskbarFrame) == B_OK) { deskbarFrame.InsetBy(-10, -10); if (deskbarFrame.Intersects(rect)) return false; } // check replicants for (int32 i = 0; BView* child = ChildAt(i); i++) { BRect childFrame = child->Frame(); childFrame.InsetBy(-5, -5); if (childFrame.Intersects(rect)) return false; } // location is ok return true; } status_t BPoseView::GetDeskbarFrame(BRect* frame) { // only really check the Deskbar frame every half a second, // use a cached value otherwise status_t ret = B_OK; bigtime_t now = system_time(); if (fLastDeskbarFrameCheckTime + 500000 < now) { // it's time to check the Deskbar frame again ret = get_deskbar_frame(&fDeskbarFrame); fLastDeskbarFrameCheckTime = now; } *frame = fDeskbarFrame; return ret; } void BPoseView::CheckAutoPlacedPoses() { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) return; BRect viewBounds(Bounds()); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->WasAutoPlaced()) { RemoveFromVSList(pose); fHintLocation = pose->Location(this); BRect oldBounds(pose->CalcRect(this)); PlacePose(pose, viewBounds); BRect newBounds(pose->CalcRect(this)); AddToVSList(pose); pose->SetAutoPlaced(false); AddToExtent(newBounds); Invalidate(oldBounds); Invalidate(newBounds); } } } void BPoseView::CheckPoseVisibility(BRect *newFrame) { bool desktop = IsDesktopWindow() && newFrame != 0; BRect deskFrame; if (desktop) { ASSERT(newFrame); deskFrame = *newFrame; } ASSERT(ViewMode() != kListMode); BRect bounds(Bounds()); bounds.InsetBy(20, 20); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); BPoint newLocation(pose->Location(this)); bool locationNeedsUpdating = false; if (desktop) { // we just switched screen resolution, pick up the right // icon locations for the new resolution Model *model = pose->TargetModel(); ExtendedPoseInfo *info = ReadExtendedPoseInfo(model); if (info && info->HasLocationForFrame(deskFrame)) { BPoint locationForFrame = info->LocationForFrame(deskFrame); if (locationForFrame != newLocation) { // found one and it is different from the current newLocation = locationForFrame; locationNeedsUpdating = true; Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(this)); // make sure the old icon gets erased RemoveFromVSList(pose); pose->SetLocation(newLocation, this); // set the new location } } delete [] (char *)info; // TODO: fix up this mess } BRect rect(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (!rect.Intersects(bounds)) { // pose doesn't fit on screen if (!locationNeedsUpdating) { // didn't already invalidate and remove in the desktop case Invalidate(rect); RemoveFromVSList(pose); } BPoint loc(pose->Location(this)); loc.ConstrainTo(bounds); // place it onscreen pose->SetLocation(loc, this); // set the new location locationNeedsUpdating = true; } if (locationNeedsUpdating) { // pose got reposition by one or both of the above pose->SetSaveLocation(); AddToVSList(pose); // add it at the new location Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(this)); // make sure the new pose location updates properly } } } bool BPoseView::SlotOccupied(BRect poseRect, BRect viewBounds) const { if (fVSPoseList->IsEmpty()) return false; // ## be sure to keep this code in sync with calls to NextSlot // ## in terms of the comparison of fHintLocation and PinToGrid if (poseRect.right >= viewBounds.right) { BPoint point(viewBounds.left + fOffset.x, 0); point = PinToGrid(point, fGrid, fOffset); if (fHintLocation.x != point.x) return true; } // search only nearby poses (vertically) int32 index = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)(poseRect.top - IconPoseHeight())); int32 numPoses = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); while (index < numPoses && fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index)->Location(this).y < poseRect.bottom) { BRect rect(fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index)->CalcRect(this)); if (poseRect.Intersects(rect)) return true; index++; } return false; } void BPoseView::NextSlot(BPose *pose, BRect &poseRect, BRect viewBounds) { // move to next slot poseRect.OffsetBy(fGrid.x, 0); // if we reached the end of row go down to next row if (poseRect.right > viewBounds.right) { fHintLocation.y += fGrid.y; fHintLocation.x = viewBounds.left + fOffset.x; fHintLocation = PinToGrid(fHintLocation, fGrid, fOffset); pose->SetLocation(fHintLocation, this); poseRect = pose->CalcRect(this); poseRect.InsetBy(-3, 0); } } int32 BPoseView::FirstIndexAtOrBelow(int32 y, bool constrainIndex) const { // This method performs a binary search on the vertically sorted pose list // and returns either the index of the first pose at a given y location or // the proper index to insert a new pose into the list. int32 index = 0; int32 l = 0; int32 r = fVSPoseList->CountItems() - 1; while (l <= r) { index = (l + r) >> 1; int32 result = (int32)(y - fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index)->Location(this).y); if (result < 0) r = index - 1; else if (result > 0) l = index + 1; else { // compare turned out equal, find first pose while (index > 0 && y == fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index - 1)->Location(this).y) index--; return index; } } // didn't find pose AT location y - bump index to proper insert point while (index < fVSPoseList->CountItems() && fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index)->Location(this).y <= y) index++; // if flag is true then constrain index to legal value since this // method returns the proper insertion point which could be outside // the current bounds of the list if (constrainIndex && index >= fVSPoseList->CountItems()) index = fVSPoseList->CountItems() - 1; return index; } void BPoseView::AddToVSList(BPose *pose) { int32 index = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)pose->Location(this).y, false); fVSPoseList->AddItem(pose, index); } int32 BPoseView::RemoveFromVSList(const BPose *pose) { int32 index = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)pose->Location(this).y); int32 count = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); for (; index < count; index++) { BPose *matchingPose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); ASSERT(matchingPose); if (!matchingPose) return -1; if (pose == matchingPose) { fVSPoseList->RemoveItemAt(index); return index; } } return -1; } BPoint BPoseView::PinToGrid(BPoint point, BPoint grid, BPoint offset) const { if (grid.x == 0 || grid.y == 0) return point; point -= offset; BPoint gridLoc(point); if (point.x >= 0) gridLoc.x = floorf((point.x / grid.x) + 0.5f) * grid.x; else gridLoc.x = ceilf((point.x / grid.x) - 0.5f) * grid.x; if (point.y >= 0) gridLoc.y = floorf((point.y / grid.y) + 0.5f) * grid.y; else gridLoc.y = ceilf((point.y / grid.y) - 0.5f) * grid.y; gridLoc += offset; return gridLoc; } void BPoseView::ResetPosePlacementHint() { fHintLocation = PinToGrid(BPoint(LeftTop().x + fOffset.x, LeftTop().y + fOffset.y), fGrid, fOffset); } void BPoseView::SelectPoses(int32 start, int32 end) { // clear selection list fSelectionList->MakeEmpty(); fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; fRealPivotPose = NULL; bool iconMode = ViewMode() != kListMode; BPoint loc(0, start * fListElemHeight); BRect bounds(Bounds()); PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = start; index < end && index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); fSelectionList->AddItem(pose); if (index == start) fSelectionPivotPose = pose; if (!pose->IsSelected()) { pose->Select(true); BRect poseRect; if (iconMode) poseRect = pose->CalcRect(this); else poseRect = pose->CalcRect(loc, this, false); if (bounds.Intersects(poseRect)) { Invalidate(poseRect); } } loc.y += fListElemHeight; } } void BPoseView::ScrollIntoView(BPose *pose, int32 index) { ScrollIntoView(CalcPoseRect(pose, index, true)); } void BPoseView::ScrollIntoView(BRect poseRect) { if (IsDesktopWindow()) return; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { // if we're in list view then we only care that the entire // pose is visible vertically, not horizontally poseRect.left = 0; poseRect.right = poseRect.left + 1; } if (!Bounds().Contains(poseRect)) SetScrollBarsTo(poseRect.LeftTop()); } void BPoseView::SelectPose(BPose *pose, int32 index, bool scrollIntoView) { if (!pose || fSelectionList->CountItems() > 1 || !pose->IsSelected()) ClearSelection(); AddPoseToSelection(pose, index, scrollIntoView); } void BPoseView::AddPoseToSelection(BPose *pose, int32 index, bool scrollIntoView) { // TODO: need to check if pose is member of selection list if (pose && !pose->IsSelected()) { pose->Select(true); fSelectionList->AddItem(pose); BRect poseRect = CalcPoseRect(pose, index); Invalidate(poseRect); if (scrollIntoView) ScrollIntoView(poseRect); if (fSelectionChangedHook) ContainerWindow()->SelectionChanged(); } } void BPoseView::RemovePoseFromSelection(BPose *pose) { if (fSelectionPivotPose == pose) fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; if (fRealPivotPose == pose) fRealPivotPose = NULL; if (!fSelectionList->RemoveItem(pose)) // wasn't selected to begin with return; pose->Select(false); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { // TODO: need a simple call to CalcRect that works both in listView and // icon view modes without the need for an index/pos PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); BPoint loc(0, 0); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (pose == poseList->ItemAt(index)) { Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(loc, this)); break; } loc.y += fListElemHeight; } } else Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (fSelectionChangedHook) ContainerWindow()->SelectionChanged(); } bool BPoseView::EachItemInDraggedSelection(const BMessage *message, bool (*func)(BPose *, BPoseView *, void *), BPoseView *poseView, void *passThru) { BContainerWindow *srcWindow; message->FindPointer("src_window", (void **)&srcWindow); AutoLock lock(srcWindow); if (!lock) return false; PoseList *selectionList = srcWindow->PoseView()->SelectionList(); int32 count = selectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = selectionList->ItemAt(index); if (func(pose, poseView, passThru)) // early iteration termination return true; } return false; } static bool ContainsOne(BString *string, const char *matchString) { return strcmp(string->String(), matchString) == 0; } bool BPoseView::FindDragNDropAction(const BMessage *dragMessage, bool &canCopy, bool &canMove, bool &canLink, bool &canErase) { canCopy = false; canMove = false; canErase = false; canLink = false; if (!dragMessage->HasInt32("be:actions")) return false; int32 action; for (int32 index = 0; dragMessage->FindInt32("be:actions", index, &action) == B_OK; index++) { switch (action) { case B_MOVE_TARGET: canMove = true; break; case B_COPY_TARGET: canCopy = true; break; case B_TRASH_TARGET: canErase = true; break; case B_LINK_TARGET: canLink = true; break; } } return canCopy || canMove || canErase || canLink; } bool BPoseView::CanTrashForeignDrag(const Model *targetModel) { return targetModel->IsTrash(); } bool BPoseView::CanCopyOrMoveForeignDrag(const Model *targetModel, const BMessage *dragMessage) { if (!targetModel->IsDirectory()) return false; // in order to handle a clipping file, the drag initiator must be able // do deal with B_FILE_MIME_TYPE for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { const char *type; if (dragMessage->FindString("be:types", index, &type) != B_OK) break; if (strcasecmp(type, B_FILE_MIME_TYPE) == 0) return true; } return false; } bool BPoseView::CanHandleDragSelection(const Model *target, const BMessage *dragMessage, bool ignoreTypes) { if (ignoreTypes) return target->IsDropTarget(); ASSERT(dragMessage); BContainerWindow *srcWindow; dragMessage->FindPointer("src_window", (void **)&srcWindow); if (!srcWindow) { // handle a foreign drag bool canCopy; bool canMove; bool canErase; bool canLink; FindDragNDropAction(dragMessage, canCopy, canMove, canLink, canErase); if (canErase && CanTrashForeignDrag(target)) return true; if (canCopy || canMove) { if (CanCopyOrMoveForeignDrag(target, dragMessage)) return true; // TODO: collect all mime types here and pass into // target->IsDropTargetForList(mimeTypeList); } // handle an old style entry_refs only darg message if (dragMessage->HasRef("refs") && target->IsDirectory()) return true; // handle simple text clipping drag&drop message if (dragMessage->HasData(kPlainTextMimeType, B_MIME_TYPE) && target->IsDirectory()) return true; // handle simple bitmap clipping drag&drop message if (target->IsDirectory() && (dragMessage->HasData(kBitmapMimeType, B_MESSAGE_TYPE) || dragMessage->HasData(kLargeIconType, B_MESSAGE_TYPE) || dragMessage->HasData(kMiniIconType, B_MESSAGE_TYPE))) return true; // TODO: check for a drag message full of refs, feed a list of their // types to target->IsDropTargetForList(mimeTypeList); return false; } AutoLock lock(srcWindow); if (!lock) return false; BObjectList *mimeTypeList = srcWindow->PoseView()->MimeTypesInSelection(); if (mimeTypeList->IsEmpty()) { PoseList *selectionList = srcWindow->PoseView()->SelectionList(); if (!selectionList->IsEmpty()) { // no cached data yet, build the cache int32 count = selectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { // get the mime type of the model, following a possible symlink BEntry entry(selectionList->ItemAt(index)->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), true); if (entry.InitCheck() != B_OK) continue; BFile file(&entry, O_RDONLY); BNodeInfo mime(&file); if (mime.InitCheck() != B_OK) continue; char mimeType[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH]; mime.GetType(mimeType); // add unique type string if (!WhileEachListItem(mimeTypeList, ContainsOne, (const char *)mimeType)) { BString *newMimeString = new BString(mimeType); mimeTypeList->AddItem(newMimeString); } } } } return target->IsDropTargetForList(mimeTypeList); } void BPoseView::TrySettingPoseLocation(BNode *node, BPoint point) { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) return; if (modifiers() & B_COMMAND_KEY) // allign to grid if needed point = PinToGrid(point, fGrid, fOffset); if (FSSetPoseLocation(TargetModel()->NodeRef()->node, node, point) == B_OK) // get rid of opposite endianness attribute node->RemoveAttr(kAttrPoseInfoForeign); } status_t BPoseView::CreateClippingFile(BPoseView *poseView, BFile &result, char *resultingName, BDirectory *dir, BMessage *message, const char *fallbackName, bool setLocation, BPoint dropPoint) { // build a file name // try picking it up from the message const char *suggestedName; if (message && message->FindString("be:clip_name", &suggestedName) == B_OK) strncpy(resultingName, suggestedName, B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH - 1); else strcpy(resultingName, fallbackName); FSMakeOriginalName(resultingName, dir, ""); // create a clipping file status_t error = dir->CreateFile(resultingName, &result, true); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (setLocation && poseView) poseView->TrySettingPoseLocation(&result, dropPoint); return B_OK; } static int32 RunMimeTypeDestinationMenu(const char *actionText, const BObjectList *types, const BObjectList *specificItems, BPoint where) { int32 count; if (types) count = types->CountItems(); else count = specificItems->CountItems(); if (!count) return 0; BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu("create clipping"); menu->SetFont(be_plain_font); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { const char *embedTypeAs = NULL; char buffer[256]; if (types) { types->ItemAt(index)->String(); BMimeType mimeType(embedTypeAs); if (mimeType.GetShortDescription(buffer) == B_OK) embedTypeAs = buffer; } BString description; if (specificItems->ItemAt(index)->Length()) { description << (const BString &)(*specificItems->ItemAt(index)); if (embedTypeAs) description << " (" << embedTypeAs << ")"; } else if (types) description = embedTypeAs; const char *labelText; char text[1024]; if (actionText) { int32 length = 1024 - 1 - (int32)strlen(actionText); if (length > 0) { description.Truncate(length); sprintf(text, actionText, description.String()); labelText = text; } else labelText = "label too long"; } else labelText = description.String(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(labelText, 0)); } menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Cancel", 0)); int32 result = -1; BMenuItem *resultingItem = menu->Go(where, false, true); if (resultingItem) { int32 index = menu->IndexOf(resultingItem); if (index < count) result = index; } delete menu; return result; } bool BPoseView::HandleMessageDropped(BMessage *message) { ASSERT(message->WasDropped()); // reset system cursor in case it was altered by drag and drop SetViewCursor(B_CURSOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); fCursorCheck = false; if (!fDropEnabled) return false; if (!dynamic_cast(Window())) return false; if (message->HasData("RGBColor", 'RGBC')) { // do not handle roColor-style drops here, pass them on to the desktop if (dynamic_cast(Window())) BMessenger((BHandler *)Window()).SendMessage(message); return true; } if (fDropTarget && !DragSelectionContains(fDropTarget, message)) HiliteDropTarget(false); fDropTarget = NULL; ASSERT(TargetModel()); BPoint offset; BPoint dropPt(message->DropPoint(&offset)); ConvertFromScreen(&dropPt); // tenatively figure out the pose we dropped the file onto int32 index; BPose *targetPose = FindPose(dropPt, &index); Model tmpTarget; Model *targetModel = NULL; if (targetPose) { targetModel = targetPose->TargetModel(); if (targetModel->IsSymLink() && tmpTarget.SetTo(targetPose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), true, true) == B_OK) targetModel = &tmpTarget; } return HandleDropCommon(message, targetModel, targetPose, this, dropPt); } bool BPoseView::HandleDropCommon(BMessage *message, Model *targetModel, BPose *targetPose, BView *view, BPoint dropPt) { uint32 buttons = (uint32)message->FindInt32("buttons"); BContainerWindow *containerWindow = NULL; BPoseView *poseView = dynamic_cast(view); if (poseView) containerWindow = poseView->ContainerWindow(); // look for srcWindow to determine whether drag was initiated in tracker BContainerWindow *srcWindow = NULL; message->FindPointer("src_window", (void **)&srcWindow); if (!srcWindow) { // drag was from another app if (targetModel == NULL) targetModel = poseView->TargetModel(); // figure out if we dropped a file onto a directory and set the targetDirectory // to it, else set it to this pose view BDirectory targetDirectory; if (targetModel && targetModel->IsDirectory()) targetDirectory.SetTo(targetModel->EntryRef()); if (targetModel->IsRoot()) // don't drop anyting into the root disk return false; bool canCopy; bool canMove; bool canErase; bool canLink; if (FindDragNDropAction(message, canCopy, canMove, canLink, canErase)) { // new D&D protocol // what action can