/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ // NavMenu is a hierarchical menu of volumes, folders, files and queries // displays icons, uses the SlowMenu API for full interruptability #include #include #include "NavMenu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Attributes.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "ContainerWindow.h" #include "DesktopPoseView.h" #include "FunctionObject.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "IconMenuItem.h" #include "MimeTypes.h" #include "PoseView.h" #include "QueryPoseView.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "Tracker.h" namespace BPrivate { const int32 kMinMenuWidth = 150; enum nav_flags { kVolumesOnly = 1, kShowParent = 2 }; bool SpringLoadedFolderCompareMessages(const BMessage* incoming, const BMessage* dragmessage) { if (!dragmessage || !incoming) return false; bool retvalue = false; for (int32 inIndex = 0; incoming->HasRef("refs", inIndex); inIndex++) { entry_ref inRef; if (incoming->FindRef("refs", inIndex, &inRef) != B_OK) { retvalue = false; break; } bool inRefMatch = false; for (int32 dragIndex = 0; dragmessage->HasRef("refs", dragIndex); dragIndex++) { entry_ref dragRef; if (dragmessage->FindRef("refs", dragIndex, &dragRef) != B_OK) { inRefMatch = false; break; } // if the incoming ref matches any ref in the drag ref // then we can try the next incoming ref if (inRef == dragRef) { inRefMatch = true; break; } } retvalue = inRefMatch; if (!inRefMatch) break; } if (retvalue) { // if all the refs match // try and see if this is another instance of the same // drag contents, but new drag retvalue = false; BPoint inPt, dPt; if (incoming->FindPoint("click_pt", &inPt) == B_OK) if (dragmessage->FindPoint("click_pt", &dPt) == B_OK) retvalue = (inPt == dPt); } return retvalue; } void SpringLoadedFolderSetMenuStates(const BMenu* menu, const BObjectList *typeslist) { if (!menu || !typeslist) return; // if a types list exists // iterate through the list and see if each item // can support any item in the list // set the enabled state of the item int32 count = menu->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0 ; index < count ; index++) { ModelMenuItem* item = dynamic_cast(menu->ItemAt(index)); if (!item) continue; const Model* model = item->TargetModel(); if (!model) continue; if (model->IsSymLink()) { // find out what the model is, resolve if symlink BEntry entry(model->EntryRef(), true); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { if (entry.IsDirectory()) { // folder? always keep enabled item->SetEnabled(true); } else { // other, check its support Model resolvedModel(&entry); int32 supported = resolvedModel.SupportsMimeType(NULL, typeslist); item->SetEnabled(supported != kDoesNotSupportType); } } else // bad entry ref (bad symlink?), disable item->SetEnabled(false); } else if (model->IsDirectory() || model->IsRoot() || model->IsVolume()) // always enabled if a container item->SetEnabled(true); else if (model->IsFile() || model->IsExecutable()) { int32 supported = model->SupportsMimeType(NULL, typeslist); item->SetEnabled(supported != kDoesNotSupportType); } else item->SetEnabled(false); } } void SpringLoadedFolderAddUniqueTypeToList(entry_ref* ref, BObjectList *typeslist) { if (!ref || !typeslist) return; // get the mime type for the current ref BNodeInfo nodeinfo; BNode node(ref); if (node.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; nodeinfo.SetTo(&node); char mimestr[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH]; // add it to the list if (nodeinfo.GetType(mimestr) == B_OK && strlen(mimestr) > 0) { // if this is a symlink, add symlink to the list (below) // resolve the symlink, add the resolved type // to the list if (strcmp(B_LINK_MIMETYPE, mimestr) == 0) { BEntry entry(ref, true); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { entry_ref resolvedRef; if (entry.GetRef(&resolvedRef) == B_OK) SpringLoadedFolderAddUniqueTypeToList(&resolvedRef, typeslist); } } // scan the current list, don't add dups bool unique = true; int32 count = typeslist->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0 ; index < count ; index++) { if (typeslist->ItemAt(index)->Compare(mimestr) == 0) { unique = false; break; } } if (unique) typeslist->AddItem(new BString(mimestr)); } } void SpringLoadedFolderCacheDragData(const BMessage* incoming, BMessage* *message, BObjectList **typeslist) { if (!incoming) return; delete *message; delete *typeslist; BMessage* localMessage = new BMessage(*incoming); BObjectList *localTypesList = new BObjectList(10, true); for (int32 index = 0; incoming->HasRef("refs", index); index++) { entry_ref ref; if (incoming->FindRef("refs", index, &ref) != B_OK) continue; SpringLoadedFolderAddUniqueTypeToList(&ref, localTypesList); } *message = localMessage; *typeslist = localTypesList; } } // #pragma mark - #undef B_TRANSLATE_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATE_CONTEXT "NavMenu" BNavMenu::BNavMenu(const char* title, uint32 message, const BHandler* target, BWindow* parentWindow, const BObjectList *list) : BSlowMenu(title), fMessage(message), fMessenger(target, target->Looper()), fParentWindow(parentWindow), fFlags(0), fItemList(0), fContainer(0), fTypesList(list) { InitIconPreloader(); SetFont(be_plain_font); // add the parent window to the invocation message so that it // can be closed if option modifier held down during invocation BContainerWindow* originatingWindow = dynamic_cast(fParentWindow); if (originatingWindow) fMessage.AddData("nodeRefsToClose", B_RAW_TYPE, originatingWindow->TargetModel()->NodeRef(), sizeof (node_ref)); // too long to have triggers SetTriggersEnabled(false); } BNavMenu::BNavMenu(const char* title, uint32 message, const BMessenger& messenger, BWindow* parentWindow, const BObjectList *list) : BSlowMenu(title), fMessage(message), fMessenger(messenger), fParentWindow(parentWindow), fFlags(0), fItemList(0), fContainer(0), fTypesList(list) { InitIconPreloader(); SetFont(be_plain_font); // add the parent window to the invocation message so that it // can be closed if option modifier held down during invocation BContainerWindow* originatingWindow = dynamic_cast(fParentWindow); if (originatingWindow) fMessage.AddData("nodeRefsToClose", B_RAW_TYPE, originatingWindow->TargetModel()->NodeRef(), sizeof (node_ref)); // too long to have triggers SetTriggersEnabled(false); } BNavMenu::~BNavMenu() { } void BNavMenu::AttachedToWindow() { BSlowMenu::AttachedToWindow(); SpringLoadedFolderSetMenuStates(this, fTypesList); // if dragging (fTypesList != NULL) // set the menu items enabled state // relative to the ability to handle an item in the // drag message ResetTargets(); // allow an opportunity to reset the target for each of the items } void BNavMenu::DetachedFromWindow() { // does this need to set this to null? // the parent, handling dnd should set this // appropriately // // if this changes, BeMenu and RecentsMenu // in Deskbar should also change fTypesList = NULL; } void BNavMenu::ResetTargets() { SetTargetForItems(Target()); } void BNavMenu::ForceRebuild() { ClearMenuBuildingState(); fMenuBuilt = false; } bool BNavMenu::NeedsToRebuild() const { return !fMenuBuilt; } void BNavMenu::SetNavDir(const entry_ref* ref) { ForceRebuild(); // reset the slow menu building mechanism so we can add more stuff fNavDir = *ref; } void BNavMenu::ClearMenuBuildingState() { delete fContainer; fContainer = NULL; // item list is non-owning, need to delete the items because // they didn't get added to the menu if (fItemList) { int32 count = fItemList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = count - 1; index >= 0; index--) delete RemoveItem(index); delete fItemList; fItemList = NULL; } } bool BNavMenu::StartBuildingItemList() { BEntry entry; if (fNavDir.device < 0 || entry.SetTo(&fNavDir) != B_OK || !entry.Exists()) return false; fItemList = new BObjectList(50); fIteratingDesktop = false; BDirectory parent; status_t status = entry.GetParent(&parent); // if ref is the root item then build list of volume root dirs fFlags = uint8((fFlags & ~kVolumesOnly) | (status == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ? kVolumesOnly : 0)); if (fFlags & kVolumesOnly) return true; Model startModel(&entry, true); if (startModel.InitCheck() != B_OK || !startModel.IsContainer()) return false; if (startModel.IsQuery()) fContainer = new QueryEntryListCollection(&startModel); else if (startModel.IsDesktop()) { fIteratingDesktop = true; fContainer = DesktopPoseView::InitDesktopDirentIterator( 0, startModel.EntryRef()); AddRootItemsIfNeeded(); AddTrashItem(); } else if (startModel.IsTrash()) { // the trash window needs to display a union of all the // trash folders from all the mounted volumes BVolumeRoster volRoster; volRoster.Rewind(); BVolume volume; fContainer = new EntryIteratorList(); while (volRoster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { if (volume.IsReadOnly() || !volume.IsPersistent()) continue; BDirectory trashDir; if (FSGetTrashDir(&trashDir, volume.Device()) == B_OK) dynamic_cast(fContainer)-> AddItem(new DirectoryEntryList(trashDir)); } } else fContainer = new DirectoryEntryList(*dynamic_cast (startModel.Node())); if (fContainer == NULL || fContainer->InitCheck() != B_OK) return false; fContainer->Rewind(); return true; } void BNavMenu::AddRootItemsIfNeeded() { BVolumeRoster roster; roster.Rewind(); BVolume volume; while (roster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { BDirectory root; BEntry entry; if (!volume.IsPersistent() || volume.GetRootDirectory(&root) != B_OK || root.GetEntry(&entry) != B_OK) continue; Model model(&entry); AddOneItem(&model); } } void BNavMenu::AddTrashItem() { BPath path; if (find_directory(B_TRASH_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK) { BEntry entry(path.Path()); Model model(&entry); AddOneItem(&model); } } bool BNavMenu::AddNextItem() { if (fFlags & kVolumesOnly) { BuildVolumeMenu(); return false; } BEntry entry; if (fContainer->GetNextEntry(&entry) != B_OK) { // we're finished return false; } if (TrackerSettings().HideDotFiles()) { char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; if (entry.GetName(name) == B_OK && name[0] == '.') return true; } Model model(&entry, true); if (model.InitCheck() != B_OK) { // PRINT(("not showing hidden item %s, wouldn't open\n", model->Name())); return true; } QueryEntryListCollection* queryContainer = dynamic_cast(fContainer); if (queryContainer && !queryContainer->ShowResultsFromTrash() && FSInTrashDir(model.EntryRef())) { // query entry is in trash and shall not be shown return true; } ssize_t size = -1; PoseInfo poseInfo; if (model.Node()) size = model.Node()->ReadAttr(kAttrPoseInfo, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, &poseInfo, sizeof(poseInfo)); model.CloseNode(); // item might be in invisible if (size == sizeof(poseInfo) && !BPoseView::PoseVisible(&model, &poseInfo)) return true; AddOneItem(&model); return true; } void BNavMenu::AddOneItem(Model* model) { BMenuItem* item = NewModelItem(model, &fMessage, fMessenger, false, dynamic_cast(fParentWindow), fTypesList, &fTrackingHook); if (item) fItemList->AddItem(item); } ModelMenuItem* BNavMenu::NewModelItem(Model* model, const BMessage* invokeMessage, const BMessenger& target, bool suppressFolderHierarchy, BContainerWindow* parentWindow, const BObjectList *typeslist, TrackingHookData* hook) { if (model->InitCheck() != B_OK) return 0; entry_ref ref; bool container = false; if (model->IsSymLink()) { Model* newResolvedModel = 0; Model* result = model->LinkTo(); if (!result) { newResolvedModel = new Model(model->EntryRef(), true, true); if (newResolvedModel->InitCheck() != B_OK) { // broken link, still can show though, bail delete newResolvedModel; result = 0; } else result = newResolvedModel; } if (result) { BModelOpener opener(result); // open the model, if it ain't open already PoseInfo poseInfo; ssize_t size = -1; if (result->Node()) size = result->Node()->ReadAttr(kAttrPoseInfo, B_RAW_TYPE, 0, &poseInfo, sizeof(poseInfo)); result->CloseNode(); if (size == sizeof(poseInfo) && !BPoseView::PoseVisible(result, &poseInfo)) { // link target does not want to be visible delete newResolvedModel; return NULL; } ref = *result->EntryRef(); container = result->IsContainer(); } model->SetLinkTo(result); } else { ref = *model->EntryRef(); container = model->IsContainer(); } BMessage* message = new BMessage(*invokeMessage); message->AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); // Truncate the name if necessary BString truncatedString(model->Name()); be_plain_font->TruncateString(&truncatedString, B_TRUNCATE_END, GetMaxMenuWidth()); ModelMenuItem* item = NULL; if (!container || suppressFolderHierarchy) { item = new ModelMenuItem(model, truncatedString.String(), message); if (invokeMessage->what != B_REFS_RECEIVED) item->SetEnabled(false); // the above is broken for FavoritesMenu::AddNextItem, which uses a // workaround - should fix this } else { BNavMenu* menu = new BNavMenu(truncatedString.String(), invokeMessage->what, target, parentWindow, typeslist); menu->SetNavDir(&ref); if (hook) menu->InitTrackingHook(hook->fTrackingHook, &(hook->fTarget), hook->fDragMessage); item = new ModelMenuItem(model, menu); item->SetMessage(message); } return item; } void BNavMenu::BuildVolumeMenu() { BVolumeRoster roster; BVolume volume; roster.Rewind(); while (roster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { if (!volume.IsPersistent()) continue; BDirectory startDir; if (volume.GetRootDirectory(&startDir) == B_OK) { BEntry