the drag initiator do? if (canErase && CanTrashForeignDrag(targetModel)) { BMessage reply(B_TRASH_TARGET); message->SendReply(&reply); return true; } if ((canCopy || canMove) && CanCopyOrMoveForeignDrag(targetModel, message)) { // handle the promise style drag&drop // fish for specification of specialized menu items BObjectList actionSpecifiers(10, true); for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { const char *string; if (message->FindString("be:actionspecifier", index, &string) != B_OK) break; ASSERT(string); actionSpecifiers.AddItem(new BString(string)); } // build the list of types the drag originator offers BObjectList types(10, true); BObjectList typeNames(10, true); for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { const char *string; if (message->FindString("be:filetypes", index, &string) != B_OK) break; ASSERT(string); types.AddItem(new BString(string)); const char *typeName = ""; message->FindString("be:type_descriptions", index, &typeName); typeNames.AddItem(new BString(typeName)); } int32 specificTypeIndex = -1; int32 specificActionIndex = -1; // if control down, run a popup menu if (canCopy && ((modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY) || (buttons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON))) { if (actionSpecifiers.CountItems() > 0) { specificActionIndex = RunMimeTypeDestinationMenu(NULL, NULL, &actionSpecifiers, view->ConvertToScreen(dropPt)); if (specificActionIndex == -1) return false; } else if (types.CountItems() > 0) { specificTypeIndex = RunMimeTypeDestinationMenu("Create %s clipping", &types, &typeNames, view->ConvertToScreen(dropPt)); if (specificTypeIndex == -1) return false; } } char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; BFile file; if (CreateClippingFile(poseView, file, name, &targetDirectory, message, "Untitled clipping", !targetPose, dropPt) != B_OK) return false; // here is a file for the drag initiator, it is up to it now to stuff it // with the goods // build the reply message BMessage reply(canCopy ? B_COPY_TARGET : B_MOVE_TARGET); reply.AddString("be:types", B_FILE_MIME_TYPE); if (specificTypeIndex != -1) { // we had the user pick a specific type from a menu, use it reply.AddString("be:filetypes", types.ItemAt(specificTypeIndex)->String()); if (typeNames.ItemAt(specificTypeIndex)->Length()) reply.AddString("be:type_descriptions", typeNames.ItemAt(specificTypeIndex)->String()); } if (specificActionIndex != -1) // we had the user pick a specific type from a menu, use it reply.AddString("be:actionspecifier", actionSpecifiers.ItemAt(specificActionIndex)->String()); reply.AddRef("directory", targetModel->EntryRef()); reply.AddString("name", name); // Attach any data the originator may have tagged on BMessage data; if (message->FindMessage("be:originator-data", &data) == B_OK) reply.AddMessage("be:originator-data", &data); // copy over all the file types the drag initiator claimed to // support for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { const char *type; if (message->FindString("be:filetypes", index, &type) != B_OK) break; reply.AddString("be:filetypes", type); } message->SendReply(&reply); return true; } } if (message->HasRef("refs")) { // TODO: decide here on copy, move or create symlink // look for specific command or bring up popup // Unify this with local drag&drop if (!targetModel->IsDirectory()) // bail if we are not a directory return false; bool canRelativeLink = false; if (!canCopy && !canMove && !canLink && containerWindow) { if (((buttons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) || (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY))) { switch (containerWindow->ShowDropContextMenu(dropPt)) { case kCreateRelativeLink: canRelativeLink = true; break; case kCreateLink: canLink = true; break; case kMoveSelectionTo: canMove = true; break; case kCopySelectionTo: canCopy = true; break; case kCancelButton: default: // user canceled context menu return true; } } else canCopy = true; } uint32 moveMode; if (canCopy) moveMode = kCopySelectionTo; else if (canMove) moveMode = kMoveSelectionTo; else if (canLink) moveMode = kCreateLink; else if (canRelativeLink) moveMode = kCreateRelativeLink; else { TRESPASS(); return true; } // handle refs by performing a copy BObjectList *entryList = new BObjectList(10, true); for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { // copy all enclosed refs into a list entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", index, &ref) != B_OK) break; entryList->AddItem(new entry_ref(ref)); } int32 count = entryList->CountItems(); if (count) { BList *pointList = 0; if (poseView && !targetPose) { // calculate a pointList to make the icons land were we dropped them pointList = new BList(count); // force the the icons to lay out in 5 columns for (int32 index = 0; count; index++) { for (int32 j = 0; count && j < 4; j++, count--) { BPoint point(dropPt + BPoint(j * poseView->fGrid.x, index * poseView->fGrid.y)); pointList->AddItem(new BPoint(poseView->PinToGrid(point, poseView->fGrid, poseView->fOffset))); } } } // perform asynchronous copy FSMoveToFolder(entryList, new BEntry(targetModel->EntryRef()), moveMode, pointList); return true; } // nothing to copy, list doesn't get consumed delete entryList; return true; } if (message->HasData(kPlainTextMimeType, B_MIME_TYPE)) { // text dropped, make into a clipping file if (!targetModel->IsDirectory()) // bail if we are not a directory return false; // find the text int32 textLength; const char *text; if (message->FindData(kPlainTextMimeType, B_MIME_TYPE, (const void **)&text, &textLength) != B_OK) return false; char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; BFile file; if (CreateClippingFile(poseView, file, name, &targetDirectory, message, "Untitled clipping", !targetPose, dropPt) != B_OK) return false; // write out the file if (file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET) == B_ERROR || file.Write(text, (size_t)textLength) < 0 || file.SetSize(textLength) != B_OK) { // failed to write file, remove file and bail file.Unset(); BEntry entry(&targetDirectory, name); entry.Remove(); PRINT(("error writing text into file %s\n", name)); } // pick up TextView styles if available and save them with the file const text_run_array *textRuns = NULL; int32 dataSize = 0; if (message->FindData("application/x-vnd.Be-text_run_array", B_MIME_TYPE, (const void **)&textRuns, &dataSize) == B_OK && textRuns && dataSize) { // save styles the same way StyledEdit does void *data = BTextView::FlattenRunArray(textRuns, &dataSize); file.WriteAttr("styles", B_RAW_TYPE, 0, data, (size_t)dataSize); free(data); } // mark as a clipping file int32 tmp; file.WriteAttr(kAttrClippingFile, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, &tmp, sizeof(int32)); // set the file type BNodeInfo info(&file); info.SetType(kPlainTextMimeType); return true; } if (message->HasData(kBitmapMimeType, B_MESSAGE_TYPE) || message->HasData(kLargeIconType, B_MESSAGE_TYPE) || message->HasData(kMiniIconType, B_MESSAGE_TYPE)) { // bitmap, make into a clipping file if (!targetModel->IsDirectory()) // bail if we are not a directory return false; BMessage embeddedBitmap; if (message->FindMessage(kBitmapMimeType, &embeddedBitmap) != B_OK && message->FindMessage(kLargeIconType, &embeddedBitmap) != B_OK && message->FindMessage(kMiniIconType, &embeddedBitmap) != B_OK) return false; char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; BFile file; if (CreateClippingFile(poseView, file, name, &targetDirectory, message, "Untitled bitmap", !targetPose, dropPt) != B_OK) return false; int32 size = embeddedBitmap.FlattenedSize(); if (size > 1024*1024) // bail if too large return false; char *buffer = new char [size]; embeddedBitmap.Flatten(buffer, size); // write out the file if (file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET) == B_ERROR || file.Write(buffer, (size_t)size) < 0 || file.SetSize(size) != B_OK) { // failed to write file, remove file and bail file.Unset(); BEntry entry(&targetDirectory, name); entry.Remove(); PRINT(("error writing bitmap into file %s\n", name)); } // mark as a clipping file int32 tmp; file.WriteAttr(kAttrClippingFile, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, &tmp, sizeof(int32)); // set the file type BNodeInfo info(&file); info.SetType(kBitmapMimeType); return true; } return false; } if (srcWindow == containerWindow) { // drag started in this window containerWindow->Activate(); containerWindow->UpdateIfNeeded(); poseView->ResetPosePlacementHint(); } if (srcWindow == containerWindow && DragSelectionContains(targetPose, message)) { // drop on self targetModel = NULL; } bool wasHandled = false; bool ignoreTypes = (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY) != 0; if (targetModel) { // TODO: pick files to drop/launch on a case by case basis if (targetModel->IsDirectory()) { MoveSelectionInto(targetModel, srcWindow, containerWindow, buttons, dropPt, false); wasHandled = true; } else if (CanHandleDragSelection(targetModel, message, ignoreTypes)) { LaunchAppWithSelection(targetModel, message, !ignoreTypes); wasHandled = true; } } if (poseView && !wasHandled) { BPoint clickPt = message->FindPoint("click_pt"); // TODO: removed check for root here need to do that, possibly at a // different level poseView->MoveSelectionTo(dropPt, clickPt, srcWindow); } if (poseView && poseView->fEnsurePosesVisible) poseView->CheckPoseVisibility(); return true; } struct LaunchParams { Model *app; bool checkTypes; BMessage *refsMessage; }; static bool AddOneToLaunchMessage(BPose *pose, BPoseView *, void *castToParams) { LaunchParams *params = (LaunchParams *)castToParams; ASSERT(pose->TargetModel()); if (params->app->IsDropTarget(params->checkTypes ? pose->TargetModel() : 0, true)) params->refsMessage->AddRef("refs", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); return false; } void BPoseView::LaunchAppWithSelection(Model *appModel, const BMessage *dragMessage, bool checkTypes) { // launch items from the current selection with ; only pass the same // files that we previously decided can be handled by BMessage refs(B_REFS_RECEIVED); LaunchParams params; params.app = appModel; params.checkTypes = checkTypes; params.refsMessage = &refs; // add Tracker token so that refs received recipients can script us BContainerWindow *srcWindow; dragMessage->FindPointer("src_window", (void **)&srcWindow); if (srcWindow) params.refsMessage->AddMessenger("TrackerViewToken", BMessenger( srcWindow->PoseView())); EachItemInDraggedSelection(dragMessage, AddOneToLaunchMessage, 0, ¶ms); if (params.refsMessage->HasRef("refs")) TrackerLaunch(appModel->EntryRef(), params.refsMessage, true); } static bool OneMatches(BPose *pose, BPoseView *, void *castToPose) { return pose == (const BPose *)castToPose; } bool BPoseView::DragSelectionContains(const BPose *target, const BMessage *dragMessage) { return EachItemInDraggedSelection(dragMessage, OneMatches, 0, (void *)target); } static void CopySelectionListToBListAsEntryRefs(const PoseList *original, BObjectList *copy) { int32 count = original->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) copy->AddItem(new entry_ref(*(original->ItemAt(index)->TargetModel()->EntryRef()))); } void BPoseView::MoveSelectionInto(Model *destFolder, BContainerWindow *srcWindow, bool forceCopy, bool forceMove, bool createLink, bool relativeLink) { uint32 buttons; BPoint loc; GetMouse(&loc, &buttons); MoveSelectionInto(destFolder, srcWindow, dynamic_cast(Window()), buttons, loc, forceCopy, forceMove, createLink, relativeLink); } void BPoseView::MoveSelectionInto(Model *destFolder, BContainerWindow *srcWindow, BContainerWindow *destWindow, uint32 buttons, BPoint loc, bool forceCopy, bool forceMove, bool createLink, bool relativeLink, BPoint clickPt, bool dropOnGrid) { AutoLock lock(srcWindow); if (!lock) return; ASSERT(srcWindow->PoseView()->TargetModel()); bool createRelativeLink = relativeLink; if (((buttons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) || (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY)) && destWindow) { switch (destWindow->ShowDropContextMenu(loc)) { case kCreateRelativeLink: createRelativeLink = true; break; case kCreateLink: createLink = true; break; case kMoveSelectionTo: forceMove = true; break; case kCopySelectionTo: forceCopy = true; break; case kCancelButton: default: // user canceled context menu return; } } // make sure source and destination folders are different if (!createLink && !createRelativeLink && (*srcWindow->PoseView()->TargetModel()->NodeRef() == *destFolder->NodeRef())) { BPoseView *targetView = srcWindow->PoseView(); if (forceCopy) { targetView->DuplicateSelection(&clickPt, &loc); return; } if (targetView->ViewMode() == kListMode) // can't move in list view return; BPoint delta = loc - clickPt; int32 count = targetView->fSelectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = targetView->fSelectionList->ItemAt(index); // remove pose from VSlist before changing location // so that we "find" the correct pose to remove // need to do this because bsearch uses top of pose // to locate pose to remove targetView->RemoveFromVSList(pose); BPoint location (pose->Location(targetView) + delta); BRect oldBounds(pose->CalcRect(targetView)); if (dropOnGrid) location = targetView->PinToGrid(location, targetView->fGrid, targetView->fOffset); // TODO: don't drop poses under desktop elements // ie: replicants, deskbar pose->MoveTo(location, targetView); targetView->RemoveFromExtent(oldBounds); targetView->AddToExtent(pose->CalcRect(targetView)); // remove and reinsert pose to keep VSlist sorted targetView->AddToVSList(pose); } return; } BEntry *destEntry = new BEntry(destFolder->EntryRef()); bool destIsTrash = destFolder->IsTrash(); // perform asynchronous copy/move forceCopy = forceCopy || (modifiers() & B_OPTION_KEY); bool okToMove = true; if (destFolder->IsRoot()) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", kNoCopyToRootStr, "Cancel", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); okToMove = false; } // can't copy items into the trash if (forceCopy && destIsTrash) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", kNoCopyToTrashStr, "Cancel", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); okToMove = false; } // can't create symlinks into the trash if (createLink && destIsTrash) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", kNoLinkToTrashStr, "Cancel", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); okToMove = false; } // prompt user if drag was from a query if (srcWindow->TargetModel()->IsQuery() && !forceCopy && !destIsTrash && !createLink) { srcWindow->UpdateIfNeeded(); BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", kOkToMoveStr, "Cancel", "Move", NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); okToMove = alert->Go() == 1; } if (okToMove) { PoseList *selectionList = srcWindow->PoseView()->SelectionList(); BList *pointList = destWindow->PoseView()->GetDropPointList(clickPt, loc, selectionList, srcWindow->PoseView()->ViewMode() == kListMode, dropOnGrid); BObjectList *srcList = new BObjectList( selectionList->CountItems(), true); CopySelectionListToBListAsEntryRefs(selectionList, srcList); uint32 moveMode; if (forceCopy) moveMode = kCopySelectionTo; else if (forceMove) moveMode = kMoveSelectionTo; else if (createRelativeLink) moveMode = kCreateRelativeLink; else if (createLink) moveMode = kCreateLink; else { moveMode = kMoveSelectionTo; if (!CheckDevicesEqual(srcList->ItemAt(0), destFolder)) moveMode = kCopySelectionTo; } FSMoveToFolder(srcList, destEntry, moveMode, pointList); return; } delete destEntry; } void BPoseView::MoveSelectionTo(BPoint dropPt, BPoint clickPt, BContainerWindow* srcWindow) { // Moves selection from srcWindow into this window, copying if necessary. BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (!window) return; ASSERT(window->PoseView()); ASSERT(TargetModel()); // make sure this window is a legal drop target if (srcWindow != window && !TargetModel()->IsDropTarget()) return; uint32 buttons = (uint32)window->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons"); bool pinToGrid = (modifiers() & B_COMMAND_KEY) != 0; MoveSelectionInto(TargetModel(), srcWindow, window, buttons, dropPt, false, false, false, false, clickPt, pinToGrid); } inline void UpdateWasBrokenSymlinkBinder(BPose *pose, Model *, BPoseView *poseView, BPoint *loc) { pose->UpdateWasBrokenSymlink(*loc, poseView); loc->y += poseView->ListElemHeight(); } void BPoseView::TryUpdatingBrokenLinks() { AutoLock lock(Window()); if (!lock) return; // try fixing broken symlinks BPoint loc; EachPoseAndModel(fPoseList, &UpdateWasBrokenSymlinkBinder, this, &loc); } void BPoseView::PoseHandleDeviceUnmounted(BPose *pose, Model *model, int32 index, BPoseView *poseView, dev_t device) { if (model->NodeRef()->device == device) poseView->DeletePose(model->NodeRef()); else if (model->IsSymLink() && model->LinkTo() && model->LinkTo()->NodeRef()->device == device) poseView->DeleteSymLinkPoseTarget(model->LinkTo()->NodeRef(), pose, index); } static void OneMetaMimeChanged(BPose *pose, Model *model, int32 index, BPoseView *poseView, const char *type) { ASSERT(model); if (model->IconFrom() != kNode && model->IconFrom() != kUnknownSource && model->IconFrom() != kUnknownNotFromNode // TODO: add supertype compare && strcasecmp(model->MimeType(), type) == 0) { // metamime change very likely affected the documents icon BPoint poseLoc(0, index * poseView->ListElemHeight()); pose->UpdateIcon(poseLoc, poseView); } } void BPoseView::MetaMimeChanged(const char *type, const char *preferredApp) { IconCache::sIconCache->IconChanged(type, preferredApp); // wait for other windows to do the same before we start // updating poses which causes icon recaching // TODO: this is a design problem that should be solved differently snooze(10000); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); EachPoseAndResolvedModel(fPoseList, &OneMetaMimeChanged, this, type); } class MetaMimeChangedAccumulator : public AccumulatingFunctionObject { // pools up matching metamime change notices, executing them as a single // update public: MetaMimeChangedAccumulator(void (BPoseView::*func)(const char *type, const char *preferredApp), BContainerWindow *window, const char *type, const char *preferredApp) : fCallOnThis(window), fFunc(func), fType(type), fPreferredApp(preferredApp) {} virtual bool CanAccumulate(const AccumulatingFunctionObject *functor) const { return dynamic_cast(functor) && dynamic_cast(functor)->fType == fType && dynamic_cast(functor)-> fPreferredApp == fPreferredApp; } virtual void Accumulate(AccumulatingFunctionObject *DEBUG_ONLY(functor)) { ASSERT(CanAccumulate(functor)); // do nothing, no further accumulating needed } protected: virtual void operator()() { AutoLock lock(fCallOnThis); if (!lock) return; (fCallOnThis->PoseView()->*fFunc)(fType.String(), fPreferredApp.String()); } virtual ulong Size() const { return sizeof (*this); } private: BContainerWindow *fCallOnThis; void (BPoseView::*fFunc)(const char *type, const char *preferredApp); BString fType; BString fPreferredApp; }; bool BPoseView::NoticeMetaMimeChanged(const BMessage *message) { int32 change; if (message->FindInt32("be:which", &change) != B_OK) return true; bool iconChanged = (change & B_ICON_CHANGED) != 0; bool iconForTypeChanged = (change & B_ICON_FOR_TYPE_CHANGED) != 0; bool preferredAppChanged = (change & B_APP_HINT_CHANGED) || (change & B_PREFERRED_APP_CHANGED); const char *type = NULL; const char *preferredApp = NULL; if (iconChanged || preferredAppChanged) message->FindString("be:type", &type); if (iconForTypeChanged) { message->FindString("be:extra_type", &type); message->FindString("be:type", &preferredApp); } if (iconChanged || preferredAppChanged || iconForTypeChanged) { TaskLoop *taskLoop = ContainerWindow()->DelayedTaskLoop(); ASSERT(taskLoop); taskLoop->AccumulatedRunLater(new MetaMimeChangedAccumulator( &BPoseView::MetaMimeChanged, ContainerWindow(), type, preferredApp), 200000, 5000000); } return true; } bool BPoseView::FSNotification(const BMessage *message) { node_ref itemNode; dev_t device; switch (message->FindInt32("opcode")) { case B_ENTRY_CREATED: { message->FindInt32("device", &itemNode.device); node_ref dirNode; dirNode.device = itemNode.device; message->FindInt64("directory", (int64 *)&dirNode.node); message->FindInt64("node", (int64 *)&itemNode.node); ASSERT(TargetModel()); // Query windows can get notices on different dirNodes // The Disks window can too // So can the Desktop, as long as the integrate flag is on TrackerSettings settings; if (dirNode != *TargetModel()->NodeRef() && !TargetModel()->IsQuery() && !TargetModel()->IsRoot() && (!settings.ShowDisksIcon() || !IsDesktopView())) // stray notification break; const char *name; if (message->FindString("name", &name) == B_OK) EntryCreated(&dirNode, &itemNode, name); #if DEBUG else SERIAL_PRINT(("no name in entry creation message\n")); #endif break; } case B_ENTRY_MOVED: return EntryMoved(message); break; case B_ENTRY_REMOVED: message->FindInt32("device", &itemNode.device); message->FindInt64("node", (int64 *)&itemNode.node); // our window itself may be deleted // we must check to see if this comes as a query // notification or a node monitor notification because // if it's a query notification then we're just being told we // no longer match the query, so we don't want to close the window // but it's a node monitor notification then that means our query // file has been deleted so we close the window if (message->what == B_NODE_MONITOR && TargetModel() && *(TargetModel()->NodeRef()) == itemNode) { if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { // it is impossible to watch for ENTRY_REMOVED in "/" because the // notification is ambiguous - the vnode is that of the volume but // the device is of the parent not the same as the device of the volume // that way we may get aliasing for volumes with vnodes of 1 // (currently the case for iso9660) DisableSaveLocation(); Window()->Close(); } } else { int32 index; BPose *pose = fPoseList->FindPose(&itemNode, &index); if (!pose) { // couldn't find pose, first check if the node might be // target of a symlink pose; // // What happens when a node and a symlink to it are in the // same window? // They get monitored twice, we get two notifications; the // first one will get caught by the first FindPose, the // second one by the DeepFindPose // pose = fPoseList->DeepFindPose(&itemNode, &index); if (pose) { DeleteSymLinkPoseTarget(&itemNode, pose, index); break; } } return DeletePose(&itemNode); } break; case B_DEVICE_MOUNTED: { if (message->FindInt32("new device", &device) != B_OK) break; if (TargetModel() != NULL && TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { BVolume volume(device); if (volume.InitCheck() == B_OK) CreateVolumePose(&volume, false); } else if (ContainerWindow()->IsTrash()) { // add trash items from newly mounted volume BDirectory trashDir; BEntry entry; BVolume volume(device); if (FSGetTrashDir(&trashDir, volume.Device()) == B_OK && trashDir.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK) { Model model(&entry); if (model.InitCheck() == B_OK) AddPoses(&model); } } TaskLoop *taskLoop = ContainerWindow()->DelayedTaskLoop(); ASSERT(taskLoop); taskLoop->RunLater(NewMemberFunctionObject( &BPoseView::TryUpdatingBrokenLinks, this), 500000); // delay of 500000: wait for volumes to properly finish mounting // without this in the Model::FinishSettingUpType a symlink // to a volume would get initialized as a symlink to a directory // because IsRootDirectory looks like returns false. Either there // is a race condition or I was doing something wrong. break; } case B_DEVICE_UNMOUNTED: if (message->FindInt32("device", &device) == B_OK) { if (TargetModel() && TargetModel()->NodeRef()->device == device) { // close the window from a volume that is gone DisableSaveLocation(); Window()->Close(); } else if (TargetModel()) EachPoseAndModel(fPoseList, &PoseHandleDeviceUnmounted, this, device); } break; case B_STAT_CHANGED: case B_ATTR_CHANGED: return AttributeChanged(message); break; } return true; } bool BPoseView::CreateSymlinkPoseTarget(Model *symlink) { Model *newResolvedModel = NULL; Model *result = symlink->LinkTo(); if (!result) { newResolvedModel = new Model(symlink->EntryRef(), true, true); WatchNewNode(newResolvedModel->NodeRef()); // this should be called before creating the model if (newResolvedModel->InitCheck() != B_OK) { // broken link, still can show though, bail watch_node(newResolvedModel->NodeRef(), B_STOP_WATCHING, this); delete newResolvedModel; return true; } result = newResolvedModel; } BModelOpener opener(result); // open the model PoseInfo poseInfo; ReadPoseInfo(result, &poseInfo); if (!ShouldShowPose(result, &poseInfo)) { // symlink target invisible, make the link to it the same watch_node(newResolvedModel->NodeRef(), B_STOP_WATCHING, this); delete newResolvedModel; // clean up what we allocated return false; } symlink->SetLinkTo(result); // watch the link target too return true; } BPose * BPoseView::EntryCreated(const node_ref *dirNode, const node_ref *itemNode, const char *name, int32 *indexPtr) { // reject notification if pose already exists if (fPoseList->FindPose(itemNode) || FindZombie(itemNode)) return NULL; BPoseView::WatchNewNode(itemNode); // have to node monitor ahead of time because Model will // cache up the file type and preferred app Model *model = new Model(dirNode, itemNode, name, true); if (model->InitCheck() != B_OK) { // if we have trouble setting up model then we stuff it into // a zombie list in a half-alive state until we can properly awaken it PRINT(("2 adding model %s to zombie list, error %s\n", model->Name(), strerror(model->InitCheck()))); fZombieList->AddItem(model); return NULL; } PoseInfo poseInfo; ReadPoseInfo(model, &poseInfo); // filter out undesired poses if (!ShouldShowPose(model, &poseInfo)) { watch_node(model->NodeRef(), B_STOP_WATCHING, this); delete model; // TODO: take special care for fRefFilter'ed models, don't stop // watching them and add the model to a "FilteredModels" list so that // they can have a second chance of passing the filter on attribute // (name) change. cf. r31307 return NULL; } // model is a symlink, cache up the symlink target or scrap // everything if target is invisible if (model->IsSymLink() && !CreateSymlinkPoseTarget(model)) { watch_node(model->NodeRef(), B_STOP_WATCHING, this); delete model; return NULL; } return CreatePose(model, &poseInfo, true, indexPtr); } bool BPoseView::EntryMoved(const BMessage *message) { ino_t oldDir; node_ref dirNode; node_ref itemNode; message->FindInt32("device", &dirNode.device); itemNode.device = dirNode.device; message->FindInt64("to directory", (int64 *)&dirNode.node); message->FindInt64("node", (int64 *)&itemNode.node); message->FindInt64("from directory", (int64 *)&oldDir); const char *name; if (message->FindString("name", &name) != B_OK) return true; // handle special case of notifying a name change for a volume // - the notification is not enough, because the volume's device // is different than that of the root directory; we have to do a // lookup using the new volume name and get the volume device from there StatStruct st; // get the inode of the root and check if we got a notification on it if (stat("/", &st) >= 0 && st.st_dev == dirNode.device && st.st_ino == dirNode.node) { BString buffer; buffer << "/" << name; if (stat(buffer.String(), &st) >= 0) { // point the dirNode to the actual volume itemNode.node = st.st_ino; itemNode.device = st.st_dev; } } ASSERT(TargetModel()); node_ref thisDirNode; if (ContainerWindow()->IsTrash()) { BDirectory trashDir; if (FSGetTrashDir(&trashDir, itemNode.device) != B_OK) return true; trashDir.GetNodeRef(&thisDirNode); } else thisDirNode = *TargetModel()->NodeRef(); // see if we need to update window title (and folder itself) if (thisDirNode == itemNode) { TargetModel()->UpdateEntryRef(&dirNode, name); assert_cast(Window())->UpdateTitle(); } if (oldDir == dirNode.node || TargetModel()->IsQuery()) { // rename or move of entry in this directory (or query) int32 index; BPose *pose = fPoseList->FindPose(&itemNode, &index); if (pose) { pose->TargetModel()->UpdateEntryRef(&dirNode, name); // for queries we check for move to trash and remove item if so if (TargetModel()->IsQuery()) { PoseInfo poseInfo; ReadPoseInfo(pose->TargetModel(), &poseInfo); if (!ShouldShowPose(pose->TargetModel(), &poseInfo)) return DeletePose(&itemNode, pose, index); } BPoint loc(0, index * fListElemHeight); // if we get a rename then we need to assume that we might // have missed some other attr changed notifications so we // recheck all widgets if (pose->TargetModel()->OpenNode() == B_OK) { pose->UpdateAllWidgets(index, loc, this); pose->TargetModel()->CloseNode(); _CheckPoseSortOrder(fPoseList, pose, index); if (fFiltering && fFilteredPoseList->FindPose(&itemNode, &index) != NULL) { _CheckPoseSortOrder(fFilteredPoseList, pose, index); } } } else { // also must watch for renames on zombies Model *zombie = FindZombie(&itemNode, &index); if (zombie) { PRINT(("converting model %s from a zombie\n", zombie->Name())); zombie->UpdateEntryRef(&dirNode, name); pose = ConvertZombieToPose(zombie, index); } else return false; } if (pose) pendingNodeMonitorCache.PoseCreatedOrMoved(this, pose); } else if (oldDir == thisDirNode.node) return DeletePose(&itemNode); else if (dirNode.node == thisDirNode.node) EntryCreated(&dirNode, &itemNode, name); return true; } bool BPoseView::AttributeChanged(const BMessage *message) { node_ref itemNode; message->FindInt32("device", &itemNode.device); message->FindInt64("node", (int64 *)&itemNode.node); const char *attrName; message->FindString("attr", &attrName); if (TargetModel() != NULL && *TargetModel()->NodeRef() == itemNode && TargetModel()->AttrChanged(attrName)) { // the icon of our target has changed, update drag icon // TODO: make this simpler (ie. store the icon with the window) BView *view = Window()->FindView("MenuBar"); if (view != NULL) { view = view->FindView("ThisContainer"); if (view != NULL) { IconCache::sIconCache->IconChanged(TargetModel()); view->Invalidate(); } } } int32 index; BPose *pose = fPoseList->DeepFindPose(&itemNode, &index); attr_info info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(attr_info)); if (pose) { int32 poseListIndex = index; bool visible = true; if (fFiltering) visible = fFilteredPoseList->DeepFindPose(&itemNode, &index) != NULL; BPoint loc(0, index * fListElemHeight); Model *model = pose->TargetModel(); if (model->IsSymLink() && *model->NodeRef() != itemNode) // change happened on symlink's target model = model->ResolveIfLink(); ASSERT(model); status_t result = B_OK; for (int32 count = 0; count < 100; count++) { // if node is busy, wait a little, it may be in the // middle of mimeset and we wan't to pick up the changes result = model->OpenNode(); if (result == B_OK || result != B_BUSY) break; PRINT(("model %s busy, retrying in a bit\n", model->Name())); snooze(10000); } if (result == B_OK) { if (attrName && model->Node()) { // the call below might fail if the attribute has been removed model->Node()->GetAttrInfo(attrName, &info); pose->UpdateWidgetAndModel(model, attrName, info.type, index, loc, this, visible); } else { pose->UpdateWidgetAndModel(model, 0, 0, index, loc, this, visible); } model->CloseNode(); } else { PRINT(("Cache Error %s\n", strerror(result))); return false; } uint32 attrHash; if (attrName) { // rebuild the MIME type list, if the MIME type has changed if (strcmp(attrName, kAttrMIMEType) == 0) RefreshMimeTypeList(); // note: the following code is wrong, because this sort of hashing // may overlap and we get aliasing attrHash = AttrHashString(attrName, info.type); } if (!attrName || attrHash == PrimarySort() || attrHash == SecondarySort()) { _CheckPoseSortOrder(fPoseList, pose, poseListIndex); if (fFiltering && visible) _CheckPoseSortOrder(fFilteredPoseList, pose, index); } } else { // we received an attr changed notification for a zombie model, it means // that although we couldn't open the node the first time, it seems // to be fine now since we're receiving notifications about it, it might // be a good time to convert it to a non-zombie state. cf. test in #4130 Model *zombie = FindZombie(&itemNode, &index); if (zombie) { PRINT(("converting model %s from a zombie\n", zombie->Name())); return ConvertZombieToPose(zombie, index) != NULL; } else { PRINT(("model has no pose but is not a zombie either!\n")); return false; } } return true; } void BPoseView::UpdateIcon(BPose *pose) { BPoint location; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { // need to find the index of the pose in the pose list bool found = false; PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (poseList->ItemAt(index) == pose) { location.Set(0, index * fListElemHeight); found = true; break; } } if (!found) return; } pose->UpdateIcon(location, this); } BPose * BPoseView::ConvertZombieToPose(Model *zombie, int32 index) { if (zombie->UpdateStatAndOpenNode() != B_OK) return NULL; fZombieList->RemoveItemAt(index); PoseInfo poseInfo; ReadPoseInfo(zombie, &poseInfo); if (ShouldShowPose(zombie, &poseInfo)) // TODO: handle symlinks here return CreatePose(zombie, &poseInfo); delete zombie; return NULL; } BList * BPoseView::GetDropPointList(BPoint dropStart, BPoint dropEnd, const PoseList *poses, bool sourceInListMode, bool dropOnGrid) const { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) return NULL; int32 count = poses->CountItems(); BList *pointList = new BList(count); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poses->ItemAt(index); BPoint poseLoc; if (sourceInListMode) poseLoc = dropEnd + BPoint(0, index * (IconPoseHeight() + 3)); else poseLoc = dropEnd + (pose->Location(this) - dropStart); if (dropOnGrid) poseLoc = PinToGrid(poseLoc, fGrid, fOffset); pointList->AddItem(new BPoint(poseLoc)); } return pointList; } void BPoseView::DuplicateSelection(BPoint *dropStart, BPoint *dropEnd) { // If there is a volume or trash folder, remove them from the list // because they cannot get copied int32 selectionSize = fSelectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < selectionSize; index++) { BPose *pose = (BPose*)fSelectionList->ItemAt(index); Model *model = pose->TargetModel(); // can't duplicate a volume or the trash if (model->IsTrash() || model->IsVolume()) { fSelectionList->RemoveItemAt(index); index--; selectionSize--; if (fSelectionPivotPose == pose) fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; if (fRealPivotPose == pose) fRealPivotPose = NULL; continue; } } // create entry_ref list from selection if (!fSelectionList->IsEmpty()) { BObjectList *srcList = new BObjectList( fSelectionList->CountItems(), true); CopySelectionListToBListAsEntryRefs(fSelectionList, srcList); BList *dropPoints = NULL; if (dropStart) dropPoints = GetDropPointList(*dropStart, *dropEnd, fSelectionList, ViewMode() == kListMode, (modifiers() & B_COMMAND_KEY) != 0); // perform asynchronous duplicate FSDuplicate(srcList, dropPoints); } } void BPoseView::SelectPoseAtLocation(BPoint point) { int32 index; BPose *pose = FindPose(point, &index); if (pose) SelectPose(pose, index); } void BPoseView::MoveListToTrash(BObjectList *list, bool selectNext, bool deleteDirectly) { if (!list->CountItems()) return; BObjectList *taskList = new BObjectList(2, true); // new owning list of tasks // first move selection to trash, if (deleteDirectly) taskList->AddItem(NewFunctionObject(FSDeleteRefList, list, false, true)); else taskList->AddItem(NewFunctionObject(FSMoveToTrash, list, (BList *)NULL, false)); if (selectNext && ViewMode() == kListMode) { // next, if in list view mode try selecting the next item after BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(0); // find a point in the pose BPoint pointInPose(kListOffset + 5, 5); int32 index = IndexOfPose(pose); pointInPose.y += fListElemHeight * index; TTracker *tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); ASSERT(TargetModel()); if (tracker) // add a function object to the list of tasks to run // that will select the next item after the one we just // deleted taskList->AddItem(NewMemberFunctionObject( &TTracker::SelectPoseAtLocationSoon, tracker, *TargetModel()->NodeRef(), pointInPose)); } // execute the two tasks in order ThreadSequence::Launch(taskList, true); } inline void CopyOneTrashedRefAsEntry(const entry_ref *ref, BObjectList *trashList, BObjectList *noTrashList, std::map *deviceHasTrash) { std::map &deviceHasTrashTmp = *deviceHasTrash; // work around stupid binding problems with EachListItem BDirectory entryDir(ref); bool isVolume = entryDir.IsRootDirectory(); // volumes will get unmounted // see if pose's device has a trash int32 device = ref->device; BDirectory trashDir; // cache up the result in a map so that we don't have to keep calling // FSGetTrashDir over and over if (!isVolume && deviceHasTrashTmp.find(device) == deviceHasTrashTmp.end()) deviceHasTrashTmp[device] = FSGetTrashDir(&trashDir, device) == B_OK; if (isVolume || deviceHasTrashTmp[device]) trashList->AddItem(new entry_ref(*ref)); else noTrashList->AddItem(new entry_ref(*ref)); } static void CopyPoseOneAsEntry(BPose *pose, BObjectList *trashList, BObjectList *noTrashList, std::map *deviceHasTrash) { CopyOneTrashedRefAsEntry(pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), trashList, noTrashList, deviceHasTrash); } static bool CheckVolumeReadOnly(const entry_ref *ref) { BVolume volume (ref->device); if (volume.IsReadOnly()) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert ("", "Files cannot be moved or " "deleted from a read-only volume.", "Cancel", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); return false; } return true; } void BPoseView::MoveSelectionOrEntryToTrash(const entry_ref *ref, bool selectNext) { BObjectList *entriesToTrash = new BObjectList(fSelectionList->CountItems()); BObjectList *entriesToDeleteOnTheSpot = new BObjectList(20, true); std::map deviceHasTrash; if (ref) { if (!CheckVolumeReadOnly(ref)) { delete entriesToTrash; delete entriesToDeleteOnTheSpot; return; } CopyOneTrashedRefAsEntry(ref, entriesToTrash, entriesToDeleteOnTheSpot, &deviceHasTrash); } else { if (!CheckVolumeReadOnly(fSelectionList->ItemAt(0)->TargetModel()->EntryRef())) { delete entriesToTrash; delete entriesToDeleteOnTheSpot; return; } EachListItem(fSelectionList, CopyPoseOneAsEntry, entriesToTrash, entriesToDeleteOnTheSpot, &deviceHasTrash); } if (entriesToDeleteOnTheSpot->CountItems()) { const char *alertText; if (ref) { alertText = "The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. " "Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot " "be reverted.)"; } else { alertText = "Some of the selected items cannot be moved to the Trash. " "Would you like to delete them instead? (This operation cannot " "be reverted.)"; } BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", alertText, "Cancel", "Delete"); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); if (alert->Go() == 0) return; } MoveListToTrash(entriesToTrash, selectNext, false); MoveListToTrash(entriesToDeleteOnTheSpot, selectNext, true); } void BPoseView::MoveSelectionToTrash(bool selectNext) { if (fSelectionList->IsEmpty()) return; // create entry_ref list from selection // separate items that can be trashed from ones that cannot MoveSelectionOrEntryToTrash(0, selectNext); } void BPoseView::MoveEntryToTrash(const entry_ref *ref, bool selectNext) { MoveSelectionOrEntryToTrash(ref, selectNext); } void BPoseView::DeleteSelection(bool selectNext, bool askUser) { int32 count = fSelectionList -> CountItems(); if (count <= 0) return; if (!CheckVolumeReadOnly(fSelectionList->ItemAt(0)->TargetModel()->EntryRef())) return; BObjectList *entriesToDelete = new BObjectList(count, true); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) entriesToDelete->AddItem(new entry_ref((*fSelectionList->ItemAt(index) ->TargetModel()->EntryRef()))); Delete(entriesToDelete, selectNext, askUser); } void BPoseView::RestoreSelectionFromTrash(bool selectNext) { int32 count = fSelectionList -> CountItems(); if (count <= 0) return; BObjectList *entriesToRestore = new BObjectList(count, true); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) entriesToRestore->AddItem(new entry_ref((*fSelectionList->ItemAt(index) ->TargetModel()->EntryRef()))); RestoreItemsFromTrash(entriesToRestore, selectNext); } void BPoseView::Delete(const entry_ref &ref, bool selectNext, bool askUser) { BObjectList *entriesToDelete = new BObjectList(1, true); entriesToDelete->AddItem(new entry_ref(ref)); Delete(entriesToDelete, selectNext, askUser); } void BPoseView::Delete(BObjectList *list, bool selectNext, bool askUser) { if (list->CountItems() == 0) { delete list; return; } BObjectList *taskList = new BObjectList(2, true); // first move selection to trash, taskList->AddItem(NewFunctionObject(FSDeleteRefList, list, false, askUser)); if (selectNext && ViewMode() == kListMode) { // next, if in list view mode try selecting the next item after BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(0); // find a point in the pose BPoint pointInPose(kListOffset + 5, 5); int32 index = IndexOfPose(pose); pointInPose.y += fListElemHeight * index; TTracker *tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); ASSERT(TargetModel()); if (tracker) // add a function object to the list of tasks to run // that will select the next item after the one we just // deleted taskList->AddItem(NewMemberFunctionObject( &TTracker::SelectPoseAtLocationSoon, tracker, *TargetModel()->NodeRef(), pointInPose)); } // execute the two tasks in order ThreadSequence::Launch(taskList, true); } void BPoseView::RestoreItemsFromTrash(BObjectList *list, bool selectNext) { if (list->CountItems() == 0) { delete list; return; } BObjectList *taskList = new BObjectList(2, true); // first restoree selection taskList->AddItem(NewFunctionObject(FSRestoreRefList, list, false)); if (selectNext && ViewMode() == kListMode) { // next, if in list view mode try selecting the next item after BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(0); // find a point in the pose BPoint pointInPose(kListOffset + 5, 5); int32 index = IndexOfPose(pose); pointInPose.y += fListElemHeight * index; TTracker *tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); ASSERT(TargetModel()); if (tracker) // add a function object to the list of tasks to run // that will select the next item after the one we just // restored taskList->AddItem(NewMemberFunctionObject( &TTracker::SelectPoseAtLocationSoon, tracker, *TargetModel()->NodeRef(), pointInPose)); } // execute the two tasks in order ThreadSequence::Launch(taskList, true); } void BPoseView::SelectAll() { BRect bounds(Bounds()); // clear selection list fSelectionList->MakeEmpty(); fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; fRealPivotPose = NULL; int32 startIndex = 0; BPoint loc(0, fListElemHeight * startIndex); bool iconMode = ViewMode() != kListMode; PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); fSelectionList->AddItem(pose); if (index == startIndex) fSelectionPivotPose = pose; if (!pose->IsSelected()) { pose->Select(true); BRect poseRect; if (iconMode) poseRect = pose->CalcRect(this); else poseRect = pose->CalcRect(loc, this); if (bounds.Intersects(poseRect)) { pose->Draw(poseRect, bounds, this, false); Flush(); } } loc.y += fListElemHeight; } if (fSelectionChangedHook) ContainerWindow()->SelectionChanged(); } void BPoseView::InvertSelection() { // Since this function shares most code with // SelectAll(), we could make SelectAll() empty the selection, // then call InvertSelection() BRect bounds(Bounds()); int32 startIndex = 0; BPoint loc(0, fListElemHeight * startIndex); fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; fRealPivotPose = NULL; bool iconMode = ViewMode() != kListMode; PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->IsSelected()) { fSelectionList->RemoveItem(pose); pose->Select(false); } else { if (index == startIndex) fSelectionPivotPose = pose; fSelectionList->AddItem(pose); pose->Select(true); } BRect poseRect; if (iconMode) poseRect = pose->CalcRect(this); else poseRect = pose->CalcRect(loc, this); if (bounds.Intersects(poseRect)) Invalidate(); loc.y += fListElemHeight; } if (fSelectionChangedHook) ContainerWindow()->SelectionChanged(); } int32 BPoseView::SelectMatchingEntries(const BMessage *message) { int32 matchCount = 0; SetMultipleSelection(true); ClearSelection(); TrackerStringExpressionType expressionType; BString expression; const char *expressionPointer; bool invertSelection; bool ignoreCase; message->FindInt32("ExpressionType", (int32*)&expressionType); message->FindString("Expression", &expressionPointer); message->FindBool("InvertSelection", &invertSelection); message->FindBool("IgnoreCase", &ignoreCase); expression = expressionPointer; PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); TrackerString name; RegExp regExpression; // Make sure we don't have any errors in the expression // before we match the names: if (expressionType == kRegexpMatch) { regExpression.SetTo(expression); if (regExpression.InitCheck() != B_OK) { BString message; message << "Error in regular expression:\n\n'"; message << regExpression.ErrorString() << "'"; (new BAlert("", message.String(), "OK", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT))->Go(); return 0; } } // There is room for optimizations here: If regexp-type match, the Matches() // function compiles the expression for every entry. One could use // TrackerString::CompileRegExp and reuse the expression. However, then we // have to take care of the case sensitivity ourselves. for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); name = pose->TargetModel()->Name(); if (name.Matches(expression.String(), !ignoreCase, expressionType) ^ invertSelection) { matchCount++; AddPoseToSelection(pose, index); } } Window()->Activate(); // Make sure the window is activated for // subsequent manipulations. Esp. needed // for the Desktop window. return matchCount; } void BPoseView::ShowSelectionWindow() { Window()->PostMessage(kShowSelectionWindow); } void BPoseView::KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 count) { char key = bytes[0]; switch (key) { case B_LEFT_ARROW: case B_RIGHT_ARROW: case B_UP_ARROW: case B_DOWN_ARROW: { int32 index; BPose *pose = FindNearbyPose(key, &index); if (pose == NULL) break; if (fMultipleSelection && modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) { if (pose->IsSelected()) { RemovePoseFromSelection(fSelectionList->LastItem()); fSelectionPivotPose = pose; ScrollIntoView(pose, index); } else AddPoseToSelection(pose, index, true); } else SelectPose(pose, index); break; } case B_RETURN: if (fFiltering && fSelectionList->CountItems() == 0) SelectPose(fFilteredPoseList->FirstItem(), 0); OpenSelection(); if (fFiltering && (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0) StopFiltering(); break; case B_HOME: // select the first entry (if in listview mode), and // scroll to the top of the view if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); BPose *pose = fSelectionList->LastItem(); if (pose != NULL && fMultipleSelection && (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0) { int32 index = poseList->IndexOf(pose); // select all items from the current one till the top for (int32 i = index; i-- > 0; ) { pose = poseList->ItemAt(i); if (pose == NULL) continue; if (!pose->IsSelected()) AddPoseToSelection(pose, i, i == 0); } } else SelectPose(poseList->FirstItem(), 0); } else if (fVScrollBar) fVScrollBar->SetValue(0); break; case B_END: // select the last entry (if in listview mode), and // scroll to the bottom of the view if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); BPose *pose = fSelectionList->FirstItem(); if (pose != NULL && fMultipleSelection && (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0) { int32 index = poseList->IndexOf(pose); int32 count = poseList->CountItems() - 1; // select all items from the current one to the bottom for (int32 i = index; i <= count; i++) { pose = poseList->ItemAt(i); if (pose == NULL) continue; if (!pose->IsSelected()) AddPoseToSelection(pose, i, i == count); } } else SelectPose(poseList->LastItem(), poseList->CountItems() - 1); } else if (fVScrollBar) { float max, min; fVScrollBar->GetRange(&min, &max); fVScrollBar->SetValue(max); } break; case B_PAGE_UP: if (fVScrollBar) { float max, min; fVScrollBar->GetSteps(&min, &max); fVScrollBar->SetValue(fVScrollBar->Value() - max); } break; case B_PAGE_DOWN: if (fVScrollBar) { float max, min; fVScrollBar->GetSteps(&min, &max); fVScrollBar->SetValue(fVScrollBar->Value() + max); } break; case B_TAB: if (IsFilePanel()) _inherited::KeyDown(bytes, count); else { if (ViewMode() == kListMode && TrackerSettings().TypeAheadFiltering()) { break; } if (fSelectionList->IsEmpty()) sMatchString.Truncate(0); else { BPose *pose = fSelectionList->FirstItem(); sMatchString.SetTo(pose->TargetModel()->Name()); } bool reverse = (Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("modifiers") & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0; int32 index; BPose *pose = FindNextMatch(&index, reverse); if (!pose) { // wrap around if (reverse) sMatchString.SetTo(0x7f, 1); else sMatchString.Truncate(0); pose = FindNextMatch(&index, reverse); } SelectPose(pose, index); } break; case B_DELETE: { // Make sure user can't trash something already in the trash. if (TargetModel()->IsTrash()) { // Delete without asking from the trash DeleteSelection(true, false); } else { TrackerSettings settings; if ((modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0 || settings.DontMoveFilesToTrash()) DeleteSelection(true, settings.AskBeforeDeleteFile()); else MoveSelectionToTrash(); } break; } case B_BACKSPACE: { if (fFiltering) { BString *lastString = fFilterStrings.LastItem(); if (lastString->Length() == 0) { int32 stringCount = fFilterStrings.CountItems(); if (stringCount > 1) delete fFilterStrings.RemoveItemAt(stringCount - 1); else break; } else lastString->TruncateChars(lastString->CountChars() - 1); fCountView->RemoveFilterCharacter(); FilterChanged(); break; } if (sMatchString.Length() == 0) break; // remove last char from the typeahead buffer sMatchString.TruncateChars(sMatchString.CountChars() - 1); fLastKeyTime = system_time(); fCountView->SetTypeAhead(sMatchString.String()); // select our new string int32 index; BPose *pose = FindBestMatch(&index); if (!pose) break; SelectPose(pose, index); break; } default: { // handle typeahead selection / filtering if (ViewMode() == kListMode && TrackerSettings().TypeAheadFiltering()) { if (key == ' ' && modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) { if (fFilterStrings.LastItem()->Length() == 0) break; fFilterStrings.AddItem(new BString()); fCountView->AddFilterCharacter("|"); break; } fFilterStrings.LastItem()->AppendChars(bytes, 1); fCountView->AddFilterCharacter(bytes); FilterChanged(); break; } bigtime_t doubleClickSpeed; get_click_speed(&doubleClickSpeed); // start watching if (fKeyRunner == NULL) { fKeyRunner = new BMessageRunner(this, new BMessage(kCheckTypeahead), doubleClickSpeed); if (fKeyRunner->InitCheck() != B_OK) return; } // figure out the time at which the keypress happened bigtime_t eventTime; BMessage* message = Window()->CurrentMessage(); if (!message || message->FindInt64("when", &eventTime) < B_OK) { eventTime = system_time(); } // add char to existing matchString or start new match string if (eventTime - fLastKeyTime < (doubleClickSpeed * 2)) sMatchString.AppendChars(bytes, 1); else sMatchString.SetToChars(bytes, 1); fLastKeyTime = eventTime; fCountView->SetTypeAhead(sMatchString.String()); int32 index; BPose *pose = FindBestMatch(&index); if (!pose) break; SelectPose(pose, index); break; } } } BPose * BPoseView::FindNextMatch(int32 *matchingIndex, bool reverse) { char bestSoFar[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 }; BPose *poseToSelect = NULL; // loop through all poses to find match int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (reverse) { if (sMatchString.ICompare(pose->TargetModel()->Name()) > 0) if (strcasecmp(pose->TargetModel()->Name(), bestSoFar) >= 0 || !bestSoFar[0]) { strcpy(bestSoFar, pose->TargetModel()->Name()); poseToSelect = pose; *matchingIndex = index; } } else if (sMatchString.ICompare(pose->TargetModel()->Name()) < 0) if (strcasecmp(pose->TargetModel()->Name(), bestSoFar) <= 0 || !bestSoFar[0]) { strcpy(bestSoFar, pose->TargetModel()->Name()); poseToSelect = pose; *matchingIndex = index; } } return poseToSelect; } BPose * BPoseView::FindBestMatch(int32 *index) { BPose *poseToSelect = NULL; float bestScore = -1; int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); // loop through all poses to find match for (int32 j = 0; j < CountColumns(); j++) { BColumn *column = ColumnAt(j); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(i); float score = -1; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { ModelNodeLazyOpener modelOpener(pose->TargetModel()); BTextWidget *widget = pose->WidgetFor(column, this, modelOpener); const char *text = NULL; if (widget != NULL) text = widget->Text(this); if (text != NULL) { score = ComputeTypeAheadScore(text, sMatchString.String()); } } else { score = ComputeTypeAheadScore(pose->TargetModel()->Name(), sMatchString.String()); } if (score > bestScore) { poseToSelect = pose; bestScore = score; *index = i; } if (score == kExactMatchScore) break; } // TODO: we might want to change this to make it always work // over all columns, but this would require some more changes // to how Tracker represents data (for example we could filter // the results out). if (bestScore > 0 || ViewMode() != kListMode) break; } return poseToSelect; } static bool LinesIntersect(float s1, float e1, float s2, float e2) { return std::max(s1, s2) < std::min(e1, e2); } BPose * BPoseView::FindNearbyPose(char arrowKey, int32 *poseIndex) { int32 resultingIndex = -1; BPose *poseToSelect = NULL; BPose *selectedPose = fSelectionList->LastItem(); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); switch (arrowKey) { case B_UP_ARROW: case B_LEFT_ARROW: if (selectedPose) { resultingIndex = poseList->IndexOf(selectedPose) - 1; poseToSelect = poseList->ItemAt(resultingIndex); if (!poseToSelect && arrowKey == B_LEFT_ARROW) { resultingIndex = poseList->CountItems() - 1; poseToSelect = poseList->LastItem(); } } else { resultingIndex = poseList->CountItems() - 1; poseToSelect = poseList->LastItem(); } break; case B_DOWN_ARROW: case B_RIGHT_ARROW: if (selectedPose) { resultingIndex = poseList->IndexOf(selectedPose) + 1; poseToSelect = poseList->ItemAt(resultingIndex); if (!poseToSelect && arrowKey == B_RIGHT_ARROW) { resultingIndex = 0; poseToSelect = poseList->FirstItem(); } } else { resultingIndex = 0; poseToSelect = poseList->FirstItem(); } break; } *poseIndex = resultingIndex; return poseToSelect; } // must be in one of the icon modes // handle case where there is no current selection if (fSelectionList->IsEmpty()) { // find the upper-left pose (I know it's ugly!) poseToSelect = fVSPoseList->FirstItem(); for (int32 index = 0; ;index++) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(++index); if (!pose) break; BRect selectedBounds(poseToSelect->CalcRect(this)); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (poseRect.top > selectedBounds.top) break; if (poseRect.left < selectedBounds.left) poseToSelect = pose; } return poseToSelect; } BRect selectionRect(selectedPose->CalcRect(this)); BRect bestRect; // we're not in list mode so scan visually for pose to select int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); switch (arrowKey) { case B_LEFT_ARROW: if (LinesIntersect(poseRect.top, poseRect.bottom, selectionRect.top, selectionRect.bottom)) if (poseRect.left < selectionRect.left) if (poseRect.left > bestRect.left || !bestRect.IsValid()) { bestRect = poseRect; poseToSelect = pose; } break; case B_RIGHT_ARROW: if (LinesIntersect(poseRect.top, poseRect.bottom, selectionRect.top, selectionRect.bottom)) if (poseRect.right > selectionRect.right) if (poseRect.right < bestRect.right || !bestRect.IsValid()) { bestRect = poseRect; poseToSelect = pose; } break; case B_UP_ARROW: if (LinesIntersect(poseRect.left, poseRect.right, selectionRect.left, selectionRect.right)) if (poseRect.top < selectionRect.top) if (poseRect.top > bestRect.top || !bestRect.IsValid()) { bestRect = poseRect; poseToSelect = pose; } break; case B_DOWN_ARROW: if (LinesIntersect(poseRect.left, poseRect.right, selectionRect.left, selectionRect.right)) if (poseRect.bottom > selectionRect.bottom) if (poseRect.bottom < bestRect.bottom || !bestRect.IsValid()) { bestRect = poseRect; poseToSelect = pose; } break; } } if (poseToSelect) return poseToSelect; return selectedPose; } void BPoseView::ShowContextMenu(BPoint where) { BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (!window) return; // handle pose selection int32 index; BPose *pose = FindPose(where, &index); if (pose) { if (!pose->IsSelected()) { ClearSelection(); pose->Select(true); fSelectionList->AddItem(pose); DrawPose(pose, index, false); } } else ClearSelection(); window->Activate(); window->UpdateIfNeeded(); window->ShowContextMenu(where, pose ? pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef() : 0, this); if (fSelectionChangedHook) window->SelectionChanged(); } void BPoseView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { // TODO: add asynch mouse tracking // handle disposing of drag data lazily DragStop(); BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (!window) return; if (IsDesktopWindow()) { BScreen screen(Window()); rgb_color color = screen.DesktopColor(); SetLowColor(color); SetViewColor(color); } MakeFocus(); // "right" mouse button handling for context-sensitive menus uint32 buttons = (uint32)window->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons"); uint32 modifs = modifiers(); bool showContext = true; if ((buttons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) == 0) showContext = (modifs & B_CONTROL_KEY) != 0; // if a pose was hit, delay context menu for a bit to see if user dragged if (showContext) { int32 index; BPose *pose = FindPose(where, &index); if (!pose) { ShowContextMenu(where); return; } if (!pose->IsSelected()) { ClearSelection(); pose->Select(true); fSelectionList->AddItem(pose); DrawPose(pose, index, false); } bigtime_t clickTime = system_time(); BPoint loc; GetMouse(&loc, &buttons); for (;;) { if (fabs(loc.x - where.x) > 4 || fabs(loc.y - where.y) > 4) // moved the mouse, cancel showing the context menu break; if (!buttons || (system_time() - clickTime) > 200000) { // let go of button or pressing for a while, show menu now ShowContextMenu(where); return; } snooze(10000); GetMouse(&loc, &buttons); } } bool extendSelection = (modifs & B_COMMAND_KEY) && fMultipleSelection; CommitActivePose(); // see if mouse down occurred within a pose int32 index; BPose *pose = FindPose(where, &index); if (pose) { AddRemoveSelectionRange(where, extendSelection, pose); switch (WaitForMouseUpOrDrag(where)) { case kWasDragged: DragSelectedPoses(pose, where); break; case kNotDragged: if (!extendSelection && WasDoubleClick(pose, where)) { // special handling for Path field double-clicks if (!WasClickInPath(pose, index, where)) OpenSelection(pose, &index); } else if (fAllowPoseEditing) // mouse is up but no drag or double-click occurred pose->MouseUp(BPoint(0, index * fListElemHeight), this, where, index); break; default: // this is the CONTEXT_MENU case break; } } else { // click was not in any pose fLastClickedPose = NULL; window->Activate(); window->UpdateIfNeeded(); DragSelectionRect(where, extendSelection); } if (fSelectionChangedHook) window->SelectionChanged(); } bool BPoseView::WasClickInPath(const BPose *pose, int32 index, BPoint mouseLoc) const { if (!pose || (ViewMode() != kListMode)) return false; BPoint loc(0, index * fListElemHeight); BTextWidget *widget; if (!pose->PointInPose(loc, this, mouseLoc, &widget) || !widget) return false; // note: the following code is wrong, because this sort of hashing // may overlap and we get aliasing if (widget->AttrHash() != AttrHashString(kAttrPath, B_STRING_TYPE)) return false; BEntry entry(widget->Text(this)); if (entry.InitCheck() != B_OK) return false; entry_ref ref; if (entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK) { BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); message.AddRef("refs", &ref); be_app->PostMessage(&message); return true; } return false; } bool BPoseView::WasDoubleClick(const BPose *pose, BPoint point) { // check time and proximity BPoint delta = point - fLastClickPt; bigtime_t sysTime; Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt64("when", &sysTime); bigtime_t timeDelta = sysTime - fLastClickTime; bigtime_t doubleClickSpeed; get_click_speed(&doubleClickSpeed); if (timeDelta < doubleClickSpeed && fabs(delta.x) < kDoubleClickTresh && fabs(delta.y) < kDoubleClickTresh && pose == fLastClickedPose) { fLastClickPt.Set(LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX); fLastClickedPose = NULL; fLastClickTime = 0; return true; } fLastClickPt = point; fLastClickedPose = pose; fLastClickTime = sysTime; return false; } static void AddPoseRefToMessage(BPose *, Model *model, BMessage *message) { // Make sure that every file added to the message has its // MIME type set. BNode node(model->EntryRef()); if (node.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BNodeInfo info(&node); char type[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH]; type[0] = '\0'; if (info.GetType(type) != B_OK) { BPath path(model->EntryRef()); if (path.InitCheck() == B_OK) update_mime_info(path.Path(), false, false, false); } } message->AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); } void BPoseView::DragSelectedPoses(const BPose *pose, BPoint clickPoint) { if (!fDragEnabled) return; ASSERT(pose); // make sure pose is selected, it could have been deselected as part of // a click during selection extention if (!pose->IsSelected()) return; // setup tracking rect by unioning all selected pose rects BMessage message(B_SIMPLE_DATA); message.AddPointer("src_window", Window()); message.AddPoint("click_pt", clickPoint); // add Tracker token so that refs received recipients can script us message.AddMessenger("TrackerViewToken", BMessenger(this)); EachPoseAndModel(fSelectionList, &AddPoseRefToMessage, &message); // make sure button is still down uint32 button; BPoint tempLoc; GetMouse(&tempLoc, &button); if (button) { int32 index = CurrentPoseList()->IndexOf(pose); message.AddInt32("buttons", (int32)button); BRect dragRect(GetDragRect(index)); BBitmap *dragBitmap = NULL; BPoint offset; // The bitmap is now always created (if DRAG_FRAME is not defined) #ifdef DRAG_FRAME if (dragRect.Width() < kTransparentDragThreshold.x && dragRect.Height() < kTransparentDragThreshold.y) #endif dragBitmap = MakeDragBitmap(dragRect, clickPoint, index, offset); if (dragBitmap) { DragMessage(&message, dragBitmap, B_OP_ALPHA, offset); // this DragMessage supports alpha blending } else DragMessage(&message, dragRect); // turn on auto scrolling fAutoScrollState = kWaitForTransition; Window()->SetPulseRate(100000); } } BBitmap * BPoseView::MakeDragBitmap(BRect dragRect, BPoint clickedPoint, int32 clickedPoseIndex, BPoint &offset) { BRect inner(clickedPoint.x - kTransparentDragThreshold.x / 2, clickedPoint.y - kTransparentDragThreshold.y / 2, clickedPoint.x + kTransparentDragThreshold.x / 2, clickedPoint.y + kTransparentDragThreshold.y / 2); // (BRect & BRect) doesn't work correctly if the rectangles don't intersect // this catches a bug that is produced somewhere before this function is called if (!inner.Intersects(dragRect)) return NULL; inner = inner & dragRect; // If the selection is bigger than the specified limit, the // contents will fade out when they come near the borders bool fadeTop = false, fadeBottom = false, fadeLeft = false, fadeRight = false, fade = false; if (inner.left > dragRect.left) { inner.left = max(inner.left - 32, dragRect.left); fade = fadeLeft = true; } if (inner.right < dragRect.right) { inner.right = min(inner.right + 32, dragRect.right); fade = fadeRight = true; } if (inner.top > dragRect.top) { inner.top = max(inner.top - 32, dragRect.top); fade = fadeTop = true; } if (inner.bottom < dragRect.bottom) { inner.bottom = min(inner.bottom + 32, dragRect.bottom); fade = fadeBottom = true; } // set the offset for the dragged bitmap (for the BView::DragMessage() call) offset = clickedPoint - inner.LeftTop(); BRect rect(inner); rect.OffsetTo(B_ORIGIN); BBitmap *bitmap = new BBitmap(rect, B_RGBA32, true); bitmap->Lock(); BView *view = new BView(bitmap->Bounds(), "", B_FOLLOW_NONE, 0); bitmap->AddChild(view); view->SetOrigin(0, 0); BRect clipRect(view->Bounds()); BRegion newClip; newClip.Set(clipRect); view->ConstrainClippingRegion(&newClip); memset(bitmap->Bits(), 0, bitmap->BitsLength()); view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); view->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0, uint8(fade ? 164 : 128)); // set the level of transparency by value view->SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_COMPOSITE); BRect bounds(Bounds()); PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(clickedPoseIndex); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); int32 startIndex = (int32)(bounds.top / fListElemHeight); BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->IsSelected()) { BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(loc, this, true)); if (poseRect.Intersects(inner)) { BPoint offsetBy(-inner.LeftTop().x, -inner.LeftTop().y); pose->Draw(poseRect, poseRect, this, view, true, offsetBy, false); } } loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > bounds.bottom) break; } } else { // add rects for visible poses only (uses VSList!!) int32 startIndex = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)(bounds.top - IconPoseHeight())); int32 count = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose && pose->IsSelected()) { BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (!poseRect.Intersects(inner)) continue; BPoint offsetBy(-inner.LeftTop().x, -inner.LeftTop().y); pose->Draw(poseRect, poseRect, this, view, true, offsetBy, false); } } } view->Sync(); // Fade out the contents if necessary if (fade) { uint32 *bits = (uint32 *)bitmap->Bits(); int32 width = bitmap->BytesPerRow() / 4; if (fadeLeft) FadeRGBA32Horizontal(bits, width, int32(rect.bottom), 0, 64); if (fadeRight) FadeRGBA32Horizontal(bits, width, int32(rect.bottom), int32(rect.right), int32(rect.right) - 64); if (fadeTop) FadeRGBA32Vertical(bits, width, int32(rect.bottom), 0, 64); if (fadeBottom) FadeRGBA32Vertical(bits, width, int32(rect.bottom), int32(rect.bottom), int32(rect.bottom) - 64); } bitmap->Unlock(); return bitmap; } BRect BPoseView::GetDragRect(int32 clickedPoseIndex) { BRect result; BRect bounds(Bounds()); PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(clickedPoseIndex); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { // get starting rect of clicked pose result = CalcPoseRectList(pose, clickedPoseIndex, true); // add rects for visible poses only int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); int32 startIndex = (int32)(bounds.top / fListElemHeight); BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->IsSelected()) result = result | pose->CalcRect(loc, this, true); loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > bounds.bottom) break; } } else { // get starting rect of clicked pose result = pose->CalcRect(this); // add rects for visible poses only (uses VSList!!) int32 count = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)(bounds.top - IconPoseHeight())); index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose) { if (pose->IsSelected()) result = result | pose->CalcRect(this); if (pose->Location(this).y > bounds.bottom) break; } } } return result; } static void AddIfPoseSelected(BPose *pose, PoseList *list) { if (pose->IsSelected()) list->AddItem(pose); } void BPoseView::DragSelectionRect(BPoint startPoint, bool shouldExtend) { // only clear selection if we are not extending it if (!shouldExtend) ClearSelection(); if (WaitForMouseUpOrDrag(startPoint) != kWasDragged) { if (!shouldExtend) ClearSelection(); return; } if (!fSelectionRectEnabled || !fMultipleSelection) { ClearSelection(); return; } // clearing the selection could take a while so poll the mouse again BPoint newMousePoint; uint32 button; GetMouse(&newMousePoint, &button); // draw initial empty selection rectangle BRect lastSelectionRect; fSelectionRect = lastSelectionRect = BRect(startPoint, startPoint - BPoint(1, 1)); if (!fTransparentSelection) { SetDrawingMode(B_OP_INVERT); StrokeRect(fSelectionRect, B_MIXED_COLORS); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); } BList *selectionList = new BList; BPoint oldMousePoint(startPoint); while (button) { GetMouse(&newMousePoint, &button, false); if (newMousePoint != oldMousePoint) { oldMousePoint = newMousePoint; BRect oldRect = fSelectionRect; fSelectionRect.top = std::min(newMousePoint.y, startPoint.y); fSelectionRect.left = std::min(newMousePoint.x, startPoint.x); fSelectionRect.bottom = std::max(newMousePoint.y, startPoint.y); fSelectionRect.right = std::max(newMousePoint.x, startPoint.x); // erase old rect if (!fTransparentSelection) { SetDrawingMode(B_OP_INVERT); StrokeRect(oldRect, B_MIXED_COLORS); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); } fIsDrawingSelectionRect = true; CheckAutoScroll(newMousePoint, true, true); // use current selection rectangle to scan poses if (ViewMode() == kListMode) SelectPosesListMode(fSelectionRect, &selectionList); else SelectPosesIconMode(fSelectionRect, &selectionList); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); // draw new selected rect if (!fTransparentSelection) { SetDrawingMode(B_OP_INVERT); StrokeRect(fSelectionRect, B_MIXED_COLORS); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); } else { BRegion updateRegion1; BRegion updateRegion2; bool sameWidth = fSelectionRect.Width() == lastSelectionRect.Width(); bool sameHeight = fSelectionRect.Height() == lastSelectionRect.Height(); updateRegion1.Include(fSelectionRect); updateRegion1.Exclude(lastSelectionRect.InsetByCopy( sameWidth ? 0 : 1, sameHeight ? 0 : 1)); updateRegion2.Include(lastSelectionRect); updateRegion2.Exclude(fSelectionRect.InsetByCopy( sameWidth ? 0 : 1, sameHeight ? 0 : 1)); updateRegion1.Include(&updateRegion2); BRect unionRect = fSelectionRect & lastSelectionRect; updateRegion1.Exclude(unionRect & BRect(-2000, startPoint.y, 2000, startPoint.y)); updateRegion1.Exclude(unionRect & BRect(startPoint.x, -2000, startPoint.x, 2000)); lastSelectionRect = fSelectionRect; Invalidate(&updateRegion1); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); } Flush(); } snooze(20000); } delete selectionList; fIsDrawingSelectionRect = false; // do final erase of selection rect if (!fTransparentSelection) { SetDrawingMode(B_OP_INVERT); StrokeRect(fSelectionRect, B_MIXED_COLORS); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); } else { Invalidate(fSelectionRect); fSelectionRect.Set(0, 0, -1, -1); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); } // we now need to update the pose view's selection list by clearing it // and then polling each pose for selection state and rebuilding list fSelectionList->MakeEmpty(); fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); EachListItem(fPoseList, AddIfPoseSelected, fSelectionList); // and now make sure that the pivot point is in sync if (fSelectionPivotPose && !fSelectionList->HasItem(fSelectionPivotPose)) fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; if (fRealPivotPose && !fSelectionList->HasItem(fRealPivotPose)) fRealPivotPose = NULL; } // TODO: SelectPosesListMode and SelectPosesIconMode are terrible and share // most code void BPoseView::SelectPosesListMode(BRect selectionRect, BList **oldList) { ASSERT(ViewMode() == kListMode); // collect all the poses which are enclosed inside the selection rect BList *newList = new BList; BRect bounds(Bounds()); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); // TODO: I _think_ there is no more synchronous drawing here, // so this should be save to remove int32 startIndex = (int32)(selectionRect.top / fListElemHeight); if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(loc, this)); if (selectionRect.Intersects(poseRect)) { bool selected = pose->IsSelected(); pose->Select(!fSelectionList->HasItem(pose)); newList->AddItem((void *)index); // this sucks, need to clean up // using a vector class instead of BList if ((selected != pose->IsSelected()) && poseRect.Intersects(bounds)) { Invalidate(poseRect); } // First Pose selected gets to be the pivot. if ((fSelectionPivotPose == NULL) && (selected == false)) fSelectionPivotPose = pose; } loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > selectionRect.bottom) break; } // take the old set of enclosed poses and invert selection state // on those which are no longer enclosed count = (*oldList)->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { int32 oldIndex = (int32)(*oldList)->ItemAt(index); if (!newList->HasItem((void *)oldIndex)) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(oldIndex); pose->Select(!pose->IsSelected()); loc.Set(0, oldIndex * fListElemHeight); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(loc, this)); if (poseRect.Intersects(bounds)) { Invalidate(poseRect); } } } delete *oldList; *oldList = newList; } void BPoseView::SelectPosesIconMode(BRect selectionRect, BList **oldList) { ASSERT(ViewMode() != kListMode); // collect all the poses which are enclosed inside the selection rect BList *newList = new BList; BRect bounds(Bounds()); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); int32 startIndex = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)(selectionRect.top - IconPoseHeight()), true); if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose) { BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (selectionRect.Intersects(poseRect)) { bool selected = pose->IsSelected(); pose->Select(!fSelectionList->HasItem(pose)); newList->AddItem((void *)index); if ((selected != pose->IsSelected()) && poseRect.Intersects(bounds)) { Invalidate(poseRect); } // First Pose selected gets to be the pivot. if ((fSelectionPivotPose == NULL) && (selected == false)) fSelectionPivotPose = pose; } if (pose->Location(this).y > selectionRect.bottom) break; } } // take the old set of enclosed poses and invert selection state // on those which are no longer enclosed count = (*oldList)->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { int32 oldIndex = (int32)(*oldList)->ItemAt(index); if (!newList->HasItem((void *)oldIndex)) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(oldIndex); pose->Select(!pose->IsSelected()); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (poseRect.Intersects(bounds)) Invalidate(poseRect); } } delete *oldList; *oldList = newList; } void BPoseView::AddRemoveSelectionRange(BPoint where, bool extendSelection, BPose *pose) { ASSERT(pose); if ((pose == fSelectionPivotPose) && !extendSelection) return; if ((modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) && fSelectionPivotPose) { // Multi Pose extend/shrink current selection bool select = !pose->IsSelected() || !extendSelection; // This