entry; startDir.GetEntry(&entry); Model* model = new Model(&entry); if (model->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete model; continue; } BNavMenu* menu = new BNavMenu(model->Name(), fMessage.what, fMessenger, fParentWindow, fTypesList); menu->SetNavDir(model->EntryRef()); ASSERT(menu->Name()); ModelMenuItem* item = new ModelMenuItem(model, menu); BMessage* message = new BMessage(fMessage); message->AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); item->SetMessage(message); fItemList->AddItem(item); ASSERT(item->Label()); } } } int BNavMenu::CompareFolderNamesFirstOne(const BMenuItem* i1, const BMenuItem* i2) { const ModelMenuItem* item1 = dynamic_cast(i1); const ModelMenuItem* item2 = dynamic_cast(i2); if (item1 != NULL && item2 != NULL) return item1->TargetModel()->CompareFolderNamesFirst(item2->TargetModel()); return strcasecmp(i1->Label(), i2->Label()); } int BNavMenu::CompareOne(const BMenuItem* i1, const BMenuItem* i2) { return strcasecmp(i1->Label(), i2->Label()); } void BNavMenu::DoneBuildingItemList() { // add sorted items to menu if (TrackerSettings().SortFolderNamesFirst()) fItemList->SortItems(CompareFolderNamesFirstOne); else fItemList->SortItems(CompareOne); // if the parent link should be shown, it will be the first // entry in the menu - but don't add the item if we're already // at the file system's root if (fFlags & kShowParent) { BDirectory directory(&fNavDir); BEntry entry(&fNavDir); if (!directory.IsRootDirectory() && entry.GetParent(&entry) == B_OK) { Model model(&entry, true); BLooper* looper; AddNavParentDir(&model, fMessage.what, fMessenger.Target(&looper)); } } int32 count = fItemList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) AddItem(fItemList->ItemAt(index)); fItemList->MakeEmpty(); if (!count) { BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Empty folder"), 0); item->SetEnabled(false); AddItem(item); } SetTargetForItems(fMessenger); } int32 BNavMenu::GetMaxMenuWidth(void) { int32 width = (int32)(BScreen().Frame().Width() / 4); return (width < kMinMenuWidth) ? kMinMenuWidth : width; } void BNavMenu::AddNavDir(const Model* model, uint32 what, BHandler* target, bool populateSubmenu) { BMessage* message = new BMessage((uint32)what); message->AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); ModelMenuItem* item = NULL; if (populateSubmenu) { BNavMenu* navMenu = new BNavMenu(model->Name(), what, target); navMenu->SetNavDir(model->EntryRef()); navMenu->InitTrackingHook(fTrackingHook.fTrackingHook, &(fTrackingHook.fTarget), fTrackingHook.fDragMessage); item = new ModelMenuItem(model, navMenu); item->SetMessage(message); } else item = new ModelMenuItem(model, model->Name(), message); AddItem(item); } void BNavMenu::AddNavParentDir(const char* name,const Model* model, uint32 what, BHandler* target) { BNavMenu* menu = new BNavMenu(name, what, target); menu->SetNavDir(model->EntryRef()); menu->SetShowParent(true); menu->InitTrackingHook(fTrackingHook.fTrackingHook, &(fTrackingHook.fTarget), fTrackingHook.fDragMessage); BMenuItem* item = new SpecialModelMenuItem(model, menu); BMessage* message = new BMessage(what); message->AddRef("refs",model->EntryRef()); item->SetMessage(message); AddItem(item); } void BNavMenu::AddNavParentDir(const Model* model, uint32 what, BHandler* target) { AddNavParentDir(B_TRANSLATE("parent folder"),model, what, target); } void BNavMenu::SetShowParent(bool show) { fFlags = uint8((fFlags & ~kShowParent) | (show ? kShowParent : 0)); } void BNavMenu::SetTypesList(const BObjectList *list) { fTypesList = list; } const BObjectList * BNavMenu::TypesList() const { return fTypesList; } void BNavMenu::SetTarget(const BMessenger& msngr) { fMessenger = msngr; } BMessenger BNavMenu::Target() { return fMessenger; } TrackingHookData* BNavMenu::InitTrackingHook(bool (*hook)(BMenu*, void*), const BMessenger* target, const BMessage* dragMessage) { fTrackingHook.fTrackingHook = hook; if (target) fTrackingHook.fTarget = *target; fTrackingHook.fDragMessage = dragMessage; SetTrackingHookDeep(this, hook, &fTrackingHook); return &fTrackingHook; } void BNavMenu::SetTrackingHookDeep(BMenu* menu, bool (*func)(BMenu*, void*), void* state) { menu->SetTrackingHook(func, state); int32 count = menu->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0 ; index < count; index++) { BMenuItem* item = menu->ItemAt(index); if (!item) continue; BMenu* submenu = item->Submenu(); if (submenu) SetTrackingHookDeep(submenu, func, state); } }