weird bit of logic causes the selection to always // center around the pivot point, unless you choose to hold // down COMMAND, which will unselect between the pivot and // the most recently selected Pose. if (!extendSelection) { // Remember fSelectionPivotPose because ClearSelection() NULLs it // and we need it to be preserved. const BPose *savedPivotPose = fSelectionPivotPose; ClearSelection(); fSelectionPivotPose = savedPivotPose; } if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 currSelIndex = poseList->IndexOf(pose); int32 lastSelIndex = poseList->IndexOf(fSelectionPivotPose); int32 startRange; int32 endRange; if (lastSelIndex < currSelIndex) { startRange = lastSelIndex; endRange = currSelIndex; } else { startRange = currSelIndex; endRange = lastSelIndex; } for (int32 i = startRange; i <= endRange; i++) AddRemovePoseFromSelection(poseList->ItemAt(i), i, select); } else { BRect selection(where, fSelectionPivotPose->Location(this)); // Things will get odd if we don't 'fix' the selection rect. if (selection.left > selection.right) { float temp = selection.right; selection.right = selection.left; selection.left = temp; } if (selection.top > selection.bottom) { float temp = selection.top; selection.top = selection.bottom; selection.bottom = temp; } // If the selection rect is not at least 1 pixel high/wide, things // are also not going to work out. if (selection.IntegerWidth() < 1) selection.right = selection.left + 1.0f; if (selection.IntegerHeight() < 1) selection.bottom = selection.top + 1.0f; ASSERT(selection.IsValid()); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { BPose *currPose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); // TODO: works only in non-list mode? if (selection.Intersects(currPose->CalcRect(this))) AddRemovePoseFromSelection(currPose, index, select); } } } else { int32 index = CurrentPoseList()->IndexOf(pose); if (!extendSelection) { if (!pose->IsSelected()) { // create new selection ClearSelection(); AddRemovePoseFromSelection(pose, index, true); fSelectionPivotPose = pose; } } else { fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); AddRemovePoseFromSelection(pose, index, !pose->IsSelected()); } } // If the list is empty, there cannot be a pivot pose, // however if the list is not empty there must be a pivot // pose. if (fSelectionList->IsEmpty()) { fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; fRealPivotPose = NULL; } else if (fSelectionPivotPose == NULL) { fSelectionPivotPose = pose; fRealPivotPose = pose; } } int32 BPoseView::WaitForMouseUpOrDrag(BPoint start) { bigtime_t start_time = system_time(); bigtime_t doubleClickSpeed; get_click_speed(&doubleClickSpeed); // use double the doubleClickSpeed as a treshold doubleClickSpeed *= 2; // loop until mouse has been dragged at least 2 pixels uint32 button; BPoint loc; GetMouse(&loc, &button, false); while (button) { GetMouse(&loc, &button, false); if (fabs(loc.x - start.x) > 2 || fabs(loc.y - start.y) > 2) return kWasDragged; if ((system_time() - start_time) > doubleClickSpeed) { ShowContextMenu(start); return kContextMenuShown; } snooze(15000); } // user let up on mouse button without dragging Window()->Activate(); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); return kNotDragged; } void BPoseView::DeleteSymLinkPoseTarget(const node_ref *itemNode, BPose *pose, int32 index) { ASSERT(pose->TargetModel()->IsSymLink()); watch_node(itemNode, B_STOP_WATCHING, this); BPoint loc(0, index * fListElemHeight); pose->TargetModel()->SetLinkTo(0); pose->UpdateBrokenSymLink(loc, this); } bool BPoseView::DeletePose(const node_ref *itemNode, BPose *pose, int32 index) { watch_node(itemNode, B_STOP_WATCHING, this); if (!pose) pose = fPoseList->FindPose(itemNode, &index); if (pose) { fInsertedNodes.erase(fInsertedNodes.find(*itemNode)); if (TargetModel()->IsSymLink()) { Model *target = pose->TargetModel()->LinkTo(); if (target) watch_node(target->NodeRef(), B_STOP_WATCHING, this); } ASSERT(TargetModel()); if (pose == fDropTarget) fDropTarget = NULL; if (pose == ActivePose()) CommitActivePose(); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); // remove it from list no matter what since it might be in list // but not "selected" since selection is hidden fSelectionList->RemoveItem(pose); if (fSelectionPivotPose == pose) fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; if (fRealPivotPose == pose) fRealPivotPose = NULL; if (pose->IsSelected() && fSelectionChangedHook) ContainerWindow()->SelectionChanged(); fPoseList->RemoveItemAt(index); bool visible = true; if (fFiltering) { if (fFilteredPoseList->FindPose(itemNode, &index) != NULL) fFilteredPoseList->RemoveItemAt(index); else visible = false; } fMimeTypeListIsDirty = true; if (pose->HasLocation()) RemoveFromVSList(pose); if (visible) { BRect invalidRect; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) invalidRect = CalcPoseRectList(pose, index); else invalidRect = pose->CalcRect(this); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) CloseGapInList(&invalidRect); else RemoveFromExtent(invalidRect); Invalidate(invalidRect); UpdateCount(); UpdateScrollRange(); ResetPosePlacementHint(); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); int32 index = (int32)(bounds.bottom / fListElemHeight); BPose *pose = CurrentPoseList()->ItemAt(index); if (!pose && bounds.top > 0) // scroll up a little BView::ScrollTo(bounds.left, max_c(bounds.top - fListElemHeight, 0)); } } delete pose; } else { // we might be getting a delete for an item in the zombie list Model *zombie = FindZombie(itemNode, &index); if (zombie) { PRINT(("deleting zombie model %s\n", zombie->Name())); fZombieList->RemoveItemAt(index); delete zombie; } else return false; } return true; } Model * BPoseView::FindZombie(const node_ref *itemNode, int32 *resultingIndex) { int32 count = fZombieList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { Model *zombie = fZombieList->ItemAt(index); if (*zombie->NodeRef() == *itemNode) { if (resultingIndex) *resultingIndex = index; return zombie; } } return NULL; } // return pose at location h,v (search list starting from bottom so // drawing and hit detection reflect the same pose ordering) BPose * BPoseView::FindPose(BPoint point, int32 *poseIndex) const { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { int32 index = (int32)(point.y / fListElemHeight); if (poseIndex) *poseIndex = index; BPoint loc(0, index * fListElemHeight); BPose *pose = CurrentPoseList()->ItemAt(index); if (pose && pose->PointInPose(loc, this, point)) return pose; } else { int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->PointInPose(this, point)) { if (poseIndex) *poseIndex = index; return pose; } } } return NULL; } void BPoseView::OpenSelection(BPose *clickedPose, int32 *index) { BPose *singleWindowBrowsePose = clickedPose; TrackerSettings settings; // Get first selected pose in selection if none was clicked if (settings.SingleWindowBrowse() && !singleWindowBrowsePose && fSelectionList->CountItems() == 1 && !IsFilePanel()) singleWindowBrowsePose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(0); // check if we can use the single window mode if (settings.SingleWindowBrowse() && !IsDesktopWindow() && !IsFilePanel() && !(modifiers() & B_OPTION_KEY) && TargetModel()->IsDirectory() && singleWindowBrowsePose && singleWindowBrowsePose->ResolvedModel() && singleWindowBrowsePose->ResolvedModel()->IsDirectory()) { // Switch to new directory BMessage msg(kSwitchDirectory); msg.AddRef("refs", singleWindowBrowsePose->ResolvedModel()->EntryRef()); Window()->PostMessage(&msg); } else // Otherwise use standard method OpenSelectionCommon(clickedPose, index, false); } void BPoseView::OpenSelectionUsing(BPose *clickedPose, int32 *index) { OpenSelectionCommon(clickedPose, index, true); } void BPoseView::OpenSelectionCommon(BPose *clickedPose, int32 *poseIndex, bool openWith) { int32 count = fSelectionList->CountItems(); if (!count) return; TTracker *tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(index); message.AddRef("refs", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); // close parent window if option down and we're not the desktop // and we're not in single window mode if (!tracker || (modifiers() & B_OPTION_KEY) == 0 || IsFilePanel() || IsDesktopWindow() || TrackerSettings().SingleWindowBrowse()) continue; ASSERT(TargetModel()); message.AddData("nodeRefsToClose", B_RAW_TYPE, TargetModel()->NodeRef(), sizeof (node_ref)); } if (openWith) message.AddInt32("launchUsingSelector", 0); // add a messenger to the launch message that will be used to // dispatch scripting calls from apps to the PoseView message.AddMessenger("TrackerViewToken", BMessenger(this)); if (fSelectionHandler) fSelectionHandler->PostMessage(&message); if (clickedPose) { ASSERT(poseIndex); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) DrawOpenAnimation(CalcPoseRectList(clickedPose, *poseIndex, true)); else DrawOpenAnimation(clickedPose->CalcRect(this)); } } void BPoseView::DrawOpenAnimation(BRect rect) { SetDrawingMode(B_OP_INVERT); BRect box1(rect); box1.InsetBy(rect.Width() / 2 - 2, rect.Height() / 2 - 2); BRect box2(box1); for (int32 index = 0; index < 7; index++) { box2 = box1; box2.InsetBy(-2, -2); StrokeRect(box1, B_MIXED_COLORS); Sync(); StrokeRect(box2, B_MIXED_COLORS); Sync(); snooze(10000); StrokeRect(box1, B_MIXED_COLORS); StrokeRect(box2, B_MIXED_COLORS); Sync(); box1 = box2; } SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); } void BPoseView::UnmountSelectedVolumes() { BVolume boot; BVolumeRoster().GetBootVolume(&boot); int32 select_count = fSelectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < select_count; index++) { BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(index); if (!pose) continue; Model *model = pose->TargetModel(); if (model->IsVolume()) { BVolume volume(model->NodeRef()->device); if (volume != boot) { dynamic_cast(be_app)->SaveAllPoseLocations(); BMessage message(kUnmountVolume); message.AddInt32("device_id", volume.Device()); be_app->PostMessage(&message); } } } } void BPoseView::ClearPoses() { CommitActivePose(); SavePoseLocations(); ClearFilter(); // clear all pose lists fPoseList->MakeEmpty(); fMimeTypeListIsDirty = true; fVSPoseList->MakeEmpty(); fZombieList->MakeEmpty(); fSelectionList->MakeEmpty(); fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; fRealPivotPose = NULL; fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); DisableScrollBars(); ScrollTo(BPoint(0, 0)); UpdateScrollRange(); SetScrollBarsTo(BPoint(0, 0)); EnableScrollBars(); ResetPosePlacementHint(); ClearExtent(); if (fSelectionChangedHook) ContainerWindow()->SelectionChanged(); } void BPoseView::SwitchDir(const entry_ref *newDirRef, AttributeStreamNode *node) { ASSERT(TargetModel()); if (*newDirRef == *TargetModel()->EntryRef()) // no change return; Model *model = new Model(newDirRef, true); if (model->InitCheck() != B_OK || !model->IsDirectory()) { delete model; return; } CommitActivePose(); // before clearing and adding new poses, we reset "blessed" async // thread id to prevent old add_poses thread from adding any more icons // the new add_poses thread will then set fAddPosesThread to its ID and it // will be allowed to add icons fAddPosesThreads.clear(); fInsertedNodes.clear(); delete fModel; fModel = model; // check if model is a trash dir, if so // update ContainerWindow's fIsTrash, etc. // variables to indicate new state ContainerWindow()->UpdateIfTrash(model); StopWatching(); ClearPoses(); // Restore state, might fail if the state has never been saved for this node uint32 oldMode = ViewMode(); bool viewStateRestored = false; if (node) { BViewState *previousState = fViewState; RestoreState(node); viewStateRestored = (fViewState != previousState); } // Make sure fTitleView is rebuilt, as fColumnList might have changed fTitleView->Reset(); if (viewStateRestored) { if (ViewMode() == kListMode && oldMode != kListMode) { MoveBy(0, kTitleViewHeight + 1); ResizeBy(0, -(kTitleViewHeight + 1)); if (ContainerWindow()) ContainerWindow()->ShowAttributeMenu(); fTitleView->ResizeTo(Frame().Width(), fTitleView->Frame().Height()); fTitleView->MoveTo(Frame().left, Frame().top - (kTitleViewHeight + 1)); if (Parent()) Parent()->AddChild(fTitleView); else Window()->AddChild(fTitleView); } else if (ViewMode() != kListMode && oldMode == kListMode) { fTitleView->RemoveSelf(); if (ContainerWindow()) ContainerWindow()->HideAttributeMenu(); MoveBy(0, -(kTitleViewHeight + 1)); ResizeBy(0, kTitleViewHeight + 1); } else if (ViewMode() == kListMode && oldMode == kListMode && fTitleView != NULL) fTitleView->Invalidate(); BPoint origin; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) origin = fViewState->ListOrigin(); else origin = fViewState->IconOrigin(); PinPointToValidRange(origin); SetIconPoseHeight(); GetLayoutInfo(ViewMode(), &fGrid, &fOffset); ResetPosePlacementHint(); DisableScrollBars(); ScrollTo(origin); UpdateScrollRange(); SetScrollBarsTo(origin); EnableScrollBars(); } else { ResetOrigin(); ResetPosePlacementHint(); } StartWatching(); // be sure this happens after origin is set and window is sized // properly for proper icon caching! if (ContainerWindow()->IsTrash()) AddTrashPoses(); else AddPoses(TargetModel()); TargetModel()->CloseNode(); Invalidate(); fLastKeyTime = 0; } void BPoseView::Refresh() { BEntry entry; ASSERT(TargetModel()); if (TargetModel()->OpenNode() != B_OK) return; StopWatching(); fInsertedNodes.clear(); ClearPoses(); StartWatching(); // be sure this happens after origin is set and window is sized // properly for proper icon caching! AddPoses(TargetModel()); TargetModel()->CloseNode(); Invalidate(); ResetOrigin(); ResetPosePlacementHint(); } void BPoseView::ResetOrigin() { DisableScrollBars(); ScrollTo(B_ORIGIN); UpdateScrollRange(); SetScrollBarsTo(B_ORIGIN); EnableScrollBars(); } void BPoseView::EditQueries() { // edit selected queries SendSelectionAsRefs(kEditQuery, true); } void BPoseView::SendSelectionAsRefs(uint32 what, bool onlyQueries) { // fix this by having a proper selection iterator int32 numItems = fSelectionList->CountItems(); if (!numItems) return; bool haveRef = false; BMessage message; message.what = what; for (int32 index = 0; index < numItems; index++) { BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(index); if (onlyQueries) { // to check if pose is a query, follow any symlink first BEntry resolvedEntry(pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), true); if (resolvedEntry.InitCheck() != B_OK) continue; Model model(&resolvedEntry); if (!model.IsQuery() && !model.IsQueryTemplate()) continue; } haveRef = true; message.AddRef("refs", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } if (!haveRef) return; if (onlyQueries) // this is used to make query templates come up in a special edit window message.AddBool("editQueryOnPose", onlyQueries); BMessenger(kTrackerSignature).SendMessage(&message); } void BPoseView::OpenInfoWindows() { BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); if (!tracker.IsValid()) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", "The Tracker must be running " "to see Info windows.", "Cancel", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); return; } SendSelectionAsRefs(kGetInfo); } void BPoseView::SetDefaultPrinter() { BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); if (!tracker.IsValid()) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("", "The Tracker must be running " "to see set the default printer.", "Cancel", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); return; } SendSelectionAsRefs(kMakeActivePrinter); } void BPoseView::OpenParent() { if (!TargetModel() || TargetModel()->IsRoot() || IsDesktopWindow()) return; BEntry entry(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); BDirectory parent; entry_ref ref; if (entry.GetParent(&parent) != B_OK || parent.GetEntry(&entry) != B_OK || entry.GetRef(&ref) != B_OK) return; BEntry root("/"); if (!TrackerSettings().ShowDisksIcon() && entry == root && (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY) == 0) return; Model parentModel(&ref); BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); message.AddRef("refs", &ref); if (dynamic_cast(be_app)) { // add information about the child, so that we can select it // in the parent view message.AddData("nodeRefToSelect", B_RAW_TYPE, TargetModel()->NodeRef(), sizeof (node_ref)); if ((modifiers() & B_OPTION_KEY) != 0 && !IsFilePanel()) // if option down, add instructions to close the parent message.AddData("nodeRefsToClose", B_RAW_TYPE, TargetModel()->NodeRef(), sizeof (node_ref)); } be_app->PostMessage(&message); } void BPoseView::IdentifySelection() { bool force = (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) != 0; int32 count = fSelectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(index); BEntry entry(pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BPath path; if (entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK) update_mime_info(path.Path(), true, false, force ? 2 : 1); } } } void BPoseView::ClearSelection() { CommitActivePose(); fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; fRealPivotPose = NULL; if (fSelectionList->CountItems()) { // scan all visible poses first BRect bounds(Bounds()); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { int32 startIndex = (int32)(bounds.top / fListElemHeight); BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->IsSelected()) { pose->Select(false); Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(loc, this, false)); } loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > bounds.bottom) break; } } else { int32 startIndex = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)(bounds.top - IconPoseHeight()), true); int32 count = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose) { if (pose->IsSelected()) { pose->Select(false); Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(this)); } if (pose->Location(this).y > bounds.bottom) break; } } } // clear selection state in all poses int32 count = fSelectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) fSelectionList->ItemAt(index)->Select(false); fSelectionList->MakeEmpty(); } fMimeTypesInSelectionCache.MakeEmpty(); } void BPoseView::ShowSelection(bool show) { if (fSelectionVisible == show) return; fSelectionVisible = show; if (fSelectionList->CountItems()) { // scan all visible poses first BRect bounds(Bounds()); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { int32 startIndex = (int32)(bounds.top / fListElemHeight); BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); if (fSelectionList->HasItem(pose)) if (pose->IsSelected() != show || fShowSelectionWhenInactive) { if (!fShowSelectionWhenInactive) pose->Select(show); pose->Draw(BRect(pose->CalcRect(loc, this, false)), bounds, this, false); } loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > bounds.bottom) break; } } else { int32 startIndex = FirstIndexAtOrBelow( (int32)(bounds.top - IconPoseHeight()), true); int32 count = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose) { if (fSelectionList->HasItem(pose)) if (pose->IsSelected() != show || fShowSelectionWhenInactive) { if (!fShowSelectionWhenInactive) pose->Select(show); Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(this)); } if (pose->Location(this).y > bounds.bottom) break; } } } // now set all other poses int32 count = fSelectionList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fSelectionList->ItemAt(index); if (pose->IsSelected() != show && !fShowSelectionWhenInactive) pose->Select(show); } // finally update fRealPivotPose/fSelectionPivotPose if (!show) { fRealPivotPose = fSelectionPivotPose; fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; } else { if (fRealPivotPose) fSelectionPivotPose = fRealPivotPose; fRealPivotPose = NULL; } } } void BPoseView::AddRemovePoseFromSelection(BPose *pose, int32 index, bool select) { // Do not allow double selection/deselection. if (select == pose->IsSelected()) return; pose->Select(select); // update display if (ViewMode() == kListMode) Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(BPoint(0, index * fListElemHeight), this, false)); else Invalidate(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (select) fSelectionList->AddItem(pose); else { fSelectionList->RemoveItem(pose); if (fSelectionPivotPose == pose) fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; if (fRealPivotPose == pose) fRealPivotPose = NULL; } } void BPoseView::RemoveFromExtent(const BRect &rect) { ASSERT(ViewMode() != kListMode); if (rect.left <= fExtent.left || rect.right >= fExtent.right || rect.top <= fExtent.top || rect.bottom >= fExtent.bottom) RecalcExtent(); } void BPoseView::RecalcExtent() { ASSERT(ViewMode() != kListMode); ClearExtent(); int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) AddToExtent(fPoseList->ItemAt(index)->CalcRect(this)); } BRect BPoseView::Extent() const { BRect rect; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { BColumn *column = fColumnList->LastItem(); if (column) { rect.left = rect.top = 0; rect.right = column->Offset() + column->Width(); rect.bottom = fListElemHeight * CurrentPoseList()->CountItems(); } else rect.Set(LeftTop().x, LeftTop().y, LeftTop().x, LeftTop().y); } else { rect = fExtent; rect.left -= fOffset.x; rect.top -= fOffset.y; rect.right += fOffset.x; rect.bottom += fOffset.y; if (!rect.IsValid()) rect.Set(LeftTop().x, LeftTop().y, LeftTop().x, LeftTop().y); } return rect; } void BPoseView::SetScrollBarsTo(BPoint point) { if (fHScrollBar && fVScrollBar) { fHScrollBar->SetValue(point.x); fVScrollBar->SetValue(point.y); } else { // TODO: I don't know what this was supposed to work around // (ie why it wasn't calling ScrollTo(point) simply). Although // it cannot have been tested, since it was broken before, I am // still leaving this, since I know there can be a subtle change in // behaviour (BView<->BScrollBar feedback effects) when scrolling // both directions at once versus separately. BPoint origin = LeftTop(); ScrollTo(BPoint(origin.x, point.y)); ScrollTo(point); } } void BPoseView::PinPointToValidRange(BPoint& origin) { // !NaN and valid range // the following checks are not broken even they look like they are if (!(origin.x >= 0) && !(origin.x <= 0)) origin.x = 0; else if (origin.x < -40000.0 || origin.x > 40000.0) origin.x = 0; if (!(origin.y >= 0) && !(origin.y <= 0)) origin.y = 0; else if (origin.y < -40000.0 || origin.y > 40000.0) origin.y = 0; } void BPoseView::UpdateScrollRange() { // TODO: some calls to UpdateScrollRange don't do the right thing because // Extent doesn't return the right value (too early in PoseView lifetime??) // // This happened most with file panels, when opening a parent - added // an extra call to UpdateScrollRange in SelectChildInParent to work // around this AutoLock lock(Window()); if (!lock) return; BRect bounds(Bounds()); BPoint origin(LeftTop()); BRect extent(Extent()); lock.Unlock(); BPoint minVal(std::min(extent.left, origin.x), std::min(extent.top, origin.y)); BPoint maxVal((extent.right - bounds.right) + origin.x, (extent.bottom - bounds.bottom) + origin.y); maxVal.x = std::max(maxVal.x, origin.x); maxVal.y = std::max(maxVal.y, origin.y); if (fHScrollBar) { float scrollMin; float scrollMax; fHScrollBar->GetRange(&scrollMin, &scrollMax); if (minVal.x != scrollMin || maxVal.x != scrollMax) { fHScrollBar->SetRange(minVal.x, maxVal.x); fHScrollBar->SetSteps(kSmallStep, bounds.Width()); } } if (fVScrollBar) { float scrollMin; float scrollMax; fVScrollBar->GetRange(&scrollMin, &scrollMax); if (minVal.y != scrollMin || maxVal.y != scrollMax) { fVScrollBar->SetRange(minVal.y, maxVal.y); fVScrollBar->SetSteps(kSmallStep, bounds.Height()); } } // set proportions for bars BRect totalExtent(extent | bounds); if (fHScrollBar && totalExtent.Width() != 0.0) { float proportion = bounds.Width() / totalExtent.Width(); if (fHScrollBar->Proportion() != proportion) fHScrollBar->SetProportion(proportion); } if (fVScrollBar && totalExtent.Height() != 0.0) { float proportion = bounds.Height() / totalExtent.Height(); if (fVScrollBar->Proportion() != proportion) fVScrollBar->SetProportion(proportion); } } void BPoseView::DrawPose(BPose *pose, int32 index, bool fullDraw) { BRect rect = CalcPoseRect(pose, index, fullDraw); if (TrackerSettings().ShowVolumeSpaceBar() && pose->TargetModel()->IsVolume()) { Invalidate(rect); } else pose->Draw(rect, rect, this, fullDraw); } rgb_color BPoseView::DeskTextColor() const { rgb_color color = ViewColor(); float thresh = color.red + (color.green * 1.5f) + (color.blue * .50f); if (thresh >= 300) { color.red = 0; color.green = 0; color.blue = 0; } else { color.red = 255; color.green = 255; color.blue = 255; } return color; } rgb_color BPoseView::DeskTextBackColor() const { // returns black or white color depending on the desktop background int32 thresh = 0; rgb_color color = LowColor(); if (color.red > 150) thresh++; if (color.green > 150) thresh++; if (color.blue > 150) thresh++; if (thresh > 1) { color.red = 255; color.green = 255; color.blue = 255; } else { color.red = 0; color.green = 0; color.blue = 0; } return color; } void BPoseView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (IsDesktopWindow()) { BScreen screen(Window()); rgb_color color = screen.DesktopColor(); SetLowColor(color); SetViewColor(color); } DrawViewCommon(updateRect); if ((Flags() & B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN) == 0) DrawAfterChildren(updateRect); } void BPoseView::DrawAfterChildren(BRect updateRect) { if (fTransparentSelection && fSelectionRect.IsValid()) { SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); SetHighColor(255, 255, 255, 128); if (fSelectionRect.Width() == 0 || fSelectionRect.Height() == 0) StrokeLine(fSelectionRect.LeftTop(), fSelectionRect.RightBottom()); else { StrokeRect(fSelectionRect); BRect interior = fSelectionRect; interior.InsetBy(1, 1); if (interior.IsValid()) { SetHighColor(80, 80, 80, 90); FillRect(interior); } } SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); } } void BPoseView::SynchronousUpdate(BRect updateRect, bool clip) { if (clip) { BRegion updateRegion; updateRegion.Set(updateRect); ConstrainClippingRegion(&updateRegion); } Invalidate(updateRect); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); if (clip) ConstrainClippingRegion(NULL); } void BPoseView::DrawViewCommon(const BRect &updateRect) { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); int32 startIndex = (int32)((updateRect.top - fListElemHeight) / fListElemHeight); if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(loc, this, true)); pose->Draw(poseRect, updateRect, this, true); loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y >= updateRect.bottom) break; } } else { int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(index); BRect poseRect(pose->CalcRect(this)); if (updateRect.Intersects(poseRect)) pose->Draw(poseRect, updateRect, this, true); } } } void BPoseView::ColumnRedraw(BRect updateRect) { // used for dynamic column resizing using an offscreen draw buffer ASSERT(ViewMode() == kListMode); if (IsDesktopWindow()) { BScreen screen(Window()); rgb_color d = screen.DesktopColor(); SetLowColor(d); SetViewColor(d); } int32 startIndex = (int32)((updateRect.top - fListElemHeight) / fListElemHeight); if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); if (!count) return; BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); BRect srcRect = poseList->ItemAt(0)->CalcRect(BPoint(0, 0), this, false); srcRect.right += 1024; // need this to erase correctly sOffscreen->BeginUsing(srcRect); BView *offscreenView = sOffscreen->View(); BRegion updateRegion; updateRegion.Set(updateRect); ConstrainClippingRegion(&updateRegion); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = poseList->ItemAt(index); offscreenView->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); offscreenView->SetLowColor(LowColor()); offscreenView->FillRect(offscreenView->Bounds(), B_SOLID_LOW); BRect dstRect = srcRect; dstRect.OffsetTo(loc); BPoint offsetBy(0, -(index * ListElemHeight())); pose->Draw(dstRect, updateRect, this, offscreenView, true, offsetBy, pose->IsSelected()); offscreenView->Sync(); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); DrawBitmap(sOffscreen->Bitmap(), srcRect, dstRect); loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > updateRect.bottom) break; } sOffscreen->DoneUsing(); ConstrainClippingRegion(0); } void BPoseView::CloseGapInList(BRect *invalidRect) { (*invalidRect).bottom = Extent().bottom + fListElemHeight; BRect bounds(Bounds()); if (bounds.Intersects(*invalidRect)) { BRect destRect(*invalidRect); destRect = destRect & bounds; destRect.bottom -= fListElemHeight; BRect srcRect(destRect); srcRect.OffsetBy(0, fListElemHeight); if (srcRect.Intersects(bounds) || destRect.Intersects(bounds)) CopyBits(srcRect, destRect); *invalidRect = srcRect; (*invalidRect).top = destRect.bottom; } } void BPoseView::CheckPoseSortOrder(BPose *pose, int32 oldIndex) { _CheckPoseSortOrder(CurrentPoseList(), pose, oldIndex); } void BPoseView::_CheckPoseSortOrder(PoseList *poseList, BPose *pose, int32 oldIndex) { if (ViewMode() != kListMode) return; Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); // take pose out of list for BSearch poseList->RemoveItemAt(oldIndex); int32 afterIndex; int32 orientation = BSearchList(poseList, pose, &afterIndex); int32 newIndex; if (orientation == kInsertAtFront) newIndex = 0; else newIndex = afterIndex + 1; if (newIndex == oldIndex) { poseList->AddItem(pose, oldIndex); return; } if (fFiltering && poseList != fFilteredPoseList) { poseList->AddItem(pose, newIndex); return; } BRect invalidRect(CalcPoseRectList(pose, oldIndex)); CloseGapInList(&invalidRect); Invalidate(invalidRect); // need to invalidate for the last item in the list InsertPoseAfter(pose, &afterIndex, orientation, &invalidRect); poseList->AddItem(pose, newIndex); Invalidate(invalidRect); } static int PoseCompareAddWidget(const BPose *p1, const BPose *p2, BPoseView *view) { // pose comparison and lazy text widget adding uint32 sort = view->PrimarySort(); BColumn *column = view->ColumnFor(sort); if (!column) return 0; BPose *primary; BPose *secondary; if (!view->ReverseSort()) { primary = const_cast(p1); secondary = const_cast(p2); } else { primary = const_cast(p2); secondary = const_cast(p1); } int32 result = 0; for (int32 count = 0; ; count++) { BTextWidget *widget1 = primary->WidgetFor(sort); if (!widget1) widget1 = primary->AddWidget(view, column); BTextWidget *widget2 = secondary->WidgetFor(sort); if (!widget2) widget2 = secondary->AddWidget(view, column); if (!widget1 || !widget2) return result; result = widget1->Compare(*widget2, view); if (count) return result; // do we need to sort by secondary attribute? if (result == 0) { sort = view->SecondarySort(); if (!sort) return result; column = view->ColumnFor(sort); if (!column) return result; } } return result; } static BPose * BSearch(PoseList *table, const BPose* key, BPoseView *view, int (*cmp)(const BPose *, const BPose *, BPoseView *), bool returnClosest) { int32 r = table->CountItems(); BPose *result = 0; for (int32 l = 1; l <= r;) { int32 m = (l + r) / 2; result = table->ItemAt(m - 1); int32 compareResult = (cmp)(result, key, view); if (compareResult == 0) return result; else if (compareResult < 0) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } if (returnClosest) return result; return NULL; } int32 BPoseView::BSearchList(PoseList *poseList, const BPose *pose, int32 *resultingIndex) { // check to see if insertion should be at beginning of list const BPose *firstPose = poseList->FirstItem(); if (!firstPose) return kInsertAtFront; if (PoseCompareAddWidget(pose, firstPose, this) <= 0) { *resultingIndex = 0; return kInsertAtFront; } int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); *resultingIndex = count - 1; const BPose *searchResult = BSearch(poseList, pose, this, PoseCompareAddWidget); if (searchResult) { // what are we doing here?? // looks like we are skipping poses with identical search results or // something int32 index = poseList->IndexOf(searchResult); for (; index < count; index++) { int32 result = PoseCompareAddWidget(pose, poseList->ItemAt(index), this); if (result <= 0) { --index; break; } } if (index != count) *resultingIndex = index; } return kInsertAfter; } void BPoseView::SetPrimarySort(uint32 attrHash) { BColumn *column = ColumnFor(attrHash); if (column) { fViewState->SetPrimarySort(attrHash); fViewState->SetPrimarySortType(column->AttrType()); } } void BPoseView::SetSecondarySort(uint32 attrHash) { BColumn *column = ColumnFor(attrHash); if (column) { fViewState->SetSecondarySort(attrHash); fViewState->SetSecondarySortType(column->AttrType()); } else { fViewState->SetSecondarySort(0); fViewState->SetSecondarySortType(0); } } void BPoseView::SetReverseSort(bool reverse) { fViewState->SetReverseSort(reverse); } inline int PoseCompareAddWidgetBinder(const BPose *p1, const BPose *p2, void *castToPoseView) { return PoseCompareAddWidget(p1, p2, (BPoseView *)castToPoseView); } #if xDEBUG static BPose * DumpOne(BPose *pose, void *) { pose->TargetModel()->PrintToStream(0); return 0; } #endif void BPoseView::SortPoses() { CommitActivePose(); // PRINT(("pose list count %d\n", fPoseList->CountItems())); #if xDEBUG fPoseList->EachElement(DumpOne, 0); PRINT(("===================\n")); #endif fPoseList->SortItems(PoseCompareAddWidgetBinder, this); if (fFiltering) fFilteredPoseList->SortItems(PoseCompareAddWidgetBinder, this); } BColumn * BPoseView::ColumnFor(uint32 attr) const { int32 count = fColumnList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BColumn *column = ColumnAt(index); if (column->AttrHash() == attr) return column; } return NULL; } bool // returns true if actually resized BPoseView::ResizeColumnToWidest(BColumn *column) { ASSERT(ViewMode() == kListMode); float maxWidth = kMinColumnWidth; PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { BTextWidget *widget = poseList->ItemAt(i)->WidgetFor(column->AttrHash()); if (widget) { float width = widget->PreferredWidth(this); if (width > maxWidth) maxWidth = width; } } if (maxWidth > kMinColumnWidth || maxWidth < column->Width()) { ResizeColumn(column, maxWidth); return true; } return false; } const int32 kRoomForLine = 2; BPoint BPoseView::ResizeColumn(BColumn *column, float newSize, float *lastLineDrawPos, void (*drawLineFunc)(BPoseView *, BPoint, BPoint), void (*undrawLineFunc)(BPoseView *, BPoint, BPoint)) { BRect sourceRect(Bounds()); BPoint result(sourceRect.RightBottom()); BRect destRect(sourceRect); // we will use sourceRect and destRect for copyBits BRect invalidateRect(sourceRect); // this will serve to clean up after the invalidate BRect columnDrawRect(sourceRect); // we will use columnDrawRect to draw the actual resized column bool shrinking = newSize < column->Width(); columnDrawRect.left = column->Offset(); columnDrawRect.right = column->Offset() + kTitleColumnRightExtraMargin - kRoomForLine + newSize; sourceRect.left = column->Offset() + kTitleColumnRightExtraMargin - kRoomForLine + column->Width(); destRect.left = columnDrawRect.right; destRect.right = destRect.left + sourceRect.Width(); invalidateRect.left = destRect.right; invalidateRect.right = sourceRect.right; column->SetWidth(newSize); float offset = kColumnStart; BColumn *last = fColumnList->FirstItem(); int32 count = fColumnList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { column = fColumnList->ItemAt(index); column->SetOffset(offset); last = column; offset = last->Offset() + last->Width() + kTitleColumnExtraMargin; } if (shrinking) { ColumnRedraw(columnDrawRect); // dont have to undraw when shrinking CopyBits(sourceRect, destRect); if (drawLineFunc) { ASSERT(lastLineDrawPos); (drawLineFunc)(this, BPoint(destRect.left + kRoomForLine, destRect.top), BPoint(destRect.left + kRoomForLine, destRect.bottom)); *lastLineDrawPos = destRect.left + kRoomForLine; } } else { CopyBits(sourceRect, destRect); if (undrawLineFunc) { ASSERT(lastLineDrawPos); (undrawLineFunc)(this, BPoint(*lastLineDrawPos, sourceRect.top), BPoint(*lastLineDrawPos, sourceRect.bottom)); } if (drawLineFunc) { ASSERT(lastLineDrawPos); (drawLineFunc)(this, BPoint(destRect.left + kRoomForLine, destRect.top), BPoint(destRect.left + kRoomForLine, destRect.bottom)); *lastLineDrawPos = destRect.left + kRoomForLine; } ColumnRedraw(columnDrawRect); } if (invalidateRect.left < invalidateRect.right) SynchronousUpdate(invalidateRect, true); fStateNeedsSaving = true; return result; } void BPoseView::MoveColumnTo(BColumn *src, BColumn *dest) { // find the leftmost boundary of columns we are about to reshuffle float miny = src->Offset(); if (miny > dest->Offset()) miny = dest->Offset(); // ensure columns are in proper order in list int32 index = fColumnList->IndexOf(dest); fColumnList->RemoveItem(src, false); fColumnList->AddItem(src, index); float offset = kColumnStart; BColumn *last = fColumnList->FirstItem(); int32 count = fColumnList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BColumn *column = fColumnList->ItemAt(index); column->SetOffset(offset); last = column; offset = last->Offset() + last->Width() + kTitleColumnExtraMargin; } // invalidate everything to the right of miny BRect bounds(Bounds()); bounds.left = miny; Invalidate(bounds); fStateNeedsSaving = true; } void BPoseView::MouseMoved(BPoint mouseLoc, uint32 moveCode, const BMessage *message) { if (!fDropEnabled || !message) return; BContainerWindow* window = ContainerWindow(); if (!window) return; switch (moveCode) { case B_INSIDE_VIEW: case B_ENTERED_VIEW: { UpdateDropTarget(mouseLoc, message, window->ContextMenu()); if (fAutoScrollState == kAutoScrollOff) { // turn on auto scrolling if it's not yet on fAutoScrollState = kWaitForTransition; window->SetPulseRate(100000); } bigtime_t dropActionDelay; get_click_speed(&dropActionDelay); dropActionDelay *= 3; if (window->ContextMenu()) break; bigtime_t clickTime = system_time(); BPoint loc; uint32 buttons; GetMouse(&loc, &buttons); for (;;) { if (buttons == 0 || fabs(loc.x - mouseLoc.x) > 4 || fabs(loc.y - mouseLoc.y) > 4) { // only loop if mouse buttons are down // moved the mouse, cancel showing the context menu break; } // handle drag and drop bigtime_t now = system_time(); // use shift key to get around over-loading of Control key // for context menus and auto-dnd menu if (((modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) && (now - clickTime) > 200000) || now - clickTime > dropActionDelay) { // let go of button or pressing for a while, show menu now if (fDropTarget) { window->DragStart(message); FrameForPose(fDropTarget, true, &fStartFrame); ShowContextMenu(mouseLoc); } else window->Activate(); break; } snooze(10000); GetMouse(&loc, &buttons); } break; } case B_EXITED_VIEW: // reset cursor in case we set it to the copy cursor in UpdateDropTarget SetViewCursor(B_CURSOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); fCursorCheck = false; // TODO: autoscroll here if (!window->ContextMenu()) { HiliteDropTarget(false); fDropTarget = NULL; } break; } } bool BPoseView::UpdateDropTarget(BPoint mouseLoc, const BMessage *dragMessage, bool trackingContextMenu) { ASSERT(dragMessage); int32 index; BPose *targetPose = FindPose(mouseLoc, &index); if ((fCursorCheck && targetPose == fDropTarget) || (trackingContextMenu && !targetPose)) // no change return false; fCursorCheck = true; if (fDropTarget && !DragSelectionContains(fDropTarget, dragMessage)) HiliteDropTarget(false); fDropTarget = targetPose; // dereference if symlink Model *targetModel = NULL; if (targetPose) targetModel = targetPose->TargetModel(); Model tmpTarget; if (targetModel && targetModel->IsSymLink() && tmpTarget.SetTo(targetPose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), true, true) == B_OK) targetModel = &tmpTarget; bool ignoreTypes = (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY) != 0; if (targetPose) { if (CanHandleDragSelection(targetModel, dragMessage, ignoreTypes)) { // new target is valid, select it HiliteDropTarget(true); } else { fDropTarget = NULL; fCursorCheck = false; } } if (targetModel == NULL) targetModel = TargetModel(); // if this is an OpenWith window, we'll have no target model if (targetModel == NULL) return false; entry_ref srcRef; if (targetModel->IsDirectory() && dragMessage->HasRef("refs") && dragMessage->FindRef("refs", &srcRef) == B_OK) { Model srcModel (&srcRef); if (!CheckDevicesEqual(&srcRef, targetModel) && !srcModel.IsVolume() && !srcModel.IsRoot()) { BCursor copyCursor(kCopyCursor); SetViewCursor(©Cursor); return true; } } SetViewCursor(B_CURSOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); return true; } bool BPoseView::FrameForPose(BPose *targetpose, bool convert, BRect *poseRect) { bool returnvalue = false; BRect bounds(Bounds()); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); int32 startIndex = (int32)(bounds.top / fListElemHeight); BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { if (targetpose == poseList->ItemAt(index)) { *poseRect = fDropTarget->CalcRect(loc, this, false); returnvalue = true; } loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > bounds.bottom) returnvalue = false; } } else { int32 startIndex = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)(bounds.top - IconPoseHeight()), true); int32 count = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose) { if (pose == fDropTarget) { *poseRect = pose->CalcRect(this); returnvalue = true; break; } if (pose->Location(this).y > bounds.bottom) { returnvalue = false; break; } } } } if (convert) ConvertToScreen(poseRect); return returnvalue; } const int32 kMenuTrackMargin = 20; bool BPoseView::MenuTrackingHook(BMenu *menu, void *) { // return true if the menu should go away if (!menu->LockLooper()) return false; uint32 buttons; BPoint location; menu->GetMouse(&location, &buttons); bool returnvalue = true; // don't test for buttons up here and try to circumvent messaging // lest you miss an invoke that will happen after the window goes away BRect bounds(menu->Bounds()); bounds.InsetBy(-kMenuTrackMargin, -kMenuTrackMargin); if (bounds.Contains(location)) // still in menu returnvalue = false; if (returnvalue) { menu->ConvertToScreen(&location); int32 count = menu->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0 ; index < count; index++) { // iterate through all of the items in the menu // if the submenu is showing, see if the mouse is in the submenu BMenuItem *item = menu->ItemAt(index); if (item && item->Submenu()) { BWindow *window = item->Submenu()->Window(); bool inSubmenu = false; if (window && window->Lock()) { if (!window->IsHidden()) { BRect frame(window->Frame()); frame.InsetBy(-kMenuTrackMargin, -kMenuTrackMargin); inSubmenu = frame.Contains(location); } window->Unlock(); if (inSubmenu) { // only one menu can have its window open bail now returnvalue = false; break; } } } } } menu->UnlockLooper(); return returnvalue; } void BPoseView::DragStop() { fStartFrame.Set(0, 0, 0, 0); BContainerWindow *window = ContainerWindow(); if (window) window->DragStop(); } void BPoseView::HiliteDropTarget(bool hiliteState) { // hilites current drop target while dragging, does not modify selection list if (!fDropTarget) return; // note: fAlreadySelectedDropTarget is a trick to avoid to really search // fSelectionList. Another solution would be to add Hilite/IsHilited just // like Select/IsSelected in BPose and let it handle this case internally // can happen when starting a new drag if (fAlreadySelectedDropTarget != fDropTarget) fAlreadySelectedDropTarget = NULL; // don't select, this droptarget was already part of a user selection if (fDropTarget->IsSelected() && hiliteState) { fAlreadySelectedDropTarget = fDropTarget; return; } // don't unselect the fAlreadySelectedDropTarget if ((fAlreadySelectedDropTarget == fDropTarget) && !hiliteState) { fAlreadySelectedDropTarget = NULL; return; } fDropTarget->Select(hiliteState); // scan all visible poses BRect bounds(Bounds()); if (ViewMode() == kListMode) { PoseList *poseList = CurrentPoseList(); int32 count = poseList->CountItems(); int32 startIndex = (int32)(bounds.top / fListElemHeight); BPoint loc(0, startIndex * fListElemHeight); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { if (fDropTarget == poseList->ItemAt(index)) { BRect poseRect = fDropTarget->CalcRect(loc, this, false); fDropTarget->Draw(poseRect, poseRect, this, false); break; } loc.y += fListElemHeight; if (loc.y > bounds.bottom) break; } } else { int32 startIndex = FirstIndexAtOrBelow((int32)(bounds.top - IconPoseHeight()), true); int32 count = fVSPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = startIndex; index < count; index++) { BPose *pose = fVSPoseList->ItemAt(index); if (pose) { if (pose == fDropTarget) { BRect poseRect = pose->CalcRect(this); // TODO: maybe leave just the else part if (!hiliteState) // deselecting an icon with widget drawn over background // have to be a little tricky here - draw just the icon, // invalidate the widget pose->DeselectWithoutErasingBackground(poseRect, this); else pose->Draw(poseRect, poseRect, this, false); break; } if (pose->Location(this).y > bounds.bottom) break; } } } } bool BPoseView::CheckAutoScroll(BPoint mouseLoc, bool shouldScroll, bool selectionScrolling) { if (!fShouldAutoScroll) return false; // make sure window is in front before attempting scrolling BContainerWindow* window = ContainerWindow(); if (window == NULL) return false; // selection scrolling will also work if the window is inactive if (!selectionScrolling && !window->IsActive()) return false; BRect bounds(Bounds()); BRect extent(Extent()); bool wouldScroll = false; bool keepGoing; float scrollIncrement; BRect border(bounds); border.bottom = border.top; border.top -= kBorderHeight; if (ViewMode() == kListMode) border.top -= kTitleViewHeight; if (bounds.top > extent.top) { if (selectionScrolling) { keepGoing = mouseLoc.y < bounds.top; if (fabs(bounds.top - mouseLoc.y) > kSlowScrollBucket) scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 1.5f; else scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 4; } else { keepGoing = border.Contains(mouseLoc); scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc; } if (keepGoing) { wouldScroll = true; if (shouldScroll) { if (fVScrollBar != NULL) { fVScrollBar->SetValue( fVScrollBar->Value() - scrollIncrement); } else ScrollBy(0, -scrollIncrement); } } } border = bounds; border.top = border.bottom; border.bottom += (float)B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT; if (bounds.bottom < extent.bottom) { if (selectionScrolling) { keepGoing = mouseLoc.y > bounds.bottom; if (fabs(bounds.bottom - mouseLoc.y) > kSlowScrollBucket) scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 1.5f; else scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 4; } else { keepGoing = border.Contains(mouseLoc); scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc; } if (keepGoing) { wouldScroll = true; if (shouldScroll) { if (fVScrollBar != NULL) { fVScrollBar->SetValue( fVScrollBar->Value() + scrollIncrement); } else ScrollBy(0, scrollIncrement); } } } border = bounds; border.right = border.left; border.left -= 6; if (bounds.left > extent.left) { if (selectionScrolling) { keepGoing = mouseLoc.x < bounds.left; if (fabs(bounds.left - mouseLoc.x) > kSlowScrollBucket) scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 1.5f; else scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 4; } else { keepGoing = border.Contains(mouseLoc); scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc; } if (keepGoing) { wouldScroll = true; if (shouldScroll) { if (fHScrollBar != NULL) { fHScrollBar->SetValue( fHScrollBar->Value() - scrollIncrement); } else ScrollBy(-scrollIncrement, 0); } } } border = bounds; border.left = border.right; border.right += (float)B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (bounds.right < extent.right) { if (selectionScrolling) { keepGoing = mouseLoc.x > bounds.right; if (fabs(bounds.right - mouseLoc.x) > kSlowScrollBucket) scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 1.5f; else scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc / 4; } else { keepGoing = border.Contains(mouseLoc); scrollIncrement = fAutoScrollInc; } if (keepGoing) { wouldScroll = true; if (shouldScroll) { if (fHScrollBar != NULL) { fHScrollBar->SetValue( fHScrollBar->Value() + scrollIncrement); } else ScrollBy(scrollIncrement, 0); } } } return wouldScroll; } void BPoseView::HandleAutoScroll() { if (!fShouldAutoScroll) return; uint32 button; BPoint mouseLoc; GetMouse(&mouseLoc, &button); if (!button) { fAutoScrollState = kAutoScrollOff; Window()->SetPulseRate(500000); return; } switch (fAutoScrollState) { case kWaitForTransition: if (CheckAutoScroll(mouseLoc, false) == false) fAutoScrollState = kDelayAutoScroll; break; case kDelayAutoScroll: if (CheckAutoScroll(mouseLoc, false) == true) { snooze(600000); GetMouse(&mouseLoc, &button); if (CheckAutoScroll(mouseLoc, false) == true) fAutoScrollState = kAutoScrollOn; } break; case kAutoScrollOn: CheckAutoScroll(mouseLoc, true); break; } } BRect BPoseView::CalcPoseRect(const BPose *pose, int32 index, bool firstColumnOnly) const { if (ViewMode() == kListMode) return CalcPoseRectList(pose, index, firstColumnOnly); else return CalcPoseRectIcon(pose); } BRect BPoseView::CalcPoseRectIcon(const BPose *pose) const { return pose->CalcRect(this); } BRect BPoseView::CalcPoseRectList(const BPose *pose, int32 index, bool firstColumnOnly) const { return pose->CalcRect(BPoint(0, index * fListElemHeight), this, firstColumnOnly); } bool BPoseView::Represents(const node_ref *node) const { return *(fModel->NodeRef()) == *node; } bool BPoseView::Represents(const entry_ref *ref) const { return *fModel->EntryRef() == *ref; } void BPoseView::ShowBarberPole() { if (fCountView) { AutoLock lock(Window()); if (!lock) return; fCountView->StartBarberPole(); } } void BPoseView::HideBarberPole() { if (fCountView) { AutoLock lock(Window()); if (!lock) return; fCountView->EndBarberPole(); } } bool BPoseView::IsWatchingDateFormatChange() { return fIsWatchingDateFormatChange; } void BPoseView::StartWatchDateFormatChange() { // TODO: Workaround for R5 (overful message queue)! // Unfortunately, this causes a dead-lock under certain circumstances. #if !defined(HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU) && !defined(HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_DANO) if (IsFilePanel()) { #endif BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); BHandler::StartWatching(tracker, kDateFormatChanged); #if !defined(HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU) && !defined(HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_DANO) } else { be_app->LockLooper(); be_app->StartWatching(this, kDateFormatChanged); be_app->UnlockLooper(); } #endif fIsWatchingDateFormatChange = true; } void BPoseView::StopWatchDateFormatChange() { if (IsFilePanel()) { BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); BHandler::StopWatching(tracker, kDateFormatChanged); } else { be_app->LockLooper(); be_app->StopWatching(this, kDateFormatChanged); be_app->UnlockLooper(); } fIsWatchingDateFormatChange = false; } void BPoseView::UpdateDateColumns(BMessage *message) { int32 columnCount = CountColumns(); BRect columnRect(Bounds()); if (IsFilePanel()) { FormatSeparator separator; DateOrder format; bool clock; message->FindInt32("TimeFormatSeparator", (int32*)&separator); message->FindInt32("DateOrderFormat", (int32*)&format); message->FindBool("24HrClock", &clock); TrackerSettings settings; settings.SetTimeFormatSeparator(separator); settings.SetDateOrderFormat(format); settings.SetClockTo24Hr(clock); } for (int32 i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { BColumn *col = ColumnAt(i); if (col && col->AttrType() == B_TIME_TYPE) { columnRect.left = col->Offset(); columnRect.right = columnRect.left + col->Width(); Invalidate(columnRect); } } } void BPoseView::AdaptToVolumeChange(BMessage *) { } void BPoseView::AdaptToDesktopIntegrationChange(BMessage *) { } bool BPoseView::WidgetTextOutline() const { return fWidgetTextOutline; } void BPoseView::SetWidgetTextOutline(bool on) { fWidgetTextOutline = on; } void BPoseView::EnsurePoseUnselected(BPose *pose) { if (pose == fDropTarget) fDropTarget = NULL; if (pose == ActivePose()) CommitActivePose(); fSelectionList->RemoveItem(pose); if (fSelectionPivotPose == pose) fSelectionPivotPose = NULL; if (fRealPivotPose == pose) fRealPivotPose = NULL; if (pose->IsSelected()) { pose->Select(false); if (fSelectionChangedHook) ContainerWindow()->SelectionChanged(); } } void BPoseView::RemoveFilteredPose(BPose *pose, int32 index) { EnsurePoseUnselected(pose); fFilteredPoseList->RemoveItemAt(index); BRect invalidRect = CalcPoseRectList(pose, index); CloseGapInList(&invalidRect); Invalidate(invalidRect); } void BPoseView::FilterChanged() { if (ViewMode() != kListMode) return; int32 stringCount = fFilterStrings.CountItems(); int32 length = fFilterStrings.LastItem()->CountChars(); if (!fFiltering && length > 0) StartFiltering(); else if (fFiltering && stringCount == 1 && length == 0) ClearFilter(); else { if (fLastFilterStringCount > stringCount || (fLastFilterStringCount == stringCount && fLastFilterStringLength > length)) { // something was removed, need to start over fFilteredPoseList->MakeEmpty(); fFiltering = false; StartFiltering(); } else { int32 count = fFilteredPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BPose *pose = fFilteredPoseList->ItemAt(i); if (!FilterPose(pose)) RemoveFilteredPose(pose, i); } } } fLastFilterStringCount = stringCount; fLastFilterStringLength = length; UpdateAfterFilterChange(); } void BPoseView::UpdateAfterFilterChange() { UpdateCount(); BPose *pose = fFilteredPoseList->LastItem(); if (pose == NULL) BView::ScrollTo(0, 0); else { BRect bounds = Bounds(); float height = fFilteredPoseList->CountItems() * fListElemHeight; if (bounds.top > 0 && bounds.bottom > height) BView::ScrollTo(0, max_c(height - bounds.Height(), 0)); } UpdateScrollRange(); } bool BPoseView::FilterPose(BPose *pose) { if (!fFiltering || pose == NULL) return false; int32 stringCount = fFilterStrings.CountItems(); int32 matchesLeft = stringCount; bool found[stringCount]; memset(found, 0, sizeof(found)); ModelNodeLazyOpener modelOpener(pose->TargetModel()); for (int32 i = 0; i < CountColumns(); i++) { BTextWidget *widget = pose->WidgetFor(ColumnAt(i), this, modelOpener); const char *text = NULL; if (widget == NULL) continue; text = widget->Text(this); if (text == NULL) continue; for (int32 j = 0; j < stringCount; j++) { if (found[j]) continue; if (strcasestr(text, fFilterStrings.ItemAt(j)->String()) != NULL) { if (--matchesLeft == 0) return true; found[j] = true; } } } return false; } void BPoseView::StartFiltering() { if (fFiltering) return; fFiltering = true; int32 count = fPoseList->CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BPose *pose = fPoseList->ItemAt(i); if (FilterPose(pose)) fFilteredPoseList->AddItem(pose); else EnsurePoseUnselected(pose); } Invalidate(); } void BPoseView::StopFiltering() { ClearFilter(); UpdateAfterFilterChange(); } void BPoseView::ClearFilter() { if (!fFiltering) return; fCountView->CancelFilter(); int32 stringCount = fFilterStrings.CountItems(); for (int32 i = stringCount - 1; i > 0; i--) delete fFilterStrings.RemoveItemAt(i); fFilterStrings.LastItem()->Truncate(0); fLastFilterStringCount = 1; fLastFilterStringLength = 0; fFiltering = false; fFilteredPoseList->MakeEmpty(); Invalidate(); } // #pragma mark - BHScrollBar::BHScrollBar(BRect bounds, const char *name, BView *target) : BScrollBar(bounds, name, target, 0, 1, B_HORIZONTAL), fTitleView(0) { } void BHScrollBar::ValueChanged(float value) { if (fTitleView) { BPoint origin = fTitleView->LeftTop(); fTitleView->ScrollTo(BPoint(value, origin.y)); } _inherited::ValueChanged(value); } TPoseViewFilter::TPoseViewFilter(BPoseView *pose) : BMessageFilter(B_ANY_DELIVERY, B_ANY_SOURCE), fPoseView(pose) { } TPoseViewFilter::~TPoseViewFilter() { } filter_result TPoseViewFilter::Filter(BMessage *message, BHandler **) { filter_result result = B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; switch (message->what) { case B_ARCHIVED_OBJECT: bool handled = fPoseView->HandleMessageDropped(message); if (handled) result = B_SKIP_MESSAGE; break; } return result; } // static member initializations float BPoseView::sFontHeight = -1; font_height BPoseView::sFontInfo = { 0, 0, 0 }; BFont BPoseView::sCurrentFont; OffscreenBitmap *BPoseView::sOffscreen = new OffscreenBitmap; BString BPoseView::sMatchString = "";